Page 1: CD/DVD Cover Construction

CD/DVD Cover CD/DVD Cover ConstructionConstruction

Each step of how I created my CD/DVD cover for my music Each step of how I created my CD/DVD cover for my music

Farzana Begum

Page 2: CD/DVD Cover Construction


Editing The Front Cover.

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1)The program I used to make my CD/DVD cover is Adobe Photoshop, the reason i chose Photoshop instead of programs such as Microsoft Publisher is mainly because Photoshop has all the features such as color models, ways to edit the photographs, special effects, such as background and textures. I wanted on my CD/DVD cover to look professional and realistic as possible, and Photoshop fulfilled that for me.

2) As you can see i uploaded a picture of my main artist that was in my music video, i decided to use this image, mainly because the song is sung by her, therefore I thought it would be ideal to put a image of her on the front too. In this picture that I have taken is a mid shot, of her looking straight in the camera, as you can see she is wearing white clothes, which represents purity, and the light as she has walked out from her relationship, she is now happy. The reason she is wearing red lipstick, is to contrast with the blue and to show female power which she has gained from walking away from her relationship, which shows she the stronger person. The makeup, Jewelry etc. are to match up with the codes and conventions of RnB fashion.

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3) As you can see started editing on the picture, this is to make her face look lighter and natural, also I have used a crop tool on the side, which ensure me to get rid of the parts in the picture which I dislike. I have decided to crop the green part of the screen, which leaves me which a image which focuses on her face mainly.

4) After cropping the picture, I decided to erase the green background as this was not what the look i was going for, I did this by clicking on magic erase tool which enabled me to erase the background quickly and efficiently.

5) Even though I used the magic tool, there was still little pieces of green background, which I could see after I had zoomed into the image, I had to make the image look professional as possible therefore I used another erasing tool which I changed the size too, which then I used to erase the little bits and pieces.

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6) Finally, as you can see from the print screens above, I had decided to change the whole image into black and white, this is mainly because I wanted something different, also I added a tint of grey aspect as it looks eye catching to attract my target audience which made it look very effective.

7) After editing my centre image, I uploaded my main DVD/CD cover onto photoshop which I had use as a template, the reason I have chosen this template because of the fact that it is the sound of universal, which understates good quality and it will help my cover look professional as possible, and will reassure the target audience as they would feel that the CD/DVD cover is worth buying.

8) As you can see now, I have already started making changes onto my template, the style I went for was, to write the song name which was ‘best thing i never had’ repeatedly all over, and as you can see from the print screen I have decided to use the colour’s red and white to contract with each other and to represent power and purity. Also with the Image on top it will look very

effective and it is something different.

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9) As I was carrying on writing the song title over and again and again, I decided to make each writing look different through the use of colour and font size, As I believed it looked unique. As the you can see from the print screen on the left, I have started writing the title, and also choosing the different fonts.

1O) Further this, I had decided to make the font size smaller by the time I got to the middle part of my CD/DVD cover. I had chosen to have a cross sections the colour’s, red and white which made it look effective and eye catching.

12) To make it easier I just decided just to copy and paste the writing repeatedly, I did this by clicking on edit, copy and then paste, which was quite simply and really effective.

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13) As I was near to the end, I decided to change the font, the reason for this is the font I had before was too plain and simple, therefore I changed it to a font which was more stylish and attractive,so then I had to delete all the previous text with the old font, and change it, I did this by clicking on font, and used the font ‘brush sprit MT‘ finally i worked backwards and fulfilled all the gaps up with the writing which was successful.

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14) After I was done with the text at the background, it was time to put the centre image on top, I did this by creating another layer, and dragging it onto where I wanted the image, I placed it in the centre, I decided to do this mainly because from my research and analysis, I found out and realized that most RnB CD covers have a large centre image to keep it simple, therefore I tried doing the same. Also I tried following my flat plan as much as possible as it helped me as a guideline.

15) Finally the last thing I included was the artist’s name which was very simple to do, I did this by clicking on the icon on the left hand side, which then made a text box appear on the screen, then I choose the colour and font, I decided to use the colour red is mainly to it matches the red text at the background. Lastly I placed it in the bottom centre were it was eye catching and suitable for the audience to see, which gave a ending to the front cover of my

CD/DVD cover.

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Editing The Back Cover

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16) This is the picture I have chosen for my back cover, the main reason is that its a mid shit up to her stomach which shows her facial expression, the clothing she is wearing included the accessories. My artist’s eyes are looking now, which emphasizes how she is feeling, also its total opposite compared to the picture at the front cover, therefore I felt that it would be effective to have different types of images.

17) After I decided I was sure to use this image, I uploaded it on Adobe Photoshop, I started erase ring the green background off, I did this by using a magic eraser will enabled me to erase the unwanted pieces easily. However there was few little left, as you can see from the print screens, I had to zoom in close to erase the little bits, to make it nice, smooth and to get a professional result.

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18) The print screen above shows the close up of the image, as you can see I have used another type of eraser which allowed me to change the size of it, therefore I was enabled to erase little show pieces on the sides and edges.

19) After erasing the background, the image looked like the print screen above, which has a clear background; the next step was to drag the image onto my CD/DVD cover, I did this by creating a layer and left click and push on my mouse, as a result I placed the image on the black ground positioned on the left hand side, this is mainly because the blank space next to the image is where the text is going to be placed.

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20) After I had placed my second image, I started entering all my texts to the back cover, the first text I entered was the name of the artist below the image, I chose to do this as from my research I have discovered that many RnB music CD covers have the artist’s name at the back and front of the cover, such as Rihanna and Jordin Sparks, therefore I decided to do the same as I believed this will make it attractive for my target audience.

21) I entered the text by clicking on the text box on the left hand side, then it allowed me to place the box where I wanted it. I starting typing at the top saying ‘audio CD’ which showed what it is and what songs the CD had. Next I chose the font and size, I used the font ‘Academy Engraed LET’ as it gave me a fancy style which made is look lush and attractive.

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23) After this I starting entering the finishing touches which were to add the songs that were included in the CD, I had included this as this covered the codes and convention of a typical RnB CD cover therefore I decided to include 10 of Beyonce’s songs including ‘Best thing i never had’ which was the main song, as you can tell from the main cover of the CD/DVD cover. After writing in the songs, i centered it to give it a smooth effect and then save it. Also the last two print screens show where I have added the text of the collar of the CD/DVD cover, this is to finish off the cover.

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24) This is my final CD/DVD cover, as you can see I tried to keep it simple as possible as I believe that keeping it simple makes it more effective. Overall I have included two images, one at the front which is my main, I decided to change it to black and white as this represents the feelings and emotions she was going through as she was filled with darkness due to the fact that her husband was hurting her. The background shows the title song which is ‘best thing i never had’ repeatedly in two different colours which were red and white. I chose theses colours mainly because they contrast perfectly with the black and I tried to keep on track with my plan, as I had decided before what the colour palette was going to be. The red also represents power, and the white represents purity, as I have said in my previous slides. I have used the certain program called Adobe Photoshop as it was simple to use, and it made many effects and text which made my CD/DVD cover look professional, and as a result I had produced the CD/DVD above which shall attract my target audience in buying the CD/DVD.

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The End

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