Page 1: catalogue - Austplant Nursery · more flowers. All ‘daisy’ plants need a hair-cut after flowering to prolong life and keep a vigorous habit. Handy hint: Tip prune most of your

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native plant nursery

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Page 2: catalogue - Austplant Nursery · more flowers. All ‘daisy’ plants need a hair-cut after flowering to prolong life and keep a vigorous habit. Handy hint: Tip prune most of your

If we can assist you in bringing the

colour and fragrance of the bush and

the song of native birds to your

garden, please call on us.

We would be happy to help you

plan your garden —golden wattles,

red flowering gums, beautiful

banksias,whispering graceful

she-oaks and many more.

Page 3: catalogue - Austplant Nursery · more flowers. All ‘daisy’ plants need a hair-cut after flowering to prolong life and keep a vigorous habit. Handy hint: Tip prune most of your

native plant nurseryaustplant

native plant nurseryaustplant

Page 4: catalogue - Austplant Nursery · more flowers. All ‘daisy’ plants need a hair-cut after flowering to prolong life and keep a vigorous habit. Handy hint: Tip prune most of your


Len Yearsley Cheryl Yearsley Heath Thompson

Peter Wilson Glen Yearsley


At Austplant Native Plant Nursery, we cultivate and grow

many of our own plants to offer our customers a broad range

of beautiful natives at competitive prices. Ask us about our

bulk purchase discounts and take advantage of our

generous specials.


We stock a variety of pot sizes to suit your gardening needs

including 15cm deep forestry tubes, available from April—

November for screen and windbreak plants; 15cm potted

garden varieties including hardy ground covers; small and

large shrubs and windbreak plants. We also stock 20cm and

25cm advanced shrubs and trees.


Our experienced staff provide first hand, expert advice, and

are happy to provide planting and garden design assistance.

For a reasonable charge, our onsite design consultation

is available.

We aim to help you achieve the best results to meet your

native plant needs. All our staff are fully qualified in

horticulture and can provide expert advice on creating

windbreaks, garden design and planting, soil testing, planting

and assistance with the design of domestic, farm, industrial

and commercial gardens. We can also help devise solutions

for problem areas such as alkaline (lime) soils commonly

found from Rye to Portsea and parts of Cape Schanck.

We can also provide strategies for windswept and salty areas

and, permanently wet, shady or extremely dry areas. Please

feel free to ask us for suggestions to get the right plants for

your property.

Put your personality into your garden, as you would with

your home. Look to create atmosphere through consideration

of elements such as colour, fragrance, shape and texture.

A carefully considered garden will bring much pleasure and

will attract birds to help control insects. Your creation will

encourage you to better utilise outdoor areas, allowing you

to smell the bush and wonder at our beautiful and unique

native flora.


If you require a particular plant not listed in this catalogue,

please ask as we are always introducing new lines as they

become available. Please note that all plants listed are under

propagation but not all plants may be available at all times of

the year.

Page 5: catalogue - Austplant Nursery · more flowers. All ‘daisy’ plants need a hair-cut after flowering to prolong life and keep a vigorous habit. Handy hint: Tip prune most of your

� Austplant Native Plant Nursery Catalogue �


W Plants suitable for alkaline (lime) soils, as can be found in

Rye, Blairgowrie, Sorrento, Portsea and Cape Schanck.

w Plants with degrees of salt tolerance for foreshore areas.

W Winter flowering plants

Sp Spring flowering plants

Su Summer flowering plants

Au Autumn flowering plants

IND Indigenous to Mornington Peninsula

h x w Height x width


In a small garden where watering can be carried out with

ease, planting can commence any time, avoiding hot days in

Summer. Large scale plantings are best carried out in Spring,

Autumn and early Winter, when natural rainfall occurs.

1. Dig around and break up the soil to spade depth. Dainage

and friability of clay soils will benefit greatly with the working

in of Gypsum. Dig hole 1/4 metre square and deep enough

for the plant.

2. Fill the hole with water and allow to drain, adding one

teaspoon of Osmocote Native Fertiliser or a heaped handful

of Organic Blood and Bone in the base of the hole.

3. Soak plant thoroughly and slide container from plant, taking

care not to disturb roots except in case of melaleucas and

callistemons. It is far better to cultivate for 1/4 a square

metre planting area and to graduate the soil back into the

hole while you are planting rather than tease the roots or

wash away the original soil of native plants. This encourages

faster root development.

4. Place plant in the hole and fill in soil, breaking up lumps

as you go.

5. Firm soil and carefully soak the area again with water.

The soil coverage should not exceed the level of the soil of the

potted plant.

6. Stake only if necessary with a tie on stake and loose loop

around the plant. Avoid close cultivation near root system.

Handy hint: Avoid straight lines with paths and garden

beds. Instead, create meandering pathways

and screen some areas so that parts of the

garden cannot be seen at once. This creates

more interest and a sense of adventure in the

garden, which kids love.

Austplant Native Plant Nursery Catalogue

Austplant Nursery was established with the aim of encourag-

ing the planting and propagation of native plant species and in

particular, to encourage awareness of the need to replenish

farms and gardens with indigenous species so that our spe-

cies will not be lost forever, ensuring that bird and animal life

have a secure habitat. Many local species are grown for this

reason and it gives us a great thrill when clients who planted

many Eucalyptus Viminalis several years ago, returned to tell

us they are now colonised by koalas and bird life. Most plants

listed are adaptable and highly suited to the Mornington

Peninsula. However, some require specialized positions.


Watering: A weekly soaking during hot weather is far better

than a daily light sprinkling which would encourage surface

rooting and a reliance on regular watering. For dry soil, newly

planted plants should be watered daily to encourage a deep

root system.

Handy hint: Consider using a soaker hose with a timer

for soaking once a week for the first

Summer of planting rather than fixed

irrgation which is costly and can become

redundant as the plants mature.

Fertilizer: Most plants benefit from a light application of

a slow release fertilizer once a year. We have found that

Osmocote Native Fertilizer or Organic Blood and Bone are

ideal. It is important where a mulch of any kind is used to

re-feed your plants with a surface application for the first

two years.

Pruning: Tip prune most shrubs by pinching out the growth

tips at least once a year for the first two years. This can be

done at any time and will encourage a bushy habit and lots

more flowers. All ‘daisy’ plants need a hair-cut after flowering

to prolong life and keep a vigorous habit.

Handy hint: Tip prune most of your shrubs as they grow.

It enhances bushiness and many more flowers.

Pest control: A native garden will attract native birds which

will do much to control pests. If sprays must be used, be

aware of their toxicity and residual effects on both humans

and wildlife. White oil will safely control scale and sooty mould

and a Eucalyptus Pyrethrum based spray will usually keep

most other insects at bay.

Page 6: catalogue - Austplant Nursery · more flowers. All ‘daisy’ plants need a hair-cut after flowering to prolong life and keep a vigorous habit. Handy hint: Tip prune most of your

� Austplant Native Plant Nursery Catalogue �

allocasuarina She Oak (syn casuarina)

Allocasuarinas with their long needle like foliage make a graceful

contrast to other trees. Many have furrowed corky trunks and are

ideal sand binders, able to withstand strong winds. h x w

w W cunninghamiana Pyramid shape, weeping fol. Excellent specimen tree. 10mx6m

w littoralis Syn. C. Suberosa. Black She-Oak. Good screen tree.IND 4mx3m

torulosa ‘Rose She-Oak.’ Burgundy weeping fol. 4mx3m

w W verticillata ‘Drooping She-Oak’ Hardy drought tol. IND 6mx6m

alyogyne Hibiscus

Evergreen, hardy and showy, these plants benefit from tip pruning

annually at any time of the year. Warm, well drained aspect best.

geraniodes Beautiful flowering shrub. Sunny position. Pink flowers Sp Su Au 1mx1m

heterophyllus aureus Ideal for dry, sunny positions. Yellow flowers Sp Su 3mx2m

w W huegeli Mauve flowers all year. Enjoys tip prune as it grows. Sun or shade.

White and pink form available 3mx2m


w W costata Beautiful smooth orange trunk 10mx6m

anigosanthos Kangaroo Paws

Anigosanthos are excellent bird attractors. To promote new growth,

cut dried flowers and leaves off. A moist, well drained sunny position

is best. The ‘Bush Gem’ range have long flowering periods and are

well worth growing. Excellent container plants, some flower all year.

w W ‘Bush Gem Hybrids’ Many colours available, some are lime tollerant Dwarf—full size

w W flavida Green/pink/orange fl. Sp 1.5m


resinosum Glossy foliage, lovely cream fl. Sp Climber


fascicularis White flowers. Most of the year. 1mx1m


w W cinerea Silver foliage. Costal salt bush IND 1mx1m


w dulcis Weeping attractive foliage, white fl. Su 0.5mx1m


w W stripoides Tufted grass. IND 1mx1m


linifolia Weeping foliage dainty white flowers. Su 2mx1.5m

Handy hint: Mix foliage types- weeping with erect, green with

grey and note flowering times so there is always

colour and interest.

Austplant Native Plant Nursery Catalogue

acacia Wattle

Most are hardy and fast growing and deserve a space in every

garden, making a quick screen while slower growing plants establish

themselves. Many are nitrogen fixing and grow well with eucalypts. h x w

W acinacea ‘Gold Dust Wattle.’ Gold balls. Sp 2mx2m

w W baileyana ‘Cootamundra’ Large sprays golden fl. W 6mx4m

w W baileyana prostrate Superb ground cover for sunny areas. Covers large embankments. Blue fol.

large bunches of yellow flowers W 3m Dia+

w W baileyana purpurea Purple tipped foliage W 5mx3m

w W boormanii Fine grey fol.Yellow balls W Bushy. 4mx4m

W cardiophylla Feathery fol. Gold fl. W 3mx2m

cognata Graceful fine foliage, yellow fl. W 4mx4m

cognata dwarf Graceful weeping shrub. Yellow fl. W 1mx2m

drummondii Ferny fol. Yellow rods W 1mx1m

W fimbriata ‘Brisbane Wattle’ Masses of yellow fl. W 4mx3m

W fimbriata dwarf Beautiful semi weeping shrub. Abundance of yellow flowers W 1mx2m

w W floribunda ‘Gossamer Wattle’ Sp yellow rod flowers, weeping habit W 4mx4m

howittii Sticky Wattle, lovely habit W 5mx4m

w W iteaphylla ‘Flinders Wattle.’ Excl. silvery weeping fol. W 3mx3m

W mrytifolia Dwarf wattle, hardy, yellow flowers W IND 1mx1m

w W melanoxylon ‘Blackwood.’ Tollerates wet soils, cream flowers W IND 10mx6m

podalyriaefolia ‘Mt Morgan Wattle’ Bright gold fl. Blue fol. W 4mx3m

W pravissima ‘Ovens Wattle’ Excel specimen. Gold fl. W 9mx4m

W pravissima prostrate Great for covering large areas 4m wide

w W pycnantha Large gold balls W/Sp IND 4mx3m

w W retinoides Flowers most of the year. IND 4mx3m

w W saligna Vigorous, tough screen shrub. Large golden fl. Sp 5mx4m

w W sophorae ‘Coastal Wattle’ low-wide spreading. Yellow rods W IND 3mx4m

W vestita Beautiful weeping grey fol. Yellow fl. W Good drainage. 3mx3m

acmena smithii Dwarf version of ‘Lilly Pilli’ Several varieties 1mx1m

smithii Tall elegant tree, lush green folage, execellent screen, white flowers. Su 6mx4m

adenanthos W sericea Silver conifer-like foliage. Red flowers. Good for foliage contrast 2mx2m

agonisw W flexuosa ‘Willow Mrytle’ Graceful weeping tree.

White flowers. Sp 6mx6m

w W flexuosa nana Ideal rockery plant. 1mx1m

Page 7: catalogue - Austplant Nursery · more flowers. All ‘daisy’ plants need a hair-cut after flowering to prolong life and keep a vigorous habit. Handy hint: Tip prune most of your

� Austplant Native Plant Nursery Catalogue �

brachycome h x w

Best grown in sunny, well drained, moist positions.

angustifolia Suckering habit. Mauve fl. Sp Su Prostrate

diliatata Mauve/yellow daisies. Prostrate

W multifida Several forms flowering all year. Prostrate Tip prune. Mauve, pink or white forms.

‘Sun Burst’ Yellow flowers become cream.

Flowers all year. Tip prune. 30cmx60cm

brachysema (syn celsianum)

w W lanceolatum ‘Swan Pea.’ Silvery foliage, red pea flowers Su W 1mx2m

latifolium Tight matting. Red flowers W Prostrate

praemorsum Light green foliage, red flowers. Prostrate

sericeum Very vigorous, good for clay banks. Cream or black flowering forms. Prostrate


w W spinosa Drought tolerant. Cream perfumed flowers Su Au IND 3mx3m

callistemon Bottlebrush

Extremely hardy bird attracting shrubs, adaptable to wet/dry soils.

Tip prune plants when young and cut behind spent flowers to pro-

mote bushy growth and an abundance of flowers for the next year.

w W ‘Captain Cook’ Red brushes Su 1mx1m

w W ‘Citrinus Endeavour’ Bright red brushes Su Au 2mx2m

w W ‘Dawson River’ Weeping tree. Red brushes Sp Su 7mx3m

w W ‘Harkness’ Long red brushes Sp Au 3mx2m

w W ‘Kings Park’ Excel. hybrid. Red Sp Su 3mx2m

w W ‘Little John’ Masses of red brushes Sp 1mx1m

w W ‘Mauve Mist’ Mauve brushes Sp Su 2mx2m

‘Packers Selection’ Fine foliage, red brushes. 2mx2m

pallidus Lovely pink tips then yel. brushes Su 3mx2m

pallidus prostrate As above, tip prune as it grows. Very showy. Sunny position. Su Prostrate

pinifolius Vivid green bushes. Su 2mx2m

w W ‘Reeves Pink’ Bright pink brushes Sp 2mx2m

W rugulosus syn macropunctatus Red brushes Su 3mx2m

salignus Pink growth tips, yellow flowers. 4mx3m

w W violaceus Violet brushes Sp 2mx2m

w W viminalis Weeping habbit. Red brushes Sp 5mx4m

w W ‘White Anzac’ White brushes Sp 1.5mx2m

callitris collumellaris Conifer shaped small tree. 6mx3m

calocephalus Cushion Bush (see leucophyta)

calothamnus Net Bush

w W quadrifidus Conifer like fol. Red brushes Sp

Hardy. Sunny position. 2mx2m


tetragona Starry pink flowers Sp 1mx1m

casuarina She Oak (see allocasuarina)

celsianum (see brachysema)

Austplant Native Plant Nursery Catalogue


Not particularly fast growing, but well worth planting for their varied

foliage and spectacular flower cones. Most should be planted in well-

drained soils and use fertilisers with caution. Banksias are excellent

for attracting nectar-feeding birds. Tip prune for bushy growth.

h x w

‘Birthday Candles’ Ideal tub plant. Sunny spot best.

Heaps of orange fl. Au W 0.3mx1m

‘Coastal Cushion’ Yellow/maroon cones Feb–July. 0.5mx1.5m

coccinea Scarlet Banksia Sp Su 3mx2m

w ericifolia Large orange candle forms available. 4mx3m

w ericifolia dwarf Ideal tub plant. Superb orange cones Au W 1.5mx2m

w grandis Superb foliage. Yellow Sp Su 4mx3m

w W integrifolia Coastal Banksia, silvery foliage. Yellow cones Au W IND 9mx5m

w W marginata Small yellow cones Sp Su IND 2mx2m

‘Mini Marg’ Dwarf form of above. Very showy. Au W 0.3mx1m

W occidentalis Pink/apricot flowers late Su 3mx2.5m

praemorsa Dense foilage, deep red to yellow flower. W Sp 2.3mx2.3m

serrata Yellow cones. Su 4mx3m

w W speciosa Beautiful light foliage. 2mx2m

w spinulosa Hardy, long gold/black fl. 3mx2m

w spinulsa dwarf Superb compact shrub. 1mx1m

‘Stumpy Gold’ Showy gold cones. Au–Sp 0.5mx1m


w rubioides ‘Dog Rose’ pink flowers all year. Prefers a cool root run. Shade tolerant. 1mx1m


W sparsa Brilliant orange brushes. Su 2mx1m


W scandens ‘Apple Berry’ Green bells Sp Green berries IND Climber


Some are highly prized for their perfume, while other Boronias are

long flowering. They require partial sun with moist but well drained soil

and no root disturbance. A regular tip prune prolongs life and creates

more flowers for the following year. Mulching provides protection for

the surface root system and stops the plants from drying quickly.

anemonifolia Superb white star flower Su 1mx1m

w denticulata Easily grown sun/shade. Pink star flowers Su 1mx1m

W heterophylla Perfumed magenta bells. Su 1mx1m

w W megastigma var chandleri Excel. Hybrid. Large perfumed brown/yel bells Su 1mx1m

w W megastigma lutea Yellow bells. Sp 1mx1m

muelleri ‘Sunset Seranade’ Very showy pale pink fl. Sp 1mx1m

pinnata Long flowering pink flowers Sp 1mx1m


acerifolius ‘Illawarra Flame Tree.’ Showy red fl. Su 10mx5m

Page 8: catalogue - Austplant Nursery · more flowers. All ‘daisy’ plants need a hair-cut after flowering to prolong life and keep a vigorous habit. Handy hint: Tip prune most of your

� Austplant Native Plant Nursery Catalogue �

dampiera h x w

W diversifolia Superb blue flowers Sp Su Prostrate

linearis Suckering hardy plant for dry areas. Masses of blue flowers Sp Su 0.2mx1m


w citriodora Blue/grey fol. Rockery. 0.5m

w homoranthoides Silvery foliage. Ideal for rockeries. 0.5m

leiostyla Red bells Sp 1mx1m

taxifolia Hardy in dry soils. Red bells Su Prostrate Excellent rockery plant.


w W revoluta Fine rush fol. Blue flowers. IND 1mx1m

w W tasmanica Wide strappy leaves. IND 1mx1m


w W repens Suckery ground cover ideal for lawn substitute in shady or sunny areas. IND Prostrate


w moraea ‘Butterfly Flag’ Iris. White/blue fl. Sp 0.5m dia


adenophora Red ‘hops’ W Tolerates dry soils. 1mx1m

w W viscosa Fast growing, attractive, small tree. Pink flowers Su IND 4mx3m

W purpurea Burgundy foliage. Pink Flowers. Excellent for foliage contrast. 4mx3m


w W formosa Beautiful foliage. Gold flowers. Sp Su Sunny pos. with well drained soil. 3mx2m

praemorsa Outstanding yellow flowers Sp Su Well drained sunny post. 3mx3m

einadia (syn rhagodia)

w W nutans Grey foliage. Sun or shade. Excl. dry tolerant foliage. Contrast plant. Prostrate x 1m


Bird attracting tubular flowers. Tip prune every year to attain more

flowers the following year. This is most necessary as plants tend to

be open if not pruned.

w impressa Pink White flower in profusion. W Sp IND 0.5m

w longiflora ‘Fuchsia Heath.’ Spectacular red/white flowers all year. 1m

eremophila Emu Bush

These bird attracting plants are ideal for thirsty soils. Tip prune for

compact growth.

denticulata Red tubular flowers. 1.5

w W glabra aurea Yellow tubular flowers. Grey foliage. 1mx1m


buxifolius White/pink flowers. Sp 1mx1m

w myoporoides Excellent aromatic foliage. White star

flowers on mass. W Sp 2mx1.5m

Austplant Native Plant Nursery Catalogue

ceratopetalum h x w

w gummiferum N.S.W. ‘Christmas Bush.’ White fl. turn red. Shapely tree. 5mx3m

w gummiferum ‘Wildfire.’ Selected bushy form. 3mx2m


W uncinatum ‘Geralton Wax’ pink fl. Excl. cut flowers. Well drained position in full sun best. 2mx2m


ilicifolium ‘Flame Pea.’ Brilliant orange and purple pea flowers W Sp 1mx1m

chrysocephalum Everlasting Daisies (syn helichrysum)

Fast, long flowering paper daisies which need occasional pruning to

keep them shapely. Sunny well drained situation is best and flowers

picked as full buds may be hung to dry for dried flower arrangements.

Butterfly and insect attractors.

W apiculatum Ideal rockery plant, yellow fl. Su IND Prostrate

baxterii ‘Poached Egg Daisy.’ Prostrate

w W bracteatum ‘Diamond Head’ Bright yellow daisies most of the year. Prostrate

‘Dargan Hill’ Fast, bluish foliage. Large yellow flowers all year. 0.5mx1m


aristate Beautiful fast climber. Sun/shade. White starry flowers Sp IND Climber

W microphylla Masses of white star flowers Sp IND Climber

‘Southern Cross’ Improved form, white flowers Sp Climber

correa Native Fuchsia

Hardy under-storey shrubs which need good drainage, tolerating full

sun or shade. Most flower Autumn to Winter and are excellent bird

attractors. Tip prune for compact growth.

w W alba White star fl. Su Grey fol. Drought tol.

Prostrate form available. 1.5m

w W bauerlennii ‘Chef’s Cap’ green bells 1mx1m

W decumbens Red/yellow bells. W Prostrate

w W ‘Dusky Bells’ Compact lush shrub. Pink bells. W 0.5mx1m

lawrenciana Green bells. W 3mx2m

w W nummulariifolia Yellow bells Sp Prostrate

w W pulchella Apricot or pink bells W 1mx1m

w W pulchella Apricot bells W Prostrate

w W reflexa Red/yellow bells. Various forms W 2mx1m

w W reflexa Green bells IND 2mx2m

w W reflexa squat Red and yellow bells. Su Prostrate

corymbia Flowering Gum (syn eucalyptus)

w ficifolia ‘Red flowering Gum.’ Orange/pink/red flowers Su Heavy crown. 6mx5m


w exalata Beautiful pink star fl. long periods Su Au 1mx1m

w exalata White and Pink forms Su Au Prostrate

w poorinda ‘Ecstasy’ Moist, well drained soil. Large pink flowers Su Au 1mx1m

saligna Large pink flowers Au W 1mx1m

Page 9: catalogue - Austplant Nursery · more flowers. All ‘daisy’ plants need a hair-cut after flowering to prolong life and keep a vigorous habit. Handy hint: Tip prune most of your

�0 Austplant Native Plant Nursery Catalogue ��

eutaxia h x w

obovata Orange pea flowers Sp 2mx2m

fugosa (see lagunaria)

ficinia (see isolepis)


W lotifolia Fast growing, attractive. IND Yellow pea flowers Sp 2mx1.5m


This genus shows great diversity of form. They range from ground

covers to trees. Leaves may be ferny, broad or narrow and the

‘toothbrush’ or ‘spider’ flowers come in all colours. Easy to grow,

many grevilleas have long flowering times. A light prune will pro-

mote bushiness and more flowers. Great bird attractors.

‘Allyn Radiance’ Bright red flowers Sp Prostrate

audreyae Orangey/red flowers. W 2mx2m

‘Bonfire’ Beautiful hybrid with fiery red flowers Prefers sun. Sp 1.5mx1m

‘Bronze Rambler’ Very fast, excl. covering large banks. Red flowers. Prostrate x 3m

bonnie prince charles Brilliant orange red flowers W Sp 1mx1m

‘Canterbury Gold’ Wide spreading, gold fllowers W 1mx2m

W ‘Clearview David’ Pink/red flowers W Sp 2mx2m

‘Copper Rocket’ Dense foliage, pink flowers W 3mx5m

crithmifolia White flowers, grey foliage W 2mx2m

curviloba (syn biternata). Vigorous cream flowers W 1mx2m

‘Deua’ Orange/red fl. most of the year. 1.5mx1.5m

dimorpha Light foliage, red flowers W 1mx1m

W ‘Ellendale’ Red flowers Au W Sp 1.5mx1.5m

‘Endlicherana’ Silvery foliage, pink flowers. 2mx2m

‘Firesprite’ Large red fl. flowering intermittently. 2mx2m

‘Forest Rambler’ Pink/green flowers W Sp 1.5mx2m

‘Gaudi-Chaudii’ Holly foliage, red flowers Sp Su Prostrate

w W glabrata Bluish fol. White flowers. 2mx2m

‘Hookerana’ Fast bushy fine fol. Red fl. much of year. 3mx3m

‘Ivanhoe’ Ferny fol. pink fl. W Sp 3mx3m

w W lanigera Red flowers W Sp Su Prostrate

W ‘Lemon Supreme’ Lemon flowers W Sp 1.5mx1.5m

longistyla Fine ferny foliage, bright red fl. W Sp 3mx2m

‘Misty Pink’ Large pink flowers Warm, well drained position. W Sp 2mx1.5m

‘Moonlight’ Large cream flowers all year. Sunny well

drained area. Tip prune as it grows. 4mx2m

‘Ned Kelly’ Lge red fl. Sunny. Good drainage area. 2mx2m

obtusifolia Red flowers W Sp 0.5mx1.5m

‘Old Gold’ Excellent hybrid, gold flowers most of the year. Prostrate

poorinda ‘Firebird’ Bright red flowers. W Sp 2mx2m

poorinda ‘Peter’ Handsome pink new growth. Pink toothbrush flowers. 2mx3m

W ‘Red Sunset’ Drought tolerant, red flowers W Sp Full sun. 1mx2m

w W robusta Wind protection. Superb large golden flowers Su 10mx6m

Austplant Native Plant Nursery Catalogue

eucalyptus Gum Tree

Due to their great diversity in size, foliage type and flowers, this

species is a must to complete even the smallest garden. Most

species are adaptable but the smaller Mallee type gums require

warm, well drained aspects. All listed have cream flowers unless

otherwise stated. Bloodwood species are now classified as corymbia.

KEY: L lightcrown

M medium crown

H heavy crown

h x w

bicostata ‘Victorian Blue Gum.’ Very fast growing M 14m+

W caesia ‘Silver Princess’ Beautiful pendulous silvery foliage. Pink flowers W Needs warm,

well drained position. L 5mx3m

w calophylla rosea Large deep pink flowers Su H 6mx4m

cephalocarpa Tol. wet/dry soils. Bluish fol. IND H 9m

W cinerea Fast growing handsome blue fol. M 8mx4m

w citriodora ‘Lemon Scented Gum.’ Smooth white trunk. L 11mx5m

w W cladocalyx nana ‘Bushy Sugar Gum’ Good windbreak tree. M 5mx4m

cordata Pyramid shape, blue foliage. Beautiful specimen. H 10mx5m

crenulata Blue foliage. Good for foliage in flower arranging. M 10m

w ficifolia ‘Red flowering Gum.’ See corymbia

w W forrestiana Orange fruits. M 4mx3m

w W globulus Very fast growing, adaptable. Cream/brown trunk H 20mx10m

w W globulus compacta As above, but smaller. H 7mx4m

w W gomphocephala ‘Tuart’ Extremely good windbreak and coastal gum. M 8mx4m

w W lehmanni ‘Bushy Yate.’ Large green flowers. M 5mx4m

w W leucoxylon rosea Pink flowers W Cream trunk. L 8mx7m

w W leucoxylon megolocarpa Masses of pink flowers. Very handsome specimin tree. H 5mx4m

w W macrandra Yellow flowers. Su L 5mx4m

w W maculata ‘Spotted Gum.’ M 15mx6m

w W nicholii ‘Narrow Leaf Peppermint.’ Good garden/windbreaks. M 6mx4m

obliqua Tall local gum. IND M 12mx8m

ovata ‘Swamp Gum.’ Fast growing.IND M 10mx6m

w pauciflora nana ‘Snow Gum.’ Often multi-trunked. IND L 7mx5m

w preissiana ‘Bell Fruited Mallee.’ Large yel. fl. W Sp L 3mx3m

w pryoriana Gippsland coastal Manna Gum IND M 8mx5m

radiata ‘Peppermint Gum’ Shade, windbreak. IND M 11mx4m

scoparia Superb tree. White trunk, pendulous foliage. M 10mx5m

W sideroxylon rosea Pink flowering Iron Bark. Black trunk. M 7mx4m

w W torquata ‘Coral Gum.’ Pink flowers. L 5mx4m

w vimminalis ‘Ribbon/Manna Gum.’ Koala food. M IND 20mx10m

Page 10: catalogue - Austplant Nursery · more flowers. All ‘daisy’ plants need a hair-cut after flowering to prolong life and keep a vigorous habit. Handy hint: Tip prune most of your

�� Austplant Native Plant Nursery Catalogue ��

hibbertia Guinea Flower h x w

W aspera Wide spreading shrub for sun or shade.

Yell. fl. Good for harsh conditions. 1.5mx2m

cuneiformis Large yellow flowers. 1.5mx1.5m

empetrifolia Fine, dense foliage. Masses of small yellow flowers Sp 1mx1m

obtusifolia Bright yellow flowers Sp Su Prostrate

procumbens Tight matting cover. Yellow fl. Sp Prostrate

w W scandens Shiny fol. Yellow flowers Sp Climber/Creeper

sericea Yellow flowers Sp Su IND Low prostrate

stricta Bright yellow flowers Sp 0.25mx0.5m

hibiscus (see alyogyne)


populifolius ‘Bleeding Heart.’ Lovely shrub. Reddish leaves. 3mx3m


lanceolata Purple pea flowers Sp 2mx2m


W flavum ‘Native Frangipani’ Fragrant yel.fl Sp 5mx3m


w angustifolium Superb fl. Pink and white balls. Sp 1mx1m

w cordifolium Excel. thick rockery shrub. White flowers Sp 0.5mx1m


w W australis Light ferny foliage, pink pea fl. Sp IND 1.5m

isolepis (syn ficinia)

w W nodosa ‘Knoby Club Rush.’ Brown round flower heads. A good sand binder. Hardy. IND 1mx1m

isopogon Drumsticks or Cone Bush

anemonifolius Yellow flowers Sp 1mx1m

anethifolius Fine foliage. Yellow flowers Sp 1.5m

formosus Pink fl. W Sp Tip prune. Semi-shade. 1mx1m


fluviatalis Fast spreading, blue flowers. Su Some moisture needed. Prostrate


Very fast climbers/ground covers with pea shaped flowers. They

need good drainage and are ideal for covering fences, clay banks,

tree stumps etc. Protect from frost.

W coccinea Orange/purple flowers Sp Climber/Creeper

W macrophylla Apricot flowers Sp Climber/Creeper

w W nigricans Vigorous, black/yellow fl. Climber/Creeper

w W prostrata ‘Running Postmas’ Red. IND Creeper

w W rubicunda Red/purple Pea flowers. Ideal for covering banks. Climber/Creeper

Austplant Native Plant Nursery Catalogue

grevillea cont’d h x w

‘Robyn Gordon’ Excellent hybrid. Large red flowers much of the year. Sunny position. 1mx1m

‘Royal Mantle’ Excl. foliage, red flowers W Prostrate

W ‘Sea Spray’ Showy red fl. Au–Sp. Drought tol. 1mx1m

W sericea Pink flowers all year. 2mx1.5m

shiressi Tolerates shade. Blue flowers. 3mx2m

speciosa Bright red flowers W 2mx2m

‘Superb’ Spectacular orange/red flowers all year. Warm position. 1.5mx2m

w W thelmanniana Green/grey foliage forms. Bright red flowers W Prostrate

w W triloba Good coastal shrub for dry soils. White flowers W 2mx2m

victoriae Sun or shade, red fl. most of year. 2mx3m

W ‘White Wings’ Vigorous attractive weeping shrub.

White flowers W 3mx3m

W ‘Winpara Gem’ Pink flowers. 2mx1m

W ‘Winpara Gold’ Orange/gold flowers. 2mx1m


w W macrantha Dry tol. Pink pendulous papery bells W 1mx1m

hakea (bird attractors)

‘Burrendong Beauty’ Large pink flowers Au Tip prune. Very showy. Prostrate

w W laurina ‘Pin Cushion.’ Red/yellow balls. Showy. W 3mx2m

W nodosa Tolerates wet soils. Cream flowers. IND 2mx2m

w salicifolia Bronze tips, fast handsome screen plant. Cream flowers W Sp 4mx3m

w salicifolia fine Fine leaf form as above. 4mx3m

sericea Usually pink flowers W IND 2mx2m

w W suaveolens Tough, bushy windbreak/screen shrub. Cream flowers. 4mx4m

hardenbergia Sarsparilla

w W comptoniana Purple flowers W Sp Climber/Creeper

‘Mini Ha Ha’ Masses of purple flowers W 0.5mx1m

w W monophylla Purple/pink/white forms. 1mx1m

w W violacea Purple flowers W Sp Climb/Creeper

w W ‘Happy Wanderer’ Very vigorous. Large sprays of purple flowers Sp Climber

helichrysum Everlasting Daisies (see chrysocephalum)

helipterum (see rhodanthe)


W pungens Lilac/pink flowers. Su Prostrate x2m

Handy hint: Consider adding a rustic seat or log,

allowing you to sit and enjoy the tranquillity

and splendour of your surroundings.

Page 11: catalogue - Austplant Nursery · more flowers. All ‘daisy’ plants need a hair-cut after flowering to prolong life and keep a vigorous habit. Handy hint: Tip prune most of your

�� Austplant Native Plant Nursery Catalogue ��

melaleuca Paper Bark h x w

Most melaleucas can withstand wet to dry soils once established and

make excellent windbreaks. Most have bottlebrush type flowers and

papery bark.

w W armillaris Fine cream brushes. Bushy. Fast growingwindbreak. 4mx4m

w W armillaris dwarf Tough rounded shrub. Best for sunny spots 1mx1m

bracteata ‘Green Form’ Good hybrid, bright green foliage. White flowers. 5mx3m

w W diosmifolia Lime green brushes, excellent specimen for an exposed site. 2mx2m

w W ericifolia Papery bark, white flowers. IND 5mx3m

w ‘Golden Gem’ Beautiful rockery subject. Golden fol. Yellow. 1mx1m

w W hypericifolia Salmon flowers most of the year. 2mx2m

w W hypericifolia dwarf Dwarf form. Ideal rockery plant. 0.5mx3m

w W incana Lovely green weeping foliage. Yellow brushes Su 2mx1.5

w W incana dwarf Compact shrub. Grey weeping habit. 1mx1.5

w W lanceolata ‘Moonah’ Long lived.Tolerant of dry conditions. White brushes. IND 5mx4m

w laterita Bright orange brushes Su 3mx2m

w W linarifolia ‘Snow in Summer.’ Masses of white flowers Su 6mx4m

w W nesophilla Pink pom poms Su 4mx3m

w W nesophilla dwarf As above. Dwarf form. 1.5mx1.5m

w W squarrossa Scented yellow brushes. IND 5mx4m

w W styphelioides Pyramid shaped handsome tree. Cream flowers Sp 5mx4m

w W squamea Masses of pink flowers Sp Needs some moisture. 3mx3m

w W thymifolia Mauve brushes Sp/Su 1mx1m

w W ‘Velvet Cushion’ Superb silvery fol. Excel. Rockery plant. 1mx1m

Handy hint: Use tall plants at the back, if in a boarder, or

centre if in an island plantation with plants

reducing in size towards the edges. Use of

ground covers and small shrubs will relate tall

and medium shrubs to ground level and reduce

the need for weeding.


W floribundum Unique pendulous fol. Masses of white

fl. Su Tip prune yearly. Semi shade. 2mx3m

w W insulare Hardy, fast bushy shrub. Fire resistant.

White flowers. IND 4mx3m

w W parvifolium Fast thick cover.

White/pink fl. Su W Prostrate


cunninghamii ‘Myrtle Beech’ Bronze new growth. 10mx4m

Austplant Native Plant Nursery Catalogue

kunzea (bird attractor) h x w

w ambigua White flowers Sp 2mx2m

w ambigua White flowers Sp Prostrate

w W baxteri Brilliant scarlet/gold brushes. 2mx2m

ericoides Burgundy foliage. Masses of white fl. Su 3mx2m

lagunaria (syn fugosa)

w W patersoni Large pink fl. Shapely pyramid tree. 7mx4m


biloba Brilliant blue flowers. W Sp Tip prune, plant in warm, well drained soil. 0.2m

formosa Red flowers for long periods. Prostrate

leptospermum Tea-Tree (bird attractor)

Adaptable plants tolerating wet/dry soils. Most are Spring flowering

and the seed pods attract parrots and rosellas.

‘Burgundy Queen’ Pink flowers, burgundy foliage. 2mx1.5m

w flavescens ‘Caldwell’ Superb weeping soft green fol. White flowers Sp 1mx1m

‘Copper Glow’ Ideal fence screening. White flowers. 3mx2m

W ‘Copper Sheen’ Burgundy fol. Large white flowers. 0.5mx1.5m

w W horizontalis Low, wide-spreading weeping.

White flowers Su 0.5mx1m

W lanigerum Soft weeping grey foliage. IND 4mx3m

‘Lavender Queen’ Large lavender flowers Sp 1mx1m

w W lavigatum ‘Coastal Tea-Tree.’ Hardy dry tolerant. White flowers Sp 4mx3m

w ‘Little Buns’ Excl. hybrid. Neat border or rockery plant. White fl. W Sp 0.5mx1m

w petersonii ‘Lemon Scented’ Bronze tips, white flowers. 4mx3m

‘Pink Cascade’ Long flowering in pink. Tip prune. 1mx1.5m

rotundifolium See ‘Lavender Queen’

scoparium nanum Burgundy foliage, red fl.W Sp Needs some moisture. 0.3m

‘Silver Fantasy’ Lovely silvery foliage, weeping habit. Pink flowers W Sp 2mx1.5m

Handy hint: Mulch under thick plantings. This will reduce

the area where leaves can drop on the lawn

and also minimise the need for weeding.

leucophyta Salt Bush (syn calocephalus) h x w

w W brownii Rounded silver fol. Drought lime and salt tol. Sunny spot. IND 0.7m

w W parviflorus Lime and salt tol. Sunny spot. IND 0.7m


confertifolia Ideal for borders, rockeries. Cream fl. Sun or semi shade. Tufting plant. 0.3m

w W longifolia As above. IND 1mx1m


confertus ‘Queensland Box’ Majestic thick tree with glossy foliage. Cream flowers. 8mx4m

Page 12: catalogue - Austplant Nursery · more flowers. All ‘daisy’ plants need a hair-cut after flowering to prolong life and keep a vigorous habit. Handy hint: Tip prune most of your

�� Austplant Native Plant Nursery Catalogue ��

prostanthera Native Mint Bush h x w

Highly perfumed foliage and hosting a profusion of flowers mostly in

Spring, these plants make a quick attractive screen for semi-shaded

areas. Tip prune or use as a cut flower. Good drainage necessary.

W baxteri var sericea Silver fol. Mauve flowers Su 1.5m

cuneata ‘Alpine Mint.’ Low, compact rockery plant. White flowers. 0.5m

W incisa rosea Superb mauve flowers Sp 2mx1.5m

lasianthos Tall shrub. Lush looking masses of white flowers Su IND 6mx3m

lasianthos dwarf As above but smaller. 2mx1.5m

w W ovalifolia Purple flowers Sp 3mx2m

w W ovalifolia dwarf As above but dense. Sun to semi shade. 2mx2m

poorinda ‘Ballerina’ Masses of white fl. Sp Excel. plant. 1.5m

mellissifolia Pale pink flowers Sp 2mx2m

W rotundifolia Profusion lilac flowers Sp 1.5m

W seiberi Dainty fol. Mauve flowers Sp 2mx3m

pultenaea Bush Pea

Known as ‘Egg and Bacon’ these shrubs are well suited to under

canopy areas where it is well drained, if not dry.

capitellata Greyish foliage. Yellow flowers Sp

Thick habit. Prostrate

pendunculata Tight matting dark green foliage.

Orange flowers. Prostrate


tetraphyllus ‘Tassel Cord Rush.’ Superb rush for moist soil or tub. Ideal for softening ponds etc. IND 1.5m

w W baccata Pink/green foliage. Pink flowers. IND 0.5m

rhodanthe syn helipterum

anthemoides Superb rockery plant. White everlastin daisies W Sp Prune after flowering. Prostrate

scaevola Fan Flowers Excellent long flowering, fast growing ground covers. Most

prefer full sun/semi-shade and a moist well drained soil. Ideal

for hanging baskets.

w aemula Vigorous showy mauve fl. most of year. Prostrate

w W albida Dry tolerant. White flowers. IND Prostrate

w W ‘Mauve Clusters’ Stunning mauve fan flowers much of the year. Prostrate

striata Lge purple/yel. fl. Suckering habit. Prostrate


biflorus Moss looking carpeting plant for sunny, moist spots. Excellent landscaping plant

for near rocks. Prostrate.


oborcordatum Fine fol. White flowers. Prostrate

parvifolium ‘Dusty Miller.’ Superb blue new growth. Prostrate

Austplant Native Plant Nursery Catalogue

olearia h x w

w W axillaris Good coastal daisy. IND 1mx1m

w W glutinosa Fast growing. White flowers. IND 1mx1m

w phlogopappa ‘Otway Daisy’ White/mauve daisies. 2mx2m


w W multiflorus Tough plant with strappy leaves. Bright blue flowers. Sp 1mx1m


w W diosmifolius White fl. much of the year. Good cut and container shrub. 1mx1m


Vigorous climbers tolerating sunny to shady positions. Moist but well

drained soils are best.

pandorana Cream/purple fllowers Sp Climber

jasminoides ‘Bower of Beauty’ Large pink fl. Sp Su Au Climber

‘Lady Di’ Large white fl. much of the year. Climber

‘Golden Showers’ Profusion of gold flowers Sp Climber


w longiscarpa ‘Purple Flag.’ Iris flowers. IND 0.5m


w W australis Red/white flowers W Sp Perrinial. Often sets seed and appears elsewhere. IND 0.5m


W alopecuroides Beautiful grass with mauve plumes. Can tolerate wet spots. Flowers Su 1mx1m


pinifolia Soft arching branches. Gold flowers Sp Su 3mx2m


lamprophyllum Bushy white flowers Su 2mx2m

squamulosum Lemon flower heads Su 1.5m


w W ‘Bon Pettite’ Bright pink flowers Sp 1mx1m

w W ferruginea Prefers sunny spot. Pale pink fl. Sp 1mx1m


w W argentatus Extremely fast, soft grey fol. shrub. Ideal for covering weedy banks where someheight is req. Sun/shade. Liliac flowers Sp 1mx2m


fawcettiae ‘Snow Grass’ Attractive blue foliage. Sun to semi-shade 0.4mx0.5m

w W labillardieri Hardy tussock grass. Moist or dry soils. 1mx1m

w W poiformis syn australis ‘Blue Tussock Grass’ IND 0.5m


puberula Tight matting, blue and white flowers Su Moist. Sun/shade Prostrate

Page 13: catalogue - Austplant Nursery · more flowers. All ‘daisy’ plants need a hair-cut after flowering to prolong life and keep a vigorous habit. Handy hint: Tip prune most of your

�� Austplant Native Plant Nursery Catalogue ��

viola h x w

W hederacea ‘Native Violet.’ Suit fernery. Fast cover for moist soils. Violet flowers all year. Sun or shade. IND Prostrate


stricta Double blue flowers on suckering habit. Sun to semi shade. Eye catching. IND 0.2m

westringia Native Rosemary

w W futicosa Hardy drought tol.compact shrub with white fl. Sp Su Sun to semi shade. 2mx2m

w W futicosa prostrate Good ground cover, white flowers. Prostrate

glabra Lilac flowers Sp Tolerates shade. 2mx2m

w W ‘Jervis Gem’ Neat compact hybrid. A good border plant. Lilac flowers Au—Sp 1mx1m

longifolia syn linifolia Masses of mauve flowers Sun or shade. W Sp 2mx1.5m

w W rosmarinifolia White flowering form. 2mx2m

w W rosmarinifolia varigata Compact shrub. White or lilac flowers and varigated foliage. 2mx2m

w W ‘Wynyabbie Gem’ Masses of lilac flowers most of the year. Sun to light shade. Tip prune for more flowers Sp 2mx1.5m

Handy hint: Create a screen with shrubs instead of a fence.

The result will help combat noise while providing

a more spacious appearance and will visually

enhance your property.

xanthorrhoea Grass Tree

australis resinosa Occasionally available. Slow growth but superb fol. Ideal for tubs near pools. 1-2m


cytisoides Pretty, grey foliage, pink flowers. Good drainage. Sun/shade. 1mx1m


A selection of tree ferns are available from our fernery building. All

tree ferns supplied are registed to ensure sustainable collection and

compliance with government regulations.

Austplant Native Plant Nursery Catalogue

syzyglum Lilly Pilly h x w

Lilly Pilly Dense glossy green leaves, white flowers followed

by pink perries. Sun to shade. Showy 8m

Dwarf Many dwarf forms. Ideal hedges or pot plants. 1m

telopea Waratah

Superb flowering plants attracting many nectar feeding birds. Need

deep loamy soil and benefit from mulching. Tip prune annually to

encourage many more flower heads.

‘Shady Lady Red’ Huge red flowers on long stems. Excellent cut flower. Sp 3mx2m

‘Shady Lady Pink’ Excel. hybrid with large deep pink flowers in Spring. Easy to grow in sun or semi-shade. Benefits from some Summer moisture. Tip prune to encourage many more flowers which are superb in arrangements. 3mx1.5m


w W retusa Bushy attractive screen plant. Well drained. Red pea flowers W 2mx2m


W ciliata Semi shade best. Magenta bells Sp IND 30cm


w W implexicoma ‘Bower Spinach’ Vigorous ground cover. 4m diameter. Sun or shade. IND Prostrate


foliosa Excellent rockery plant. Dainty foliage with pink flowers Sp 0.5m

pygmaea Superb rockery/tub plant. Pink papery flowers in profusion. Sp 0.5m

rhynchocarpa Beautiful fol. Shrub. Pink bells W Sp 0.5x2m


Good garden plants and for cut flowers, requiring good drainage and

some sunshine. Tip pruning promotes bushy new growth. Cluster

planting of these plants looks very effective.

W calycina White flowers Sp 2mx1m

w W saxicola ‘Payne Hybrid’ Masses of pink flowers. Pendulous habit. W Sp 1mx1m

‘Super Nova’ White flowers Su 1mx1m

Handy hint: Repeat the use of some species especially

trees to give your garden continuity. If you

are lucky to have natural vegetation, use it

to your best advantage.


multiflorus Lovely tufting plant. Superb mauve flowers Sp Su 25x30cm


chrysantha Bright yellow flowers. 0.5m

plumosa Pink pom poms Well drained spot.Sp Su 0.5m

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�0 Austplant Native Plant Nursery Catalogue


Illustrated below are a number of windbreak options using both two

and three row planting. An effective, attractive windbreak is an asset

to any property to minimise soil errosion and provides habitat for

birds and animals.

a. Two row shrub windbreak

b. Two row shrub and tree windbreak

c. Three row design using 3/4 shrubs, 1/4 trees













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