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29 May 2019Distr.: General

United Nations CAC/COSP/IRG/2019/INF/1

Conference of the States Parties

to the United Nations

Convention against Corruption

Implementation Review Group

Tenth session, Vienna, 27-29 May 2019

States Parties


Khojesta Fana EBRAHIMKHEL, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Afghanistan to the UnitedNations (Vienna)Mohammad Naeem POYESH, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Afghanistan to the United Nations (Vienna)

Azizurahman SAFAWI, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Afghanistan to the United Nations (Vienna)

Ali Sadeq AKBARI, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Afghanistan to the United Nations (Vienna)

Ahmad Kamel SAFI, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Afghanistan to the United Nations (Vienna)

Omid KAMAL, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Afghanistan to the United Nations (Vienna)

Shoaib Ahmad SHAHIDI, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Afghanistan to the United Nations (Vienna)

Ahmad Zakir QARAR, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of Afghanistan to the United Nations (Vienna)

Abdul Subhan MOMAND, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of Afghanistan to the United Nations (Vienna)


Adhurim RESULI, Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission of Albania to the United Nations (Vienna)


Faouzia MEBARKI, Ambassadeure et Représentant Permanente d'Algérie auprès des Nations Unies (Vienne),Chef de la Délégation

Lamine ELHADJ, Sous-directeur Sécurité et Désarmement, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères

Siham BECHIRI, Chef d’Etudes et de Synthèse, Ministère de la Justice

Moulay Larbi CHAALAL, Chef, Section de Coordination et Coopération Internationale, Organe National dePrévention et de Lutte contre la Corruption

This document has not been edited and is being posted on the web for information purposes only.

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Youcef ABDI, Chef d'Etudes, Organe National de Prévention et de Lutte contre la Corruption

Djamel RAMINI, Chef d'Etudes, Organe National de Prévention et de Lutte contre la Corruption

Mokhtar NAOUN, Attaché des Affaires Etrangères, Mission Permanente d'Algérie auprès des Nations Unies(Vienne)Billel HASSANI, Attaché des Affaires Etrangères, Mission Permanente d'Algérie auprès des Nations Unies(Vienne)


Graciano Antonio Manuel KALUKANGO, Director, Legal Department, Ministry of Justice and Human Rights

Suely Odeth Moreira A. RODRIGUES GOUVEIA, Assistant, Secretariat for Judicial and Legal Affairs, StaffOffice of PresidentPetruska RIBEIRO, Inspector Director, Audit and Control Area, Inspectorate-General of State Administration

Paulo Nicolau CANDEIA, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Angola to the United Nations (Vienna)

Jonathan Martíns FERREIRA MARQUES, Assistant, Secretariat for Diplomatic Affairs and InternationalCooperation of the PresidentGaspar DANIEL FERNANDES, Ministry of Finance


Rafael Mariano GROSSI, Embajador y Representante Permanente de Argentina ante las Naciones Unidas(Viena), Jefe de la Delegación

Maite FERNANDEZ GARCIA, Representante Permanente Alterno de Argentina ante las Naciones Unidas(Viena)Deborah HAFFORD, Oficina Anticorrupción, Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos


Karine KHOUDAVERDIAN, Alternate Permanent Representative of Armenia to the United Nations (Vienna)

Vahagn PILIPOSYAN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Armenia to the United Nations (Vienna)

Hayk MOVSESYAN, Deputy Head, Department of the Protection of State Interests, General Prosecutor's Office


Kim RALSTON, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Australia to the United Nations (Vienna)

Amit DOGRA, Permanent Mission of Australia to the United Nations (Vienna)

Daniel HICKINBOTHAM, Permanent Mission of Australia to the United Nations (Vienna)


Gabriela SELLNER, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Austria to the United Nations (Vienna), Headof Delegation

Anton WISLOCKI, Permanent Mission of Austria to the United Nations (Vienna)

Assunta THURNHER-SIGMAIER, Expert, International Cooperation Unit, Federal Ministry of the Interior,Federal Bureau of Anti-CorruptionEvelyn DOJNIK, Expert, International Cooperation Unit, Federal Ministry of the Interior, Federal Bureau ofAnti-Corruption


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Kamal JAFAROV, Secretary, Commission on Combatting Corruption, Head of Delegation

Piraya SAMADZADA-ALIYEVA, Prosecutor, Anti-Corruption General Directorate, Prosecutor General's Office

Rovshan SAFAROV, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Azerbaijan to the United Nations (Vienna)


Hussein Salman MATAR, Ministry of Interior

Mohamed Jasim ALKHEDRI, Ministry of Interior


Anisul HUQ, Minister, Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, Head of Delegation

Iqbal MAHMOOD, Chairman, Anti-Corruption Commission

Mohammad Shahidul HAQUE, Senior Secretary, Legislative and Parliamentary Affairs Division

Abu ZAFAR, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations (Vienna)

Kazi ARIFUZZAMAN, Joint Secretary, Legislative and Parliamentary Affairs Division

Abu Salim MAHMUD-UL HASAN, Private Secretary to the Hon'ble Minister, Ministry of Law, Justice andParliamentary AffairsMohammad Abdul HALIM, Deputy Secretary, Legislative and Parliamentary Affairs Division

Kamal HOSSAIN, Deputy General Manager, Financial Intelligence Unit, Bangladesh Bank

Golam Shahriar CHOWDHURY, Deputy Director, Anti-Corruption Commission

Dipankar BISWAS, Deputy Secretary, Legislative and Parliamentary Affairs Division

Maliha SHAHJAHAN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Bangladesh to the United Nations (Vienna)


Adrien VERNIMMEN, Premier Secrétaire, Mission Permanente de la Belgique auprès des Nations Unies(Vienne)Laure DU CASTILLON, Magistrat Déléguée, Service M4, Ministère Affaires Etrangères

Serge MATTE, Assistant, Mission Permanente de la Belgique auprès des Nations Unies (Vienne)


Jean-Baptiste ELIAS, Président, Autorité Nationale de Lutte contre la Corruption, Chef de la Délégation

Madjè Victorin TOGNINOU, Président, Commission Prévention, Education, Formation et Communication,Autorité Nationale de Lutte contre la Corruption


JAMTSHO, Commissioner, Anti-Corruption Commission, Head of Delegation

GYELTSHEN, Director, Anti-Corruption Commission

Leki DENDUP, Chief Integrity Promotion Officer, Anti-Corruption Commission

Ugyen TSHERING, Deputy Chief Integrity Promotion Officer, Anti-Corruption Commission

Sherab THARCHEN, Legal Officer, Anti-Corruption Commission


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Kelzang DEMA, Legal Officer, Anti-Corruption Commission

Sonam WANGDI, Legal Officer, Anti-Corruption Commission

Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

Elizabeth Ana FERREL ALVAREZ, Representante Permanente Alterna del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia antelas Naciones Unidas (Viena)

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sinisa BENCUN, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the United Nations(Vienna), Head of Delegation

Amela SUDZUKA-CERIMAGIC, Minister-Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Bosnia and Herzegovina to theUnited Nations (Vienna)Adnan DLAKIC, Expert on Countering Corruption, Ministry of Security

Mevludin DZINDO, Assistant Director, Agency for Preventing Corruption and Coordination of Fight againstCorruption


J. Antonio MARCONDES, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Brazil to the United Nations (Vienna),Head of Delegation

Andre Tenorio MOURAO, Deputy Head, Division on Transnational Crime, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Erika Mialik MARENA, Director, Department of Asset Recovery and International Legal Cooperation, Ministryof Justice and Public SecurityCamila Colares BEZERRA, Adviser for International Affairs, Office of the Controller General

Priscila DE CASTRO BUSNELLO, Head, Division on the Repression of Corruption, Federal Police

Denise Neves ABADE, Federal Circuit Prosecutor, Federal Prosecutor Service

Natasha PINHEIRO AGOSTINI PENHA BRASIL, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Brazil to the UnitedNations (Vienna)

Brunei Darussalam

Suriana RADIN, Principal Counsel, Deputy Public Prosecutor, Head of Criminal Justice Division,Attorney-General’s Chambers, Head of Delegation

Hasrina Suzanty JAMIL, Senior Special Prosecutor, Head of International Division and Legal Clinic,Anti-Corruption Bureau


Tanya PENEVA, Chief Expert, Commission for Anti-Corruption and Illegal Assets Forfeiture

Tea PENEVA, Chief Expert, Ministry of Justice

Burkina Faso

Luc Marius IBRIGA, Contrôleur Général d'Etat, Autorité Supérieure de Contrôle d'Etat et de Lutte contre laCorruption, Chef de la Délégation

Adolphe KABORE, Contrôleur d'Etat, Autorité Supérieure de Contrôle d'Etat et de Lutte contre la Corruption


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Eric ZOUNGRANA, Premier Conseiller, Mission Permanente du Burkina Faso auprès des Nations Unies(Vienne)


Ernest NDIKUMUKAMA, Conseiller Juridique, Ministère à la Présidence Chargé de la Bonne Gouvernance


Ou SITHA, Director, Department of Education, Prevention and Obstruction, Anti-Corruption Unit, Head ofDelegation

Bon BOVIBOTH, Anti-Corruption Unit


Alfred ETOM, Commission Nationale Anti-Corruption, Chargé d'Etudes à la Division des Etudes et de laCoopération


Heidi HULAN, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations (Vienna), Head ofDelegation

David PIMM, Senior Policy Research Analyst, International Crime and Terrorism Division, Global AffairsCanadaErin CASSIDY, Legal Specialist, Criminal, Security and Diplomatic Law Division, Global Affairs Canada

Thomas BEVERIDGE, Counsellor, International Criminal Operations, Canadian Mission to the European Union

Alexandre BILODEAU, Counsellor and Alternate Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations(Vienna)Mark VCISLO, First Secretary and Alternate Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations (Vienna)

Armin SCHULLER, Programme Coordinator, Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations (Vienna)

Elina QURESHI, Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations (Vienna)


Tom YOUSSOUF, Procureur de la République près le Tribunal de Grande Instance

Djoufoulsou MOUMASSOU, Juge d'Instruction en Charge du 2ème Cabinet, Tribunal de Grande Instance


Gloria NAVARRETE, Embajadora y Representante Permanente de Chile ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena), Jefede la Delegación

Alvaro GUZMAN, Segundo Secretario, Misión Permanente de Chile ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena)

Andrea QUEZADA, Dirección de Seguridad Internacional y Humana, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores


WANG Qun, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations (Vienna), Head of Delegation

NI Tian, Counsellor and Director, Department of Treaty and Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


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MA Yanbo, Department of Treaty and Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

JIA Luan, Senior Inspector, Department of International Cooperation, Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Commission of SupervisionBAIQING Ouyang, Division Director, Department of International Cooperation, Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Commission of SupervisionZHOU Lei, Deputy Director, Department for International Cooperation, Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Commission of SupervisionLI Lu, Department for International Cooperation, Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Commission of SupervisionLEONG CHI Kun, Legal Advisor to the Ombudsman Bureau, Commission against Corruption, Macao Special Administrative RegionPAO CHI Kin, Investigation Officer, Ombudsman Bureau, Commission against Corruption, Macao Special Administrative RegionLIN Zeyu, Attaché, Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations (Vienna)


Miguel Camilo RUIZ BLANCO, Embajador y Representante Permanente de Colombia ante las Naciones Unidas(Viena)German Andres CALDERON VELASQUEZ, Consejero, Misión Permanente de Colombia ante las NacionesUnidas (Viena)Paula Andrea LOPEZ DOMINGUEZ, Jefe de Unidad de Cooperación Nacional e Internacional de Prevención,Investigación e Incautación de Bienes, Contraloría General de la RepúblicaJuanita NAVARRO ANGEL, Segundo Secretario, Misión Permanente de Colombia ante las Naciones Unidas(Viena)Juliana SOLANO PLATA, Asesora del Grupo de Cooperación Internacional, Procuraduría General de la Nación

Costa Rica

Alejandro Edmundo SOLANO ORTIZ, Embajador y Representante Permanente de Costa Rica ante las NacionesUnidas (Viena), Jefe de la Delegación

Tatiana GUTIERREZ DELGADO, Procuradora, Ética Pública, Procuraduría General de la República

Mario Vega HERNANDEZ, Ministro Consejero y Representante Permanente Alterno de Costa Rica ante lasNaciones Unidas (Viena)

Côte d'Ivoire

Roger A. KACOU, Ambassadeur et Représentant Permanent de Côte d'Ivoire auprès des Nations Unies (Vienne),Chef de la Délégation

Marc Aubin Yao Zadjehi BANNY, Représentant Permanent Adjoint de Côte d'Ivoire auprès des Nations Unies(Vienne)Santini SAIDEI, Conseiller, Mission Permanente de Côte d’Ivoire auprès des Nations Unies (Vienne)

Francine AKA-ANGUI, Conseil de la Haute Autorité pour la Bonne Gouvernance

Esther COULIBALY, Directrice, Coopération de la Haute Autorité pour la Bonne Gouvernance

Agnès M'LANHORO, Conseiller Technique, Président de la CENTIF-CI

Kouamé Ernest BOUAKY, Sous-Directeur des Enquêtes Economiques, Direction de la Police Economique etFinancières, Ministère de l'Intérieur et de la SécuritéYaya OUATTARA, Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances

Mariam SEYA, Magistrat, Chargée d'Etudes, Ministère de la Justice et des Droits de l'Homme


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Daly Fleur Dominique ASSANDEY, Magistrat, Chargée D'Etudes, Ministère de la Justice et des Droits del'HommeUrsuline Zeïnabou KOUYATE, Conseiller Technique, Cabinet du Premier Ministre


Jasminka DINIC, Alternate Permanent Representative of Croatia to the United Nations (Vienna)


Elena RAFTI, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Cyprus to the United Nations (Vienna), Head ofDelegation

Chrysostomos STAVROU, Alternate Permanent Representative of Cyprus to the United Nations (Vienna)

Christos MAKRIYIANNIS, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Cyprus to the United Nations (Vienna)

Elpida SOLONOS, Office for Transparency and Prevention of Corruption, Ministry of Justice and Public Order


Marta PELECHOVÁ, International Dossiers Coordinator, Ministry of Justice, Head of Delegation

Ivan PINTÉR, Alternate Permanent Representative of the Czech Republic to the United Nations (Vienna)

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Fidele MAWETE FAKANA, Coordonnateur, Cellule Technique de Lutte contre l’Impunité, Ministère de laJusticeEmile MWAMBA IMIDI, Chargé d'Etudes

Neron MUPEPE OMBULA, Chargé d'Etudes


Stefan WEINSCHENCK, Ministry of Justice


Zahra Said Ismael FATOUMA, Secrétaire Générale, Commission Nationale pour la Prévention et la Lutte contrela Corruption

Dominican Republic

Lourdes VICTORIA-KRUSE, Embajadora y Representante Permanente de la República Dominicana ante lasNaciones Unidas (Viena)Wendy OLIVERO, Representante Permanente Alterna de la República Dominicana ante las Naciones Unidas(Viena)Ellen MARTINEZ DE COOREMAN, Representante Permanente Alterna de la República Dominicana ante lasNaciones Unidas (Viena)


Roberto BETANCOURT RUALES, Embajador y Representante Permanente del Ecuador ante las NacionesUnidas (Viena), Jefe de la Delegación


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Francisco Javier MENDOZA RODRÍGUEZ, Representante Permanente Alterno del Ecuador ante las NacionesUnidas (Viena)


Omar AMER, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Egypt to the United Nations (Vienna), Head ofDelegation

Mohamed Yasser Aboul FOTOUH, Ministry of Justice

Mohamed Galal Sharaf-Eldin WAFEEQ, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Waleed Mohamed REDA, Administrative Control Authority

Mostafa Mosaad IBRAHIM, Administrative Control Authority

Aly Abdelraheem ALY, Administrative Control Authority

Kamel ELABASIRY, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Egypt to the United Nations (Vienna)

Moataz Khaled Aly ABDELHADY, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Egypt to the United Nations(Vienna)Ahmed Sayed Mohammed EWAID, Public Prosecutor's Office

Abdelmonem Mohamed MAGDY, Public Prosecutor's Office

El Salvador

Ramiro RECINOS TREJO, Embajador y Representante Permanente de El Salvador ante las Naciones Unidas(Viena), Jefe de la Delegación

Mauricio Ernesto SUAREZ ESCALANTE, Representante Permanente Alterno de El Salvador ante las NacionesUnidas (Viena)


Wedo Atto YATTO, Deputy Commissioner, Federal Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission, Head ofDelegation

European Union

Didier LENOIR, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Delegation of the European Union to theUnited Nations (Vienna), Head of Delegation

Lambert SCHMIDT, First Counsellor, Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations (Vienna)

Marcel HARTWICH, Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations (Vienna)

Paulina ROSOL, Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations (Vienna)

Ciresica FEYER, Policy Officer, Fight Against Corruption, Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs,European Commission


Venla MÄNTYSALO, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Justice

Anu-Elina AUTIO, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Finland to the United Nations (Vienna)

Helena VIRKKUNEN, Adviser, Permanent Mission of Finland to the United Nations (Vienna)


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Jean-Louis FALCONI, Ambassadeur et Représentant Permanent de la France auprès des Nations Unies (Vienne),Chef de la Délégation

Wassan AL WAHAB, Rédactrice, Anti-Corruption et Protection des Investissements, Sous-Direction des AffairesEconomiques Internationales, Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires EtrangèresStéphane PAILLER, Représentant Permanent adjoint de la France auprès des Nations Unies (Vienne)

Tiphaine CHAPEAU, Première Secrétaire, Mission Permanente de la France auprès des Nations Unies (Vienne)

Léo LAPORTE, Premier Secrétaire, Mission Permanente de la France auprès des Nations Unies (Vienne)

Wandrille BLONDEL, Attaché, Mission Permanente de le France auprès des Nations Unies (Vienne)


Bubacarr D. JAITEH, State Counsel, Attorney General's Chambers, Ministry of Justice


Nestan BEJANISHVILI, Senior Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Georgia to the United Nations, Vienna


Stephanie GOEBEL, Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community, Head of Delegation

Henriette KOETTER, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

Michael KLEPSCH, Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations (Vienna)

Klara BOTHE, Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations (Vienna)

Daniela OBERMEIER, Federal Ministry of Justice and for Consumer Protection


Richard Ackom QUAYSON, Deputy Commissioner, Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice,Head of Delegation

Charles Adombire AYAMDOO, Director, Anti-Corruption, Commission on Human Rights and AdministrativeJusticeWalter AMEWU, Deputy Executive Director, Economic and Organized Crime Office


Catherine KOIKA, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Greece to the United Nations (Vienna), Head ofDelegation

Nikolaos SAPOUNTZIS, Alternate Permanent Representative of Greece to the United Nations (Vienna)

Sofoklis MANDALIDIS, Alternate Permanent Representative of Greece to the United Nations (Vienna)


María Consuelo PORRAS ARGUETA, Fiscal General, Jefe del Ministerio Público, Jefe de la Delegación

Manuel Estuardo ROLDÁN BARILLAS, Embajador y Representante Permanente de Guatemala ante lasNaciones Unidas (Viena)Ángel Arnoldo PINEDA ÁVILA, Secretario de Asuntos Internacionales y Cooperación, Ministerio Público


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Carlos Alberto GARCÍA REYES, Ministro Consejero, Misión Permanente de Guatemala ante las NacionesUnidas (Viena)Herberth Douglas MORALES LIMA, Jefe, Departamento de Cooperación, Ministerio Público

Marco Antonio ARCHILA CABRERA, Coordinador y Director Ejecutivo, Comisión Presidencial del GestiónPública Abierta y TransparenciaJaime Rafael MUNOZ FLORES, Director de Cooperación Nacional e Internacional, Comisión Presidencial deGestión Pública Abierta y TransparenciaPatricia del Rosario DONIS SOLARES, Asesora Jurídica del Despacho Superior, Comisíon Presidencial deGestión Pública Abierta y TranparenciaSaulo de León DURÁN, Intendente de Verificación Especial, Superintendencia de Bancos

Jorge Francisco MARROQUÍN CÁCERES, Coordinador, Área de Asesoría Jurídica, Intendencia de VerificacíonEspecial


Sekou Mohamed SYLLA, Secrétaire Exécutif Adjoint, Agence National de Lutte contre la Corruption et de laPromotion de la Bonne Gouvernance, Chef de la Délégation

Korka Bailo SOW, Secrétariat d’Appui du Groupe d’Experts


Marie Antoinette CAYEMITE, Coordonnatrice, Unité Juridique de la Primature


Juan Jose PINEDA, Magistrado Tribunal Superior de Cuentas, Jefe de la Delegación

Ricardo RODRÍGUEZ, Magistrado Tribunal Superior de Cuentas

Giampaolo RIZZO ALVARADO, Embajador y Representante Permanente de Honduras ante las NacionesUnidas (Viena)Carlos Alberto ROJAS SANTOS, Representante Permanente Alterno de Honduras ante las Naciones Unidas(Viena)Sandra PONCE, Ministra Consejera, Misión Permanente de Honduras ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena)


Tamás TALPAI, Counsellor and Alternate Permanent Representative of Hungary to the United Nations (Vienna)

László FRISCH, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Hungary to the United Nations (Vienna)

Bálint VARRÓ, Legal Expert, Department of European Cooperation, Ministry of Interior


A. Y. V. KRISHNA, Joint Director, Central Bureau of Investigation, Head of Delegation

Anand Kumar SOMANI, Counsellor and Alternate Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations(Vienna)Abhishek GOEL, Joint Director, Enforcement Directorate


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Diani Sadia WATI, Expert Staff for Institutional Interrelations, Ministry of National Development Planning,National Development Planning Agency, Head of Delegation

Darmansjah DJUMALA, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Indonesia to the United Nations (Vienna)

Diah SRIKANTI, Head, Asset Recovery Center, Office of Attorney General

Witjaksono ADJI, Alternate Permanent Representative of Indonesia to the United Nations (Vienna)

Ricky SUHENDAR, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

M. Zaim A. NASUTION, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Indonesia to the United Nations (Vienna)

Irene PUTRIE, Office of Attorney General

Banu LAKSMANA, Office of Attorney General

Andi Eva NURLIANI, Ministry of Law and Human Rights

Indra ROSANDRY, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Bianca SIMATUPANG, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Indonesia to the United Nations (Vienna)

Masagus Salman ISFAHANI, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Indonesia to the United Nations (Vienna)

Abriana Kusuma DEWI, Ministry of Law and Human Rights

Mungki HADIPRATIKTO, Corruption Eradication Commission

Miranti MARTIN, Corruption Eradication Commission

Wilda BAYUNINGSIH, Ministry of Law and Human Rights

Alfiani SAFITRI, Ministry of Law and Human Rights

Vinsensius SHIANTO, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Nabila VIRGIZIA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Glady Yudha ARIEFIANTO, Permanent Mission of Indonesia to the United Nations (Vienna)

Michael O'ROURKE, Permanent Mission of Indonesia to the United Nations (Vienna)

Wingko SILEAN, Permanent Mission of Indonesia to the United Nations (Vienna)

Faiq FAISHAL, Permanent Mission of Indonesia to the United Nations (Vienna)

Arief ADIHARSA, Indonesian National Police

Eka AGUSFRI, Indonesian National Police

Anna FERLIANA, Ministry of Law and Human Rights

Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Kazem GHARIB ABADI, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to theUnited Nations (Vienna), Head of Delegation

Abbas AHMADI, First Counsellor and Alternate Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to theUnited Nations (Vienna)


Baker Fatah HUSSEN, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Iraq to the United Nations (Vienna)

Mudheher Turki ABED, Director General, Legal Department, Commission of Integrity

Ezat Faik Ali ALBHADILY, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Iraq to the United Nations (Vienna)

Mohammed Hameed AHMED, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Iraq to the United Nations (Vienna)

Firas Abduljaleel DHAHIR, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of Iraq to the United Nations (Vienna)


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Thomas HANNEY, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Ireland to the United Nations (Vienna), Headof Delegation

Fiachra BYRNE, Drugs and Organised Crime, Crime and Security Directorate, Department of Justice andEqualityKate OLIVER, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Ireland to the United Nations (Vienna)


Nurit INBAL, Consulting and Legislation, International Law Department, Ministry of Justice, Head of Delegation

Silvia BERLADSKI-BARUCH, Alternate Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations (Vienna)

Yonatan YAKIR, Political Adviser, Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations (Vienna)


Antonio BALSAMO, Legal Adviser, Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations (Vienna)

Luigi RIPAMONTI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations, Vienna

Eduardo VETERE, Expert, Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations (Vienna)


Akira IRIE, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations (Vienna)

Brami VAN CROMBRUGGE, Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations (Vienna)


Baurzhan KURMANOV, Senior Assistant to the Prosecutor General on Special Assignments, Head of Unit of theProsecutor General's Office on Protection of State Interests Abroad, Head of Delegation

Anuar TANALINOV, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Kazakhstan to the United Nations (Vienna)

Azat NURKENOV, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Kazakhstan to the United Nations (Vienna)


Sadiq MARAFI, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Kuwait to the United Nations (Vienna), Head ofDelegation

Abdullah ALOBAIDI, Alternate Permanent Representative of Kuwait to the United Nations (Vienna), AlternateHead of Delegation

Ali ALWAZZAN, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Kuwait to the United Nations (Vienna)

Sulaiman ALKHAYRI, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Kuwait to the United Nations (Vienna)

Abdulhameed ALHAMAR, Kuwait Anti-Corruption Authority

Abdulaziz Mohammad MANSOUR, Kuwait Anti-Corruption Authority


Dzhamilia DZHAMANBAEVA, Deputy of the Attorney-General, Head of Delegation

Zalkarbek AKNAZAROV, Deputy Head, Division for Combating Corruption and Monitoring the Enforcement ofthe Law, Attorney-General's Office


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Talantbek MAMYROV, Deputy Head, International Legal Cooperation Division, Attorney-General's Office

Lao People's Democratic Republic

Souphavong VANTHANOUVONG, Director General, International Relations Department, State Inspection andAnti-Corruption Authority


Ibrahim ASSAF, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Lebanon to the United Nations (Vienna)

Pierre KANAAN, Director, Legal Affairs Department, Lebanese Central Bank

Abdel Hafiz MANSOUR, Secretary-General, Special Investigation Commission, Lebanese Central Bank

Carine CHARTOUNI, Compliance Unit, Lebanese Central Bank

Wajdi KLAIB, Internal Security Forces, Ministry of Interior and Municipalities

Roger ALGIBRINE, Internal Security Forces, Ministry of Interior and Municipalities

Lina ALKAWASS, Adviser for International Organizational Matters, Permanent Mission of Lebanon to theUnited Nations (Vienna)


Sefako Aaron SEEMA, Acting Director General, Directorate on Corruption and Economic Offences

Litelu Joseph RAMOKHORO, Director, Public Education and Corruption Prevention, Directorate on Corruptionand Economic Offences


Jalal E. ALASHI, Permanent Mission of Libya to the United Nations (Vienna)

Naman Mahfud ALSHIKH, Chairman, National Anti-Corruption Commission

Majdi Sharif SHABAANI, Expert

Yousif Mabrouk ABIRID, Director, Relations and International Cooperation Office

Esam GANBOUR, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Libya to the United Nations (Vienna)


Herimamy ROBENARIMANGASON, Conseiller Juridique, Bureau Indépendant Anti-Corruption, Chef de laDélégation


Thokozani Reyneck MATEMBA, Director, Anti-Corruption Bureau, Head of Delegation

Daniel Brown Dominc DAKA, Ministry of Finance

Madalo MTONGA, Financial Intelligence Authority

Mary Dominica KACHALE, Director, Public Prosecutions


Nor Azmi Bin KARIM, Director for Policy, Planning and Research Division, Malaysian Anti-CorruptionCommission


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Mohamad Tarmize ABDUL MANAF, Senior Assistant Commissioner, Community Education Division,Malaysian Anti-Corruption CommissionNadiah Binti AZIS, Senior Assistant Commissioner, Head of International Relations Branch, Policy, Planning andResearch Division, Malaysian Anti-Corruption CommissionAsrul Ridzuan Bin AHMAD RUSTAMI, Senior Assistant Commissioner, Head, Anti-Money LaunderingDivision, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission


Oumar TRAORE, Office Central de Lutte contre l'Enrichissement Illicite


Alberta BORG, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Malta to the United Nations (Vienna)

Joseph DEBONO, Permanent Mission of Malta to the United Nations (Vienna)

Gabriella GRIMA, Permanent Mission of Malta to the United Nations (Vienna)


Haimoud RAMADAN, Chargé de Mission, Ministère de la Justice


Alicia BUENROSTRO MASSIEU, Embajadora y Representante Permanente de México ante las Naciones Unidas(Viena)Diego SIMANCAS GUTIÉRREZ, Representante Permanente Alterno de México ante las Naciones Unidas(Viena)


Mirela BAKALBASIC, Independent Adviser, Department for International Cooperation and Standards, Agencyfor Preventing CorruptionAna BOSKOVIC, State Prosecutor, Basic State Prosecutor’s Office


Nor Dine SADOUK, Mission Permanente du Maroc auprès des Nations Unies (Vienne)

Samir SETTAOUI, Juge et Chef, Service des Crimes Financiers, Présidence du Ministère Public

Hassan CHATER, Juge détaché auprès de la Direction des Affaires Pénales et des Grâces, Ministère de la Justice

Mustapha BAHEDDA, Chef, Service de l'Appui à l'Ethique, Ministère chargé de la Réforme de l'Administrationet de la Fonction PubliqueAbdellatif MOUATADID, Directeur, Pôle Support, Instance Nationale de Prévention et Lutte contre laCorruptionImane BENJELLOUN, Direction des Techniciens, Unité de Traitement du Renseignement Financier

Driss EL OUFIR, Conseiller, Mission Permanente du Maroc auprès des Nations Unies (Vienne)

Saida BAJJA, Premier Secrétaire, Mission Permanente du Maroc auprès des Nations Unies (Vienne)


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Eduardo Leovigildo André BARROS SUMANA, Attorney General


Thant ZAW, Acting Director General, Anti-Corruption Commission Office, Head of Delegation

Kyaw Win THEIN, Police Brigadier General, Head of Anti-Financial Crime Division, Ministry of Home Affairs

Lin Wai AUNG, Director, Anti-Corruption Commission Office

Su Wai Po KYA, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Myanmar to the United Nations (Vienna)


Sylvanus NEPUNDA, Chief Legal Officer, Directorate Legal Services, Ministry of Justice


Marco HENNIS, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Netherlands to the United Nations (Vienna)

Anke TER HOEVE-VAN HEEK, Alternate Permanent Representative of the Netherlands to the United Nations(Vienna)Kirsten BOSCH, Senior Policy Adviser, Ministry of Justice and Security

Sandra HAUWERT, Senior Policy Adviser, National Prosecutor's Office

Wietze SIJTSMA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Netherlands to the United Nations (Vienna)

Manouk SMEETS, Permanent Mission of the Netherlands to the United Nations (Vienna)


Bibata Boubacar AMADOU, Secrétaire Générale, Ministère de la Justice

Amadou MOROU, Coordonnateur de la Cellule Nationale d'Entraide Pénale et de Coopération Judicaire


Vivian N. R. OKEKE, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Nigeria to the United Nations (Vienna),Head of Delegation

Bolaji Olufunmileyi OWASANOYE, Chairman, Independent Corrupt Practices and other Related OffencesCommissionModibbo Ribadu Hamman TUKUR, Director, Financial Inteligence Unit

Kabir Gbolahan LATONA, Assistant Director, Legal and Prosecution, Economic and Financial CrimesCommissionAdesina Isola RAHEEM, Assistant Director, Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related OffencesCommissionAnne Chinyere AKWIWU, Director, International Cooperation, Federal Ministry of Justice

Adeola Mopelola IBRAHIM, Senior Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Nigeria to the United Nations (Vienna)

Emmanuel NWEKE, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Nigeria to the United Nations (Vienna)

Adamu Bako IDRIS, Special Assistant to the Director, Nigeria Financial Unit

Onyemowo Jane ONWUMERE, Assistant Director, Technical Unit on Governance and Anti-Corruption Reforms


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Elijah Iorhemba AKAAKOHOL, Special Assistant to the Chairman on Legal Matters, Independent CorruptPractices and Other Related Offences CommissionChisom M. AGHADINUNO, Asset Recovery and Management Unit, Federal Ministry of Justice

Aliyu A. WALI, Economic and Financial Crimes Commission

Aisha MOHAMMED, Economic and Financial Crimes Commission

Faina Enechojo OBI, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Mats BENESTAD, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Norway to the United Nations (Vienna)

Lise STENSRUD, Technical Director, NORAD

Sander Riis EILERTSEN, Permanent Mission of Norway to the United Nations (Vienna)

Camilla Louise WINTERSTO, Permanent Missions of Norway to the United Nations (Vienna)


Khalid BAIT NASIB, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Oman to the United Nations (Vienna)


Zahir SHAH, Director General (Operations), National Accountability Bureau

Liaquat Ali WARRAICH, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the United Nations (Vienna)


Angélica Maytín JUSTINIANI, Directora General, Autoridad Nacional de Transparencia y Acceso a laInformación, Jefe de la Delegación

Anabella GUARDIA DE RUBINOFF, Embajadora y Representante Permanente de Panamá ante las NacionesUnidas (Viena)Luis Pabon CHEVALIER, Agregado, Misión Permanente de Panamá ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena)


Justo APODACA PAREDES, Director, Unidad Anticorrupción, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores


Eric ANDERSON MACHADO, Embajador y Representante Permanente del Perú ante las Naciones Unidas(Viena)Sandra PINTO LA FUENTE, Representante Alterna del Perú ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena)

Marcela ANDIA CHAVEZ, Representante Permanente Alterna del Perú ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena)

Alvaro SALCEDO TEULLET, Primer Secretario y Representante Permanente Alterno del Perú ante las NacionesUnidas (Viena)Alonso Eduardo ESQUIVEL DURAN, Segundo Secretario y Representante Permanente Alterno del Perú ante lasNaciones Unidas (Viena)Maria PACHECO CORNEJO, Representante Permanente Alterna del Perú ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena)


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Maria Cleofe R. NATIVIDAD, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Philippines to the UnitedNations (Vienna), Head of Delegation

Ryan Alvin R. ACOSTA, Deputy Executive Secretary for Legal Affairs, Office of the President

Kristine Joy MENEZ-MACALALAD, Assistant Ombudsman, Office of the Ombudsman

Pilarita LAPITAN, Assistant Ombudsman, Office of the Ombudsman

Mel Georgie B. RACELA, Executive Director, Anti-Money Laundering Council Secretariat

Deena Joy D. AMATONG, Alternate Permanent Representative of the Philippines to the United Nations (Vienna)

Floreida A. APOLINARIO, Director IV, Office of the President

Patricia C. MILLA, Third Secretary and Alternate Permanent Representative of the Philippines to the UnitedNations (Vienna)Cherilette F. QUEANO, Attaché, Permanent Mission of the Philippines to the United Nations (Vienna)

Mary Ann I. RANOLA-CLEMENTE, Head Executive Assistant, Office of the President


Agnieszka STAWIARZ, Prosecutor, Ministry of Justice

Jacek EMMEL, First Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Poland to the United Nations (Vienna)


António DE ALMEIDA RIBEIRO, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Portugal to the United Nations(Vienna)Joao BEZERRA DA SILVA, Counsellor and Alternate Permanent Representative of Portugal to the UnitedNations (Vienna)Juliana ALMEIDA, Permanent Mission of Portugal to the United Nations (Vienna)


Amal Ahmed Al-Jeham AL-KUWARI, Director, Control and Development Department, Administrative Controland Transparency AuthorityGhalya Hassen AL-QAHTANI, Legal Researcher, Administrative Control and Transparency Authority

Abdulrahman Abdulaziz AL-THANI, Third Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Republic of Korea

Joo Yeon JO, Legal Attaché, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations (Vienna)

Seong Jin PARK, Prosecutor, International Criminal Affairs Division, Ministry of Justice

Okyoung WOO, Prosecutor, Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office

Mi Young KANG, Deputy Director, International Relations Division, Anti-Corruption and Civil RightsCommission


Monica COSTESCU, Prosecutor, International Cooperation Service, General Prosecutor's Office attached to theHigh Court of Cassation and JusticeRuxandra Andreea BANICA, Legal Expert, Ministry of Justice


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Lorena Maria FERUTA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Romenia to the United Nations (Vienna)

Russian Federation

Andrey AVETISYAN, Ambassador-at-Large, International Anti-Corruption Cooperation, Ministry of ForeignAffairs, Head of Delegation

Daniil MOKIN, Alternate Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations (Vienna)

Evgeny KUZMIN, Head of Division, Presidential Anti-Corruption Directorate, Presidential Executive Office

Andrei S. ALEKSEEV, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Russian Fedration to the United Nations(Vienna)Igor VOBLIKOV, Ministry of the Interior

Anton V. LUKINSKY, Deputy Head, Major Directorate for Control of Economic Security and CounteractingCorruption, Ministry of the InteriorSergey PLOKHOV, Senior Prosecutor, Department for Supervision of Implementation of Legislation onCountering Corruption, Prosecutor-General’s OfficeOleg V. KISELEV, Expert, Federal Security Service

Marat E. FAZLULIN, Expert, Federal Security Service

Alexander M. NIKITIN, Expert, Federal Security Service

Natalia PRIMAKOVA, Second Secretary, Department for New Challenges and Threats, Ministry of ForeignAffairsDenis A. KUNEV, Head, Organizational Analytical Division, Major Directorate for Procedural Control,Investigative CommitteeNikita TUGUCHEV, Deputy Chief, Legal Division, Department for State Policy and Municipal Service,Counteracting Corruption, Ministry of Labour and Social ProtectionYulia V. LAFITSKAYA, Deputy Chief, Legal Division, Federal Financial Monitoring Service

Sao Tome and Principe

Adulcino de Ceita TAVARES DANIEL, Superintendante, Command General, Police National, Ministère deDéfense et de l'Ordre Interne

Saudi Arabia

Mishari Fawzi ALEISA, Representative

Meshari Mohammed ABUNAYYAN, Representative

Mohammed Abdulkarim ALDUAYJI, Representative

Ali Ayid ALKAHTANI, Representative

Sulaiman Muhammed ALSAWI, Representative

Sattam Nasser ALASMARI, Representative

Ayedh Awad ALAUONY, Representative

Saleh Eid ALHARTHI, Representative

Mohammed Abdulaziz ALMOBARK, Representative

Saad Hamad ALMANSOUR, Representative

Sierra Leone

Francis KAIFALA, Commissioner, Anti-Corruption Commission


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Syed Noureddin BIN SYED HASSIM, Minister-Counsellor and Alternate Permanent Representative of Singaporeto the United Nations (Vienna)Murali SELVAM, Head, Investigations Policy Unit, Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau

Lin XINYI, Senior Manager, International Relations Branch, Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau

Rayner GAN, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Singapore to the United Nations (Vienna)

Heng Hui TIAH, State Counsel, Case Manager, International Affairs Division, Attoney-General's Chambers


Peter MISIK, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Slovakia to the United Nations (Vienna), Head ofDelegation

Ondrej GAVALEC, Alternate Permanent Representative of Slovakia to the United Nations (Vienna)


Andrej BENEDEJCIC, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Slovenia to the United Nations (Vienna)

Tadej FURLAN, Alternate Permanent Representative of Slovenia to the United Nations (Vienna)

Spela REMIC, Permanent Mission of Slovenia to the United Nations (Vienna)

South Africa

T. J. SEOKOLO, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of South Africa to the United Nations (Vienna),Head of Delegation

J. T. PITSWANE, Alternate Permanent Representative of South Africa to the United Nations (Vienna)

M.K. MOLLELE, Acting Special Director, Asset Forfeiture Unit

L. G. LEKGETHO, Chief National Investigation Officer, Special Investigating Unit

D. NKOSI, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of South Africa to the United Nations (Vienna)

Tendani MUNYAI, Foreign Service Officer, Department of International Relations and Cooperation

R. MTHIMUNYE, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of South Africa to the United Nations (Vienna)

South Sudan

Akuei Mayuen Deng DUT, Acting Executive Director, Anti-Corruption Commission


Senén FLORENSA PALAU, Embajador y Representante Permanente de España ante las Naciones Unidas(Viena)Carlos ARAGÓN GIL DE LA SERNA, Representante Permanente Alterno de España ante las Naciones Unidas(Viena)Ignacio BAYLINA RUIZ, Consejero Técnico, Misión Permanente de España ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena)

Jesús Alberto MÁRQUEZ NAVARRO, Inspector Jefe, Enlace de Policía Nacional, Misión Permanente deEspaña ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena)Júlia MUMANY PESARRODONA, Asistente Técnico, Misión Permanente de España ante las Naciones Unidas(Viena)


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Raquel NÚNEZ LÓPEZ, Inspectora, Cuerpo Nacional de Policía, Ministerio del Interior

Sri Lanka

W. L. R. SILVA, Commissioner, Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery of Corruption, Head ofDelegation

W. M. Thanuja Damayanthi BANDARA, Assistant Director Legal, Commission to Investigate Allegations ofBribery or Corruption

State of Palestine

Salahaldin ABDALSHAFI, Ambassador and Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the United Nations(Vienna)Belal ABUHANTASH, Judge, Anti-Corruption Court

Said SHEHADEH, General Director, Cabinet of the Chairmen, Anti-Corruption Commission

Safaa SHABAT, Alternate Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the United Nations (Vienna)


Martin MATTER, Chef, Section des Affaires Economiques, Direction Politique, Département Fédéral desAffaires Etrangères, Head of Delegation

Katharina FREY BOSSONI, Conseillère, Mission Permanente de la Suisse auprès des Nations Unies (Vienne)

Walter REITHEBUCH, Direction du Développement et de la Coopération, Département Fédéral des AffairesEtrangèresUrs A. TSCHANZ, Collaborateur scientifique, Division Politiques Extérieures Sectorielles, Département Fédéraldes Affaires EtrangèresSimona DÖRIG, Collaboratrice Scientifique, Mission Permanente de la Suisse auprès des Nations Unies (Vienna)


Preecha LERTKAMOLMART, Commissioner, Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission, Head ofDelegation

Morakot SRISWASDI, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Thailand to the United Nations (Vienna)

Charern TANCHATCHAWAN, Senior Expert Public Prosecutor, International Affairs Department, Office of theAttorney GeneralThitiporn CHIRASAWADI, Alternate Permanent Representative of Thailand to the United Nations (Vienna)

Nitiphan PRACHUABMOH, Director, Bureau of International Affairs and Corruption Investigation, Office of theNational Anti-Corruption CommissionBhumivisan KASEMSOOK, Assistant Secretary-General, Office of Public Sector, Anti-Corruption Commission

Bolbogse VANGPHAEN, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Thailand to the United Nations (Vienna)

Peerapong PHIMONWICHAYAKIT, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Thailand to the United Nations (Vienna)

Apalin LIMTHANESKUL, Inquiry Officer, Professional Level, Office of the National Anti-CorruptionCommissionWadhanee XIVIVADH, First Secretary, Department of Treaties and Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Alisa RUKBANKERD, International Affairs Officer, Professional Level, Office of the National Anti-CorruptionCommissionAomthong NUNTA, Investigator, Office of Public Sector, Anti-Corruption Commission


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Flaviano MONIZ LEAO, National Director for Human Rights, Ministry of Justice


Essohana WIYAO, Président, Haute Autorité de Prévention et de Lutte contre la Corruption, Chef de laDélégation

M'mah TCHEMI, Rapporteur, Haute Autorité de Prévention et de Lutte contre la Corruption

Dermane Aboudou-Kamarou OURO-SAMA, Juriste, Haute Autorité de Prévention et de Lutte contre laCorruptionEssolissam Koffi POYODI, Procureur de la République

Yaovi Mawuli FIAWONOU, Avocat Général, Cour Suprême


Halid Haki BARUT, Judge, General Directorate of Foreign Relations and EU, Ministry of Justice

Mehmet Salih AZ, Judge, General Directorate of Foreign Relations and EU, Ministry of Justice


Alex B. OKELLO, Permanent Secretary, Directorate of Ethics and Integrity, Office of the President

Grace ATWONGYEIRE, Principal Legal Officer, Directorate of Ethics and Integrity, Office of the President


Filip PRONIN, Head, Asset Recovery Department, National Agency for Identification, Tracing and Managementof Assets Derived from Corruption and other CrimesTamara ANDRIIEVA, Head, Department of International Law, Ministry of Justice

Ganna GORBENKO, Head, Department of Detectives and Detection of Unlawful Benefits and IllegalEnrichment, Analytical and Information Processing Department, National Anti-Corruption BureauIgor IVANCHYK, Deputy Head, Department for Prevention of Corruption and Lustration, Head of the Unit forControl on the Implementation of the Anti-Corruption Programmes, Ministry of Internal Affairs and CentralExecutive BodiesVolodymyr KRYVENKO, Deputy Head, Special Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office, Prosecutor General'sOfficeDenys DEMKIV, Prosecutor, Fifth Division of Department for Procedural Supervision, Public Prosecution andRepresentation in Court of the Special Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office, Prosecutor General's OfficeTetiana BAZANOVA, Deputy Head, Legal Department, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade

United Arab Emirates

Hamad ALKAABI, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the United Arab Emirates to the UnitedNations (Vienna)Ismail Ali MADANI, First Attorney-General, Public Prosecution Dubai

Hamad AlQayed ALHAMMADI, Legal Auditor, State Audit Institution


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United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Catherine RYLANCE, Head, Anti-Corruption, Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Conchita CASTRO, Head, Security and Integrity, Joint Anti-Corruption Unit, Home Office

Stephen GOADBY, Asset Recovery Policy Lead, Home Office

Collin J. ANDERSON, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of National Security

Shakira J. DILL-FRANCOIS, Deputy Solicitor General, Attorney General's Chambers

Andrea YOUNG, Senior Adviser, Ministry of National Security

Tanaya TUCKER, Crown Counsel (Junior Grade), Attorney General's Chambers

Ian TOMKINS, Detective Chief Inspector, Specialist Investigations, Crime Division

Leona HULSHOF-WHYTE, Senior Political Attachée, Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom to the UnitedNations (Vienna)Andrew PEEBLES, Political Attaché, Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom to the United Nations (Vienna)

Francesco MARRELLA, Political Attaché, Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom to the United Nations(Vienna)Michael DAVIDSON, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom to the United Nations (Vienna)

Mark Howard TEMPLE QC, Solicitor General

United Republic of Tanzania

Robert K. V. KAHENDAGUZA, Alternate Permanent Representative of United Republic of Tanzania to theUnited Nations (Vienna), Head of Delegation

Mussa Haji ALI, Director-General, Zanzibar Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Authority, Alternate Head ofDelegation

Happiness NDESAMBURO, Director, Judicial Supervision, Inspection and Ethics, High Court

Christina MAGANGA, Coordinator, Good Governance, Coordination Unit, President Office

Melkizedeck Joseph SHIRIMA, Head Control Fraud Unit, President Office

Seba Malocha MBALAZI, Principal Internal Auditor, Financial Intelligence Unit

Samwel Alfred SENYE, Assistant Drug Control Officer, President Office

Blandina KASAGAMA, Legal Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation

Stanley Hilmar LUOGA, Investigation Officer II, Prevention and Combatting of Corruption Bureau

Hassan ISSA, Asset Recovery Unit, Zanzibar Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Authority

United States of America

Marianne TOUSSAINT, Anti-Corruption Team Lead, Office of Anti-Crime Programmes, Bureau of InternationalNarcotics and Law Enforcement, Department of State, Head of Delegation

Kellen MCCLURE, Anti-Corruption Adviser, Office of Anti-Crime Programmes, Bureau of InternationalNarcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Department of StateVirginia Patton PRUGH, Attorney Adviser, Office of the Legal Adviser, Department of State

Justin SHOWALTER, Multilateral Affairs Programme Assistant, Office of Policy, Planning and Coordination,Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Department of StateSusan BALL, Acting Counselor, UN Affairs Section, Permanent Mission of the United States of America to theUnited Nations (Vienna)David MENDEZ, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of the United States of America to the United Nations(Vienna)


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Gloria BOZYIGIT, Permanent Mission of the United States of America to the United Nations (Vienna)


Bruno J. FARAONE MACHADO, Embajador y Representante Permanente del Uruguay ante las Naciones Unidas(Viena)Javier GIZ MANTERO, Asesor del Representante Permanente del Uruguay ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena)

Gabriela MAURER-NEUMAN, Asesora del Representante Permanente del Uruguay ante las Naciones Unidas(Viena)


Ray Floyd MERA, Manager, Financial Intelligence Unit

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

Elvis Eduardo HIDROBO AMOROSO, Contralor General, Jefe de la Delegación

Jesse Alonso CHACÓN ESCAMILLO, Embajador y Representante Permanente de la República Bolivariana deVenezuela ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena)Carmen Edilia MONTILVA ROSALES, Directora General del Despacho, Contralor General de la República

Dalila HERNÁNDEZ MEDINA, Ministro Consejero, Misión Permanente de la República Bolivariana deVenezuela ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena)Roxana TOVAR GONZALEZ, Segundo Secretario, Misión Permanente de la República Bolivariana deVenezuela ante las Naciones Unidas (Viena)Mario PELLEGRINO, Asistente de Multilaterales, Misión Permanente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuelaante las Naciones Unidas (Viena)

Viet Nam

Ngoc Liem TRAN, Deputy Government Inspector General, Government Inspectorate, Head of Delegation

Ngoc Tuyen PHI, Deputy Director, Anti-Corruption, Government Inspectorate

Xuan Son NGUYEN, Deputy Director, International Cooperation Department, Government Inspectorate

Tien Mai VAN, Deputy Director, Planning and General Protocol Department, Government Inspectorate

Anh Tuan PHAM, Deputy Director, Department I, Office of Government

Thi Thanh Hien PHAM, Inspector, International Cooperation Department, Government Inspectorate


Haytham SHOJA'AADIN, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Yemen to the United Nations (Vienna)

Bandar AL-ERYANI, Counsellor and Alternate Permanent Representative of Yemen to the United Nations(Vienna)Salman AL-HARSH, Second Secretary and Alternate Permanent Representative of Yemen to the United Nations(Vienna)Zuhair AL-RAHOMI, Third Secretary and Alternate Permanent Representative of Yemen to the United Nations(Vienna)


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Gibson CHIZANDA, Senior Investigations Officer


Sukai TONGOGARA, General Manager, Prevention, Corporate Governance and External Relations, ZimbabweAnti-Corruption CommissionRoselyn MUVEVI, Acting Director, Corporate Governance Unit, Office of the President and Cabinet

Oliver CHIPERESA, Deputy Director, Financial Intelligence Unit, Reserve Bank

Chris Bismarck MUTANGADURA, Chief Law Officer and Head Forfeiture Unit, National Prosecuting Authority

United Nations Institutes and Institutes of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal

Justice Programme network

Basel Institute on Governance

Gretta FENNER ZINKERNAGEL, Director, International Centre for Asset Recovery and Managing Director,Basel Institute on Governance

Specialized agencies and other organizations of the United Nations system

The World Bank

Emile J.M. VAN DER DOES, Stolen Asset Recovery (StAR) Coordinator

Solvej Karla KRAUSE, Financial Sector Specialist

Intergovernmental organizations

Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO)

Christine NEMOTO, Permanent Observer of the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization to the UnitedNations (Vienna)

Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC)

Mohamed Sameer ALWAZZAN, Attaché and Permanent Observer for the Cooperation Council for the ArabStates of the Gulf to the United Nations (Vienna)Fahad ALARDI, Attaché and Permanent Observer for the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf tothe United Nations (Vienna)Abdukrim Abdullah ALTOWAIJRI, Representative


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Council of Europe

Laura SANZ-LEVIA, Group of States against Corruption (GRECO)

International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA)

Simona MARIN, Delegate

Burcin BAYTEMUR, Delegate

International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL)

Sebastian BLEY, Coordinator Anti-Corruption

League of Arab States

Mohamed Samir KOUBAA, Ambassador and Permanent Observer for the League of Arab States to the UnitedNations (Vienna), Head of Delegation

Fateh BOUDJEMLINE, Second Secretary, League of Arab States to the United Nations (Vienna)

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

Kalyskan KHASANOVA, National Programme Officer, Programme Office in Bishkek

Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM)

Yana Chiara EHM, Vice-President and President of the 3rd Standing Committee on Human Rights and Dialogueamong Civilizations

World Customs Organization (WCO)

Arman ZHALITOV, Technical Attaché, Capacity Building Directorate

Other entities maintaining permanent observer offices

Permanent Observer Mission of the Sovereign Order of Malta to the United Nations (Vienna)

Guenther A. GRANSER, Ambassador, Permanent Observer of the Sovereign Order of Malta to the UnitedNations (Vienna), Head of Delegation

Alberto DONA, Alternate Minister, Permanent Observer Mission of the Sovereign Order of Malta to the UnitedNations (Vienna)Karl Heinz HAUPTMANN, Counsellor, Permanent Observer Mission of the Sovereign Order of Malta to theUnited Nations (Vienna)


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