Page 1: Cancer Prevention Steve Chaney, PhD, Cancer researcher Barbara Lagoni

Cancer PreventionSteve Chaney, PhD, Cancer researcherBarbara Lagoni

Page 2: Cancer Prevention Steve Chaney, PhD, Cancer researcher Barbara Lagoni

Steve Chaney, PhD

• Cancer research program for 37 years. • Awarded almost $9 million dollars in grants

and contracts for his research.• Internationally known for his research on the

biochemistry of platinum anticancer drugs and their interactions with cellular DNA.

• He helped develop a drug that represents a major advance in the treatment of colon cancer and was a featured speaker at 6 international symposia on platinum anticancer drugs.

• Awarded the “Excellence in Teaching Lifetime Achievement Award” by the Academy of Educators, University of N Carolina Medical School

Page 3: Cancer Prevention Steve Chaney, PhD, Cancer researcher Barbara Lagoni

Incidence of Cancer

1.7 million new cases diagnosed in 2013

580,000 deaths 1,600/day

But good news is …Cancer deaths are declining.

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Top Causes of Cancer Deaths Men

• Lung• Prostate• Colorectal

Women• Lung• Breast• Colorectal

•15 different cancers are related to tobacco use including, nasopharynx, lung, kidney, myeloid leukemia,

•1600 people die each day in US •1 out of every 4 deaths is from cancer• Closing in on heart disease as #1 cause of death in US• 1 in 3 women and 1 in 2 men will be diagnosed with cancer in their life-time barb

Page 5: Cancer Prevention Steve Chaney, PhD, Cancer researcher Barbara Lagoni

Most Cancer is Not Genetic

• This year, more than 1.7 million Americans and more than 10 million people worldwide are expected to be diagnosed with cancer, a disease commonly believed to be preventable.

• Only 5–10% of all cancer cases can be attributed to genetic defects.

• The remaining 90–95% have their roots in the environment and lifestyle.

PubMed Pharmaceutical Research 9/2008


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Cancer is Preventable

Over 60% of cancer deaths could be preventable according to the 2008 ACS annual report, Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Facts and Figures

30% caused by tobacco use and

30% attributed to poor nutrition, physical inactivity, overweight, and obesity


Page 7: Cancer Prevention Steve Chaney, PhD, Cancer researcher Barbara Lagoni

Many Risk Factors For Cancer We Can ControlDon’t use tobaccoMaintain healthy weight Get serious about a healthy dietAvoid bad fatAvoid sugarEat lots of vegetables and fruits ( 6 to 10/day )

Exercise Supplement with nutrients that help reduce cancer risks.barb

Page 8: Cancer Prevention Steve Chaney, PhD, Cancer researcher Barbara Lagoni

3 Stages of Cancer InitiationPromotionProgression


Page 9: Cancer Prevention Steve Chaney, PhD, Cancer researcher Barbara Lagoni

Stage One – Initiation

DNA is damaged-- Precancerous cells form …mostly caused by free radicals & compounds that stick to our DNA such as:

• Cigarette smoke and polluted air• Carcinogens in our food (artificial

flavorings, colorings, preservatives ) • Benzopyrenes from grilling• Sodium nitrate/ nitrites• Aflatoxins in peanuts & corn ( beware

organic peanut butter or natural peanut butter ) steve

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• Fiber – flush toxins out of your system before they have a chance to damage cells

• Anti-oxidants are needed to protect DNA from damage & to neutralize free radicals• Diet heavy in vegetables /fruits• Vitamins C, E, CarotoMax , FlavoMax,• Vivix -- polyphenols

• Detoxification pathways need to activated

• Cabbage family vegetables ( sulfuraphanes )• Liver DTX• FlavoMax• Vivix – polyphenols turn on DNA repair & detox

pathways in the liver barb

Preventing Initiation

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Need FULL SPECTRUM of all Antioxidants … working together

• Studies that try to isolate single vitamins … just beta carotene or pure alpha tocopherol ( Vit E) always conclude … “vitamins don’t work”

• Pure alpha tocopherol interferes with gamma, delta, beta and all the other tocopherols.. Which have important benefits that alpha doesn’t have.

• Beta Carotene study .. Pure beta carotene will interfere with absorption of the other essential carotenoids… zeaxanthine, lutein, lycopene, etc steve

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STAGE TWO – PROMOTION Cancer cells start to form a tumor

(often benign, often precancerous)

Natural growth factors stimulate growth of cancer cellssteve

Page 13: Cancer Prevention Steve Chaney, PhD, Cancer researcher Barbara Lagoni

Dangerous Growth Factors

• Insulin and insulin-like growth factors (which structurally respond to sugar just like insulin)

• Wrong kinds of fats:• Eicosanoids are hormone-like substances that control

cell growth. The bad eicosanoids stimulate the growth of cancer cells.

They come from:• Vegetable oils – omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids

(corn, safflower, sunflower, etc)• Meat from animals fattened on corn• Trans fats (from fried foods, crackers, chips) steve

Page 14: Cancer Prevention Steve Chaney, PhD, Cancer researcher Barbara Lagoni

Consume the Good Fats – Omega 3 Fatty Acids … Fish Oil

There are also GOOD eicosanoids… that inhibit cell growth and come from eating Omega 3 fatty acids (fish oils).

• Omega 3s from vegetable oils are only 10% converted to good eicosanoids.

• Eat fish sparingly ... …Beware the toxins they contain.

• Fish oil supplements may be safer than eating fish. • Shaklee Omega Guard steve

Page 15: Cancer Prevention Steve Chaney, PhD, Cancer researcher Barbara Lagoni

Why Use Omega-3 Supplements?Many salmon are contaminated with PCBs & heavy metals

Current EPA recommendations for frequency of consumption:

Wild Coho & pink

Most Wild Chinook & Sockeye

Wild Alaskan Chinook

Farmed Wash. State or Chile

Farmed Canada, Maine, Norway

Farmed Scotland &Faroe Islands

Type of salmon: Eat no more than:1X/week




1X every 2 months


Page 16: Cancer Prevention Steve Chaney, PhD, Cancer researcher Barbara Lagoni

Omega 3 Fatty Acids… Shaklee Omega Guard

• Ultra pure, pharmaceutical grade, full spectrum of 7 Omega 3 fatty

acids• Reduces risk of heart disease and stroke

But that’s not all…• Also improves eczema, colitis, arthritis,

MS, psoriasis, migraines, reduces C-reactive protein,

• Important for brain, eyes, joints, helps ADD & ADHD, memory loss and depression


Page 17: Cancer Prevention Steve Chaney, PhD, Cancer researcher Barbara Lagoni

What to Eat to Prevent Promotion Stage • Low fat protein (grass fed meats & vegetable

proteins)• Avoid fried foods• Use olive oil-based salad dressings• Use mono-unsaturated oils like canola & olive oil• Stir fry with small amounts of peanut oil or grape

seed oil • Limit farm-raised salmon consumption. They are fed

ground up fish which contains PCB’s. Salmon cannot make Omega 3. That comes from plankton ( from cold water ) which small fish eat and then salmon eat them. barb

• Beware discount store fish oil –contamination likely

Page 18: Cancer Prevention Steve Chaney, PhD, Cancer researcher Barbara Lagoni

More About Promotion(Differentiation vs Cell growth)

Normally – we start as an embryo with undifferentiated cells that are dividing . These develop differentiate into specialized cells like brain, skin & bone cells with limited growth potential.

But with cancer.. Process is reversed. Specific cells become less differentiated and acquire uncontrolled growth potential. steve

Page 19: Cancer Prevention Steve Chaney, PhD, Cancer researcher Barbara Lagoni

Nutrients to Help Prevent Promotion Stage of Cancer

• Natural nutrients slow cell division• Carotenoids turn into Vitamin A• Vitamin A and Vitamin D both

stimulate cell differentiation and slow cell growth

(ex. keep bone cells as bone cells, and skin cells as skin cells and help prevent them from becoming cancer cells )


Page 20: Cancer Prevention Steve Chaney, PhD, Cancer researcher Barbara Lagoni

Stage 3 of Cancer -- Progression

• Tumors grow and spread.• Now we must rely on our immune systems to zap cancer cells before the tumors grow

too large.• Immune cells must destroy cells

in benign tumors before they become malignant as well as cancer cells that have already formed steve

Page 21: Cancer Prevention Steve Chaney, PhD, Cancer researcher Barbara Lagoni

What Do We Need to Halt Progression?

Antioxidants -- because immune cells use free radicals to kill cancer cells ( and viruses, bacteria )• The cells have to be protected from the free

radicals.Immune cells contain phagosomes that engulf the

cancer cell and then create free radicals to kill it.

B Vitamins and Protein are needed to produce lots of immune cells because when the body is under attack and the body needs to quickly produce many immune cells.

Iron, zinc and trace minerals are required to produce specialized proteins for the immune cells.

Probiotics (friendly bacteria ) are required because 70-80% of the immune system is located in the gut . steve

Page 22: Cancer Prevention Steve Chaney, PhD, Cancer researcher Barbara Lagoni

Natural Sources for the nutrients to help combat cancer

Antioxidants • Vita E, C, carotenoids, flavonoids, polyphenols –

from vegetables, fruitsOther Important Nutrients• B vitamins – from vegetables and fruits• Protein – from vegetable proteins, poultry, fish• Minerals – from whole grains• Probiotic friendly bacteria – yogurt steve

OR …

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Supplements can supply these essential nutrients in higher and more dependable


• Vitalizer• Shaklee 180 / Energizing Soy • Vivix• And Nutriferon – helps keep the immune system vigilant.

Your body produces new cancer cells every daySo you need your immune system to be on the lookout for cancer cells every day of your life . barb

Page 24: Cancer Prevention Steve Chaney, PhD, Cancer researcher Barbara Lagoni

Powerful breakthrough in immune system science

Naturally boosts interferon production

Created by the Nobel Prize laureate who discovered interferon


Every day our bodies produce cancer cells.We need a strong immune system every day of our life to protect us from them... barb

Page 25: Cancer Prevention Steve Chaney, PhD, Cancer researcher Barbara Lagoni

Nutrients Essential for Immune System to Zap Cancer Cells

• Vitamin C• Vitamin E• Carotenoids• Flavonoids• B vitamins• Iron• Optiflora (friendly

bacteria)• Energizing Soy Protein/ 180 Shakes & Bars• Nutriferon barb


Page 26: Cancer Prevention Steve Chaney, PhD, Cancer researcher Barbara Lagoni

Vitalizer – 80 Nutrients in Bio-Available Form ( that means .. You can absorb and utilize them)

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Support Immune System with Healthy Life Style Choices

• Minimize Stress• Cortisol stimulates cancer cells to grow• Stress Relief Complex/ B Complex• Yoga/ meditationo Inadequate diet• Nutrients for a healthy immune system come from vegetables,

fruits, whole grains, fish & other healthy protein sources.• Immune nutrients are not found in sugar, carby snack foods,

many baked goods, soda pop ( they deplete them)oMinimize toxins oUse Shaklee Get Clean Products.. Good for your wallet and

your immune system. barb

Page 28: Cancer Prevention Steve Chaney, PhD, Cancer researcher Barbara Lagoni

Final thoughts

• Cancer takes years to develop• There are many things we can do to reduce our risk.• We can’t control genetics• We can’t control all environmental factors • So never blame yourself or what you did or did

not do.Steve Chaney PhD Dr. Chaney holds a B.S. in Chemistry from Duke University and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from UCLA.He is a retired professor in the Department of Biochemistry, Biophysics and the Department of Nutrition at the University of North Carolina where he taught first year medical students as well as headed an active cancer research program for 30 years.Dr. Chaney has published over 95 papers in peer reviewed scientific journals, plus 12 reviews and two chapters on nutrition for one of the leading biochemistry textbooks for medical students today. He’s also been named “Teacher of the Year” several times by the first year medical students and currently holds a Medical Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professorship. Steve and Suzanne are 30 year Master Coordinators with Shaklee.

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