Download - Camera angles kyle

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Page 2: Camera angles kyle

EXTREME LONG SHOT: This shot sets the scene and helps the audience to see where the scene or even whole film is about to happen. This helps them understand the challenges the characters might face .

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MEDIUM SHOT: this shot helps the audience get a profile of the new character well still showing some of the surrounding scene . In some films this might help explain a part of a characters life style.

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TRACKING SHOT: This shot is where the camera is put on a track a follows the characters as they run this helps the viewers to imagine what the characters are doing and be put into there shoes.

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LONG SHOT: This shot helps to set the scene in a action scene where u don’t what to show the whole area but still show what the character might come across and have to deal with such as stairs.

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CLOSE UP: Helps to put importance on a certain character if something is about to happen to the for example if they are about to be shot.

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ZOOM: Zoom can help to set a personal moment or scene it is usual used in an emotional scene where the character is starting to cry in to put emphasise on the crying it will zoom in.

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EXTREME CLOSE UP: this helps to show a feeling or thought some body might be having during the film letting the viewer understand what the character is going through.

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TILT: this helps to give a character stature and power by the way the camera angle makes them look bigger or smaller then they are.

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PAN: this helps in a scene where two characters are talking but are to far apart to be in the camera shot at the same time so they move the camera side to side so that they can included both characters

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• The sound that only the audience can hear and not the characters... For example commentary.

• This might give us background information on a character that will help us during the scene

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• Diegetic sound is sound that both the characters and the viewer hear. This may help set the scene for example rain falling and gun shoots this allows the viewer to put them self in the position the character is in.

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