
Meetup – Call for Action

Flavio Maeda

CALL to ACTION DSI and Public IOT – 18Jul14

Meetup – Call for Action

3rd - 5th July 2014

York St John University, Lord Mayors Walk, York, UK, YO31 7EX

The Internet of Things (IoT) is an umbrella term used to describe a next step in the evolution of the

Internet. While the first phase of the web can be thought of as a combination of an internet of hyper-

text documents and an internet of applications (think blogs, online email, social sites, etc.), one of

the next steps is an Internet of augmented ‘smart’ objects – or ‘things’ – being accessible to human

beings and each other over network connections. This is the internet of Things.

Underpinning the development of the Internet of Things is the ever increasing proliferation of

networked devices in everyday usage. Such devices include laptops, smart phones, fridges, smart

meters, RFIDs, etc. The number of devices in common usage is set to increase worldwide from the

current level of 4.5 billion to 50 billion by 2050 and may even include human implants.

By dint of the above, life as we know it on the planet will undergo a multitude of minuscule but

incredibly significant changes that will alter not only how we relate to each other and the world, but

also how we conceive of ourselves as beings within it. This situation proposes a pressing question:

do we want to simply leave market forces to shape our reality? Or is there a deeper need, given the

significance of this technology, to consider its ramifications within a philosophical context? For as

computational devices become ever more central to how we relate to and interface with each other,

so too do they begin to create new systems of power relations between people. To create a system

of power is to impose a social dynamic. The design and deployment of the Internet of Things is thus

not simply a matter of software/hardware architecture but also of politics; ethics; belief; citizenship;

and social and civic relations. It is to this end of examining these issues more deeply that we are

convening this conference.

Meetup – Call for Action

Dimensions of IoT

Body House Car Industries Cities


Google, Apple, Samsung GE, Siemens, SAP, Oracle, IBM, Cisco

IBM, Cisco


building's, cars, bikes, items, animals, plants and people barcodes, qr codes, rfid, active sensors, ipv6

The environment as the interface no longer clear what is being mediated, and what mediates

Whoever ensures traceability, sustainability and security linking up the gateways is de facto and de jure the new power.

Meetup – Call for Action



Big Profits


Small Conveniences


Social Impact


Big Challenges

X The Zero Marginal Cost Society: The Internet of Things, the Collaborative Commons,

and the Eclipse of Capitalism - Jeremy Rifkin Tedx Talks: Rethink money and meaning with the internet of things – …we started to instrument it but not to define and we are having the opportunity to

define what IoT and what it will be not…

Meetup – Call for Action

Big Challenges - Brazil

Urban Mobility






“People above machines Faces before screens

Great Challenges ahead of Small Conveniences”

Meetup – Call for Action

Meetup – Call for Action

Digital Social Innovation

Digital Social Innovation (DSI) is a type of social and collaborative innovation in which innovators, users and

communities collaborate using digital technologies to co-create knowledge and solutions for a wide range of social

needs and at a scale that was unimaginable before the rise of the Internet

We often find the most inventive solutions to social problems come from outside government, from grassroots actors and

civil society, but they struggle to build long-term, sustainable solutions that enable them to grow and scale.

The challenge is to exploit the collaborative power of networks (networks of people, of knowledge, and connected things) to harness the collective intelligence of communities

in order to tackle big social challenges.

Meetup – Call for Action

Big-Brother Scenario One challenge for Europe is how it might acquire a competitive

advantage in digital innovation by developing open innovation ecosystems, rather than winner-take-all marketplaces whose dominant

players set the terms of innovation and competition.

1) Creation and consolidation of new monopolies: Platform Lock-ins and battle amongst proprietary vertically integrated digital

ecosystems: A major risk for the Future Internet is the realization of the “BigBrother” scenario, showing that big industrial players (mainly

US based) will reinforce their dominant position by implementing platform lock-in strategies, enforcing extensions of copyright and

patents, appropriating users data, and discriminating network traffic. By centralizing computing, data storage and service provision (via the Cloud), and by striking strategic alliances between the largest Over-The- Top (OTT)and largest network operators, there is a risk that the innovation ecosystem will become more closed, favoring incumbents and, in general, dominant players, thereby in time constraining user-

driven innovations, particularly ones that don’t involve monetary payment. This currently seems the most probable scenario, since we

are seeing a consolidation of existing powers and incumbents at every layer of the Internet ecosystem.

Meetup – Call for Action

Power to People Scenario 2) Open ecosystems to foster grassroots digital social innovation

and entrepreneurship: The alternative is to accelerate innovations that align the capacities of the Internet better to social needs, and that decentralize power to citizens and communities. Indeed, the “network effect” of the Internet may still be in its early phases as well. The development of open data infrastructures and citizens-

controlled wireless sensor networks, and the long-awaited deployment of the semantic web, can potentially serve collective

action and awareness. The Web is today increasingly more enmeshed with our daily lives, forming a universally distributed intelligence constantly enhanced, coordinated in real time, and

resulting in the effective mobilization of skills and tools for “collective intelligence”. Distributed and citizen-centric

innovation plays a central role in the development of the Future Internet. Honest competition based on open standards, protocols

and formats are essential to deploy interoperability between data, devices, services and networks. Avoiding anti-competitive dynamics and lock-in engages all actors in the value chain and

allow for replicable, scalable and sustainable solutions.

Meetup – Call for Action

Digital Social Innovation 2) Using this definition we have been able to develop 5 criteria that organisations and the DSI activities they are involved in have to meet to be

considered for this study:

• Has a social impact. The cases should pioneer new mechanisms for social innovation whose expected return goes beyond GDP measures and traditional

success indicators.

• Adopts new technology trends in a novel way. The selected cases should adopt/use or experiment with innovative combinations of the selected technology

trends (open data, open source and open hardware developments), leveraging social networks (or distributed social networking, sensor networks and the Internet

of Things, and knowledge co-creation networks).

• Aims at empowering citizens, for individual and collective awareness, relying on collaboration and or aggregation between users and/or their data. • Demonstrates of a clear network effect – i.e. it becomes more powerful when more people use it.

• Driven by grassroots or “bottom-up” communities of users.

Ex: CitySDK, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Smart Citizen Kit

Meetup – Call for Action

Open Everything

Open Data

Open Hardware

Open Knowledge

Open Sensor Networks

Open Governments

Open Innovation

Meetup – Call for Action

Open Data

Innovation is most likely to occur when data is available online in open, structured, computer-friendly formats

for anyone to download, use, and analyse, as long as the privacy and data protection of all citizens is preserved and that communities are entitled to share the value and social benefits of public assets. Thus, open data,

together with open and standardised APIs is crucial for innovation, as developers are able to access and use

public data and mesh it with other sources of data produced by the crowd to build novel applications that

have a social utility and produce public good.

Meetup – Call for Action

A Public and Open IoT Space

A renewed public sphere should cultivate its own skills and knowledge, and work in networks across

organization boundaries – including the boundary between the private and public sphere.

A space that puts together government, companies and the civil society to disseminate the idea and the

importance of the creation of a public and open IoT infrastructure to be used for Digital Social Innovation


Meetup – Call for Action


We are having the opportunity to define what IoT will be

How can we participate?

Meetup – Call for Action

The Mission

resolver problemas de grande impacto social

democratizar IoT. criar uma IoT pública bottom-up students (Arduino) small producers

business Friendly. fomentar startups e novos modelos de negócios. New business models will arise for existing companies and for companies that does not exist yet

posicionar o Brasil no mundo IoT. janela de oportunidade

Fomentar o surgimento de soluções inovativas de IoT de grassroots por meio de crowdfunding, shared economy, open movements. Tornar essas soluções sustentáveis e escaláveis.

Meetup – Call for Action

A Plan…

Collect Stories

“To collect meaningful stories and


Make them possible

“Crowdsourcing, Crowdfunding & Sharing Platform”

Grow and Scale

“Catalog, Marketplace and Public IoT Platform” Devices/Sensors

Platform Applications


Meetup – Call for Action

Make Stories Possible

Pessoas tem ideias de soluções para problemas de grande impacto e publicam na plataforma como “desafios” para makers/developers

Um maker desenvolve um hardware e procura por ajuda para desenvolver o software. E vice versa. Crowdsourcing

Makers/developers tem um protótipo e procuram por early-adopters para testar a solução ou comprar. Marketplace.

Makers/developers tem uma ideia e necessitam de financiamento para desenvolver o protótipo (crowdfunding). Early adopters podem se reunir em grupos de financiamento para viabilizar a aplicação da solução em sua área

Meetup – Call for Action


Sensor mosquito dengue

Edyn - Sensor para jardins:

Spark Labs:

Catalog - Hypercat style -

Meetup – Call for Action


IT Skills UX/UI Designers Json Java, RoR NoSQL

Open and Crowd Sourced projects

Crowdfunding platforms

Big Data and Analytics

Creative People

Meetup – Call for Action


Build our own crowdsourcing platform or partner with an existing one (ex: Catarse)

Is this the right time? Chicken and the egg ?

Funding? Start-up Brasil

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