  • MAY 2014 8 South Bay Close



    Over the past 10 months, God has graciously provided our congregation with pastoral leadership through the skills and hearts of Pastor Lee, Pastor Hippe and Pastor Rische. Though we have missed the leadership of Pastor Dale, each of these servants has brought to us the clear message of God's plan for salvation each Sunday while also providing us with skilled leadership and care during their time with us.

    We now say good-bye and thanks be to God to Pastor Rische and his wife Lori for the time they have given to us since January. On May 4 our congregation celebrated their time with us at the conclusion of our worship services. Though Pastor Rische and Lori will still be in the area over the coming months and will worship with us as they are available in Hong Kong, we await the beginning of Pastor Joel's ministry with us in the fall. Between now and late July, our congregation will be served by Pastor Carl, Pastor Joel and Pastor Shaun Daugherty.

    May God strengthen each of us to seek ways in which we can support the ministry of CAN with zeal and joy!

  • Devotional Letter from Pastor JoelDear Christian Friends:

    Last month, the incredible joy we have from remembering Jesus death on the cross and his resurrection filled our lives each day. The events of Good Friday and Easter are those that changed the world, and also changed each of our life. But the resurrection was not the end of the story of Jesus.

    Jesus stayed with his disciples for 40 days, teaching and encouraging them. Before his ascension, he commissioned them and sent them into the whole world to be his witnesses- to be present with others on his behalf. He also promised to be with them each day with his authority, his Word, his Baptism, and in his body and blood.

    At the end of May, our church calendar will remember the Ascension of Jesus. He has been taken into heaven, but he is still with us. And we reflect together on his word that he has sent us into the world to be his witnesses.

    In this month, we say Thanks and to Pastor Scott and Lori, even as we send them to their work in Shenzhen and around the world. We also prepare for sending Sunday June 8 when we will send many more of our members to be Christs witnesses around the world.

    May Jesus bless you during the month of May with his presence and his word.

    In Christ, our Crucified, Risen, and Ascended Savior,

    Pastor Joel

    So when (the disciples) had come together,

    they asked him, Lord, will you at this time

    restore the kingdom to Israel? 7He said

    to them, It is not for you to know times

    or seasons that the Father has fixed by his

    own authority. But you will receive power

    when the Holy Spirit has come upon you,

    and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem

    and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end

    of the earth. And when he had said these things, as they were looking on, he

    was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight. (Acts 1:69)

  • Offering Figures


    Apr 13 $49,233 $1,990

    Apr 20 $50,309 -

    Apr 27 $29,622 -

    May 4 $76,084 -

    Worship Attendance Figures

    9 AM 11 AM TOTAL

    Apr 13 46 108 154

    Apr 17* 222222

    Apr 18* 414141

    Apr 20 102 115 217

    Apr 27 63 78 141

    May 4 51 109 160

    Regular Worship (until

    June 1)

    9am - Traditional

    11am - Contemporary

    Summer Worship (June 8 -

    August 10)

    9:30am - Traditional

    In Memory of Edward Arnold StrohscheinAs it is written, How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news! (Romans 10:15)

    Edward Arnold Strohschein passed away peacefully on April 24, 2014 in Seattle, Washington after a struggle with cancer. Eds long membership and service at Church of All Nations will be missed. We give thanks for his faithful witness to salvation and resurrection in Christ. Pleasecontinue in prayer for Shauna Strohschein and John Strohschein.

    Church of All Nations will host a memorial service to remember Christs work in the life of Ed Strohschein on June 7, 2014.

    * Special services during the Holy Week - Maundy Thursday and Good Friday Upcoming Events

    June 1 - Confirmation Sunday

    June 8 - Sending Sunday (Sending service and dim sum brunch)

    Are you moving from Hong Kong soon? Wed like

    to know :) Write to [email protected]

    New Changes to Church Council Officers:

    Treasurer - Neil YiuBoard of Trustees - David


    Board of Education - Carl Hanson

    Board of Stewardship - Vincent Li, Thom

    Garetson & Paul StreckerWe also confirmed

    the appointment of Megan Kincaid

    to the

    Board of Social Ministry and Mary Ga

    retson to the Board of

    Elders. Lets give thanks for the talents

    and dedication of all our

    congregational leaders, new and old!

  • Buzz Sunday School

    Is almost coming to an end!

    Classes begin around 10amAge 3 Age 5 - Room 503

    Grades 1 & 2 - Room 507

    Grades 3-5 in the UP 6/F Faculty Lounge.

    CAN Kids Praise Team A discipleship opportunity for students Grade 1 Grade 5

    at HKIS who have a heart for singing and using their

    voices to praise God! Thurs., 3pm. Until the end of the school year.

    Have a gift for sharing the Gospel with kids?

    CAN Childrens Ministry can always use more willing

    hands and hearts! Contact Megan if you interested in using your gifts to enrich the spiritual nurture of children

    in our [email protected]

    Childrens Ministry / Youth Ministry

    Upcoming EventsContact Megan for more information -

    [email protected]

    May 18 Kids Praise Team leads worship at CAN & Confirmation Rehearsal

    May 25 End-of-the-Year Sunday School Party

    June 1 Confirmation Sunday

    Aug 11-15 Weird Animals VBS

    Aug 17 VBS Sunday

    VBS 2014Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a fun way to connect with friends new and old, learn new songs, engage in creative experiments and explore Gods love through exciting Bible stories. Children ages 3 years old through the Fifth Grade will gather on the HKIS UP Campus to experience fellowship, crafts, songs, Bible stories and fun games.

    Weird Animals: Where Jesus' Love is One of a Kind!Dates: August 11-15Time: 9a-12pLocation: HKIS Repulse Bay CampusRegistration Cost: $250HKD/childCash or checks can put dropped at the CAN office on the 4/F of UP or put into the offering plate on Sundays labeled "VBS" along with the child's name.Checks can be made payable to "Church of All Nations" with "VBS" along with the child's name in the memo.

    Register online at:

    Last year's VBS was Kingdom Rock: Where Kids Stand Strong for God! Check out our Facebook page to see more photos!

  • He is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! - A great morning of worship, breakfast, an egg hunt,

    crafts, and an Easter experience walk-through.

    First, the joyous march into Jerusalem and the shouts of

    "Hosanna!" A few days later, the last supper among friends, and

    then the betrayal. The shouts became "Crucify him!" and La Via

    Dolorosa - the way of pain - led to Golgotha, where he drank of

    the cup, and would not save himself. It was there He boldly

    declared, "It is finished!"

    But we do not huddle in

    confusion over that sorrowful

    death, because we know what

    was finished. He rose from

    death, and the task of redeeming us from sin was completed. We were given new life.

    Every Easter, FPSC transforms a wooden cross, a symbol of darkness and despair, into

    a thingof beauty and hope. The fresh blooms on the floral cross signify new life.

    Because He lives, we too can live.

    Blessings on your day!!

    Mary Ewing


  • Outreach & Fellowship

    During the three days of

    conference, you will hear from world-class speakers, Asia

    based practitioners and church leaders, and those

    contending right in the centre

    of the most important social justice issues facing our region

    in this generation. The conference will address such

    central social justice topics as

    human trafficking, poverty relief, children at risk, gender

    abuse and violence, ethnic displacement, among many


    Date: Thursday - Saturday,

    May 22-24 2014

    Venue: The Vine Centre,

    29 Burrows Street, Wanchai,

    Hong Kong

    Online Registration:


    Youre invited... our Mothers Day TeaDate: May 11, 2014Time: 10:10 a.m.

    Venue: UP 4/F CafeteriaJoin us to celebrate the special woman that

    God has put in your life!

    Thursday Womens Beth Moore Study meets

    every Thursday 9:30am at CAN to study the

    book "Stepping Up: A Journey through the

    Psalms of Ascent". Infants and toddlers are


    Contact Robyn Steuernagel for more info.


  • by Dr. George Wong


    Sharing on Mission Trip to China with HIS Foundation

    She got one of her arms and two legs severely

    disfigured during a fire happened not long

    after her birth. As a result, one of her legs is

    amputated and the other severely deformed

    and cannot bear weight. Her mother could

    not face the harsh reality, and was also afraid

    of lifelong and endless responsibilities. She left

    her. And not long later, her father left her as

    well. Fortunately, her auntie regarded her as

    her own child and took the responsibility to

    take care of her. Auntie became her mother

    since then.

    In 2000, when she was about 8-9 years old,

    Hong Kong surgical team started a long

    process of her treatment, surgery and follow-

    up. However, due to intrinsic reasons, local

    resources for surgery were limited. Our

    doctor did not give her up and arranged her

    to come to

    Hong Kong for her final reconstruction.

    Under her limited financial resources, she,

    accompanied by her auntie, came to Hong

    Kong to receive an advanced orthopedic

    surgery and also installation of more advanced

    prosthetics. She was then followed up by the

    surgical team for several years.

    Today she grew up as a lady. After graduation,

    she found a job on computer graphic design

    for advertisement. She can now walk

    independently without crutches. Lets see the

    photo she looked so confident while riding on

    her motorbike......Halleluia Praise the Lord!

    Continued on next page

    Her story.....

  • Sharing on Mission Trip to China with HIS Foundation (contd)

    Fourteen years ago when the surgical team first visited this hospital for mission services, several

    little boys were admitted in to the same ward. All of them were suffering from various disabilities.

    One of them was particularly bad. He could not stand; he only crawled on the ground. The children

    in the ward however seemed to have forgotten their disabilities, played together and made so much

    noise in the ward.

    The child, who could only crawl on the ground after having surgery, finally stood up. Although he

    has to use a pair of crutches for walking in his life, he is at least able to stand, to live with dignity.

    Today, he came back to the hospital (Figure with crutches) with his girlfriend (the figure with long

    hair). He came to visit the uncles and aunties who took care of him with love 14 years ago.

    He now works in the field of computer. He also brings to us a good news, he is going to marry


    His story...

    About HIS Foundation:HIS Foundation was first registered as a Christian non-profit organization in Hong Kong in 1992. Later, HIS (Holistic Integrated Services) Foundation was registered as a Christian 501 (c)(3) non-profit service organization in 1998 in the United States.

    Mission Statement:The HIS Foundation witnesses the love of Christ through relief of natural disasters, helping the poor and needy, rendering free educational and health services in China and the rest of the world.

  • Upcoming Service Opportunity at CAN

    A Day of Service at Crossroads on May 17

    A Crossroads Foundation is a Hong Kong based, non-profit organization serving global need. In a world that sees so much suffering, we should do all we can to link those who are in need with those who can help.

    Join us for a day of service at Crossroads and help those in need with your time, talents or by making a financial contribution.

    The bus will make one other stop at LTS Seminary, Dao Fung Shan then will take the group to the Gold Coast area . Lunch will be provided. If you are unable to join us for a day of service but would like to make a financial contribution to Crossroads contact CAN.

    List of possible activities:

    Sorting and packing most volunteers will work in departments helping to sort toys, household items, clothing and books.

    Renovations -painting (If you have carpentry skills please let us know in advance)

    Gardening and maintenance

    Heavy work -preparing furniture for shipments, loading containers and unloading trucks.

    On the day of service, it is suggested that all participants wear old clothing and comfortable shoes. If you have any questions contact: Beth Hall Mobile: 6183-5711 or [email protected]

    Looking forward to working together to help those in need!

    Suggested schedule for the day:

    10:00a.m. Arrive, sign in, name tags, orientation

    11:00a.m. Morning Volunteering Session

    1:00p.m. Lunch

    2:00p.m. Afternoon Volunteering Session

    4:30p.m. Group Photo, visit Fair Trade Shop and Caf

    5:00p.m. Depart

    Please plan to arrive promptly at 9:00am at Church of All Nations in Repulse Bay on Saturday, May 17.

    Pictures from Crossroads Visit 2009

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