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Management, Editing and AdministrationCATAS spaVia Antica, 24/333048 San Giovanni al NatisoneUdine / ItalyTel. 0432 747211Fax 0432

PresidentRoberto Snaidero

Managing DirectorAndrea Giavon

Coordination CATAS NewsFranco BulianFranco PreteLuca Bertossi

Design Deeper ComunicationUdine / Italy

Layout and graphics Maurizio MarussiAnnamaria Franz

Reproduction or duplication of the contents of this quarterly on any support is authorized under condition that the source - © CATAS - San Giovanni al Natisone - Udine - Italy is being cited All rights reserved


Page 3: CATAS News n° 1 2011

in this issue

04 CATAS among internazionalization, innovation and reality05 Economic trends and granted bonuses06 RAPEX cases reported in 2010: analysis

of data on furniture08 New robots for the furniture equipment09 Thesis at CATAS, EN 14292

Performance of thermoplastic adhesives under static load with increasing temperature

10 The general product safety directive and children’s furniture

11 An international degree for the furniture sector

12� ������������� ������������������13 CE marking: the obligations in the different countries of the European union14 Publications


1 2

0 8


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Franco Bulian

CATAS among Internationalization, Innovation and Reality

Reading the economy pages of whatever newspaper or li-stening to the speeches of experts and politicians about the ��������������������������������������������������� � ����-rent perspetives or opinions but, in all the cases, the terms “Internationalization” (or globalisation) and “Innovation” (or research) represent a common reference point on which all of them seem to converge.Indeed they are rather complex concepts, being easily ex-������ ���� ����������������� ������������������ ��������������generic considerations about the desirable raising of the economy.Internationalisation shall be built based on the capability to build relationships with the foreign markets and research, before considering new ideas or sophisticated technolo-gies, on the knowledge of the present. CATAS, being and Institute operating in direct contact with many and many companies, was born more than forty ye-ars ago, just on such background. Its goal is that of helping enterprises, towards the internal and foreign markets, to promote and develop their products by objective activities mainly represented by tests.Such DNA on which CATAS has been founded, is determi-ning, just in this period, a growing of the Institute that can appear anomalous, if we take in mind the present market ������������� ����� ������ � �������� ��� ������������� ��������mentioned above.������������������������� ��������������������������������������Institutes of the recent years: the acknowledgements of ��������������������������!"#$%��&��������'�����������������bodies (US Consumer Product Safety Commission, Bureau *���������+*��6";<%'����������������������������������������wood coatings with the German Institute WKI, and moreo-ver the partnership with the University of Zagreb, the renew-

ed one with the IHD of Dresden, up to the accreditation of ����&�����������=������� ��&%>6�����������������������������formaldehyde emission from wood based panels.%�������������� �����������������������������������?�������-dated situations, being sources of activities not only for the present but more oriented towards the future. What is important to recognize is that these dynamics have a tangible positive effect on companies that cooperate with CATAS and that, in several cases, were also an important stimulus to the development described above. Perhaps the ������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������� �� ����� �������-tion in foreign countries with which we are in contact. Fin-ding the correct information is discriminatory for companies in the proposal of their products in other countries. %������������� ������������������������������������������this new international scenario that characterizes CATAS, is ���������� ��������������������������������������&%�%=�Quality Award from some foreign companies, particularly in Spain and the United States. Their goal is to use our cer-������������������������������ �����������"�������� ��������inside their domestic markets. These requests were based on the need to enhance their product with a brand, made evident by an international cha-���������������������������������������� ��������� ���� �����and not least by the seriousness with which it is managed. Internationalization and innovation are therefore two con-cepts that, in the relations between CATAS and each of the companies we work with, are objective facts of daily work and mutual growth.

Page 5: CATAS News n° 1 2011


Angelo Speranza

Economic trends and granted bonuses

In this article we consider the trend of the tests performed �������������� ������ � ��"������ ������������������������of economic importance concerning only the wood-furniture department which is the traditional one for CATAS.The customers were 1.656 with whom CATAS engaged in business during 2010 and over 1.200 of these were the “subscribers”.Their distribution related to the place of residence is shown ��������JOA similar type of distribution is made in relation to the turno-����!�����['O\����������������������������������������������������������-boratory is the distribution of customers by class of turnover !�����]'O�;���������� ���� ��� ���������������������������has requested serv-ices to CATAS for an average compen-sation of just over 2.400 Euros.��������������������������������������������������������?���������� �!�����^'O

One topic that does not seem to be very familiar to custo-

mers is that concerning the discounts that apply CATAS “his

own free will.” These are of two main types:

- the discount applied to the subscription fee for the groups

in the same ownership;

- the discount based on the amount of turnover over the year

achieved by the customer, provided that it goes over the

7.700 Euros. In 2010 the total amount of these allowances

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Since we are on a topic of interest to business, we remember

that for companies who plan they reach a certain turnover

over the year, CATAS provides for a special treatment if the

company agrees to pay to CATAS periodically (four instal-

ments in advance) the equivalent amount, independently of

whether the total estimated amount has been reached.

Page 6: CATAS News n° 1 2011


Introduction=������������������������ ��������>%�$��������������become an annual event of our magazine with which we ���������������������������������������������������������data collected during 2010. The RAPEX website ( is active since 2005 �� � ����������������������������������� ���������-���������������������������������������������������������and the information given. This development is a clear sign of an increased “self” of the European Union ‘s member states about all the issues involving consumers. After a slow and a bit ‘con-fused start, such process is taking place also in Italy and now we are facing the matter of consumer safety in a ���������������� ����� ���������� ���O�We want to remind once more that RAPEX collects noti-���������������?��� ������������ ������ ������������are not medical devices. Each year the European Com-����������������������������������������������������������of the previous year, report of a general nature inevitably but rich of useful data and insights for those dealing with health and safety of consumers. In this article, as in the past, we zoom up here on the products of the industrial sector we provide our services. ����������������������������� ������������������� � �in 2010, we will focus on the thirty ones that we have � ������ ������� �������������� ���������

Data analysisIn the table above, we recorded the different types of furniture with the number of reported cases, the number of accidents when known, and some notes to illustrate more clearly the reasons and/or consequences of the accidents.Unfortunately we note that last year two fatalities occur-red. One involved a bunk bed and the other an internal roller blind. On this subject, both Europe and the U.S. have devoted themselves with great intensity during 2010 with joint regulations sessions, so as to demon-strate how delicate and urgent this topic is. From unof-������ ��������������������������������������������������at least one accident per month involving entrapment with blind cords. The Directorate General for Health and Consumer Protection (DG SANCO) reported in Decem-ber 2010 of six fatalities (happened during the whole year) due to this product that involved children between 1 and 3 years. CPSC (USA), DG Sanco (Europe), Health Canada, and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission are working together on this topic.

The case of the bunk bed seems to be due to suffoca-tion caused by improper opening of the upper bed. Turning now to other products, we note again that the high chair is the product that is under control by the au-thorities and similar bodies. Seven out of the thirty cases involved in fact this product, with six cases in which it was attributed to a non-conform EN 14988 (Safety re-quirements and test methods for high chairs). In one case, the padded part of the chair was found to contain phthalates in parts the potentially may come in contact with the children mouth. In these cases REACH Directive does not allow the presence of these compounds. =������� ������������� �������������������������� ���� ����four cases on changing units or on mats used for this purpose. Children’ cots are present with three cases of non-com-pliance with safety requirements and / or safety distan-ces required by EN 716. "������������������������������������������������������������number (six) both for the number of reported accidents (8 at least, according to what is reported in the web site). Presence of squeeze points, instability, breakage in use, ���������������������� ��������������������O�+�����-nately it is not explained in depth the cases of accidents, ���������������������������������� ������������� O�"��is generally alleged the non-conform with EN 581 and EN 1022. An accident, probably due to similar reasons (squeeze ������'� ������� ��� �������������� �������� ��� ����� � ���these pages (RAPEX). Again the non-compliance with the relevant safety stan-dard was the reasons for a ladder (EN 131) and safety barriers (EN 1930). It is worthwhile to emphasize and pay attention to the case of a chest of drawers of which was alleged non-compliance with the stability requirements of EN 14749. The writer will never tire to reiterate the importance of this requirement, the lack of which can lead to some-times-fatal consequences. It should be stressed also �������������������������� � �������������� ������������the test method and its requirements when it comes to stability of a cabinet. Soon we will start within CEN the revision of this standard also with regard to this issue, starting unfortunately, as often happens, from the data of a fatal case. We conclude the data analysis with the case of wooden playground equipment that even if it cannot be conside-red as a piece of furniture, has a special feature worthy of note. The load bearing structure of the slide, made of wood, after about a year and a half of exposure, showed ��������������������������������� �������������������impair the safe use of the product.

Andrea Giavon

RAPEX cases reported in 2010: analysis of data on furniture

Page 7: CATAS News n° 1 2011


ConsiderationsThe examination of the above must lead us to a deep ��������������� �������������������������������������� �complexity that this scenario shows in a clear and so-metimes very brutal way. Change of some of our habits, behaviours and ways of life, products travelling across the planet in a way that hardly allows us to understand where they come from, common serious and urgent problems they bring toge-�����&�������� ���������������� ������� ���������� ���sharing regulatory work. All of these, plus many other that we modify or make brand new without being aware, ����������� ��������������������� ��������������������product safety, especially those of most consumer and

consequentially to the further protection the most sensi-tive categories such as children and the elderly ( back to this topic soon.) If you come to read this article this far, you cannot have noticed how often the concept of product standard has been repeated in the above cases. Despite this clear sta-tement of the fundamental importance of these technical tools, we still record the attitude of some who consider tolls, bonds, or even worse, unnecessary expenses. We should instead consider standards as tools to innovate safer products keeping in mind that we have different professional roles, but we are all consumers

Andrea Giavon




Changing units 4 / /

Children cots 3 / /

Bumpers 1 / /

High chairs 7 / /

Playpens 1 / /

Roller blind 1 1 Fatal case

Upholstered furniture 1 / /

Seating 5 >8 Finger fracture

Ladder 1 / /

Table 1 1 /

Safety barrier 2 1 /

Chest of drawers 1 / /

Bunk bed 1 1 Fatal case

Playground equipment 1 / /

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Franco Bulian

Il CATAS tra internazionalizzazione,innovazione e realtà quotidiana

New robots for the furniture department Maurizio Marussi

The test laboratory on furniture at Catas is successfully using test robots (jointed arm) and with increasing frequency. They are going to gradually replace the electro-mechanical equipment supplied till now. At the end of 2010, the mana-

gement of the laboratory, in agreement with the head of de-partment , have decided to make a substantial investment in three new robots, having doubled in number those alrea-dy provided. Currently, the furniture department works with four anthropomorphic arms with wrist load of 20kg, 6 kg and 30kg. The staff of the department has been trained to optimize ����������������� �����������������������?���������������������-cial headquarters in Arese (MI). This type of equipment is very ���������������������������������������������� ���������������out tests of different types, thanks to a different programming system, as opposed to the mechanical testing equipment that is able to perform only one type of test at a time. For example, each robot is able to carry out durability tests on drawers and doors at the same time, both on the same and on multiple samples, optimizing test times and thus meeting the require-ments of increasingly demanding customers in terms of re-sponse. The need to use these kinds of robots has developed due to the fact that the furniture industry is increasingly ex-perimenting and using special systems for the opening and closing of doors and drawers, of which, for example the use of “push to open” or “soft closing” mechanisms which require to be operated by a precise sequence of movements by the user,

sequences that only an anthropomorphic arm can simulate.�������������������������� �����������������������������������-bot allowed us to develop new methods of targeted testing not covered by standards, such as, for example, the opening and closing with cyclic impacts, or other types of tests agreed from time to time with the client.We are also equipped to test the durability of windows and external pedestrian doorsboth indoor and outdoor, considering not only the hinges, but also the hardware systems for opening and closing.The day-by-day use of robots to perform these routine tests,

allows us to run them at competitive rates, even on tests of components and mechanisms that require planning and spe-cial procedures. A system of vacuum suction cups mounted on the wrist of the robot also allows us to perform drop tests on the packages, providing greater repeatability and accuracy of the test.The higher price of robots in respect of conventional machines �������������� �����������������������������������O�

For information contact:Marussi MaurizioTel. dir. 0432-747225Mail: [email protected]

Page 9: CATAS News n° 1 2011


Sara ZanchielloGli appartamenti - palestra

This thesis was borne from the collabo-

ration between CATAS and the Universi-

ty of Trieste (Graduating: Luca Callegari).

CATAS needed to analyze the technical

validity of a European test method (UNI

EN 14292) which scope is to determine

the heat resistance of wood adhesives,

under static load and increasing tempe-

rature conditions.

This standard can be applied to thermo-

plastic wood adhesives for non-struc-

tural applications, and it will compares

����� ���� ���������� �������������� �� �

tests standards: UNI EN 205, EN 204

and EN 14257 (WATT’91) well-establi-

shed on the market from a technical and

commercial point of view.

The principle of the test is quite simple

because a series of specimens, prepa-

red according to standards EN 302-1 or


conditioning for a minimum of 7 days to

14 days in a climatic room with a stan-

dard atmosphere 20±2°C and 65±5%

r.h. or 23±2°C and 50±% r.h. are pla-

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2). The load device shall exert a force of

[J^�[�� !��[[���'���� ������� � ������

tested (200 mm2).

The load device is placed into an oven at

a initial temperature between 23°C and

28°C and after that, raise the oven tem-

perature at a constant rate (50±2)°C/h.

The test terminates when the lever arm

reaches a horizontal position due to the

rupture or extreme deformations of the


���������������������������������� � O

This research has had different aims, the



The technical validity of test method

was investigated also comparing the

results with “traditional” shear strength

methods according to EN 205 after tre-

atment in water.

To carry out these comparisons we have

worked with several manufacturers of

adhesives, available to provide the ne-

cessary material (at least two adhesives

vinyl-based each one, with mechani-

cal characteristics different from each


At the end of the experiments we have

obtained very interesting information:

- The new test method gives, in a sim-

ple and direct way, information about

heat resistance of wood adhesives by

a value of temperature characteristic for

each adhesive product.

- We have tried to compare different

ultimate temperatures values obtained

from adhesives in the same class of du-

rability (e.g.: D3 = adhesives for exterior

not exposed to weather or D4 = adhesi-

ves for exterior exposed to weather but

with protection by an adequate surface

coating) and we have observed that the

method can discriminate quite well the

heat resistance performance for adhesi-

ves in the same class of durability.

- Comparing the values of temperatu-

res obtained from adhesives belong to

different classes of durability has been

noted that the adhesives in class D3 co-

ver a temperature range that can vary

from approximately 30°C to about 55°C,

while the temperature range for adhe-

sives in Class D4 can vary from about

55°C to 90°C. So very roughly the me-

thod also gives us an indication on the

resistance to moisture (e.g.: D3, D4, etc.)


In conclusion it should be noted that

the results obtained with this research

only refer to the glue. It is possible that

an adhesive, even with a good heat re-

sistance, during the various processes

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results should be the basis for future

technical discussions

Luca Callegari, Ezio Facchini, Paolo Tirelli

Thesis at CATASDetermination of the performance of thermoplastic adhesives under static

load with increasing temperature, according to standard EN 14292.




Page 10: CATAS News n° 1 2011


Franco Bulian

Il CATAS tra internazionalizzazione,innovazione e realtà quotidiana

As promised in the previous issue of No-tizie CATAS, with this article we try to ex-plain the new relation between the tech-nical standards on child care article and the directive on consumer products. Among the systems used to verify the safety of products, Directive (2001/95/$&'� ������� ��� �� ����� �������� ���� ���of standards on a special list published ��� ����\������� ���������� ����$�������Union. Article 3, paragraph 2 reads: “ A product shall be presumed safe as far as the risks and risk categories co-vered by relevant national standards are concerned, when it conforms to vo-luntary national standards transposing

European standards, the references of which have been published by the ����������������� ��������������� ���European Communities in accordance with Article 4. The Member States shall publish the references of such nationalStandards. “

The compilation of this list has always been a very controversial topic. For furniture, the request of CEN on which standards introduce the list, CEN / TC207 has repeatedly said that all the standards about safety requirements of a certain type of furniture or the other, should be included in the list. The sug-gestion, which I continue to defend, has had to deal with other aspects, such as the positions of individual countries within the committee or the position of consumer groups. These things have happened to the fur-niture and there is reason to think that

similar things have happened in TC dea-ling with other consumer products. ����� �������������������������������-te of affairs, the European Commission has funded a series of studies with the aim of identifying areas where special attention was needed. During the last half of the decade, the Commission ���� ��� ��� � ����������� �� ���� ���consumer products for children (inclu-ding children’s furniture). The results are public and the report is freely available and downloadable at: from this study, 20 products have been � ������ � ��������� ��� ���� ����� ��� ������were also prepared a risk assessment �� � �� ����� ����� ���� ���� ������� �����-ments. ;���� ����� ����� ����� ����� � ������ � ����products on the children sleeping envi-ronment. This choice was dictated by the fact that these products have the highest risk in relation to children safety. ����������� ����� ������ ��������Mattresses for cots ��Cot bumpers ��Suspended baby beds (or hammocks) ��Duvets for cots ��Sleep bags for childrenThere is considerable international lite-������ ����� ��� ������������ ����� � ��������these products as a major source of risk from strangulation, internal and external asphyxiation (suffocation, choking on �����������'���������������������� �����falls or entrapments, overheating and also seems to SIDS (Sudden Infant De-ath Syndrome). "�� ������ ��� ����� ��� ����� ��� ���� [}J}��the Commission took the decision 2010/376/UE on safety requirements to be met by European standards for cer-tain products for the sleep environment of children under Directive 2001/95/EC European Parliament and the Council. In this decision (http://eur-lex.europa.

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the safety requirements for each of the

������� ����� ������ O�

This decision is intended to provide a

foundation on which the CEN will deve-

lop the relevant standards that will con-

tain these requirements and related test

methods for assessing them.


lated the draft mandate with a request

���� ��������� ������� ���� ����� ���� ���

February. The answer to the mandate of

the Commission will then follow the fol-

lowing schedule and obligations:

��CEN shall develop the draft standard

in close consultation with the Euro-

pean Commission

��The European standard(s) shall be de-

livered within three years of accep-

tance of the mandate at the latest.

��CEN shall inform the Commission of

the arrangements to be adopted

for the execution of the work within

three months of acceptance of this


��CEN will submit progress reports to

the Commission every six months.

When the relevant standard will be pu-

blished, it will be included in the list will

mentioned at the beginning of this ar-

ticle, and so it will give presumption of

conformity that the product is safe for

the purposes of the Directive.

The work item of mattresses for cots

should be assigned to CEN/TC207/


The General Product Safety Directive and children’s furniture Andrea Giavon

Page 11: CATAS News n° 1 2011


Franco Bulian

An international degree for the furniture sector

The Faculty of Enginery of the University of Trieste will activa-���������������� ����������[}JJ?[}J[�� ��������� "�������������Degree in Production Engineering and Management in colla-boration with the German University of Applied Sciences Ost Westfalen-Lippe (OWL).The opportunity of such initiative has been considered as a consequence of the productive and economical specialization of the two regions, OstWestfalia and Friuli Venezia Giulia-Ve-neto, being characterized of a high concentration of furniture manufacturers. Also the presence of the two Universities with similar and specialized courses in the two areas has sugge-sted an improvement in the collaboration of the two Institutes already active with some past experiences both in Pordenone (Summer Course) and in Lemgo (Summer School).The new collaboration has been structured on the basis of the international cultural agreements of the European Union which aim is that of unifying the university courses and also promo-ting the mobility of teachers and students. The agreement has been prepared in the course of two years by a commission ����� ��������������������$��������������������� ������� ��Adrian Riegel of the OWL University and by the professors

Marino Nicolich and Dario Pozzetto of Trieste University.The protocol establishes that the students can obtain both the Italian and German Degree (Double Degree Msc), in the case that the students of one University attend the courses of the other during one half. The stage and the thesis can be carried out, with a self-decision of each student, indifferently in one of the two sites.The common curriculum is organized by the two Universities in English language and offers to the students the opportunity to study for one half in a foreign university, acquiring conse-quently an important personal experience at an international level.The Master of Sciences MSc in “Production Engineering and Management” is intended to prepare managers and specia-lized technicians for the manufacturing medium enterprises (SME), where they will act in an international contest being considered as a reference point for strategically decisions.In order to be admitted to the Double Degree Program, the students must demonstrate a good knowledge of the English language with an excellent curriculum in the previous studies.The number of students is limited to 20 for each University (40 in total).The program agreed has been initially approved by the Ger-man accreditation agency AQAS (Agentur für Qualitätssiche-rung durch Akkreditierung von Studiengängen). This proce- ����������������� ������������������������� ����$�������procedure having consequently a European valence.

The following is part of a press release of Trieste University related to an important international agreement involving also CATAS. The new double-degree (German and Italian) will involve our engineers as teachers, both for the colla-borations already active in terms of internship and thesis.

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Sara Zanchiello (AREA SCIENCE PARK)

The gym-equipped experimental flats

�������������������������������� ��������������������and home-automation solutions to facilitate the return to “normal life” and improve the quality of life of people with limited mobility. These apartments, opened in September in Trieste, were carried out under the project “At home soon” created with the aim to develop models of tempora-ry residence dedicated to people with physical disabilities,

undertaken by the Municipality of Trieste (leader), AREA Science Park and ATER Trieste, in collaboration with the Area Rehabilitation Hospital meeting and the Province of Trieste. The project was approved under the public notice issued in 2008 by the Friuli Venezia Giulia for innovation and research in health and social protection.

The two rooms of 80 square meters each, were designed to assist persons with reduced mobility due to trauma or aggravation of degenerative diseases, in the delicate pha-se of the recovery of autonomy. When the period of re-habilitation hospital, in fact, the return home can be pro-blematic, given the changing needs and the presence of internal barriers to the movement. At this stage is part of the project “Back Home”: After leaving the hospital, the person can experience, along with a family, all the solu-tions implemented in the two-apartment gym and con-sciously decide which ones to use in their home.

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In accommodation of Trieste were in fact integrated techno-������� �� � ��������� ������ � ������������ ��� ����������� ����performance of daily activities in safety work plans suspen- � �� ������ ������������ ��������� ����?��� ���� �� � ����alarm, wash basins and toilet and adjustable suspension, automatic alerts to family members in case of need. With a simple remote control connected to a PC you can manage and control all home automation functions of particular in-

terest is the automatic handling of the front door and shut-ters to close the windows, from climate control to adjust the ������O�%�������������������������������� ����������>���-bilitation Hospital of the meeting which will select users with ������������������������������������O

ReferenceSara Zanchiello AREA Science ParkTel. +39 040 [email protected]

Sara Zanchiello (AREA SCIENCE PARK)

Automation technologies integrated in the apartments

��Cabinet handled

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Solutions in support of autonomy

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CE MARKINGTHE OBLIGATIONS IN THE DIFFERENT COUNTRIES OF THE EUROPEAN UNION"��������������������������������������&$���������������������������� ����!������ �����������������O'������������$�������Union does not necessarily mean that the requirements for each product are the same in the various States.In consequence of such situation a product marked CE in Italy, in accordance with the national requirements, cannot be consi-dered suitable for another EU country. This complex situation could create uncertainty and confusion within the producers and the market in general. To provide bu-siness support in this regard, a consulting service is provided in each EU Country directly by Ministries or by the government agencies in charge.��������� ������������������������������ �� ���������������� �������������\��������������&J�|����}�O}�O[}}������������������-��������������������������������� ��������J|� ����������������������������������������������������������������������&$����construction products.���������?���O�����O�����+��=�������+��=���O �����\��&�[}}��J�|�;+���"����;

About EUR-Lex ((

EUR-Lex provides free access to European Union law and other documents considered to be public. The website is � �������������[]�������������������������$�������+����O

The contents of the site amount to some 2 815 000 documents with texts dating back to 1951. The database is updated daily and every year around 12 000 documents are added. EUR-Lex offers: � ?� ������ ��������������\���������������������$�������+������������ - simple search, advanced search and browsing options, - the possibility to display and/or download documents (PDF, HTML, DOC, TIFF), - analytical metadata for each document.

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Title GLUING WOOD Purchase CATAS ([email protected])Author Alberto Bandel CATAS Subscriber € 35,00 + IVAEditor CATAS SpA Non CATAS Subscriber € 45,00 + IVA

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Title THREE DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF WOOD. A scanning Electron Microscope StudyAuthors B.A. Meylan and �������������� Purchase CATAS ([email protected])(Italian translation by Angelo Speranza) CATAS Subscriber € 25,00 + IVAEditor CATAS SpA Non CATAS Subscriber € 45,00 + IVA

)�����'���� �������������� ��������������(������������� ���������������������� ���� ������� ���������������������������������������������������������(��������� ���� ��� � �(������������� ��� ���:��������������� ������������ �� ������������������� ���������������'���� ������������������������������)��������������������� ������������������ ������������� ������������ �������� �������� ���� ������� ��������

Title WOOD COATINGS. THEORY AND PRACTICE Authors Franco Bulian and Jon Graystone Purchase Specialised bookstores - Language English Internet web sites:,Editor Elsevier

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