
Career Development With

No Time & No $$$$Rita Jones and Susan

Coleman Orange Coast College

Creating Effective Career Development Programs

1. Provide an overview of why we need effective career development resources and strategies

2. Share resources that have been developed to implement effective career development strategies

3. Demonstrate career development activities

4. Gather feedback on “next steps”

The Critical Importance of Career Development

Most career decision-making is unintentional and uninformed.

• 10% of high school students say they have received meaningful career guidance at school.

Too few students see personal relevance to their studies.

• 28 percent of 12th-grade high school students believe that school work is meaningful.

• 21% believe that their courses are interesting; and• 39% believe that school work will have any bearing

on their success in later life. (National Center for Education Statistics and reported in The Condition of Education 2002)

• California has a 37% dropout rate from public school.

Research conducted shows that: • 65% of working adults do not believe

they are in the right job. (NCDA/Gallup 1999)

• 65% of 11th and 12th graders never had a one-on-one meeting with their school counselor to discuss post-secondary and career opportunities. (Source: Ferris State University, 2002)

Could there be a correlation?

The Critical Importance of Career Development…continued

Even though 70% of students plan for post-secondary education and 77% of parents want their children to go to college……


• 40% of students go to WORK after high school.

• 40% change programs or quit the first year of college.

• 20% of high school graduates go to a four-year college or university.

At Post-Secondary Level:

• 60% of high school graduates go to post-secondary by the age of 24 but what happens to them???

• 40% change programs or quit in the first year

• 50% NOT in jobs related to their major two years after graduation

Bottom Line

Only15% of studentsreach their goal.

Implications for Ongoing Education and Training

• One size does NOT fit all…Various Gateways…• Post-secondary education

• On-the-Job Training

• Workplace experience

• Internship or Apprenticeship

• Military Service

• Volunteer and Community Work

• Entrepreneurship

• Self-employment


Do You Know Any “NIKE’s” Like Cathy?

No Income Kid with an Education

There is a Need for a New Kind of Career Development

Changing Work DynamicWhat today’s youth will experience lifelong• Global competition made possible by rapidly

evolving technology

• Organizations continuously re-defining their missions and “right-sizing”

• Re-definition of jobs and work - up to 25 jobs in 5 different occupational sectors

• “Think things rather than do things”

• More opportunities than ever, often in “Cool Jobs” (Dog Walker)

• Only security lies in mastering career management skills

Paradigm Shift in Career Development and Planning

From To

From linear, destination-oriented model of:

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

Follow your HEART

• Who are you now?• What are your special assets/talents?• Who needs what you like to do?• What work environment do you want?• What are you passionate about• What skills do you need to manage your career?

From ToVocational Guidance: Helping people make informed


•Explore self (tests)•Explore occupations (information)•Match (Trait/Factor) and choose “best fit”•Develop education/training plan•Graduate and secure employment•Work hard, be secure, climb the ladder•Retire on pension

Helping people learn how to manage their lives

Help people learn the skills they will need — lifelong — to be self-reliant, resilient citizens, able to find work they love in times of constant workforce change and to maintain balance between work and their other life roles.

Paradigm Shift in Career Development and Planning (continued)

To be effective Career Managers,people need…

• Human Support (Fading Link)

• Information (Exploding Link)

• Career Management Skills (Missing Link)

Source: Phil Jarvis, Vice President

National Life/Work Center

Bottom Line

• Any person can learn how to follow their heart to a life they love…if they’re given the opportunity.

• At any age, experience is the best teacher. Through safe role simulations, children explore work/life roles and feel what is right for them.

ROI…. for Career Development

• Higher incomes • Fewer and shorter bouts of

unemployment • Less turnover in employees • Better health and fewer instances of

work-related stress • Savings in training, social welfare,

criminal justice and health-care costs

Career Development Tools for FREE!!

• OC Careers –

• Coast Careers–

• Work-Based Learning –

• QT: Quik Tips, Tools & Timesavers –

Add OCCareer Homepage

Capture Sr. Project

Capture Sr. Project Worksheet

Capture coastcareers.homepage

Capture Discover

Capture Identify your skills

Capture Job Outlook 2004

QT• Target Audience

– Anyone who interacts with students • Faculty • Counselors • Career Center Staff

• Format – Did You Know? – Try This: – Want More?

QT• Check out our On The QT newsletters for great

activities for your classroom!  Here are the topics:

• Concentration• Time Management• Communication• Find out what they know• Networking• Active Listening• Informational Interview• Internships• How to be an "A"

Student• Critical Thinking

•Ethics•Manners•Problem Solving•Diversity•Transferable Skills•Writing Emails•Collaborative Learning•Leadership•Career Journey 1

Try This:

Capture Time Management Try This: section only

Capture WBL Homepage

Capture Student Connection

Capture as many student lessons as possible on one


Capture Classroom Activities Page

Capture Faculty Connections

More Connections:

• Regional Career Development Workshops

• QT-Email Course – Salary Advancement Credit – Professional Development Credit – Higher education credit through

Enhancement Courses/Loyola Marymount

Bridging the Gap Will………

• Help people learn the lifelong skills they need, to be:– self-reliant– resilient citizens– able to find work they love in times of

constant workforce change– able to maintain balance between

work and other life roles

Resources With No Time and No $$$$

• • • • QT: Quick Tips, Tools and

Timesavers e-newsletter @

Want More?

In The Works……….

• Parent Resources– Print – On-line resources


– English & Spanish

• Bi-weekly QT Newsletters • Regional Workshops

Contact Us

• Rita Jones – [email protected]

• Susan Coleman – [email protected]

• Dejah Rosini – [email protected]

• OCC Office of Career Education714.432.5628

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