  • 7/28/2019 Campus Recruitment in India Needs a Change


    Campus Recruitment in India needs a change

    Current situation: Most of the Information Technology companies

    conduct campus recruitment in the third year of engineering and give

    appointment orders. By the time students complete their fourth year,they receive a formal letter from the organization which says, your

    joining date is postponed by x months/ indefinitely until further

    notice. I heard this from more than 100 students in the last 3 years and

    many blogs confirmed this.

    Background: This culture of campus recruitment in third year started

    few years ago when companies were flooded with large projects and

    hence they could project manpower requirements for next 5 years with

    little deviation, being refined at least once in a quarter. The projections

    were later affected by many factors including,

    - Tightened visa procedures in terms of fees, time elapsed in issue,etc., which may not be too amenable to project schedules and cost.

    Two decades ago we could fly abroad on business visa with one

    day notice, kick off project in two days and work with project up to

    18 months with legal extensions. Now the individual gets notice of

    more than 3 months for foreign travel during which company prays

    that the individual does not quit, visa is granted and project is not

    terminated. Intra company transfers and applying visa in

    anticipation had a significant positive impact, with many

    constraints.- Rarely any individual is sure of his/ her stay with the companyciting factors including personal, family, company and industry.

    - And technology gap, geographical time differences, Non-materialization of Marketing teams ambitious plans/ targets etc., a

    bigger list normally available with HR/ Human Resources

    Management Group of every company.


    When companys revised estimates of manpower requirements more

    than an year after giving appointment letter, are significantly below

    the earlier estimates, the steps taken by company are to discouragefreshers to join and encourage low-performing seniors to leave. As per

    unwritten business rules, company is not supposed to appreciate

    individuals loss and trauma.

    Two decades ago we used to blacklist those companies that did not

    honour their commitment. But now, many universities cannot afford

    this. But it is definitely creating first-bad-impression on those

    companies in the minds of affected students.

    The most advanced subjects are covered in 4th year , by which the

    student attains certain maturity in thinking and exposure to IT

  • 7/28/2019 Campus Recruitment in India Needs a Change


    industry. At least he / she would be able to identify area of interest for


    Once appointment letter is received, the students are taking the

    subsequent courses lightly, giving more attention to moderate grades

    and less attention to knowledge. They are unable to project its impacton their future growth. Further, most of them are not even applying to

    other companies though job melas are frequently conducted in their

    own cities. Only they can explain their frustration when they receive

    postponement letter, which leads to quickly jumping into less

    challenging jobs with less established companies.

    Message to IT companies:

    Visit campus during the last year of the degree, which can fetch more

    matured and more focussed employees.

    If 1st January is the deadline for firming-up manpower requirementsfor that year, start campus visits after that date. The deviation from

    projections in 6 months time can be negligible unless there is

    termination of massive projects.

    Such a change can show significant benefits, if adapted by all major

    companies, than just one. HR forums would be ideal to propagate this.

    Add Prospective-employee perspective to the existing industry,

    organization and employee perspectives.

    Message to students:Understand that you are entering a big competitive world. Getting an

    appointment letter is not the end of your journey. Keep attempting

    other interviews to understand your own interests and weaknesses.

    Keep enriching your knowledge throughout your lifetime to stay alive

    in the competition.

    The opinions expressed here by Emani Sarathy, Proprietor of

    MEQPRIMA Advisory Services, are based on his experiences and

    interactions with several youngsters in India. The author will feel

    happy if companies have already taken or willing to take this direction,collectively.

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