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CCTV Closed Circuit Television

CCTVClosed Circuit Television

Things You Should Never Do in Front of a CCTV Security CameraMake Funny FacesWith your face so near the CCTV security camera your nose hairs are visible from the security monitor, at that. If you think the security personnel will be amused with the sight of your scrunched-up, cross-eyed, wrinkled-nose, tongue-out face, you have another fist coming.

Do a Striptease

Well, your male viewers will enjoy the show. Maybe they will sit back, prop their feet on the security console, relax and drink beer. Maybe, they will zoom the CCTV security camera on your lady parts for a better view. Yum yum.

Present Continuous We use the Present Continuous for things which:are happening NOW.Its raining today.

Present ContinuousPositive + Im working he she it we you theys workingre workingWhat are they doing now?She is cooking

He is driving

He is watching TV

He is walking

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