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  • 8/14/2019 C4.TXT




    Marijuana adapts well to indoor conditions. You can grow it in sunny roomsor with artificial light. The factor limiting the rate of growth indoors isoften the amount of light, since it is less a problem to supply the plantswith plenty of water, nutrients, and air.

    Natural light is free. If feasible to use, natural light eliminates themost expensive components for indoor gardeners: artificial lights and theelectricity they use. Window light is the easiest way to grow plants fordecorative purposes or for a small crop. On the other hand, a greenhouse,sunporch, or particularly sunny room can support larger plants than mostartificial light systems. A sunny porch or roof area enclosed in sheetplastic to form a greenhouse is a simple, inexpensive way to grow pounds ofgrass.

    Cannabis grows into a fully formed bush when it receives a minimum of fivehours of sunlight a day. But you can grow good-sized plants of excellentquality with as little as two hours of daily sunlight provided windows areunobstructed by buildings or trees and allow full daylight. Windows facingsouth usually get the most light, followed by windows facing east and west

    (north-facing windows seldom get any sun). Use the location with thelongest period of sunlight. The corner of a room or alcoves with windowsfacing in two or three directions are often very bright. Skylights areanother good source of bright, unobstructed light.

    Some growers supplement natural light with artificial light fromincandescent or fluorescent fixtures. This is essential during the winter,when sunlight is weaker than the summer, and in spaces where the plants getlittle direct sunlight. Artificial lights can also be used to lengthen thenatural photoperiod in order to grow plants all year.

    The best time to plant using natural light is in late March or April, whenthe sun's intensity and the number of hours of daylight are increasing.

    Cleaning windows dramatically increases the amount of light, especially incities where grime collects quickly. Paint walls adjacent to windows a flatwhite or cover them and the floor with aluminium foil to reflect light tothe plants. Place young plants on shelves, blocks, or tables to bring themup to the light. Position the plants as close to the windows as possible.Insulate germinating plants from freezing winter drafts by stapling clearsheets of polyethylene film to the window frame.

    The main problem with marijuana in windows is that it may be seen byunfriendly people. This won't be a problem at first, but when the plantsgrow larger, they are easily recognised. You could cover the windows withmesh curtains, rice paper, polyethylene plastic or other translucentmaterials to obscure the plants. A strip covering the lower part of the

    window may be enough to conceal the plants from outsiders.

    Most of you will want the garden completely hidden. Some gardeners opt forclosets, basements, attics - even under loft beds. They cover the windowsif the garden is visible and grow the plants entirely with artificiallight.

    The amount of light you provide is what determine the garden's size - theamount of soil, number and eventual size of the plants, and the overallyield. Since light is the factor on which you base the planning of your

  • 8/14/2019 C4.TXT


    garden, let's begin with artificial light.

    {A picture of a self-contained mini-horizontal (150 or 175 watt HID) isperfect for a personal small garden.}

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