Page 1: CASE REPORT Open Access Surgery for gastric …CASE REPORT Open Access Surgery for gastric cancer in a patient with non-cirrhotic hyperammonemia: a case report Bo Liu†, Miao Yu†,


Liu et al. World Journal of Surgical Oncology (2015) 13:76 DOI 10.1186/s12957-015-0500-2


Surgery for gastric cancer in a patient withnon-cirrhotic hyperammonemia: a case reportBo Liu†, Miao Yu†, Yong-xi Song, Peng Gao, Hui-mian Xu and Zhen-ning Wang*


We report a case of gastric cancer in a patient with non-cirrhotic hyperammonemia secondary to a spontaneousportacaval shunt. The patient, a 69-year-old male, had more than 40 years of abdominal discomfort. On gastroscopy,2.0 × 1.5-cm irregular uplift ulcers were seen on the lesser curvature of the stomach, and tissue biopsy revealedpoorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. His hyperammonemia was found on celiac angiography to be due to theformation of a spontaneous portacaval shunt. Imaging revealed no evidence of cirrhosis or portal hypertension. Thepatient ultimately underwent a distal gastrectomy and gastroduodenal anastomosis; the spontaneous portacavalshunt was left untreated. Postoperatively, there were no short-term complications such as anastomotic leakage,stricture, or bleeding, and the patient’s blood ammonia level decreased to within the normal range. Radical gastrectomywithout splenectomy or closure of the abnormal shunt was feasible for the treatment of gastric cancer in a patient withnon-cirrhotic hyperammonemia.

Keywords: Spontaneous portacaval shunt, Gastric cancer, Hyperammonemia, Gastrectomy

BackgroundHyperammonemia is associated with high perioperativemorbidity and mortality in patients undergoing gastricsurgery. The operative indications are difficult to deter-mine for gastric cancer patients with hyperammonemia.We report a case of surgical treatment for gastric cancerin a patient with hyperammonemia.

Case presentationA 69-year-old man with a history of hyperammonemiapresented to the First Hospital of China Medical Univer-sity with more than 40 years of abdominal discomfort.This discomfort was described as having no regular pat-tern or relationship to diet and was slightly relieved byoral omeprazole. He underwent gastroscopy at a localhospital that revealed 2.0 × 1.5-cm irregular uplift ulcersin the lesser curvature of the stomach. The tissue wasfriable, bled easily, and had a dirty-moss appearance andsurrounding mucosal edema. And, peristalsis had notbeen present. Tissue biopsy revealed poorly differenti-ated adenocarcinoma.

* Correspondence: [email protected]†Equal contributorsDepartment of Surgical Oncology and General Surgery, First Hospital ofChina Medical University, 155 North Nanjing Street, Heping District,Shenyang City 110001, China

© 2015 Liu et al.; licensee BioMed Central. ThiAttribution License (http://creativecommons.oreproduction in any medium, provided the orDedication waiver (http://creativecommons.orunless otherwise stated.

His medical history included hypertension for 20 yearsand coronary heart disease for more than 10 years. Twoyears earlier, the patient had been diagnosed with aspontaneous portacaval shunt with recurrent headacheand an extremely elevated blood ammonia concentra-tion. He had no history of diabetes, chronic hepatitis, ortuberculosis and no surgical or trauma history.The patient was in good overall condition. His vital

signs were stable and his weight was stable. His skin andmucous membranes were not scleral icterus. He had noliver palms or spider angiomata. His abdomen was flatand symmetric, without peristaltic wave, or caput medu-sae. He had normal bowel sounds without succussionsplash or vascular murmur and no abdominal tendernessor rebound tenderness. No mass was palpated in theliver or spleen. There was no shifting dullness.Laboratory examination demonstrated no anemia and

a carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA 19-9) of 55.73 U/mL(reference range 0 to 27 U/mL). The patient’s blood am-monia concentration was 123 μmol/L, which was signifi-cantly higher than the upper limit of normal (referencerange 9 to 33 μmol/L). Other laboratory values werewithin the normal range.Enhanced three-dimensional computed tomography

(3D-CT) showed gastric wall thickening, an uneven

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Page 2: CASE REPORT Open Access Surgery for gastric …CASE REPORT Open Access Surgery for gastric cancer in a patient with non-cirrhotic hyperammonemia: a case report Bo Liu†, Miao Yu†,

Liu et al. World Journal of Surgical Oncology (2015) 13:76 Page 2 of 4

mucosal surface, and ulcer formation at the gastricangle. There were clear boundaries between thickenedand normal areas of the gastric wall. The gastric serosalsurface was smooth. Unenhanced CT scan demonstrateda thickened parietal layer with a value of about 36Hounsfield units, which increased after enhancement.There was no lymph node enlargement in the peri-gastric or peri-aortic areas, including the posterior ab-dominal wall and inferior vena cava, and no abnormalsoft tissue density in the peritoneum, omentum, or mes-entery. On unenhanced CT, multiple round hypodensi-ties were seen in the liver. Color Doppler ultrasound didnot demonstrate any abnormalities in the gallbladder,spleen, or pancreas. Abdominal aortic CT showed thatthe walls of the abdominal aorta, bilateral common iliacarteries, and bilateral internal iliac arteries were notsmooth, and multiple punctate calcifications were seenin the local vascular walls. There was no significant lu-minal narrowing. The celiac trunk and branches of thesuperior mesenteric artery, bilateral renal arteries, andsuperior mesenteric arteries were normal (Figure 1).After discussion in the surgical oncology department,

the patient underwent celiac angiography. During theprocedure, we observed an abnormal communication of

Figure 1 Abdominal aortic CT. (A) Abdominal aorta. (B) Rightcommon iliac artery. (C) Left common iliac artery. (D) Right internaliliac artery. (E) Left internal iliac artery. (F) Right external iliac artery.(G) Left external iliac artery. (H) Right renal artery. (I) Left renal artery.

the superior mesenteric vein with the spermatic vein,which demonstrated compensatory enlargement and anabnormal shunt direction from the portal vein to the su-perior mesenteric vein, spermatic vein, left renal vein,and inferior vena cava. After successful puncture of theright femoral vein using Seldinger technique, a super-smooth guidewire with a Cobra tip (Terumo Interven-tional Systems, Somerset, NJ, USA) was advanced to theleft renal vein, then into the portal vein via the abnormalshunt. Portal vein and superior mesenteric vein angiog-raphy was performed using a high-pressure syringe, withsmooth delivery of contrast agent. No clear stenosis wasseen (Figure 2). Therefore, this abnormal shunt was con-sidered congenital condition and no treatment. The pa-tient was given lactulose 10 g orally twice a day andornithine aspartate 15 g intravenous infusion once a day,for 7 days prior to surgery to reduce blood ammonia. Healso received two water enemas the night before theoperation.At a multidisciplinary meeting, we discussed performing

interventional embolization of the shunt if ammonia con-tinued to be elevated after gastrectomy in this elderly pa-tient with normal liver function and no cirrhosis. Thepatient underwent radical subtotal resection of the distalstomach under general anesthesia without splenectomy orclosure of the abnormal shunt. Intraoperative exploration

Figure 2 Celiac angiography. (A) Inferior vena cava. (B) Left renalvein. (C) Spermatic vein. (D) Superior mesenteric vein. (E) Portal vein.

Page 3: CASE REPORT Open Access Surgery for gastric …CASE REPORT Open Access Surgery for gastric cancer in a patient with non-cirrhotic hyperammonemia: a case report Bo Liu†, Miao Yu†,

Liu et al. World Journal of Surgical Oncology (2015) 13:76 Page 3 of 4

revealed a lesion in the lesser curvature of the gastricbody. Postoperative pathology revealed a 3.5 × 3 × 1.5-cmmain focus located primarily in the lesser curvature of thegastric body. General classification: Borrmann III; histo-logical type: poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma and sig-net ring-cell carcinoma; infiltration depth: subepithelial;growth pattern: diffuse growth; vein thrombosis: none;lymphatic invasion: none; residual stump: none; lymphnode metastases: none (0/18). The patient recovered wellpostoperatively. Blood ammonia was well controlled andwithin the normal range (Figure 3). The patient was dis-charged on postoperative day 12. At 3-month follow-up,no abnormalities were seen on physical or laboratoryexamination. In particular, blood ammonia concentrationcontinued to be within the normal range.

DiscussionGastric cancer is one of the most common gastrointes-tinal cancers worldwide, with a high incidence andcancer-related mortality [1]; radical gastrectomy remainsthe primary cure [2]. Not only hyperammonemia is com-monly found in patients with liver failure because of thereduced ability of the liver to synthesize urea, but it isalso seen in patients with portosystemic branch circula-tion, in which increases in intestinal ammonia have directaccess to the systemic circulation, thus elevating bloodammonia. Encephalopathy, including recurrent headache,acute mental status changes, asterixis, tremor, and con-sciousness, is the main complication of the hyperammone-mia in patients with and without liver cirrhosis [3]. We

Figure 3 Blood ammonia value changed during hospitalization. The bthe hospital. And, it was delined from 100 to 27 μmol/L during the operation

have reported the case of a 69-year-old man with gastriccancer and non-cirrhotic hyperammonemia.To prevent encephalopathy and reduce perioperative

risks during radical gastrectomy, it is important to deter-mine the etiology of the hyperammonemia preopera-tively. Ultrasonography was shown to be a reliable andnoninvasive diagnostic method in 90 dogs with hyper-ammonemia [4]. Ubara et al. reported the use of colorDoppler ultrasonography, in a hyperammonemic patientwithout liver function abnormalities, to identify a largeshunt between the left gastric vein and left renal veinleading to portal flow entering the systemic circulationvia the renal vein [5]. However, color Doppler ultrason-ography of our patient demonstrated a portal systemwithout expansion and revealed no abnormal shunt. Ul-timately, percutaneous angiography revealed an unusualdiversion that was the most likely cause of elevatedblood ammonia.Following radical gastrectomy, the patient’s blood am-

monia decreased significantly to within the normalrange, where it remained at 3-month follow-up. We be-lieve this supports the effect of gastric cancer on bloodammonia levels in our patient without cirrhosis; how-ever, this will require further study.After clarifying the source of hyperammonemia, ap-

propriate treatment may not only help control bloodammonia to prevent hepatic encephalopathy but alsocould reduce perioperative risk and extend the lives ofpatients with gastric cancer. Takeda et al. reported spon-taneous portacaval shunts in two patients with gastric

lood ammonia value was 123 μmol/L when the patient admitted to. And, it had a one-time increase postoperative, and then it was normal.

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Liu et al. World Journal of Surgical Oncology (2015) 13:76 Page 4 of 4

cancer and hepatic cirrhosis; one underwent a proximalgastrectomy and end-to-side esophagogastrostomy withsplenectomy, including the closure of the shunt, and theother underwent a distal gastrectomy with devasculari-zation around the gastric cardia, including splenectomy,with preservation of the short gastric vessels [6]. In an-other report, a 61-year-old woman with gastric cancerand a large-caliber portohepatic venous shunt under-went left lateral hepatic segmentectomy and subtotalgastrectomy with splenectomy [7]. Fenves et al. reportedon five women with no history of liver disease who de-veloped fatal hyperammonemic encephalopathy afterRoux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery [8]. Our patient alsounderwent a distal gastrectomy and gastroduodenalanastomosis (Billroth I procedure); however, we did notperform a splenectomy or specific treatment for thespontaneous portacaval shunt. While the patient had nohistory of cirrhosis or portal hypertension, this abnormalshunt could have been addressed with interventionalembolization if the hyperammonemia had persisted aftergastric resection. Although the patient had an abnormalshunt, the gastric structure was normal. After the gas-trectomy, there were no short-term complications ofanastomotic leakage, stricture, or bleeding, and bloodammonia remained within the normal range, except fortransient increases before the defecation. We believe thismay be a feasible surgical approach in these patients.Postoperative treatment continues to be important for

gastric cancer patients with hyperammonemia. The pa-tient may develop distant metastases postoperatively ifthe patient has portal vein metastasis and thrombosis,which may aggravate hyperammonemia and induce en-cephalopathy [9]; however, postoperative chemotherapyshould not include 5-fluorouracil for these patients. Anumber of studies have shown that patients with ad-vanced gastric cancer who received 5-fluorouracil-basedchemotherapy may develop with mild toxicity, includinghyperammonemia, which may result in hyperammonemia-related death [10-13]. Subsequent treatment must there-fore be undertaken with caution.

ConclusionsThe most important factor affecting the prognosis for ahyperammonemia in patients with gastric cancer withouthepatic cirrhosis is a definitive preoperative diagnosis. It isalso important to determine which type of operationshould be performed and to use medications such as orallactulose and ornithine aspartate to lower blood ammoniain high-risk patients. Finally, gastrectomy without splenec-tomy or closure of the shunt is feasible.

ConsentThe patient signed an informed consent for the publica-tion of this report and any concomitant images.

AbbreviationsCA19-9: carbohydrate antigen 19-9; 3D-CT: Three-dimensional computedtomography; CT: Computed tomography.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Authors’ contributionsZ-nW conceived the idea for the manuscript. BL and MY conducted aliterature search and drafted the manuscript. Y-xS and PG participated in thedesign of the study. H-mX and Z-nW critically revised the manuscript. Allauthors read and approved the final manuscript.

AcknowledgementsWe thank Hui-mian Xu and Zhen-ning Wang for the conception and designand drafting the manuscript.

Received: 30 November 2014 Accepted: 1 February 2015

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