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formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in

my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am…wonder-

fully made” (Psalm 139:13-14).

Since God values human life so highly, he wanted us

to have meaningful lives. That’s why when God’s Son,

Jesus, was here on earth, he said, “I came that [those

who know me] may have life and have it abundantly”

(John 10:10). But God’s creative intent for the first

humans was “aborted” by their distrust and rebellion

against their Maker (Genesis 3). For that they lost the

meaningful lives God had intended. And the behavior

that spawned their sin against God has passed down

from generation to generation ever since.

That’s why Jesus Christ stepped into human his-

tory. He became one of us to fulfill God’s intentions

for mankind. Then he offered himself as our sinless

substitute, taking the punishment our sins deserved.

It was our only way out. Christ “suffered once for

sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might

bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh” (1

Peter 3:18). Then he came back to life three days later

as he had promised—“I lay down my life that I might

take it up again” (John 10:17).

By believing God that Jesus’ death is the absolute

payment for our debt of sins, we can have forgive-

ness of our sins and a new life through Christ. “For

if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God

by the death of his Son, much more, now that we

are reconciled, shall we be saved by his life” (Romans

5:10). That comes by turning from all other “ways”

to God and instead placing your trust completely

in Christ’s death for you. To those who do, Christ

himself said, “everyone who looks on the Son and

believes in him should have eternal life, and I will

raise him up on the last day” (John 6:40).

Human life is worth valuing because it is valuable to

God. That makes life worth celebrating! Even better

is finding the eternal meaning of life through believ-

ing in Jesus Christ. Come to him today for forgive-

ness and celebrate eternal life!

Good News Tracts1300 Crescent Street Wheaton, IL 60187

For helpful Christian literature, please write to the address above or visit our web site at Bible references: ESV.



for help. The difficult months that followed ended

with two final months of bedrest. Then, on August

14, 1987, a healthy (though somewhat malnour-

ished) baby boy—Timothy Richard Tebow—was safely


If you’ve ever watched 6’3”, 235-pound Tim Tebow

play for the University of Florida football team, you

know it’s hard to imagine he was ever the outcome of

a troubled pregnancy! But what if his

mother had chosen to abort him?

Would another college sopho-

more ever be awarded the Heis-

man Trophy, as Tim was? Would

a college quarterback ever set the

record for both rushing and passing

for 20 touchdowns in a single season? Only Tim has

so far.

But even if he had never played a single football

game, Tim’s story needs to be told in our day of

“cheap life” and “disposable pregnancies.” The first

babies aborted in 1973, when abortion become legal

in the US, would have been 37 in 2010—in the prime

of their lives. But we’ll never know what would have

become of the 52 million American babies aborted

since then. As newspaper sports writer Sally Jenkins

says, “Abortion doesn’t just involve serious issues of

life, but of potential lives—Heisman trophy winners,

scientists, doctors, artists, inventors, Little Leagu-

ers—who would never come to be if their birth moth-

ers had not wrestled with the stakes and chosen to

carry those lives to term.”

Pam Tebow had a medical “reason” to abort. But

most abortions are for “convenience” and have

nothing to do with medical emergencies. It has

been said that we

live in a world

that knows the

cost of everything,

but the value of

nothing. An average

early abortion generally costs $375 to $500, but the

amazing, tiny human who is aborted is treated with

no more value than the biomedical waste it’s inciner-

ated with.

Thankfully, God values life. In the Bible the writ-

er David celebrated life this way, “For you [God]

Perhaps you saw the “Celebrate family, cel-

ebrate life!” ad during Super Bowl XLIV, fea-

turing Tim and Pam Tebow. Weeks before its 30

seconds of air time, the ad had caused a wide range of

intense emotions! Those “opposed” considered it “of-

fensive and demeaning.” Those “in favor” rejoiced that

its message would promote the value of life and family

on the world’s largest media stage! What caused such a

stir? The simple story of a mother who chose to keep

her unborn baby rather than to abort him.

In the 1980s Bob and Pam Tebow had moved to

the Philippines with their young family. Months

later, Pam became infected with dangerous patho-

genic amoebae and slipped into

a coma. Strong medications

turned her condition around,

but while on extended treatment,

Pam became pregnant. Knowing

the potent drugs could have al-

ready killed the embryo, doctors

recommended an abortion.

Instead Pam chose to discontinue her treatments in

hope of saving her baby’s life. She and Bob asked God

Tim’s story

needs to be told

in our day of “cheap

life” and “disposable


Celebrate LifeIn 1987 Pam Tebow chose not to abort her “at risk” pregnancy. Her baby—Tim--grew up to be an All American quarterback! Their story celebrates God’s value of life—human and


Bible references: ESV.Package contains 25 tracts. TIMELY ISSUES / YOUNG ADULT

Good News Tracts

By believing God that Jesus’ death is the absolute

payment for our debt of sins, we can have forgive-

ness of our sins and a new life through Christ. “For

if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God

by the death of his Son, much more, now that we

are reconciled, shall we be saved by his life” (Romans

5:10). That comes by turning from all other “ways”

to God and instead placing your trust completely

in Christ’s death for you. To those who do, Christ

himself said, “everyone who looks on the Son and

believes in him should have eternal life, and I will

raise him up on the last day” (John 6:40).

Human life is worth valuing because it is valuable to

God. That makes life worth celebrating! Even better

is finding the eternal meaning of life through believ-

ing in Jesus Christ. Come to him today for forgive-

ness and celebrate eternal life!

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