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5 Themes of Geography

Unit One

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Movement, Region, Human Environment Interaction, Location, and Place


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FUNCTIONAL REGION?A formal region is a large region

characterized by many activities…..A Functional region serves other

regions, Example DFW

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A perceptual region is the way a place is perceived to be. Example: People in the north think that everyone in the south rides horses.

It can also be a misconception about a region. Example: Some people think New Mexico is considered the South while others would consider it a part of the Southwest

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EX: People were able to move to the coast because of the invention of air conditioning.

Human Environment Interaction!How do people adapt to their environment?

EX2: People live in certain areas (mountains, deserts) because they are able to ADAPT to their surroundings

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Unit 2: Physical Geography

Weathering and Erosion Weathering is when something changes

like a rock breaking into smaller pieces Erosion is when something gets depleted

by water, wind, or glaciers. EX: Grand Canyon

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What has the biggest influence on climate?


LATITUDE…How far north or south you are from the equator dictates the temperature. Latitude has the biggest influence on climate.

High latitude=cold, Low latitude=warm

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Know climate graphs Temperature and seasons are opposite on

different hemispheres.

Biomes are determined by climate types

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Unit 3: Human Geography

Religions with more than one God are called______________

Religions with one God are called__________

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Monotheistic ReligionsChristianityIslam (Muslims) 5 PillarsJudaism (Jews) Think IsraelPolytheisticHinduism (Caste System)Buddhism (Eightfold Path, Nirvana)

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When one culture influences another its called diffusionWhen two cultures combine to create something new its called convergenceWhen one culture refuses to let another culture influence it (North Korea, Iran) its called divergence

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Unit 4: Population and Migration

Reasons for migration are called Push/Pull factors

EX: Industrialization created jobs, causing population booms-push factors

EX: Problems and fighting over religion (middle east)-pull factors

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Developing countries will have a high or low birth rate? Africa will become overpopulated due to a high birthrate.

Developed countries will have a low birth rate, high GDP, low death rate, low infant mortality, and a high life expectancy

EX: Wealthy countries (United States, Japan, Western Europe) will have low birth rates

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Unit 5: Environment and Resource use

Countries that have many resources will be wealthier.

Overconsumption (America uses too much oil and gas) will lead to resource depletion

Policies have to be put into place so these resources won’t run out

EX: China’s One Child Policy ensures that over population won’t eat up all resources

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The world must COOPERATE with each other in order for everyone to have their needs met. (Water, Food, Medicine)

Nations are dependent on a few countries controlling the whole world’s oil supply!!!! OPEC!!!! Not a good thing

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People and cities want to located near water!

Its easier to ship exports out into another country if it can come directly in a port. Also, temperatures are easier to adjust to near water. (Deserts are no fun, LA is the place to be)Railroads also made it easy for cities and industrialization to boom

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Unit 6: Political Geography

Democracy-People are priority. Government serves the people. (People vote on leaders)

Totalitarian (Dictator)-One single (or small group) person decides everyone’s fate. Rules by fear!

Monarchy-King and Queen Theocracy-Government in which religious laws

have to be followed by the people. Communism-People have no rights! Rulers

decide EVERYTHING like religion, internet, newspapers. You only know what the government wants you to know.

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Nationalism –An extreme pride in one’s country. To the point where you think you deserve things other countries don’t (Own currency, language)

Patriotism-A pride in one’s country, willing to do anything for it.

Colonialism-Countries setting up camp in other countries so they can exploit them for resources and expand their land. EX: Europe hurt Africa by moving in and taking over what they could.

EX2: The New World, settling in the America’sEX3: Colonialism in Latin America and Africa created class systems and ethnic diversity.

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Unit 7 Economics

Free Market Economy-Consumer dictates supply and demand. Profit is the main motivation.

Command Economy- (North Korea, Former Soviet Union, Cuba) Government decides what is produced. Supply and Demand doesn’t exist. Wants cooperation, not competition

MIXED ECONOMY-The government plays a part in what is produces AS WELL as the business owners

Socialism-Government controls big business while encouraging small entrepeneurship. Provides national services to bring an end to poverty..

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Agriculture and Industry

Subsistence Farming-Farming enough to take care of one’s self.

Commercial Farming-Cash crops and farming for profit

Cottage Industry-Only small scale stores, no big industry

Commercial Industries-Big industrialization, big factories, major production.

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Economic Activities

Primary-Direct Use of Natural Resources (fishing, farming, mining)

Secondary-Manufacturing and putting out those resources. (factory workers, assembly lines)

Tertiary-Providing any kind of service (Waiter, actor, doctor, lawyer)

Quaternary-The use of data or management (CEO’s of companies, scientists, data analyst)

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