
c~~-~~~~~°o~~-~r,~ ~. PokRnvc~~':~ ~'tJRNE`~' UENERA,L C)F Nl~~~ .II~:I~~E~I~ivisi~n cif ~..4a~r,~~12~ ~~~alsey ~t~-~et - 5~~` Flc~c~~~.o..~~~ ~~029~1c~c~~xk, N~c~ Tcrs~y ~71C11.~lttornc~~ fc7r ~'~intiffs

Ley; lessc; .~. ~i~;rant (0~9342()13~L}~~~ut~,1 A.fita~~.~~~~ C~enet•al(~73} C~4~-~~(}2

F EB 16 217

~U~'F~IU~.~. C;C)t1.C~.T +t~~ SEW' :TER~iE1'C~-~ANCII~.Y ~I'~I~;I(:)I`~i, ~?~;~AI'~1 C'(~~,TI`~TYD~7CK~T NC).

C~~~RI~~C,C.~I~IIEI~. ~. Pt:~F~.:R.II~1C), ~~ttorr~~y C~~Zera1 ofthe ~t~teo('Ne~~~:Iers~y, ~,n~ :~"I'~;Vi~; C:". .I..,t~;~, ~:~i~~c:tor{~~'th.eN~~r;1er;~~~,1~7rvision c~~` ~`c~rr~urn~~° Affairs,


LA~~(~N ~~:~N(:.)'~'.~.'~I~"l.C.}N~, 1..,~I:..0 ~I~~~/~ J ar.1~ NC'tJI~I~`~I"l~.t.1~:'"I~I~)N ~NL~ R.~)C}FI~1`~~~r ~~k!~ J NC't~NSrI~'.RC.JC~~'.IflN ,~N~:~ R.00~.FIN{.:i~, L:[.,C G~/k/~~ J c~: N~'f~N~'~`RI.JC;"T'I~)N, LL,~~ ~k/a J ~: I'~ C'C)I~~S"I:"~~.t~~.'"T'I~)N ADD~ IJ~ V ~~ "ri(J1~~; J & l`~1 ~~ ONS"I'.~.11 C:`'I~'I{~ I~1 ~A.~N L~ ~~.{:~C~F~NC~LLC~ a.~kla I.~~~~VS~N ~.~NQVATIt~N I.,I.aC dlb!a 1~;~`vTC::+rJN~"T,FF~.L:iC"~`ICJN ~N.D ~C}~:)FII`~IU LI~,C:~ alkla J c~:. N(aNSTRt~1~;Ti~i'~1 I..,.I..,~~' a/k1a J & N C~C)~STR.UCTI(_)N ,~1~N~P1+C~C)I~"IN~.i ~,~k./~t. J ~: 1`~l ~UN`~T~.UCTIOI'~I ANIJEI:.,EV:ATIC)N; I.~A~~V~OT~t fZ.EN()`V~.ATION T & NC;'(:)?~I~'I'k.UC.r.IUI'~r I~,L~; JA.M:1.E ~_,~t'~NI'~ I:.,A.~'~C)N ~I.kiaJ.~.MIE I~A~IVSC~N a/k/a .TAMES LAVi~~ON, a1k/~ JAMIE L.I..~~WSON al~la J~.14~~.C~; J.~~ME~ LA~t~I~(~N, 1:I1~~1"~fi .tx~lly anda.~ owner, affic~ar, c~irectc~r, l~uzad~r, n~.etnber, ~.~,.~~a~~~•,em~lo~~?~~, ~c~rtvant, re~~x•~sex~tG~ti~re ~nc~f€~~~ ~~,~nt ~f L.~~7V5CJN.A 4..t_/~~.../ ! ~rJ., A...I ~J~y i~ '4+V ~ ~v~~~~r.R,A.~~W r~,~.~~ ~..i. S~~

~~(~C)FTNCr T~~.,C;, anc~ T.,A~vUS(~~ RF~JC?~►jt~,Tlt~l~T .T cS'~C~`C.~~S`1'~ZUC°~^It~l`~1 L~,~~; J~~.F hNr.:~ 3~.I~N 1~.~(J~;S 1-2t~,ir~~~ivat~~~a~ly a3~ci ~.~ c~~~vne.r~;, c~('f.ic~~r5, ~ireclt~r~, s~~~:.c•~.~aal~lc~rs,, 121~TI1~t~r5, ~n~n~,~r~rs, ~:n~p~c~~T~~s, s~:rv~tnts, ~g~i~ts,rc~~~•~sen.t~~l~ve~ an~lc~r iz~td~pend~nt cc~ntr~ctt~r~ of° I.~.~~TSCJNIi:E,N~V~~TIf:)1`~I~, LLC;, J c~ I~ C`;{::)~`~TT~..t..~'C`.`I`lt'JN ~NL~k(~C)F.ING L,.I~_,C"., and/o~' I~..~AVSrT~C~~ ~.\~./hTU~''~`~.T`I(~.N J c~ ~1~.~U~l~°I`RC~r~'"rTt,~~ L,LC:; ancl. XYZ ~;~P.~'OI~h"I`IC~}.N~ 1-2f~,


~~ 'l~;ivil ctic~r~

~'l~intiffs ~;hristvphe~ S. Porrino, .1~ttorney Genex•a~ o~ fihe State ufNc~~r Jursc~ ("At~orn~y

Cener<il'"), with o:(`f ices l.c7c~~t~ci ~.t 124 Halsey Street, Fitch Floe, Newark, Nc~v Jersey, and Steve C'.

Lee, Uirc~ctvr of the Ne~~v Jersey T~ivisic~n of Cc~l~sumer affairs {"Uirectvr"~, wily c~Ffices located ~t

124 Halsey street, S~v~nt~l Floor, New~xrk, Ne~~v Ter~ey, by way of Cozn~laint st~:te:


1. Hurt~e imprc~verncnts are among the most costly expenses inc;u~rred by consumers. For

homeowners trying to rebuild after t:~~e deva~,ta~ior~ caused ley fiuperstorrn Sandy, these eY~enses can

be especi~Ily~ btzrden~orne. ~I'o ~zid al:#~ected he}mc~c~wnexs in the process ofr~buitdi~g fihe~r homes,

the R~constructiorl, Rehabilitation, Elevation at~~ ivli~igati~t~ ("R.R.FM") P~~o~~•am. end the Lo~~~-t~-

11r1oderate I~icc~me (<`L:NII"} I'ro~ram were e~t~.bl_is}.~e~ by tla~ New Jersey ~e~a~.~t~nent cif: Comi:~nux~:ity

l~.ffairs ("L)C~"} to provide grants t~ hom.ea~~~ners, ~.~:~c~n~ other t.hi~~s, fo~~ home repair, ele~~alion,

and new home constluctiol~.

2. At X11 ~~clevant t.imcs, L~.wson Renovations, LLC dll~r/a J and N Cvnstructian and

Kc~afin~; a/lc/~ J ~'z N Cc~nstructiox~ Rowing, LLC a/k/a .T & N CozxStru~:~ic~~~., I.,I.,C a/kl~ J c~ N

Const;z'UC~10n ~pCl FI.~Viit1411 ~"J c~ N C;on~truction end Raofizx~"); J & N ~onst~uction anc~ R.00~in.g

i.,T..,L ~~/lc/a Lawson ~.i.en~vatioz~ ~..,~..,C c~/~/~x T & N C;oz~.structia~ a~~ti ~.o~~ng Z~LC; alk/a :I & N

Cc~nstructian LLC alkla J &.1`~ construction ai~~ Roofing a/k/a J c~. I~ Construction ~~d El~vat~o~z ("J

& N C~nstx{uction and Ele`~ation'"); L~~wsr~n ~~.ez~vv~Ytic~ns .~ c~ N C~IlStl'UC~1~T1 LLC~` (~"Lavvscrn

Renovations J~ & N t~'on~tructian'"}; Jamie Lynta. I.~awson a/l~la .~ami~ I.,~~wson aI1Ja J~.mes Lawson,

alkl~ Jamie L. Lavvsc~~~ a/kla Jamie Ja.ines Lawson ("La~uso.r~") (collectively, ".Defendants"} were

~n~a~ec~ in the ~dvet~isement, offer fc~r sale, ~;~.le and ~~er•f~c~r• c~f~varic~us hcame im~rc~vernent5,

l~o1n~ elevations set~vices, new home construction ("~onstrt~ction Services") rn t11e Mate of

New Jers~y~ ("~t.ate" or "1'~l~e~~ Jer~ev""). L)~fen.c~~nt;~ ~~r~re ~n~~z~.~ thc~ contx-actoX•~ a~~rovc~~ by t.h

~.kF~M P~•a~,r~.n~ an~~ tl~e LMT P~~o~;rarr~ far usc~ by ~~~anfi reci~J~ents.

Yn order tc~ ~rc~tc~c:t c;c~x~~um~rs fr~~~z t~Y~~c~rupulai~~ practices i~~ bath sto~•~n re~~~~ir ~n~.

cc~mn~.c~n ~c~me i.m~~rc~v~mcnt, thc~ ~t~t~ ~~~.s enactc~i a cc~~npr~hens~ve st:~fi~ttc~~y scheme to ensure t:h~~t

hc~rr~e ~na~~raven~rent contractc>z•s cari~~uc;t themselves i~1 ~n ~1t~11~S~ ~n~~z~~er. 'I"l~c~ Contr~,ct~rs'

.I~..~g~str~tic~~:7 Act, TJ~,.1.5.~. Sf>:~-l.:~f~ ~;t ~ ("C'o~ntractc~r~' R~;~,i~t.~•:~tio~l Acfi"}, the ~.ccc~mp~r~yiY~~

~~~~;ul~tions,~ H.t~~~e .~x~-►~-rro~rement ~:;()11~~`~G~f.32' R~~1St2'~fi~?n ("C~ix~tr~~Ctoz• .~.e~istr~tic~n

~~.e~;ul~~i~n.s"}, Ivr.;T.,~.C. 1:~:4~A.-1.7. 'l. ~t s~ ., and the R.~ ul~titjns (:7c~v~rtr~ing Hc~z~e Iµal~;wrati~~~~

C~r~t~•acta~~s, N.,J.A.C. 13:4S~h~-17A.1 ct sec . {"Ho.r~~e r;lev~tic~n IZ.e~u~~~tic~n~"} ~•equire, amun~ of}.~~.r

~I11T1f~5, th~~t h.c~rr~e i.m~rc~~re~.ner~:t cc~n.tracic~z~s b~ re~;i:~terccl r.~:~it~~ the hlec~~ Jc~rscyr Di~T~sion c~f.'{:'rr~~.sut~~ex~

,t~ffa.irs ("L)i~risic~~~"}, r~~<~inta~z~ the r~yuir~d comz~~ercial ~~ncral 1ia~ilit5-= c~~er~ge ~s

11~~~rtc ilnpro~~e~~~er~t cc~ntr~ctcjr ~~r~c~ homy elevation ~c~ntr~~ctar, and obtain the ~7•Qper c.anstruc~ic~n

~~c~~~nits ~~~-ic~r t~ ~e~innin~ ~~vork: ~rl ~rr~ajc~cts.

~. I~~~el~d~nts er~~a~et~ in Constr~~cti.c,n Services in vic~l~tic~n of the Cc~~at:r~ctr~rs'

~t~~istr~tion ~~.ct, the C~an.trac:tc~r ~.e~ ~tr.~t~on. R.e~;ulatic:ms, the I-Ion~~ ~lc~vat~c~n ~.e~;ulalic~~~;, the 1~1~;~~

Jers~~- C.~~~Zsutner ~`raud pct, ~.:I.S.~<~. 56:8-1 et sec . (<`CF~~"'), tl-~~ k~~~.~lra~I0I75 GU~r~I•~~in~ Nc~~n~

Irri~~rc~vern~r~t I'ractic~s, N.J.r1.~;'.: 13:~5~1.-1 ~.1 fit: sic . ~"Hc~m~ I~rtp~~ver~~et~t ~.egul~~tic~~~~"}, at~~/or

the Rt'~;L11~t1~t1S Crov~rni~~~ C.~~l~eral l~~ve~ti.sin~, h~.J~f~.C. 13:~51~.-~.1 et sect, ("~.civ~rtisitl~;

R~~ul~~~ic7n.~"~. Acnc~n~ o#.her il~in~s, fih~se a~l~;~,ec~ vic~i~tic~ns ari~~ frc~~~~ Defe~~c~~~1t~' ~'~i1~r~ tc~: (a}

p~r~'o~-n~ tl~~ cc~nir4~~tec~-:fir ~.:;~jras~ruc;fizc~z~. ~er~~ices affi~r receipt cif R~:~M t:'~~.~~d.s a.n~:~/or c~c~~su1ner

pa~'tn~nts; (~j cam~lete cuntrack~~-far° C~~nst~uc~tic~r~ S~z~vic;es r~~ter recei~-~t c~~'RR::~.~~1 f~~nc~~ ~~n~/or

~c~nsum~r p~ymei~ts; (c} i.nclt.~c~e .n.:f~rl~~at.ic~n in .~~c~~x~~; impx~c»-c~~~n~x~i. cc~r.~tracts ~ , z~~~zstr~~tic.~n a1~.d

s~~les r~pr~se.ntative ir~.:~t~rz.~tat..ic~.n, t.f-►e c~cl~:~':s' C)~' ~:II~I~t ~?E;I`1+C'lt~ t7~7 E~2• ~vit.l~in u-~hic~~ the wr«r~ is tc~ l~~gin:3

G~~~la.~• be c:umpletei~ by t.~~e s~~Ier, "~r~ti.ce la CU~asr.x~~~r" c~anc~llation lan~u~~~e; a~~d copies of

~:i~rtif::ica~es ~e.neral liability insur~ancej; ar~~ ~~;) ~~zaintai.n eom~z~erci~.1 ~en~ral l~~bility,

ir~sur~r~ce cc~vera~~ a.s ~ hol~n~ i1~~~rav~~nent c~ntr~ctvr and hoi~rle el~~v~~~c~n cc~nt~~actc~x~.

~, Uef`enc~a~~ts' cc>n~uct. ca~~prisc~s rnultipl~ vic~l~tior~s ~f` the ~"F~~, tl~~ C'vz-►i~•~Yc:tc~r~;'

K.c°gi~txatinn ~h~t, the (:,"oz~tr~ctc~r ~.~~;istzatican Re~;ul~tio~~~;, ~:,~2G ~'~C)I'l1~ ~:'.~~~r~.11()~l C~~~t1.~.~.~1t7~1S, the

~-~ome .Iza~prc~vement ~e~itla.tions, anc~/ors the .A~.ver~ti~i~~; ~~.e~~l~.tions. '1~h~ ~tt~n~e~ C~r~ner~~l and.

~.airector su.b~nit this ~ornpl~int to Defenda~its' deceptivt' ~}L1.512'1f~SS ~J1"i~G~1G%CS, and ~o retain

s;~n5uz~r~~Y• ~•estitutic~~~ anc~ c~tl~er rz~o~l~t~.z•y reef.

M'~~.R'~"~~~5 A1~tU tTI.iI~.~~~IC'T~+~1i'~

f~. Thy Attc~~~c~~T C~enct•al i~~ ch~,r~;~c~ ti~ifil~ the r~:s~o~~s~l~ilityr of cn~ta~•e,in~ t~~~ CFA, the

C:;ontractars' R.c~;i~tr~ti~sr~ Ac;t, and the re~;ulatic~tls ~7P()11111~~~t~t~ T~'I~~'~llllC~~t, s~~ecX~ically t~~c~

C"c~~atractvr Re ~ist~•a~ic~~i ~.~~~i1~~tXc~ns, the ~~Ioii~.e Elc~vatic~n Fte~~ilatic~n:~, tizc~ ~ ~c~~n~ Im~~•o~T~n~~nt

~.e~~~le~.tic~ns, and the ~dvertisin.~ I~.e~ul~tifln.~. TI1t I)ll'C'G~C~I' 1S G~1~t•~;ec~ with tl~~ respc~nsi.bility at

~~znini~teri~~~; the ~~'~A, the C:;t~ntr<~ctc~.r~' Re~;is~ratio~~ ~~t, the C'c~~~.t~-~ctar I~.e~i~tr~.t.i.c~n Regul~~tions,

the ~~I~rnc Eli tirat.ron Re~;t~l~.tions, the Horne ~I~'l~~'O~r~i7~1~'I`~1 ~~.~~?Ulatic~n~, ar7d the .lSd~~ertisin

R~gulatic}ns ot~ laeh~.l~ ~~`tl~c~ Atfiar~i~y ~:r~tler~~.L

7. ~~T ~I~is ~~c~ti~7~~~, t~~c~ Crei~~ral ~x~cl tale I~ir~c-tc~:r (call~ctiv ly-, "I'l~int~ff~"}seek..

injun~~ti~ue ar~c~ ~}t~~c~~~ relief far vialatio~ls of the C~'~11, the C:"c.~r~~r~.cto~s' :I~~~istr~tion apt, the

~uritr~ctc~~• F~.c~~is#:~r~3tic~n Re~ulatrc~~s, the ~Io~n~ Ele~~~tiurl 1~.~~ulati~ons, the Ilu~n~ I~nprc~~~~~nc~~t

Rt~u~at~o~~s~ and tl~~ ~1dve~tisi~~~ :~~~;ul~.tiux~~s. I~~c'11~1~~f~S ~~'111~ ~~115 ~Cf~t)I1 ~lLit°SLT~l"l.~ tC) ~~1~IT' ~11~.I~t~~"1~.~

ur~~iex~ tl~e CFA, spc~cifi~~lly N.,~.~.A. 5~:~-~, 5~:~-11, SC~. ~13 and Sb:B-Iy.

~. V~nue~ .Xs prc~~~~~ i~~ O~~;a~~ Cotu~t~~, ~a~.~~s~,i;~~~t to R. ~:3-2, because it i~ a coti~lty i~~

~.~Jhic~}.~ the I:)~f~x1~~~nt.~ ha~~e mai~t~in~c~ ~. busin~~s ac~dre~s and oth~~~~ise car~~ucted 1~usn~ss.4

9. On i''~c~vem bet. 1 ~, 2~ 1 ~, I,ar~r~;c~n ~:~e~.c}v~t:ic~n~~ 1~.1.:~; t~/bla ;T ~:. N~ ~``or~stru~ti~n ax~~

C~.oa~n~, LLCM ~~~ds establ gilled ~~ a :C~c~mestic ~o~~-~'~c~:ti.t C.~C}I'~C).l"c~flt~21 111 ~~1C? St~.te c~~ Tcxas ̀~riti~ a

re~ist~y~d l~►u~iness address ~t ~7{~5 Cherry ~.,,ze L~n~, Lar~:cG~n`~, "1:'ex~s 7E~??~.

1 Q. tin ar ~~c~ut Na~re~n~c~ 2~, 2012, La~~~~c~n R~nc~vat~ons, L~:.,C c~/b1~. 1 end I~1

C:,'CII15~I'LI~~T011 c`~.11Ci .~~.CtO~lill~ Ct'~lS~~l`~C~ 111. .N(;`~' J~~r;;e~r ~~s a ~'c~zei r~ 1:,iabi.l.~~}r C:'nr~parav, listing;

the ~•~~i~t~r~ci a~;e~# ~x~ the 5tatr~ a~; Nic~hc~l~.s .l. C11~rarni, Esc . ~vitll a m~i1~~1~, address at 2~~ANewark

n.v~nt.~~, Jersey Cit~,1'~~w :lersev 07 s~"?.

l 1. C}Il C?T i3~7011t f~j~T'lI. Z, 2~ l ~, J ~~ I`~ ~,;oz~str•t~~:iian ~.~-~d R.o{~{~~~~, .1..,.1..C; ~~~~~ r~~i~ter~d .~~.~

New .~~r:;~~! 4~:~ ~ ~'arei~n Li.~~ited Li~bilit~ C~'orn.~~ny, .l~sti~~.~ t}~e re~istel•e~ a~;cnt i~Y thc~ Mate as ramie

~wa~~vsc~n `pith ~ n~~lin~; ~ddt•~ss at ~~ V~T~st C:r~an~c~a ~~ ~c, ~ric:~, I~~w J~~-~e~~ U872~3.

12. ~n or ~.b~~~zt ~.pz•il 2, ?Old, T.~a~~~sc~~ ~..~x~c:~~-ati.c~~~ J c~. 1~? ~~~~tr~~ctic.~n. I..,I..,~; 4~~s

~~~~~st~r~d ira Nr~~~ Ic~•sey ~.s ~ Fc~r~i~;n Lir~~it:ed C"u~p~x~y, ~isti~~ th~~ re~;is~~rec~ ~;~n~ in fihe `Mate ~~s

Jamie I_,a~.~sc~n w=ith ~ n~ailin~, at~c~~~5s ~t ~1 ~~'~st. C~~r~~~ac~~ T~rivc, Brie, N~~~v J~rSey E~~7'?~.

13. At ~~ll relev~.~~t times r~~r~~~~ ~..4'l~ll ~..~..Vt%SC)11 ~1~~5 L"1f:~'11 c~31 OWI1t:~'7 of~ice~~, director,

founder, tne~~l~er,;er, serrra~~t, ex~~~l~yc~, re~~~•~s~nt.ative and/or a~e~~t of L~z.~~~sc~n Renovations.

LLC c.~/b!~ J end 1°~ Cyonstructi~r~ ana Rnc~f~r~~;, J c~ N Construction and I~oofin~; LLC~a a~~d Lawson

he~~c}vatic~x~ J & ~ ~;anstructio~~ LLC' Fund l.~as].~cl. di.x•c~cfied andlc:~r pa~~tzcipate~ i~ t1-~

xn4~~aem~ixt and ~~erati.c~n of T.,~~~vsor~ R+~nov~tians, ~,LC` c~lbla J at~cl ~~1 ~"c~rYs~~~zc~tio~l a~~d I~oa~in~, 3

~: iii C`'r~~ls#ri.~ctian anc~ .[~.ot>t:~ng, t..,I:.,C;, ~~z~d L~~rscan Rc;nov~tivn J ~: lit C~a~~;~tructiv~ LLB. La~~son's

last. k~~c~~~~n a~.dres~ i.s ~l Vti%esl t~r~~ar.~ada ~~•ivc;, .T~t-ick, Ne«~ Jerky ~ 7~ .

1 ~. ~~L C~.~~ I~C~C~✓~Tt~TIt ~lYI1~S7 Def:endant~ ha~ri~,~ ~ addr•ss in Ne~~~ .Ter~ey ~t.

~1 ~~~t C.i~~as~ac~ia Drive, brick, Neel .l~~~se~r t)~?2i.

5. :ic~hn and Jane I:)oes l tlltvu~h ~U ~tre fit~titio~.ts in~i~~ic~u~.~s ~neaY~t t~ ~°~pre~~nt the

t71~'~lCl•s, aft:~cc~rs, directors, s}.x~reh~ld~rs, fou~~dcrs, m~~nL,~rs, in~€l~~;crs, a.~~;nts, ~~rv~~~t~, e~~~loy~es

ax~~/or repr~esent~tives of I..,a~vsvn ~.enc}vatrc~ns, I.~I..,C a/1-~1a. J and I`vi C:;~r:~.~.structie:~n az~d ~~tac~~ri~, J c~ .N

~;'~?nstructic~rt anc~ I~.~►afii~~;, L.[.,~', and ~.,~~.~~~son ~~~~~~v~fi:icjn .I c~ ~ ~.:Ya~~str~~c~i~n LLC ~~rho l~av~ l~~~i~

i~~val~red in the co~-~dizct tl~~fi ~i`T~s rise tc~ this C;ocz~~~lai~~.t, but are ~~c~etoforc ~nl~cra.t~~%n tc~ ~I~ir~ti~~~.

~~ tl~e~~ ~~:~~c~dant~ ~z~~ id~nti~ied, ~'.l~tinti~~s shill ~~~a~nc~ tl~e ~."c~x-~~~l;:~i.nt to iz~c:lu~e th~n~,

l C~. ~.Y~ C`c~.rporG~.tions l t~.rou~~~ 2(} are ~~ic;titic~us Gc~r~c>r~ti~~s m.~ant tc~ repre~~nt ~n~~

c~dciition~l t~~~siness entities wha hay=~ beeYi involved i.~:~ tl~~ cc~nduc~t that dives rise to t~~e C~a7np~ail~t,

b~.rt at~~ ~.~retc~forc; ~.x~zknU~v~~ t:~ Y1air~~if'ts. As these cte:fen.c~~s~ts are i~er~t~fecl, .~'laintit~s ~l~a.11 an~~~~c~

the Cotnpla~nt: to i~acluc~e t~a~m.

(~E1~IERAL .~LLEC~~ITI()N~ C"~1V1~~i~l~I T() A.LL C"t'~L11~TT

1 ~. ~inc:e ~t l~rast Navet~~~er 2t~, ~O 1 ~?, ~.)el~nd~:~nt~ T ~~ i'~ (~anstr~l~ti~x1 ~~nc~ Roof n~, anc~.

I..~a~~so7~ hc~n ex~~~~~;~ in tl~c ~dvertisem~~~t, refer f<~r s~.le, s~1e a~~d p~rf'nrt~nanc~ o#`

C'«nstruc;t~~v~~ ~err~ri.c~s in ~~~~v Jer~e~~.

18. Sine ~t least April ?, 201 , 1~~:~~;ndants J & N ~;on~tructic~n and ~;1evat can and

La~.~sc~n ~Zer~c~v<3:t:ion J cX~ N C~anstruction ~,~~C` h<~ve been ezz~~i.~;e~ in the ~.c~~~crtis~me~~t, c~~f`cr for sale,

sa~~ end ~~rforrr~a~lcc of Construction Services in N~~,~ J~r~ey.

A.. ~.~tF 1VI ~'rc~ r~ na

1 `~. ~.I:~h~ R.R..:H I~~ I'~~c~~ram, 4~c~n~.iniste;rec~ l~~T ~.~(~~~1., c~c~nsists of` ~ 1. ~ Gillian ~r~ fed~~a1

f u~~din ~~rvv~ci~r~ ~l~z•c~u~h (:"t>zn.muF~..ity I.~eVE'~.C7~"3TClE'11~: .~~41C~i:-Ci~-aa~t 1:~isa.~ter ~i.~c~»•ezy fianc~;~ ~.11ocatcc~.

tc7 Neu- .i~r.•~,ey t~~r the L:~.~. C.7e~~rtr~~~~~t o~ Hrausi~~~ azld C.^r~•1~~~ L~ev~Iopr~l~nt, to ~~~1~~ c~li~ible 1'~e~v

J~1-se~~ }1c~1~1~o~vn~r~ re~~air ot~ re~uiJ~ theiz- Stt~c~r.siorrn 4an.cty-c~ar.~n~~;e~ ~lotztes.

?Q, T~~~ R_R~~v1 prc~~ra~-n ~~•ovide~ ~;r~~~ts to ~tan~ecswn~~•~ ~~ith ~~~ inct~n~~ c~f'~2SO,Ot~CI or

less, ft~x:~ ~.cti~riti~~ ~~~cess~~~~~~ tt~ x•~stc~re their ~torm~c~~x~n~~c~d ~rim~ry t~~~id~rzc~s, il~cludzng

t~~con;>t~{i:~ction, reh~bilitatian~ el~v~xtio~.a and/or other mii:i~~tic~n ~c;

~ 1, ~.l"h.~ ~~~.~,.M 1~'.rt~gr~.n~ .is c~pert tf:j hc~m.eor~'1~~I:°i ~~~"'1l75~' ~J1"1I11c3TV .I'~~IC~C`'1~.Cf.`' 1S ~C7C:i~~C~{:I 1Tl

uz~e ofz~ir~~ co~a.txtzes (~tl~ntic, ~er~~r~., ~~,`'a~~ May, .~4;;~~, .~uc~sc:~n~ Mi~~les~~, ~v1c~n.m~uth, Ucean c~~

C..~I1.1ttI1~ c~.~li„~. ̀ ~V~O~~ ~30I11~5 ~+L1~:~~2•e~ a..~o~s of at: least ~~,t)~~4:) car fc~c:~t of~~r ~t~.r o~ t~~.~ first flc~~r, ~s

~~erifi~;d by tl~.e ~~~~er~i ~1YI1~'~'~~T1C~ M.~11d1~;~t21~t1~ ~~.~,~T.acy {":~~::1~~~[~y'} c~~• its a.~'~liat~~.

22. Thc~ RR.EI'vI Pr~g~~~.~ri is i~~te~zded tc~ function ~s a ~ric~~c bc~ttve~n the total cast Uf

z~~pair•~ ~~nd ~th~r tt~ndip.~ the ho~~~c~urne~• h4~.s r~ cc~i~re~~ t.c~ r~~air ox rel~uilci leis car her h~zne. T`hc~

c:alct~l~~tio~~ afth~ I~I~.~,M ~r~~~~t ta~~~ into can~id~ration tl~~ cyst c~~~t.he repair or rebuil~i~~~; and funds

the ho~~nec~~~ncx ~~~s received fr~rn other su~~rc~s, suc:~~ ~s ~Y~s~.~zance, F~I~~1A, ~.~~c~ nan~p~-o~it

c~rg~ni;~~tic~ns. Thy R~ FIJI ~;ra~1t may r~c~t excc~~;d $1 SU,U{)t) ~~r hc~r~aeo~zT~~er.

23. '~"h~ P.R.~~,M P~~o~x•an~ ~'atl~ti~-~y I3 ("Patl~~~v~y ~3") is a pra~r4~rz~ that ~.11e~ti~~; eli~il~lG

hc~n~e~~~r~~~x~s tc~ s~lc~ct their c~~~1 ~c~ryc~al contra~t.c~r tc~ r~ ~~ir ar r~~~uild fi~~eir l~or~~e. Thy g~n~r~.l

c~c:mtrac~tc~r m~~s~ l~~ lic~x~5~~i c~nd/car rc~istercd with the ~t~tc;, ~x~d c~~~~plia~~t ~~rit1~ all ~t~tc~ end. Federal

rc~~t~~~.tic~ns ~~~~lic~~i~ tc~ thc~ ~R.E~Z P~~c~~x•~m.

?~~ Tc7 date, the Diti~isic~n ~~~s obt~~31tICC~ t11~~S`I1~~~1C1~1 ~'~~?~~rclix~~ 1~}uses :~~r th~~•t~en (1 5)

C{?I~15UI1'l~l`S ~V~1C1 C()TItI'~Clt'C.~ W1~~1 Dt'~C~l~c`~.11~:i i3.S I~~C~]~~%ay ~ lac>tneou~nc~•s. Th~s~ ~a~.d

I:)e~(enc~<x.nts the <~,~~z°e~;`~t~ ~tmc~~.i~~t c~(~ ~~,l3~,Z,~~.~7~ ~{>T" ~(:3.1f1.S~;1"Ut~~lC311 ~~'.ivices, ~~~~~.ich ~ver~ .nc.~t

p~rfo~-me~ in ~~hole c~z~ in ~~~.~t. ~I`~1~ ~~~.~Iti!~ C:C~1~~iL11"11~t"S 1~t1~J1 ].C~~ll.~1~1~(.~ ~.{)SS~Si as ~~~e11 ~s the funds

c~~~ci~ laid fic~ Def r~~~;~1ts, a~°~ as fellows.:


i„ ~.,~>.. ; 's33a~~ v~,~~~ '~~ ~Yx~h ~:: s ~r

~'.i„s'~3.,n s~~k ~ s'` s as , ~ ~; a ter., a ~>,?~ ~~3 ~f ~a..,i~x~%r ~' xE,?~:~ ~ ~,.: w ~, ~~ ~' r~ r ~y~ ~E~' a ~ 1::~ ; s:;. .~'~,Y ' 3.. ~.~~,' ~~, ~,~ s ~Y J cQ ~y~.} saw a.,.€ . < > ~ ~~` .>.~~~;.3~ s' c~ z~y ~: J ~ r ¢-:T~r ~ ,s~ , S ~ ~ ~ ~.~ ~ < ~ ~ a.: z ~ g o ~ ': ~' ,x ,~ s ~5;~ Y ~s' s._::s x ~f :~e~ ;~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~~f ~ ~~:.~~ ,~ ~s~ ~~;~~~~;x , ~~~<an ?~9- r k , ,~ ~ ~ ssK~y ;~~ B 'z'~ 3 yeT<~ ~ 3: t 3 l~ ..§.:Y4, ~ ti~F:; ; ~ ~.:::v

t a ~a•;? £ s ~~ 'F ~ ` ..~ u ~;g Z ~e a~ a ~re'~ ~ ~'~~ s g; 3~~ . ~~ ~ ~~ ~~, ~ a ' ~ ~~ a z~ i~ ~ 0 3 ~'r ;~ r: ~ x ~'~ ~.

$ ~? yS:.. s ~~°'~y ;:.t ~> 3r.'. ~ ~'~"i ~ ~~ ~$~<~`~ ~~~E~:;~~H~~l

~~.,~ 3~, .. _ r ~

M ~~y~ ~~~+1 .~: .a~:.D 3 ~'(~. ~~Et~,'

vac £ 'fi E'i' ~nk.~i m4 k ~~ ~ ~'~ ~.. ~` 'Y ~~~~ki ~li#+v ~

A'F "y~ ~ i~,~T s3~ ~ n ~ 3 £C > 3 '.~ k S .~,~ ~ ~J a4~s f ~: ~,s~ ~1~'~ '£' ~` ° ~ sW abx ~+~~'r~.~ !c3~d+~ as ; y .: ~:~ y~ .;~, x ~ ~-. x5 's a.ya 'w~~ 3 ~, s £~ w5 u ; Ls~ry sa ~ > ; s a 3 ^a trt~ ~ 9„~sxa i ,r ~ A ~ a£s ~ Y i~

b, `~,~ n ~ 2~' c ' ,~ -'3a ~F ~~ s'~ss ~4 '~s ~~~f?~r~r '~s. ~, ~y ~a~ s .> ~«. ~ ~S .: 3 y: "r ~ - : .~ r ;S ~ ~.. ~ ~ ^~ ~ u~

Bindell $$U,1.49.16 $1$,85(~.~4 $9~,4~00 $6g,3~~.4b ~~Carn~

~ Ne~~atis~i~

Caufielci X59,055,75 $0 ~5~,U55.75 $5I,83S.39 Ho~x~e

I lev~Cic~n

' I-~orncT7fc~l~~n ~13,~,040 ~{) `~135,t)(}0 $33,0{~U Inaprc,~~~:.ita~.r~t

~nci ~:levationi Iotne

Gchweil~r ~6b,1.18 $0 $66, l 1 ~3 $66, l 1$ lmprovernetltand Elevation

~lr~nc:lly ~7I,t)Ot) ~() ~~I,C)UO ~3,0~9.~1. lzriprc~ver»er~t.~lt~d E~1a~~~zti~-rz~

1 Ic>rn~l..:i~~o;;a ~+95,<~~Ei $() $95,886 $55,5t~(.Ifi Trr~~rc~vernerit

~~nc~ ElevationHume

I.,~c> $15,0(){) $Q .`61x,000 $1 s,Ot){? 1inE~rc~ve~neiai

.̀..._ .} ~..._.....-- -- ____....._ .......................... ........_ ._.._._ __. _.._.. ..................W_ at~d Elevation_ ..... .. ~Icfzne

:~rI~G~~van ~~5>2GU,~7 ~~ ~85,26iJ.?7 ~+bS,26t?.27 [nip~•c~~~ementara~~l f:levatic~n

Tc}rr~~1~laller, I~. $1{?9,53().7ti $63,881.(}1 $1.7~,~i11.77 $72,~1~5.U9 Imprt~ven~ei~i

acid Ele:va.tion

Squir~.s $78,OOQ $~ ~7$,000 $78,0() Mc~c~ular

a~'illiatn: $75,(3(}0 $t} $75,UUC) $'75,0!)ft ...I-~omc

.. .W......_.....~. ~......_w...._.........._ --..__._.~.........__.~_~. Elevation

'41~'iserlie~vski $115,0()0 $0 ~ 11 S,Ot~O $b'3,425.9E ~~~'i~ef Ier~~atit}n

Zano~~~ic. ~G7,SOU ~0 $67,~UQ ~67,SOU _.~. ~~orr~e

-- _.m..__ ................ ._..___ __-. Fl~vation'I'c~tal $I,t~S2,49~~,9~ $2,731.85 ~1,t35,231.79 $75,093.14

l3. LMI Prc~ ratn:

25. "I'la~ LI~~I I.'rc~gr~~~., at~t7~it~ister~d by I:~C'~., consists o~'~40 rnillio~~ in f~de~°~1 fundir~~;

~z'C)VICC:~~C~ ~~lZ O1.1~~1 C~OIT1TTll~t?J.~~ I)~~i~•~lapr~lent E31t~ck (:~x•ant-1:.~is~st~f- titnds al~oca~~d to 1`~e~~T

Hersey b~ the U.~. L7epa.~rtment of ~Io~~si~~.~ anc~ t~rhan Z~evelopme.~~t, to l~el~ eligible dew Jersey

11c~m~c~}~~r~~ers ~~ho d:id plot apply t~ the I~REM ~'r~~r~~z1 to re~~? cat- rel~u l~ their ~"uperstarm S~~~c~y-

d~~ma~~d ho~xl~s.

2~a. The LI~~I F'~•c~~.rar~~ ~~•~~ides ~ranis icy 11c:~m~c~vvx.~er~ ~~'I.f~. ii t'~~'l~l~:'C~ ~10t1SC~~'IQ~C~.1r1C01~°IC

nat e~:c~~di~~~; 80 p~rcer~t of Area iV1~ d.i~n Income tr:~ assist in c~r~~~~let.i~l~ the ncc~ss~ry ~~~ozk. to

r~~tnre their s~~c~~~n-c~~~na~ d p~ima~~<< resic~eY~ce~, including, r~cc~ns ructic~x~, rel~~bil.itGati~n, ele~atic~n

~~nd/or~ ~t.1~Lr ~~~~t.i~~ti~n activities end to x.~~ake 11c~~~~4 campl~~nt flc7c~c~ pl4i~I~.7 ~nvitc~nmcnt~i, anc~.

other ~t~te and Ioc~l z•~qui~•~mcx.~ts.

~̀7. Similat~ to the ~~F,M Pro~;r4~~:~~, the T.,~Cv1I ~':rc~g~•am is ap~~1 to horr~c~e~v~~ners ~~vhc~~c;

~~rirr~ax-y r~sic~c~~~ce is lc~catcc~ in c~nr~ of nine counti~;s {r~tl~ntic, ~3c~•~;~n, Capp ~'~~~r, .~;~s~x, Nl.~~son,

I~~ic~c~.l~~ ~, ~v'~canmU~~th, C)cean o~~ t1~~ic~n) and ~~nc~~se homes s~~t't~~r~~ ~ lass of at lest ~~;~Q(} or one

f:C)C)f U~ ti~'fi~~I' UI1 1~1~ ~II•~~ fluor, ~Ys ~,re~•.i.~i~d Syr :~~~'~~~ car ~ts~ affil.i<~:t~s.

2~. Lilo .I~.~M:, the 1~~~I ~'.r~.~~1'cl.S~1 l5 1I~.~~'I`lC~~t~ ~:C) {~tiTl~;~:tt~I1 ~1S ~ ~~`1C~~;~ ~jt',~W~~ETI ~~~ tt~t~il

post cif re~~~ir~ an~~ c~th~r ft.~t~c~it~~ tll~ hc~~ne~~~n.e~~ has recei~~ed ~o r~~~aix or re~~l~ild his or l~~r Marne.

T~~e I.aiVII Prc~~:.r~r~.~ prc~vi~~~s ~;z= ~~ts cif:' u~ tc~ ~ I S(~,OQf} to ~li~ hl~ ~~~pli~~~x~ts.

2~. To date, tl~c~ L~ivisic~~a his al~t~in~~~ i~i~'ormatir~n r~~;~rc~in~; Ic►sse5 tt~ra~rcA (1} cc~nsum~~r.

w~~o c~n.tract~ci ~~tl~ I.~ef:~nclt~n.ts a~ a ~aMI grant reci~~ic~~t. This ~~n~umeX~ p~~ic~ T)ef~nc~a~~ts f'c~rhom.~~

~lerration and impX°u~r~ments, ~~~ere nc~c pex-i:c►~•zned a.t all.. Tae I.,MI with ic~cntzticd.

l~s~~s, as well as the funds paid t~ I~e~`ent~a~lts, are as fc~~lc7w~:

C;. ~~►e~'~~~d~nts' '47V~bsites and Ac~~rer~tisin~:

30. ~t all ~•el~v~~nt tiz~nes, ~)efendants adv~r~i~~d, ~~.~d c;o~tinue to adverti:~~, ~;ons~ructic~~1

~~i"V1C~~ ilt Vcl~'1C311S ~I1~+~T'I~l~t W~bSl~;~ ~UC:i~t1C}~1S 111CI1.1(~.I.Tl~; ~1~~~:1/rebuildin~, (".I 8~ N

~~'ebsit~"}, l~tt~~://~•~l~u~l~i~~~~.ituress~.ct~rr~ll~~rr~e {"J c~ N T'loc~~ Rstvratzon ~~~bsite";}, a~.c~

~a.ttp:/~rrT~~,-~~.~ric~hc~m~li.f:tax~~.coxn ~``J ~:~. i~ ~ ley~~atic►x~ ~~1:~~~t~") (;~~.~ilec~tivel~' tl~z ".T : I~ "4~ebs~te:~";~.

3l . "r~~~ J ~ N 't~,~eb~.ites ° at~titi,~ ~.s c~~~I~t~~.~~mb~.~• ~, 2~►1~. ~s ofJ~nu~ry~ 1~, 2U1'7,

tl~.~ J ~: N I~~~i~~ 'V~`~bsite a~ld the J ~: N ~.lev~~ti~n 'Vtr'ebsite still ac;t:i~r~.

~2. T~1C ~ c'~• N ~'~~.111 ~Lr~~?SIt~ c1t~VCY•tises th~~t "J c~ I~' ~'vnstr~~c~~ion G~1~d El~v~tian is a filly

lic~x~s~c~ ~nc~ iz~su~~c~ ~i~~~~t~r recovery cum~:a~n~. "4'Ve are :~n [sic1 ~ZIi:~;~~1 ~p~~1•c~v~d c-antx~a~tc~r ar~d

~~c~txipped to held stvr~-n, ~.acad, ~~-ir~d, bail anc~i fi~•e victims ~~l~t~i~d ~~1~ restore their ~~~~op~;~~y."

~3. '~~'h.e ~.~om.e~~a~e o:('t~1~ J ~ I~1 i~~~ir~ '~~~bsite appe~.r~ ~s follows:


34. ~In the "~~;rvic~s" ~~.~~;, the J ~c'~; N Main. ~ebsite states:

Hone Elevatir~n.~ c~ N ~,on5tru.ctio~~ anc~ ~l~v~tion is a. ~:.I~;~ ~~pproved 1~~.~~ine~s. ~'eire kno~~rlec~~;eab~~ in house ti:~:in~ [car re;~i~er~ts why h~~v~

e~p~rien~ed dan~agc to t~~~ir ~zt~~ne and/or ~our~rl~~.tion. We possesst~t~ of the art. u~lifi~d ~~~.ckin~ ~qu~pm.ent t~~.~t will care~~.~11~r rai~~ yc.~urhozr~e o~:f` its ~t:}!f..1T1C~~~10C1, ~.c~~~in~; it l~v~l throu~hc~~it the ~ntirprac~ss.

Ne~~% ~-~ome C~anstruction


~Ze~b~~i.lciiz.~~ ~i'ter a n~.tural cii.S~stc~z• is a ~~~n <~f*deternain~~tic~n. J c~; NConstruction and Elevation is experienced in getti~~~ f~~~ilies back. can

their feet iz~tc~ a n~~v Dame. Vije uncier~tand the ci~va~t~tic~n oflr~si~i~; ~~ur hc7m~ and ~vi~l work efficiently to het a n~~~v ho~~a~ tvf t your lifestyle and but~get. C ur team. of prc}~essivnals can help withinsurance claims ~whi~e; pr~vic~in~; ~e~igri and cc~n~prehensi~~~ l~uildin~sertitices... You can ~tu.~~ to u:~ fur all ~ta~~r r~buildi~~~ ~~ced:;.

3S. rh.~; J & ~1 Main ~c~bsit~ displays an "A.~out L1~" pG~gc wh.icll states,

3 c'~. N C~fl11StCUCt1(JTl i~T1C~ L~~~~'c1~1.0I1 WiES eS~i~.~I.iS~'IE"~C~ IIl ~ ~~~ ~}V .)~~mesI.,aw~an, end leis teartr~ o1`hig~~ly qu~lifiec~ construction prc~fcssi~nals.Fir aver 1 ~ years `~e have been dedicated to our customers,pro~~idin~; them w7ith high r~ualit~r wank, reli~.biiit;~ andprofes~i~n:~li~:~~. t'~e ~:tf~~• ~. ~~~rl.l rax~g~ c~t'tux-t~a k~~ recu~~~.r~v servicesin.clucii.n~ new h~rric~ col~structio~~ and rebuilding, remc~d~lin~, homedcmc7lition, framing, netiv foundations, l~.c~usc~ lifting, a~~c~ the handlinguf' rnsurar~c~ clai~cis, t~ dame a few S~'Tt~'1~~5. V+~e`~rner~ often feel v~ilnera~le and crv~r~,vhel~~~d after. ~x cfi~aste~•

oc~.c~.xx~s, anci ~~-~ are h~rca to hcl~~. ~~'c offer free estin~at~s and ~~rouc~l~,

serve New Jersey, hc~.rth C;a~~aliY:xa, Saut~1 C~r~lirla, Fic~ric~~~, Texas,

and O.kla.l~art~n~. I.~et t~s 11eIp you. rebuild a promising, new futLtre for

you and yo~.xr family.

3t~. `I~'he J c`~ N Main VVebsite does not contain Dcf'~ndaclts' F~~IC' re~i~tratic►~~ numbcl•,

IIEC re~i~tratic~~~, or I~1e~~ Hume $uild~rs re~istr~.tic~r~ nux~iher~


~37, Tl~+~ .T ~~. N F~c~c~~ Rc~stor~tion ~'e~~ite hom~;~~a~e ~.~~~ar~arec~, ira ~a~-t~ ~.s


~ .~' alt ' ew.« ,wo.,~`e~ ~~

~ ~~ ,. . ' ~wk x~.

.....»~ ~

fir, . ~ ;~ ''

< ~,,,,

.... .._ :; ~:z~:: . .

3 drs ̀ ~e +~~rmltRuz4i;~as aaci E f c~ mtesr. was it ~ W a sv 3Autawres r err aw,ve~ .3U ~ ~es~e~r., + !~"~4~5~ ~ ts:.Mexz~

Eb°'.SYY Y'.lt :EI~~B'fi. $3:KX4r•"~a ~.~ r.w_~:: fa~:E;~+s~ ~axaswf3 rsa ;. .~~:~+a ~:-a~~r~:tiax;,z~....r~wx:4c m-:r~~i~: e.s + ..0:'!R: r~~rw~ctt ~m~r~+wrs t~.e.rl

,sue iu~rd'rran ~rxrxac•. car+:art:iar~ x~~ iv~,~« `rurx:smaae. a,~wrysrtr~rxs:rt~av a+k k~m+ts1 ~ «51;y`ssr~v ai!'rxr~rsaa-~exx. yy

;~v':arrrR r~tiia+ow, a;:~.ntw,ei u.. w:ary mxad ̂ .w:'tl. rst:ur.+~ v»a."ur~ ,: ~awl3 weitdxasv eyk:a~, xs ~xa~ ~ A~'uian~+: bsaaras;rywreil '~II~~~

c~.~ttv:.. r "xS;~rxr tiaG~ acar. :tinae~ ,~ . . pE

v f .. t f .x ;t •k, ~~.;a ..r. • 4>

y* ~ a.z ~j-a'Yf~ pF

$ Y' ;'~I

,...x `Xa .. ~. rx ..,.

.. ~i ~ ~'~'

y "'j fSf ~. ~ `S.S

~:0 ' ~ W bAN r • .

:. 6~xa :.:sgKP a


~~~~.i:,t3S F1~H+~.,~~1~

n lv 'rh+~rf ~T '. '.F~ n..M~ f ... J.a -.-t «✓e, h ..YJ Ih:YMW f111 Mv:~IiY wx''.^R:

"~.i' F.6Y~~'j wA`Y.~lYV:ti:TWY~.0 ..

x ~-~7~~vw.c+vwr~ ti•e ~~.a ,*rrY +~ 4~ke. ryyr~~.. r x~w}+ ~.:Mr:::.. .

3 `~ h~1 ~lc~n~~; ~~~~ cif t~~~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~4~c~~ ~~~~i:c~r~a~1c~~ 't~el,~ to i.n~1u~~~ the ~fi~,teme.~n~~

'why yu~i ~l~.c~~ric~ choose .~ & I~ C~c~nstr~~ction and. elevation:F;E~.~;E ~stimat~sAll s~rvzc~s ~;uarante~~i20 years of experience


(~uic~ tr.~rn~~rot~z~c~'T`u~~~ ~C~y r~storatic~n

3~. ()n t.~~~ "~ ~~n~~ R~:;tc~~r~..tion" ~~a~c~, the J ~~ N R~st~~r~tio~~ ~~eb~ite staffed:

~c~ Gyre h~x~e t~~ help yc~~7~JVh~~~ ~~~au~ hu~ne leas l~~e~~ ~~a~na~;~d due to a ~i~turz~l c~isa~ter, you~~se~ve I~.~lp. e spent fo~.~r years in N~tiv ~)rZ~a~ls hel~in~; thevictim. c~:(~ [t~~.e] hurx•ic~ane ~,:atrina cat~~t~o~h~ ~~c~ are ct~1-.r.•ent~yhel~i~i~; tie families affected. t~~r hu~ric~~ie Sanely rn ~e`~ ~~rs~y, We<~re }sere tc~ dc~ the ~~~~~~~ for ~rc~ui ~.1.~m r~~asis s4a.r~~►~.]

~tor~n Dama~~ Restt~r~tiQi~.T)is~st~r~5] such. as torr~~do~s, l.~u~•ric~n~~,, ~di:~.zG~rc~s G~nd t~oo~s can.~a.~se s~vc~L d~~na~,c to ~~{o~~~rtic~s ~.rlcl ~xtr~tne ~ntez~~.i~tic~r~s tc~ our~ve~~~-day li:~:~. J & N Cc~nstz•~:~~;ti~t~ and Elc~v~~ti~~~ 11a~ ~~ trained tc~~r~~sp~~ialized in ~~rc~vidin~ prona~_~t inter.~Tenti~n. fc~r ~n~er~ency cle~tnt~pand 1•estor~~tic~n servi~:es. Crux• ~ervic~~ incl~ad~ ever}~•thin~; #rc~n~ t~.rrn~~;y ~~~stc~r~.tion to lc~~s e~te~~siv~ repairs such ~s ~ainti~~~,, flc~orin~, endiz~teriot• tz-ir~~.

4Q. The J & N Flood ~estor~.tic~n '~r~bsit~ st~~ted, "J~na~s Lav~~sc~n fou~~d~d J ~; ~

(.:~'c~rnstz•t~cti.c~n anc~ ~F l~v~tic~n it-~ 1. ~?95. Hc~ st~rt~d tl~e business iYi Myrtic B~a~h, Soutl~ C~.~-c~~ina. where

h~ t}~.~n nz.ovec~ his k~l.~si~.~~~s ~c~ Nex~~ Je~~sey~."

41. 'Z'~~e J ~ N Floc>c~ K~:;tc~r4~ti~~~ VVe~~~i~e also h~.c~ ii~fnnn~tion~.l ~~~es tt7x this ~~ll+~~~,Tin~

ye.~-v2c~~. "Howe," ".Flc~~d l~am:~~~e Repair," "Ilomc II~.cstor~tior~," anc~ "I21~11T~12C'~` C~.~i1TI2S."

42. 'I'h.e J c?~ N ~'lc~oci T~.estc~rati~:~n Wehsitc~ c~i~ ~aot cc~ntaiz~. the De~'ez~c~a~~t~' ~I~'

re~;istrat.i~n nu~z~~t~er, HECK re~;i~tration, or Ne~~~ Nome ~uilder~ ~'C~1SI:1'~~1t~1"1 2llilllb~.l'.

Vii, F3~tl~ t~~~ J ~: N N1~in ~V~~~it~ anc~ t~~e J ~ N~ ~lc~ac~ R.~~tor<~tivn ~~'e~;~ite inc;lu~~ t~7e

f~lic~~~in~ stat~xncnt~:

~ xc~~tic~~a~ ~+~~~Ticc(~)n.l~r the t~~~t a~~d sG~~`~~~ xx~at~t•i~l:~ ~~•c~ u~ec~ ~c~ ~ns~~r~ the lc~n~-lastings.~.~~ty ~n~~ int~~~,r~.l fr~nle~~~ark fc~r y~c~r home.

The Test Team


(Jur te~~~r~ is comprised of ~~r~~ilc~.~r•s, a~~, et~~;in~cr a~~cx~:~erz~nc~~ i~~c~c~~a~~lc~ent insu~anc~ ac~j~i~t.~r.

~atisfa~fiion C3u~rante+~dPro~~~di~~ its ~~~.~tc~~~z~er~ ~~rifih t11~ hi~l~~st quality cif' ~~r~~~cc~s, hG~:~sle-

free ~xp~rience in reb~~i~~ic~~ .~11C~ ]"~~tU~1t1,~ ~CYI'TI~S ~OT ~.7 ~~e1C`S, ~.11C~

his ~~.rned ~~n.1~+ ~ati.z~~ ~~7ith the L3~tter £3trs~~~c~~s ~~re~~u.

~-~. I.~ef~nd~xn~ts h~v~ an "~~" ~~~~tir~~ ~~vith the t3~ttc~r }3~.~sinz ~s ~.3ui•eau pis c7t ~1°r1c~~~~m~er 3,

2~ l €i.

4S. The J ~,1"~ Elevation ~r'c;bsit~ l~o~n~pa~~ ~.~►p~ars, ire park, ~s f~oilc~ws:


_ .a ..:a.,i 3 . •.. ,. k . w .. .F. ..

'~ 1~ilw , 7~ ~i R':'WI'~.~~~ h~~~~ 'L4. ~ ~^V 'R' Ma! 4s E'*y~

l.f weJ'ir~ '~'M+/'~.



~6~~aC~.'W'. YSL WW'+ESG1kC

Wu~~.1E 'T~ii:Fk'Via:l~'S~ ~:r':t~i~T'i1eL:`l'' 4.9~i

x ~ ., a Q ~4~,d "y~.a~.~~sc `gip' .w^^'°`~"

,~; 1 ~, n r R.. ,

~ \~ s ~ a` Yn'e ~~1~{ ill ~ 2 re(\ "~' ' 4


y2'": c

R .. 'wdkeu,c ~ _ ~_7 ~ ...,,, a uaM,.

~... . ..~

.~:S~V+b~~ <J~'ia.F~i'Bi, ~.,a~ ~YJ~F~•^a Y TT R71F °4w.n 96'1'4w.~i.J.~'~iie ~4r1~wA

yk',~r to .3 ;x 7~t r'e:~.v:sta+x~t exn wrrzt, F.~°~~ttti~zn; '~~a: ?~rccasicr, F~u~ev~ c'r..xtiutalat>x, arad. dYxxscstn 'eu~t. ~~f~icu;~ ~~xr:.i~~ ~3~enr3 ~l aa~xr~tir,~c~nr1.!:r~r:sartixs F3r:sr~3c,. P.I,k. AV's ,3`~~'~;Tx~e i:ri ~:ix~ac~e~rkr.•tai:~aY, Y!'i%5~1 hKstzie ai:~srx~rc:r~r,D:.•:ru~4.nn.a~ry~

Asxsxr~ nru^ur.i: ~rroicrs., t`~ exv~xzz aFt ttu:xr. ~.t ~S~IY~ i:xynars~w~x.rers ~svixxx2 aka ~~atd iii 1~aa;ciS xay (kze, winat, zax ,~:i.vx..a i:iur.~ z~ ̀t eax~

Ei~r;,r,3, ExadJ ~~rd s,Y~rm " an:J rasSuitdss~s7 sx,tst~e~t~`-i~~[r. arx a fta7Vy;4i~anMr•3.xxid i~~t:rfi~r_d krs,-ne li~#ir~~

arsx~ x~°:v9tacatxawz cr..cnL?~zrg, x~xsf ~c~ Y~iFF.;A~A :x.,;~.ri:r~~~se~:fi: svrax~eu:~rxsr. F; #z.~'unv~n€: xtsxF€3,~zz~a~.

pus r+am~a~:~w grass 3'~~•:t rrs~xF'al~.t.~cu i~Ja br ,~xt~s ~rr~, w!-xrs~w Y~rar~ ~a~ ~iRr~l~ly C:xnlitsed rauxxnrsfi~-.n~~xf~ssas~zNsia Iana~~e ~~,xts3a~ ~u~lil-r w~v Yes •mod e . lix~i[~~v !aT Gh,e 1n t two .'ir~.a+t3:~. h,t cticr. ~ wide ~car.:~c:a1 iti~:ru°d:<•t ~~ r+a+crY s~i ~ric;~~z. en~:lu~ii~Ji c$~mcuu9xata, t~rcz~v~,~ir.;r, ~t+:~~roxild;.x~u, r~rra rnr...~,~ri;.~eut~tyaxr„

Erairrv~issk. n,c w firce~r.'fnl ~xta, har~sx: txwYSRnt~ ;rs~~d. R.i~e33iae~ ¢af' ix~~uzwsea:~ c l u~iixfs:

t~'~t w~di~cx"cznc; e~w:G 9:fs.~ ~#sctr+tntlx Est' a ~ix:~ tzs E,aw~.~. E•,~t~rrrw~c:rs 4•uta ~t3t+~ a~.~ c~✓r_-r~a+~3e~ .~i.. anx# wee ~~, ~~~rrr.. ea ~a, ~+sr+re~~ ttirt Ktatr. aat ~#'+cva ,s~rx~wr, ttcct;Ps t3ns~:riissat.:F~au~~ C~xrv~',.irwt, ~'in.cdd~. x"rsaaa endrtk" rr~~xux: .~ ~ dt Grey«kat~xxaa~ a:,e7 k':3~^ea►k:~ it i ~ rraY[iH~'Sr Cn ~~lp YNt+.lxu:~•:~ a ~.nwr Eur[kx~; fc~x k~+u ~nrli ~~txr Ff:a~: k ~~.:3rr~sai:' y..

L-:lr+rstiuc. t,~~r►~rr::iaac ~it~xrse t.ilhtr.r b'~.s+crxss~~xsc~ts ~,

4~. Thy 7 ~ I~ Ele~Tati.c~n ~~r'~~1511~ 5~~1~E'.'S:


. , ............................................._.,.....W.,......_.........


VVelco~nc to :~ c~ N C~Unstruction a~~d ~;le~~ation, your pre~~licr Domerestor~tioY~ s~~~ ~c~u~.datic~n. l.i~ti~~g ct~ntr~ctor i:z~ ~ric;~, ~tJ. ~~Jespecialize in ho~lae cl~vatic~ny ~trueture lifti~~;~, l~c~Y-ne disasterre~tc~x•~tic~n and ha:me mc:~ver ~er~~ices. (:)~~r ex~e~rts ~zr~ t~.~r~ tc~ helph~mec~~~v~7ers ~rhen they need it, l~andl~n~ firs, ~~ind, fl~o+~, hail a~c~lst~~-~~n da~~~agc, anc~ pr~a~a~rty. ~'~ a~•c ~ dully 1icc~x~~~d endi.z~s~.xr~d hc.~~ne l.ifti.n~ and re5tc~rG~ti.c~n cc.~m~~e~~~y, <~.nd air. ~:~ic;~ R:C~E~~~~p~~ro~ccl cr~ntractc~r.


iE~i~l r~xn~ ~Jcuat~cvct ~ ~'c~~s~<a2.~~en raa~icas; fi;~rx~ ~ ~i4:er>L.

~7. TI1~ .~ ~ N ~,I~V"~.1:1UI1 ~~~751~~ :also state:

~s an [sic] R..I~..~'M ap~rav~d foundation lif~in~; cor~tr~et~r, ~~sp~ci~~li~;c ~.~.~.d ~,r~ hi~;l~.l.y q~.ra.lifie;d tc~ p~xtorr~ h.o~~~~ el~vatic~n firy=c,ur re~id~~~.tial ~~4~c~rt}~ needs... tour st~~.t.~-of`-tl~~c-~.~-t j~:z~~az~~;egt~ipmez~~ will ensure that your ~•esiclex~c~ is held ~t a coz~~istentl~~i~,~~t and level tl~rc~ti~ho~t the p~•c~cess, a.l~owin~ us to c~c:l~rr~~ theduality rc~air~ ~ir~t~ wUr~rr7~:ns~iip t~~~~.t err; ri~~:~:~~<~.t°}~.

=~~. Tl~c~ T ~ N E~~~~t.inn ~J~b~~t~ states, "~}~r cc~~~~.~~.t~y ova:; first e;~t~bii~hec~ in 199 try

J~~m~~ I.,az•sc~r~ [s~c~, whose te~aza ofhi,~l~ly ~u~l~~i~d construction prc~f~~sio~~als ~4~~je ~rc~~ide~ t~~zal t~,

~~orkrna~~~hi~~ end reli~bi.lit~r fc~.r the l~~t t~uo deca~~~."

U, ~Iom~ I~x1 ~ro~rement C:ontra~tor Horr~~~ ~,~eaa~ian and 1'~~~~v HvnYe ~3uiiderl~e~i~trations:

49. Can i.?~• about ~c~v~5r~~1-~~~• ?~, 2012, J 'r N ~~`c}x~st~uctic~n anti Rc~r~[in~ ~~~E~mittecl t~ the

Divisiota ~. IIorr~~ I~n~ravc~~nent {:'~~~tra~tar ~.~~~.lic-atiux.~ i:t~z Init~~~l Re,~i;~t~•ati.a~~ ("H:~~" Re~i~trafiic~.x~t

r~~~~~lic~~t can") :fc~r rcgistrati~n r~Ti~ll tl~e Division as a ~~o~~~e iznprc~ven~.~nt cc~~~tr~~ctc~r (<`I-~IC"'} in the


50, `Thy H1C F~.egi~~r~ti~n Application list~c~ Nichols J. Cher~zn~i, Esc . as J ~; N

~;on~tcuct.ion ar~c~ ~.c~c~~n.,~'s z•~;~ist~;~~d ~.g~nt vwritll a~14~.~dress of 23GA New~~~k ~~~~enue, T€~~sey t;ity;.

~1ew .1~rse~~ (~7:3~2.

S 1. `The I1I~" Rc i:;tr~tion ~~pplicatic~n listed l..,awson as t~~e owner, c~:tt:~.ce~:~, dir~ctar, anc~

~~ranci~al with ~ cans; l~~xndred ~x rccrlt ~w~r~~l'S~11p 111~~I'~S~ lt1 .T ~i N ~'onstr~.~etion z3nd. I~oafin~;.

~i2. C)n c}r ab~:3ut No~~~r~~t~~r ~f~, ?C?12, the Di~~isidn rc~ist~rec~ J ~ I~ Cc3n~tructio~ anc~.

~~.~~ofin~; as an HIC' a~~ issue ii r~~;istr~~txt~n nG~~nhc~~• 1 ~~~~-~f)7(~~~4 l 0t) ("HIC.f .Rt~~TS~~.~'t~.lIC3T1"}.

53. .T ~: I~ C'~nstr~ctio.n and ~~oo~ia~.~; r~n~r~lec~ its hoF~~e imprc~~ren-~e~t c;antr~ctvr

re~ist~r~.tiorz on U~c+~mber 1, 2~ 13 a.nd March. ~, 2~ 15.


5~. On July 2, ?013, a~'te.r. rec~i~rin~ n~ti.(:ic: t~c~~ fror~~ J ~~; ~ti' Con~tructic~~~ ~r~~ ~.c~c~~i~~~'~

ir~surari~e cc~~r~~a~1yJ that its insur~~~ce; h~~cl ~c~~n c~~~~I.le~:~ ~u~ tc~ x~o.n-~~~~m~nti tl~e I~ivisic~ns~; Flor~~c~

Im~rc~v~m~nt Cvnt~{actoY• Re~isfi.~~tio~1 ~~~~ci~l ~.~r~~ic~~~ .tequc~~t~d t~~~~t J & 1~I C"c~nstructi~n ~~~~

~~c~o~ir~~ sul~rr~it a currci~t copy c~~ its cc~~~i~icate of cc~mm~~•cial ~~;z~er~~l in.~ur~~nc~e ~s ~~~c~rai~~d to b~

i~aintai~~ed by N. T.~i.~~.. Sf~:~-142.

55. :~ cS'~ N C;011Sf1'i1C~141'1rlT1C~ ~C)O~~l~.~ ~al~,~~ tC? 4Libi~T11~ t~I~ 1~E~t,I~S~~C~ ~`?t'OCl~ C?~ 1.1i~~1Ta11t'~'CC}

t11~ Divisiozl causi~~~ are +C~~~c~r cif Stasp~nsion to be iss~ue~ on July 2~, 201;x, iz.~ ~~~}~ich the;

Direc..tic>r c~rci~t•ec~ J ~ ~I Cc~n~truciio~ ~~nc~ Rc>ulir~g's HI~.~` ~.c;~i~tz~atian tc~ en~;~z~;e ire tl~~ busir~es5 of

r~~akin~ Ur ~c~lli~~ home iz~~prov~nlents in the Mate t:o be s~~~pen~ed.

5(a. C.)x~ car ~'~c~ut ~e~~~eml~c~r 1 ~, 2t}l 3, .~ ~: I`~ C~`c:~x~st~~uctic~n ~~~ ~c~~fix.~~ ~~•~~ri~.ed

c~c~cum~nta~it~c~ to the Livisi~~~~ of c~c~n~rn rcral ~Lner~l li~~bility ~r~sura~~ce co~fer~~~ ~s r~qu r~c~ by

N..1.~.;'~. 56:~~1~2.

~7. ~:)n ~~ptern~~r ?6, ZU 1 ~, they tJrc~er of Suspension c~ J c~. N t;c~ns~tructic~n anc~

I~.oc~~in~'s ~II~: IZe~;istz~ati~n to e~~~a ,e ~~~ the ~usin.~ss ~~'makin~; Ur sell~r~~; hc~~~e iri~provernctlts in

t~~e Stag fir failure tc~ maintai~l i~ls~~~~~a~ce way vacated ~nc~. its hc~~~~e i~~~~rov~ment r~~istratit~~l wa.s


58. {t~t1 ~~r. abc~~.~t M~~c:h 7, 2()1~, ~~ferida~~ts su~ir~iittc~d #c~ ~1CA ~~ t~~w S-~c»rne ~aui:lc~c;r

Regi~tr`~:tian ~~.pplicatic~n (``Ne~v Home T3uilc~~r ~.e~;is~ratian ~~pplicat~on") tUr ~~gistration ~~'1~~1 T~Ct~

~z~ a new home wilder {"1~1HB'") iz~ the ̀ Mate.

S9. tin or about ~,.~Sril ~, 2t}l~-, INCA re~;i~ter~c~ L~~fenc~~a~ts unc~~r f~~~ r~a~~~~ "I.,~~r~sc~~~

R~nov~~tic~n ~..L~; ~ifE~la J ~:: ?~t ~C;c~r7sfir~.~c~tic~~~ LLC" as ~ II~TTHF~ ar~d is5u~c1 it rc~~;i~tr•~toi~ t~um~~r 4~fi4~~

l ~

~t~. Tf~e Ne~~v Home .~3uil~e~• ~:.e~;istratit~n A~a~;~licatic~n l_ist~cf J c"~ I'~I Con;~tructi~n ~~~~

~Zoafing's ~;xistin~ HICK F~~~istratic~n ~~l.~Ynb ~r 13 ~H.C)7C.)5 ~ 10(?.

~1. T11e '~Ic~~~~ ~-~om~ L~uilc~~r Rc~~istt•atiun 1~~~pli~ation also prc~~~id~ci the cozyorate

regi~tr~~.tic~n ~-~apers f«r L~~~json P.~i~ovali~sn .Tc'~I~1 ConstY•uct~c~~~ LLC.

6?. The i'~Tcv~r dome li~~.i1~~e:r Re~is~r•atrc~~~ Appiica.ticm listcc~ L~.~~v~c~n a~ the re~ister~ci

a~;e~t with aY~ addc~es~ o f` ~ ~ 'W. ~xt'iiI1~.C~I%i ,I~I•ivc~, Brick., N~ti~- tTe:~•scy ()723.

b3. The New Home ~uildez~ Regi~tralic~n Application listed I..~wsc~n as the owner with a

cane hi~ndrec~ perce~~t o~~taership iraterest .in fihc~ busir~e;ss.

~~. Lawson ~~~nov~ztiotl .[..,.I_,C; c~ih/~~ .) ~ ITT ~;c~r~strtic~fiion T.,I~~'s New Horne ~~uilder

~.~~i~tratior~ ~~7as s~~~~~nde~c~ nn. April 21, 201 end s~.~bs~gtxentl.~ reinst ~teci on September 1 S, 2U15.

(i~. Lci'VVSC}il Renovation LLC c~/b/a J c~; N C~an~~ructia~~ LLC; re~~c~ued its NHH

~~e~istrati~z7 on Aril ?5, ur~t~~~' the zta71~~ "I,~,vvson I~~no~ra.tion J c~: N C"instruction LLB'."

~~. Lawson I~.~nov~~.lian J & N Coristru~ti~n I.,I.~`'s Nc~~~v ~-Iom~ ~3uilc~e~~ Ri ~astt~atic~n is

~.urrentl y active.

6'7. Can or ~~~out M~~r~h 2~, 2015, T t~; N Cc~nstructic~z~ at~d F~oa~rz~, J 8~ N ~onstructi~n

~.nd Elcvatic~t~, and Lati~son submitted to the:Division a I-dome Elevation Contractor Application for

Initial I~e~istration (:`HE{:~ ~Ze~,is~zation .Application") for registration ~~ith t11c~ I~►i~,Tision ~s ~. ~lorne

elevation contractor {"H~~") i7~ the State.

6~. Thy I:[E~; I~e~;istr.°~~ti.c~n .~~a~~tic~tao~~ ~rc~vidc~c~i .T c~.; ~ C;c~a~~tz•~~ctic>z~ and Rcx~f no's

e ;~IStli1~ IIIC, RL~IS~~'~t~.0I1 IlU~I1~7~I' ~ ~VHU~US~ ~ UU.

~i9. They ~~rC Rc;~istx•atic~n ~~lsc7 prc~vic~ec~ the co~~or~t~ re~;istratic~n p~.p~~s for Uoth J c~: N

Cozlstruc;t.ion ~rrc~ Roo:~it~~ and J & N Construction ~~ac~ Ele~~~tic~n.

70, T~~e H~:C' ke~a~tr.atavz~..~p~1i~~tion fisted I.,~~r~vs~~~ as the r~~~~terec~ went ~~-it~~ ~~1

~:~t~dres~ o:~` ~ 1 '4t1. ~:,r• T.~r~rr~, ~~3rick, :"~1erx~• J~rsc~y 0472 .

7 ~ . `Z'h~ ~F,C' ~~~.i~t~•atic~a~ A~~~li~aiic~n listed I.,~~ust~~~ as the c~~~n~r, of'Cice~•, dir~c~tor, ~.~n.~

~~rit~ci~al ~~rth a o~ae hunda•ed ~~~.rc~ri.~: c~~~~~ers~~ip izater~st in tl~~ bu~ix~e5s.

'72. (.~~x ~r abo~~ August ?, 2C~ ~ 6, J :N ~;onst~~~~c~tiv~~ ~.nd ~.~c~~in~;, J ~'c N C'o~~st:ru~tic~~

~~n~ F;lev~~tian, anc~. Il~r~v:;c~n'~ cc:~mrt~ercial. ~;enez•al l~~l~ili~y i~~u~•anc~c~ cc~v~r~ge xn the .~ninixn.~.~rr~

a~naunt o~ $5t}O,Uf}t~ per uc:cu:rren~:e, as by ~..~.S.A. 5~:8-1~2 for home improvement

contrac~tc~rs, e:~~~i~•r;c~ far t ie secc~n~l ~im~ since 2{~ 1 ~ .

73 . ()n c:~r aho~~t Au~;u.~t 2, 2a 1 C~> J ~ i~ C~c~nst~uctian anc~ I~.c~ofin~;, T cc~;; ~ {~~:onst~~uctio~~

~.r~~~ ~'.l.evatiUn, anti [.,ar~rson's comxn~:rcial ~crler~.[ liabilit~r insur~ne~; cc~v~rage i~~ ~h~ ~ninimtz~~~

asnc~l~nt cif. $1,{7t~~~},t~()~ ~~e~- ~~c~cux~zc~nc~, ~s rec~~.a.ireci by ~I.J.~.~~.. ~~:8-1~2 a~~c~ I~.~.A.C. 13:45A-

1.7~h,. I l (b)(; l }~i~~} f~c~~' }1C)x71t', ~'.~C~'~t1C7t1 Ct~311~P~C~t)T'S~ ~v~.s c~ncel~~d.

7~. Q~1 c~~• ~ht~ut August ~, ̀~t)1 f~, :I N Cc~nstr~.~cti~r~ ~~r~d ~~.c~t~~in~, J c4~ I`~C C`o~~stru~;tic~n

~~nci El~vatian, anc~ I~6~~v~c~n'~ t-i~~~rs or pare or co~~trt~l insu~•ance cc~vc~~•a~e ~n t~~e ~z~i~lim~,~~n

a~x~au~t cif $~()~,{~UU pc;r c~cc:~trrence with. ~~ :r~inin~um a~;~;re~at~ ire tl~c; a~~c~~rr~t a[` ~?,~(~0,0(~0, ~5

rcc~uir~c~t by I~..1.S.A. ~b:~~1~2 anc~ N.J_,~..~~. 13:~5~-1.7t~.1 ~.(~1~){1){ii) fc~nc~~me elevat:ic~n contr~~ctvrs,

was c~nc~ellec~.

7~. O7~ August ~, 20 ~ f~, ~~ftcr r~c~i~jing r~nti~ic~~ic~~l frc~~~ :T & I~1 ~c~n:~~ructir~~x and ~ca~~fin~,

.1 'r N ~~onsit•uc;tion. G~~~c~ ~~,l.~;v~~ti~:~~~, anr~ I..,awson's i~~s~aranc~~ cc~~pa~~y that ~~~€~ir insu~=anc~ h~~~ b~;~~

c°~i.E~celle~:~, the I~ivisic~rn' ~ I-~or~~c~ Ir~~pro~Te~~~~x~t Contra~zc~r Re ~~str~tic~~1 S~eLial Review Unit ~~ qu~:~t~~.

t~~G~t T,~itivsc~r~ ~uhn~it a ~;urrenl copy c~~f'thc~ ~e~rfiifiC~tC Cff Gf.}i'i'ii~'t~l°~;7~.~ ~~~~cral i~t~tira~Ys~~; a~~a ~rc~c~f`c~f

t•i~~;~:~•~ c~z• care: c;u:~tc~t~~,~~ t7I t~Q11tT'{1I 111S1il-a~1cc~.


7~i. La~~rsun filed to submit the ~-ec~uested ~rcaof~ cif in~uz•anc-~ tc~ tl~~ division ~~nc~ ~r1

Septer~~k~er 23, ?() I fi the (:)ir~~~t~r, tE~t•c~u~h a~1 (~37~~.~r c~fi` ~u~mn~a~ry Su~~~c~~~:~ic~n, c~r~~rec~ T e~ N

~'onst.rttction aa~ Rc~of:~n~~ J & :N C~c~rastruc~.i~~n anal ~,~eva~i«n, ~.z7.d I.,avv~o.n'~ H.I~' ~nc~ H..N~{:.`

I~.~~~str~tic~ns tc~ e~~~;age i.n t1:~~ l~u~iz~.ess c~~ zt~~~:i:~x~ car s~I .h~7m~ i:xn~~c~v~r.~~.~nts end l~~~e el~va~i.c~~~

s~r~~ces in the; ,"; to be suspended.

77. ~~1~ NC~~~TI1~"~C~ 17, 2(J ~ ~i, after r~c;~.i~7ir~.~, dv~~.~~n~z~.tatic~n f~rof~r~ La~vsoY~ indi~;~tin~,

cam~~lia~c~ ~~~ith 1,,,~,~T.~"~~; ~6.~-l~~ as tc~ tie ~-~.~~` ir~suranc~, t~a.e .t:~3~~•~.sic~n issued ~n Urd~X~ V~c~ati~~~

the x()16 Order cat Suriir~nary Sus~~n~i~i1 ~~~i.~la i•e~~~~•d t~ tl~e .~I~,' R~~;istrativn oi~1y. .~ ~ I~1

~~~r~st~•~,ictic~n mod. R.c~afin~;, J ~ ICI C'anstr~~ctio~a and ~;l~ ~jLttA'~.fLly ~~ncl I.;a~~~o1~'s I-IEC R~~i~tratic~r~ is

stir s~.tsper~~ed.

78. :r ~, I~ ~"c7r~~tr~~cizon and R.c~c~f~~x~~, J & N ~"c~x~stxuc~tic~~~ ~.n~ ~ lev~tic~n, :end I..~r~rl~c~n

~11~~~;Ct~ 111 ~~ ~~c1S~ ~t~V4 ~~~ GCIT1SL.lITI~t• pr~j~c~s w~~~le nc~t ce~rr~~it~~ c~~~~~mer'Cldt~ ~t12~'T~~ I1i~~}i~t~.~r

i~~sura~~~~~~ o~• x-i~~c~rs or c~~.~•~ c;ust~cly ter cc~~~t~ol insur~ric~ cover~.~;e. W~~~k c~c»c '~~T J ~;: N

C~~alstruction ~~n~ Roafir~~, J t~ N ~`,~T1S~I"UlCt1C?11 ~I1~ E~~"V~$It}Cl, aid L,a~ursc»~ d~~~•in~ this ~~rioc:~

ir~clucic~d c;~~rp~ntry fi•atnin~, wi~~c~~7~~v i~~~tallatia~~, n~asont-~r ~~~~rk, and ~lu~r~~~in~, ~s ~r~~~ll 4~~ the rai~n~

cif one (l } cox~sL~n~~r's hort~e ~u~•in~ ~ h~rne el~v~iion ~~r~jec~. J ~ I~ C~`onstructic~~~ ~a~d R.c:~otin , .~

N ~C`o~lstruc;ti~n anc~ El~vatian, and L~~~vs~~1 a~sc~ ~~cc~~t~c~ a c:o~~~~.~mer pay~~~cr~~ of $~3,~t)t} during

~~"li5 1i111~ ~3~~'1+~C~.

F. I.~r~#"en~~.x~~~,' ~3usin~s~; Yr:~c~ti+~e~ E~c~~~c~r~~r~I ~.

7~. .fit all ~~el~~rant times; L3cf+ nc~a~~ts utilxz~d cnn~racts f'c~z• C~t~nstruciian Se~°r~~ic~s

{"I~a~~~~c~~~ Cantr~3.ct5"~ I~lr7t: C~1£~ I7~C7~ (a) ~zr~ ~ci~.res~ cif the re~resent~~tive or a~e~it ~~ht~

solicited ar ne~at~~ted the co.ntrac;ts for .f~ef~zac~ants, ~l~} the r~~ist~•at.ic>t1 ~Ztam~~er cif ~~ie c-ontractor, (~c}

the dates ~r time period can ur withi n ~~7~7:ic1n the wa.~•.~ i.~ tc~ 4~x~.c~ be cc~~~pleted ~y .C~e~~~~dar~t~y (c~}~~

the terns ~onditic~ns af~ecti~~~; c~nt~•aet ~ric;e, ir~cludlr~~ t~i~ cc~~~ of ~~~G~ter.• a.~c~ the ho~~rly r~.t~;

f~3r labor; {c~} a ~t~.t~inc~lt of arly ~uara~lte~ or ~varr~XltyT ujith r~sp~c~ tc~ an~T ~rc~~.uets, m~:terials, laba.r

c~.r s~r~ji~~s mace by I~~f~nd~.~~t~ {fib "Notic;e t.0 Cansum~i" c~.~lc~llatic~~ l~z~~;u~~e; ~n~. {.~} t~~e tc~~~-

~~-e~ tele,~hc~~~c~ 1~un~l~cz~ ~rc~vzt~~c~ 1~v tl~e Director of the Divisic►r~ f~3r. ccjnsurr~e~•:~ m.~~,k.~n~ ~xac~~~iries

cc~x~c;~r~~iz~~ ~~c~me ~m~~i•c~r~-ernent cc~~~trac1lcar:~. t.)~~a~~ izaft~rm~:xtiv~.~ ~~~c~ ~~li~f; I:)ef~~~~cl~nts di+~ nc~t

oth~i°~,~-~s~ inzti~lly ~}~'t7V1C~C t~115 lI1~C7T~11c~t1C~11 'G(3 GOTISLI.~l~~"~ '~~v~2() ~11~~~'C~. lri~.t? ,L,aw~on C`antra~ts.

8n. At vaz~rin~ tir~z~c~s, I~~f`c~nd~.nt.5 prc>vic~~d cc~nstz7ners ~~r~th L~~vsUn Contr~ii~s that did taut

it~~;luc~~ a cie~cri~~C ~~n o:f~th~ p.rin.c.i.pal prc~duct:~ and materi~]~ tc~ ~~ used ox~ inst~.11~c~ il~ ~c r~c~rrn~nce off`

Xh~ c~7t~t:ract ~~.nd ~ ~o~~y tit the t~c.~~~tract~s ce~,i~cat~ c~~'cc~la-xznea:•ci4kl ~en~ra.l l.i~.bility in~ur~nce.

~1. ~t X11 rele~~a~~t tines, I~e(end~~.nt:s f.~i~~d t~ be~ir~ an~luz~ co~np~~t~ the ~:onstructiQri

5~t~vicc~s as specified in tl~~ La~~r~c~~~ ~'ontract.

~2, .fit ~aryin~; time, l~efe~ad~~n~:~ <~cce~k~~ c;~n~t~r~~~t• pavme~~ts, r~c~~,~i~~~~,~ s~~nif-ica~t

i~~itial ~~yr1~~~~ts, wl~.i~lz i~~cluc~~c~ I~.I~~~ fi~n~is, cxr.~d cor~~cn~t~cet~ Cc~n~tru~tian Se~~vices, Qz~l~r to

~bar~clon the ~rr~jc~t ~ric~ ~Zc~t r~turr~ to tl~e consu~~~zs' hur7~~~ ~~.~r days, ~~reeks, month, v~• at all.

~3. ~)n ~~t bast c~r~e (1 } oc:casiun, J 4~. 1`~ ~.'c~n~tr~~r~.tion ~~.nd ~~.00fii~~, J ~ ~I ~"oi~:~tr~.~ctit~n

ar~d ~~l~~~atic}n, anti I_Jau~~So~ ent~reci into a I:.~a~~son ~~a~tr~~.ct ~~vith a consumer, accepted ~ deposit,

which included L~v1I funds, anc~ perfU~~~~c~ n.c~ ~vo~k can t~~e con~u~.ner's home.

~=~. {:)~~ at 1e< c~i~e { ~ } occ~~sion, L~~.«rsc7n k~nc~vatic~n J ~ I~( C~~.~n~truction ~ncl Lawso~~.

ez~terc~~ into a. L~~~sor~ C;c»~~ract ~~-it1~ ~ consut~xer, a~e~~~ted ~. clej~os~~, for ~~id rc~~iwe~

i3.t~t~lt:l.~~~lc~~ j~~~%CZl~'11~~ ~TO~I ~~1~ Ct3C1SUCl:I.~T' ~t~ ~.UC.~+:. l~.l ~),I•ices for t~~~~er.•.~a.)~ fur the ~.~p~c~~rli.r~~; ~~e~r, ~n~

der. ft~rmc~d r~ o ~~rt~r~: o r~. the p~ ~a j ec t.

~5. C)n ~~t l~a:~t ~.~z~;e ~1 } ~~cc~.sic7x.~, .~ c~; N ~YE)I14f;I'ti{~1C7t~ dI1C~ ~.'~E:)t)~:.1.1~.~;, :~ c~ l`~1 ~'on5t~•u~:tican

~a~~c~ ~;le~~~tic~r~, ~~~.~~ ~.,~~v~rsc:~n.'s r~ork c~r~ a s~nicrr cc~n~~~m~r'~ ~la~x~e; c~lev~tzor.~ ~rc~jc~c~t fG~iled tc~ p~~ss~~~~.

inspcct:iaza, ~vhich c~~.c~sec~ delays of <~t bast twc~ (2} n~on~~~s. "I'l~i~ clel~~y add~~ to tae tim.~ t.~r.e

cQns~z~~l' ~~r`~1.5 t~1S~?I~C~C~ ~I1C~ U21i~~}I~ ~C? I1'~'~ lI1 1.15 ~~t3ITI~.

~C~. C)z~ at 1.~~~.~;t oz.~~ (l.) c~c~;z~sic~x~., .I ~, N ~:",c7ra4trt~~~tic.~n and :~.00f~~~~;, 3 c~. I'~ C,anstruc~tic~r~.

a7~d. Flc~~-~itic~n, and .[..,~~~~st»a r~c~ived a ~ 1 {~,t~00 p~}rin~'l`I~ ~Ct7t)l ~ ~'UY15L1Tx1~~" ~lc~S~C~ t711 ~~1~1~' ~T'C3T111~~` ~t7

c~c~mpletc ~ l~om~ ~lc~vation project v~Tithin twQ (~} «~~ks. ,1 & N Cc~n~tructic~~ ~~~~►cf :t~~..uo~.n~;, r ~. I`~I

~~~nstructic~x~ ~nc1 F,le~~atic~n, ~~~c~ Ia~~~~~c~n suhs~c~ue~~tly wc~~~k~d c:~nly ori~ ~i~y c7n tl~e j~~ sitc after the

p~y~nent ~v~s m~,cl~ ar~d i.~ic~ not. #finish fire ~~•<~ject.

87. 1Lt var~Tir~~ time, ce~rls~u~r~ers asked ~«~° fill rcfiunds o1~ their ~~~y.x-n~nts fc>.r Cc~i~struct ot~

~~~'VIC~S I"lOt Gn1T1~I~~1"~C~'C~.S I~o~~ver L~c~~~~da.r~ts pr~~~id.~d ~o rc~~~~~~d5.

~~. At ~%~~rvi~~~ Mmes, .T &, N Cc~~~st~'LlCtlt)~1 a~~d ~€~~:~i~~~ J c~; N Cc~~~~trz~~tic~~~ ~nc~

EIc~~T~ti~x~, Ginci La~v: ~~,~~'~ (~~iluz•~ tc~ co~.~~~:~lete ~~~~oj~ct~ l.~as ~.isp~ace~ ~v~~u~n~~•s from t~~eir ~io~l~es. Iz~

<~t l~~xst t~~c~ ("?) c~a:~es, t:he c~ispl~t~ed cor~sum~rs are ~enic~r citi~ert~ ~vl~c~ ~r~ still not ~h~~ tea ~iv~ in

their ~~c~n~~~ d~~~ tc~ .~ c~ N ~.'c~nstrtictic~n. ~~~.~.i ~.c~c~fi~ig, 1 & ~ ~;c~nstr~.rct~c~n 4~nd ~- lev tic~n, a~~~i

Lawsc>n's failure to ~or~z~~~t~ c~~n~t•~~c~te~-for. C;o~~str~~ction Se~•vic~c~s.

~9. ~,t ~c~~~~in~ t~rnes, I~~f`~n~~r~ts failed tc~ give z~e~tic~ ~o eur7.sumers re~~r~~in~ c~el~.ys in

C;~~~~;truc-tion ~erviccs.

90. .fit ~T~.~~TITI~ L~III~✓~9 y J ~ N Cca~~st~-uction and ~.aorn~,, ~~ & I°J Co~~structia~~ ar~c~.

~:lev~tic~~l, c`IY1C~ I.~3.W~~1~ f~II.CCI tC:> I'GS~()TlC~ ~n CC3l1 11I21~'I'S' calls and/car. t~h:ts ir~c~uirzr~~ int:c~ when:(& I~

CvC111S~1"UCt1C)Il ~I`1C~ ~.t7~7f11'1~;, J ~; N C'~~n~;tru~tic:~~~ ~nc~ .l ~,l~~~alic~~~, ~~.~~. T..,ar~sc~.r~. ~~Uuld cc~~~a~nence ~ic~lor

CC7I1~;11.I1.1G C(111:~S~T'UC-~1C)Tl ~~.5~'l"~rlC~:a.

91. At var.}~~n~ t1t.-nes, ~.~e#~z~C~an~4 f~~z.i~~l to :f:lle ~~nd/ur ub~~~~~~. t1~~ pro~c~r 1~u~Icl~n~ a~~d

cc~r~s~X~u~;txc~n perrz~its.


~}2. tJn at J.ea~:t ot1~ ~ 1 } occa~ior~, J & I`~ Cc~~~~~•~ac;~ic~n ~n~. I~.00fng, .~ c~ ~1 Cc~n~tr~,~c.~ic~n

illl(~ ~ ~.~VrZtlt311, and. L,a.~-sc~~1 c~u:sec~. c~.~.r~~a~e t~ a. ~a~~s~r~t.~~r's home ~vhi~e ~`~~nst~•uc~t~on.

~er~Ji~~s az~d t~~~;~~. ~ail~c~ tc~ fix o~ c~n~~~r~satc~ fihe; cons~~l~.eY° f€~.~• t~~.~ ~:fain~~e i.ncl~.~din~, teat nr~t limited,

tc>, t~~~zna~~ to ~ c~inin~ ~ic~air~ floor and ~ar~.~a~~ tc> ~~z~ive~vay pa~~e~~~ from .~ ~ 1~1 Co~~st~-uction anc~

R~o~x~~, .T ~z I~1(~`c~~~tructic~n. ~~zY~ .Frfevation, anci ~.~a~~sc~ri'~ e~~~.~~p~ncn~.

~, ~3. (.fin at nn~ (1) occasion, ~~. ~"tc~~ ~;anstructio~~ {~rc~~~~ r~~s is~~~e~~ tc.~ ~~ cc~r~su~n~:r ~d

J ~ 1~ Ccjnst~~etic~n ~~~1~ Rnofiing due tca .T '• ~~ ~'~~~~~~r~ct~on and l~.c:~~:}tang arld l_.,a~~vson's d~ fecti~re

instG~.11~t~c~t~ c~f`a 1:c~und~tion c>n a ~~.c~rr~~ el~;v~itior~ ~~~•c~ject. N~~ ~vc~rk Baas si~~c;e b~~n ca~z~plet~c~ c}~1 tI1~


9~. On at ic~.~x three (3} ;;~p~ratc occasi~~~~, a ~t~~~ C~vt~:~tructrc~n (~rcl~r r~~4r~ issued tc~ J c~

1̀ ~ ~c~nstructian anc~ R~ofin~, J LIZ. ~ C'a.nstxuc,tion and ~lev ~~ion, and La`vsc~n duce try the

ec.~m~~:~:~zlc~en~~nt ~f'C'az~struc:-tion. Se~'~'1GE'S~ inc::ludi_~~~; c~Ie~r,~.tion~, e~~it.~~out cibtainin~ the ~•et~~~areti

p~r~~~.its. ~ro~:~ce~ <~l~d C~}r~e~•s o1'T'erialty in fil.~~ amount of`~2,OOt~ ~v~rc~ s:~ue~ to c~c~r~su~ner~ anc~ J &.

~t~n~tru~:tion ~~Zc~ R~c~tin~, J & N C'c~nstructic:~n 4~n~ El~vatic~n, and .~.,awsan in e~~ch situ€~ti~.~r7.

~S. C)11 iii ~Ci3 s~ ~11~ ~~ ~ OCC~iS1OT1, a. SE:~~ C~on~ti°uct:ion +~7rc~~r r~~ra.~ is~t~ed. tc~ a 1 ~; N

Construction Rc~o:~~~n~, J & ~t C;o~~~~rt~ctioz~ 4~nc~i E1c~r~Tatio~~, ~~nci T.,a~~•sc~n ci~x~ t:c~ their failure tv

~~~tain a. ~~~rmit fir C"c~nstr•~~c~ic~n ti~rvic~s from t~~e municip~:fity. J ~ I~1~ ~~oi~str~~eti~~~ ~r~cl R.c~c~~i~~~, :I

& N C,'on~truction a~~d ~;lev~a.tic~n, anc.~ L~~~~,jsuz~. repr~s~z~.t~~ tt~ tlae co~~sulner~ teat they ~~Tould pay the

~?y(~t~0 fis~~; hc~vtirev~z, J & ]'~ ~~ut~str.~~~:tican and I~.ot~#~.n~> :1 ~ N Const~~uction anc~ Elcvatio~~, a~~ci.

I.:aw~on f~il.eci tc~ ~~y' ~~It'. ~1TIG'' C~~LlS1T1~ 1cl~f'. p~rl~l~t1C'.S ~C)I• z7on-~~ayTment cat $3~,0()() tt~ acc~°u~.

t~C~. D~.~riF~~; at feast t~.~-c~ ~2} ~~parat~ ex~~~ri~nce5, each ~o~lsurr~er hG~cl to requ~;~t

tvvc~ (2) prujec;t; d~~~dltn~ e~tex~.sit>r-►s from the .~..~.i~T: ,M. .~'rc~~r~.n~. c;; delays irl o~t~.i~~in~ ~IZe prt~~.~er


~Serr~~its. Ire. ~t least one (1 ~ cage, tl.~e c~oz~su~z~er':~ ~~c~c~n~ xec~u~st: re~~~ rcd a ~~r~jc~~t e~tensic~n of 3b~


F. i.)efcr~d~~r~t J~naie L lnn ~.,awson~

~~7. .fit ~l.l r~l~;var~~ tir~~es, Z..,~'WSC~.C1 GX~CLtt~C~ CQl'~t~'iiGt~ ~t7~" C.:(?D1S11•~:~~;tiur~ services cm bel~~if

cafe D~1c~nd~nt~.

~$. 1'~t a.~l rc'~.~Vc~Xl~ CiTI1f:~, Lawson i~~as responsible for su~e~r~.isi~~, the C~onst~uction

~e.r~°ice~ far t~~hz~h co~~sun~~~~s cvnt~°~.ctLr~ with L}ef~nd~~nt~.

99. I.~awson cc~n~tnur~ic:ate:~ ~~~~th cc~n:~L~~ner~ vi~:~. text mess~~e, ~:~z~~on~ c~t1~~r thiY~~s.

pertar~~ir~~ tc~ ~~rc}ject statuses.

t f)f1. t~)~n at least oz~e (l.) c~c:ca~;iox~, T..,~r~vson tcslci c~.r~sr~m~rs to use his preferred architect

of-~er another arc~~it~ct ~~c~~~se the ~~refert•~d ~:c~chit~ct ~vU~xld be; l~o«cv~r, nn ~,l~n~ ~~r~

at"l.1~I111~C~. ~t~T ~)~~1111~ 4`~,~l~:l t7V~~. ~~'~Il ~.~G't' c`1 Gt~I151~:I11~~' I•epea.te~~y ~sk~~ L~.~us~1~ about the ~t~tus c►~'tl~


~ ~? 1. ~r~ at 1ea~t ore (i ~ t~ccasicm, L,ati~J~o~~ r~j~c;tec~l us~n~, ~~n elc~~zly~ co~suz~~er•'s ~t~rve;y-~ ~~nd

bl~.~eprix~t~; the ~ans~.ti-r~~r tl.~at the ~:.rawin~s ~~J~r~ ~~c~t ~u~'t:~cieY~:t, end that L~~€~~rsc~n ~vvul~~ ha~re tt~

revise the d7~avri7~~s ire. order tc~ cc~~~r~~:~l~te t~~ ~ar~ject ~~c~re quickl~r. ~-I«~~~v~r, I,~~ws~n never

s~~~1~1itt~c~ ~~~~~ ~~1G~ns to the ~r~urli~~i~ality fc~~i ~c~~~nit ap~ro~rG~l, e~jex~ t~1c}u~h L,~~r~s~.~n in~`orr-~ed t~~e

corlsu.~~nex° c~~~ tti~n (2) c~ccasi~ns that ~~e had ~o~~~ ~c~.

1 ~1~. (~)n at least {:~n~ (1) oc;c .sic~z~, I..av~r~~~r~ re~r~septe~. ~:a a ecanst~me~ t~~~.t a ~~rmit

[~~-~plieatiox~ haze bee~~. t:a.led ti~•ith t~ze Inunic.ipalaty; ~awe~Jer, the cor~~ur~~e~~ liter c~i:~~c~~~~~~~ Lavv~~t~

n~~-~e~• su~~nitted an ~~~~li€;afii~~~1 to the murlr~~ip~,lity.

103. C.}~~ ~t lest o~~~ { 1) ~cc;a~ion, Lawsc~~~ a;~k~;d fay ac~~itic~~al mo~~~y f'rc~m 4~ c°~:~~~su~n~r

~̀v~thr~~xt perft~rming 4~~~y ti~ror~ oz~ the ~o~~su~~~~r's hc~m~ el~vati~n ~rc~j~ct.~~

1(l~. (~z~ ~~~ leapt cane { 1 } oc~ca~ion, ~r;~~~sc~n ~•equest~d ~3 5,E}~(~ tio~~~ a consumez• to c~rd~r

n~at~~•ial~; at the ~~~~~r-►~ time ~~~ v4-a~ c»°c~le~•in~ material:; fc:~r c~the~ jc~~is so fi~7~t IZ~ coup «ht~in E~ "huik

~~-ic~" t~~r the ~n~.ter~als. ThcSc~ ~~naferi~~1~ r~vc~~•~ t.o lie 5tt~r~c~ at a lc~c°ation ~y ~ati~-son; 11o~e~~cr,

L~~~son nc~v~r ins~a~tec~ these rx~at~~°ials nc~r ciic:~ the c~az~.~~.~~~~r~ ~~~k~ ~~~ssessic►n of`~.h~ xn~terz~.l~.

~ 05. On at le~~t one (1) c~cc~~i~n, Lawson asked ~'a~ addi~io~~~l znc:~n.ey [rt~zn `~ cc~~~um~~

prc7m~ sink; .in return tc:~ ec~~~~l~t~ ~c7nstructic~~ ~~r~ricexs in ~c~rty fire {~S} ~e~ys. I-~t~~~~~ver, the p~•c~ject

~~~as z~e~~er- c~mplete~ after paylnei~t ~~a~ ~iv~n to L`~.~~~5on.

106. ~Un at least Une { l } c~c;c~sic~~i, L,:~wsori re~~r~sent~d. that C}c~:~~ndc~nts ~~c~ul~ pz~ov:i~c

consumers ̀ ~~itl~ a $ZQ,~U~~ C~1SCOt~21t Oi'1 t~1~ C(711~~'i3G~ ~?l'1CC ~?~'C~l1SC ~Il~' C(711S1.1TTl~rs c~ic~ rant receive ~ full

1~.R.k,i~~ ~ra~~t, but thc~~~, at't~r c~ntra~t c~:~~cuti~,rr, Laws~~~ t~~lci. tl~.~ cc~~~.s~~r~c;x'4 ~.I`lilt ~~'l~~ ~~4'C31.~~C~ .~1f1'4re to

"c:all ~rl favors" in return ~~~r the d~~cc~ut~t,

107. At ~%~7•yin.~ tira~~s, I.,a~~sr.~~~ ~ndc7r:~c~c~ ~c~r~~uz~~z• cl~~c~.s ~.n~~ci~ c ut to J c~ ~N~ ~.'onstructic~n

~rzcl ~.00 [~in~.

l (}~. C~x~ at 1ea~t o~1e ~1 } v~r~si~~x~, af't~r J ~ 1~1 ~c,nstruc:txon ~~~d Roolings .~ ,~ r`~I

C:'onstructi~n end ~ le~~at~oc~, ~~c~ T~,c~~v~~c~n's Il~~; and. ITC; ~~gi~tx~atior►~ ~~~ere s~.~spez~ded, :~~~~~san

asked a consumer tc~ f~rrnally ch~~n~;e t:~~e record~c~ contractor ~c~r thc~ con~ume~'s ~~rc~ject fr~rn

I,~.wson to the cans~,im~:r so that L~~vvson cc3uld continue r~~ark can the c:~~~su~ner'~ ~r~jc~ct. Tl~e

CU21S1.1.111~T' ~'C~U i~C~ ~O do t.~7is after c;crosiderir~~; that J ~ I'~ C:;ozlstr~actic~n. a.~~d ~..c~c:~fi~.~g, J & N

~:'U11Stl"UG-II(?1"Ic~z~d Ele~~~fiic~x~, ti~nc~ ~,a~~~5c~n's I-~I~; 4~rrc~ I-IF~(.~` R~~r~;tz•ation: were susper~~ec~ €a:~'t~.r

~eiz~~ ac~~ris~~ by ~ IZREIII ~z•t~j~;ct ~~zaan~~.~c~r ti~~G~t .3 & N C;c~nstrttc~tic~n. ~~n~. Roofin~> J c~ ~

C"vnstrl~~;tivn ~~~~d ~1c~y~G~f.~c~z~, ~r~c~ L~~~-~c~rY ~~-ere~ nc't ~3llc~~uec~ tc:~ work can ~G~r~.c~y l~eGa~~~r~~ ~'~•oj~cts.


1 ~~. C7~~ ;at: last oYl~ (1) ~cc<~Sic~~1, La.~~so~~ ~•epres~~~t~d t~ a cor~sun~~;c~ th~it h~ r~r~ulc~ p~~r the

f~~ne issued t«r- a Stop ~'c~rk Orc~c~z• firor~~ a mur-~rcip~lity ; l~o~~ve~.~er, I.,~~~vson never' ~~diC~. ~h~ ~It1~ ~11~~C1I1~;

La~v~az~ ~~n~i th€~ consurrzc~r IiG~~le; fc~r an icicre~.sec~ f:rne dui tc~ nc~n-~aym~lat.

1 ~ U. 1~t al.~ releva~~t tia:a~t~s, the J & N Main ~ebsite c~i~~.laye~ci an "About ~C1s" p~.~e which

~~r~~~ic~~d the ~ollo~~-iris; with regard tv :I.~~~~.-scan:

J ~~ N C;otastruct:ron anc~ E.lev~ztion ~~vG~s est~ihlish~ci i~~ 1 ~t~5 l~~r Jamesd

J_:aw~sori, arac~ leis te~.~t~ of`lhi~,l~ly c~u~li~ied cortstructic~~ prc~fessic.~x~als.For over 17 we been dedicated to our customers,~:~rravidin~; th~zr► high r~uality r~vork, z•e~ia~ilityT az~c~prc~f`c~ssic~~~alist~~. 'We of'~e~ a ~`ull c•an~e ofturn key rec;c~very serr~r.icesI.I1C:~LiC~lI7~ t`l.C'~'V ~`l()T1.1~' Ct)~"15~T'LICtl011 c~11C~ Y{ebuildin~, rernodelin~, homedc~nolition, ~i-amin~, nc:ur fULltlt~4~tion~, house lif tiny, ~zrt~:i t.h~ handlingof lI1SlJ~'~I1C~ C'Id1lI1S, t.o name a t~~v s~~-~Tices. W~ uncierstac~dhc~~~~eow7rie~•s ~f~t~n feel vulner~l~Ie ar~~~ avet~-~eltnec~ ~.fter a disa:~~e~•c~cc~,rrs, ~~d ~~re ire her• to help. ~~'e offer l~zc~e ~sti.m~~te~; ~~nd proudlyserve dew Tersey, North C~u~c~lin3., youth (:.`;ar~lina, Floric~~, Tc~xa.s,anci t?klaho~na. Let us l~~lp you re~ui~d ~~ ~rc~m.i.sin~ new f~.Xture :kar.~Tot~ ~nc~ ~ou.r t~mily~.

111. ~'~t al] rele~-~~t tirnc:s, r~terence tc~ I,~~~,r~so~~ on the J ~ N Fl~~c~c~ Kesto~~atic~i~ ~Veb~ite

stated, :`James fo~.~nd~c~ 1 c~Z N ~:c~nst~Jtxctir~n ar~d E1eva~ic7n in 19 35. He start~cl the }~~.~sinc~ss

ire MyrGl~ ~3each, Sc>~.2t~ Carolina v~rher~ ~~e then m.o~'~t~ ~1~; l3liSIT`J~SS L(J N~'4~' ,~~I•sey.'"

l 12. At all. r~le~'~11t t1111CS, the J & N Elevation. V~'ebsite referr~c~ tc~ ~.awson stating, "Our

cc~r~~~~riy eras first established i~~ 19t.~5 ~iy James I..,~~rsc~n [sicj, whose teaxx~ of h~.~h1y quali~i~;~.

c;onstr~rctic~n p.rofessi~nals have provided duality ~~rc~rk:m~nshi~a and Y•eliability for the last two




VIC)L~TIC)N t3T' T~-IE C~'A ~3Y DE~`El~1~f~.NTS~~1:,1NC:C?N~"~~:t~l~A..13~E ~"t~M~v'~~R~:I.AL 1'I~.~.C;TICE~

1 13. Plair~ti~`~'s :r~~eat ar.~c~ ~eal~ege tl~~ a~l~;~~tic~r~s cont~.~ncd ~r~ ~~ar~~~;ra~~:h~ 1 thrc~u~;h 1 l 2

~~.~ovc ~s if rnor~: fu~l~° sct fc~rtll ~~~r~ixa.

'I'~~e pct, t~se car ~xn~~l:a~rtne~~t by ac1~ ~~rsc~n ~~` any unconscic~n~~~l~c~~7-n~nerci~l ~~ractic~, cic~c~~~ti~~n, fraud, fare prct~ns~, f~~l~~ prc~r~~is~,

misre~~res~nt~tiv~~, c~z• tk~~ ~~u~~~in~ c~x~ce~lment, ~uppressi~~~~; ara.missic~n c>f` ara~~ r~~atc~ri~..l ~~~~;t ~~ritl~ ir~t~;nt tl~►at c.~thex•:~ zc~ly upon such~;o~lccaln~~t~t, su~~r~ssio~~ or azxaissi~~:a, in cc~nnectic~c1 ~~it~~ the s~lc~ orczdv~rtise~~:aec3t of a~~~r m~zchanc~ise car r~~~:~.1 ~~tG~t~, z~r ~~Yitl~ thesu~~s~c~~u~~nt per~~~c•~n~-~n~e c~fsuch p~;rsc~tl as ato~•~;saic~, ~vl~c~tl~~t~ c~~i riotany ~~x"SC7I'1 ~lc~S 111 ~~~c~ ~~cz~ ~ni~~ed. d~c~i~-ed car c~~m~~ed these ley...

'115. ~'h~ C~~'~. c~et:~nes "~~~ercli~~~d.i:~e" :~s i~~c;luc~iz~~ 46~tiy- c~l~j~~;ts, ~~r~.res, ~,00d~,

c~mrx~ac3ities, sex•vi.c~s {~~~ ~~ra.ythin~ ~ff`cx-~ci, c~ir~ct.1~T ~r inc~ir~ctl~~ #o thc~ put~li~ for s~.le," ?~.:1 ~.~~.

1 1 Ei. At ill r~leva~~t tirrl~s, Uc:f~~~c~a~lts have beep en~<~.~;ed i~~ the ad~rertisen~ent azld sale c~~

x~ercha~~dise ~vit~.~in the m~~.nirr~ of'I~~.:~.~.A. ~G.B-1(~;), ii~~l~z~in~;, b~~t nc~t limited tc~ ~an~i~~~~ctinn


117. I:n tale op~r~ti~xa cif their brisxn~~~, I~)~~enc~ant~ h~~Je ~n a~;ec~ i~~t t~ze u~~ cif`

url~orr:~cionabl~ co~~n~n~rcial prr~~t:ice~, :f~~l~e ~~•t7mi~c~s, az-~ci/car ma5r~~~c•~;~ent~ti~ar~s..

l l 4. Def~z~d.anfis I~a~~~ e~~;a~ed i~~ tz.i~ct~nsc:i~n.a~.i.e cc~m~:~e.z°ci4a.1 p~•actice~ i~acludin~;> rtrt: rout

lirs~iti~~ to, ti7~ f~llc~~:~-it~a~;

~~. ~;ntc~r~~a~ i~~~o La,~~-so~~ C~"o~~tr~~.ts, ~cc~p~ins~ co~~s~.~n~.~z ~a.yrrr~.ents ~.~~~lc~rI~I~~;M fi~rl~s ~~c~d t.l~en fa~lin~ tc~ b~~;an or cc~mpl~tc~ Ca~n~;tr~~cti.o~~ ~ervires;

b. ~~~.i.lin.~; tc.~ ~rrov~d~ tir~~Gly ~v~•it~en notice for any delay iri the pct~tt~~~n~nc~e ~f~the ~o~strt~ctic3n ~~rvi~es;


c. Aecex~~tir~~; c~onsux~ner p~yn~~nts ancl~r~r RP.EM funds a~1~ then cc~mrr.~.~nciY.~~C.rc~nstr~~cti~:r~ ~erv~ce~, a~~I;~ to ak~~~cx~~c~n the ~rc~j~~t ani~ tail try r~t~~r~1 tc~ t~~ec~z~.~ur~~er'~ t~c~.~x~e :lor days, ti~v~~;k~;, x~~c~nths, or at ~.11;

d. Failing to respc~l~d t<7 coz~~~.~~~~rs' calls ar~d/ar tc~a:tis ~x~t~ti.i~•in~; whenDcft~~~~.~rifi~ t~~%ou1~~ ~c~t~.~r.~~~nc~, ~nc~Jc~r ~~c~rn~let~ t~~c t~_'~~►n.s~.~~actic~►r~.~̀err~~ic;es;

~. ~~cceptin~; addztic~nal c.c»~~ux~:~er ~a~~rx.~~~z~.ts; ~vhic~~ alt tines itictud~c~ ~::I~E~!1f`~.~nd:►, c:~n t.h~ ~rc~mi~e «C~nm~al~t.~n~ ~~•c~j~c~s only tc~ ~~ l tv c~c>zn~let~ them;

~. F~ilin~ to ~~aply fiox• i.~~t~ nc~c~~sary b~~ildir~~ az~d cc~,n~~ructi~zl perrn.i.t~ atld~~~i~;leadin~l~~ ~nfc~rmin~ cc~nsumer~ an t~~.e s~at~.~~ of su~~~~itt~d ~~rmit~t~~~.tications;

~;. Fail.i.i:-~,~ tt~ p~~~~ braes assc~c;i~~tec~ tap ~rc~r~; (~rc~~rs after tc~ s~c~uret1~e ~rc~~~r ~er~ni~s fvY C:c~t~structic~i~ ~ervict~~, rc~ultin~ i~~ it~creasec~ ~-~~1~alti~~curl ~~Y~sta~~~er prc~pe~~ties

li. ~aili~~~ tc~ ~~dvise co~ls~zmez~s, ~~rh~t;#~.~r throu~l~ t~1~ L~`~r~o~~ C::c~rzt~~a~t~ r~rc~th~r~vis~, t~f t~a.e d4~t~s ur ti~~~e ~c~z•.iad are «r}~i.n u~hic~~ the lloYn~i~~a~r~ve~r~~ent ~arajr~cts arcs to ~~ ~.oY~~t~al~ted;

is ~:~~rtsin.~ d~~.m~~~ ~c~ ct C~:)nSU~I't~I°'S ~~u~~~~ ~~u~~~ile ~~~;z•:(c~~~~~~.i~~ ~ ~nst~ ~.~ctic~r~S~~ vies anc~ t~l~r~ i~ailir~~ to fig ur cvx~apensat~ the ~;onsumer for the dam~.~e~ ~~cluc3i~~~, but not limilc~d tc~, d~r~~a~~ tc~ ~~ c~inin~ rc~c~m floor ~~i~~ tc~driv~ti~ray ~~~~~~rs t:ronl I~efend~~nts' ec~~:~ipm~nfi.

j. C~~?CI~~111~; "~~1~~I~JLlt t~l~ r~t~Ll1S1~~ CC1~T1II1~T'Cl~~ ~~I3CT•~l liat~il~t~'' 1I~.5Ut't~l1i;:E: G~tlf~,!{JI•

rig~;~i•s ~x• caxe c~u~tody or c~r~trc~l ir~s~xr~x~c~ c~a~Y~ra~;e; a~~d/or

k. .~tt~~.~tin~; to operate with suspe~-~ded Home IIT1pr0~'~I11E'~1~ ~11C~ I-I(7~I1C

Ele~~~atzan re~istr~tions~

11 ~. Each u~~ca~~.~cic~~abl~ ca~nl~rcial ~r~~.cticc by I~~te~rida~~t~ cc~~~~;ti~r,~t~s a s~~~~.~•at~

~Jiolatic~r~ unc~~r thc~ CV~A, N.J.~.~~. 5fi:~-2.


C(~UN1~ II

~̀~C~:~~,ATIC7►1`+I t:~~' '~'.~-fi:~+a C~. 'A ~3"~' .t.)~+~:~.1"~1i:~.~.~:i'~T~F~.L~E PRt~IYTISE~~ 1~f1ii?.EPRF~E~T~~TIC}I'~I~

~ 2tJ. ~'~t~intif:'ts re~~at and re~~llc~~e the ~~ll~~,~~tic~n~ co~t~ined in p~~ra~;raph~ 1 thr~u~;~~ 11 ~;~

~~bovc~ as i~~moi-~ filmy set fort~a ~~r~in.

12 ~ . I~~f~nc~a~~ts' cun~~u.~,t. i~ vic~latic~~~ ~f the t~'~ ~~ n~.ludes, but is ~1~~t limi~~d tc~, t1~~

I'allowin~; f~..lse promises azi~/or n~isr~~reseT.~t~tic~ns:

~. Misr~~~~e:~~ntir~~ tc~ a co~~~uxne~• t1~at an ac~c~.ition~l p<~.ym~nt ~v~.s ~~eerlc~~ ~~f`trac~c~~.atin.~ a dt~pc~~it tc~ lr.~ck. ~n ~~z•ice;~ fc~z• tnate~•ia.[:~ fc>r the u~com:in~; year ~'utthe~X1 i:ailin~ tc~ p~~°~ct~~m a~~~~ ti~~c~r~k c~~~ the pr~jcc#;

h. Mi~rc~~rc~sc~;~ti~i~ t~x~t T.?cf~ndant~ ~~,-~nte~~ to obtain ~~ ~~i:~c;o~.~r~t f~:}~• a cc~n~~~tn~rbar r~c~uestitl~ ~ ~35,UUU payment to arcler• ~n~:terials ~.t ~~ "bulk price" but thenne~,'~I' .l I"1~i~c1l~lT~~ C)T t~~Il~rt✓T1.1.1~ t~1{)~it' ITti3~~1"1c1.~4 ~C} t~l~ ~(:)1~.Slllll.~I°~>

c::. 1V~:isrepre~~nti~a~; th~~t ~e;~'end~nts ~~aulc~ ~~~•o~ride c~c~nsumers ~,vit}~ ~ $20,000t~i~cc~u.~~t can the cc~rltr~~ct pace ~ec~at~se t~~ cc~nsum~rs d~c~ ~~c~1; re~eivc a ~i~Il.~.:~.I:~~v1 grant, but thc~~~ a~t.~.r cc~Y~trac~t e~~~;ut.ic:m telling t~~e cc~z-~:~ur~aex•s th~~t tl~e~.wc~ulcl havt~ tc~ "call in favors" in ~•et~~rn fr~r the disc-c~u~it;

c~. Ni~~in~ a t~l~e promise teat ~~f~ndants v~raul~l. c.~o~nplctc a ~c~ns~.~z~~~r'Spz•oject ~vilhin two (2) w~el~s in c~:~;.han~~ ~oz~ an ~ddiii<7na~ $~~J,O~}0 payrl~ent,

~. t~~~t 1~:)et~nda~~:l~,' ~re:t~c~:~•.x•~d `~rc~~.i.t~ct ~r~au~t~ ~e tas~~r t~l~.riother ~~•c~Zitc~cts prapc~se~~ l~yT coi~sttYnery e~T~n ~hou~h I.~efer~d~.nt;~ r~~~,1~r~bt<~ined c-vr~~~leted ar~chitectur~~~ 1a].~ns #c~.i• permit ~~~apruval;

t. h~1i~~°~pres~~ati~~~; tc~ c~nsumei•s t~aat b~,~ilrlin~ ~.r~cl p~r-rri~it~~{~pl.i~alior~.s ~~er~ fi.Ic~d;

~. M:asrep~~e~e~tir~~ tc~; th~~t Stc~~ Vi~ork (:~r~~e~~ ~~nes wouicl be ~aic~'~~~I~)e:~el~c~~nts;

l~. ~~epresen~~n~; vn th.~ J 8~ ~1 I~'~4~.i.~ ~Ttl~b~:~t~ th4~t I~)e~:ent~ar~ts c~~~er ec~~atic~n~(',~'V1C~'S G111C~ ~..~'t; ~L1~.I~~ lice.t~s~~ anc~ ir~s~~~-c~d fc~r such. ~e~ic~s, r~v.h~x~ ~;~,~c°}.a. i:s nc~tthe cast;


P~ep~c~~ci~ti~~~ o~~ ~~~e J c~ N I~°1~iz~ W~b~itc~ ar~ci the :T ~: N Flc~c3~1 F~~~tc.~r~~tion~e~~sit~ that Defendants ~;uat•~~1~tee ~z11 services ~t~c~ satr~f~c~tic~n.,r~rhe~~ suer is nc~t tl~.~ c:a~cy;

j. P.e~~~~,s~~ntin~ can the .T ~Z. N Mein ~4T~;l~:~it~ the :T c~: ~ ~`lc~c~d Restc~ra~~at~We~~sit~ that D~;f~nc~~~~ts aff~:r "quit; t~~~r~arc~und" a~1~ "tu~~t~ k~y're~tt~~G~.t~c~n,'wt~h~a~ ~~xch ~~la~ ~~vt the Lase;

~. Rc~~~~;senti~l~ o~ the J ~~ 1`~ ~J1ain '~rebsitc: ~n~3 t~ J c~: ICJ Tlc~c~c~ R~~tc~r~~~ic~~~.~'~~~ite that D~~e~~c~ant~ "~~~rnec~ ~~~~ ~+ ~•`~~in~ ~,vith the B~tt~t• L~~.~.~;r~1~ssBureau," ~~,-hen ;~~.~ch is nc~t the case; ~~1~/~~r

I, ~te~7t•~;~entin~ t7n t17~ J c~:. N Tl~°~,~atiorn Vv'~l~~ite il~~,t I~)eFen~:iants have ~rc~~rideclqualit.}~ w°orkman~~~i~~ anc~ reli~~bility 1~c~r the l~~t tr~vo de~~c~es," ̀~rhera such i5IIOt 1~1t~ GciSt~.

1.22. Eac~~ f`a1s~ ~~rc~mi5c: ~i~dJc~r xnisr~~r•~s~nt~.tic~n b~j .I~e:[~~~dants ct~r~stitute~ ~ ~;epa~~ate

~ric~.l~~ti.c~n i~n~~ie~• (:;F~., ~vT..T.S.A. 5f:8-2.

C~C)tTl~tT III

V't(~1L~TI(:)l~i C~~' THE: +C;O►N~":~ C `TC?~~►'R.~;GI~'~`Ft.A"I'l~f):31~I r~(:T B~''~' .l~E~`ENDAIVT~ J c~ II''~" C(~NSTRL~C'TI(3~vT

I"9i l~ ~l~l.~i.'~~~8 t) ~.~e ~Y ~V~~:.Tri ilV s...ry r,l. 1lJ~ C"1~~~ .R,:J~~~.~~~~.1. \ L"3~~ ~1~.~! ~V~

I23. Pl4~inti~fs repeat ~z~~i rc~all~~c tl~~ al.l~ ~t~ons co~t~ined in p~.~~a~x~.p~~.~; 1. th.xc~u~h 122

~~ba~re as if seal: foi°t~~ r~~or~ fi~l.t~r 1-~ereir~..

12~. `I"he C'c~ntractc~rs' ~~.~~;istr~~ti~r~ Act, arr~.c~Yz~ ether thins, ,c~~~e~r~s tll~ r~gistr.ation ~~C

I~c~me i.n~~roveme~~t with the I7ivi~i~~rx.

12~. ~1t ~:l.l rei~~rrznt ti.tnes, J ~ ~i C~;on~tructiot7 end R.c~o~~.n~, J c~ N ~;c~ns~r~~c~tion and

~;levatit~n, ~~.a~c~ La~Tsan have ~ie~n "C'c~r~trac;t:v~•[~]" r~rith~a~ t~~: cief~:~nitic~n. cif the C;c~n#.racto:rs'

~~e~istr~~tion ~~.~t, N~J.S.A. 56:8-1 i7.

1?6. ~,,t ill ret~~r~nt tit~~e~, J c~ I`~ C~vc~n~tY~~~ct~c~n end ~~o~~~in~y J ~~. N ~'ur~.~tr~.~~°ti~~n ~~nc~

~Jl~v~t~oz~, ari~~ La~~~son h~~j~ ~f :red to p~r~'c~~•x~.~ end ~e:r.•:Lc~r~~~.e~ "Hc~tr~.~ Ir~~pro~~er~~ent~.s.j" ̀ ~~ith~n t~~.e

ci~;~initic~~~. c~fthe Ca~~tY•actc~r~' I~.~~istr~~tic~n ~~,ct. ~1.J.S..~. S~i:S-1~7.31

l?~. At all rel~~r~x~t tilncs, J & N C~c~nstrL~t~ti~~ cil`lC~ R.(?~3:~1I1~;, J & N~ ~"on~trcr~tior~ a~~~

~~,levatic>.ra, anci 1.~~3~vs~.n have ~ni~r~~d into "Hun~.e I~n~rc~vem~nt C~`ont~•~c~~~]" within the ut

the C;ontra~:tE~r:~' .~Z~~is~atit~n ,t1.ct, N.JS.~.:~Ei:~-I ~7.

l 28. The Co~~tr~ctors' R.e;ist~atio~~ .A.ct ~~ravides, .i.n ~~rti~le~~.t ~:~a.z~C:

a, Qn ~~r ajtcr Dee~z~lber 31, ~C)C~~, r~o person ~h4311 c.~~fe~ to per~c~rin, ter~n~~.~~, o~• attempt to en~,t~ge art t.~~~ l~u~in~ss o:~ m.~~.~_i.i-~ car sc~.11in~ u~l~ss c•~giste~~d r~~ith the I~i~Jisic~r~ c~f~ ~.yO~151l~'I1E:1" A~~~il.l~`S 121~.cccardanc~ ~~~i~l~ tl~~ ~rc~vi.~ic~r~s of t~~is pct.

(IvJ.S.A. 56.8-1 ~3R(~~).~

12{), ~t <~.11 relevant tirr~~s, ~ ~ ~T C.;~.)11~~CL1Ct~C}~1 ~Ilt~ Rt?t~}~ICI~, .~ ~ N ~Co~struc.tir~~~ end

Elevation, a~~~ La~~~s~n w~r~ nc~t exe~~~~~t irc~r~1 t.~~~ ~;~~ntr~ct~t•~' R.e~,i~tra~io7~ Ac:t, pursua7~.t f:c~ ~1..T.S.A.


130. T.he Contr~c~tc>r:~' R~~istr~.tic~Y1 ~~:t requires tl~at ho~~~e i~n~ar~vein~~~t co~rtract~rs

~.x~~~intai.n in.surancc a~~~~ ~~rc~vic~c:~ in ~ai~rtinent pa~~t:

~~.. On gar afteY~ D~ce~z~~er 31, ?~~}~, ev~r~• re~;isterec~ cc~r~t~~ctor ~~l~c~ isen~a,~ed in hon~:~ irr~~rovexn~r~.t~; s}gall s~cur~, 7:r~~intai~~ anc~ file ~~-~ith fh.~°c~ir~ctor proof of a certificate of cona:~ne~~~~~:( ~;en~.ral l.ial~ilit~ insu.ranc:e zn ~~minimum arr~or:~x.~t of $500,000 per ~~c~~~ rLncc.

b. Eery re~iste~~~d cc~~~tt•ac~tc~r c~x~~a~ed i.~~ h~~me i~n~~~•c~v~ Xr~~~~ts ~~l.~osec«~~zn~rci~1 ~c~nut~~~l l~~~bility ir~su~•a~~~ policy is c;ar~celler~ c~~' I,C~12It'•11f~wrcc~s~»ll :~uhtni~ to ti~~ di~•~ctc~r a copse c~f~ the certific~at~ c,~ cv~xl~ner~ial generalI~4~t~.i~~ty ~nsur~-~rxc~e tc~a~ a ner~ t7r ~•c~~1~.~~x~~e~~ ~c~li~:y ~~l~ic;h ~~~eet~ ~h~rec~uire~~~en.t5 of sul:~sc~c~t~on a, of`th~~ section hefc~re the fanner policy is ~~olc~n~;ez• ~ffec~ti~~e.

[N.T.S.A. S~i;~-l4~(a}, (l~}.J

31, T1~~ ~,~zatra~;tc~rs" Re~i.Str~tio~~ Act ~•e~uit~~s tl~~t c~rt~i~~ i~1fc~~-~~~a~io~~ ~~u~t 1~~; c:~i;~~~iayec~.

by the Cc~nti~actc~z° and, in pe ~tin~~lt part:

a. A.11 r~~; shall pi°ama.z~e.ntJ~r c~.ispl~y th~~7• ze~i~~J•afiiai~ numb~r5t~,~~thir~ their ~~laccs of~ business, in all ~~.d~~ertiseme~~ts c~i.strib~,tt~d within this


~ta.~~, can ~usi.ness c~oc~u~n~nts, c.u~.~tracts ai~~i cac~re~pc.~n.~.e7.~e~ ~,t~Tafil~ cot~s~unersc~1~I`~{31T1~' 1T~.1~Ct7V~TI1~Cl~. 5~I'VI.Ct;S t11 t~11S ~~c1~G~, a2'l{~ C)11 d~~ CC3t1~111~~'C1~~ V~:~11C~t~SrL~i:~ter~ci i~~ t~~is ~~~~t~ ~nc~ leas~c~ a.r c~~vx~.~~1 ~~~ ~.~~;i~tr~~n:ts a~~c~ u:~ec~ byr~~;i~tl•an~s fc~r t}~.~: ~~u~-~ase cif ~rc~vi.d n~ 1l~~ne ir~z~rc~~~exne~r~~:~, ex~c~~~ firve~~ic;lc~ l~a~e:d or r~ r~tc~rl to ct~stum~rs cif re~istc•~nts by a r~~istrant car ~r~ya.~~nt i.~r x~epr~sentati~~~ th~r~af

1.3?. Th.c~ Contx~~;tc~~s' .R~gi.~tr~tic~n Act fi~rt~~er ~ravicles teat "lt~l~~ I~irect~~ :s~~G~ll ~r~vid~

tcall-t~r~c~ telephanc~ num~7~r tear consumers makiz~.,~ inquiries re~;ardin~; contractc~x•s." ~.J~.S.~~. 5C~:8-

1 ~9{l~). rat ~.11 ~•~leh~T~.~~t tim~;~, tl~e ~ire~fic~r e~t~b~ished ~~nc~ ~~as published such toll~fr~e telep~~vne


1:33. Ire this r hard, tl~~ Cc~ntrac:-tc~r~' ~.e~;istratic~n .~~~t rec~ui~•es t~~~~t;

b. any ir~vc~~c~, cc~ntr~~c;t o.c.~ c~c~.xz•~~~c~.rtd~n.ce ~~~~e~a bar 4~ CV~t~Sl~~ant t~ aCC3t1.~L1TT1.~.2' 5.~1~3~~ ~~~'t71T11.~1t~[1~~~j e,orlt~i~~ the toll-free t~lepl~o~~~ t~.u~~~e~ ~a~~c~vic~edpug"Slad2lt t{Z ~N. J,.SW1~,,, Sb:B-1.4t.~~ t~f this .hut.

1.3~. Mc~rec~ver, t~~~ Cc:~ntr•ac~c~t~' Re~istratiox~ ~.ct iri~It~dcs a ~~riti~~~ rec~~.~i.t•eme~x~ for

cc~t~tr~~c;t5 ~ric~c~ i.n ~°xc;e~;s of $S~Q.C~CI az~c~i pzc7vit~~s, in ~e~•tinex~t ~~~t:

~~. Qn car ~ (tt~t~ C~~;c,c~nlb~ r 31, 2(~OS, ~r~~ery ho~r,~ i1~~prc~v~~ri~:r~C cvr~tr~ct It~r~~ purcha~c ~~rice in excess c}f ~St}0, <~nc~ ~~11 ch~n~;e:~ in the tr~rr~~~ ~1~dc~nc~itions a~ the cont:aJact, shad be i~~ w7itin~;. Thc~ c:c~ntr~ct ~~~~11 be 5.i~~~ed byaIi ~a~i~s ~~~ex•etc7, ar~ci shall cle~.~{l~T ~nc~ acc~~rat~l~' S~'t ~C}l`~~I I11 I~~1~IC :~'~k`~21~.z~c~ iz~ unc.ler~tandable I~z~~u~.~c~ ~.~~ ~~~`11~5 c`~Y1C~ C;al1L~1t1C111S U~ ~~1~ CUI`I~~'c~~~,

including b~~t nc~t limited ta:

(2} A. co~~~ off` the certific~t~; of ~o~xzz~~erci~.l ~~n~~ialli~.[~ilit~j in~ur~.~ee r~c~uired of ~ ~o~tracic~T~ puc•s~~ant to sect~o.n 7 [+~.Sf~.~i-1~2] c~~` i1~i;~ act ~~r~d tll~ t~~~p~rone ~~u~~lber cif ~~~~ i.nsu~ancecompany issiun~; tl~.e c:-er.•tifac~t~.

135. IIl ilC~(;.~1E1C)I1y t~l~ C.`antractor:~' I~e;~istr~tio~~ ~.ct r~;c~uires that hams inl~a~~«Wen~enfi

cc~r~t~•actors irzc~u~l~ c~nceilatic~n i~~~~i.~a~;c ~s ~t~ilc~w~s:

h. ... '~l~'.he cc~n:tz•act shz~l.t cc~.aatc`.~1C3~ ~. CUI']S~1CUf~US 21CJ~lCE ~~'lll~;~t~ 1p ~If I~41a~1()-~c~~irlt ~~ld-facc;d tyke ~s follc~~~s:

YC~U M~~ C;A~ICEL TI III C:C)1~1TRAC~T .~T 1~.~TY ̀ r'IM~;.~FFtJ:I' : M~I~.)I~1I~.THT ~~~" "~C'H:~ ̀ ~:'HII~:IJ ~C.J~II~I~ES~ L~A~'' ~.~`T~R~_I?CT;IVINCT A C(J~`Y ~}F T~-CIS C;C~:NTR~1.C~;~1'. ~F "YUC_J WI~I~: "I"(:}+C:",~1i`~10EI., T~-MI5 C`t:~NTI~r~:~:`T, ~()U I1~1~[JST EIT~HF~:

1. S~;I'~T) ~~, ~;I(~i'~IT,I~) ~~..N~:.~ 1~.~.,~1'~I`~~.C.) 'Vv'I~.I.~..

I'E~NtJTICF C.~F ~:;A~C:~LLATI(:)N B~' I~'.F(TI~TERF,D C~~~C~EI~.T~~~{ ILD 1~~~.~IL, R:L.TU~~..N I~.~fC;L~P"I' T~:C~trEST~.D; C)R

? . PEA ~t~NAI..L,4' I~EI.I~~ EII~.. A ~TCV7NFI~ ANA ~.~~ TEll♦ T ~.~.r~Vr3.'.F.~JN N~..~,~V A ~i ~i ~.~~ M~.1 \~ry1.A~.J~..J (. .I.Y A.y.l.~~ Y~y I.J•

(~tiame o~ ~ontr~.ctor)

(Address ~.~f C:'c~ntz•ac;tc~r}

~~~~1C~I1~ Ni:~.t11~'i~?~ c~~: Cvx.7tr~~cto.r}

I.~yt7lt ~c1t1C~~ 'C X15 CUt`1~:1~act the•~e-day per.ic~~, ~c~~~ a~-ee~titic~d to a ~i~.lZ ~efu~~d o~yo~~.r mt~ney. ~~efunds mint lie ~z~ade ~~~i~l~i~~3~ days uf`the cor~tr~.ctc~~''s receipt cif the uancell~tinz~r ~~otic~."

1.3~. .1 ~~ l~ C:c~n~tructaor~ and I~.~7ofn~;, :I c~ I`~ ~.~c~t~st~•~a~,t~c~r~ at~~~ El~v~fic~n, ~~~c~ Lar~sot~

h~v~ ~1~~~i~~'C~ 111, Ct)T1C~~.1C~ ~1I1 tTlt7~~~tion c~~'the C.~c~~1tr~.ctar~' I•'e~istl~~t c~~~ Act. inc;.I~~in~, ~~xt nc~t limited

to, ~1~e ~c~.11c~wi~~g:

rx. C)~'~'erin~; to ~e~farm, en~;~~~;ir~.~, car ~~tt~r~~pting to er~~a~~ xn tl~cb~sinc~~~ c7i`; car s~llix~~ ~~orn~ i~n~rc~~Jex~~c~~.t~ ~vitl~a ~~ suspen.dec~i

b, Faxl~~~ tc~ i~~c~u~e ~e~;isit•atXon nu~sbc~s can ac~vezti~e~~.~~;nts (.T ~3W~bsit~s) and cor~~rac~ts (N.J.~a.~.. ~~:~- l ~~(a})~


c. Fi~1~~[~l~ ~0 1.11G~Ut~C OI7.11"tVf)IC~'S, cc~nt~ac;ts and ~orre~~c~t~cie~~ce, t~1e to~.l-fr~e tele~_~~~c~n~ n~.tx~~~7c~r prov~c~~d by the Director for co~~c~n-~e.~•:~ fi~ callw~t~~ inquiri~~ ~x• ccam.~~.l~z~~ts cc~ncec•z-~in~; home i~n~ro~%~mc~~tcontractors (I~T.J.S.A. 5~:8~144(b)}

c~. Ft~ili~~ tc~ incl~~~~e ~~ith }ic~m~ a.mprc.~vez~a~nt Lc~l~tr~cts a ~c~~~T c,fC:~~~er~c~ants' c~~~ti~ic~~.te of cc~mn~.c~rcial ~c~ncral li~~i li.ty insi~r~~~ce ~.~~~v~li. ~~ the t~ele~hone nu1~~k~er of t:k~e con~.~~.n.y issui~l~ tl~~ c~rt~fic:al~(I'~~. T,~.A. ~~:~-~ 15 I (~){2}); and

e. rai.lixag t~ ~.ncluc~t th.e "N~~►tic~ tc~ Cc~~s~.~r~~.~r" regtxire~ c~nc~ll~ti~nl~n~ua~;e x~1 horx~e im~~ovcir~er~t corrfir~ct~; ~'~1._J,S.A. S~`i:8-1 S 1(~h}).

1 a7. .~ ~~ N C;c~~tstructic~n ~~c~ Ro~tii~~. J & N C;c~x~stY~uctit~n anci ~:~.l.evat.ic~n, and

C..;a~~sc~j~'s conclti~ct ~or~stit~.xtes mul~ipl~ viol .tio~~s cif tl~e ~;ox~t~~a.ctc~rs' R~~istr~t~c~n x4~;t,

N.J.S..~1. ~6:~-13C~ et,,~.,

Ct~U~"~` I~'

~v'It~Lt11,'TI(~N C)~+' 'I'H~; C:t~N~"I"~.~..~C`~"+CC~i~ ~~~:G.~S"T4t.~aTI~C)N~~G~UI~A'.i`:~f~N~ X31' ~.~~F~±;I'~~~~1,I~TS J c~z N CVt~N~".~":C~.~:JC~'I'It3I~r~

~~L) ~.~.~1(~~~NG J ITT ~v+~I'~~TRL1~:'TI(~N .~.N~[3 ~II...~F~'~Ae.TI(.~IlT ANI~ LA~~~"C1~

1.3~. Pl~irlt~~`fs re}~~:~t ~~~c~ rt{~G~11e~c tl~c~ allcgation~ Gont~i~~cc~ in ~~~r~~ra~h~ 1. thrau~h 137

ab~7v~ as i:~ n~~re fiallti~ sit ~t~~-th herein.

1.39. Tll~ C;ont~{act.c~r R~~;ist~'c~t.1Q~11 R~`~L]~~~1U11.5, N.J.A.C`. 13.~5~.-17.1 et _se„~~ .,, amc~r~~ of}~c~r

thi~~~s, prn~ic~~ ~roc~dure~ fc~~• tht~ re~istr~~tion ~f hc~m~ in~provet~ne~~t cc~ntractc~rs wit~t. the 1~.7►ivisior~.

l4(). At ~l~ r~1eti'~llt t1t'TIGS, :1 8~ N C~0115~t'UCt1C}t1 ~II1C~ I~.00)f11`l~, .1 c~ h1 C;~~n:~;tr~.rcti~~n a~nc~

Ir;ievat~on, ~.1~~ L~,uTson ~~a~~e l~~ea~ "~-~oznc ~m~rc~veYl~c~nt C:c~rl~ractc~r~s]" ~~~~cll~ar "C`c>ntrc~~;l~a~[~;]'> urithz.~~

the cl.~fi~~itrc~~~ of the ~:'<~ctc~r R~~;istr~tio~~ ~~.~~u1~~iQris,1~1.J.A.~`. 1~;~5A-17,2.

14I. At ill r~le~=ant tir~~e;s, J & N C:`c~nstructi~l~ ~~z~c~ ~~c~c~fin~, J ~ ~ Co~~st~•ucti.~i~ c~n.c~

I~1ev~.tion, anc~ ~..,a~~sv~ ~~`~ve ~~c~rfonm~;d "~..~~me' I~n~ro~Je~z~.~nt~~~" ~it~:in tl~~ de~'initic~~ c~~" the

C;ur~tr~ctvr I~e,~istr4~~ic.~n. I~.t~~u~atic~ns, N.J,A.C. 1:3:~~A-17.2.35

i ~2. ,fit ~~l( z-el~~rant time, .~ & h (~c~nstrt~c:tic:~~~ a~ld ~c~c~fir~.~;, 1' ~. N C'vnstructi~n mid

I l~vatic~n, ~~r~~ T~,awsc~n have "~~~iverti;;e[~]'" }~o~s-~~ 1~~"l~:}i•ovem~~~►ts ~~, t:~~e i~.e:'•~~111'l~ of t~~e

t~c:».tz~act~z• :~.~~~istz•ation ~~~;~~l.a~ic~n5, N.J.A.t~'. 1 ~:45A-17.`?.

1=~~. .fit ill re(~v~nt tazx~~s, .T cS'~ N ~~:c~~~fiz~ric~tio~~ az~d ~o~~fir.~~, T c~; ~ (~'c~~7str~,lctic~n ~:n.~

~~.E"4'G~tIUTI., c1t1lC~ ~..~c`~V4'SC}t2 ~:i~V~ ~11.~~I'~~. 1i1~C7 ".H.CJ.tI~~' ~IT1~3~'C)V~ITI~'2`l~ ~..~C)J1tT'GLC~~SI" ~~rl.t~11~"l ~~1C' CIt'~11111Yt~}I1 t~~

the C;Ur~tra~~tor Rc~istratian I~c~ttl~tic~n~, ~~.1~~~.C". I.:~:~5.~.-1?.?.

144. The Co~ltr~~tor I~c~~iStration ~..e~ulafii~l~s ~~o~%i~.c~, i~l p~~tiz~~nt dart:

(a) i.1ra..l.e~s exempt under :l~.J.~~.(.:;. 1 ~:45~~►.-1 ~'.4:

1. NO ~~T°SQSI. SI1~~J. ~12~;t1£~~ lIl fll~ ~tt1~1f1~~S C7f 111Et~]l~~ Or 5~1~111~; ~1t`~I21~

irr~~7.r•c~~r~m~nts irr this Slate uralc~ss rc:~~;i~;tered ~~it~x the I~i~i~ic~~ in ~c~o~•d~nc~e~̀vith this su~~cha~t~r; , . .

:145. rat ~:~11 rc~l~~r~.r~t tizne~, 1 ~.: N ~vU21S~1"lIC~1C~T1 ~I"IC~ ~i{~tJ~lll~ , J ~~ N Cc~~~.str~~c-~i~~n ~.~~d.

Elevati~~x~, arxcl I:,a~~'St7T1 ~r`~~~°~ Tlt~~ f'XI~l~t ~t•u~a~ t~~e i.~ivis~on's cc.~ntr~~.~tor re~istratian rc~l.~i~•e~~~ent~.

l ~~i. Tl~r~ Contr~.ctor ~Z.c~~istr~tion 1:~.e~ul.~tic~ns rec~lrir~ th4~t l~c~.tne impro~r~rnent

from nc~~tl~~ c~is~~la~r cert~~in information ~nc~ pro~r~de, in pertinent ~~~rt:

(d) ~4 re~istcre~ home i.m~roveme~~t cc~i~fiiG~ctc~r s~zail E~ron-~in~ntly di~~~l~y:

2. T~~~ c~c~~.tzacto~~'s r~gistxatro~~ r~umbc~r c7~ ~.11 ~dvert~~en~~~ts di~t~it~ut~~ti~itl~in tl~i~ ~t.ate, on b~~~in~;ss dc~culn~t~, c~~~~tr~~ts andct~rre~pondenc~ with ct~n~t~m~rs o1` horny i~nprov~zT~ent services inthis ~#:~t~.

(~} Any in~c~.i.c: e, cc~nt:ract or correspc~ncl~z~ce ~ive~ ~~• a re~istr~~nt tc~ ~.~.ons~.w~n~~r s~~a11 ~~rc~xnin~ntly c~~ntain the tall-~~e~ t~le~l~c~r~~ ~~~,1~x~b~~° pro~~~c~~~d~}V ~.EtE' L~f.~'.1SI()Tl ~"3L1.7C"~L1~11:1.Z: I:(J ~~~ (7~'.i~T.J.~a.A. 5~.~-1 ~9 a~nc~ ~h4~l.l be ~ispla.yed intilt c~a~as ix~ ~t I~~st. 1 ~J-poi~~t bt~ic~ifac~ t~rp~; ~.s f allo~~vs: F~3IIi INF~:~I~.?~~f~.TIC~~I~tt~►..l~C~LJT C'.C.~N'~'~~.F~;,.C:'r~'~R..S ~.?~TIU THF~ C.~C}±`~7'RI~CT~R.S~ F~..~C~r.I4'I`~fZ..1~TI(~NA~;T, CC~NTAC;°I' T~-~~E- 1`~E't~T J~:R.SEY :T)E~'~,RTM~,1~1T ~~F I.,~~ t~.N1~PC7:~I.,1~' S~1,FFTY, T.~IVISIt~N {~F ~`C~1~15[.Tt~EP AF1~~TR.~" ~T 1-~~~-~iS6-~2~5.

3 ~i

I4'~. ~ta~~ther, t11e C~l~~i•~c:tczz• ~~.e~istrat.ic31 I~.e~~ilat~c~n:~ ~~~•c~~~id~ that:

I~~ addition to the ~r~quire~~e~1t~ t~~ a l~t~n~e i~t~~~•c~ve~nent c~~z~tr~~ctp~~rs~iLi.ilt to N..~~,.C;. 13:~~~~-1~i.~, e1-rer~ lir~~Y~~ i~~z~~p7~c~vem~;~~t c,c~r~tr~~ci ia.~~~tlaic~~ ~~ ~~~•So~~ req~tz~~~l t.c~ b~ re~,istc~ect ~s ~. h~~~~e i prov~m~s~t cantr~~to.r isa ~ax•ty ~1~4~11 c-c~r~~~aly ~~ith t11~ ~~ravisic~X~s ~s~ N.J.~.~. Sf~:~-1 ~ ~ .

1 ~~. ,T ~ N C_,C)t1.S1:.f.•uct.~.~~~~ a.ta.c~ .~.oc~~r~.~;, .1 c~: N (~'unstrt~c;tic~r~ ~nc~ L-l~~ation, ~~ncl L~~wsc~n

l~~~ve e~t~.~;a~,~ci i~~. cc~nc~uct in vic~l~ti~~~ c~#'the C`o.nt~•~~c~tc~~• ~e~istratic}~1 I~.c~;r.~latiaizs i~~cluc.~in~, but nit

lixn~t~~:l tc~, the tollc~~~~iz~~;:

~~. ()fierin~ tc~ perform, ~n~~~in~ , car L~tten~pi:i.n~ tc~ ~n~a~e i~~ ti~c~ ~usine~s u~m~ki~g o~° s~lli~~~ home iz~~~~•~r~-c~r~:~~nts r~vith ~ ~u~;~enc~ieci HIC" ~icens~

~. Failing; tc~ incl~~c~e re~;istratic~r~ n~rn~b~rs an a71 advcrti~~rn.~rlt;5 (J c~: ~~Ve}a:~ites;~, contacts, ~x~d ~C7TI~U2'11(~I• cUrr•~s~ur.~~~a~ce (N.J.~~.C'. ~3:45~-

c. Fail~~a~ to include nn home ir~~~:~~~o~v~r~~~nt c~~~ntz•act:~ t:~~_~ i~for~~lafiianal~ta.t~nYent. ~7~c~. t~~11-free tele~-rl~.c,ne nu~nt-~er pra~~idec~l ~y the: I)i~~e~;tc~z~ z~akrtn~; inq~.r~ri~s re~ar~in~ c~t7~~trac~tar5 (N.J1~,.C~. Ii:4~h~17.11(f}}; ~x~.~~.

c~. E-nt~rir~~ 1I2~,C) ~1t)II1~ i~YI~I(7V~'111~~nt ~~:>nfir~~~ts th~Y ctici nc}t cc~n~~Iy «ith thc~r~c~uireme~~t~ o:F' N. i.S..~h.. Sf~:~- ~ ~ 1 (ems., ~t~ilin~ tc~ include a ct~py c~i' tl~e~rtificat~ of cc~n~:anercial ~c~n~r~l li~.~~ilit~ in~ur~n~e;; tc> incll~de tlae"Nonce tc~ Cc7n~urner" ~•equirec~ c~~ncell~~:tc~n l~zl~~;t~~~~} (N.J.~A..C. 13:45AWX7.13}.

1~~. .~ & 1`~ Cc~z~struction al~d I~.c~c~~in~;, J & I`~ C"c~~~struc;tic~~i a~~d Elc~vat~on, a~~ Lawsan'

cond~~ct can:~titt~te~s ~~~ultip~~; violations o~ tl~~ C~`c~ntra~:tor R~~i:~tration Re~ul~~t~ony, ~I .J..~.C~'. 1 i:q~~~-

17.1 ~ct~, cacl~ of ~~vhrc~i c~oz~Stitr.~tr~s a ~ ~e violatio~~ c7t the C;I~A,1`~.,~.S x'~;. ~6~ w1 ~t seq,


~rlt~I1ATI(1~r {:)F` '~~"~~. H{}]VI~ 1?4'~F`~.~.+C~'F✓~:l'~'~.E~1'~'~EC:~~..JL~1TXt)i"~'~ BY ~EFENllA.:~TT~ ,:T ~z N CCJNS7'RU~;`TIC~1'~

A:1~'~) l~fl(.~t~~I1~1+~ J 1~1 C.~f~~'~'C"i~L1(r.~'IC)N A:N.i) EI~.F'4~~TItJN .ANI3~ L~1~~V,~~(~N

150. Pi~i~tiffs re;pe~t a.t~d rc~.11~~;~ the ~Il~ ~tic~~z;; c;ont.~i~ed z~~ ~~~z•~~~r~~~~.~; 1 th.~c~t~~;~a. 1~~

~~t,o~Je ~s i~ rn.c~re fully set. for~tl~ l~Lrein.

151. Tl~~ k:~omc~ Irnprovemcnt Re~ulatic~~~.s, spccificaii~~, N..T.A.~. ~l ~:45.r~-1.x.2, p~t~tai.ntc~

ev~r~' I IC7211C ITI1~?1"f.3Vt'tI1C~lt. C{)11~'~'~Ct(?~'.

1 ~'?. r~'}~~ ~-~c~~.l~ tmprov~m~nt R~gul~3iit:~ns ~~rc~h.ibit cezt~~irt ~r~~ctice~ ~vitl~ rr~~ard t~ the

perft i•i~.1~.i1ce of ~~c~tl~e im~ra~-~~~~.~ent caritracts, as ~oll~`~~g:

a. ~'itlao~t ~irrriti.n~; ~~n.~r other ~racti~es ~~-1~ich n~a~ b~ ~:~r~l~r~~~ful l~z~c~~r theCc~ns~tnei• Fraud pct, N.J.~S.~~. ~6:~-1 ~t ~s c~., utilizaiic~t~ by a seilez~ c:~~ thefc~llc~~~7in~ ~~ts ax.~d pr~~ti~es in~~c~].vin~; the sG~.l~, atte~~pte~~ gate, r~c~v~rtise~l~~ntc>r ~~e~•farnlanc~ cif homy irr~prc~vetn~nts sh~~.11 be txnl~,vv~ul he:~t{~unr~cr,

5. ~'ric~ 4~~~t~ Fin~nt~i~~~:

(~) I~%C.i~~•epr~~er~t: t<~ a ~~.c•c~~~~ciive ~uy~r that: an intr~dt~ctc~~yj,cc~nficl~nti~.l, cic~~e-a~.~t, ~ain~ o~it. c~I ~~US2i1C5S, f~ctc~x•~7,rvhc~~~:salc, csr any o1:l~~z~ ~~eci~l ~~~~X~e t:~r ~isc:~~r,~nt i.s beii~~;given, urn t~~~t ~~r~~r c~~~1~r cv~~ce~sic~n is ~~.~ac~e because of am~rkc t ~~irr~e~~ or test, use c~fi~~~nateri.als le i over 1::rc~m G~nolherjc~~, a.r° ~n~~ at~~ez~ re~~~an,

(ii) h~I7sr present ghat any perst~i~., fine car or~aniz~ti~z~, u:~~~~t~~r ~rriot cor~rlect~d ~~-iti~ tl~~ ~etler, is ~sp~cial(y irlter~~t~d in ~c~ei~i~;that the ~~rosp~ct~vc t~~.xy~~° bets ~ b~.r~;ain, :~peci~~l pace,discount or and otl~~r ~►~nc~fit or cc~nc,~s~i~~;

{vii.} I~~isl~L~cl the ~,rc}:~p~cti~1~ hu~e~ ~x~tc~ l:~~li~~fan~; tl~a.~t the dc~urn.~~.yrnerit or ai7~r other Lonstitute~ the full arn«i~r~t the;t~~,t~T~ r r~~ill h~ c}171i~;atcc~l tc~ pay;

3 ~

7. P~~r:f.ctrn~`

~ii~ Fail tc.~ begin c.~r c~~mplet~ ~~c~~k oz~ tl~c~ date c~~ r~vithin the timeperiod spt~ci.~i~c~ ia~ thy; homy irn~ru~c~r~ent ~o~ltract, c~A• ~.s~thc~~ ~.~is~ ~ep~re~~nt~~, unle~~ t~~e ~e1a~r is fc~r re~svn off' I~.bc~rsta~~~a~e; una~Tail~b~lity c~~`up~li~~ o~ ~~nat~~•i~Is, ~~~a~c~icia~-~.1~ca.sualti~s, yr ar~y c~tl~er c~u~r~ ~~~yc~x~~ tlz~ seller's i;v~~~r~~l. Ac~yShan ,~s in the dates car time ~eri~~c~s ~t~it~d in a u~rattencc~~t~•act ~~~.all bc~ a~r~ec~ to i~~ ~~rritin~; car

{iii} F'c'~I~ ~U ~1Vt' t1I~1~I~~ ~vY•itt~n notice ~~a the l~u~~r a~~ r~asansk~eAyc~r~d tl~~ Seller's cor~trc~l ~r ~.n~~ dcl~v i~1 ~~~t{~~rxnancc~, ~z~c~~~rl~.en t:l~e ~~r~~~k will he~i.~~ c7x~ l~~ c~c~7~~~~~t~c~,

1 tJ. :~~ulclxn~ 1'~ -mits.

(i) Na s~~ler ec~ntr~~c~tin~ :f~:~r the ~~~~~kix~~ «f h.c7me i~~a~rt~~r~mentss}.~all cc~~nrnc~nce ~~~ork until he is sure t17at all a~~~Ii~a~ale st~t~ter local building i31`~C~ C(.~11~t~UC$lOZI ~f~t`i"111~5 ~`~cl`~r~ E7f'~11 ISSl1~C~ ~~srequired under ~t~t~ la~~~s c~~ lc~~a~ ~rcli~~ar~c~~;

1 l . C7ua~Vante~s ~~~ r~~arr~..nti~~:

(i} The s~tl~~ shill fu~~.~i:~l~ the buyer a wr~~ten c~~y of all~U4~.Tt'~J~l.~~✓S UT~ W4~.S~~t~.~I.~I.~I.~:1 .ITI.4'~.Cl~✓ ~lV~I.lI.~ ~~'~~~'~~L ~~.~ 1t;~~~~~ ~~~Y~.~~✓~s~o

produce or ~xiatcr~al~ ~urnishcc3. ~r~ cc~nne~~zc~r~ ~~-ith 1~c~n1cimpro~~em~nts. Such ~u~~raz~t~e~ car warrant~~s 5}~a11 bespecific, c.l~~~• ~n~ c~e~init~ ~r~~l sh~l1 i~~~lu~~ a~~ c~c~u.~ions orlzmitat~ons ~:~ tc:~ th~ix• scc~~~ car duration. Gc~pies c}~' ~~ll~uar~arttces at• ̀~-ar~anties shall be fl~rx~isl~~~. to the buy~~~ a.t thetime the ~e11ex pres~nt~ }~i~ did ~~ r~el1 4~~ at tl~e tiz~~ ofe~ecutiQn c~~ tl~~: contract, except that s~p~rat~ ~,~aar~nt~es orw~rranti~s of t~~.e z~:~.arauf ~ctur~~° c~f~ ~1"tJC~LiG~S ~1" T~~c~it~i'lc~~.~ ITl~~be furnished ~t ~11e fii~~7~ ~ucl~ prc~c~L~cts or rr~ateri~ls areir~sta~led;

1 ~. ~ It~t~~e itr~~rt~rr~ t~n.e~~t cc~ntr~.t;t ret~uir~mer~t~~r.~~ritin~; rec~tt~r~me~~t: talihome im~rove~.~er~.t cc~ntr~cts tt-~~{ a ~aricc i~~ excess o~


$5~)(}.~U, az~d G~li cha.~ige~ in the tc~rins ~.~1c~ c~~~.di~ivns t.~~eleof sh~11 bin ~~rriti~~~;. Ilorllc~ irlrpz~c~ver~.~e~~t contr~.~ts ~v} ~~re rec.~uic•~c~ ~~;~ tl~.ssu~s~ct.i.a.r.~ ~~, be in rvritir~~,, a~~~. a.11 c;h~~~~~c~~ in file terns ~.~~tc~cc~nc~itic~ns fih~~Lof, sl~al~ ~~ ~i~~~~c~ by a~.l panties t~~et•~to, aza.~~ sh~l.[cl~a.~•l~% a~7~ ~tccur~te~~~ :~r t ~c~~~th in l~~i~l~ ~~~rrn ~~~~~ ire t~x-~c~~rstands~~Ilax~.~u~~;~ alI terms ane~ ~c~n~.itic~ns of the cta7~tr~~c~t, ir~~ludin~;, but not~imitec~ to, t:he f'vllc~~vin~:

(i} `~:'he legal name and bu;~inc~~s ac~cire~s ~:a~`tl~~ 4eile.r, incl.~~c~zn~tl~~ 1.~~~1 name <~Zc~ business ~.c~c~r~~~: cif t~1~ salesrcpr~sentL~t~v~ car a ,~~t r~nc~~ sc7li~;itec~ car n~~;c~tiat~d thecc~~:tract fog the se~lcr,

{iv) Tl~~ c~~tes nr tide J.~~riod an c~.r ~~vit~.i~~ which the ~~,7c~x~k is to~e~;i~~ and ~e c.o~-~~~lctc~c~i l~~r the s~licr;

~I.J.A.C:. 13:~~5~-lh.?(a}(f~~{ii, ~Jii}, (7}(ii-iii j, (10}{i), {11}{i), (l'~)(i, iv).~

l 73. J ~c '`~T Cc~~1st~~uc;tic~z~ ~~id Raofixl~;, J ~~ N C'c~nstruc~tion anc~ El~ti~~tian, and ~.~~r~~rson

~Tic~l~~fi~d t~.~~ F-Hc~t~c In~pra~l~~~z~c~nt Rc~~ul~tions byr en~~~ing in c~rt:ain c:c~nc~~~ct incluc~i~z~;, lout ~~c~t

limit~~ tc~ t.}~~ I~.~llawin~:

~z. Representing that ,T L4~ N C'onstrtz~;tiat~ ~.~Zc~ ~~c~o~~~~, J c~ ~r Cc~r~struction and~ lev~tian, anc~ .[~..1a~~vsUn ~vaz~t~ci t~~ c~k~tai~ a ~iscc~unt :f`c~r a c~r~.sut~nc~r byr~c~~~~:~ting a ~3~,(~)OQ ~~aym~nt to arc~c~~ m<~t~ri~ls at ~ "bulk prig'" but thenl~e~°~r inst~l~in~ €~.r tleliverirt~; th.«~e rt~~tc~~°.1G1~.S ~t7 ~~`I~ ~:{)Tl>~LII.II~I`S ~~..1.,~..C.'.

l 3.45 A- ] ~.2{~3)(~)(~ });

b. I~c~presentin~ tl~~~t. J & ~N Con~truc~tic~n ̀ end T-~aof:in~, .1 & N ~`anst~~xctxa~ ~~.clEl~va~ion, and I ~a~~rsc~n ~vc~u~d ~rc~~ic~~ corzsu~ners ~,Titl~. a $2~,Q~~ ~iscc~~rnt cant1~c co~~t~~act price bec~~~se the ~on~~~.Tn~~s chid nc~t receir~~e a ~'u11 ~_~.:F,~1 ~r~x~.t,hit then ~~fter cc~ntr~ct e~.e~;~rtxc~n t~llir~r~ the c~n~ur~~~•~ that they ~~c~~.~l~~ h.~~,etc~ "call in fav~r~" in r~fiu.r•~~ for t~1~ ~scc~~~nt ~I~I.1.~~..~. 13:~~~:-lf~.?{a~~~){ii~~}>

c. Mislead~n~ ~c~~~~~,~r~~c~r:~ into be~li~vil~.~ that any ~~va~~ced p~ynr~ents constitutedthe fi~.l~ amount the consumer vvc~~xld k~e c~blig~tec~ tc~ pay (N.J.A.C. 1.3:4`~~-~ t~.2(~)~~)C~I~})


c~. Faili~~~; tc~ ~egi~1 car corn~~letc~ word c~~~ tl~ ci~,t~ car ruXthi~~ t:~~e time period.specified. irl the home impi~c~~rement c~ntra~t {N.J.A.C. l ~:4~A-l.f~.2{~)(7){ii)};

~. Fa~lin~ to ~iv~ timely ~~~t~ittcn notice to the c;c~nsL~m~~• of`reasa.ns far aray delayin ~er~~r~~aanc~e, ~.n~ ~~l~en t~~~ u~•c~r~ ~~rill l~e~in or ~~ calr~pl~tc~~~ (N. T.~..C~.'.

f. F'ailin~ to c~~t~~in the necessary buil~zn~; ~~~~ uonstr~actic~n ~ermit~ {N. T.A,~.

~;.; to i~c;iuc~e in ~C,awsc~n. C;c~z-~tr~cts a ~vr~tten. ~;o~~y° cif ill ~uara~~tecs car~r~rrar~ties ~~1a~c ti~%ith respect to ~:onstruc~ic~n :~c~ Tic-e~ at the time J ~ .~~"~~n~trucCic}n and Rvvlit~~;, J c~ N t~c~nstr.~.xt;tion and ~l~vatit~i~, end La~~v~art~pr~s~~~tc~ their bids ~.s ~~el~ as at the tzr~~~ c~~ e~ecu.tic~~ c~fi the ~~~~a~tract(~.J.A.C. 1:3 :45 ~-16.2(;11 }(i));

~~. E~~~a.~i.~~ to include ire ~~_,~wson. Cvontracts the le~a1 name ~z~7.d t~t~sz~~ess ~.c~dressoftl~c sales ~-e~rc~s~~~t~fiivc wl~~ :~olic:ited or ~e~c~tiate~ tl~~ ec3ntr~~t (~I.J.A.C;.1 3:~ ~A-1 ~.2(a}(12)(1)); and

i. ~`~.1~111~ tC} 1l1C~ll~t', !Cl L~~~~rson Cc.~~~t~acts tll~: ~~ates cal• ti~~c~ ~~~;ric~~~ ~~n c~~• ~r-it~~ix~.~~hit;h the homy itx~prt:~ve.mex~i ~~~'o~et~ls ~ret`~ to ~.~~'ted ~V t1~e sel~e~'

i ~~. ~ c~ N ~;vn~lrrictia~~t ~z~d Rc~oi::rn~, J c~ N C:`~~n.~t~°~.~c:tic}~. 4~z.~ci F;l~v~tic~z~, ~~~ac~ 1~,~~~vsur~.'s

c~~~c~uc.t constit~rtes multiply violii:tlC~I1S t~~ t~1~ ~~~.3Y2"lt', IIx1~T`C}~1~I1.1ttlt ~~~Li~r~~I(}I1S, N.J..~..C. 1 ~:451~-

1 E. l et ~ , eac;h Uf r~hich con~;t:i.r~xt~~ a ~r se c~~" the C'~'r~, ..~.S.A. 5~:~~1 et


~d(~I:~f~.TiC)N t7F 'I`IIE I:It~NIF FLI+~'~'ATI~N[5..~~ei._Y i.J ~~ A. .~ ~./A ~ ~.~ A~ A ~.J.1'..-.[`~I'.'l \.R.J.t'~..1 y r~v~J c~ ii. 1 lT 4.: ~.i 1 ~7~.7r.~Y.~~ 1~~~~~.1 A~.1.1

~~.~vr~ r~c~c~F~r~Tc~ ~~ ~ N c~t:~N~~rR~rt:~rzc~~w ~~r~~~ r~,~~~~~~~~~ .~►~~~~ ~.,~.~~vs~~~

l.:~S. F'la~ntiff:5 rc~~~eat a~~d r~~~.tle~e the allc~;atic~n~ contai~~ed ~n par~~x°c~ph5 l tl~rc~~x~h 154

~~70~~t' ~3~ 1 ~ 11.1(:}I'~' ~UI..~ti~ set f~ox-t.h. herein.

lSC7. Thy No~~ne Ll~v~tzc~~~ ~ie~~.ilat cans, 4~c~~i~i~`~.l.l~ ~.J..~~.~;. :1~:~~~.-1'~,r~.3(a}, ~~rQvide



(Jn car a~Ci;t~ Q~tt~hex• 1, 201 , r~~~ ~-~er~on s~~a11 engage in t~~c ~~u~~iness ofrnakiri~ or ~ellin~; homr~ el~~Tation:~ in this ~tatcs un.l~;~s r.~~i~t~zed Frith tie~~)i~risic~ta. i.n ~ccorc~an~;e ~~it~~ t~~..i~ st~~cha~t~:r, e~ce;~at ~s pro<<rid~ci i~a (411

1 ~7. T~~c c:~xc-c~~~tions prc~v~ducl in N.J.A.{:~. 1:3:45A-17~~.3(a}1 do riot ~~p~l~~ tc~ .~ ~ I~

~c~~lstructic~n az1c~ R.c~~#i.n~;, J' c~:., ~ C~nstruc.tic~n ~~~c~ Elev4~tic~n, ~r La~%~~r~.

l 5~. 'I'he I~Ia~n~ Fle~~atic~~ R.e~ul~~ic,~s, ~~eci#ic~11~, ~i.J.A.~`. l ~:~.~~~~-171'~.1(~, require that

cc~~°tax~ ~~~fc~t•~x~ati~~~~ ~~~au~st'~e di~~~.I~~'~C~. ~~~' ~~`lt~ C.;tJ~1~T'i~~'~O~' i~2~C~ ~Tt3V1(~.~~ II1 ~~I`~1T~~41~ ~c~.lrt.

{d) ~ r~~;isterec~ hc~na~ el~v~tio~a c:c~ntr<~c~tor shall ~~'t~111111~T1:~~V C~1~~:}~~V:

2. Tl.~~ hc~.xx~e elc~~cr~ti.o~~ cc~.~~tr~c~tc~r.'s r~~?zstr-atic~n number ~~~ a!1~c~~rcrtisen~~nts ~i~tril~utcc~. ~~~ithin tl~i~ ~t~tc~, a~z l~usix~e~s ~a~~~~ments c~ndcontracts, and on c:o~i3~espc~.nde~ce ~~~ith c;c~n~;ume:~ s o~ hc~z~zle elev~tic~n ser~~iccsiz~ this State.

(:f~} .f~n~ ~n~~c~ic~~, ~;c~nfira~t, c~~• cc~~~i~s~:~t~zad~nc~ ~;iWet~. key ~ x~e~istra~~t to ~~cox~sum~r s1a~11 pram~nentl~T c~ra.~:~.ir1 the toll-free telephone number providedk~~' ~~E' ~.J~J.~r15~011 ~"?U1°suant tc~ I~I.J.S.~.. ?6: ~-1 ~9~(~~;), ~~~hi~h sh~~l l~~ di~~~l.ay~d inall ~:a~~s in pit lea~ti I O-~~c~iz~t l~al~~~~cc~ ty~~~ a~ :(ullc~~~~: ~t.~~ II`~~~(7Fi.M~TI+(~I'~AI3()t..~T ~`C)I~I'I'R.~1.C"I'f::)RS ~.~iU "I"I~~; Cf.~N"I"~~4C~TC.~~~' R.ECxISTRATIC.}I'J~t Y: ~.✓ r ~.,' ~/`l.~,~̀ ~~,J,.~ ̀.l.'.1 .1 ~.~J ~~l T'I ~.i...~.~~~I~ .~..J A.✓+ .A. A F..k. \r.~ 1~..A .VA ~Y .̀~̀ ~..l ~i 3_.'1 .l i~ 1 1~~~

FI.JF3I.IC S,~FFTY, DIVI~TC:)N {~.F C.~C~N~~JMER ~FF~~IRS AT 1-8~8-fS~-6L?5.

1 ~9. Thy ~-~~m~ Elc~~r~tic~n ~Z.~~ul~tic~n5 fil~c~ sarnt~ .r~c~~ir~rnez~t~ ~;c~nc~rr~in~ ~~rritte:~a.

cc~z~tr~ct~, Gas iz~ the ~'c»~tt~~ctnr'~, R~gi~tr•~tioz-~ Re~~~latic~~~~,. S~~~iticall.~r I`~.T~~..~;. 13: 511-1.7~'~.1~,

~~~•o~-ides tt~~i:

Ir1 ~dditic~n tc~ the requirements c~~'~~ ho~r~e irnpro~7er~ent cc~ntra~;t. pursuant to~1.J.~..C~. 1 ~.=SSA-1 ~.2, ~v~ry 1~c~7r~c cietiT~tior~ cor~tra~t i~ ~;vhi~h ~:~ ~~~~•sc~n.ze~~uirec~ to be r~~ist~red as a l~c~~~~ elevation c;ontr~~.ctc~r i~; ~;~ party sh~l~co~~~l~~ with tl~c; provisio~~s of I`µr.J.S.s~,~ 5~.~-1 ~ 1.


1 C(~. J & 1'~ ~~onstructic~n a1-~~ Raoti~.g, T ~~ N C:onst~•uc~tian anc~ E1e~aatiox~., ~n.~ ~C,a~r~~son.

have c~~~~~cd in co~lc~~.~ct iii ~Ti~la.ti.or~ cif the ~c3z~~e I~Ir~~atic~n R.e~;ulatior~~ inclt~c~lin~, bait ~c~t l~n~i~~d


~. (:~ffc~~n~ to pe:rfflr~~~, ey~~agin~;, or G~tt~~tlp~in~ tc~ e~~a~~ ~x~ t~~~ c~f~na.~.kir~~ car .hozx~c~ ele~~atio~s with a su~pcnd~d I-I~?t~ Iicense ~~1.J.A.C;.13:~5~-17A. (a)jy

~~. F~~.~~i~~.~ tc~ i.~.~ul~.~€:~~° urn all ac~ve~-t~se~l~e~~ts, busi~~~ss ~~c~cu~~~~nts, and cc~rztr~~ctsthe ~-IE~ r~~istr~~tit~rl numbe.~ (~?.,1~.~.~,. l ~ :~ ~ A.-1.71.. ~ U(~}('~)); and

~;. Fa.ilin~ to inc;lucle in hams improvet~~ent cc~~tr~ct~ tlae in#o~-mationE~lstateme~~t anc~ tc~11-free t~le~hu~~ x~.l:~lnber prc~r~id~cl ley t}.~e I)ir•eefic~r f~~r~,on~umers :tx~~~kit~~; inc~uix•ies re~~:~dixa~ hc~~~~~ ~lev~tic~Y~ cc~r~tr~ctc~~rs (T~. ~~.A.t;`.

1 ~~l . :1 c~. 1~1 +~:,or~stx•~~ctio~~ and. Ro~~in~, J c~: N ~`or~str~.~ctic~~i anc~ El~va.tion, L.~wsc~n's

~:clnciuct ct~a~;~;t~iLit~~ mu.lti~lc vic-~latiotls «fi the IH:c~~7ae .I levatiorl Re~;ul~itc~.~~s, I~I.J.A.C`. 13:~5~1.-17A. ~

ct 5~ ~ ., c~ac,h c~~~~-11ich cor~stit~.ltc~s a der se vial~tior~ o~ the (~`.~A., I'~„1~~..t~. ~~i:~-1 et s c~a

C:"~~.J1~IT ~7Ii

VI(~►;~_,ATIt~N tJ~+~ ".I~Y~::~:~+. ,~~'VFRT.~S~~..~titRF+~~LILATIOI~1~ ~3~ L~►EFEND.~AI~T~

1 ~i2. I~I~TI1t1f:~S I•ep~t~t ~~n~i re~~.11e~e t!-~e ~~,li~~atic~n~; c;c~n~~.irlc~c~ i~ p~ra.~raph~ 1 thz~c~cx~h l (~~.

above a~ i~` r~~vre fuli~~ sit f~~-th he~•cin.

1~3. 'I'hc Advertisi~~~ ~.~~ulatic~ns, h~..T..~~..~;. 13;4~~~-~.1 et sew, ~ciciress, arrac~n~; uth~~•

iSstXc~~, ~;~r~eral ~~~~ertisin~ ~r~c,tice~.

1~4. ~pecif~cal.~y, t:}t~ ~l.c~r~e.x-tisi~~~; ~..e~,~~.~l~tic7n~ ~E~v~rn.iz~~ ~;~r.~~.z•~~I ~c:~vr~rti.5i.n~ ~~z~~~cti.c~s

~yro~%id~, in rc~~va.~at past:

(a} Witht~ut the ~~~~lic~tic7z~ ~~t N.J.S.A.. ~~:~-1 ~t ~, thy; ~ractice~~ sl~a~l be unl~~~f~.~l ~~rxth respect tc~ ail ~~~~~~ertisen~~nfi~:


9. T~~c m~kir~~ cif f~~Is~ c~~ ~n.isl~adi~~~; r~pre~r~~tatiar~s of fiats c~c~z1~ ~~~7i~~the ~e~lsc~ns f:tax~, c~~ister~c~ car ~mc~u~~.t~ c~~~ ~"JT'I{'.~ ~`E'~~Ll(;'.t11J11Sy ~~lE` Ili~Il.l~°f~of az~ aff~rin~ c~rthe r~E~.antity c~fa~ve~tisec~ ~z~erc~lanc~ise availaUl~ fors~l~.

1 ~S. i~et~nda~~ts vic~lat~d tla~ ~dverti:~i~~~ I~e~ttlativl~~ ~~r ~1~~;a~in it1 c~r~t~~i.z~ conduct

ii~cludi~~~,, taut ~~nt l.i~~,itec~ tc~:

~i. R~pr€~ser~ti~a~; o~~ fi~~~ 1 ~. N M~i~~ ~U~~asitc that T~ef:€~nt~~.~~ts az~ "~xperi~n~~e~ i~~.~;~tti~1~ faXnil~es hack u~1 their feet r~nc~ z1~fio ~ r~e~~~ l~~rric;,,, a~~►cl ``~~x~der~t~rxct thec~~va~tatic~n a.t`1~asin~ yULiT" ~1C)II~~ riI1C~ '1~4~i11 r~c~r~. ef'}r ~U ~~~c~l I1C~'~7V ~1t)1I1~

~iuilt to I:it ~J~u~ir lif~st~~1~: end. ~c~cl~;~~," ~-~hc~~~. suc11 i~ rapt t.he; c-use;

1~. F~.~~t•esentin~; c~r~ fihe J c~, N M~i~~ ~'V~bsit~ th~~t ~.,~.wsc~n ~~as ~eera "cie~icatec~ to[~~is] cu:~tom~r~, pra~Tidin~ tlle~n «°ith hi~;1~ qu~~lity ~vo~k, rcli~bitity andproi:~ss~i~n~~~is.i~n.,'~ ~:iz~d "o~f~z•[s] ~ ful1 ~°ante cif tu.~'I! ~i~~ r{'.C~UI'Cry s~r~ric~s,"r~~~c~r~ such is nat the case;

c. ~.e~~.~•~~~nti~~~ t:}~ the J & N Rc~to~~atic~n ~'~;1~~.~te ~h~~t .T~)~:t~~~ciantspro~i+~.~ "a.l! ~~rvices ~u~r~~nteed," `<c~t.~ick tuinarc~ur~c~," ~,~~d :`tu~t1 key~~c~stc~rat~on," a~vl~~;n such is nit the c4~~;c;

c~. ~.c~aresetlti~i~; ~r~ the J c~: N Main ~'~'et~sit~ ar~d t~~c 3 c~ N Flc:~«~ Restc:~r~tic~i3We~bsi~e t:la~~t I7efex~.dants pra~~ic~e c~r~t:t~~~:~ers ~~-it:~~ "~:~1~ ~11~;~1CSt CjlI~Ilty c~~~cr~rices, l~~as~~l~-f~~e ~xp~:rie~~ce ire rebtaildi~~~; a.nd ~-~ytc~rin~ l~c~in~~ ~'or l.7ye4~:rs, a~~.d teas ea~•n~~ ~~r~ ,~+ x~~,tin~ ~v tl~ the ~~tt~r ~~zsiness ~~.~reau," `~~~en~uc~~~ is nc>fi tl~e; and

c'. R.~~~~•~~~~~~~i~~~ c~rz the~,1 c~ Tv' Elev~tic~~ V41~ bsif~ thafi "[J c~ N C;c~n~tzr~c~ic~n] ~~sfiat e;~~~.blrshec~ in 1 95 b~ Ja.i~es ~:ar~~i~ [sic.], ~.~~~osc te~.~~z1 ~f` h.i.~:}~tyc~u~~lifiec~ cu~lstruccic~n professic~n~~:Is h~~e pro~,ric.~e~ quality ~c~z•~..manslli~~ a~c~t•~IiG~l~7ii~~r 1:c~r tl~~ I~.s t~~-c~ c~~~~c~cs," t~l~cn such is nc~t ~.he Case.

1 ~~. i~.~~~er~d~nt~' c~t~nc~u~:t c~~~~stitut~~ n~a~r.lta}~a.e ~"IOIc'L~1U1~5 0~ ~~1~ l~C~V~I't1SITlt~.~., Rc~~ul~tia~s,

s~,~ci~i~;~~lly i°~'.,I.~.C". 1.3:~SA-9.2(aj9, ey~~c;h c~#'~~r~~i~h c~~»~.;;ti~ut~s a ~ s~ r~~ t~~~ CF h.


C+CC~Cr~T ~rYI~:

'~'I(~►LATII~N~ ()I' TIE CFt~,TGIF C~.NTRs~~C'TC~T~~4' RF~(~IST~~~T'~~]~ A~.C,T,

"~`~E Crt~~tT~.A.~.T{JR:~' RECI~iTR~~T~C)~ REC.~I~i:.~A'~~'I~:3~Vr~,T~~~F II(:}~4~IF IM~'l~C)VEMENri' 1~.~+~11L~'~~:[(3N~+, T~-~:E H+~J1V1E ~:LE~~~TIC~~

+'~C.JA.I.:".(".1:+t~NS, ~.N.~.)fQ:~~. ".I"~Fa .A.D'~FFt"T~:S.i~~ ~2.~GC~t..,.AR'.~":~t:~.t~~'i7i~'T 1J!'~~F.l't~~.~~ ~a.f~.~r`Tji,~71..~1.~

1. ~7. PI.~~inii.~`~:s rc~~~ec~t a~1~ x'~c~..~It',~;t~ 1~'l(' c`3..~I~~i~~~t)~:15 C-L7~l~ai~~c~c~ in. p~~r~~raph~ ~ ~hrc~u~h l ~~

above 4~.~ if more set ~`orth h~reix~.

1 fib. fit: <~11 rele~~~~.~t time, ~avwsc~r-~ h~.~ deem ~n ~~~rn~r, ot~icer, fc~uxlc~c~•, zncn~~~~~-,

man~~~r, directt~~~, elnplayee, ~~rval~t, repr~~~nt~tiv~ ~~n~.ic~x .~~~r~t cif J & 1~7 Cc~~lstr~.~ctior~ ~~nd

~i.00fin~, J ~ N Cc~r~Str~~~~t c}n anc~ elevation, ;znd ~.,~~~~-sc~n ~~~~~c~~~~t.ic~n J & i~ Construction, a~~d ha:;

cc~ntrollec~, r~irectccl a~~c~./or p~~~-tici~atcc~ in the z~7~~na.~e~nerlt ~nc~ ~~~~r~.tion c~f`thc~sc~ ~r~tiiie~, ~~~cJ~iciix~~

~~1~ Ct7I1C~UGt ~~IC~Ci~ 111 ~~II~ {

1 C~~). I~~ ~h~t, L,a~~~sc~n a.ctiv~ly ~~a~-ticipat~d in J ~~C ~ t;~n:~t~~:~~tic~n ~n~ ~c~ofin~, J c~

N Cc~~~:~tructic>ri a~~c~ Elevat.ic~n, ~.~Zc~ L~~~Tson J ~: 1`~l Cc~z~~ta•u~ti~n's ~~.~~nG~~~ment ara~

c~~~ration ~~s :~o11o~v~: ~ci~rex~tis~.~c~l that hc~ "sta~•tec~ the l~ti~ix-~c~~~~' and v~~<~5 the ~oun:d~.r. of: tl~e compaaaie~;

si~t~~c~ c~.~ntrac;l~ ~~rith ~;ort~um~rs ~tjr C~`.t~.n~truL~tion Serrr.ic;es ort ~e~a~.~f of t~~~ cc~~l~pani s; st~p~r~Tisec~

the; cc~ntra~;t~d-~c~.r C'oa~st.i•~~cti~~.n; cc~mz~.~un.icat~;~ ~~~.1~~1 C:C}Cl~+t~.ti31~°~'S Vli3 ~~X~ 111~SS~,~L~, c`~111C)11~

ca~l~er thi~~~;s, ~~~t~aix~in~ to ~arcajects; filed pL~•mit anc~ p1~~~~ ~p}~lic~tic~ns ~:~.zlc~lc~r mi~t~~~~r~c~~;er~t~~. to

cc~r~s~.~rners that ~c~rmits v~r~c"~ ~(IC~I i~.11t~~r'~tt O~t~111CC~ ~{?T" ~"i{J1~1~ 1.17Y~}I'()~~c~tr~c~~~t }~roj~c~t~, r~c~~~etit:ec~ ~nc~

received p~.v~~~e rat Vicar per~orn~ir~~ car cc~rnpletitlg ~;onstructic~r~ ~erv~ces t~~~~ fa~lc~~~ io ~~rfc~rna car

corr~~~lete ~'onstna~tian 5~rvices; cans~~n~.~rs ~o cc~nt~i~u~ ~~orkin~ ~~it~~ 11.i~n ~~-~~~..1~ hip

hame i~~nprav~~neant: and home elevatic.~n re~i~trat~~~~~ w~ rc suspended; s~r~c~ ~~~dorsin~ coc~sr.~~-~~r

c~~ec~s r1~.~~c~e cut tc~ .1 ,c~ N C;c~nstructit~~x a.c1c~ ~~ao~iz~~.


1'~t}. 'I'l~~ c°c~ndi~i;t c~:f'I.,4~~n~~ca~.~ xx~ake~ hin~ ~:~ersc,n.~.l.l~, .liable ft~t• thc~ v~ol~tic~ns oftl.~~ ~;~`A, the

~:ontr~a~tc~rs' Ri;~rstratioll pct, the ~`' ~.~~is~r~~tic~n R.e~~xlatzoxas, t}~e Ho~~~e Impro~rement

R~~;ul~~tic~z~~, the Ho~x~e F1~~ratior~ ~.egulatic~ns, ~a~~c~la~ ~~e ~~dv~rtisir~~, I~.e~~l~tic~~~zs co~z~~~~itt~d b~~ J &

~ C;c~rastx~uct.i<~n anci F~c~c}~~~, .T ~ l`ti7 ~:`onstructia~~ and FrIc;~T~tion, and La~~Fsc~r~ R~~~c~v~tion J c~C N

~.~`011S~I'l~C~~t~iTl .


P'FtAY~R F'~~2 :E~EL~~~"

~'~~-~EREF(J~~> b~~e~ upon the (oz~~~oin~ alle~aiic~ns, P~aint~ti~ r~s~~~t:ftill~f request

that t~~~ (~«u~ ~~at~r. jud~m~nt ~.~a~nst I.~ef~tld'~~xnts:

{a) 1' indi~~~ that t~~~; acts and omiss~o~~s a~` I)efc~r~c~~~~.t:s CC1f~Stlt.litt~ I21L1~~I~~~

11'151.`~t1CC'•S 4~ UI1~t~.bV~UI j~I•actic~s in ~•ic~l~.t.ic~n. of t.hc~ CFA, ~I~1.,T.S.A. ~~:~-'1 ~t~~ec~, the {~'«z~tr~~c:tc~rs' Re~istratic~~~ ~.~t, ~i.J~`~..A. SC~.~-~3~ ~t sc~c .,, t1~C~on~~~actor ~~.~ ~tr~tion ~~:~~ulatzc.~r~s, :~I.J.~.C~". l ~:~S.f~,-1.7.1 t eus , the :~~~n~~Irr~pro~-emcnt l~.:e~~~.l4~t~ioz~~, ~I..T.~..C'. l 3:45.x.-1.x.1 ~t ~~ ., the Hc~zme Fl~v~~tic}z~

R.~Gulc~fiic~ns, T`T.J.~:.C. 13:~~Aw171~.1 ~t sec .,, ~3ncll~r the ~d~er~is~~~;

:t~c~ul~tior~s, :N.J;.1~.~:~. 13:=~5.~.-~~ ~ et sic .;

(b) Pe :~anently ~nj~~izli~~ I)efcnc~~~ts aid their o~vxl~rs, officers, ~lir~ctc~r~,sl~areho~der~, ia~~n~~rs, ~~~em~~rs> x.~n~ri~~~rs, a~;c~~ts, servants, imp ~~}~c~~;s,r~pre~ez~t~tives, incl~pc~nc~cnt ~c~~~tr~ctors ~.nd all ~ersans car e~~titi~sdir•~ctly under their cc~ntrul, I c~zn en~;<~~in~ rn, cc~rz~t%~lu:in~ t~ en~~~e in car

~oi~~~ ~~rry acts c~~• ~~ractices in ̀ ~iol~tic7~~ t~~ the C~i,~, N.J.~.A. ~~:P-1 et sic..,

the C:c~~~tr~.~tar~' I~.~~istratic~~l f~c~t, a~?.>~.5.~. 5u:3-1 7~i eta, t~~e (~`ontrc~.ctor

~Z.e;~istr~~tion T~.~~;ulatians, N_„J.~'~;...C. 13:~5~~-17.1 et ~~c~e, the I~i7111~

Z~rl~~rovem~r~t .~~.~~u1i~.tJ:~~I~~7y N.J.,F'~.(:;. 1. ~:~5.~1-1. C~.1 et 5~ec~;,, the dome ~ :.levatir~n

k.e~;~~lat ot~~~ 1~.1.A.(.:'. 1 :45~'~-17A.1 et ,s ~c~,~~.nd/car the Adv~rti~i~~~F~~~ul~tia~~s, I~.~I.r1.C~. I3:~~ ~.-~.1 ~t ~> inc~~x~Yn~, but 1~c~t ~in~itec~ toy tl~eacts ~n~ ~rac~i.c~s al.i~~ed in th.~5 C~`or~~~laixat, ~~ ~utl~nri~;~c~ l~y~ the C;F~~,

("c;) ~~rmac~entlw~' ~x~~c7inixag ~~f~r~c~~nts from ovvniY~~;, o~a~r~~tin~ c>r otl~~~~~~ri~;e~~Z~na~in~; ~n~~ l~usir~~:s~ yr atl~er ~ntrt~ in the State, ~~hether re~ist~rcc~ ~~rith.

t~~~ l.~iv~sic~n yr nvt, thaC adv~rti;~e;~, of~:c~~•~ far :;alp, :ells an~~/cox° pe~-fc7~-ms

~'o~strlictic:~n ̀ ~c~7•vic~~ ~vithi~ tl~e S~t~.te;

~{~~ .I~~I'I"T1~I1~1111V ~T.1~()1tlTl.1~ L~~~~~1C~~T1~~ ~~'t?I7T ~~1C ~i~.'~'i~l'~D.4~~'X'i~[1C, c~~~`er fic~r sa1~, ~z~.l~

and p~r~o~~n~nc~ of C~`oi~str~,t~tac~n `~er~~i~:~s ~~vithir~ the ~~~te

(e} C:'~nc~;llir~g J ~. ~1 C~~T1Sti'UCtIC?TI and Rc~u~i~g, :1 c~ ~ C"on~tructian ~i1~~~~.Ic~~~atic~n, ~3nci L~~-~~sc~n 1Ze~~c~v~~.t.iot~ :i c`~ I~~ ~c~rxs~~u~tic~n's C~rti~cates c~~"~rm~tion in t:~~e ;Mate;

(~) I'enna,~7entl y IE'~v'UICITI~ L~~fen.~~.z~~s~' HI~~;, HFC`, a.~~d ~~~~r .Hc~rt~e I3uilciers


(.~,) ~~i.ndin.~; 1:.,`~w~;c~z~ ~~~r:~o~iall~ liable ~c~t the vit~lation~ a~' the C~F.~, N.:T~~.~.

5~:~-1 et a, t.~lc~ ~.°o~7tr~.ctars' }~.e~,i:~~ra~ic~n. Act, ~.~~.~.A. 5~:~-I ~E7 of ~~,

the ~'ontrac:tor R.c~~istr~.tio~~ .K~~~,tlatians, N.J .C. 1~:45~-17.1 et ~s cc~.,, tl~e


~~~Ic~~~e T~~~~aro~remei~t ~~e~;lilat.ion~, I~.Jm~.:+C~. 1 ~:~~11-1 ~.1 ~~; ~s c~, t11c~ ~ Iome~;1~v~tior~ I.~eg~.~l~tion~, N.J.1~..C. l 3:45A- l 7A.1 ~t~, ~~.~~d the Ad~r~rkising~e~~.~lations, N.J.A.C. 13:45A-~.1 et scc~, c;am~~itt~~ bye J ~~ i`~1 Conslructior~~n~ Roo~in~, :I ~; I~ C"Uns~ruct:ioi~ ~~.~~d ~;1~v~tic~n, ;end La~~v~~~~~~ I~.enc~~~atic~n ~ ~i


{h} ~:~~~-ecti~~~;1~)~fenr~`znt:~, jc~iz~tly ~~nd ~etirerall~r, tc> re~tc~.~~e tc~ ~~n~;~ ~,ffec~ted ~er~~~~,~~~l~~ther. Ur nc~t na~~~ec:~ in this Co~~n~laint, any r1~~-~x~e~f c~7• rcal c~1• ~~r~r~u~~.~xl.~~rc~~~~rty acc~uz~ed b~~ ~1'l~~.1~5 0~~11y ail~~;e~ ~ractic~e herein tc~ b~ ur~1~.~v~f~zl a~c~.fv~.xnd to k~~ ux~lati~~:l:u.l, as a~ithari~e:~ l~~T I`~..i. .A. ~{~:~-~;

(~) I~i~~cti~~; T:}~;~`e;t~clar~t~~ ~ointl~r ~~~c~ ~~verally, tc~ dis~c~~•~~ tc~ tl~~ ~e~~v Jer~~;~rT~c~p~;rtmea~.t c~:~ C~'ot~a.rnunity 11,ff~ia~~, ~.~_~.~.~ M ~'x-~~,r~~1 ftt.t~~ls unl~~ufullyc~~:c~u~r~ed car• x•~, as au.thc~rizc~c~ by N.J.~.~.. Sfi:~i-~;

(j) T)xrectin~ ~ef~;ndG~ntS, Jbltl.t,~y ~,1~1t~ yc~~TCi~~~y, tc~ ~~a~~ t~~~ st~~t~:ctc~r~~cis,-~l;s far each anti ~vc~{y violation ~f the C"F!~y i~~ accc~x~d~~c~ ~~%il~h.~f.J.S.,I~. .~~:~-~ 3 y

(k} Diz~eciin~ L~~fe~dar~~~, jointly ar~d seti-orally, to day costs ~x1d f`~eti, incl~.ic~ ngatt:c~tzleys' :f;~;~s, ~'~r the ~~~~ o:f4 t.11e ~t~xtc of Ne~~ Jc~rse~, a~ ~~.~,rtl~~~~~ized ~b~j t~~eC,FA, ~t.J,S.A. St~:~--11 ~nc~ N.3.~.~~. SC:~-19; aY~c~

~l} <:ix~antir~~ such other ~•~lief as t~~~ .intez•~:~ts of ju~ti~~ n~~~ reyL~i~{~.

CI-IFt.1~"I~C~PIIER ~. F~C~R.P IhTC)~,r.I..T'E:.)I~~N ~: Y (:~~.N ~1I~~1.L CAF I°w1 E't~% J~~.~ EYAtturn~y tc~r Pl~izi~i~t's

~. w.


~~~ ~r. ~~~.~~~nt~ c;puty At~o~°ney~ C~~r~cralCt~nsuzner ~rau~ I'rc~secutic~n ~eG~ior~

L~~~tec~: ~e~r~~ary 1(~; X017N~wa~~k, i"vTew Jersey


~LrLE ~.5-1 C~L;I~Z.'T~~+'~C~i7~It~~V

I ccrtif`y, to the best c~f~m}-• infc~rn~atic}n and bcli~f, that tl~e rnatt~r in this acfi.ion invc~lvin~ the

aforerner~tionec~ ~~ic~l~ti~~is of the ~~F'1~., ~t,J.S.~~.. 56.8-1 et sec ,, thy; (.:`antr~ctc~~• P~.c~~is~i•atit~n

R~~tii~~t.ic~ns, N..1.A.C. 13:45A-17.1 et .s..~, the 1-7ome ~Inpr~vemet~t 7.~..e~ulati.ons, h1.:T.~~1..C~. 13:~S.A-

1 6.l et sew, the Home F:I~vaiic~n ke~ul~tions, N.J.A.C. 13:~5A-17A.1 ct sec.., and the A~vc~rtisi~~~;

Rc~ulatir~~~s, N,3.A.C. 13:45A-~~.1 et eus , is not the su~j~ct of any other actic~i~ penc~iz~~ in ar~y other

c~o~irt ofihis State. I Gym aw~~rt~ that t~-~c~ Ocean Cot~~~t~~ Prc~s~cut~r's ()~f ce has brou~:ht a crixni~l~l

action a~ai~7s! ~)elenc~~~.nt I..a~vv5c~n entitled, "fih~ State v~ Nzw Je;zscy v. Jar~rxi~ L. Lav~son, Irirlictrnent

rvTc~. 16-1 ?-2272 (1:.,a~rr Div. ~:.7ec. 1 ~, ?t~ 1. F~)," ~vili~.h includes, axi~on~; c~thcr• criminal ~ount~, ~-iolatiorls

of~the Cc~r~iz•at~tox•; ' .R~~istr•atiora. Act, N. T.S.Q. S6:f~-13~i et sect for unregistered ho~nc m~re~~crement

contx•actin~. I furt~~ec• ce~-tif~~, to the hest of my infarmatiUn arld belief, that. tie matter ii1 contruv~rsy

in this action is not the subjc~cfi of a pexldin~ a~•bitratzan proceedii~~ in this Stag, nor is any other

action rar arbitration ~-~r~ceedin.~; coz~.ten~~~latec~. I ~e~tify that t1~ere is r~c~ ot~~er ~arty ̀~hc~ should be

joined in this action at this time.

0111 \~~r~~A.~l. 1. l.,.t~ ~. l V.~♦..[\~^l. \ \.,!

A,TTt~TZNE"~' Cr~NER~L (~T~ N~~~' .~r.RSEYAttorney fc~r ~.'lainti~fs


~Y~._.~....~..~,...~ .%fit ~. ~'-~~°=~~'7 .._.,.._.___~..._~........ ....~,'S~ .~. ~1~Tallt

. ~~1Uly !~t~~1~1ey ~rc~~l l"~lC'C1T,1SL1III~T' ~'ZiiLiC~ I~`TC~S~C~~tic~n Section

Daied: February 1 ~, ?' U 17Newark, Ner~~r Jersey


FlI.JLF 1:3~~7 ~ ~FRTIFItYATI+C)N CAF Ct7~V~:~I..IANt'E

I c~z-ti ~y that corltic~ential ~ersor~al ide~~.~i~~~~s .ha~,~e been ~•ec~~ct~c~ from dacum.ents nor~r

subm~tteci to the court, a.rld will lie recla~ted from a1J. dacurn~nts submit~e~. in the future in accc~rciaz~c;e

Arl: T~RhTF.~'' C~~]'~1~F~.AZ., C)F N~`V .T~.R.SF,~'Attorney for ~'1~.i11tiffs



Je ~' ~ .~. Sie~•antI:)`:, ut~~ Attc~~•aey Gex~ex•a1.Lox~Su~ner Fraud I'rasect.~tiotl Section

Dated: Fek~rr.aa~-y 1 C, 2017N~~var~:, Ne~~ Jersey


AJ~t.7~.~.1V~.1 ~V1~( A..l~ry r~ry~.~.~.~.J C+C~ZJI'.~;~FI.~

I'~~rsu~~z~t lc~ ?F .. ~;2~-4, T~~p~~ty Atto~~~~y C~c~~~ral Jesse J. ~ier~.~.t ~s ~~ereby€~ ~s trial

cc~u~~sel oi~ ~eh~~lt' clf ~'l~~inti~~['s in tl~i:~ ~~ctio~.

~TTtJ~.NFaY ~:~ENER.AL (:~F ~1~'~1V' .TIaR~F~'Attorney fog• I'lain~ti~fs


J~ ...:, .1. ~ii~~°ant.I:. ~7t~ty ~tto~~ey ~:re.r.~~r~l.Co~.~S~rra~~• .Fraud ~'rv~~cutic~n 4~ctio~~

Dated : ~ ~bru<~~y 1 ~, 2U ~ 7Nc~~~v~~~k, Ni;ti~ Terse,


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