

A Brief Introduction

Dr. Jayesh Thakkar

[email protected]


Caraka Samhita is a fundamental text of Ayurveda

It has 8 sections totaling 120 chapters

It is primarily a text of Kayachikitsa(internal medicine) speciality

It explains the basic principles of Ayurvedic science for healthy living


Dridabala (4 Cent AD)


Caraka (2-3 Cent BC)


Agnivesa (1000 BC)


Punarvasu Atreya

collection of drugs and their uses, remedies, diet and duties of a physician.

II. Nidana (pathology) - 8 chapters discuss the pathology of eight chief diseases.

III. Vimana (specific determination)- 8 chapters contain pathology, various tools of diagnostics & medical studies and conduct.

IV. Sarira (anatomy) - 8 chapters describe embryology & anatomy of a human body.

V. Indriya (sensorial prognosis) - 12 chapters elaborate on diagnosis & prognosis of disease on the basis of senses.

VI. Cikitsa (theraputics) - 30 chapters deal with special therapy.

VII. Kalpa (pharmaceutics and toxicology) - 12 chapters describe usage and preparation of medicine.

VIII. Siddhi (success in treatment) - 12 chapters describe general

Some aspects of Caraka Samhita It describes the principles of Ayurveda (panchamahabhuta,

tridosha & dhatu siddhanta, food, prakriti, agni, etc.) and its eight


Emphasises on promotive and preventive measures for health

(dinacharya, ratricharya, ritucharya, sadvritta, rasayana &


Rational classification of dravyas and description of 50 groups

based on their action and use. Therapeutics of single drug, simple

combination & special combinations-yoga for curing various

diseases are given.

Methods of clinical examination & assessment through yukti is


Ethics and basics of medical practice are elaborated.

Detail description of almost every known disease is given.

Disease, its definition, synonym, nidaan (cause), samprapti

(pathology), rupa-bheda (type-states), cikitsa siddhanta (treatment

principles), pathya (diet & regimen) and prognosis are discussed.

Some sailent features

First Brihat-trayi (Major text of Ayurveda)

9295 Sutras, 1949 Yogas(medicine), 12,000

Slokas(about 9498 available)

41+ Samskrit commentaries

Numerous hindi, regional languages,

english & foreign languages translations

Because of its immense benefit getting re-

acceptance in this 21st century

Some important slokas

Arogya (Health) is the basis for four pursartha –

Dharma, Artha, Kama & Moksha. (Ca.Su.01/15)

Hetu (causes), linga (symptoms) and ausadha

(treatment) are trisutras of Ayurveda, the

science which is meant for both healthy &

diseased, the science which is saswat & punya

was propagated by Brahma..(Ca.Su.01/24)

The four types of Ayu- Hita, Ahita, Sukha

and Dukha, their good & bad aspects,

pathya-apathya, span, etc are described in

science of Ayurveda.

Sareer, indriya , mann and atma – this

combination is Ayu… (Ca.Su.01/41-42)

Importance of Ausadha jnana: Like poison,

sastra, fire & asani, the improper knowledge of

ausadha in treatment can be life threatening.


Vayu(Vata), Pitta & Kapha are the three

sareer dosa; Raja and Tama are the dosa

of mana. (Ca.Su.01/57)

As ruler of a kingdom looks after his kingdom, a

charioteer his chariot, similarly the intelligent

should take care of his sareera. (Ca.Su.05/103)

Bhisaka(physician), dravya(medicine),

upasthata(attendant) and rogi(patient) are the

four pada for managing disease conditions.

(Their respective qualities are henceforth

mentioned). (Ca.Su. 09/03)

First roga pariksha (examine & diagnose the

disease) then decide or think over the

ausadha (treatment) and therapies.

The physician who starts treatment without

proper diagnosis may not succeed with

medicinal knowledge only…(Ca.Su.20/20-21)

The purpose (of this science) is safe-guarding

the health of the healthy and secondly curing the

disease of the diseased person. (Ca.Su 30/26)

The eight branches of Ayurveda are Kayaciktsa

(Internal Medicine), Salakya (Eye-ENT), Salya

(Surgery), Visha (Toxicology), Bhutvidya

(Psychiatry), Kaumarbhrita (Pediatrics), Rasayan

(Rejuvination) & Vajikrana (Reproductive

medicine). (Ca.Su. 30/28)

Sarira is the abode of Chetana(Soul) and

vikara samudaya of panchamahabhuta.


Embryology: The embryo/foetus is

developed from four contributions – that of

mother, father, food & atma. (Ca.Sa.02/26)

Some important references

500 Mahakasaya(Ca.Su.04)






Types of Sleep(Ca.Su.21)


Branches of












List of some in detail discussed diseases

Jwar (Fever), Raktapitta (Bleeding disorders), Pandu

(Anaemia), Kamala (Jaundice), Prameha (Diabetes),

Kushta (Skin disorder), Swas (Respiratory disorders),

Rajyakshma (TB/Immunosuppressed condition),

Vatavyadhi, Yonivyapada(Gynae disorders), Hrdroga,

Arsha (Piles), etc.

(*The near co-relation is given in bracket)

List of some very efficient medicines

Chyawanprash, Narayan Churna, Shitopaladi Churna,

Pusyanuga Churna, Khadiradi Gutika, Bala Taila, Pinda

Taila, Panchagavya Ghrita, Mahakalyanaka Ghrita,

Abhayarista, Punarnava Mandoor, etc.



Acharya Caraka – CARAKA SAMHITA

(*A desc. pic)

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