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Can Cats Eat Nuts

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Can Cats Eat Nuts

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While nuts are toxic to dogs, cats are lucky enough because nuts are not so dangerous to them except that they may experience minor side effects and a little bit of discomfort.

So if you want to know can cats eat nuts, yes they can. But as with other human foods, it is important to practice caution while giving your cats with nuts because they might negatively react to it.

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Can Cats Eat Nuts

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Allowing your cat to indulge on cats occasionally is fine. Just make sure they don’t eat too much of it. Nuts have high fat content and that can be a problem if your cat has consumed large amount of nuts regardless of its type.

Any food like nuts that are high in fat can cause tummy problems in most cats which could result to vomiting and diarrhea.

Page 4: Can Cats Eat Nuts?


Can Cats Eat Nuts

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If your cat has eaten too much fat on a regular basis, they might develop pancreatitis that could lead to kidney failure and in some cases, especially if not treated immediately can be fatal.

While a few nuts won’t cause much damage to your cat, it is best not to risk it. It is your cat that will suffer so resist their begging eyes or don’t eat nuts when they are around.

Page 5: Can Cats Eat Nuts?


Can Cats Eat Nuts

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Aside from the fat content in nuts, there are other ingredients in nuts that are not suitable for cats. That is true especially with packed nuts that are salted. Too much salt can actually cause sodium ion poisoning in cats.

Depending on the amount of salt ingested and on the age and weight of your cat, the symptoms could vary ranging from vomiting to tremors and seizures.

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Can Cats Eat Nuts

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Some cats are unable to tolerate the high amounts of salt content and may potentially cause them to die.

Macadamia nuts are just one of those types of nuts that should not be given to dogs because it can affect their nervous system and can cause gastrointestinal stress. But there were not data about whether or not Macadamia nuts are toxic to cats. But to stay on the safe side, you better not give your cat these nuts.

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Can Cats Eat Nuts

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If you keep a lot of snack foods inside the fridge that you can munch on when watching TV with your cat, you should be aware that there are a number of snack foods that were found to be dangerous to cats.

Aside from most nuts, you should not allow your cat to feed on raisins as they can cause kidney damage or chocolate which contains caffeine and theorbromine. These two compounds are highly toxic to cats.

Page 8: Can Cats Eat Nuts?


Can Cats Eat Nuts

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You should keep your cat away from mushroom or other foods containing onions and garlic. In addition, you should not allow them to eat anything that is high in sugar. All these foods can cause your cat varying degrees of problems. Dog was able to drink a cup of coffee.

Now you know that nuts are not edible for cats. For more info on this topic go ahead and visit Petfoodia now.

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Can Cats Eat Nuts

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