Page 1: · Web viewThen the new map information and GIS data can be transmitted from the field back to the office. The “augmented reality” features of GIS360 will also be

Survey Inside ESRISurvCON 2014

Bruce Carlson of Carlson Software will present “Survey Inside ESRI”. With more and more mapping being conducted using ESRI products such as ArcMap, it is more important than ever to work natively in the ESRI environment. Bruce Carlson will show 2 methods of working in the ESRI world while in the field: (1) Using SurvPC with the ESRI engine, surveyors can now bring ESRI maps to the field and work directly with the geodatabase and symbol sets of the customer. This allows survey firms to update and edit portions of the official map directly and adapt automatically to the specific schema and mapping techniques of each jurisdiction that they serve, with very little advance prep time. Just load the files and the program learns the particular system and feature codes and provides the requisite prompting. (2) Using GIS360, rather than take the maps into the field, when in areas of good cell phone coverage, the field surveyor can access the map over the internet, and load only the portions of the map and the feature subset of interest. Then the new map information and GIS data can be transmitted from the field back to the office. The “augmented reality” features of GIS360 will also be introduced. Actual project examples will be shown from around the world.

(1) SurvPC and the ESRI Engine—Take Map to Field(a) Take Map to Field and Add New Points (manholes, poles, trees, monments, etc.). Obtain

appropriate GIS Prompting, recalled straight from the ESRI geodatabase itself.

The selection of BP as description launches the GIS Prompting and symbol selection for the “boundary point”. All of this is “learned” automatically from the loaded ESRI Map/geodatabase. The point number 332 can be automatically assigned to any appropriate field in the database. In the case below, it is assigned to the attribute “JSVPNR”. The point ID therefore becomes just another piece of data associated with the “node” or position surveyed in the field, joining other attributes such as symbol type, method of measurement, etc.

Page 2: · Web viewThen the new map information and GIS data can be transmitted from the field back to the office. The “augmented reality” features of GIS360 will also be

(b) Re-Measuring Points and Linework. Line and Point features on an existing map can be edited by tapping them in the field. This calls up the geodatabase information, which can be edited. In addition, the “Re-Measure” button allows the field position of the feature to be altered to the newly measured position.

Page 3: · Web viewThen the new map information and GIS data can be transmitted from the field back to the office. The “augmented reality” features of GIS360 will also be
Page 4: · Web viewThen the new map information and GIS data can be transmitted from the field back to the office. The “augmented reality” features of GIS360 will also be

(c) Re-Measuring Polygon Features (Moving Corners and Adding Vertices). Even boundaries of polygons can be edited in the field.

When the entity selected, a Dialog shows up with the GIS information (reading the Geodatabase):

Page 5: · Web viewThen the new map information and GIS data can be transmitted from the field back to the office. The “augmented reality” features of GIS360 will also be

Selecting [MODIFY] Button goes back to the MAP and shows icon options for different actions:

Graphic Command to RE-MEASURE the END point of the line in the polygon. This will move the node into a new position taken by the sensor (TS or GNSS)

Graphic command to DELETE the END point of the liine in polygon. The point will be deleted and the afected polygons will find the right closure without considering the old point.

Graphic command to INSERT a new POINT in the polygon definition. The new (TS or GNSS) point will modify the current segment selected in the polygon by adding a new node inside or outside the figure.

(2) GIS360 and ESRI Map Linkage by Internet(a) ESRI Background Maps (and Google/Bing/Yahoo Maps) can be Downloaded From Internet.

Note below that maps can be assigned for quick “cycling through” as overlays. Three maps can be selected, typically a full aerial, a base map style and “no-overlay” map to focus only on field-collected data. Use the lower-right icon to cycle through the optional map backgrounds.

Page 6: · Web viewThen the new map information and GIS data can be transmitted from the field back to the office. The “augmented reality” features of GIS360 will also be
Page 7: · Web viewThen the new map information and GIS data can be transmitted from the field back to the office. The “augmented reality” features of GIS360 will also be

(b) Portions of ESRI Maps and GeoDatabase Attributes can be Field-Selected for Viewing and Editing. Updates are sent directly to the servers, from the field. The official map is not contained on the field device.

(c) Android Devices with GPS, Tilt Sensors and Compass allow for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Viewing of Field Designs and Future Improvements (primarily for Construction and Development Applications)

Shown above is Limestone Park, designed by Carlson Software, in Maysville, Kentucky.

Page 8: · Web viewThen the new map information and GIS data can be transmitted from the field back to the office. The “augmented reality” features of GIS360 will also be

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