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07 August 2014 No. 23 60 Park Parade Shorncliffe QLD 4017 Tel (07) 3631 9000 Fax (07) 3631 9001 Email [email protected]

A Catholic Boys' School in the Edmund Rice Tradition Catering for Years 5 to 12

Dear Members of the St. Patrick’s College Community Firstly this week we need to congratulate the young men who formed the 2014 winning Cross Country team. On Saturday one of the College’s largest ever Cross Country teams assembled at Limestone Park in Ipswich, with over 70 students forming our squad. The young men had been well prepared and were ready to give it their all, which they certainly did. Some outstanding efforts on the day included:

Elliott Schultz 14 Years 1st Place Jacob Caruana 16 Years 1st Place Open Age Division Winners - Undefeated in 5 years!

I congratulate the staff who, over the years, have fostered the love of running and developed the culture of the Cross Country team. Thank you to Mrs Devine, Mr Locke, Mrs Purcell, Mr Drabble, Mr Greenfield, Mr Maynard and all the other staff who assisted with the team not only throughout the season but also on Saturday. Developing a team is one aspect of success but developing a culture and pride in what you are doing is what brings enduring success. The Cross Country competition has become a symbol of dedication, commitment and hard work. It was also very pleasing to witness the sportsmanship that was displayed throughout the carnival by all runners, particularly at the end by Marist, Ashgrove and our own competitors and supporters. The Year 9 camp and retreat program is occurring this week and by all reports the boys are having a thoroughly enjoyable experience and are pleased with their achievements. Thank you to all the staff who are attending the camps and participating in the retreat program. Congratulations also to the young men who represented St. Patrick’s College in a regional Maths Tournament this week. Great results were achieved and special mention must be made of the intermediate team who finished in first place. This result was a credit to Mr Greenfield and Ms Carr who have spent time preparing the young men for the competition. On Monday and Tuesday next week the Year 12 students will be involved in a full rehearsal for the Queensland Core Skills Test (QCST). The two days are an important part of their QCST preparation. It is expected that all students sitting the QCST will be present for the practice days. Year 12 students not sitting the QCST are not required at school on Monday and Tuesday next week. Thursday, 14 August, is the Feast Day of the Assumption and we are privileged to have the Archbishop of Brisbane, Mark Coleridge, celebrating Mass at St. Patrick’s College. He will be assisted by Fr Liam and Fr Modestus from Sacred Heart Parish.

Finally, I wish to inform the community that Ms Zoe Morgan has been appointed as

Assistant Principal - Strategic Operations. Ms Morgan is currently acting in the

position and will take up role in a permanent capacity in 2015. I congratulate Ms

Morgan on her appointment.

God Bless

Mr Frank Torrisi Acting College Principal

THIS WEEK’S MEN OF ACTION Hayden Brough (Man of Humility), Craig Gilpin (Man of Humility), Beau Miers (Man of Humility) Johannes Hoehensteiger (Man of Faith)

Tuesday 19 August 3pm ‐ 6pm

Please come along to help display our

Paddies Spirit


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Mr Matthew Hawkins AP Identity

Come the day, come the hour

Come the power and the glory We have come to answer

Edmund’s call…

We sing these words on regular occasions here at St Patrick’s. In fact, we sang them on Assembly this week, and we will sing them to close our Feast of the Assumption Mass next Thursday morning, celebrated by His Grace, The Archbishop of Brisbane Mark Coleridge. But what do these words mean? What exactly is “Edmund’s call”? The word “Call” has a rich religious tradition associated with it. Over centuries, Catholic men and women have been “called” to become priests, sisters and brothers, and in doing so spend their lives serving others and serving God. They provide continual inspiration to us. At St Patrick’s, we are fortunate to have in our presence Fr Liam Horsfall and Br Chris Pritchard, and until only recently Br Col Fitzgerald, who embody this “call” which we speak and sing about. This week is National Vocations Awareness Week, where young people in particular are being asked to open their ears and open their eyes to determine where they may be being called. It is clear that not each of us, or indeed, not many of us at all, hear the same call to religious life, and that’s fair enough. However, if we are not called to religious life, what is it that we called to be? What is it we are called to do? At St Patrick’s, the answer is fairly clear, and it is articulated in our community at the moment by the phrases, Men of Humility, Men of Learning and Men of Faith. This is what our students are called to be. It is a challenge, but it is attainable. On Assembly this week, some students were congratulated for emulating these titles through very simple actions like outstanding behaviour on public transport. What a simple way to answer Edmund’s call! Next Thursday, we are so fortunate to have our Archbishop here to celebrate our Feast of the Assumption Mass, and he will be joined by Fr Liam along with Fr Modestus from our local parish. It promises to be a very special occasion for our College in 2014. Perhaps, His Grace will help each of us hear “the call”, no matter what that might be.

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Mr Chris Campbell AP Curriculum

Year 12 students are moving closer by the day to the all important QCS Test exam in the first week of September. An essential part of the preparation program for the test is the traditional two day full practice. This will be held on Monday and Tuesday of next week. The practice involves OP eligible students and any industry placement students who wish to complete the exam. Students undertaking the practice are required to attend AM Tutor Group as normal, then proceed to the Callan Centre. Students will receive one break at the conclusion of the first paper. At the finish of the second paper students will be permitted to go home. This should be around 2pm. Industry placement students do not need to complete the QCS Test and as such are not required to attend school on Monday and Tuesday.

The university of Southern Queensland is offering 50 cash scholarships, to be awarded to students before the end of the their Year 12 studies. For information log on to The closing date for applications is Friday 29 August, with successful recipients advised in October. USQ has a number of new programs available in 2015. If interested to hear more the University is holding Open days on the 3, 17, and 24 of August. Finally an important reminder for all Year 12s and parents. The QTAC information evening will be held on Monday evening 25 August commencing at 7pm. This information evening is virtually a must for any students wishing to apply for tertiary entrance once they finish Year 12.

SOSE DEPARTMENT Year 10 History: Australian History Competition On Wednesday 28th May the two Year 10 History classes will be involved in the Australian History Competition. This is a 45 minute competition that tests students’ knowledge on the three depth studies that are explored in the History Course:

World War II

Indigenous Rights and Freedoms

Migration Experiences/Popular Culture/Environmental Movements

The students will be provided with a sheet of stimulus for this exam, and the questions will be based on this stimu-lus. Students’ use of the historical inquiry skills as well as their historical content and understandings will be tested in this competition. At this stage of the year we have not yet covered all of the depth studies outlined above. Therefore the advice is to read up on these topics if you would like to explore them in more depth. The Resource Centre has some excellent texts based on these themes, and the use of the internet and databases will also be of assistance. Sample questions and further information on this competition can be found at the Australian History Competition Website, or alternatively you can speak with Mrs Tilley. Good Luck Year 10 History Students! Mrs Katerina Tilley

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Mr Charles Brauer AP Student Formation

THE CHOICES WE MAKE There are many things in life we cannot control. As a control freak, this sometimes bothers me. However, with such a personality I do recognise there are many things we can control - decisions we can make to influence ourselves and others.

Our Year 11 students are currently an audience to guest speakers that explore the idea of making choices and the impacts that such choices have on the individual and on others. Through listening to these inspirational guest speakers there are some useful reminders that have stood out to me that I’d like to share with our community.

Be informed. Although often a useful strategy, sometimes we need more than a “gut feeling” to make decisions. By seeking information from authorative sources and listing to anecdotal evidence we can gain a greater perspective on the issue or decision at hand and a clearer idea of the possible choices available to us.

Self-awareness. As parents, there are times when we need to make decisions for our children. I found being conscious of my though processes very effective when making those on the spot decisions. I hope to ensure I send a consistent message that doesn’t confuse my children and therefore in some way have a negative impact on them.

Crunch time. At some point we respond to a decision. Each guest speaker to the Year 11s this term have shared the moment that matters most when making a decision, the action. Each speaker has shared stories about how they wished they had done a “double check” before acting. The “double check” being the rationale thinking, that moment where we momentarily reflect on what we know about the situation and the likelihood of various outcomes.

Lessons learnt. Taking time to reflect on the choices we had, the thinking that took place, the decided action and the outcome is essential in developing our decision making skills and responding to the choices before use, be it simple or being serious.

INTER-HOUSE ATHLETICS CARNIVAL Our annual Inter-House Athletics carnival will take place at Curlew Park on Friday 15 August. Students need to be present at Curlew Park and ready for the carnival before 8:30am. Students catching trains will need to get off at and return home from Sandgate Station. Buses will drop off and pick up students at Curlew Park 8:20am and 3:00pm respectively.

The carnival is always a great way to end the Exhibition week. Our ongoing attention to ensure your son’s attendance and participation at the carnival is imperative to continue such a

wonderful tradition. The carnival is a Special Event Day. Absences need to be explained with a medical certificate addressed to your son’s House Dean.

REMINDERS Below are some key matters that need immediate attention by families.

Punctuality to School Students need to ensure they are ready for classes before 8:30am. Arriving at or after this time leads to you son being late or unprepared for classes. If there are legitimate reasons for your son’s lateness to school, please ensure they sign in at the Student Office.

Student Drivers and Passengers of Student Drivers

All students who intend on driving to and from school need to ensure that they have registered themselves and any passengers with the College. Students are required to contact Acting College Principal, Mr Torrisi to indicate their intention to drive to school. Families will then receive an application pack that contain documents that need to be signed and returned to Mr Torrisi.

If you would like to/likely to be a passenger of a student driver, you must be listed on the student driver’s application. Parental signatures will be required.

Hair and Grooming Please ensure that your son’s hair meets our expectations in relation to our Hair and Grooming Policy. We are striving to ensure that we are consistent with applying our policies when following up with students.

Your ongoing attention to and continued support of the above reminders and of all College policies and procedures is a greatly appreciated. Please contact me or your son’s House Dean if you have any queries or concerns.

UPCOMING STUDENT FORMATION EVENTS Friday 8 August Year 8 Inter-House Long Jump Lunchtime on the Oval. Monday 11 August Year 9 Inter-House Long Jump Lunchtime on the Oval. Friday 15 August: Inter-House Athletics Carnival From 8:30 Curlew Park. This is a Special Event Day. Students need to attend this day. Absences need to be explained with a medical certificate.

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Ms Katie Moro Xavier House

Over Semester 1 this year, Xavier House has been participating in numerous fun activities, which included wrestling and oval sports. We started the year with Dodgeball which proved to be fun and exciting for everyone. As the weather was hot, indoor activities dominated and included our traditional sock-wrestling game. I personally believe that this game is definitely one of the most exciting activities we do in Xavier. Not only do the boys participating in the sock-wrestle have fun, but the spectators are also actively involved in cheering for their Tutor Group. With the strong enthusiasm for sock wrestling, Mr Mackintosh suggested another wrestling game called ‘goanna wrestling’. We decided to give it a go, and again this was a huge success. The highlight of activities in Term 2 were kick-tennis, limbo and arm wrestling, where there was a high level of enthusiasm from all those involved. However, the feature highlight would have to be Xavier and O’Rourke competing in a tug-o-war competition – it was a hard fought battle, but in the end, as expected, we were victorious. This was the first time that we had participated with another House during House Assembly. Inter-House Debating was also taking place throughout the term.

Last Thursday our Senior Debaters, Rhys Bayliss, Fiachra Sides and Cameron Basile, battled it out in the grand final coming 2nd place overall and our Juniors, Matthew Pollard, Daniel Heinrich and Jack Wright put up an impressive fight, coming 8th. This term, we are doing some fundraising for our House charity – Guide Dogs Australia. We hope to have a movie night towards the end of term 3 and a Baby Moro raffle which will include guessing the gender, due date and weight of Mr and Mrs Moro’s baby. All the money raised will go to Guide Dogs Australia. Unfortunately, Mrs Moro will be leaving us at the end of Week Five as she is going to determine the result of the raffle. We wish her all the best and look forward to meeting the newest wolf cub soon. Mrs Garside will be acting as House Dean for the remainder of 2014. Fide Sapientia Virtue (with faith wisdom and courage)

Alex Kallenbach and Rhys Bayliss Xavier House Leaders

Photos of Inter-House Debating, Year 11 dinner dance and Year 12 Formal

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Mr Geoff Samuels Director of Culture

MUSIC Coordinator - Stephen Fischer [email protected] Battle of the Bands 2014: All entries must be submitted to Steve Fischer by tomorrow afternoon!! Program for the night will be distributed next week. All bands will be required for sound checks from 2pm on the day. Many of our ensembles are set to participate in one of the College’s music ensembles at the upcoming Queensland Catholic Music Festival at Villanova College. Our excursion dates and times are as follows: (by bus, to and from the College) Guitar Ensemble Mr Reginato Thursday 14 August 1:20pm-7:00pm (Performing at 4:36pm in the A ugustine Centre – Section begins at 4:00pm) String Ensemble Miss Simmers Friday 15 August 8:30am-3:00pm (Performing at 10:40am in the A ugustine Centre – Section begins at 9:40am) Percussion Ensemble ,Mr Hawkins (Locky) Saturday 16 August 10am-4:30pm (Perfo rming at 11:45am in the Augustine Centre – Section begins at 11:45am) Stage Band Mr Hockey Saturday 16 August 10am-4:30pm (Performing at 1:30pm in the Goold Hall – Section begins at 1:30pm) Transport to and from school will be provided as will lunch on the day, however, it is recommended the boys bring a water bottle and a few snacks in a bag. Students are to meet at the Plaza Area car park 15mins before departure. For parents wishing to join us on the day, be advised to arrive at least 30mins early to secure parking at the complex. Dress is to be strictly full formal school uniform. For parents and friends, please find information about the event here: and

For further information refer to the INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC PAGE click here

PUBLIC SPEAKING Coordinator – Jonathan Brough [email protected] For further information refer to the PUBLIC SPEAKING PAGE click here

DEBATING Coordinator - Lorraine O’Sullivan [email protected] For further information refer to the DEBATING PAGE click here


Coordinator - Scott Little [email protected] Chess Club: Mondays 3:00 – 4:15pm For further information refer to the CHESS PAGE click here

THEATRESPORTS Coordinator - Marthy Watson [email protected] (insert Grand Final poster here) For further information refer to the THEATRESPORTS PAGE click here

Below is a brief overview with links to the Cultural web pages containing more detailed information on each of the activities.

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Mr Luke Donatini Director of Sport

CONGRATULATIONS On Saturday at the annual AIC Cross Country Championships in Ipswich, the St Patrick’s College’s AIC Cross Country Team did their College proud as they cemented their performance in history with another victory. This wonderful achievement of five (5) consecutive years as AIC Cross Country Champions creates AIC history as no other College has achieved such a success. I was extremely proud of the resilience of our runners and the wonderful preparation given to them by their coaches. They displayed enormous intestinal fortitude and their commitment to the success of their College was unquestionable. The supporters too were extremely vocal while constantly wheeling on all our athletes so positively. To me it was true St Patrick’s College spirit in every sense of the word. I would like to thank Mrs Liz Devine for her leadership as the 2014 Cross Country Coordinator. She has done a brilliant job this year in all aspects of preparing the squad and coaches. Equally I would like to thank all the coaching staff of Mr Doug Locke, Mr Ben Greenfield, Mrs Cassie Harden, Mr Blair Drabble, Mr Dominic Crowley and Mrs Marthy Watson for their dedication since early March this year when training commenced. Finally, to all those who have supported our Cross Country runners - their families, their friends and the whole College community, without your constant support and encouragement also assisted greatly in achieving this wonderful result.

OVERALL PLACINGS SPC U13 – 7th SPC U14 – 1st SPC U15 – 3rd SPC U16 – 2nd SPC Opens – 1st SPC Overall – 1st


Daniel Champness (Year 8) – selected in the Queensland Under 13 Football Team. He will take part in the National Championships at Coffs Harbour from 29 September to 3 October.

Connor Clark (Year 9) – selected in the Queensland Under 14 Water Polo Team to compete at the National Water polo Championships later this year.

Jacques Knop (Year 9), Lachlan Kearney (Year 9), Jeral Skelton (Year 10) & Bradyn Rees (Year 10) – all members of the Metropolitan North Under 15 Rugby Union Team who recently won the Queensland Schools Under 15 Rugby Union Championship in Cairns.

Mr Ryan Schultz – coach of the Metropolitan North Under 15 Rugby Union Team who recently won the Queensland Schools Under 15 Rugby Union Championship in Cairns.

Jasper Simmons (Year 6), Kaleb Sturgess (Year 7) & Keegan Vandenberg (Year 7) – all selected into the Metropolitan North Under 12 Primary Schools Rugby Union Team to compete at the Queensland Championships at Sunnybank later this month. Metropolitan North Regional Sport Information All students and parents requesting information regarding upcoming Met North Regional trials are asked to go to the Met North Website Metropolitan North regional track and field nominations are now being taken – any students wishing to be nominated for SPC Track & Field for the Metropolitan North Regional Championships needs to be attending training and are to see Mr Ryan Schultz to nominate. For further information regarding these and other trials please contact Ryan Schultz (College Coaching Administrator). SPC GYM Term 3 Gym Timetables are now up on connect for further details please click here SPC Cross Country For further details about this Friday’s AIC Cross Country Meet, please click here SPC Basketball For more information about SPC Basketball, please click here SPC Track & Field For more information about SPC Track & Field, please click here SPC Tennis For more information about SPC Tennis, please click here

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The Uniform Shop has been relocated to the Waterford car park in preparation for

the building of the new Cultural and Sporting Precinct.

TRADING HOURS Tues 12-4pm, Wed 10am -2pm,

Thurs 7.30am -11.30am


08/08 Joanne Casey, Jodie Mc Ateer, Tanya Smith

12/08 Sharon Jackson, Nicole Murphy, Jeanna Scott, Karen Singleton


14/08 Andrea Massey, Liz Dittberner, Jacqui Baldock, Arianne Graham

Maree Denkes, Jenny Evans, Joanne Tebble, Leanne Hume ATHLETICS CARNIVAL - TUCKSHOP WILL RUN FROM CURLEW PARK.

11/08 Karen Smyth, Angela Funnell


Tuesday Morn BBQ Decker Park, Sandgate

7.25 am - 9.00 am

Tuesday Evening Street Van Brisbane City

5.00 pm - 7.30 pm

Thursday Morning BBQ Humpybong School 7. 30 am - 9.00 am

Saturday Night BBQ Sandgate Sandgate Lagoon 5.15 pm - 7.30 pm

Tuesday, 12 August Sean Lahey, Michael Makuel, Max Marson, Luka Ollikainen, Jack O’Malley, Cameron Book

Tuesday, 12 August Ethan Aylward, Zac Harmer, Fabian

Power, Jayden Carson

Thursday, 14 August Nicholas Moore, Keelin O’Sulli-van, Matt Palmer, Tapenaga

Reupena, Warren Rooks, Aaidan Benn

Saturday, 16 August

Sam Ricks, Nathaniel Lake, Joshua Willmott

Please Note: If you cannot fulfil your commitment to take part in these service programs, please advise Mrs Righetti ASAP.


The Term 3 school fee accounts were emailed or posted on 7 July and are


unless alternative payment arrangements

have been put in place.

Please note that if your account has extra levy charges these will need to be paid separately.

If you did not receive a Term 3 account please contact Judy Kelly on 3631-9019 or via email on [email protected]

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TUCKSHOP ROSTER Food Cheese Burgers $3.50 Hot Dogs $2.50 Pies $3.50 Cheese and spinach rolls $3.50 Sausage rolls $3.00 Finger Buns $2.00 Assorted Cakes $2.00 Choc-Chip Cookies $2.00

Chips Assorted Potato Chips $2.00 Twistees $2.00

Lollies Frogs 50c per bag Killer Pythons $1.00 Curly Wurlys $1.00 Chomps $1.00 Fizzers .50c

Drinks Water $1.50 Soft Drinks $2.00 Powerade $3.50

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Date Claimers

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