
Carbon Footprints

Rick Munro 0268156Broderick Nickelberry Jr. 0268152

About Broderick

Car gets ~36 MPG

Drives ~12,000 miles per year

2,000 sq. foot house

2 people home

Works in town, about 5 miles from home

Leaves TV on at night

2-3 showers per day

Generally waters plants, or uses sprinklers twice a week.

Garbage and recycling is picked up once a week.

About Rick

Car gets ~26 MPG

Drives ~12,000 miles per year

2,200 sq. foot house

3 people home


Extreme heater use in winter, as well as extreme AC use in the summer time

4-5 showers per day

Generally waters plants, or uses sprinklers 3-4 times a week

Garbage and recycling is picked up once a week.

Personal Use of Energy


KwH Per Year


KwH Per Month


Threms Per Year


Threms Per Month


Co2 Tons For Electricity


Co2 Tons For Natural Gas



KwH Per Year


KwH Per Month


Threms Per Year


Threms Per Month


Co2 Tons For Electricity


Co2 Tons For Natural Gas


Broderick’s Carbon Footprint

How Does Broderick Compare?

About 300 lbs. higher than most Californians

About 600 lbs. less than most Americans

About 17,000 lbs. more than the average global person

Rick’s Carbon Footprint

How Does Rick Compare?

Greater than 1000 lbs. difference compared to most Californians

About 500 lbs. less than the typical American

Just about quadruples the global person average

Napa’s Emissions

1.2 million metric tons of emissions

5.9 tons per person.

The Global Warming Solutions Act of California was put in place to bring us back to our levels from 20 years ago

Napa ranks in the lower bracket of Bay Area cities in emissions

California Emissions

Carbon Score – 46

Per Capita Carbon Output – 2nd

Carbon Emissions Score – 2nd

California Commercial Energy Consumption Ranking – 1st

California Industrial Energy Consumption Ranking – 3rd

California Residential Energy Consumption Ranking – 2nd

California Transportation Energy Consumption Ranking – 1st

California actually ranks higher in most emission output stats than a lot of countries

U.S.A. Emissions

5,833,381(in thousands) Annual Co2 emissions, which is 19.91% of the the worldwide total, which ranks 2nd behind only China

Worldwide we produce 29,321,302(in thousands) metric tons of Co2 emissions

Small Picture Changes

Turn lights off you don’t need

Turn the TV off

Unplugged unused appliances to avoid the use of vampire energy

Turn off engine is possible, and don’t redline every gear

Big Picture Changes

Don’t just threaten to penalize companies for too much emissions, also offer greater tax levies for meeting really low numbers

Make recycling centers easier to access, and also offer greater rewards for cans, bottles, etc.

Maintaining your car properly will go a long way, making sure your tire pressure is right, your filters are fresh, and not getting rid of your oil too soon.

It’s also key to bring your old oil to the proper oil collection centers

Work Cited

Eco calculator that was provided

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