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    4 S. CACIOPPO, a,bQ1 H. ZHOU, c G. MONTELEONE, a

    5 E. A. MAJKA, c K. A. QUINN, d,e A. B. BALL, a

    6 G. J. NORMAN, c G. R. SEMIN f,g AND J. T. CACIOPPO a,b,c*

    7 a Center for Cognitive and Social Neuroscience, HPEN8 laboratory, University of Chicago, 940 East 57th Street, Chicago,9 IL 60637, United StatesQ2

    10 b Department of Psychiatry and Behavior Neuroscience, University of11 Chicago, A27 South Maryland Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637, United12 States

    13 c Department of Psychology, University of Chicago, 584814 South University Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637, United States

    15 d School of Psychology, University of Birmingham,16 Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, United KingdomQ3

    17 e Department of Psychology, DePaul University, 2219 North18 Kenmore Avenue, Chicago, IL 60657, United States

    19 fFaculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Utrecht20 University, Heidelberglaan 1, 3584 CS Utrecht, Netherlands

    21 g Department of Psychology, Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey

    22 AbstractInterpersonal synchrony is characterized by a

    temporary alignment of periodic behaviors with another per-

    son. ThisQ4 process requires that at least one of the two indi-

    viduals monitors and adjusts his/her movements to

    maintain alignment with the other individual (the referent).

    Interestingly, recent research on interpersonal synchronyhas found that people who are motivated to befriend an

    unfamiliar social referent tend to automatically synchronize

    with their social referents, raising the possibility that syn-

    chrony may be employed as an affiliation tool. It is unknown,

    however, whether the opposite is true; that is, whether the

    person serving as the referent of interpersonal synchrony

    perceives synchrony with his/her partner or experiences

    affiliative feelings toward the partner. To address this

    question, we performed a series of studies on interpersonal

    synchrony with a total of 103 participants. In all studies, par-

    ticipants served as the referent with no requirement to mon-

    itor or align their behavior with their partners. Unbeknown to

    the participants, the timings of their partners movements

    were actually determined by a computer program based on

    the participants (i.e., referents) behavior. Overall, our

    behavioral results showed that the referent of a synchrony

    task expressed greater perceived synchrony and greater

    social affiliation toward a synchronous partner (i.e., one dis-

    playing low mean asynchrony and/or a narrow asynchrony

    range) than with an asynchronous partner (i.e., one display-

    ing high mean asynchrony and/or high asynchrony range).

    Our neuroimaging study extended these results by demon-

    strating involvement of brain areas implicated in social cog-

    nition, embodied cognition, self-other expansion, and action

    observation as correlates of interpersonal synchrony (vs.

    asynchrony). These findings have practical implications

    for social interaction and theoretical implications for under-

    standing interpersonal synchrony and social coordination.

    2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of IBRO.

    Key words: social neuroscience, fMRI, interpersonal

    synchrony, dyads, shared representations.23


    25Early studies of synchrony focused on mechanisms

    26underlying a persons ability to synchronize movements27with some referent, such as a metronome (cf, Repp,

    282005). Interpersonal synchrony, the alignment in time of

    29the periodic movements of two or more individuals, has

    30also been investigated because of its putative social con-

    31sequences. Interpersonal synchrony promotes an array of

    32positive interpersonal outcomes, such as affiliation (Hove

    33and Risen, 2009), liking (Miles et al., 2009), rapport

    34(Vacharkulksemsuk and Fredrickson, 2012), and emo-

    35tional support satisfaction (Jones and Wirtz, 2007). Inter-

    36personal synchrony also leads to outcomes that extend

    37beyond individuals to promote groups, including coopera-

    38tion (Wiltermuth and Heath, 2009) and compassion

    39(Valdesolo and DeSteno, 2011). Functionalist accounts

    40of synchrony posit that the primary purpose of synchrony41is to foster social bonds (Semin, 2007; Semin and

    42Cacioppo, 2008) and strengthen the collective (McNeill,

    431995; Ehrenreich, 2006; Haidt et al., 2008; Haidt, 2012).

    44McNeill (1995) argued that synchrony played an important

    45role in the ascension of our species, and previous inves-

    46tigations have documented motivational factors that pro-

    47mote interpersonal synchrony and various social

    48consequences of synchrony (Bernieri, 1988; Cappella,

    491997; Lakin and Chartrand, 2003; Hove and Risen,

    502009; Marsh et al., 2009; Wiltermuth and Heath, 2009;

    51Miles et al., 2010; Paladino et al., 2010; Valdesolo and

    0306-4522/ 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of IBRO.

    *Correspondence to: J. T. Cacioppo, The University of Chicago,

    Department of Psychology, 5848 South University Avenue, Chicago,

    IL 60637, United States.

    E-mail address: [email protected] (J. T. Cacioppo).

    Abbreviations: ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; ANOVA, analysis ofvariance; BOLD, blood oxygenation level-dependent; dACC, dorsalanterior cingulate; DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; dmPFC,dorsomedial prefrontal cortex; fMRI, functional magnetic resonanceimaging; FOV, field of view; IPL, inferior parietal lobule; M1, primarymotor cortex; pre-SMA, pre-supplementary motor area; PMC, premotorcortex; S1, primary somatosensory cortex; SMA, supplementary motorcortex; SMS, sensorimotor synchronization; vmPFC, ventromedialprefrontal cortexQ5 .

    Neuroscience xxx (2014) xxxxxx

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    52 DeSteno, 2011; Vacharkulksemsuk and Fredrickson,

    53 2012).

    54 The research to date has focused on a particular type

    55 of interpersonal synchrony, in which the participants

    56 share the goal of synchronizing (either directly with their

    57 fellow participants, or with some other cue that results in

    58 their synchronization with each other). Interpersonal59 synchrony can take other forms, however, and

    60 individuals may find themselves being the referents for

    61 others synchronization goals without sharing those

    62 goals for themselves. In the current research, we

    63 investigated experimentally whether being the referent

    64 for a partner who responds in a more or less

    65 synchronous fashion (rather than an intentional

    66 contributor to the synchrony produced by a partner)

    67 affects the referents perceived synchrony with and

    68 affiliative response toward the partner. Second, we

    69 investigated the neural correlates of interpersonal

    70 synchrony (vs. asynchrony) in this referent.

    71 Three processes underlying the emergence of

    72 interpersonal synchrony

    73 The temporal relation between the movements of two or

    74 more individuals determines the degree of interpersonal

    75 synchrony. However, the same state of synchrony may

    76 be the outcome of any of three distinct production

    77 processes, which we refer to as orchestration, reciprocal

    78 entrainment, and unilateral entrainment. In orchestration,

    79 synchrony is achieved when two or more individuals

    80 entrain their movements to an external pacesetter (e.g.,

    81 the pacing sound of a metronome) that directs the

    82 shared movement pattern, much like a conductor

    83 leading scores of musicians. For example, Hove and84 Risen (2009) manipulated interpersonal synchrony by

    85 having participants tap to beats created by a metronome.

    86 In reciprocal entrainment, synchrony is achieved

    87 through a give-and-take process in which individuals

    88 within a system (e.g., dyad) monitor each other and

    89 adjust their own movement in a mutual fashion. For

    90 example, Oullier et al. (2008)found that dyadic interper-

    91 sonal synchrony reflected movements that were distinct

    92 from individuals movements prior to the interaction, sug-

    93 gesting that participants shifted their movement in

    94 response to their partners movement.

    95 Finally, in unilateral entrainment, one individual within

    96 a dyad (the synchronizer) unilaterally adjusts his or her

    97 movements to entrain to the movements of the other

    98 individual (the referent) within the dyad an individual

    99 who moves periodically but does not adjust his or her

    100 movements in reciprocation to promote synchrony.

    101 Previous work has focused on interpersonal synchrony

    102 achieved through orchestration or reciprocal entrainment

    103 (e.g.,Delaherche et al., 2012; Repp and Su, 2013). Our

    104 focus here is on the social effects and neural correlates

    105 of unilateral entrainment. In a pilot study (Study I) and

    106 Study II, we sought to establish the extent to which a

    107 referent, who is subjected to a partner who behaves in a

    108 relatively synchronous or asynchronous fashion,

    109 perceives the former partners movements to be more

    110 synchronous than the latter partners movements, and

    111feels greater affiliation toward the former than latter part-

    112ner. In other words, we sought to ascertain whether (or

    113not) unilateral synchrony promoted a sense of liking and

    114rapport, thereby extending previous investigations

    115centered on assessing the relative movement of those

    116with a heightened motivation to socially connect with a tar-

    117get (e.g.,Miles et al., 2010, 2011). In Study III, we inves-118tigated the neural correlates of perceived synchrony in the


    120Social functions of synchrony

    121Over the past decades, two main bodies of literature have

    122developed to better understand interpersonal synchrony.

    123The literature on sensorimotor synchronization (SMS)

    124focuses on an action that leads to synchrony by means

    125of temporary coordination with a predictable external

    126event (the referent). Among the findings in this field are

    127that error correction is required to maintain SMS (see

    128review by Repp, 2005), and stability is greater for syn-

    129chronous than asynchronous inter-limb (e.g., arm or leg)

    130movements within an individual (e.g., Yamanishi et al.,

    1311980; Kelso, 1984) and between individuals (e.g.,

    132Schmidt et al., 1990; Richardson et al., 2005), with the

    133result being an increased likelihood of entrainment (e.g.,

    134Engstro m et al., 1996; Schmidt and OBrien, 1997).

    135A second literature focuses on the socialfunctions of

    136interpersonal synchrony. Hatfield et al. (1994) hypothe-

    137sized that interpersonal synchrony enhances the

    138moment-by-moment tracking of other peoples feelings

    139(even when individuals are not explicitly attending to this

    140information Q6), thereby promoting emotional alignment

    141between interacting individuals. Relatedly, as described

    142above,McNeill (1995) posited that synchrony contributes143to group solidarity. Since the 1990s, a large number of

    144studies have reinforced these hypotheses and showed

    145that performing actions that are similar to, and coordi-

    146nated with, those of an interacting partner enhances feel-

    147ings of connectedness, affiliation, interpersonal rapport,

    148and a blurring of self-other boundaries (Bernieri, 1988;

    149Tickle-Degnen and Rosenthal, 1990; Bernieri et al.,

    1501994; Cappella, 1997; Lakin and Chartrand, 2003; Hove

    151and Risen, 2009; Miles et al., 2010, 2011; Paladino

    152et al., 2010; Vacharkulksemsuk and Fredrickson, 2012),

    153liking (e.g., Hove and Risen, 2009; Miles et al., 2009), per-

    154ceived similarity and compassion (Valdesolo and

    155DeSteno, 2011), joint action (Valdesolo et al., 2010),

    156cooperation and enhanced altruistic behavior

    157(Wiltermuth and Heath, 2009; Valdesolo and DeSteno,

    1582011), better negotiation outcomes (Maddux et al.,

    1592008), emotional empathy (Chartrand and Bargh, 1999;

    160Sonnby-Borgstro m, 2002; Marzoli et al., 2011), person

    161memory (Macrae et al., 2008; Miles et al., 2010), group

    162cohesion (McNeill, 1995), and prosocial behavior (van

    163Baaren et al., 2003a, 2004; Marsh et al., 2009;

    164Valdesolo and DeSteno, 2011; Mu ller et al., 2012). In

    165sum, interpersonal synchrony is a foundation for effective

    166social interaction and enhanced sociality (Miles et al.,

    1672009; Delaherche et al., 2012; Lumsden et al., 2012). Lit-

    168tle is known, however, about the social consequences of

    169synchrony by unilateral entrainment.

    2 S. Cacioppo et al. / Neuroscience xxx (2014) xxxxxx

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    170 The neural correlates of interpersonal synchrony

    171 There is an extensive body of research on the underlying

    172 brain mechanisms for SMS with an external stimulus.

    173 Briefly, brain areas known to be involved in movement

    174 timing, temporal prediction, error correction and internal

    175 modeling of sensorimotor dynamics (such as the basal176 ganglia, cerebellum, and prefrontal regions; e.g., Strick

    177 et al., 1993; Rao and Georgeff, 1997; Salman, 2002;

    178 Krause et al., 2010; Bijsterbosch et al., 2011; cf. also

    179 reviews by Rao and Georgeff, 1997; Lewis et al., 2004;

    180 Repp, 2005) are activated during synchrony. This brain

    181 network highlights the importance of temporary coordina-

    182 tion with a predictable external event (the referent) during

    183 synchrony. For instance,Lewis et al. (2004) investigated

    184 the neural correlates of rhythmic movement complexity

    185 to investigate error monitoring and correction. Among

    186 the brain regions that varied with movement complexity

    187 during SMS (but not during similar self-paced move-

    188 ments) were the premotor cortex (PMC), supplementary

    189 motor cortex (SMA), and right dorsolateral prefrontal cor-190 tex (DLPFC) (cf.Rao and Georgeff, 1997).

    191 The literature on the neural correlates of the

    192 perception and social consequences of interpersonal

    193 synchrony is smaller (Tognoli et al., 2007; Kelso et al.,

    194 2009; Konvalinka et al., 2010; Fairhurst et al., 2012Q7 ). To

    195 date, the social consequences of behavioral interpersonal

    196 synchrony have been mostly documented following both

    197 the mimicry of discrete bodily movements (e.g., foot shak-

    198 ing, face touching;van Baaren et al., 2003a) and the syn-

    199 chronization of more continuous sequences of action

    200 (e.g., postural movements, facial expressions, gestures;

    201 Bernieri, 1988; Cappella, 1997; for review cf. Miles


    et al., 2009). For instance, a meta-analysis of studies of203 a related social motor actionimitationindicates activa-

    204 tion of parietal and frontal regions including the superior

    205 parietal lobule, inferior parietal lobule (IPL), and dorsal

    206 PMC (Molenberghs et al., 2009). Guionnet et al. (2011)

    207 extended this work in an functional magnetic resonance

    208 imaging (fMRI) study of participants as they imitated or

    209 were imitated by another person. Results revealed activa-

    210 tion in the primary sensorimotor cortex, premotor and

    211 supplementary motor areas, left inferior frontal gyrus, left

    212 IPL, and left insula, whether imitating or being imitated. In

    213 addition, activation was found in the dorsal anterior cingu-

    214 late (dACC), pre-supplementary motor area (pre-SMA),

    215 and a rostral part of the DLPFC in all conditions except

    216 during instructed imitation. The contrast of imitating or217 being imitated revealed that being imitated by another

    218 person led to greater activation in the dACC, pre-SMA,

    219 and DLPFC, and the dorsal region of the left anterior insu-

    220 lar cortex, whereas imitating led to greater activation in

    221 the visual cortex, medial frontal cortex, posterior cingulate

    222 gyrus, precuneus, bilateral IPL, para-hippocampus, and

    223 hippocampus than being imitated.

    224 Many of these regions constitute the default mode

    225 network (DMN;Raichle et al., 2001; Fox et al., 2005), a

    226 network that is more active during self-referential, social,

    227 and affective processing (Raichle and Snyder, 2007;

    228 van Overwalle and Baetens, 2009). Fairhurst et al.

    229 (2012) performed an fMRI study of SMS with a virtual

    230 partner using a finger-tapping paradigm in which the

    231virtual partner varied in adaptivity, which also corre-

    232sponded to differing degrees of coupling between the vir-

    233tual partner and participant. Participants were instructed

    234to synchronize with the virtual partner while also maintain-

    235ing the initial tempo, thereby establishing the goals of

    236maintaining the periodicity of the finger tapping and mini-

    237mizing the phase differences in the finger-tapping task.238Objective synchrony was operationalized in terms of

    239phase relations, whereas the feeling of being synchro-

    240nized was operationalized as (lower) perceived task diffi-

    241culty. Regression analyses identified different networks

    242whether the participants were objectively in synchrony

    243with the virtual partner (positive correlation with increased

    244midline activation of structures including the ventromedial

    245prefrontal cortex, vmPFC; hippocampus, supplementary

    246motor area, SMA; primary somatosensory cortex, S1

    247extending into primary motor cortex, M1; posterior cingu-

    248late; and precuneus) or subjective perception of syn-

    249chrony (i.e., reduced task difficulty was correlated with


    greater activation of the right IFG, right anterior insula,251posterior dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC), bilateral

    252ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, superior frontal gyrus, and

    253inferior parietal activity in the region of the temporo-parie-

    254tal junction for perceived synchronization difficulty, and

    255SMA, S1/M1, vmPFC and hippocampus; Fairhurst et al.,


    257Although this body of research is on the perception

    258and social consequences of interpersonal synchrony

    259(e.g.,Tognoli et al., 2007; Kelso et al., 2009; Konvalinka

    260et al., 2010; Fairhurst et al., 2012), these studies have

    261focused primarily on the neural correlates of ones syn-

    262chronizing their behavior with a referent. Little is known

    263about the neural bases of interpersonal synchrony from

    264the perspective of the referent. Thus, in the present study,265we used fMRI to investigate how regional brain activity

    266was modulated by differences in synchronous stimuli dur-

    267ing a tapping-based interactive task compared to asyn-

    268chronous stimuli with a synchronizer. Moreover, little is

    269known about the neural regions that might be correlated

    270with subjective perceptions of synchrony and correspond-

    271ing feelings of affiliation between a referent and a syn-

    272chronizer. Therefore, we also ran correlational analyses

    273to explore this relationship (see Method section for

    274details). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first

    275empirical investigation of the neural correlates of the par-

    276ticipants perception of interpersonal synchrony and their

    277feelings of affiliation with a virtual co-acting partner when

    278the participant is the referent (rather than the




    282All participants were native English speakers with normal

    283or corrected-to-normal vision, and were not taking

    284antidepressant medication. As ascertained by an

    285anamnesis, none of the participants reported prior or

    286current neurological or psychiatric disorders (e.g.,

    287traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness,

    288epilepsy, neurological impairment or degenerative

    289neurological illness). All participants provided written

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    290 informed consent to participate in the experiment, which

    291 was approved by the University of Chicago Health

    292 Sciences Institutional Review Board. All participants

    293 received monetary compensation for their participation.

    294 General experimental task

    295 The experimental task was presented to participants as a

    296 computer-mediated communication task that involved

    297 simple back-and-forth keyboard tapping between

    298 members of a dyad. Specifically, the task was described

    299 as an abstract simulation of cell-phone texting, where a

    300 beat (i.e., a single tap on the computer keyboard)

    301 replaced actual textactions described as bexting,

    302 short for beat-based texting (Fig. 1).

    303 Throughout the session, the message board at the top

    304 of the screen displayed various information and

    305 instructions about the task. Participants were informed

    306 that the circle labeled I was their own avatar, which

    307 would immediately pulse each time they would send a

    308 beat (i.e., pressed the keyboard once). The pulse was

    309 visually represented by a short animation of the circle

    310 transforming into a square and then back into the circle.

    311 Participants were also told that the central server would

    312 pair them up with randomly a selected fellow participant

    313 in the room, one of whom would be represented by an

    314 avatar labeled A or B. It was emphasized to the

    315 participants that the specific avatar (i.e., A or B)

    316 chosen to represent their partner on the screen was

    317 randomly determined after the partner was selected,

    318 thus bearing no relationship to the partners true identity.

    319 Once the dyad was formed, participants avatar and the

    320 partners avatar entered the bexting zone represented

    321 by the rectangular box surrounding the two avatars322 (Fig. 1).

    323 The participant was told that their task was simply to

    324 generate a series of beats at a designated frequency

    325 (e.g., 1 beat/s), regardless of their partners beat

    326 frequency (i.e., unencumbered by any need to

    327 coordinate their beats with their partners beats).

    328 Participants were also informed that the task of their

    329 partners was to respond to each one of their beats with

    330 another beatwith no time constraint to respond except

    331 that they had to send a beat back to each beat prior the

    332 occurrence of the referents n + 1st beat. Although the

    333 participant served as the referent, no mention was

    334 made of this and no mention was made of synchrony.

    335 The two dyadic members bextedQ8 with each other for an336 extended period of time, called a bexting round

    337 (described below), which consisted of multiple equal-

    338 length trials separated by short breaks.

    339 At the end of a bexting round, the participants reported

    340 their impression of their partners by answering a short

    341 questionnaire displayed on the message board. After

    342 completing the questionnaire, participants were led to

    343 believe that the server would form a new pairing

    344 between themselves and another randomly selected

    345 fellow participant and that a new bexting round would

    346 then ensue. This made it possible to manipulate partner

    347 synchrony using a within-subjects design, which is

    348 especially important if the paradigm is also to be used349 to investigate the neural correlates of perceived

    350interpersonal synchrony. Due to the presence of at least

    351three other fellow participants, the use of cubicles,

    352rubber keyboards to ensure key presses could not be

    353heard, and the supposedly random pairing scheme

    354implemented by the central server, it was impossible for

    355the participants to map their ostensible partners to any

    356particular individual in the room. As a result, the only357reliable information about a given partner accessible to

    358the participants was the timings of that partners beat

    359series. Objective synchronicity by definition is contingent

    360on the alignment of timing per se, so this feature of the

    361paradigm allowed us to examine whether timing

    362information was sufficient to influence perceived

    363synchrony and social affiliation.

    364General manipulation of unilateral entrainment

    365The participant and his/her partner correspond,

    366respectively, to the referent and synchronizer involved in

    367unilateral entrainment. Unbeknown to the participants,

    368the partners beat series were generated by a

    369computer program, which made it possible to

    370experimentally manipulate the degree to which the

    371partners beats were entrained to the referents beats.

    372More precisely, the partners beat latency (i.e., the

    373interval between the referents beat and the partners

    374beat) was sampled from a uniform distribution with pre-

    375determined mean and range (described below).

    376Because prior research has manipulated synchrony

    377using latency ranges varying between 0 and 90, beat

    378latencies in the present research were manipulated

    379within the same range. By manipulating the means and

    380range of the distribution of partners response latency,

    381different levels of synchrony could be produced. This382feature ensured that the variation in synchrony was

    383determined solely by the unilateral entrainment on the

    384part of the ostensible synchronizer rather than through

    385mutual entrainment or orchestration.


    387Because the present experimental tapping task differs

    388from existing paradigms, we first conducted a pilot study

    389to test whether the cover story for the tapping task was

    390believable and whether the task instructions were easy

    391for participants to understand.


    393Forty-seven community residents (19 women)

    394participated in this pilot study. Participants ranged from

    39519 to 52 years of age (M= 25.10, SD= 7.19). No

    396participants were excluded from the analyses. Data

    397collection started at a beginning of an academic quarter

    398and stopped at the end of that academic quarter.

    399Experimental procedure

    400Participants were tested in groups of four in the same

    401testing room. This procedure was used to ensure that

    402participants did not know with whom they would be

    403bexting during any given task period. Each participant404was seated in a separate cubicle, which was equipped

    4 S. Cacioppo et al. / Neuroscience xxx (2014) xxxxxx

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    405 with one computer. Participants were free to adjust the

    406 position of their chairs to their utmost comfort level.

    407 Participants were told that all the four computers in the

    408 room were connected to a central server. Each bexting

    409 round consisted of six 12-s trials. The asynchrony (i.e.,

    410 response latency) distributions of the partners were

    411 experimentally manipulated such that the interaction with

    412 one partner was more synchronous than the other.

    413 Specifically, the mean asynchrony and asynchrony range

    414were 220 ms and 110 ms for the low-synchronous

    415partner and 110 ms and 10 ms for the high-

    416synchronous partner. The order in which participants

    417bexted with a synchronous or asynchronous partner was

    418counterbalanced across participants. The bexting

    419program was coded in Adobe ActionScript 3 and ran

    420through Adobe Flash Player.

    421Participants instruction was the following: Using the

    422spacebar, tap at a slow rate (approximately 1 beat per 2

    Fig. 1. Screenshot of the computer interface of the bexting task.

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    423 second) [a moderate rate (approximately 1 beat per

    424 second)/a fast rate (approximately 2 beats per second)].

    425 In each experimental block, all three suggested tempos for

    426 beat generation appeared twice (thus six trials in total),

    427 with the order randomly determined. The variation of the

    428 suggested tempos was to investigate generalizability.

    429 At the end of each tapping experimental block,430 participants answered six items concerning the degree

    431 of social affiliation they felt toward the ostensible partner

    432 in that tapping experimental block. Specifically,

    433 participants were to indicate on a seven-point scale

    434 anchored by 1 (not at all) and 7 (very much), (1) How

    435 much rapport they felt with the partner, (2) How much

    436 they trusted the partner, (3) How much they liked the

    437 partner, (4) How much they would like to work with

    438 the partner, (5) How much they would like to confide in

    439 the partner, and (6) how close they felt to the partner.

    440 These six items showed high internal consistency

    441 across both conditions (as > .92) and were thus


    averaged to yield asocial affiliation score.443 Embedded among these affiliation items was a

    444 perceived synchrony item, which asked participants to

    445 indicate how synchronized they were with the partner on

    446 the same seven-point scale (How synchronized was the

    447 communication between you and Partner A?). The

    448 inclusion of this measure was motivated primarily by

    449 one main consideration. Although our experimental

    450 manipulation objectively created two levels of synchrony,

    451 it was unclear whether participants would subjectively

    452 map the difference in their experiences with the two

    453 partners on the dimension of synchronicity. Given the

    454 apparent non-rhythmic nature of the synchronizers task,

    455 the participants might have parsed the partners

    456 behaviors into a series of independent local events (i.e.,457 whether the partner responded in time on a given trial)

    458 instead of integrating these local events across the

    459 temporal span of the tapping experimental block. Thus,

    460 the participants might not perceive the synchronizer as

    461 engaging in periodic movement and thereby might not

    462 construe their interaction in terms of synchronicity.

    463 Results

    464 Participants feedback about the task instruc-

    465 tion. Results from this pilot study revealed that none of

    466 the participants reported being confused regarding the

    467 task instruction. Furthermore, none of the participants468 suspected that their partners were actually a computer

    469 program rather than two of their fellow participants.

    470 Participants behavioral performance. To determine

    471 whether the participants performance was influenced by

    472 the experimental manipulation, their performance was

    473 subjected to a 2 (Partners type: low-synchrony or high-

    474 synchrony) 2 (Order) 2 (Gender) 3 (Tapping pace:

    475 2/s, 1/s, .5/s) mixed analysis of variance (ANOVA).

    476 Neither the main effect of synchrony manipulation nor

    477 any of the interactive effects involving synchrony

    478 manipulation was significant. Of all the interactive

    479 effects, the one with the largest effect size was the480 interaction between synchrony manipulation and tapping

    481pace (F(2,86) = 1.72, p= .02, g2partial= .04). As for the

    482main effect of synchrony manipulation, we found no483evidence of our manipulation influencing tap-to-tap

    484variability (F(1,46) = 0.24, p = .63, g2partial= .01).

    485Participants perceived synchrony. The perceived

    486synchrony scores were subjected to a 2 (Partners type:

    487low-synchrony or high-synchrony) 2 (Order) 2

    488(Gender) mixed ANOVA. No significant results involving

    489gender, order or tapping were observed, so we collapsed

    490across these factors. Results showed that participants

    491rated their interaction with the high-synchronous partner

    492as being more synchronized (M= 5.91, SD= 1.47)

    493than their interaction with the low-synchronous (i.e.,

    494asynchronous) partner (M= 5.13, SD= 1.81; F(1,46)

    495= 6.45,p = .02,g2partial= .03;Table 1).

    496Participants social affiliation. The social affiliation

    497scores were also subjected to a 2 (Partner type: low-

    498synchrony or high-synchrony) 2 (Order) 2 (Gender)499mixed ANOVA. No effects involving gender, order were

    500found, so we collapsed across these factors. Results

    501showed that participants felt greater social affiliation with

    502the high-synchronous partner (M= 4.91, SD = 1.59)

    503than the low-synchronous (asynchronous) partner

    504(M= 4.54, SD = 1.67; F(1,46) = 4.32, p = .004,

    50g2partial= .02;Table 2).

    506Interim conclusion

    507The results from this pilot study suggest that the tapping

    508task is a viable paradigm for studying interpersonal

    509synchrony achieved through unilateral entrainment. The

    510cover story is believable and the instructions are easy to

    511understand. The difference in perceived synchrony

    512across the two conditions suggests that participants

    513were influenced by interpersonal synchrony achieved

    514through unilateral entrainment even though the

    515participants played no role in the production of the

    516synchrony1 and the synchrony was unrelated to their task

    517performance. We nevertheless found a significant effect518on perceived synchrony and a stronger affiliative519response toward the synchronous than asynchronous

    520partner. This suggests the effects of interpersonal

    521synchrony are not dependent on the synchrony being522task-relevant or to the participant actually contributing to

    523the observed synchrony.



    526Forty community residents (20 women) participated in this

    527behavioral study. Participants ranged in age from 19 to 43

    528years (M= 23.9,SD = 6.87) and were tested in a similar

    529setting as the pilot study. No participants were excluded in

    530the analyses. Data collection stopped at the end of an

    531academic quarter.

    1 The computer algorithm used to manipulate the degree of

    synchrony ensured that the experimental manipulation of synchronywas orthogonal to the participants beat series.

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    532 Experimental procedure

    533 A similar procedure to that used in the pilot study (Study I)

    534 was used in Study II. Each participant played a one-tapping535 experimental block with each of four ostensible partners.

    536 Each experimental block consisted of eight 12-s trials

    537 followed by the series of questions on perceived

    538 synchrony and affiliation. The suggested tapping tempo

    539 for the referent (i.e., the participant) was kept the same

    540 throughout the experimental session at one beat per

    541 second. The asynchronies of the four ostensible partners

    542 were sampled respectively from four uniform distributions

    543 with unique mean-range combinations obtained by

    544 crossing two levels of asynchrony mean (120 ms versus

    545 220 ms) with two levels of response latency ranges

    546 (10 ms versus 110 ms). The order in which

    547 participants bexted with the four partners was

    548 manipulated using a Latin Square design, yielding 10

    549 different orders. As in the pilot study, the six items

    550 measuring social affiliation exhibited a high level of

    551 internal consistency across all four conditions (as > .97)

    552 and hence were combined.

    553 Results

    554 Participants behavioral performance. A 2 (Mean

    555 response latency: 120 ms or 220 ms) 2 (Response

    556 latency range: 10 ms or 110 ms) 2 (Gender)

    557 ANOVA was performed to determine whether the558 participants (i.e., referents) responses were influenced

    559 by their partners behavior. No significant differences

    560 involving gender were observed, so we collapsed across

    561 this factor. The ANOVA revealed no significant

    562 interaction (F(1,39) = 0.002, p= .97, g2partial= 0), and563 no main effect for mean response latency564 (F(1,39) = 0.006, p= .94, g2partial= 0). The response

    565 latency range manipulation, however, did affect the

    566 referents tap-to-tap variability. Specifically, participants567 tap-to-tap variability was smaller when interacting with568 narrow-range partners (+10 ms) than with broad-range

    569 partners (+110 ms) (Ms = 14.29 ms and 82.34 ms,570 respectively; F(1,39) = 162.1, p < .001, g2partial= .81).

    571Participants perceived synchrony. The perceived

    572synchrony ratings were subjected to a 2 (Mean

    573response latency: 120 ms or 220 ms) 2 (Response

    574latency range: 10 ms or 110 ms) 2 (Gender)

    575ANOVA. No significant differences involving gender

    576were observed, so we collapsed across this factor.

    577Results indicated that both main effects were significant.578Partners who responded with short (120 ms) mean lags

    579were rated as being more synchronized (M= 5.10) than

    580partners who responded with long (220 ms) mean lags

    581(M= 4.59; F(1, 39) = 3.79, p= .06, g2partial= .09;

    582Table 3), and partners with narrow (+10 ms) ranges583were rated as being more synchronized than partners584with broad (+110 ms) ranges (Ms = 5.20 and 4.59,

    585respectively; F(1,39) = 8.21, p= .007, g2partial= .17;586Table 3). The two-way interaction was not significant587(F(1,39) = 0.02, p = .88, g2partial= .01).

    588Participants social affiliation. The social affiliation589scores were subject to a 2 (Mean response latency:

    590120 ms or 220 ms) 2 (Response latency range:

    59110 ms or 110 ms) 2 (Gender) ANOVA. No tests

    592involving gender were significant, so we also collapsed

    593across this factor. The main effects for both aspects of

    594partners timing were significant: The participants

    595expressed more social affiliation with the partners

    596characterized by mean response latencies of 120 ms

    597rather than 220 ms (Ms = 4.53 and 4.06, respectively;

    598F(1,39) = 5.02,p = .03,g2partial= .10;Table 4), and with599partners characterized by 10-ms than 110-ms response600latency ranges (Ms = 4.61 and 3.98, respectively;601F(1,39) = 9.54, p= .01, g2partial= .20; Table 4). The two-602way interaction did not reach significance (F(1,39) =6030.65,p = .42, g2partial= .02).

    604Interim conclusion

    605Participants serving as referents in the current study

    606perceived partners as more synchronous when they

    607showed relatively short response latencies (i.e.,

    608relatively small phase shifts) and when the variability of

    609these response latencies was relatively small.

    610Furthermore, and as in the pilot study, the mean

    611response latency manipulation of interpersonal

    612synchrony did not influence the referents tap-to-tap613variability. Although the range (variability) of response

    614latencies did affect the referents tap-to-tap variability,

    615the participants tapping responses were not correlated

    616with the perceived synchrony (r(40) = 0.22, p= .17)

    617or affiliative responses toward the partner (r(40) =

    6180.25, p= .12), suggesting that the social affiliation

    619effect cannot be explained by the effect of the

    620experimental manipulation on the referents tapping

    621behavior. These findings are generally consistent with

    622prior research (Miles et al., 2009) in which observers per-

    623ceived higher levels of rapport between members of a

    624dyad when the mean temporal difference between their

    625strides while they were walking decreased.

    Table 1. Feelings of perceived synchrony with an adaptive partner

    Condition Mean STD SE 95% CI

    lower bound

    95% CI

    higher bound

    Synchrony 5.91 1.47 .22 5.48 6.35

    Asynchrony 5.13 1.81 .26 4.60 5.66

    Table 2. Feelings of social affiliation with an adaptive partner

    Condition Mean STD SE 95% CI

    lower bound

    95% CI

    higher bound

    Synchrony 4.91 1.59 .23 4.45 5.38

    Asynchrony 4.54 1.67 .24 4.05 5.03

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    627 Participants

    628 A total of 16 volunteers (seven women) were recruited via

    629 e-mail and subsequently screened and qualified with a

    630 follow-up telephone interview. All participants were right-

    631 handed, ranging from 19 to 25 years old (M= 21.44,

    632 SD = 1.63), and were healthy with no medical history of

    633 neurological, psychiatric or psychological disorders as

    634 ascertained by an anamnesis. Data from three

    635 volunteers out of the 16 could not be included in the

    636 analyses because the volunteers did not complete

    637 entirely the task as they were too slow and took too

    638 long during the instruction periods in between bexting639 rounds. The design was self-paced, and those subjects

    640 appeared to have trouble with the task and did not

    641 complete it before the set scanning time was complete

    642 (the scanner had a finite period in which it could run for

    643 each scan). The final fMRI results, thus, include 13

    644 subjects.

    645 Experimental procedure

    646 A similar procedure to the one described in the above

    647 behavioral study was used in this neuroimaging study.

    648 The main difference was that stimuli were presented

    649 while the participants were lying down in the scanner.

    650 Visual stimuli were projected from a PC located in the651 experimenter room to a back projection screen located

    652 in the scanner room. Stimuli were viewed using

    653 binocular goggles mounted on the head coil

    654 approximately two inches above the participants eyes.

    655 The entire task consisted of five blocks. Four of the

    656 experimental blocks involved the participant tapping at

    657 1 Hz with an ostensible partner, and one block involved

    658 the participant tapping at 1 Hz with no partner (self-

    659 pacing). This latter block was included in order to

    660 evaluate participants motor movements per se. Each

    661 experimental block consisted of eight 12-s trials. The

    662 order of the experimental conditions was varied across

    663 participants using a Latin Square design. Button-press664 responses were made with the index finger on an

    665fMRI-compatible response box. As in the behavioral

    666studies, a tap of the button during an experimental block

    667caused the I avatar to pulse momentarily from a circle

    668to a square, and the partners response beat was

    669depicted likewise.

    670After each one of the four experimental tapping

    671blocks, the participants were also asked to answer the

    672series of questions on perceived synchrony and

    673affiliation with their ostensible partner. As in the previous

    674two behavioral studies described above, these seven

    675questions included one question about perceived

    676synchronization and six questions about affiliation with

    677their partners. Answers to the other six questions were

    678again averaged into one composite index of679interpersonal affiliation because of the high Cronbach

    680alpha (>.8). Answers were navigated using the middle

    681finger (moving to the left, selecting lower values) and

    682ring finger (moving to the right, selecting higher values),

    683and the answer selection was done using the index finger.

    684Before performing the actual behavioral experimental

    685task, the participants and confederates (research

    686assistants who did not participate in the study)

    687performed a practice block in which they were asked to

    688interact with a computer (rather than with a human). In

    689contrast to the actual experimental task, the computers

    690response during practice lacked variability and had a

    691constant inter-beat interval of 100 ms. This was

    692intended to not only allow participants to familiarize

    693themselves with the task, but also to enhance their

    694perception that the beats they would then see during the

    695experimental task were actually generated by a human

    696partner. Following the practice block, the participant was

    697prepared for fMRI scanning, where they performed the

    698experimental task.

    699Magnetic resonance imaging recordings

    700Imaging was performed on a 3-T Philips Achieva Quasar

    701Dual 16 Ch scanner with quadrature head coil used for

    702spin excitation and signal reception. High-resolution

    703volumetric T1-weighted spoiled gradient-recalled (SPGR)704images were obtained for each participant in one hundred

    Table 3. Feelings of perceived synchrony with an adaptive partner

    Condition Mean STD SE 95% CI

    lower bound

    95% CI

    higher bound

    Small range + small lag 5.48 1.89 .30 4.87 6.08

    Large range + small lag 4.73 2.10 .33 4.05 5.40

    Large range + large lag 4.25 2.21 .35 3.54 4.96Small range + large lag 4.93 2.06 .33 4.27 5.58

    Table 4. Feelings of social affiliation with an adaptive partner

    Condition Mean STD SE 95% CI

    lower bound

    95% CI

    higher bound

    Small range + small lag 4.92 1.76 .29 4.35 5.48

    large range + small lag 4.15 1.76 .28 3.58 4.71

    large range + large lag 3.81 1.89 .30 3.21 4.42

    Small range + large lag 4.30 1.79 .28 3.73 4.88

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    705 eighty-one 1.0-mm sagittal slices with an 8 flip angle and a

    706 24-cm field of view (FOV) for use as anatomical images.

    707 Functional images were acquired using an echo-planar

    708 acquisition with Z-Shimming with 32 4-mm coronal

    709 slices with an inter-slice gap of 0.5 mm spanning the

    710 whole brain (TR = 2 s, TE = 30 ms, flip angle = 80,

    711 FOV = 22 cm, 64 64 matrix size, fat suppressed).

    712 Functional image processing and analyses

    713 Image pre-processing and analyses were performed

    714 using Analysis of Functional NeuroImages software

    715 (AFNI version AFNI_2011_12_21_1014, Medical

    716 College of Wisconsin). For each subject, motion

    717 detection and correction were undertaken using a six-

    718 parameter, rigid-body transformation. Functional images

    719 were co-registered and spatially smoothed using a

    720 5-mm full width at half maximum Gaussian filter.

    721 Individual-subject analyses were conducted using the

    722 general linear model to generate estimates of blood

    723 oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) signal on a

    724 voxelwise basis (Ward, 2002). Stimulus timing vectors

    725 for each of the four experimental conditions were con-

    726 volved with a gamma-variate waveform using the AFNI

    727 program Waver, and the resulting model was fit voxelwise

    728 to preprocessed time-series data with a linear least-

    729 squares model using the AFNI program 3dDeconvolve,

    730 generating a map consisting of beta coefficients (fit

    731 values) at each voxel for each modeled condition

    732 short-lag/synchronous variance; long-lag/synchronous

    733 variance; short-lag/asynchronous variance; and long-lag/

    734 asynchronous varianceas well as a baseline coefficient.

    735 Output from the deconvolution analysis for each subject

    736 was scaled voxelwise to percent signal change from the737 baseline, and each subjects data were spatially trans-

    738 formed to Talairach and Tournoux (1988) stereotaxic

    739 coordinate space and interpolated to 3-mm3 isometric

    740 voxels for group analysis.

    741 Our fMRI analysis aimed to identify how regional brain

    742 activity was modulated by differences in synchronous

    743 stimuli during a tapping-based interactive task compared

    744 to asynchronous stimuli with a synchronizer. To this

    745 purpose, we first identified the brain regions sensitive to

    746 differences in synchrony and asynchrony using a

    747 voxelwise 2 (task/response period) 2 (small/large

    748 range) 2 (small/large lag) factorial ANOVA. Then, to

    749 assess the relationship of these regions to corresponding

    750 perceptions of synchrony and feelings of social affiliation,751 we correlated BOLD activity in each identified cluster with

    752 each respective behavioral measure. The self-pacing

    753 blocks were modeled in the fMRI GLM and were not

    754 treated as residuals. In terms of our contrasts, they were

    755 treated as regressors of non-interest. The cluster

    756 threshold was atp < .01 corrected to alpha < .05.

    757 Finally, because little is also known about the overall

    758 network of neural regions that might be correlated with

    759 subjective perceptions of synchrony and corresponding

    760 feelings of social affiliation between a referent and a

    761 synchronizer, we ran voxelwise correlation analyses in

    762 the same respect. To further elucidate what was driving

    763 voxelwise correlation effects, BOLD activity within764 voxelwise correlation regions was assessed according

    765to a median split of behavioral measures. Voxelwise

    766fMRI analyses were performed at the group level, the

    767results of which were corrected for multiple comparisons

    768using a Monte Carlo simulation to determine minimum

    769cluster sizes corresponding to an alpha value of .05 for

    770voxelwise threshold of p < .01 (729ll) for the ANOVA

    771analysis (Nichols, 2012). An additional corrected voxel-772wise threshold of p< .025 (1080ll), was also used for

    773the BOLD:behavior analysis, as p< .01 yielded no

    774results for BOLD:Affiliation and limited results for


    776Difference scores (synchrony minus asynchrony) of

    777BOLD signal and the corresponding behavioral data

    778were also calculated for each subject, and these values

    779were entered into a group-level, whole-brain voxelwise

    780Pearson correlation to identify regions in which

    781differential BOLD activity in response to the stimulus

    782conditions was associated with the same contrast

    783patterns in the behavioral responses.


    785Behavioral results. The participants ratings of

    786perceived synchrony and affiliative responses were

    787subjected to a 2 (Mean response latency: 120 ms or

    788220 ms) 2 (Response latency range: 10 ms or

    789110 ms) 2 (Gender) ANOVA. A gender effect was

    790observed in this sample for ratings of perceived

    791synchrony (Mmale = 5.25,Mfemale = 3.50,F(1,11) = 7.08,

    792p= .02, g2 = .39), and a marginal effect was observed

    793for ratings of social affiliation (Mmale = 4.98, Mfemale =

    7943.59, F(1,11) = 4.40, p = .06, g2 = .29). However,

    795neither gender effects showed a significant interaction796with mean response latency or latency range, so we

    797collapsed across the gender factor. Analyses revealed

    798that participants perceived greater interpersonal

    799synchrony (M10 ms = 5.19, M110 ms = 3.42, F(1,12) =

    80013.45, p= .004, g2 = .40) and greater social affiliation

    801(M10 ms = 4.74, M110 ms = 3.72, F(1,12) = 7.46,

    802p= .02,g2 = .16) when the response latency range was

    803small than large. No other tests approached statistical

    804significance. No behavioral interaction effects were

    805statistically significant for measures of perceived

    806synchrony (Gender Mean response latency: F(1,11) =

    807.011, p= .92, g2 = .0001; Gender Response latency

    808range,F(1,11) = 4.04,p = .07,g2 = .05; Mean response

    809latency Var: F(1,11) = 2.07, p= .18, g2 = .01;810Gender Mean response latency Response latency

    811range: F(1,11) = 1.15,p = .31,g2 = .007) or for feelings

    812of social affiliation. No behavioral interaction effects were

    813statistically significant for measures of perceived

    814synchrony (Gender Mean response latency: F(1,11)

    815= 3.17,p= .10, g2 = .011; Gender Response latency

    816range:F(1,11) = 2.99,p = .11,g2 = .04; Mean response

    817latency Response latency range: F(1,11) = .43,

    818p= .52, g2 = .002; Gender Mean response latency

    819Response latency range: F(1,11) = .06, p = .81,

    82g2 = .0002).

    821Functional neuroimaging results. Synchrony vs.822asynchrony contrast. Based on the above results we

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    823 collapsed across the Mean Response Latency factor to

    824 investigate the neural effects of variations in a partners

    825 perceived synchrony with ones responding. Fig. 2 and

    826 Table 5 display the main effects for Response Latency

    827 Range during the experimental tapping task. The

    828 synchrony minus asynchrony contrast revealed a

    829 significant main effect of synchrony, which was830 characterized by a greater response in three brain

    831 regions: (i) left IPL extending to the angular gyrus,

    832 portions of the left (ii) parahippocampal gyrus extending

    833 to the amygdala and (iii) the vMPFC and anterior

    834 cingulate cortex (ACC; Table 5). No significant results

    835 were found for which asynchronous stimuli elicited a

    836 larger BOLD response than synchronous stimuli.

    837 Correlation analyses. Correlational analyses were first

    838 performed between the participants ratings and each of

    839 the three areas depicted inFig. 2. The BOLD differential

    840 synchrony scores (dBOLD for synchrony minus

    841 asynchrony) in the vmPFC was the only region to be842 significantly correlated with the comparable difference in

    843 the ratings of perceived synchrony, t(11) = 2.84;

    844 p= 0.016; R = 0.65, and feelings of social affiliation,

    845 t(11) = 2.44, p = 0.03; R= 0.59;Fig. 3).

    846 Next, whole-brain voxelwise correlation analyses were

    847 performed between the dBOLD and the corresponding

    848 differences between conditions in perceived synchrony.

    849 Results revealed a positive correlation in the right cere-

    850 bellar tonsil, and negative correlations in the right

    851 anterior prefrontal cortex/lateral prefrontal cortex (BA

    852 46), left dMPFC, right lingual gyrus and right middle

    853 occipital gyrus (Fig. 4A, B; Table 6). To better

    854understand this effect, we calculated a median split of

    855our groups based on the rating difference and then

    856analyzed the percent signal change of the synchronous

    857and asynchronous conditions separately for the two

    858groups (seeFig. 4C).

    859Similar negative correlations were observed for the

    860feelings of affiliation in the right lingual gyrus, and right861IPL (Fig. 5A, B,Table 7). We again calculated a median

    862split and analyzed the percent signal change of the

    863synchronous and asynchronous conditions separately

    864for the two groups (Fig. 5C).


    866In the present series of three studies, we first sought to

    867experimentally investigate an individuals social

    868perceptions ofa partner who responds in a more or less

    869synchronous fashion in a unilateral entrainment

    870paradigm. Behavioral results across all three studies871revealed that synchrony by the partner enhanced a

    872participants ratings of perceived interpersonal

    873synchrony of and social affiliation with the partner.

    874Specifically, the participants felt greater synchrony

    875toward a synchronous partner than with an

    876asynchronous partner. These results indicate that

    877neither the perception of interpersonal synchrony nor

    878the affiliative consequences of synchrony are contingent

    879on an individuals behavioral intentions or explicit goal to

    880synchronize. In all three studies, referent participants

    881felt more social affiliation with partners who responded

    882synchronously rather than asynchronously, even though

    Fig. 2. BOLD responses obtained for synchrony compared to asynchrony. (A) Synchrony > asynchrony is shown in yellow on lateral views of the

    fiducial left side of the brain (A). Brain activities were mapped on the AFNI Colin brain using Caret 5.65 software (Van Essen, 2005). (B). Plots of

    percent (%) signal change were extracted for the three significant regions (IPL, left; parahippocampal region, center; and vmPFC, right) between

    synchrony (orange) and asynchrony (blue). All clusters were significant at p < .01 corrected to alpha < .05. (For interpretation of the references tocolor in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

    10 S. Cacioppo et al. / Neuroscience xxx (2014) xxxxxx

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    883 all partners (actually, a programed series of responses)

    884 performed the assigned experimental task equally well.885 The current findings suggest that interpersonal

    886 synchrony achieved through unilateral entrainment may

    887 produce the same array of social consequences as has

    888 been found previously in studies using orchestration or

    889 reciprocal synchrony paradigms (cf. Bernieri, 1988;

    890 Tickle-Degnen and Rosenthal, 1990; Hatfield et al.,

    891 1994; Bernieri et al., 1994; Cappella, 1997; Lakin and

    892 Chartrand, 2003; Hove and Risen, 2009; Miles et al.,

    893 2009, 2010, 2011; Paladino et al., 2010;

    894 Vacharkulksemsuk and Fredrickson, 2012) or in studies

    895 using mimicry (e.g., van Baaren et al., 2003a, 2009;

    896 Maddux et al., 2008; Stel et al., 2010; Mu ller et al.,

    897 2012). One possible interpretation for such social conse-

    898 quences may rely on the automatic (or nonconscious)899 human tendency to act in synchrony with others even

    900 when they are not aware of it. Like mimicry, interpersonal

    901 synchrony increases the social connection felt between

    902 individuals through an automatic process of mimicry

    903 that is described in the literature as a by-product in inter-

    904 action (e.g., Chartrand and Bargh, 1999; van Baaren

    905 et al., 2009). This process is in line with a large body of

    906 evidence suggesting that the affiliative effects are not

    907 dependent on an individuals awareness of the interper-

    908 sonal synchrony (e.g., see review by Hatfield et al.,

    909 1994; Cacioppo and Cacioppo, 2012). Another possible

    910 interpretation, which is related to the latter, is an interac-


    tion between feelings of liking and the activation of shared912 motor representations between the self and the other in

    913several tasks, as it has been reported in interpersonal

    914somatic mimicry (Sonnby-Borgstro m, 2002; Marzoli915et al., 2011). Although interpersonal synchrony refers to

    916the coordination of movement that occurs between indi-

    917viduals and interpersonal mimicry refers to the similarity

    918in form of the actions between individuals, they both fea-

    919ture similarities in the temporal alignment of the actions

    920and in their social consequences (Semin and Cacioppo,

    9212009; Cacioppo and Cacioppo, 2012). As illustrated by

    922the social cognition model (from Semin and Cacioppo,

    9232009), synchronization and mimicry are time-locked to

    924the observed stimulus. Like mimicry, interpersonal syn-

    925chrony also increases the social connection felt between


    927Our fMRI results extend these behavioral results by

    928revealing the recruitment of brain areas involved in929social cognition, embodied cognition, self-other

    930information processing, and action observation as

    931correlates of interpersonal synchrony (vs. asynchrony).

    932More precisely, the synchrony minus asynchrony

    933contrast revealed greater response in three brain

    934regions: (i) left IPL (BA 40) extending to the angular

    935gyrus, (ii) portions of the left parahippocampal gyrus

    936(BA 38) extending to the amygdala; and (iii) the ventro-

    937medial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC; BA 32) extending to

    938the ACC. No significant results were found for which

    939asynchronous stimuli elicited a larger BOLD response

    940than synchronous stimuli.


    The recruitment of BA 40 is consistent with previous942studies showing the recruitment of this brain region

    Table 5. Variance range main effect results of the whole-brain factorial ANOVA. All clusters were significant at p < .01 corrected to alpha < .05.

    Regions are indexed with MNI coordinates; Brodmann areas are indicated for appropriately located clusters

    Vol (ll) x y z t

    Left Inferior parietal lobule, IPL (BA 40) 2565 48 57 38 3.87

    Supramarginal gyrus

    Angular gyrusLeft Parahippocampal gyrus (BA 38) 945 28 3 19 3.52


    Left vmPFC/anterior cingulate (BA 32) 918 3 38 2 3.45

    Fig. 3. Correlations between neural activity and behavioral measures in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC). The BOLD effect for

    synchrony found in vmPFC (see Fig. 2) significantly correlated with measures of perceived synchrony and feelings of affiliation. The ordinate

    indicates behavioral difference scores for synchronousasynchronous trials; the abscissa indicates difference scores in BOLD activity (dBOLD).

    Participants reporting higher perception of synchrony and feelings of affiliation for synchronous items also showed greater corresponding vmPFC

    activity. Results were obtained with a voxelwise cluster threshold ofp < .025, corrected for multiple comparisons to alpha < .05.

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    943 while participants integrate visuo-motor information

    944 during observation and evaluation of actions (Grafton

    945 et al., 1996; Rizzolatti and Craighero, 2004; Desmurget

    946 et al., 2009; Grafton, 2009; Ortigue et al., 2009, 2010)

    947 and perception of elementary mechanical causality

    948 events (Blakemore et al., 2001). This action observation

    949 brain system is also known to sustain embodied cognitive

    950 mechanisms, meta-representation of the bodily self,

    951 detection of movements of others, self-other expansion,

    952monitoring of others intentions, perspective taking, and

    953perception of a synchrony between visual and propriocep-

    954tive feedbacks, as well as observed and imagined actions

    955(e.g., IPL; Grafton et al., 1996; Shimada et al., 2005;

    956Rizzolatti and Sinigaglia, 2007; Ortigue et al., 2009; van

    957Overwalle and Baetens, 2009; Fairhurst et al., 2013).

    958The recruitment of this brain network is in line with theo-

    959ries of embodied cognition and simulation, which suggest

    960that people may understand actions of others, without any

    Fig. 4. (A) Results of voxelwise correlation analyses between the BOLD differential synchrony scores (dBOLD: synchrony minus asynchrony) andreported feelings of perceived synchrony projected onto a slice from the MNI atlas (left, z= 42) and mapped on the Caret AFNI Colin brain right

    hemisphere, lateral view (center) and medial view (right). (B) Scatter plots for each respective cluster, from left to right: cerebellar tonsil, right middle

    occipital gyrus (BA 19), right lateral prefrontal cortex (BA 46), dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (BA 9), and right lingual gyrus (BA 18/19). (C) Median

    split plots indicating each clusters BOLD activity in each condition for the subsamples above and below the behavioral median. Results wereobtained with a voxelwise cluster threshold ofp < .025, corrected for multiple comparisons to alpha < .05.

    Table 6. Clusters resulting from the voxelwise analysis correlating BOLD signal during task period and behavioral ratings of perceived synchrony.

    Results were obtained with a voxelwise cluster threshold ofp< .025, corrected for multiple comparisons to alpha < .05. Regions are indexed with MNI

    coordinates; Brodmann areas are indicated for appropriately located clusters

    Vol (ll) x y z r

    Positive correlation

    Right Cerebellar tonsil 1269 27 55 49 .64

    Negative correlations

    Right Anterior prefrontal cortex (BA 10) 2808 38 46 10 ..69

    Lateral prefrontal cortex (BA 46)

    Dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (BA 9) 1566 1 53 33 ..60

    Right Lingual gyrus (BA 18/19) 1107 10 89 14 ..66

    Right Middle occipital gyrus (BA 19) 1080 29 89 9 ..68

    12 S. Cacioppo et al. / Neuroscience xxx (2014) xxxxxx

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    961 inferential reasoning, through a direct matching process

    962 that occurs via an automatic mapping between observed

    963 and performed actions, and via the reactivation of the

    964 bodily states that were originally active during past self-

    965 related experiences (Grafton, 2009; Niedenthal, 2007;

    966 Niedenthal, et al., 2005; Rizzolatti and Craighero, 2004;

    967 Rizzolatti et al., 2001). Although embodied mechanisms

    968 are not a pre-requisite to act, connect or understand oth-

    969 ers, embodied behaviors offer new ways to investigate

    970 social perception, cognition, and behavior (e.g., Semin

    971 and Smith, 2002; Semin and Cacioppo, 2009; Cacioppo

    972 and Cacioppo, 2012). In line with Aron and Arons

    973 (1986) self-expansion model which posits that others

    974 toward whom one feels a close social bond can be

    975incorporated into the representation of ones self, and

    976the relational model of communal sharing and cognitive

    977interdependence (see Fiske, 2004; Smith, 2007;

    978IJzerman and Semin, 2010; Cacioppo and Cacioppo,


    980Differences in activation were also found in the

    981parahippocampal areaa region shown previously to be

    982involved in temporal discrimination and interval

    983comparison (Harrington et al., 2002), and learning of

    984adaptive events (Fairhurst et al., 2013; Grossberg,

    9852013). These findings are in line with adaptive resonance

    986theory, a cognitive and neural theory of how the brain

    987automatically learns to identify, categorize, and predict

    988events in a changing world (Grossberg, 2013).

    Fig. 5. Results of correlation analyses between the BOLD differential synchrony scores (dBOLD between synchrony minus asynchrony) andreported feelings of affiliation. (A) Correlation clusters mapped onto the Caret AFNI Colin brain right hemisphere, lateral view (left) and medial view

    (right). (B) Scatter plots for each respective cluster from left to right: inferior parietal/supramarginal gyrus (BA 40), lingual gyrus (BA 19). (C) Median

    split plots indicating each clusters BOLD activity in each condition for the subsamples above and below the behavioral median. Results were

    obtained with a voxelwise cluster threshold ofp < .025, corrected for multiple comparisons to alpha < .05.

    Table 7. Clusters resulting from the voxelwise analysis correlating BOLD signal during task period and behavioral ratings of feelings of affiliation.

    Results were obtained with a voxelwise cluster threshold ofp< .025, corrected for multiple comparisons to alpha < .05. Regions are indexed with MNI

    coordinates; Brodmann areas are indicated for appropriately located clusters

    Vol (ll) x y z r

    Negative correlations (no positive correlations found)

    Right Lingual gyrus (BA 19) 1431 9 87 1.5 .68

    Right Inferior parietal lobule/supramarginal gyrus (BA 40) 1323 59 49 34 .6

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    989 Finally, several investigators have found the ventral

    990 part of the medial PFC is relatively activated when

    991 processing information about the self or similar others,

    992 whereas the dorsal part of the medial PFC is relatively

    993 activated when processing information about others

    994 (Mitchell et al., 2005; Amodio and Frith, 2006; Keysers

    995 and Gazzola, 2007; Epley et al., 2009). Consistent with996 synchrony increasing the perception of similarity,

    997 Fairhurst et al. (2013)found greater activity in the vmPFC

    998 region when participants were in relative synchrony with a

    999 virtual partner. We also found greater activity in the

    000 vmPFC in the synchronous than asynchronous condition,

    001 and correlational analyses further revealed that the

    002 greater the difference in the BOLD signal in the vmPFC

    003 between the synchronous and asynchronous conditions,

    004 the greater the corresponding difference in the ratings of

    005 perceived synchrony and affiliation.

    006 Correlational analyses involvingthe dmPFC showed the

    007 opposite pattern, as might be expected if interpersonal


    synchrony increases self-other overlap or egocentric009 information processing about the partner. To further

    010 investigate this result, a median split was performed to

    011 create two groups of participants, those who rated the

    012 synchronous partner as much more synchronous than

    013 they rated the asynchronous partner, and those who rated

    014 the synchronous and asynchronous partner relatively

    015 similarly on perceived synchrony. Analyses of the dmPFC

    016 showed the lowest levels of activation when the

    017 participants who most distinguished between the

    018 conditions were performing with a synchronous partner

    019 and the highest levels of activation when the participants

    020 who distinguished most between the conditions were

    021 performing with an asynchronous partner. This pattern

    022 was reversed and weaker in participants who perceived023 relatively little difference in synchrony between their

    024 synchronous and asynchronous partners.

    025 In sum, the analyses of the mPFC regions suggest

    026 that the participants, who most distinguished between

    027 the synchronous and asynchronous partners, thought

    028 about the synchronous partner as being more similar to

    029 themselves and thought about the asynchronous partner

    030 as being more dissimilar to themselves, than the

    031 participants who less distinguished between the

    032 synchronous and asynchronous partners. When a

    033 synchronous, relative to an asynchronous, partner is

    034 assimilated to the self, it is the asynchronous partner

    035 who requires the most attention and mentalizing to

    036 understand and predict. In contrast, for participants who

    037 show relatively little difference in the perceived

    038 synchrony of the synchronous and the asynchronous

    039 partners (and who show little difference in the activation

    040 of the vmPFC region; seeFig. 3), it is the (synchronous)

    041 partner whose temporal behavior is reflective of the

    042 participants behavior but is not rated as being

    043 synchronous who may evoke greater attention and

    044 mentalizing to understand and predict. Consistent with

    045 this reasoning, the correlational analyses between the

    046 BOLD differential synchrony scores (dBOLD: synchrony

    047 minus asynchrony) and reported feelings of perceived

    048 synchrony revealed negative correlations for the right

    049 lateral prefrontal cortex (BA 46), the right lingual gyrus

    1050(BA 18/19), and the right middle occipital gyrus (BA 19;

    1051see Fig. 4). The former is involved in control-related

    1052processes (Hare et al., 2009), the lingual gyrus has been

    1053involved in third-person perspective-taking (Jackson

    1054et al., 2006), and the middle occipital gyrus has been

    1055involved in visual attention and discrimination (Tu et al.,

    10562013). Exploratory analyses based on median splits1057further indicated the lowest levels of activation when the

    1058participants whose ratings of perceived synchrony most

    1059distinguished between the conditions were performing

    1060with a synchronous partner and the highest levels of

    1061activation when these participants were performing with

    1062an asynchronous partner, whereas this pattern was

    1063reversed in participants who reported relatively little differ-

    1064ence in perceived synchrony between their synchronous

    1065and asynchronous partners. In short, for participants

    1066who perceive large differences between their synchro-

    1067nous and asynchronous partners and show evidence of

    1068relative vmPFC activation and self-other overlap with


    the synchronous partner, it is the asynchronous partner1070who activates brain regions involved in attention, visual

    1071discrimination, and cognitive control, whereas for partici-

    1072pants who see relatively little difference between these

    1073partners in terms of perceived synchrony and show little

    1074difference in vmPFC activation and little self-other overlap

    1075with the synchronous partner, it is the synchronous part-

    1076ner who activates these regions more than the asynchro-

    1077nous partner.

    1078For the participants who show relatively large

    1079differences in perceived synchrony across conditions (and

    1080relatively large differences in vmPFC activity), the assimi-

    1081lation of the synchronous (in contrast to the asyn-

    1082chronous) partner to the self should result in the

    1083application of an abstract trait representation of the self to1084the synchronous partner, thereby diminishing the need for

    1085continued attention and mentalizing. For the participants

    1086who show relatively little difference in perceived

    1087synchrony across conditions (and relatively small

    1088differences in vmPFC activity), both the synchronous and

    1089the asynchronous partner may be regarded as dissimilar

    1090others; as such, the temporal aspects of the

    1091asynchronous partners behavior would be congruent with

    1092the abstract trait inference that this partner is dissimilar

    1093(e.g., outgroup homogeneity) and may therefore elicit little

    1094additional attention or mentalizing, whereas the temporal

    1095aspects of the synchronous partners behavior would be

    1096more reminiscent of the self and therefore may require

    1097additional processing. Although speculative, the

    1098correlational analyses revealed a positive correlation in

    1099the right cerebellar tonsil, a region involved in trait

    1100abstraction particularly based on others nonverbal

    1101behavior (van Overwalle et al., 2014). The median split

    1102analyses of activation in the cerebellar tonsil region were

    1103entirely consistent with high-level abstractions being

    1104formed (and attention, cognitive control, and mentalizing

    1105being truncated) for synchronous partners in the former

    1106group of participants and for asynchronous partners in the

    1107latter group of participants.

    1108Finally, whole-brain correlational analyses based on

    1109differences in reported feelings of affiliation for

    1110synchronous versus asynchronous partners, two regions

    14 S. Cacioppo et al. / Neuroscience xxx (2014) xxxxxx

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    Please cite this article in press as: Cacioppo S et al. You are in sync with me: Neural correlates of interpersonal synchrony with a partner. Neuroscience

  • 7/18/2019 Cacioppo Et Al Ns of Sync


    111 emerged: the right lingual gyrus (BA 19) and in the inferior

    112 parietal/supramarginal gyrus (BA 40; seeFig. 5). As noted

    113 above, the right lingual gyrus is involved in third-person

    114 perspective taking, and the inferior parietal/supramarginal

    115 gyrus is involved in sensorimotor mirroring. These results

    116 suggest that for participants who perceive the

    117 synchronous partner as relatively more likable than the118 asynchronous partner, regions associated with third-

    119 person perspective-taking and mirroring are more active

    120 when the partners behavior is asynchronous than

    121 synchronous. In contrast, for participants who perceive

    122 the synchronous and asynchronous partners as being

    123 more equivalent in likability, these regions are more active

    124 when the partners behavior is synchronous rather than

    125 asynchronous.

    126 Limitations of the current study include the exploratory

    127 nature of the correlational analyses and the relatively

    128 small sample size of the fMRI study in contrast to the

    129 behavioral studies. Among the strengths of the current


    paradigm is the experimental control that it affords. For131 instance, rather than relying on natural variations in

    132 synchrony between two participants, the current

    133 paradigm permits the temporal parameters used to

    134 experimentally manipulate interpersonal synchrony to be

    135 standardized and precisely controlled using computer

    136 programs. Second, the task does not require face-to-

    137 face interactions, so characteristics of the ostensible

    138 partner (e.g., age, gender, attractiveness, group identity)

    139 that may prove to be moderator variables can be

    140 experimentally controlled. Third, participants can be an

    141 actor (e.g., trials on which participants bext with a

    142 partner) or an observer (e.g., trials on which they watch

    143 two partners bext), making it possible to examine the

    144 observational effects of interpersonal synchrony. Finally,145 the task involves minimal movement (finger tapping) so

    146 that the bexting paradigm can be used in neuroimaging

    147 studies.


    149 The authors declare no competing financial interests.


    151 Brown and Bru ne (2012), van Baaren et al. (2003b) and

    152 Yun et al. (2012).Q9

    153 AcknowledgmentsGM was supported by a grant from the

    Q10154 Swiss National Science Foundation (FNS_PP00_1_128599/1 to

    155 SC) andQ11 by the Center for Cognitive and Social Neuroscience

    156 (CCSN). The authors thank John S. Irick for this technical

    157 assistance.


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    164 Interactional synchrony and rapport: measuring synchrony in

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