  • 8/7/2019 Cell Study 03032011 if Only You Have a SEED 2


    Cell Study 03032011 If Only You Have A SEED or If Only You Had a Seed or If

    You Had Only a SEED or IF You Have Only a SEED

    God loves you and he wants to show himself powerful on your behalf! He is not

    interested in letting the world see you as a victim but his desire is that you would bea victor. 2 Chron 16:9 For the eyes of the Lord search back and forth across the

    whole earth, looking for people whose hearts are perfect toward him, so that he can

    show his great power in helping them.

    Read 2 Kings 4:1-7.Here is a story about a widow. Her husband was dead. She was

    bankrupt, and creditors were coming to take her sons as slaves to pay the debt. She

    went to Elisha for help. Elisha asked if she had anything in the house. The widow

    answered: I have nothingbut a flask of oil. Elisha then instructed her to go and

    borrow as many containers as she could then shut the door and fill the containers

    from that jar of oil. As she obeyed, a miracle took place; the oil did not run out until

    all the containers were full.

    God is asking the same question: What do you have in your house? The Lord

    wants to take /use the little that you have poured out in faith and multiply it beyond

    your wildest imagination.

    Discussion questions:

    1.If you are the widow, what do you think your state of mind or emotion

    would be?

    (Teachers notes: the widow was able to describe her problem in detail.

    Ps David pointed out that she could have rehearsed in mind what she

    would say. Her mind was focussed on her loss, her grief and her

    desperate situation. The word cried means to moan, to weep

    uncontrollably; to shriek out of grief; the word identifies with the sound

    of a broken heart)

    2.The widow cried out to the prophet. Who do you normally go to whenyou are desperate? Who does the prophet represent?

    3.What was Elishas question that sparked faith in the widows mind? What

    can we learn from this?

  • 8/7/2019 Cell Study 03032011 if Only You Have a SEED 2


    (Teachers notes: Elisha asked: What do you have in your house? The

    widow initially answered: I have nothing then she added, But a flask

    of oil. The amount of oil must have seen so insignificantly small and

    worthless compare to the enormity of her debt and situation. But a

    spark of faith was ignited---from nothing to something. Perhaps we needto learn to count our blessings, focus on what we have instead of what

    we do not have)

    4.The instrument of blessing was something that she had, not something

    that she would yet receive. Her pot of oil, which she thought to be of little

    value, was to become the instrument of deliverance from her dilem ma.

    What is your present dilemma? What do you have that God can use?

    5.The pot of oil that the widow had was like a seed to her miracle. What do

    you know about the law of sowing and reaping in the natural world?

    (Teachers notes: In the natural, you have to sow before you can reap.

    You cant expect a chilli plant to sprout when you have not sown the

    seed. Sow sparingly and you reap sparingly; sow bountifully and you

    reap bountifully. The measure you receive relates to the measure you

    sow. You always reap more than you sow. No one ever sown an apple

    seed to have an apple tree that bears only one fruit. What you sow is

    what you reap. You dont sow an apple seed and it turns into a mango


    6.How do we apply the law of sowing and reaping in giving?

    7.The prophet required the widow to put her faith in action by borrowing

    containers and pouring oil into them. What faith-actions can you take to

    claim Gods blessings for your lives?

    (Teachers notes: Our problems are occasions for miracles, the

    instruments that God uses to test and stretch our faith).

    8.How important do you think it is that her sons were involved in the faith -

    action and witnessed the miracle?

  • 8/7/2019 Cell Study 03032011 if Only You Have a SEED 2


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