  • SAP AG SAP CA-PLM Functional Overview

    SAP Integration and Certification

    CA-PLM Product Lifecycle Management Functional Overview

    SAP R/3 Enterprise Release 4.7

    November 2002

    Please visit our web page at for more information

  • SAP AG SAP CA-PLM Functional Overview

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  • SAP AG SAP CA-PLM Functional Overview

    Table of Contents

    1 Introduction into the new interface CA-PLM 5 2 Documentation of the CA-PLM functions 6 3 List of available and certifiable functions 7

    3.1 Material Master 7 3.1.1 Create Material Master Record 7 3.1.2 Change Material Master Record 7 3.1.3 Display/Read Material Master Record 7 3.1.4 Find Material Master Record 8 3.1.5 Reserve Internal Number for Material Master Record 8

    3.2 Document Management 9 3.2.1 Create Document Info Record 9 3.2.2 Create New Version of Document Info Record 9 3.2.3 Change Document Info Record 9 3.2.4 Display/Read Document Info Record 10 3.2.5 Find Document Info Record 10 3.2.6 Check In Document 10 3.2.7 Check Out Document 11 3.2.8 Check Document for Existence 11 3.2.9 Display Product Structure 11 3.2.10 Find Document Info Record via CV04 11

    3.3 Bill of Material 12 3.3.1 Create Bill of Material (w/ and w/o Subitems) 12 3.3.2 Change Bill of Material (w/ and w/o Subitems) 12 3.3.3 Display/Read and Explode Bill of Material (w/ and w/o Subitems) 12

    3.4 Engineering Change Management 13 3.4.1 Create Change-Master Record 13 3.4.2 Change Change-Master Record 13 3.4.3 Display/Read Change-Master Record 13 3.4.4 Find Change-Master Record 13

    3.5 Classification 14 3.5.1 Create Classification for Object 14 3.5.2 Change Classification for Object 14 3.5.3 Read Classification for Object 14 3.5.4 Find available Classes 15 3.5.5 Find Object via Class 15

    3.6 Equipment Master Record 16 3.6.1 Create Equipment Master Record 16 3.6.2 Change Equipment Master Record 16 3.6.3 Display/Read Equipment Master Record 16 3.6.4 Find Equipment Master Record 17

    3.7 Functional Location 18 3.7.1 Create Functional Location 18 3.7.2 Change Functional Location 18 3.7.3 Display/Read Functional Location 18 3.7.4 Find Functional Location 19

  • SAP AG SAP CA-PLM Functional Overview

    3.8 Maintenance Notification 20 3.8.1 Create Maintenance Notification 20 3.8.2 Change Maintenance Notification 20 3.8.3 Display/Read Maintenance Notification 20 3.8.4 Find Maintenance Notification 21

    3.9 Maintenance Order 22 3.9.1 Create Maintenance Order 22 3.9.2 Change Maintenance Order 22 3.9.3 Display/Read Maintenance Order 22 3.9.4 Find Maintenance Order 23

  • SAP AG SAP CA-PLM Functional Overview

    1 Introduction into the new interface CA-PLM SAP offers a certification service for third-party vendors that develop interfaces for integrating third-party subsystems into mySAP Product Lifecycle Management. Previously, there were four integration scenarios but SAP has now consolidated these into one. Since SAP R/3 3.0 and for some as early as SAP R/3 2.2, SAP has been certifying interface software from third-party vendors exchanging data with one of the following four SAP interface scenarios:

    Computer Aided Design (PP-CAD) Product Data Management (PP-PDM) Document Management System (PP-DMS) Graphical Information System (PP-GIS)

    With the availability of SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.7, which is an integral part of the complete mySAP Product Lifecycle Management solution, the four integration scenarios will be replaced by one new scenario called Cross Application Product Lifecycle Management (CA-PLM). Existing certificates for third-party products are not valid for the integration with SAP R/3 Enterprise. So these products should be certified again based on the new interface CA-PLM.

    The old interface consisted of two groups of functions: Dialog-RFC interface: This was used with the SAP GUI. So whenever a function was

    called, the appropriate standard SAP screen came up and was used to enter the data. The interface consisted of standard RFC function modules, but these modules were called using a special C-library provided by the CAD development department (cadrfc.h and cadrfcxx.lib).

    Dialog interface: This was used without the SAP GUI. The whole data was transferred using the function in the background. The interface consisted of special functions that can only be called using a special C-library provided by the CAD development department (caddialg.h and caddialg.lib).

    All functions of the old interfaces (both Dialog-RFC and Dialog interface and the C-libraries belonging to it) will still be supported officially by the SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.7. However, this does not apply for the old Dialog functions of the PP-DMS interface (doccr, docch, docrq, docci, docco). It is already in R/3 Enterprise 4.7 that these functions are no more supported or maintained since the PP-DMS interface has already been changed to BAPI technology with SAP R/3 Release 4.5. In the subsequent releases, only the Dialog-RFC interface without the special C-libraries will be supported. This is no functional limitation of the Dialog-RFC interface, because you can call all the functions using the standard RFC library librfc.lib.

  • SAP AG SAP CA-PLM Functional Overview

    The new CA-PLM interface has also two groups of functions that can be certified: Functions with GUI: This consists of exactly the same functions as the old CAD interface,

    but they must be called using the standard SAP RFC library or other official technologies that support the SAP GUI (e.g. SAP Java Connector).

    Functions without GUI: This consists mainly of BAPIs or released RFC function modules that can be called using the standard SAP RFC library or other official technologies (e.g. SAP Java Connector, SAP DCOM Connector). These functions are XML enabled using the SAP Business Connector.

    Again all the functions are called by the third-party product, so SAP is always the server. The following pages list all the functions that are available and certifiable. As soon as more information about the certification scenario is available, this will also be published on the webpage

    2 Documentation of the CA-PLM functions The documentation of the functions can be found at different places:

    Functions with GUI: Since the old functions are used, the documentation can be found in the old PP-CAD documentation ( Documentation SAP R/3 Release 4.5). In the following function list also the function name used in this documentation is mentioned, so that they can be found easily in the documentation. Additionally, all the function modules are documented directly in the SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.7 system. Simply choose transaction SE37, enter the name of the function module and read the documentation provided there.

    Functions without GUI: All these functions are completely new in the certifiable CA-PLM scenario, but most of them already exist in earlier SAP releases (4.5 and 4.6). The function modules are documented directly in the SAP system, transaction SE37. The BAPIs are documented in the BAPI Browser (SAP system, transaction BAPI) and in the SAP Interface Repository (publicly available on Additionally, the RFC function modules that implement the BAPI are mentioned in the following list and documented in transaction SE37.

  • SAP AG SAP CA-PLM Functional Overview

    3 List of available and certifiable functions The following list contains all the functions that are certifiable in a PLM scenario.

    3.1 Material Master

    3.1.1 Create Material Master Record

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_CREATE_MATERIAL_MASTER Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcMatCreate

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI StandardMaterial.SaveData RFC Function Module BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA

    3.1.2 Change Material Master Record

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_CHANGE_MATERIAL_MASTER Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcMatChange

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI StandardMaterial.SaveData RFC Function Module BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA

    3.1.3 Display/Read Material Master Record

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_DISPLAY_MATERIAL_MASTER Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcMatDisplay

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI StandardMaterial.GetDetail RFC Function Module BAPI_MATERIAL_GET_DETAIL

  • SAP AG SAP CA-PLM Functional Overview

    3.1.4 Find Material Master Record The BAPI returns a list of Material Master Records matching with the import parameters, the GUI-function starts the SAP Matchcode search.

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_SELECT_OBJ_VIA_MATCHCODE Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcMatchcode

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI StandardMaterial.GetList RFC Function Module BAPI_MATERIAL_GETLIST

    3.1.5 Reserve Internal Number for Material Master Record

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module n.a. Function in old PP-CAD interface n.a.

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI StandardMaterial.GetInternalNumber RFC Function Module BAPI_STDMATERIAL_GETINTNUMBER

  • SAP AG SAP CA-PLM Functional Overview

    3.2 Document Management

    3.2.1 Create Document Info Record

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_CREATE_DOCUMENT_MASTER Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcDocCreate

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI Document.Create2 RFC Function Module BAPI_DOCUMENT_CREATE2

    3.2.2 Create New Version of Document Info Record

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_CREATE_DOCUMENT_MASTER Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcDocCreate

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI Document.CreateNewVersion2 RFC Function Module BAPI_DOCUMENT_CREATENEWVRS2

    3.2.3 Change Document Info Record

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_CHANGE_DOCUMENT_MASTER Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcDocChange

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI Document.Change2 RFC Function Module BAPI_DOCUMENT_CHANGE2

  • SAP AG SAP CA-PLM Functional Overview

    3.2.4 Display/Read Document Info Record

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_DISPLAY_DOCUMENT_MASTER Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcDocDisplay

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI Document.GetDetail2 RFC Function Module BAPI_DOCUMENT_GETDETAIL2

    3.2.5 Find Document Info Record The BAPI returns a list of Document Info Records matching with the import parameters, the GUI-function starts the SAP Matchcode search.

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_SELECT_OBJ_VIA_MATCHCODE Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcMatchcode

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI Document.GetList RFC Function Module BAPI_DOCUMENT_GETLIST

    3.2.6 Check In Document

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module n.a. Function in old PP-CAD interface n.a.

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI Document.CheckIn2 RFC Function Module BAPI_DOCUMENT_CHECKIN2

  • SAP AG SAP CA-PLM Functional Overview

    3.2.7 Check Out Document

    Functionality with GUI: n.a.

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI Document.CheckOutModify2 RFC Function Module BAPI_DOCUMENT_CHECKOUTMODIFY2

    3.2.8 Check Document for Existence

    Functionality with GUI: n.a.

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI Document.ExistenceCheck1 RFC Function Module BAPI_DOCUMENT_EXISTENCECHECK

    3.2.9 Display Product Structure

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_EXPLODE_PRODUCT_STRUCTURE Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcProductStructure

    Functionality without GUI: n.a.

    3.2.10 Find Document Info Record via CV04

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_SELECT_DOCUMENT_MASTER &

    RFC_INSERT_DRAWING Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcDocSelect & CadRfcDocInsert

    Functionality without GUI: n.a.

  • SAP AG SAP CA-PLM Functional Overview

    3.3 Bill of Material

    3.3.1 Create Bill of Material (w/ and w/o Subitems)

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_CREATE_BILL_OF_MATERIAL Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcBomCreate

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI n.a. RFC Function Module CSAP_MAT_BOM_CREATE

    3.3.2 Change Bill of Material (w/ and w/o Subitems)

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_CHANGE_BILL_OF_MATERIAL Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcBomChange

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI n.a. RFC Function Module CSAP_MAT_BOM_MAINTAIN

    3.3.3 Display/Read and Explode Bill of Material (w/ and w/o Subitems)

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_DISPLAY_BILL_OF_MATERIAL Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcBomDisplay

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI n.a. RFC Function Module CSAP_MAT_BOM_READ (no Explode)

  • SAP AG SAP CA-PLM Functional Overview

    3.4 Engineering Change Management

    3.4.1 Create Change-Master Record

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_CREATE_CHANGE_MASTER Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcChgCreate

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI n.a. RFC Function Module CCAP_ECN_CREATE

    3.4.2 Change Change-Master Record

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_CHANGE_CHANGE_MASTER Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcChgChange

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI n.a. RFC Function Module CCAP_ECN_MAINTAIN

    3.4.3 Display/Read Change-Master Record

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_DISPLAY_CHANGE_MASTER Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcChgDisplay

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI n.a. RFC Function Module CCAP_ECN_HEADER_READ

    3.4.4 Find Change-Master Record

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_SELECT_OBJ_ VIA_MATCHCODE Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcMatchcode

    Functionality without GUI: n.a.

  • SAP AG SAP CA-PLM Functional Overview

    3.5 Classification

    3.5.1 Create Classification for Object

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module n.a. Function in old PP-CAD interface n.a.

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI ObjectClassification.Create RFC Function Module BAPI_OBJCL_CREATE_KEY

    3.5.2 Change Classification for Object

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module n.a. Function in old PP-CAD interface n.a.

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI ObjectClassification.Change RFC Function Module BAPI_OBJCL_CHANGE_KEY

    3.5.3 Read Classification for Object

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module n.a. Function in old PP-CAD interface n.a.

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI ObjectClassification.GetDetail RFC Function Module BAPI_OBJCL_GETDETAIL_KEY

  • SAP AG SAP CA-PLM Functional Overview

    3.5.4 Find available Classes

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module n.a. Function in old PP-CAD interface n.a.

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI ObjectClassification.GetClasses RFC Function Module BAPI_OBJCL_GETCLASSES_KEY

    3.5.5 Find Object via Class

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_SELECT_OBJECTS_VIA_CLASS Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcClassSelection

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI ObjectClassification.GetObjects RFC Function Module BAPI_OBJCL_GETOBJECTS_KEY

  • SAP AG SAP CA-PLM Functional Overview

    3.6 Equipment Master Record

    3.6.1 Create Equipment Master Record

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_CREATE_EQUIPMENT_MASTER Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcEquCreate

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI PieceOfEquipment.Create RFC Function Module BAPI_EQUI_CREATE

    3.6.2 Change Equipment Master Record

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_CHANGE_EQUIPMENT_MASTER Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcEquChange

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI PieceOfEquipment.Change RFC Function Module BAPI_EQUI_CHANGE

    3.6.3 Display/Read Equipment Master Record

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_DISPLAY_EQUIPMENT_MASTER Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcEquDisplay

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI PieceOfEquipment.GetDetail1 RFC Function Module BAPI_EQUI_GETDETAIL

  • SAP AG SAP CA-PLM Functional Overview

    3.6.4 Find Equipment Master Record The BAPI returns a list of Equipment Master Records matching with the import parameters, the GUI-function starts the SAP Matchcode search.

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_SELECT_OBJ_ VIA_MATCHCODE Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcMatchcode

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI PieceOfEquipment.GetList RFC Function Module BAPI_EQUI_GETLIST

  • SAP AG SAP CA-PLM Functional Overview

    3.7 Functional Location

    3.7.1 Create Functional Location

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_CREATE_FUNC_LOC_MASTER Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcFloCreate

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI FunctionalLocation.Create RFC Function Module BAPI_FUNCLOC_CREATE

    3.7.2 Change Functional Location

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_CHANGE_FUNC_LOC_MASTER Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcFloChange

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI FunctionalLocation.Change RFC Function Module BAPI_FUNCLOC_CHANGE

    3.7.3 Display/Read Functional Location

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_DISPLAY_FUNC_LOC_MASTER Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcFloDisplay

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI FunctionalLocation.GetDetail RFC Function Module BAPI_FUNCLOC_GETDETAIL

  • SAP AG SAP CA-PLM Functional Overview

    3.7.4 Find Functional Location The BAPI returns a list of Functional Locations matching with the import parameters, the GUI-function starts the SAP Matchcode search.

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_SELECT_OBJ_ VIA_MATCHCODE Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcMatchcode

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI FunctionalLocation.GetList RFC Function Module BAPI_FUNCLOC_GETLIST

  • SAP AG SAP CA-PLM Functional Overview

    3.8 Maintenance Notification

    3.8.1 Create Maintenance Notification

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_CREATE_PM_REQUEST_MASTER Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcPmrCreate

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI MaintNotificBAPIs.NotifCreate RFC Function Module BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_CREATE

    Comment: To use the modifying BAPIs, you must first call the BAPI, then BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_SAVE (providing the number of the notification to change), then BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT, all the three BAPIs in one task.

    3.8.2 Change Maintenance Notification

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_CHANGE_PM_REQUEST_MASTER Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcPmrChange

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI MaintNotificBAPIs.NotifDataModify RFC Function Module BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_DATA_MODIFY

    3.8.3 Display/Read Maintenance Notification

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_DISPLAY_PM_REQUEST_MASTER Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcPmrDisplay

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI MaintNotificBAPIs.NotifGetDetail RFC Function Module BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_GET_DETAIL

  • SAP AG SAP CA-PLM Functional Overview

    3.8.4 Find Maintenance Notification

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_SELECT_OBJ_ VIA_MATCHCODE Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcMatchcode

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI MaintNotificBAPIs.NotifListEqui or

    MaintNotificBAPIs.NotifListFuncloc RFC Function Module BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_LIST_EQUI or


  • SAP AG SAP CA-PLM Functional Overview

    3.9 Maintenance Order

    3.9.1 Create Maintenance Order

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_CREATE_PM_ORDER Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcPmOrderCreate

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI MaintenanceOrderBAPI.OrderMaintain RFC Function Module BAPI_ALM_ORDER_MAINTAIN

    3.9.2 Change Maintenance Order

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_CHANGE_PM_ORDER Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcPmOrderChange

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI MaintenanceOrderBAPI.OrderMaintain RFC Function Module BAPI_ALM_ORDER_MAINTAIN

    3.9.3 Display/Read Maintenance Order

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_DISPLAY_PM_ORDER Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcPmOrderDisplay

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI MaintenanceOrderBAPI.OrderGetDetail RFC Function Module BAPI_ALM_ORDER_GET_DETAIL

  • SAP AG SAP CA-PLM Functional Overview

    3.9.4 Find Maintenance Order

    Functionality with GUI: RFC Function Module RFC_SELECT_OBJ_ VIA_MATCHCODE Function in old PP-CAD interface CadRfcMatchcode

    Functionality without GUI: BAPI MaintenanceOrderBAPI.OrderheadGetList RFC Function Module BAPI_ALM_ORDERHEAD_GET_LIST

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