Page 1: Can Dogs Eat Yogurt?

Can Dogs Eat Yogurt

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Page 2: Can Dogs Eat Yogurt?


Can Dogs Eat Yogurt

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According to a dog magazine, yogurt is an excellent source of protein and calcium. When in the grocery to buy yogurt, make sure to choose one that has live bacteria and have no artificial sweeteners.

The live bacteria can act as probiotics which are living organisms that offer health benefit especially when consumed in sufficient amounts.

Page 3: Can Dogs Eat Yogurt?


Can Dogs Eat Yogurt

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If your dog is a bit fat, make sure you select the fat-free variety. Frozen can be a perfect summer treat for your dog. You even might think about adding some healthy and safe fruits such as apples, bananas, strawberries and blueberries to make it even more delicious.

It is like ice cream for dogs. It can make a great substitute for ice cream that you should not feed your dog because it has too much sugar and fat.

Page 4: Can Dogs Eat Yogurt?


Can Dogs Eat Yogurt

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Dairy foods have high fat content and may upset the stomach of your dog, causing them to become overweight. But you can occasionally give your dog nonfat plain yogurt as a treat.

In addition, for most dogs out there, dairy products may serve as natural laxatives so it is not advised to give your dog too much of it especially if your dog easily gets an upset stomach.

Page 5: Can Dogs Eat Yogurt?


Can Dogs Eat Yogurt

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Compared to milk, It is much easier to digest. Most dogs that can't tolerate milk either due to lactose intolerance or protein allergy enjoy yogurt more. The process of culturing is what makes yogurt digestible.

Lactase, an enzyme lactose intolerant dogs do not have is created in live active cultures and other enzymes in some yogurt which can help in promoting lactose absorption.

Page 6: Can Dogs Eat Yogurt?


Can Dogs Eat Yogurt

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Bacteria enzymes that are produced by the culturing process digest partially the milk protein casein which makes it less allergenic and much easier to absorb.

Though the amount may vary depending on the brand, generally, yogurt has less lactose compared to milk. The process breaks down the milk sugar lactose into galactose and glucose, two sugars which are absorbed easily by people who are lactose intolerant.

Page 7: Can Dogs Eat Yogurt?


Can Dogs Eat Yogurt

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Culturing of yogurt helps in increasing the absorption of B-vitamins and Calcium. Yogurt also has lactic acid which aids in the digestion of milk calcium.

According to some studies, yogurt cultures contain a factor which has anti-tumor effects in animals. Yogurt also contains more lactase and less lactose and because of that, it is well-tolerated usually by healing intestines and is a very popular food for healing diarrhea.

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Can Dogs Eat Yogurt

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Some studies also indicated that yogurt helps in reducing blood cholesterol. That could probably because the live cultures in it can absorb the cholesterol. It could also be because yogurt is capable of binding bile acids.

To sum it all up, you can let your dog eat yogurt. But just like any safe human food that you want to share your pooch,

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Can Dogs Eat Yogurt

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it is best to feed them with yogurt as an occasional, small treat. You should not give it to them every day or in large amounts. If your dog is prone is weight gain, it is advised to give him the non-fat variety only.

For more info on this topic Can Dogs Eat Yogurt? Can be found at Petfoodia.

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Can Dogs Eat Yogurt

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