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ActingActing is something I love to

do. It is always amazing how you can get lost in a production by pretending to be someone else. No one can tell you that you are doing it wrong because it is your perspective of a character. I have been acting since I was about 4 years old. I have been in many shows including Grease, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, and a lot more. Someday I hope to get into Julliard School of Performing Arts for acting. There is nothing like having people clapping for you after a long show.

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Band When I was in 5th grade, I joined the Southeast Elementary School Band. We were all beginners and just started to learn. It was definitely a learning experience because I never wanted to play the guitar again. It showed me that I love playing the piano. I have been taking piano lessons since 3rd grade and I have sang What a Wonderful World with the jazz band at Sky View Middle School, and Fly Me To The Moon with the All City Jazz Band Camp over the Summer. It was such a fun experience and I hope to do it again!

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Carol Raymond My grandmother Carol

Raymond, or Mima, as our cousin say, has been a huge influence on my life. I am named after her, and she has taught me so many things. We have a lot of the same personality traits and my parents always say that is an amazing thing. When my cousins come over sometimes my grandmother and I will have little surprises that we planned to give them. She and I both love dogs and after her poodle Liza was put to sleep, we both wanted to get her another dog. My Grandmother is such a kind, caring, person, and I couldn’t life without her.

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Dad My Dad is one of the

kindest people I know. He supports my acting and singing and dancing. He wanted to send videos of my performances to Julliard School of preforming Arts. This is something that made me feel special because that is where I want to go to college. My dad and I have a bond that no one else does. We do crazy things together and always have a lot of fun.

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Elizabeth Raymond My mom is someone I could

never live without. She always supports me with acting, singing and dancing and always wants what is best for me. She knows I want to go to Julliard school for college and is trying to get me into a good High School. My mom and I have had a lot of fun too. We have gone Christmas shopping together and came out of the mall with a lot more than we expected. I always want to be nice to show her that I love her. Some of our family friends have lost their mothers and I want her to know that we love her and she does a lot for us.

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FamilyFamily is very important to me. I have 7 cousins on each side of my

family and love spending time with them. They always are fun and energetic and we find crazy things to do. Over the summer our lake house is full of cousins, family, and a lot of beach toys. We love having jumping contests and go water skiing. Over Christmas break we went to go see Blue Man Group in Boston. It was the coolest concert and my younger cousins and I couldn’t stop singing the songs. We even made our own dance to go with it. My family is very important and I couldn’t live without them.

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Grease Grease was the first Middle

School Musical I got a lead part in. It was such a fun experience and I learned a lot about blocking and things I would have never learned without this experience and making more friends that all love doing the same thing as you is fantastic. You can never run out of things to talk about! My friends made a sign that said good luck sandy on it. They all signed it and it is one of my favorite things that I got from doing the show.

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Having a JobAfter the All City Musical I

got a call from a woman who owns a princess tea business. She wanted me to be her Snow White. I immediately said yes and now I love getting calls from her letting me know when my next “gig" will be. When you walk out and the little girls see you for the first time they all scream with delight and it makes you feel so special. I love my job and I someday hope to work at Disney World as Belle.

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My idols are my grand parents. These people have shown me that I can do anything I want and they will be proud of me, and always love me. They have always shown support of my acting and will continue to do so. It is always a joke that my grandparents will be in the front row seat in theater when I am on Broadway. They always make me laugh and I hope to be just like them when I grow up.

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Jonathan Jonathan is my little

brother. He is a lot of fun to be around and has the craziest ideas. He loves to play baseball and it is so fun to watch him hit a homerun. The crowd goes wild and my mom and dad are screaming with joy. We know he is happy because he is always smiling. He sometimes can get annoying, especially when he is with his friends. They have fun ideas, and my friends and I all try to have a good time together. Jonathan may be small but he is a lot of fun.

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Kaitlyn Smith Kaitlyn is my best friend. There is no one else like her in the whole world and that

is why we are so close. We fight sometimes, but it doesn’t last for long. We cant stay mad at each other because we miss all of the fun things we do. Kaitlyn and I have been in multiple shows together, and if we have free time, we watch the videos of old performances. We also share a lot of the same interests. Kaitlyn loves to sing, and play the piano, and so do I. since she is in a grade ahead of me, we don’t get to see each other as often as we used to. Even though we are neighbors, we love spending time with each other.

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Lake House My family owns a lake house

that we spend most of the summer at. It is never without food, beach toys and family. My favorite holiday that we spend at the lake house, is the forth of July. The whole family is there. Even from California, and Washington D.C. The badminton nets come out and we have a huge tournament that everyone joins in on. The best part of the night is the fireworks. My cousins and I sometimes go into the boat when it is dark and watch them. The array of colors, and watching the boats come by from parties is a memorable experience.

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MusicMusic is something my family plays all the time. Every family event we

go to has a musician, or a singer. The aunts and uncles love hearing the kids play. My Grandmother, Mimi, is the most talented piano player I know. She has influenced all 7 of her grandchildren, and now we all play the piano. I love to sing with the piano as my grandmother plays. At the mayors inauguration in January I sang God Bless America while my grandmother played the piano. My grandmother is such an inspiration. She has inspired the whole family to play the piano, as well as another instrument. I love my grandma!

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Nubble Light House Nubble Light House is a

Light House in York, Maine that my family and I love going to. They have tons of different flavors of ice-cream and have a delicious restaurant to eat at. My parents and grandparents would say that it is the best lobster in Maine. One of the best memories I have is at Nubble Lighthouse, and I can’t wait to go back in August.

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Olivia Wilson

Olivia Wilson is one of the most talented girls I know. She has been in multiple shows with me and every time I hear her I am amazed by her talent. She is a very kind, humble girl and is one of my best friends. I look up to her and I hope that she never looses her love for theater.

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The piano is my favorite instrument. I have been playing it since I was in 1st grade. I love how you can pretend that you are a famous composer. My Piano has settings that can play music for you so you can pretend that you are playing. My brother and I always try to impress people when they come over for dinner and start playing the piano. What they don’t know is that it is really the piano and not our fingers.

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QuoteOne of my favorite quotes is

there are no shortcuts to any

place worth going. This is irrelevant to me because I want to go to Julliard and so I have to work hard to get there. I couldn’t just arrive there and expect to be accepted. I have to work as much as I possibly can to get to this college. I also have to work hard in school. Learning something new is hard, and you cant skip it to get ahead. You wont be ahead of the other students. You will be behind. They will know something you don’t. it is always important to work hard, and remember that there are no shortcuts to anywhere worth going.

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Reading One of my favorite books I have read is What happened to Goodbye? By Sarah Dessen. When I was reading this book it made me realize that it is very hard to move to different schools and make new friends all the time. The character in this book, Eliza McClean, moves to a ton of different towns because of her dads job. Her parents got a divorce when she was a teenager and it was very hard on Eliza. She never wanted to talk to her mother again, and she didn’t have many friends to talk to, but made friends throughout this amazing book.

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Singing is something I love to do. Most of the time, singing makes me calm down if I'm upset. People always say that music makes them calm down but for me, its singing that does that. I always try to put emotion into my songs when I sing because it can show how you feel. It also can bring a musical together by adding songs.

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Teachers teachers are people who will help to

guide you in the right direction. When other students get mad at the teacher for making them do something, it doesn’t make sense to me. They are only trying not to get you in trouble. My teachers over the past few years have been great. I have had trouble with math and all of my teachers have helped me with them. So far my favorite teachers have been 4th grade, Miss Bahde and Miss Buss, my 7th grade team, and my 8th grade team. They have taught me so much, and I wish I could have them as teachers at the high school. My other favorite teachers are the Music teachers. They always give attention to everyone and make sure everyone is included.

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Universal Studios

Universal studios is one of the theme parks in Florida, California, Singapore, and Japan. They are a big rival to the theme park Disney. For an ELA project I picked Universal studios to research, and I am learning a lot if things I never would of learned otherwise. It is a huge company making movies, a theme park, a shopping plaza for locals in Florida, and multiple locations all over the world.

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Vacation I love to take Vacations with

my families. They are always so fun and they create memories that last forever. One of my favorite vacations Is when my whole family and I go to Maine for a week in the summer. Another favorite vacation of mine is going skiing with my mom’s side of the family. We always have tone of fun finding hidden trails and making more… then we go down the slope again and try to find them. It is always a challenge and that Is why It is so much fun.

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Winter is one of my favorite seasons. I love when you come in from outside and there is a warm cup of hot chocolate waiting for you on the table. I also love Christmas time. My cousins come from California, and the whole family opens gifts, eats a delicious dinner, and has a great time together. The untouched snow is so pretty when you first wake up on a cold winter morning after a snow storm.

This picture was taken next to the Doyle Estate in Leominster


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I have never had an x ray. People always say that they have had tons of x rays and that they have broken tons of bones, and I say that I have never gotten an x ray for a broken bone. They really scare me. The big machines that take pictures of the bones inside your body. It creeps me out. I hope to never have a broken bone, so I try to be safe when I am active.

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York Beach, Maine

York beach is one of my favorite “Vacation Destinations.” when my dad’s side of the family gets together, it is always a crazy party. 7 younger cousins are never settled down. There is always a game in progress, even at the beach. The nightly strolls and bike rides are the best part. We walk down to the beach and listen to the band play and dance around. Ice cream is always wanted and the parents have to give in.

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Zodiac SignMy birthday is March 29

1999, so my zodiac sign is Aries. The Aries Zodiac sign means the Ram. Aries is the first Zodiac Sign, and most Aries see themselves as first because of this. An Aries is a great leader, and they always want to start a project. But, they never really want to finish it. That is a quality I posses. I never feel like completing a project I assign to myself, like if I am painting a picture, or learning a new song on the piano.

This picture of the Aries sign describes me perfectly. I love the

music element that the two treble clefs add.

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