
Description: A short pub walkacross open countryside and throughthe iconic village of Winkle Street.Distance: 2.1 miles Start: The Sun pub car park atCalbourne (a walker friendly pubwith permission to park).Access Information: Severalstiles, wet and sometimes muddyafter rain.Refreshments: The Sun Pub atCalbourneToilets: At the pub.Route: From the pub car park (1),turn left along the verge of the mainroad. Cross the road and turn rightinto Lynch Lane. At the old villagepump (2), turn left onto a track toPitts Farm. Take the green track andpass a green building (3). Here turnright and follow the path left to a stile

into a field. Go half left and followthe waymarks off line to a stile in thebottom corner of the field by a lane(4).

Cross the stile and descend thesteps. Go left along the lane keepingto the right side facing any traffic.Pass a water pumping station, and aparking place. Continue up the laneto bridleway CB16b and turn rightonto the farm track at GoottenLeaze (5). Continue into WestoverPark Farm with fine views of thedowns.

Continue on a gravel track andpass Westover Park Farm house andMinty Lodge. The chalk trackdescends into small woodland (6).Turn right over a stile into the wood-land. Cross a bridge and a stile into afield. Cross a stile into a wire fenced

path. Cross astile and an openfield to a hedgewith two stiles tocross. At ahedge, cross astile and a foot-bridge over a stream (7). Turn rightand follow the stream edge to find astile in the field corner. Continuethrough woodland to enter WinkleStreet at an information board.

Continue through Winkle Street(formerly Barrington Row) to a lane(8) and turn left. Pass a church andcontinue to the main road and pubopposite.GPS Users: Waypoints for thiswalk can be found at our web site:

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