Page 1: Cardiometabolic Panel · Supplement with 500 mg - 4 g of L-carnitine per day. Omega-3 Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Supplement with 2 - 5 g of omega-3 fatty acid supplement that


Health Action Plan

May 9, 2019

Demo ClientKit #1234ABCD5678

Page 2: Cardiometabolic Panel · Supplement with 500 mg - 4 g of L-carnitine per day. Omega-3 Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Supplement with 2 - 5 g of omega-3 fatty acid supplement that
















Table of Contents

Understand Your Genetics

How These Traits Affect You






Further Testing



Insulin Resistance

Oxidative Stress

Coronary Artery Disease



Lipid Impairment with Lp(a)

Client Summary

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Page 3: Cardiometabolic Panel · Supplement with 500 mg - 4 g of L-carnitine per day. Omega-3 Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Supplement with 2 - 5 g of omega-3 fatty acid supplement that

1 2 3

Understand Your GeneticsThis report is broken down into three main sections: TraitImpact, Recommendations and Trait Detail. Depending onthe number of traits being reviewed, your report willcontain multiple trait and recommendation detailsections. Terms and sections of the report are definedbelow.


DNA is a long, ladder-shaped molecule. The rungs of the ladder are madeof two amino acids pairing together, these are called bases. They alwayspair the same way, A (Adenine) with T (Thymine), and C (Cytosine) with G(Guanine). The body is constantly replicating DNA strands.


Genes are the basic units of heredity (passeddown from generation to generation). Theyare made of DNA and provide theinstructions for how our body works, whatwe look like, etc. Humans have between20,000 - 25,000 genes. We inherit half ofthem from our mother and half from ourfather.


A SNP is a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism. SNPsoccur when the amino acids making up the basepair do not come together in the same way as theoriginal DNA strand. For example, the originalstrand may have had an A but the replicatedstrand has a G. SNPs are common and many ofthem have no impact to the individual, however,some can change how our body works.


Variants are how SNPs are referred to in thisreport. When the amino acid in the copiedstrand is different from the original, it iscalled a variant - it varies from the original.Variants are not necessarily 'good' or 'bad'they are simply different from the original.The depiction of variants is shown as: +/+(both copies have different amino acids), +/-(one copy has a different amino acid), -/-(both copies have the same amino acid as theoriginal) or U (one copy is indeterminate).

Reading This Report

Trait Impact Traits Recommendations

This report focuses on traits. These aretypically groups of SNPs that have asimilar impact on the body’s function.We use a proprietary algorithm todetermine the impact a group of SNPsmay have on a specific function in thebody based on your individual testresults.

The traits in our reports aretypically grouped by body function,a symptom type, a disease, anutrient need, or a response toenvironment. Within the traitpages, you will see the SNPs thatare looked at for that trait, yourvariant type and recommendationsto optimize health and minimize riskbased on your individual results.

Your genes, and therefore yourSNPs, will not change during yourlife. However, this report focuseson SNPs whose impact can beinfluenced by external factors likediet, exercise, supplements, andlifestyle changes.

Disclaimer - The recommendations in this report have been carefully prepared and reviewed for you by your health and wellness provider, based on his or herreasoned medical judgment about your personal health needs. Be sure that you have shared with your health and wellness provider all relevant information aboutyour health, including any medications or dietary supplements you may be taking, and any medical conditions you may be experiencing, before you adopt any of theserecommendations. This test is performed via DNA sequencing. As with all genetic testing with the highest possible standards, the data generated during thelaboratory process will have a <99% sensitivity and specificity.

Demo Client | May 9, 2019 3

Page 4: Cardiometabolic Panel · Supplement with 500 mg - 4 g of L-carnitine per day. Omega-3 Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Supplement with 2 - 5 g of omega-3 fatty acid supplement that

How These Traits Affect YouThis page provides a high-level snapshot of the clinical significance of each trait within this panel. The results are intwo categories: traits that are ranked high, medium or low impact as well as traits for which there is an explicit result(i.e. categorical such as "yes" or "no"). At the end of this page are a summary of any non-reportable (NR) traits. Theresults for these traits are unable to be determined from the sample submitted. Recommendations are made for traitswith high or medium impact only.

Impact Traits Impact Learn More

1 Inflammation HIGH Page 19

2 Insulin Resistance HIGH Page 20

3 Oxidative Stress HIGH Page 22

4 Coronary Artery Disease MEDIUM Page 23

5 Diabetes MEDIUM Page 25

6 Hypertension MEDIUM Page 27

7 Lipid Impairment with Lp(a) MEDIUM Page 29

8 Metabolic Syndrome LOW

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8




Impact Traits

Cardiometabolic Panel

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Page 5: Cardiometabolic Panel · Supplement with 500 mg - 4 g of L-carnitine per day. Omega-3 Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Supplement with 2 - 5 g of omega-3 fatty acid supplement that








SupplementsBelow is a list of recommended supplements curated specifically for you based on the Supplement sections foundwithin your report. Supplement recommendations are listed in order of importance based on your individual geneticresults. The traits generating each recommendation are listed just below them. These recommendations have beenreviewed by your healthcare provider. Please contact your provider if you have any questions.

Supplement Recommendation & Linked Traits Details Comments

Green Tea Extract (EGCG)

Diabetes, Hypertension, InsulinResistance, Lipid Impairment withLp(a)

Supplement with 300 - 400 mg of green teaextract per day.


Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes,Hypertension, Insulin Resistance

Supplement with 300 - 500 mg ofmagnesium per day.


Coronary Artery Disease,Hypertension, Lipid Impairment withLp(a)

Supplement with 150 - 500 mg of CoQ10per day.


Inflammation, Insulin Resistance,Lipid Impairment with Lp(a)

Supplement with 250 - 2,000 mg of curcuminextract per day.


Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes,Hypertension

Supplement with 400 - 1,200 mg of garlicextract per day.

Vitamin D3

Diabetes, Inflammation, InsulinResistance

Supplement with 3,000 IUs of vitamin D3 perday.


Coronary Artery Disease,Hypertension, Oxidative Stress

Supplement with 10 - 40 mg of zinc per day.

Cardiometabolic Panel Recommendations

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Page 6: Cardiometabolic Panel · Supplement with 500 mg - 4 g of L-carnitine per day. Omega-3 Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Supplement with 2 - 5 g of omega-3 fatty acid supplement that











Aloe Vera

Diabetes, Lipid Impairment withLp(a)

Supplement with 300 - 1,000 mg of an aloevera extract or drink 2 tablespoons of aloevera juice per day.


Diabetes, Insulin Resistance

Supplement with 1,500 mg of berberine perday.


Diabetes, Lipid Impairment withLp(a)

Supplement with 400 - 3,000 mg of driedginger extract per day.


Coronary Artery Disease, LipidImpairment with Lp(a)

Supplement with 500 mg - 4 g of L-carnitineper day.


Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes

Supplement with 2 - 5 g of omega-3 fattyacid supplement that contains essential fattyacids DHA and EPA.

Vitamin C

Lipid Impairment with Lp(a),Oxidative Stress

Supplement with 500 - 1,000 mg of vitaminC per day.

B-Vitamin Complex

Coronary Artery Disease

Supplement with 50 mg of a vitamin B-complex per day.

Betaine Hydrochloride(HCl)


Supplement with 1 - 2 g of betainehydrochloride (HCl) with meals for at least 6months.

Biotin (Vitamin B7)


Supplement with 8 - 16 mg of biotin per day.



Supplement with 200 - 800 mcg ofchromium per day with meals.

Cardiometabolic Panel Recommendations

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Page 7: Cardiometabolic Panel · Supplement with 500 mg - 4 g of L-carnitine per day. Omega-3 Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Supplement with 2 - 5 g of omega-3 fatty acid supplement that














Supplement with 250 mg of cinnamon perday.

Citrus Bioflavanoids andTocotrienols

Lipid Impairment with Lp(a)

Supplement with a combination of 270 mg ofcitrus bioflavanoids and 30 mg oftocotrienols per day.



Supplement with 90 mg of fenugreek perday.



Supplement with 400 - 800 mcg of methyl-folate per day.

Grape Polyphenols


Supplement with grape polyphenols fromgrape seed extract at doses ranging from 150mg - 1,000 mg per day.



Supplement with 500 mg - 4 g of L-arginineper day.



Supplement with a multivitamin that includesactivated B vitamins.


Lipid Impairment with Lp(a)

Supplement with a 10 - 50 billion CFUprobiotic per day.



Supplement with 500 - 1,000 mg ofquercetin daily.

Resistant Starch

Insulin Resistance

Supplement with 40 g of resistant starch perday.


Insulin Resistance

Supplement with 150 - 2,000 mg ofresveratrol per day.

Cardiometabolic Panel Recommendations

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Page 8: Cardiometabolic Panel · Supplement with 500 mg - 4 g of L-carnitine per day. Omega-3 Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Supplement with 2 - 5 g of omega-3 fatty acid supplement that






Thiamine (Vitamin B1)


Supplement with 30 - 100 mg up to 3 timesper day.



Supplement with 100 mg of vanadium perday.

Vitamin E

Oxidative Stress

Supplement with 100 - 400 IUs of vitamin Eper day.

Vitamin K1

Insulin Resistance

Supplement with 500 mcg of vitamin K1 perday.

Vitamin K2 (Menaquinone)


Supplement with 100 - 200 mcg of vitmainK2 per day.

Note - If you are taking any medications, consult with your practitioner before starting any new supplements as they may have adverseeffects with your medications.

Cardiometabolic Panel Recommendations

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Page 9: Cardiometabolic Panel · Supplement with 500 mg - 4 g of L-carnitine per day. Omega-3 Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Supplement with 2 - 5 g of omega-3 fatty acid supplement that









DietBelow is a list of dietary recommendations curated specifically for you based on the Diet sections found within yourreport. Diet recommendations are listed in order of importance based on your individual genetic results. The traitsgenerating each recommendation are listed just below them. These recommendations have been reviewed by yourhealthcare provider. Please contact your provider if you have any questions.

Diet Recommendation & Linked Traits Details Comments

Dark Chocolate (70-99%)

Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes,Hypertension, Insulin Resistance,Lipid Impairment with Lp(a)

Eat approximately 1 oz of dark chocolate perday.

Mediterranean Diet

Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes,Hypertension, Inflammation, InsulinResistance

Adopt a Mediterranean-style diet thatincludes a variety of antioxidant-rich foods,heart healthy fats, and complexcarbohydrates.

Dietary Fiber

Diabetes, Inflammation, InsulinResistance

Increase dietary fiber intake to recommended25 g for females and 30 g for males.


Coronary Artery Disease, InsulinResistance

Eat approximately 1 oz of almonds per day.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Diabetes, Insulin Resistance

Consume 2 to 4 tsp of apple cider vinegarprior to eating.

Calorie Restriction

Insulin Resistance, Oxidative Stress

Reduce overall calorie intake to create acalorie deficit.


Diabetes, Insulin Resistance

Add 1 to 2 tsp of cinnamon to your diet perday.

Fruits and Vegetables

Inflammation, Oxidative Stress

Include fruits and vegetables at every meal toincrease levels of antioxidants in the body,especially strawberries, blueberries, broccoli,sprouts, and green leafy vegetables.

Cardiometabolic Panel Recommendations

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Page 10: Cardiometabolic Panel · Supplement with 500 mg - 4 g of L-carnitine per day. Omega-3 Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Supplement with 2 - 5 g of omega-3 fatty acid supplement that











Low Glycemic Index Foods

Diabetes, Insulin Resistance

Choose low-glycemic index foods to avoidblood sugar spikes.

Nut Consumption

Coronary Artery Disease,Inflammation

Consume a variety of nuts including almonds,walnuts, macadamia nuts, and brazil nuts.

Olive Oil

Coronary Artery Disease,Hypertension

Choose olive oil as the main source of fat inthe diet by replacing vegetable cooking oilswith olive oil and using olive oil-baseddressings.

Add Spices to Food


Add spices such as red pepper, cayenne, orturmeric each day to snacks and meals.

Anti-Inflammatory Diet


Consume a diet rich in anti-inflammatoryfoods.

Choose ComplexCarbohydrates


Replace foods that are heavy in sugar orrefined carohydrates with complexcarbohydrates.

Consume Legumes

Coronary Artery Disease

Include 1 cup of legumes per day orapproximately 6 cups per week into the diet.

Eat Small, Healthy Snacks


Eat small healthy snacks that are rich incomplex carbohydrates and protein.


Lipid Impairment with Lp(a)

Include 1 whole egg in the daily diet.

Flax Seeds


Add 2 tbsp of flaxseeds to your daily diet.

Cardiometabolic Panel Recommendations

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Page 11: Cardiometabolic Panel · Supplement with 500 mg - 4 g of L-carnitine per day. Omega-3 Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Supplement with 2 - 5 g of omega-3 fatty acid supplement that











Folate Rich Foods

Lipid Impairment with Lp(a)

Consume a diet rich in folate.

Limit Coffee Intake


Drink no more than 3 cups of coffee per day.

Limit Fructose andFructans


Avoid fructose or limit fructose to no morethan 75 g per day.

Limit Sweetened Beverages


Limit or eliminate sugar-sweetenedbeverages and fruit juices to no more than 12oz daily.

Magnesium Rich foods

Coronary Artery Disease

Consume a diet rich in magnesium.

Monounsaturated FattyAcids (MUFAs)

Insulin Resistance

Consume a diet rich in monounsaturatedfatty acids, sources include avocados andolive oil.

Plant-Based Diet

Coronary Artery Disease

Consume a diet that is focused on whole,unprocessed plant-based foods and wholegrains.

Potassium Rich Foods


Consume a diet rich in potassium.

Protein Intake


Focus on high quality protein sources.

Reduce Sodium (Salt)Intake


Reduce sodium intake or adhere to a low-saltdiet limiting sodium to 1,500 mg per day.

Cardiometabolic Panel Recommendations

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Page 12: Cardiometabolic Panel · Supplement with 500 mg - 4 g of L-carnitine per day. Omega-3 Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Supplement with 2 - 5 g of omega-3 fatty acid supplement that









LifestyleBelow is a list of lifestyle recommendations curated specifically for you based on the Lifestyle sections found withinyour report. Lifestyle recommendations are listed in order of importance based on your individual genetic results.The traits generating each recommendation are listed just below them. These recommendations have beenreviewed by your healthcare provider. Please contact your provider if you have any questions.

Lifestyle Recommendation & Linked Traits Details Comments

Intermittent Fasting

Diabetes, Inflammation, InsulinResistance, Lipid Impairment withLp(a)

Try intermittent fasting (fasting for 14+ hoursdaily) or alternate day fasting (fasting for 24hours every other day).


Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes,Hypertension, Insulin Resistance

Engage in 10 to 20 minutes of mindfulnessmeditation 2 or more times per week.

Adequate Sleep

Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes,Hypertension

Aim for the recommended 7 to 8 hours ofsleep each night.

Heat Therapy

Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes

Aim for 20 to 30 minutes per day of heattherapy treatments such as sauna, infrared,and hot tub sessions.

Eat Larger Meals Earlier inthe Day

Insulin Resistance

Eat larger meals earlier in the day, preferablybefore 4 pm.

Limit Alcohol

Lipid Impairment with Lp(a)

Avoid alcohol or limit alcohol to no morethan 1 drink per day for women and 2 drinksper day for men.

Reduce Sedentary Behavior

Coronary Artery Disease

Reduce sedentary behavior. Try toincorporate small bouts (~ 5 minutes) ofstanding or moving throughout the day.

Reduce Stress

Oxidative Stress

Engage in enjoyable hobbies such asgardening, sports, or other leisure activitiesto help reduce stress.

Cardiometabolic Panel Recommendations

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Page 13: Cardiometabolic Panel · Supplement with 500 mg - 4 g of L-carnitine per day. Omega-3 Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Supplement with 2 - 5 g of omega-3 fatty acid supplement that

9 Sleep Consistency


Stick to a consistent sleep routinue thatconsists of going to sleep and waking up atapproximately the same time each day.

Cardiometabolic Panel Recommendations

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Page 14: Cardiometabolic Panel · Supplement with 500 mg - 4 g of L-carnitine per day. Omega-3 Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Supplement with 2 - 5 g of omega-3 fatty acid supplement that






ExerciseBelow is a list of exercise recommendations curated specifically for you based on the Exercise sections found withinyour report. Exercise recommendations are listed in order of importance based on your individual genetic results.The traits generating each recommendation are listed just below them. These recommendations have beenreviewed by your healthcare provider. Please contact your provider if you have any questions.

Exercise Recommendation & Linked Traits Details Comments

Aerobic Activity

Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes,Hypertension, Insulin Resistance,Oxidative Stress

Aim for 20 to 30 minutes of aerobic physicalactivity most days of the week.


Diabetes, Hypertension, OxidativeStress

Incorporate at least 1 to 2 yoga sessions intoyour weekly excercise routine.

Resistance Training

Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes

Engage in resistance training that targets allmajor muscle groups 2 to 3 times per week.



Incorporate 45 to 60 minutes of danceseveral times per week into your normalexercise routine.

Walk Hills


Incorporate walking hills into your exerciseroutine 3 times per week.

Cardiometabolic Panel Recommendations

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Page 15: Cardiometabolic Panel · Supplement with 500 mg - 4 g of L-carnitine per day. Omega-3 Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Supplement with 2 - 5 g of omega-3 fatty acid supplement that








Further TestingBelow is a list of further testing recommendations curated specifically for you based on the Further Testing sectionsfound within your report. Further Testing recommendations are listed in order of importance based on yourindividual genetic results. The traits generating each recommendation are listed just below them. Theserecommendations have been reviewed by your healthcare provider. Please contact your provider if you have anyquestions.

Further Testing Recommendation& Linked Traits

Details Comments

C-Reactive Protein (CRP) orhsCRP

Coronary Artery Disease,Inflammation, Lipid Impairment withLp(a)

Test levels of C-Reactive Protein (CRP) orhsCRP

Fasting Insulin

Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes,Insulin Resistance

Test fasting insulin levels


Coronary Artery Disease,Inflammation, Lipid Impairment withLp(a)

Test fibrinogen levels in the body

Post-Meal Glucose

Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes,Insulin Resistance

Test post-meal glucose levels

Fasting Glucose

Diabetes, Insulin Resistance

Test fasting glucose levels

Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c)

Diabetes, Insulin Resistance

Measure Hemoglobin A1C levels


Coronary Artery Disease, LipidImpairment with Lp(a)

Test Lipoprotein a (Lpa) Levels

Cardiometabolic Panel Recommendations

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Page 16: Cardiometabolic Panel · Supplement with 500 mg - 4 g of L-carnitine per day. Omega-3 Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Supplement with 2 - 5 g of omega-3 fatty acid supplement that













Coronary Artery Disease,Hypertension

Test magnesium levels

ApoB Test


Test ApoB (Apolipoprotein B)

Coenzyme Q10

Coronary Artery Disease

Test serum CoQ10 levels

Electrolyte Levels


Test for electrolyte levels

Erythrocyte SedimentationRate (ESR)


Test erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) inblood

Folate Testing


Test folate levels


Insulin Resistance

Calculate HOMA-IR

Home Blood Pressure Cuff


Use a home blood pressure cuff to monitoryour daily blood pressure

Homocysteine Levels


Check blood homocysteine levels

IL-6 Testing


Test for levels of IL-6

Markers of Oxidative Stress

Oxidative Stress

Test markers of oxidative stress

Cardiometabolic Panel Recommendations

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Page 17: Cardiometabolic Panel · Supplement with 500 mg - 4 g of L-carnitine per day. Omega-3 Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Supplement with 2 - 5 g of omega-3 fatty acid supplement that





Test serum potassium levels



Test for TNF-alpha

Cardiometabolic Panel Recommendations

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Page 18: Cardiometabolic Panel · Supplement with 500 mg - 4 g of L-carnitine per day. Omega-3 Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Supplement with 2 - 5 g of omega-3 fatty acid supplement that

Trait Details

Appendix 1

Cardiometabolic Panel

May 9, 2019

Demo ClientKit #1234ABCD5678

Page 19: Cardiometabolic Panel · Supplement with 500 mg - 4 g of L-carnitine per day. Omega-3 Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Supplement with 2 - 5 g of omega-3 fatty acid supplement that

InflammationPeople with similar genetic markers may be more likely to experience increased levels of inflammation, which is thebody’s natural response to an injury, wound, or infection.

Gene SNP Variant Impact

TNF-α rs1800629 +/+ High

IL6 rs1800795 +/+ High

TNF-α rs1799724 +/- Medium

PTPN22 rs2476601 +/- Medium

IL-10 rs1800872 +/- Low

TNF-α rs1799964 -/- Low

IL23R rs2201841 +/- Low

IL-10 rs3024505 -/- Low


These recommendations are based on the genetic findings in the chart above.

SUPPLEMENT • Multivitamin • Betaine Hydrochloride (HCl)

• Vitamin D3 • Folate

• Curcumin

DIET • Anti-Inflammatory Diet • Dietary Fiber

• Mediterranean Diet • Nut Consumption

• Fruits and Vegetables

LIFESTYLE • Sleep Consistency • Intermittent Fasting

FURTHER TESTING • Homocysteine Levels • IL-6 Testing

• C-Reactive Protein (CRP) orhsCRP

• Erythrocyte SedimentationRate (ESR)

• Fibrinogen • Folate Testing

• TNF-alpha

Cardiometabolic Panel High Impact

Demo Client | May 9, 2019 19

Page 20: Cardiometabolic Panel · Supplement with 500 mg - 4 g of L-carnitine per day. Omega-3 Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Supplement with 2 - 5 g of omega-3 fatty acid supplement that

Insulin ResistancePeople with similar genetic markers may be at an increased risk for developing insulin resistance.

Gene SNP Variant Impact

IGF1 rs35767 +/+ High

NAT2 rs1208 +/+ High

PPARG rs13081389 +/+ High

SC4MOL rs17046216 +/- Medium

TCERG1L rs7077836 -/- Low


These recommendations are based on the genetic findings in the chart above.

Cardiometabolic Panel High Impact

Demo Client | May 9, 2019 20

Page 21: Cardiometabolic Panel · Supplement with 500 mg - 4 g of L-carnitine per day. Omega-3 Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Supplement with 2 - 5 g of omega-3 fatty acid supplement that

SUPPLEMENT • Vitamin D3 • Magnesium

• Berberine • Curcumin

• Vitamin K1 • Resistant Starch

• Resveratrol • Green Tea Extract (EGCG)

DIET • Almonds • Dark Chocolate (70-99%)

• Low Glycemic Index Foods • Cinnamon

• Apple Cider Vinegar • Monounsaturated Fatty Acids(MUFAs)

• Calorie Restriction • Dietary Fiber

• Mediterranean Diet

LIFESTYLE • Meditation • Intermittent Fasting

• Eat Larger Meals Earlier inthe Day

EXERCISE • Aerobic Activity

FURTHER TESTING • Fasting Glucose • Fasting Insulin

• Post-Meal Glucose • Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c)


Cardiometabolic Panel High Impact

Demo Client | May 9, 2019 21

Page 22: Cardiometabolic Panel · Supplement with 500 mg - 4 g of L-carnitine per day. Omega-3 Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Supplement with 2 - 5 g of omega-3 fatty acid supplement that

Oxidative StressPeople with similar genetic markers may experience higher levels of oxidative stress due in part to antioxidantdepletion.

Gene SNP Variant Impact

UGT rs1105879 +/+ High

CDKN rs10811661 +/+ High

GSTP1 rs1695 -/- Low

CYP1A1 rs1048943 -/- Low

LRRK2 rs34637584 -/- Low

SOD2 rs4880 +/- Low


These recommendations are based on the genetic findings in the chart above.

SUPPLEMENT • Zinc • Vitamin C

• Vitamin E

DIET • Calorie Restriction • Fruits and Vegetables

LIFESTYLE • Reduce Stress

EXERCISE • Aerobic Activity • Yoga

FURTHER TESTING • Markers of Oxidative Stress

Cardiometabolic Panel High Impact

Demo Client | May 9, 2019 22

Page 23: Cardiometabolic Panel · Supplement with 500 mg - 4 g of L-carnitine per day. Omega-3 Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Supplement with 2 - 5 g of omega-3 fatty acid supplement that

Coronary Artery DiseasePeople with similar genetic markers may be predisposed to Coronary Artery Disease (CAD).

Gene SNP Variant Impact

PPAP2B rs17114036 +/+ High

APOB rs515135 +/+ High

GUCY1A3 rs7692387 +/+ High

PHACTR1 rs9369640 +/- Medium

LDLR rs1122608 +/- Medium

MTHFR rs1801133 +/- Medium

IL6R rs4845625 +/- Medium

FLT1 rs9319428 +/- Medium

KCNK5 rs10947789 +/- Medium

KCNE2 rs9982601 +/- Medium

CDKN2B-AS1 rs1333049 +/- Medium

ZC3HC1 rs11556924 +/- Medium

VAMP5 rs1561198 +/- Medium

TEX41 rs2252641 +/- Medium

PLG rs4252120 -/- Low

APOA5 rs2075291 -/- Low

LPL rs264 -/- Low

SORT1 rs599839 -/- Low

SLC22A4 rs273909 -/- Low

PON1 rs662 -/- Low

HDAC9 rs2023938 -/- Low

CDKN2B-AS1 rs10757274 +/- Low

WDR12 rs6725887 -/- Low

ABO rs579459 -/- Low

FURIN rs17514846 -/- Low


These recommendations are based on the genetic findings in the chart above.

SUPPLEMENT • Garlic • Omega-3

• Zinc • CoQ10

• L-Carnitine • Magnesium

Cardiometabolic Panel Medium Impact

Demo Client | May 9, 2019 23

Page 24: Cardiometabolic Panel · Supplement with 500 mg - 4 g of L-carnitine per day. Omega-3 Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Supplement with 2 - 5 g of omega-3 fatty acid supplement that

• B-Vitamin Complex

DIET • Almonds • Dark Chocolate (70-99%)

• Olive Oil • Magnesium Rich foods

• Mediterranean Diet • Plant-Based Diet

• Consume Legumes • Nut Consumption

LIFESTYLE • Heat Therapy • Reduce Sedentary Behavior

• Adequate Sleep • Meditation

EXERCISE • Aerobic Activity • Resistance Training

FURTHER TESTING• Coenzyme Q10 • C-Reactive Protein (CRP) or


• Fasting Insulin • Fibrinogen

• Post-Meal Glucose • Magnesium

• Lp(a)

Cardiometabolic Panel Medium Impact

Demo Client | May 9, 2019 24

Page 25: Cardiometabolic Panel · Supplement with 500 mg - 4 g of L-carnitine per day. Omega-3 Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Supplement with 2 - 5 g of omega-3 fatty acid supplement that

DiabetesPeople with similar genetic markers may experience higher levels of blood sugar or greater irregularities with theirglucose levels. As a result, you may have an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Gene SNP Variant Impact

KFL14 rs972283 +/+ High

CDKN rs10811661 +/+ High

HHEX rs1111875 +/+ High

ZBED3 rs4457053 +/+ High

KCNQ1 rs2237892 +/+ High

PPARG rs13081389 +/+ High

HHEX rs7923837 +/+ High

IGF2BP2 rs4402960 +/- Medium

ADIPOQ rs266729 +/- Medium

CDKAL1 rs7756992 +/- Medium

KCNQ1 rs2237895 +/- Medium

CDKAL1 rs10946398 +/- Medium

ABCB11 rs478333 +/- Medium

LEPR rs1137101 +/- Medium

TCF7L2 rs7903146 +/- Medium

GCKR rs780094 +/- Medium

SLC30A8 rs13266634 +/- Medium

KCNQ1 rs231362 +/- Medium

TFAP2B rs987237 +/- Medium

GCK rs1799884 +/- Medium

TCF7L2 rs12255372 -/- Low

LIPC rs2070895 +/- Low

ARL15 rs4311394 -/- Low

NOTCH2 rs10923931 -/- Low

IGF2BP2 rs1470579 +/- Low

MC4R rs12970134 -/- Low

MTNR1B rs10830963 -/- Low

IRS1 rs2943641 -/- Low

G6PC2 rs16856187 -/- Low


These recommendations are based on the genetic findings in the chart above.

SUPPLEMENT • Garlic • Omega-3

Cardiometabolic Panel Medium Impact

Demo Client | May 9, 2019 25

Page 26: Cardiometabolic Panel · Supplement with 500 mg - 4 g of L-carnitine per day. Omega-3 Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Supplement with 2 - 5 g of omega-3 fatty acid supplement that

• Vitamin D3 • Magnesium

• Cinnamon • Thiamine (Vitamin B1)

• Berberine • Fenugreek

• Chromium • Aloe Vera

• Vitamin K2 (Menaquinone) • Biotin (Vitamin B7)

• Vanadium • Ginger

• Green Tea Extract (EGCG)

DIET • Limit Coffee Intake • Dark Chocolate (70-99%)

• Low Glycemic Index Foods • Cinnamon

• Apple Cider Vinegar • Dietary Fiber

• Protein Intake • Add Spices to Food

• Mediterranean Diet • Choose ComplexCarbohydrates

• Eat Small, Healthy Snacks

LIFESTYLE • Heat Therapy • Adequate Sleep

• Meditation • Intermittent Fasting

EXERCISE • Walk Hills • Aerobic Activity

• Yoga • Resistance Training

FURTHER TESTING • ApoB Test • Fasting Glucose

• Fasting Insulin • Post-Meal Glucose

• Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c)

Cardiometabolic Panel Medium Impact

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HypertensionPeople with similar genetic markers may be predisposed to developing high blood pressure (hypertension).

Gene SNP Variant Impact

SULT1C3 rs6722745 +/+ High

ADD1 rs4961 +/- Medium

ALDH2 rs671 -/- Low

ACE rs4343 -/- Low

GALNT2 rs4846914 -/- Low

CYP11B2 rs1799998 -/- Low

AGT rs699 -/- Low

AGT rs4762 -/- Low

AGT rs5051 -/- Low

MTHFR rs1801133 -/- Low

NOS3 rs2070744 -/- Low

AGTR1 rs5186 -/- Low


These recommendations are based on the genetic findings in the chart above.

SUPPLEMENT • Garlic • Zinc

• CoQ10 • Quercetin

• L-Arginine • Magnesium

• Grape Polyphenols • Green Tea Extract (EGCG)

DIET • Dark Chocolate (70-99%) • Olive Oil

• Limit Sweetened Beverages • Potassium Rich Foods

• Reduce Sodium (Salt) Intake • Limit Fructose and Fructans

• Mediterranean Diet • Flax Seeds

LIFESTYLE • Adequate Sleep • Meditation

EXERCISE • Dancing • Aerobic Activity

Cardiometabolic Panel Medium Impact

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Page 28: Cardiometabolic Panel · Supplement with 500 mg - 4 g of L-carnitine per day. Omega-3 Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Supplement with 2 - 5 g of omega-3 fatty acid supplement that

• Yoga

FURTHER TESTING • Electrolyte Levels • Potassium

• Magnesium • Home Blood Pressure Cuff

Cardiometabolic Panel Medium Impact

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Lipid Impairment with Lp(a)People with similar genetic markers may have elevated levels of cholesterol, cholesterol sub-types and/or triglycerides.

Gene SNP Variant Impact

FADS2 rs1535 +/+ High

CETP rs5882 +/+ High

APOB rs693 +/- Medium

LIPC rs8034802 +/- Medium

TCF7L2 rs7903146 +/- Medium

GCKR rs780094 +/- Medium

LPA rs10455872 -/- Low

APOA5 rs662799 -/- Low

APOA5 rs3135506 -/- Low

TCF7L2 rs12255372 -/- Low

APOE rs964184 NR Not Reportable


These recommendations are based on the genetic findings in the chart above.

SUPPLEMENT • CoQ10 • L-Carnitine

• Vitamin C • Probiotics

• Curcumin • Aloe Vera

• Citrus Bioflavanoids andTocotrienols • Ginger

• Green Tea Extract (EGCG)

DIET • Dark Chocolate (70-99%) • Folate Rich Foods

• Eggs

LIFESTYLE • Limit Alcohol • Intermittent Fasting

FURTHER TESTING • C-Reactive Protein (CRP) orhsCRP • Fibrinogen

Cardiometabolic Panel Medium Impact

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Page 30: Cardiometabolic Panel · Supplement with 500 mg - 4 g of L-carnitine per day. Omega-3 Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Supplement with 2 - 5 g of omega-3 fatty acid supplement that

• Lp(a)

Cardiometabolic Panel Medium Impact

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Client Summary

Appendix 2

Cardiometabolic Panel

May 9, 2019

Demo ClientKit #1234ABCD5678

Page 32: Cardiometabolic Panel · Supplement with 500 mg - 4 g of L-carnitine per day. Omega-3 Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Supplement with 2 - 5 g of omega-3 fatty acid supplement that

Client Summary Report: Cardiometabolic Panel

Below is a summary of the genetic data that we test for in this Health Action Plan. Recommendations are given for traits with Medium andHigh Impact.

Traits are listed in order of trait impact. Please look at the Trait Impact Summary Report for more information.

Trait Gene SNP/RSID Clinical SignificanceVariantType



Inflammation TNF-α rs1800629Increased risk ofelevated inflammatoryresponse

+/+ High

Inflammation IL6 rs1800795Increased risk ofelevated circulatingIL-6 cytokines

+/+ High

Inflammation TNF-α rs1799724Increased risk ofelevated inflammatoryresponse

+/- Medium

Inflammation PTPN22 rs2476601Increased risk ofelevated inflammatoryresponse

+/- Medium

Inflammation IL-10 rs1800872Increased risk ofelevated inflammatoryresponse

+/- Low

Inflammation TNF-α rs1799964Increased risk ofelevated inflammatoryresponse

-/- Low

Inflammation IL23R rs2201841Increased risk ofelevated inflammatoryresponse

+/- Low

Inflammation IL-10 rs3024505Increased risk ofelevated inflammatoryresponse

-/- Low

Insulin Resistance IGF1 rs35767 Increased risk forinsulin resistance +/+ High

Insulin Resistance NAT2 rs1208 Increased risk forinsulin resistance +/+ High

Insulin Resistance PPARG rs13081389

Increased risk of T2DMdue to poorer insulinregulation and beta cellfunction

+/+ High

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Trait Gene SNP/RSID Clinical SignificanceVariantType



Insulin Resistance SC4MOL rs17046216 Increased risk forinsulin resistance +/- Medium

Insulin Resistance TCERG1L rs7077836 Increased risk forinsulin resistance -/- Low

Oxidative Stress UGT rs1105879Increased risk forelevated levels ofoxidative stress

+/+ High

Oxidative Stress CDKN rs10811661Increased risk forelevated levels ofoxidative stress

+/+ High

Oxidative Stress GSTP1 rs1695Increased risk forelevated levels ofoxidative stress

-/- Low

Oxidative Stress CYP1A1 rs1048943Increased risk forelevated levels ofoxidative stress

-/- Low

Oxidative Stress LRRK2 rs34637584Increased risk forelevated levels ofoxidative stress

-/- Low

Oxidative Stress SOD2 rs4880Increased risk forelevated levels ofoxidative stress

+/- Low

Coronary ArteryDisease PPAP2B rs17114036 Increased risk for CAD +/+ High

Coronary ArteryDisease APOB rs515135

Increased risk forelevated LDLcholesterol and CADdevelopment

+/+ High

Coronary ArteryDisease GUCY1A3 rs7692387

Increased risk for CADand elevated bloodpressure

+/+ High

Coronary ArteryDisease PHACTR1 rs9369640 Increased risk for CAD +/- Medium

Coronary ArteryDisease LDLR rs1122608 Increased risk for CAD +/- Medium

Coronary ArteryDisease MTHFR rs1801133

Increased risk forpremature CADdevelopment

+/- Medium

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Trait Gene SNP/RSID Clinical SignificanceVariantType



Coronary ArteryDisease IL6R rs4845625 Increased risk for CAD +/- Medium

Coronary ArteryDisease FLT1 rs9319428 Increased risk for CAD +/- Medium

Coronary ArteryDisease KCNK5 rs10947789 Increased risk for CAD +/- Medium

Coronary ArteryDisease KCNE2 rs9982601 Increased risk for CAD +/- Medium

Coronary ArteryDisease CDKN2B-AS1 rs1333049 Increased risk for CAD +/- Medium

Coronary ArteryDisease ZC3HC1 rs11556924

Increased risk for CADand elevated bloodpressure

+/- Medium

Coronary ArteryDisease VAMP5 rs1561198 Increased risk for CAD +/- Medium

Coronary ArteryDisease TEX41 rs2252641 Increased risk for CAD +/- Medium

Coronary ArteryDisease PLG rs4252120 Increased risk for CAD -/- Low

Coronary ArteryDisease APOA5 rs2075291

Increased risk forelevated triglyceridesand CAD

-/- Low

Coronary ArteryDisease LPL rs264 Increased risk for CAD -/- Low

Coronary ArteryDisease SORT1 rs599839 Increased risk for CAD -/- Low

Coronary ArteryDisease SLC22A4 rs273909 Increased risk for CAD -/- Low

Coronary ArteryDisease PON1 rs662

Increased risk forhypertension, ischemicstroke, and CAD

-/- Low

Coronary ArteryDisease HDAC9 rs2023938 Increased risk for CAD -/- Low

Coronary ArteryDisease CDKN2B-AS1 rs10757274 Increased risk for CAD +/- Low

Coronary ArteryDisease WDR12 rs6725887 Increased risk for CAD -/- Low

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Trait Gene SNP/RSID Clinical SignificanceVariantType



Coronary ArteryDisease ABO rs579459 Increased risk for CAD -/- Low

Coronary ArteryDisease FURIN rs17514846 Increased risk for CAD -/- Low

Diabetes KFL14 rs972283 Increased risk of T2DM +/+ High

Diabetes CDKN rs10811661 Increased risk of T2DM +/+ High

Diabetes HHEX rs1111875 Increased risk of T2DM +/+ High

Diabetes ZBED3 rs4457053 Increased risk of T2DM +/+ High

Diabetes KCNQ1 rs2237892Increased risk ofdiabetes and impairedrenal function

+/+ High

Diabetes PPARG rs13081389 Increased risk of T2DM +/+ High

Diabetes HHEX rs7923837 Increased risk of T2DM +/+ High

Diabetes IGF2BP2 rs4402960 Increased risk fordiabetic nephropathy +/- Medium

Diabetes ADIPOQ rs266729 Increased risk of T2DM +/- Medium

Diabetes CDKAL1 rs7756992 Increased risk of T2DM +/- Medium

Diabetes KCNQ1 rs2237895Increased risk ofdiabetes and impairedrenal function

+/- Medium

Diabetes CDKAL1 rs10946398 Increased risk of T2DM +/- Medium

Diabetes ABCB11 rs478333Increased fastingglucose and impairedinsulin secretion

+/- Medium

Diabetes LEPR rs1137101 Increased risk of T2DM +/- Medium

Diabetes TCF7L2 rs7903146 Increased risk of T2DM +/- Medium

Diabetes GCKR rs780094Increased fastingglucose and impairedinsulin secretion

+/- Medium

Diabetes SLC30A8 rs13266634 Increased risk of T2DM +/- Medium

Diabetes KCNQ1 rs231362Increased risk ofdiabetes and impairedrenal function

+/- Medium

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Trait Gene SNP/RSID Clinical SignificanceVariantType



Diabetes TFAP2B rs987237Increased risk ofobesity andprogression to T2DM

+/- Medium

Diabetes GCK rs1799884Increased fastingglucose and impairedinsulin secretion

+/- Medium

Diabetes TCF7L2 rs12255372 Increased risk of T2DM -/- Low

Diabetes LIPC rs2070895

Increased risk forprogression to T2DMin people with impairedfasting glucose

+/- Low

Diabetes ARL15 rs4311394

Increased risk of T2DMand may also increaserisk of coronary arterydisease

-/- Low

Diabetes NOTCH2 rs10923931 Increased risk of T2DM -/- Low

Diabetes IGF2BP2 rs1470579 Increased risk of T2DM +/- Low

Diabetes MC4R rs12970134 Increased risk of T2DM -/- Low

Diabetes MTNR1B rs10830963Increased fastingglucose and impairedinsulin secretion

-/- Low

Diabetes IRS1 rs2943641 Increased risk of T2DM -/- Low

Diabetes G6PC2 rs16856187Increased fastingglucose and impairedinsulin secretion

-/- Low

Hypertension SULT1C3 rs6722745 Increased risk for HTN +/+ High

Hypertension ADD1 rs4961 Increased risk for HTN +/- Medium

Hypertension ALDH2 rs671 Increased risk for HTN -/- Low

Hypertension ACE rs4343Increased risk for HTNdue to interaction withACE activity

-/- Low

Hypertension GALNT2 rs4846914 Increased risk for HTN -/- Low

Hypertension CYP11B2 rs1799998 Increased risk for HTN -/- Low

Hypertension AGT rs699 Increased risk for HTN -/- Low

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Trait Gene SNP/RSID Clinical SignificanceVariantType



Hypertension AGT rs4762 Increased risk for HTN -/- Low

Hypertension AGT rs5051 Increased risk for HTN -/- Low

Hypertension MTHFR rs1801133Increased risk of strokeif they havehypertension

-/- Low

Hypertension NOS3 rs2070744 Increased risk for HTN -/- Low

Hypertension AGTR1 rs5186 Increased risk for HTN -/- Low

Lipid Impairmentwith Lp(a) FADS2 rs1535

Increased risk forimpaired phospholipidmetabolism

+/+ High

Lipid Impairmentwith Lp(a) CETP rs5882 Increased risk for lower

HDL +/+ High

Lipid Impairmentwith Lp(a) APOB rs693

Increased risk forelevated LDL andtriglycerides

+/- Medium

Lipid Impairmentwith Lp(a) LIPC rs8034802 Increased risk of HDL

impairment +/- Medium

Lipid Impairmentwith Lp(a) TCF7L2 rs7903146 Increased risk for

elevated triglycerides +/- Medium

Lipid Impairmentwith Lp(a) GCKR rs780094 Increased risk for

elevated triglycerides +/- Medium

Lipid Impairmentwith Lp(a) LPA rs10455872

Increased Lp(a)lipoprotein andincreased CAD risk

-/- Low

Lipid Impairmentwith Lp(a) APOA5 rs662799

Increased risk forelevated LDL andtriglycerides and lowerHDL

-/- Low

Lipid Impairmentwith Lp(a) APOA5 rs3135506 Increased risk of lipid

impairment -/- Low

Lipid Impairmentwith Lp(a) TCF7L2 rs12255372 Increased risk for

elevated triglycerides -/- Low

Lipid Impairmentwith Lp(a) APOE rs964184 Increased risk of

hyperlipidemia NR NotReportable

MetabolicSyndrome FTO rs9939609 Increased risk for

developing MetS +/+ High

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Trait Gene SNP/RSID Clinical SignificanceVariantType



MetabolicSyndrome TCF7L2 rs7903146 Increased risk for MetS +/- Medium

MetabolicSyndrome APOA5 rs662799

Increased risk fordeveloping MetSespecially with theaddition of certainenvironment riskfactors combined (poordiet, smoking, etc).

-/- Low

MetabolicSyndrome MTNR1B rs10830963

Increased risk for MetSwith night-timedisturbances (trafficnoise, light)

-/- Low

MetabolicSyndrome LPL rs328 Increased risk for MetS -/- Low

MetabolicSyndrome ADRB3 rs4994 Increased risk for MetS -/- Low

MetabolicSyndrome APOA5 rs651821 Increased risk for MetS -/- Low

MetabolicSyndrome MC4R rs17782313

Increased risk forhigher body weight andbody fat

-/- Low

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Report Key

Gene: Basic unit of heredity that is made of DNA and acts as instructions to make all body proteins. Humans have between 20,000 -25,000 genes, half of which come from one’s mother and the other half from one’s father

SNP/RSID: A SNP is also called a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism. DNA consists of 4 main building blocks (Adenine (A), Thymine (T),Guanine (G), and Cytosine (C)). In certain locations within DNA, one person may have an A, whereas another may have a G. This differencein the base pair is often called a variant. This variant is a SNP. The rs number is a unique identifier used by researchers and databases torefer to specific SNPs. It stands for Reference SNP cluster ID.

Clinical Significance: The clinical or practical importance of a given SNP. Having a risk variant (+) for a particular SNP, increases one’spredisposition to this clinical significance.

Variant Type: Genetic variants are the differences that make each person unique. In this report, variant refers to Single NucleotidePolymorphisms (SNPs). + is the risk allele and - is the non-risk allele. Variants are not necessarily “good” or “bad,” rather genetic variantsare simply the differences in the forms of the genes present in the body.

Variant Type Definition

+/+ Both risk alleles present

+/- One risk allele present

-/- No risk allele present

+/U or -/U Indeterminable allele

NR Not Reportable, unable to determine variantspresent in the sample

Impact: The potential impact based on research of a variant type.

Impact Definition

High (H) Likely a large clinical impact.

Moderate (M) Likely a slightly elevated clinical impact

Low (L) Likely a low clinical impact

Demo Client | May 9, 2019 39

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