Page 1: Caring for the Swan Canning Riverpark Swan River Trust Alcoa Landcare Program 2013 Premier’s Awards Presentation Category - Managing the Environment

Caring for the Swan Canning Riverpark

Swan River Trust Alcoa Landcare Program

2013 Premier’s Awards PresentationCategory - Managing the Environment

Page 2: Caring for the Swan Canning Riverpark Swan River Trust Alcoa Landcare Program 2013 Premier’s Awards Presentation Category - Managing the Environment

Caring for the Swan Canning Riverpark

The Swan and Canning rivers

• A wonderful asset for all West Australians and visitors

• A system under pressure………………….

• The health of the river system is underpinned by maintaining and improving water quality throughout the catchment.

• 2,126 square kilometers, including the Avon River Basin it is

twice the size of Tasmania

Page 3: Caring for the Swan Canning Riverpark Swan River Trust Alcoa Landcare Program 2013 Premier’s Awards Presentation Category - Managing the Environment

Planting the seeds

• The Swan River Trust/Alcoa and Perth Region NRM responded by establishing the SALP program in 1998

• Innovative community based program using volunteers to deliver key weed control, revegetation and fencing projects

• Community led projects supported by local Governments• School based projects educating future generations

Page 4: Caring for the Swan Canning Riverpark Swan River Trust Alcoa Landcare Program 2013 Premier’s Awards Presentation Category - Managing the Environment

SALP conception and evolution

• Began with $250,000 in state government funding and $250,000 from Alcoa Australia

• Between 19 and 49 groups have received funding each year• 15 years of recognition and support• One of Australia’s longest running and successful landcare


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15 years of delivery to the Perth community –SALP diversity

Types of projects:

• Revegetation priority waterways • Bushland restoration• Dieback management• Installation of fencing• Weed control and removal• Management of feral pests

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Not sure if we need these funding amounts, of it its possible. Delete if not worth chasing down.
Page 7: Caring for the Swan Canning Riverpark Swan River Trust Alcoa Landcare Program 2013 Premier’s Awards Presentation Category - Managing the Environment

15 years of service to the Perth community –major projects

• Since 1998 SALP has attracted $6.5 million across 1000 projects.• Community groups have leveraged a further $6.5 million

resulting in $13 million of on-ground works • Provided funding for 200 community groups throughout the

Swan Canning Catchment

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Page 8: Caring for the Swan Canning Riverpark Swan River Trust Alcoa Landcare Program 2013 Premier’s Awards Presentation Category - Managing the Environment

Demonstrated excellence – a tripartite approach between Government, community and industry


Perth Region NRM • Community led incorporated community

organisation• Coordinating and delivering natural

resource management (NRM) in the Perth Region

• One of 54 regional NRM organisations throughout Australia

Alcoa Australia• Operations are the world’s largest

integrated bauxite mining, alumina refining, smelting and rolling system.

• Employee involvement programs in Landcare

• Rehabilitation credentials**

Page 9: Caring for the Swan Canning Riverpark Swan River Trust Alcoa Landcare Program 2013 Premier’s Awards Presentation Category - Managing the Environment

Leadership – empower the community to care for the Swan Canning Riverpark

SALP program harnesses and empowers community group and corporate volunteers. The program builds their capacity to actively manage local Swan Canning catchment areas.

Provides ongoing funding, resources and landcare management/best practice guidance to community groups. Helps community groups realise landcare projects that create ecological corridors.


Page 10: Caring for the Swan Canning Riverpark Swan River Trust Alcoa Landcare Program 2013 Premier’s Awards Presentation Category - Managing the Environment

Innovation – empower the community to care for the Swan Canning Riverpark


• Unique grants structure• Engages community groups throughout the

entire Swan Canning catchment

Engages local government, community and

local businesses on landcare projects


Page 11: Caring for the Swan Canning Riverpark Swan River Trust Alcoa Landcare Program 2013 Premier’s Awards Presentation Category - Managing the Environment

Efficient and responsible use of resources


• Advice is provided on best management practices• Community groups engage with

sub regional groups funded by the Trust

Resource sharing between community groups

and local government


Page 12: Caring for the Swan Canning Riverpark Swan River Trust Alcoa Landcare Program 2013 Premier’s Awards Presentation Category - Managing the Environment

Achievements and benefits

Environmental• Creates, rehabilitates and protects

habitat for native flora and fauna in an urban environment

• Provides ecological corridors between remnant bush and wetlands

• Large scale weed eradication and revegetation of 1763 hectares of degraded land

• Planted 2 million trees and spread 1200 tonnes of mulch

• Built and maintained 6000 kilometres of fencing

• Reduces phosphorus, nitrogen loads entering the river system

• Educates residents and industry on the use of native plants in their own garden

Page 13: Caring for the Swan Canning Riverpark Swan River Trust Alcoa Landcare Program 2013 Premier’s Awards Presentation Category - Managing the Environment

Achievements and benefits

Economic• Injected $12 million into the economy,

including leveraged funds• Contributed more than 155,000 volunteer

hours, worth about $3 million• Custodianship of local bush or wetland

reducing vandalism and dumping events • Creates career pathways for youth and

employs families, weed contractors etc..

Social• Maintains and creates bushland and

recreational areas attracting residents and providing space for the local community to engage

• Unites the community in a common goal to improve and protect ecological hot spots

• Provides a purpose and social forum for senior citizens to remain active

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Bannister Creek

• Trapezoidal drain into a living stream• Community engagement and career pathways• Demonstration site

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The Future

• The 2014 round has just closed with 34 applications requesting over $540,000

• Perth Region NRM will actively market the program seeking sponsorship from other Corporate Organisations to ensure security and a greater funding base

• Alcoa, Perth Region NRM and the Trust are committed to the program and will continue to deliver a community based grants program that provides flexibility and meets the real needs of onground projects

• Continue to review and evaluate to ensure that the program is effective, efficient and delivers responsible use of resources

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Accountability and continuous improvement

• Collaborative Arrangements and …Alcoa agreement• Community engagement in assessment process• Annual reporting and review of processes

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• Complex river system to manage• Innovative partnerships • Maximising limited funding• Multiple outcomes

Closing statements

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Q & AFor more information on the Swan River Trust Alcoa Landcare Program program:

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