  • 7/29/2019 Callling people towards Allah


    Importance ofDawah

    Mubashir Hassan

    When Allah, in His infinite wisdom, decided to hand over the earths affairs to

    man, He sent various messengers to guide him (Man) - to let him know what he

    was expected to do or not to do in order to achieve the pleasure of Allah.

    Messengers were sent to various nations keeping in view the needs and

    requirements of the time and the mental level of the people concerned. The

    messengers were provided with various miracles to convince the people. Prophet

    Muhammad SAW, who was sent with universal message and for all times to come,

    was provided with an everlasting miracle (Qur'an: the miraculous nature of which

    can be ascertained at any time.) Allah addresses the Prophet (SAW) in the

    following way: O Apostle! Proclaim the (Message) which hath been sent to thee

    from thy Lord (Al-Qur'an 5:67)

    The Prophet (peace be upon him) carried out this duty throughout his life with

    zeal and zest, without ever displaying any signs of fatigue. The Prophet (SAW) had

    to face a lot of hardships in carrying out this mission on the hands of the

    polytheists of Makah who opposed the message of Allah with all their might. But

    the prophet (SAW) was undeterred till he was successful in establishing an Islamic

    state throughout Arabia. On the occasion of haja-tul-wida the prophet (SAW)

    delivered a sermon the last part of which is:

    ..All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to

    others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who

    listen to me directly. Toward the end of his sermon, the Prophet asked O people,

    have I faithfully delivered unto you my message?" A powerful murmur of assent,

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    arose from thousands of pilgrims and the vibrant words Allahumma nam (O

    Allah, yes!) rolled like thunder throughout the valley. The Prophet raised his

    forefinger and said: Be my witness O Allah, that I have conveyed your message

    to your people." That was the seriousness which the prophet (SAW) showed in the

    spread of this message.

    Prophet Muhammad (SAW) entrusted this work of conveying the message of

    Allah to his companions (As-hab) and after them the responsibility rests on our

    shoulders. And there may spring from you a nation who invite to goodness, and

    enjoin right conduct and forbid indecency. (Al-Qur'an 3:104).

    Dawa'h in contemporary times: Dawah in present times is easier. In the

    present age the means of communication are ample. We have easy access to print

    and electronic media. Internet if used properly can prove to be a good tool for

    Dawa'h work. A large number of private T.V. channels are running in Kashmir, but

    they are telecasting rubbish and unislamic content spreading vulgarity and

    shamelessness. Nobody cares. Nobody raises a voice against them as if we were

    not concerned, as if we were secure from the onslaught of Satan on this front.

    Cant they telecast Islamic programs? Shouldnt our cable operators show some

    responsibility and air permissible channels?

    The talented among us are wasting their time in useless pursuits. Some of our

    writers are getting bolder and write such things that one shivers at their boldness.

    Perhaps they want to impress that they are not bound by tradition and are liberal.What they want to gain from such bragging? May be they would get the label of

    being called liberal but at what cost? They might gain the displeasure of Allah

    and eternal damnation. They ought to take care. My advice to them is to use their

    time judiciously and write about Islamic topics, they would certainly get rewarded.

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    Who knows how many people might get guided to the path of Allah after their

    efforts. Our writers have added responsibility of spreading the message of Allah

    because they have the talent ad should use it in the service of Islam.

    We ought to rethink our priorities and use our time in studying and spreading

    the message of Allah. It is because of our neglect of this duty we are finding our

    youth going astray and engaging in unislamic practices and the tragedy is that

    some youth are turning to Christianity. The onus lies on our ulema in particular and

    on everybody in general. Everybody among is answerable for what is happening.

    Ourulema are busy in debating minor issues and trying to proving the superiority

    of their school of thought and ignoring the real issues and the responsibility

    entrusted to them. That is the clear deviation from the true path.

    Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is reported to have said: Whosoever from among

    you witnesses evil, should change it with his hands. And if he is unable to do so

    then he should change it with his tongue. And if he is unable to do so with his

    tongue, then he should at least consider it to be wrong. And this is the weakest

    stage ofImaan. (Narrated by Abu Sa'id Khudri [R A] reported in Sahih Muslim).

    Are not our writers answerable before Allah for not using their power (of pen) in

    launching a crusade against the evil present in our society? Is it not the

    responsibility of our ulema and the learned ones to provide leadership to common

    masses and guide them to the right path? Those who have the ability have the

    added responsibility of taking the lead and using their efforts in this regard.

    Apostasy: one wonders why some Muslim person should apostatize when the truth

    of Islam is so clear. One does not dare to believe such reports, but it is the hard

    truth. Perhaps the religion of Allah is being given a secondary importance in our

    lives. We were entrusted with the task of calling people to Allah and to convey to

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    people the message of true religion, we forsake that responsibility and our own

    folk are leaving the fold. Our youth are not even given the basic knowledge about

    Islam. Nobody cares for them. They do not know the importance ofImaan, there is

    every apprehension that they might fall prey to some beautiful bait, otherwise a

    person who knows whatImaan means and what its importance is, he would prefer

    to be set ablaze or be thrown into acidic pond than to compromise with his Imaan,

    let alone the need for a few bucks.

    We showed laxity in our duty and when we saw our youth knowingly throwing

    themselves to hell, did we come to our senses and started crying what is happening

    to our youth? We have concern for our youth and love them too much o let them

    go to hell. Imaan is everything that matters and if one were to sell his Imaan, he

    would buy eternal damnation in its stead. How much a person would be steeped in

    evil, he would get released from hell if he has Imaan; but if he lacks it, he would

    reside in hell eternally. They may not understand this thing but we do understand it

    and know it, why should we let it happen to our brethren. We have forsaken he

    responsibility of calling others to our religion, but should we not care for thosewho share our faith?

    Our negligence: in how many of our mosques regular Quranic classes are

    held and the people instructed in religious knowledge? Experience shows that

    where ever a few youth took upon themselves the task of conducting religious

    classes, they were met with stiff resistance on behalf of some vested interests,

    perhaps fearing that their traditional authority would be eroded or that their selfdevised rituals and religious practices would be challenged by the new generation.

    As a result the spread of knowledge and enlightenment halted; strangers came and

    took our youth in their fold. How long would we keep fighting with each other and

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    at what cost. Is not it time to work together like one power and defeat the plans of

    those who want to disrupt us?

    We have got to review all our thinking. The spread of Quranic and religious

    knowledge should get boosted. Those who are opposing such efforts should realise

    their responsibilities and the sin associated with it. Mohalla committees need to be

    set up which would disseminate the religious knowledge at Mohalla level and look

    after the needs of needy and solve other problems facing the ummah. State level

    committee too needs to be set up. The elderly have to encourage it but the lead has

    to be taken by the youth, who have the required energy for it. If we do not wake up

    even with this clarion call and keep fighting with each other, we might invite the

    wrath of Allah. May God help us!

    Author can be mailed at:[email protected]

    Yours Faithfully

    Mubashir Hassan

    S/o Manzoor Ahmad Dar

    R/o Zirpora Bijbehara

    M. 9419924672

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

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