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  • 8/19/2019 Case Study Group 5



    Machines aren’t supposed to break, and mechanical components such as shafts, fasteners, and

    structures aren’t supposed to fail. But when they do fail, they can tell us exactly why.

    It may sound a little far-fetched, but experts say that the causes for more than 90 of all plant

    failures can be detected with a careful physical examination usin! low power ma!nification

    and some basic physical testin!. Inspection of the failure will show the forces in"ol"ed,

    whether the load applied cyclically or was sin!le o"erload, the direction of the critical load,

    and the influence of outside forces such as residual stresses or corrosion. #hen, accurately

    knowin! the physical roots of the failure, you can pursue both the human errors and the latent

    causes of these physical roots.


    Before explainin! how to dia!nose a failure, we should review the effects of stress on a

    part. $hen a load is put on a part, it distorts. In a sound desi!n the load isn’t excessi"e, the

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    stress doesn’t exceed the %yield point%, and the part deforms elastically, i.e., when the load is

    released the part returns to its ori!inal shape. #his is shown in  Figure 1, a %stress-strain%

    dia!ram that shows the relationship between loads and deformation.

    In a good design, the part operates in the eastic range! the area "etween the origin and

    the #ied strength! the part wi "e per$anent# defor$ed. &"en !reater increases in oad

    wi ca%se the part to act%a# "rea&.

     Figure 1 illustrates a "ery basic point of desi!n, and applies when the load on a part is

    relati"ely constant, such as the load on the frame of a buildin! or the stress in the le!s of your 

    desk. It is a "ery different case when f%ct%ating oads are appied! such as those in a

    hydraulic cylinder or in an automoti"e connectin! rod. These f%ct%ating oads are caedfatig%e oads! and when the fatig%e strength is e'ceeded! a crac& can deveop. #his

    fati!ue crack can slowly work its way across a part until a fract%re occ%rs. '(orrosion can

    !reatly affect the fati!ue stren!th).

     Figure 1

    (achine co$ponents can fract%re fro$ either a singe overoad force or fro$ fatig%e

    forces. *ookin! at the failure face will tell which of these was in"ol"ed. + singe overoad

    can res%t in either a d%ctie fract%re or a "ritte fract%re.


    + %ductile failure% is one where there is a great dea of distortion of the failed part.

    (ommonly, a ductile part fails when it distorts and can no lon!er carry the needed load, like

    an o"erloaded steel coat han!er. owe"er, so$e d%ctie parts "rea& into two pieces and

    can "e identified "eca%se there is a great dea of distortion aro%nd the fract%re face!  

    similar to what would happen if you tried to put too much load on a low carbon steel bolt.

    #he term %brittle fracture% is used when a part is o"erloaded and "rea&s with no visi"edistortion. #his can happen because the material is "ery brittle, such as !ray cast iron or

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    hardened steel, or when a oad is appied e'tre$e# rapid# to a nor$a# d%ctie part. +

    se"ere shock load on the most ductile piece can cause it to fract%re i&e gass.

    +n important point about failures is that the way the load is applied, i.e., the direction and the

    type, can be dia!nosed by lookin! at the failure face. + crack will always !row perpendicular

    to the plane of maximum stress. Below we show examples of the difference in appearance

     between ductile o"erload and brittle o"erload failures.

     Figure 2

    rom the examples abo"e in Figure 2, we know we can oo& at an overoad fai%re and

    &nowing the t#pe of $ateria! te the direction of the forces that ca%sed the fai%re. 

    (ommon industrial materials that are ductile include most aluminum and copper alloys, steels

    and stainless steels that are not hardened, most non-ferrous metals, and many plastics. Brittle

    materials include cast irons, hardened steel parts, hi!h stren!th alloyed non-ferrous metals,

    ceramics, and !lass.

    ne note of caution is that the type of fracture, ductile or brittle, should be compared with the

    nature of the material. #here are some instances where brittle fractures appear in normally

    ductile materials. #his indicates that either the load was applied "ery rapidly or some chan!e

    has occurred in the material, such as low temperature embrittlement, and the material is no

    lon!er ductile. +n example of this was a low carbon steel clip used to hold a conduit in

     position in a refri!erated '-/0 ) warehouse. #he clip was made from a "ery ductile material,

    yet it failed in a brittle manner. #he in"esti!ation showed it had been hit by a hammer, a blow

    that would ha"e deformed it at normal temperatures.

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    In a brittle o"erload failure, separation of the two haves isn-t %ite instantaneo%s! "%t

    proceeds at a tre$endo%s rate! near# at the speed of so%nd in the $ateria.  #he crack

     be!ins at the point of maximum stress, then !rows across by clea"a!e of the indi"idual

    material !rains. ne of the results of this is that the direction of the fracture path is freuently

    indicated by che"ron marks that point toward the ori!in of the failure. Example 1 is a

     photo!raph of the input shaft of a reducer where the che"ron marks clearly point toward the

    failure ori!in, while Figure 3 is a sketch of the cross section of the wall of a ruptured 10ft.

    '2.3 m.) diameter "essel. In both cases, by tracin! the che"ron marks back to their ori!in, we

    knew exactly where to take samples to determine if there was a metallur!ical problem.

     4otice how theche"ron marks


     point toward the

    ori!in of the


     Example 1

     Figure 3


    5o far we’"e talked about the !ross o"erloads that can result in immediate, almost

    instantaneous, catastrophic failures. + "ery important distinction is that fatig%e crac&s ta&e

    ti$e to grow across a part. In a fati!ue failure, an incident of a problem can exceed the

    material’s fati!ue stren!th and initiate a crac& that wi not res%t in a catastrophic fai%re 

    for millions of cycles. $e ha"e seen fati!ue failures in 3100 rpm motor shafts that took less

    than 31 hours from installation to final fracture, about 670,000 cycles. *n the other hand!

    we have aso $onitored crac& growth in sow# rotating process e%ip$ent shafts that

    has ta&en $an# $onths and $ore than /0!000!000 c#ces to fai.

     Figure 4 shows a simple fati!ue crack with the different !rowth 8ones and the maor physical


    #he fatig%e 1one is t#pica# $%ch s$oother than the instantaneo%s 1one! which is

    %s%a# "ritte and cr#staine in appearance. 2rogression $ar&s are an indication that the

  • 8/19/2019 Case Study Group 5


    growth rate changed as the crack !rew across the shaft and don’t appear on many failure


     Figure 4

    #here are some complex mechanisms in"ol"ed in the initiation of a fati!ue crack and once

    the crack starts, it is almost impossible to stop because of the stress concentration at the tip.


    + stress concentration is a physical or metallur!ical condition that increases the local stress in

    the part by some factor. + !ood example is the shaft shown in i!ure /. $e see that the stress

    in the area of the radius "aries dependin! on the si8e of the radius. + small radius canincrease the stress dramatically.

     Figure 5

    5tress concentrations, indicated by the symbol :t, can be caused by chan!es in metallur!y,

    internal defects, or chan!es in shape. #here is extensi"e data that indicates that the resultant

    "alues depends on both the type of stress, i.e., bendin!, torsion, etc., and the !eneral shape of

    the part.

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    5tress concentrations ha"e a !reat effect on crack initiation because of their effect on

    increasin! the local stress. #he crack can start solely as the effect of the operatin! loads or it

    can be multiplied by the stress concentration factor.

    3HAT T42E *, )*AD 3AS IT5

    #he face of a fatig%e fai%re tes %s "oth the t#pe 6"ending! tension! torsion or a

    co$"ination7 and the $agnit%de of the oad. #o understand the type of load, look at the

    direction of crac& propagation. It is always !oin! to be perpendicular to the plane of

    maximum stress. #he four examples in Figure 6  reflects four common fracture paths.

     Figure 6 

     Figure 6  brin!s up the uestion %what type of bendin!;% $as it one-way plane bendin!, like a

    leaf sprin! or a di"in! board, or was it rotatin! bendin!, such as a motor shaft with a hea"y

     belt load; +s seen in Figure 7 , lookin! at the fracture face a!ain tells us the type of load.

     4otice that %rotatin! load% on the ri!ht causes the crack to !row in a non-uniform manner. In

    !eneral, when the di"ider of the instantaneous 8one does not point to the ori!in, it shows

    there was a rotatin! bendin! in"ol"ed in the failure cause.

     Figure 7 

  • 8/19/2019 Case Study Group 5


    H*3 HEA+I)4 3AS IT )*ADED5

    ati!ue failures almost always start on the outside of a shaft at a stress concentration, because

    the local stress is increased. owe"er, the instantaneous 8one 'I

  • 8/19/2019 Case Study Group 5


    #he small instantaneous 8one indicates the stress at the time when the shaft finally broke was

    low, but the multiple ori!ins and the ratchet marks show us there was enou!h stress to cause

    crackin! at many points around the perimeter almost simultaneously.

    rom this you can conclude that there must ha"e been a si!nificant stress concentration. '#he

    calculated stress concentration was in the ran!e of =.0, so the stress in the area of those

    ori!ins was four times as much as it should ha"e been.)

    $ith this information on the type of load and the ma!nitude of the load, we can start lookin!

    at some failures and dia!nosin! where they came from. ollowin! are some examples of

    failures and an explanation of their causes.

     Figure 10.

    + torsional fati!ue failure resultin! from a

    loose hub fit. 4ote the se"ere frettin! 'from

    looseness) and the cracked shaft.

     Figure 11.

    + rotatin! bendin! fati!ue failure from a

    motor shaft. 4otice the small instantaneous

    8one that shows the shaft was li!htly loaded

    at the time of failure.

     Figure 12.

    By tracin! the pro!ression marks backward,


    Impressi"e brittle fracture of a lar!e uni"ersal

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    we can see the failure started at the corner of 

    the keyway. But, the instantaneous 8one is

    tiny. #his indicates the shaft was "ery li!htly

    loaded at the time of failure and further 

    research is needed.

     oint. #he che"ron marks point to where the

    failure started. #he fact that the surface has

    uniform rou!hness tells us that this was an

    instantaneous failure.

     Figure 14.

    + testimony to an inept repair. #he weld

    repair of the shaft should ne"er ha"e been

    attempted. #he four !ross weld flaws

    initiated fati!ue crackin! of a "ery hea"ily

    loaded shaft.

     Figure 15.

    #ypical rotatin! bendin! failure. Moderate

    si8ed instantaneous 8one. >otatin! bendin!

    failure ori!ins surround the shaft.

     Figure 16.

    ?!ly plain bendin! failure.



  • 8/19/2019 Case Study Group 5


    High Strength Stainess Stee 6/9:; 2H7

    3@-= A is a chromium-nickel !rade of stainless that may be hardened by a sin!le low

    temperature precipitation-hardenin! heat treatment. &xcellent mechanical properties at a hi!h

    stren!th le"el may be obtained by such treatment. 5calin! and distortion is minimi8ed. 3@-=

    A should not be used in the solution treated condition. #he stren!th and corrosion resistance

     properties of 3@-= hold up well is ser"ice temperatures up to 600 . abrication techniues

    for this steel is similar to those established for the re!ular stainless !rades. 3@-= machines

    well, has excellent weldin! characteristics, and for!es easily. #he combination of !ood

    mechanical and processin! properties makes this !rade adaptable to a wide ran!e of uses.



    Manganese (Mn)



    Chromiu m (Cr)

    Nickel (Ni)

    Copper (Cu)

    Phosphoru s (P)


    Sulfur (S)Max 

    0.07 1 1 165-17.5 3-5 3-5 0.04 0.3

    17-4 stain!ss "!n!#a$ %&n'(s t& ASTM A564 T$)! 630 AMS 5643




    Yield Strength


    Shear Strength


    Elongationin ! 


    + 'annealed) 150*000 110*000 10 40 34

    900 'hardened at900 )

    200*000 1+5*000 14 50 44

    33/0 'hardenedat 33/0 )

    145*000 125*000 1, 60 33

    T! a&/! /a!s a#! a/!#a"! an (a$ ! %&nsi!#! as #!)#!s!ntati/! &' 17-4 stain!ss


    3@-= is used where hi!h stren!th and !ood corrosion resistance are reuired, as well as for 

    applications reuirin! hi!h fati!ue stren!th, !ood resistance to !allin!, sei8in! and stress

    corrosion. 5uitable for intricate parts reuirin! extensi"e machinin! and weldin!, andCor 

    where distortion in con"entional heat treatment is a problem. #he corrosion resistance of 3@-=

    is superior to that of hardenable strai!ht chromium !rades such as =32. It approaches thecorrosion resistance of the non-ma!netic chromium-nickel !rades. (orrosion resistin!

  • 8/19/2019 Case Study Group 5


  • 8/19/2019 Case Study Group 5


    Aower transmission shaft is a "ital element of all rotatin! machinery. Eenerally, a

    shaft has a circular cross-section area, and may be hollow or solid. #he shaft is supported on

     bearin!s and it rotates a set of !ears or pulleys for the purpose of power transmission. It

    !enerally acted upon by bendin! moment, torsion as well as axial force. Desi!n of the shaft

     primarily in"ol"es the stresses at critical point in the shaft that is arisin! due to

    aforementioned loadin!.

    or a desi!n purpose as well as production, a few aspects need to be considered in

    order to produce a !ood shaft. *aconically, the desi!n of shaft based on two mechanical

     properties which are stren!th and stiffness. Desi!nin! a shaft based on stren!th is carried out

    so that stress at any location of the shaft should not exceed the yield stren!th of the material.

    +s for the stiffness, it depends on the allowable deflection and twist of the shaft.

    irst and foremost, the stren!th of a material plays an important role is desi!nin! a

    !ood shaft. Basically, the state of stress to be considered is caused by bendin! due to its

    wei!ht or load, axial loadin!, and also torue that bein! transmitted to the shaft. #hese three

     basic conditions are !i"en as followsF

    5IMA*& B&4DI4E

    (ase 3 considers simple bendin!. or a !i"en bendin! moment, M and nominal stress

    in bendin!, G b F

    σ b=  32 M 

    π d03(1−k 4)


    d0  F uter diameter of the shaft

    k    F >atio of inner to outer diameters of the shaft

    '   k =0  for a solid shaft because inner diameter is


  • 8/19/2019 Case Study Group 5


    +HI+* *+DI4E

    (ase 1 considers axial loadin!. or a !i"en axial force acted on the shaft, and

    nominal stress in axial force, Ga F

    σ a=  4 αF 

    π d02(1−k 2)


    d0  F uter diameter of the shaft

    k    F >atio of inner to outer diameters of the shaft

    '   k =0  for a solid shaft because inner diameter is


    α   F (olumn-action factor 

    '   α =1.0  for tensile load)

    #he term α   known as column action factor due to the phenomenon of bucklin! of

    lon! slender members which are acted upon by axial compressi"e loads where α   is

    defined as followsF

    3) or L

     K  115

    α =  σ  yc

    π 2nE (  L K )


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    : F least radius of !yration

    * F shaft len!th

    σ  yc  F yield stress 'compression)

    n F 3.0 for hin!ed 1.1/ for fixed point 3.2 for bearin!

    A?>& #>J?&

    (ase 7 considers pure torue. or a shaft transmittin! power, A0 at a rotational speed,

    n the transmitted torue, # can be found fromF

    τ  xy=  16T 

    π d03(1−k 4)


    τ  xy  F 5hear stress due to torsion

    d0  F uter diameter of the shaft

    k   F >atio of inner to outer diameters of the shaft

    '   k =0  for a solid shaft because inner diameter is


    (MBI4+#I4 B&4DI4E, +HI+* *+DI4E, +4D #>5I4

    (ase = considers combined bendin!, axial loadin!, as well as the torsion on a circular

    shaft. 5ince both bendin! and axial stresses are normal stress, so the net normal stress

    is !i"en byF

    σ  x=  32 M 

    π d03

    (1−k 4


    +  4 αF 

    π d02

    (1−k 2


  • 8/19/2019 Case Study Group 5


    #he net normal stress can be either positi"e or ne!ati"e. 4ormally, shear stress due to

    torsion is only considered in a shaft, and shear stress due to load on the shaft is

    ne!lected. Desi!n of the shaft mostly uses maximum shear stress theory. It states that

    a machine member fails when the maximum shear stress at a point exceeds the

    maximum allowable shear stress for the shaft material. #herefore,

    τ max=τ allowable=√(σ  x


    +τ  xy2

    5ubstitutin! the "alues ofσ  x  and Kxy in the abo"e euation will results to,

    τ allowable=  16

    π d0

    3(1−k 4) √( M +αF d

    0(1+k 2)


    +T 2

    #herefore, the shaft diameter can be calculated in terms of external loads and material

     properties. owe"er, the abo"e euation is further standardi8ed for steel shaftin! interms of allowable desi!n stress and load factors in +5M& desi!n code for shaft.

    #he shafts are normally acted upon by !radual and sudden loads. ence, the euation

    is modified in +5M& code by suitable load factors as followsF

    (C b M +αF d

    0(1+k 2)

    8  )


    +(¿¿ t T )2

    τ allowable=  16

    π d0

    3(1−k 4) √ ¿


    C b  F bendin! factor 

    C t   F torsion factor 

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    C b   C t 

    or stationary shaftF- *oad !radually applied

    - *oad suddenly applied


    3./ L 1.0


    3./ L 1.0

    or rotatin! shaftF

    - *oad !radually applied

    - *oad suddenly applied 'minor shock)

    - *oad suddenly applied 'hea"y shock)


    3./ L 1.0

    1.0 L 7.0


    3.0 L 3./

    3./ L 7.0

    +5M& code also su!!ests about the allowable desi!n stress, Kallowable

    to be considered for 

    steel shaftin!,

    +5M& (ode for commercial steel shaftin!


    // MAa for shaft without keyway


    =0 MAa for shaft with keyway

    +5M& (ode for steel purchased under definite specifications

  • 8/19/2019 Case Study Group 5



    70 of the yield stren!th but not o"er 36 of the ultimate stren!th in

    tension for shafts without keyways. #hese "alues are to be reduced by 1/ for the

     presence of keyways.


    • a#s !n/i#&n(!nta %&niti&ns !a t& !#&si&n* %#&si&n* !(#itt!(!nt.

    • Et#!(! !at %& %an a/! a a(a"in" !''!%t &n 'ati"! 'ai#! an

    'ati"! i'!.

    Protection Possibilities Checklist

    • #&/i! )#&t!%ti&n a"ainst %#&si&n.

    • M&nit !t#!(! '#!!nt %an"!s in &' &ain"* t!()!#at#! )#!ss#!. 

    C&&s! (at!#ias 8it '!8!# (is(at%!s &' t!#(a %&!''i%i!nts &' !)ansi&n

    ' (atin" )a#ts.

    • #&/i! )#&t!%ti&n a"ainst U i"t &t!# a#(' s&#%!s.

  • 8/19/2019 Case Study Group 5


    • T! nat#a '#!!n%$ &' t! st#%t#! (st sta$ a8a$ '#&( t! '#!!n%$ &'

    its 8in" !n/i#&n(!nt &ain". In%#!as! nat#a '#!!n%$ ' #!%ti&n &' 

    #!s&nan%! %#&si&n 'ati"!

    • Mini(i:! !i(inat! %$%i% st#!ss!s A &a &' ins''i%i!nt (a"nit! t& %as!

    'ai#! in a sin"! a))i%ati&n (a$ !a t& 'ai#! i' it is #!(&/! an #!a))i!

    #!)!at!$. L&n" a"&* !n"in!!#s is%&/!#! tat i' $& #!)!at!$ a))i! an

    t!n #!(&/! a n&(ina &a t& an '#&( a (!ta )a#t ;9n&8n as a

  • 8/19/2019 Case Study Group 5


  • 8/19/2019 Case Study Group 5


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