


Project: Falmer Railway Cutting, Brighton

Geological Survey and Remedial Options

Client: Edmund Nuttall Ltd

Following slope failures on a section of railway

cutting Up and Under Ltd were commissioned by

Edmund Nuttall Ltd to supervise a ground

investigation and topographical survey providing

design option reports for the remediation of the

cutting slope.

A full closure of the railway line below was needed

and all works were carried out to exacting Network

Rail standards.

The commission included:

• Geological desktop studies and site surveys

• Ground Investigations including:

• Environmental Walkthrough Survey

• Topographical Survey

• Borehole Investigations

• Standard Penetration Testing

• Window Sampling

• Dynamic Probing

• Trial Pit Investigations

• Laboratory Testing

Remedial options considered included:

• Slope Regrading

• Containment Walls

The Up and Under Group Tel: 01270 589615 Fax: 01270 589761

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