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Alternative Medicine

Sili Juice


Teacher: Mario Alatorre Zurita


Cruz Ruiz César Eli García Franco Mónica

Herrera Hernández Anel


Página 2

“La guerra es castigo tanto para el vencido como para el victorioso” Thomas Jefferson

“Bienaventurado aquél que encuentra el trabajo que le gusta” Thomas Carlyle



El Universal Mexico City Wednesday December 9, 2009.

The product has properties that help treat diseases such as hepatitis and cirrhosis Students of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), created a drink of orange juice, added with a plant extract called silymarin, which affect liver cell regeneration. The product possesses antihepatóxicas inflammatory, antioxidant, antitumor and hepatoprotective, making it useful for treating diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver when there is damage caused by side effects, according to the IPN. In a statement, said the beverage makers are Macedonian Ortiz Martinez, Mario Meza Segura, Mariana Riva Villa Tapia Claudia Ivette Rivera, Cynthia Sharon and Laura Bernal Jiménez Gómez Carbajal, students at the Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas (ENCB). Students detailed that silymarin is obtained the so-called 'milk thistle', which is a plant with many thorns, which must be removed from the vegetal; later separated from the flower petals and seeds, which are being macerated in alcohol for a week. Ortiz Martinez stressed that the development of this drink will help the health care of people with liver disease, since Mexico has a high incidence of such diseases. According to official figures, noted, annually there are about 30 000 deaths from liver damage, of which 18 000 are for people with alcohol-related diseases. Biochemical engineering student said that although the taste of silymarin is unpalatable, then decided to combine several tests with orange juice, fruit that will help disguise the taste of the compound and makes it enjoyable. He stressed that the drink made with the advice of scientific studies that house, Jose Ortiz Gama, 'is not a miracle cure and may not have a therapeutic effect in people with severe damage, but it is an aid to treat early and moderate disease type liver.


Página 3

“La guerra es castigo tanto para el vencido como para el victorioso” Thomas Jefferson

“Bienaventurado aquél que encuentra el trabajo que le gusta” Thomas Carlyle



Alternative medicine is the oldest form of medicine around and indeed thousands of years ago it was the only form of medicine and one which millions of people relied upon for curing their problems and illnesses. As traditional medicine became more popular and more people took to going to a Doctor with an illness you would think that alternative medicine would be a thing of the past. However this is far from untrue and today there are millions of people worldwide who still use this form of medicine, either as a standalone form of healthcare or alongside more traditional methods. Since the beginning of time there has been documentation found of using alternative medicine, the most well known of course, as it was freely available was using herbal remedies. Today this is no exception and herbal remedies are top of the alternative medicine list of treatments, with millions of pounds being spent annually on products. However those who practised alternative medicine thousands of years ago didn’t always have it good and were not given the credence they deserved. In fact many were proclaimed as witches. Even today there are still some sceptical people who mistakenly think that herbal remedies and those who practise and prescribe them are nothing more than charlatans and some think that witchcraft still exists. As medical practises and drugs became more refined we still didn’t lose the old ways, for example aspirin which is a leading painkiller was derived from the bark of the willow tree. Penicillin which has been claimed as a wonder drug and indeed saved many lives came from nothing more than mouldy bread. So conventional medicine isn’t really so different from the old ways of alternative medicine, indeed it is the base of it.


Página 4

“La guerra es castigo tanto para el vencido como para el victorioso” Thomas Jefferson

“Bienaventurado aquél que encuentra el trabajo que le gusta” Thomas Carlyle

“La guerra es castigo tanto para el vencido como para el victorioso” Thomas Jefferson

“Bienaventurado aquél que encuentra el trabajo que le gusta” Thomas Carlyle



Today health care is a multi million business with scientists forever striving towards reaching cures for all kinds of illness and diseases which keep springing up. Although still widely used throughout the world alternative medicine is just a very small percentage, but has modern medicine got too confusing? Today we tend to look at the symptoms and place too much importance on treating those alone rather than treating the person as a whole and taking other factors into account. If only the symptoms are treated the this leaves things wide open for them to return, however alternative medicine and therapies treat the underlying cause rather that the symptoms, which leads to the body being able to take care of itself by a stronger immune system. Arguments for and against alternative medicine and therapies will continue, but one thing we should consider is that alternative medicine showed us the way for the drugs of today and is still around after thousands of years, something which lasts that long must tell us something.


Página 5

“La guerra es castigo tanto para el vencido como para el victorioso” Thomas Jefferson

“Bienaventurado aquél que encuentra el trabajo que le gusta” Thomas Carlyle



Native to Europe, milk thistle or thistle has a long history of use both as food and medicine. In the early twentieth century, English gardeners grew milk thistle to use its leaves like lettuce (after cutting the bones), the stalks like asparagus, the roasted seeds like coffee and roots (soaked overnight) as a plant oyster. The seeds and leaves of milk thistle is also used for medicinal purposes, such as treating jaundice and increasing breast milk production. In the 1960's, German researchers were sufficiently impressed with the history and clinical efficacy of milk thistle to begin examining it for active constituents. In 1986, Germany's Commission E approved an oral extract of milk thistle standardized to 70% silymarin content of raw as a treatment for liver disease. Currently, milk thistle is widely used to treat alcoholic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, liver poisoning and viral hepatitis, as well as to protect the liver in general from the effects of drugs toxic to the liver. Liver enzymes as measured by blood tests can be improved, and if carried out a liver biopsy, there may be improvements at the cellular level. In addition, some studies have shown a reduction in mortality among those with serious liver disease. Milk thistle is also used in a vague condition known as minor hepatic insufficiency or sluggish liver. "This term is mostly used by European physicians and American naturopathic physicians - MDs in the United States does not recognize. It is assumed that the symptoms include pain under the ribs, fatigue, unhealthy skin appearance, general malaise, constipation, premenstrual syndrome, chemical sensitivities and allergies.


Página 6

“La guerra es castigo tanto para el vencido como para el victorioso” Thomas Jefferson

“Bienaventurado aquél que encuentra el trabajo que le gusta” Thomas Carlyle



Sili juice has antihepatóxicas inflammatory, antioxidant, antitumor and hepatoprotective, making it useful for treating diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver when there is damage caused by side effects, according to the IPN. Sili juice is a natural compound extracted from seeds of the plant Silybum marianum. The hepatoprotective effect is because to multiple mechanisms of action of this compound, chemically composed of bioflavonoids. The following mechanisms are known hepatoprotective action.

The destruction of free radicals (antioxidant)

For prevention of degenerative diseases of the liver (protection of free radical-mediated damage to cell membranes, this damage is known as lipid peroxidation).

For competitive inhibition, acts as a complex in the cell membrane that prevents the entry of toxic products within the liver cells.

Stimulation of metabolism in liver cells.

Stimulation of cell mitosis in liver cells.


Página 7

“La guerra es castigo tanto para el vencido como para el victorioso” Thomas Jefferson

“Bienaventurado aquél que encuentra el trabajo que le gusta” Thomas Carlyle



Is obteined from "Chardon d marie" that Is a grass, grow 2mts. The flower Is purple

and has strong spines. Has a large leafs on The surface and has a thorny boundary.

Spines should be remove from plant, then separate The petals and seeds. These are macerated in alcohol for a week.

Is made with orange juice.


Página 8

“La guerra es castigo tanto para el vencido como para el victorioso” Thomas Jefferson

“Bienaventurado aquél que encuentra el trabajo que le gusta” Thomas Carlyle



Nowadays environmental pollution, the hundreds of chemicals such as pesticides, hormones, antibiotics and heavy metal residues in foods we eat add an additional burden to the already heavy burden that has always had the liver. Add to this the consumption of illicit drugs, medications, excessive alcohol (this is processed by the liver) and dietary excesses incurred many people and we conclude that under these conditions is not surprising that liver disease have become commonplace The truth is that we have a more efficient plant to clean and strengthen the liver. The seeds of Silybum marianum Milk Thistle or are the most used because they contain an active ingredient called silymarin. It is one of the most studied plants, especially in Europe. The active ingredients of milk thistle are chemicals called flavonoids. The flavonoids in milk thistle are silybin, silidianin and silychristin. Together they are called silymarin. What are the benefits of silymarin? Silymarin protects the liver by acting as an antioxidant and to promote growth of new liver cells. Silymarin also helps with the digestion of fats. Appears to inhibit the entry of harmful substances in liver cells. Milk thistle can help prevent or reverse liver damage caused by alcohol, recreational drugs, pesticides, some poisons, or hepatitis. Silymarin has been used (especially in Europe) to treat hepatitis, liver damage due to alcoholism and poisoning by certain types of fungi. How do we know works? Milk thistle has been used for over 2,000 years, so much has been written about its effects on health. There have been over 300 scientific studies documenting silymarin:


Página 9

“La guerra es castigo tanto para el vencido como para el victorioso” Thomas Jefferson

“Bienaventurado aquél que encuentra el trabajo que le gusta” Thomas Carlyle



The treatment of chronic hepatitis Its antioxidant effects The treatment of cirrhosis of the liver caused by alcoholism The treatment of poisoning from eating wild mushrooms It helps the liver repair Aids digestion of fats hindering their entry into liver cells. In the treatment of AIDS (HIV) antiretroviral drugs are widely used and Milk Thistle is used to offset or prevent possible liver damage as much medication. Stimulates the secretion of bile. As recommended in case of slow digestion and gallstones. It may be useful in some headaches (headaches and migraines) of hepatic origin. Most scientific studies of silymarin were published in Europe. What are the scientific evidence Milk Thistle? As noted above, there is considerable evidence from animal studies that milk thistle can protect the liver from many toxins. However, human studies with people suffering from various liver diseases have often yielded mixed results. Chronic Viral Hepatitis Preliminary studies found that milk thistle can produce significant improvements in symptoms such as fatigue, poor appetite and abdominal distension, as well as results of blood tests for liver inflammation. Acute Viral Hepatitis One study found significant improvements in the group receiving milk thistle. Alcoholic Hepatitis The evidence with respect to milk thistle for alcoholic hepatitis are mixed. Liver Cirrhosis The results of the study contradict whether milk thistle is useful for liver cirrhosis Additional benefits documented Milk thistle may also offer some protection to the kidney. Highly preliminary evidence hints that milk thistle could help reduce the risk of breast cancer. Sometimes the milk thistle is recommended for gallstones and psoriasis, but there is still little or no evidence that it really helps for these diseases. Protection from Medications


Página 10

“La guerra es castigo tanto para el vencido como para el victorioso” Thomas Jefferson

“Bienaventurado aquél que encuentra el trabajo que le gusta” Thomas Carlyle



Numerous medications can injure or inflame the liver. Preliminary evidence suggests that milk thistle may protect against liver toxicity caused by drugs such as acetaminophen, phenytoin (Dilantin), alcohol, and phenothiazines. However, according to a study appears that milk thistle does not prevent liver inflammation caused by the drug for Alzheimer's disease Cognex (tacrine). If you're getting: Medications that can damage the liver: Milk thistle may be protective against some of these drugs. Oral contraceptives: Milk thistle might reduce their effectiveness. What are the side effects? There are no known serious side effects of milk thistle. Even high doses appear to have any negative effects. However, some people feel upset or have more gas when they start using silymarin. If this happens, reduce dosage and increase gradually. Some people have an allergic reaction to silymarin. This is more common for them with an allergy to another plant in the same family as ragweed. In hypertensive individuals are recommended to take this plant only under medical supervision. Recommendations The form of infusion or tea Milk Thistle, is the least effective benefit from their properties since the Silymarin is an active ingredient does not dissolve too well in the water. Preferably it is recommended in capsules, tablets and liquid (extract). The dose to take depends on each case and the concentration of the product. The doctor or specialist will recommend the proper dosage. Given the severe nature of liver disease, it is essential the supervision of a physician.


Página 11

“La guerra es castigo tanto para el vencido como para el victorioso” Thomas Jefferson

“Bienaventurado aquél que encuentra el trabajo que le gusta” Thomas Carlyle



CARDO MARIANO FEATURES: Biennial plant up to 1.5 m, with branched stems and large leaves, prickly, shiny and splashed with milky-white spots. Chapters large terminals (3-8 cm), with spiny bracts very hurtful. Florets purple. Achenes black, pappus bearing bright. ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION OF CARDO MARIANO: Native to southern Europe, Asia Minor and North Africa. It grows on deeper soils nitrified and humid. PRINCIPLES ACTIVE:

Flavonoids different (kenferol, quercetin). Mucilage. amines, tyramine and histamine. Lipids (20-30%), with an approximate ratio of 60% linoleic acid, oleic (30%) and

palmitic (9%). Phytosterols: campestrol, stigmasterol, sitosterol. Organic acids. Vitamins C, E and K. saponosides. Signs of essential oil. Effects of milk thistle: Hepatoprotector (silymarin). antiradicals (flavolignanos). Moderate Hypertensive (tyramine). Topical anti-inflammatory (silymarin) Diuretic (flavonoids).

CARDO MARIANO APPLICATIONS: Liver failure, acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis. Hypotension. Topical application: erythema and skin aging.


Página 12

“La guerra es castigo tanto para el vencido como para el victorioso” Thomas Jefferson

“Bienaventurado aquél que encuentra el trabajo que le gusta” Thomas Carlyle



CARDO MARIANO CONTRAINDICATIONS: Hypertension. Therapeutic use and dosage of milk thistle: Decoct 3-4%, boil 2 minutes and infuse 5 minutes, 2-3 cups / day. Powder: 500 mg / capsule, 1-4 capsules per day. Fluid extract: 20-30 drops per dose, 2-3 times / day. Dry extract (5:1): 500 mg / capsule, 3 capsules per day. Maximum 2 g / day. Silymarin 150 mg / day. TOXIC EFFECT OF CARDO MARIANO: A reasonable dose is not toxic remarkable. NOTES: Silymarin is a marked hepatic tropism. It has been shown that silymarin stimulates the regeneration of liver parenchyma. Silymarin, administered to patients with cirrhosis, reduce the mortality rate especially alcoholic cirrhosis. As hepato-protective, prolonged treatment is prescribed, (40 days). Antiradical action is due to the stabilizing action of silymarin exerted on biological membranes. Numerous hepatotoxic substances generating free radicals. At this level, silymarin acts capturing and neutralizing free radicals, slowing the production chain cascade of free radicals, especially lipoperoxides. Topical silymarin is used with phospholipids (silimarinafitosoma) to treat dermatitis induced by chemicals producing free radicals and ultraviolet radiation.

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