Page 1: C o N F I K D R A N D T Y C N A M P Dark Confidant ... · THE TEAM Oscar de la Torre: The Founder & CEO of Dark Confidant. With a wide range of experience in start-ups. He lead the





dark confidant companyDark Confidant Entertainment

Lycantrophobia First Edition 2017

Page 2: C o N F I K D R A N D T Y C N A M P Dark Confidant ... · THE TEAM Oscar de la Torre: The Founder & CEO of Dark Confidant. With a wide range of experience in start-ups. He lead the














Page 3: C o N F I K D R A N D T Y C N A M P Dark Confidant ... · THE TEAM Oscar de la Torre: The Founder & CEO of Dark Confidant. With a wide range of experience in start-ups. He lead the

WHATDO?WESince 2016, DC is trying to make a name for itself in the alternative game field and the entertainment industry. Using creativity as fuel for our engines, our game experiences are aimed at all types of public. The only requirements are seeking an adventure and having the courage to try yourself in situations packed with fun and adrenaline.

In our first project in London we work around the “What-If” term, where we prepare a scenary ready to be explored: it could be a room, a house or a whole town… filled with a lot of actors and actresses, tasks, missions, and surprises. All of these with the purpose of allowing our players to live their own Sci-Fi film, just for a night. Work around the what-if term means to give completly freedom for our players, who have multiple paths to take and choices to make along the map...

Rely on our team, We take our narrator role seriously...we implement a well designed aesthetic of the check-in point, and the best costumes for our actors, we studied every dialogue, every clue of the game, to assure our players fit into their new characters.

We know first-hand the potential of these games can promote teamwork and cooperation, improving the problems solving skills, the ability to work under pressure as well as empathy and other creativity techniques, that’s why we love include in our event, formulas to force the use for those skills, techniques and abilities. Although we love Sci-Fi, mystery and Terror worlds, we can made be-spoke events in any theme, setting and/or inner purpose that our clients could need.

Page 4: C o N F I K D R A N D T Y C N A M P Dark Confidant ... · THE TEAM Oscar de la Torre: The Founder & CEO of Dark Confidant. With a wide range of experience in start-ups. He lead the
Page 5: C o N F I K D R A N D T Y C N A M P Dark Confidant ... · THE TEAM Oscar de la Torre: The Founder & CEO of Dark Confidant. With a wide range of experience in start-ups. He lead the

Simple. We are just a the BEST team of Geeks ever… who grew up sorrounded by the Scy-Fi enviroments, estrategy games and Fanta-sy films of the 80” and 90”… This vendillion of Geeks grew up in a world where they can make their dreams and illusions real. For the first time in 2016 they gathered in London and working together they gave birth their first project “Lycanthophobia: A real game”. We come from a many differents backgrounds: business & startups areas, marketing, social sciences and the comunication field…We just blend up all the thing we know how to do.


Page 6: C o N F I K D R A N D T Y C N A M P Dark Confidant ... · THE TEAM Oscar de la Torre: The Founder & CEO of Dark Confidant. With a wide range of experience in start-ups. He lead the
Page 7: C o N F I K D R A N D T Y C N A M P Dark Confidant ... · THE TEAM Oscar de la Torre: The Founder & CEO of Dark Confidant. With a wide range of experience in start-ups. He lead the

THE TEAMOscar de la Torre: The Founder & CEO of Dark Confidant. With a wide range of experience in start-ups. He lead the recruitment process, the account manage-ment and create the commercial web for DC.

Silvia Marquez: Do you know who works for frightening you to death? Exactly, she is the Visual & Creative Manager of the event, she has just one target ac-customized the event for our players.

Jessica & Ivan: Our game designers: they´ve been creating recreative events in open field since 2009, they know what our public demand. Preparing our Story-line, they are in charge of the double T “Tempo,Tasks”.

Patricia Perez: This architect is who puts some order in the chaos. She is our Event Manager, the great hive mind behind the Lycantrophobia events. She co-ordinate our events ensuring that everything works out.

Adrián G. “Billy the Boy”: Probably, the best PR and Community manager in London. His job is not easy…To extend the tentacles of DC all over the UK.

Angela Moreno: This young enterpreuner, who speak languajes has already reach the triumph, with his own Languaje online accademy. She is in charge of the languaje adaptions and check the content we update.

Javier Sarrió & David “Mota”: Don´t you think our pictures, newsletters, logo-tipe & web page are really cool..? Do you? The graphic & web design team and work really hard to improve every single Dark Confidant visual characteristic.

Page 8: C o N F I K D R A N D T Y C N A M P Dark Confidant ... · THE TEAM Oscar de la Torre: The Founder & CEO of Dark Confidant. With a wide range of experience in start-ups. He lead the
Page 9: C o N F I K D R A N D T Y C N A M P Dark Confidant ... · THE TEAM Oscar de la Torre: The Founder & CEO of Dark Confidant. With a wide range of experience in start-ups. He lead the

THE EVENTLycantrophobia is our first event project, completely developed to infect with fantasy the streets of Lon-don. For a maximum of 450 players per game, this entertainment event, is a simulated science fiction experience. A mix between theatre and interactive games where the participants, explore for almost 7 hours the chosen borough, resolving the plot, inter-acting with our actors. This requires getting deep into the role of survivor and finding hidden clues while they are trying not to be captured. The slight-est contact with a werewolf eliminates you from the game as a survivor and you can join the beastly side, passing through our makeup area, or abandon the game by removing your wristband. Each player wears a garment of a certain color that clearly dif-ferentiates it from non-players.

Page 10: C o N F I K D R A N D T Y C N A M P Dark Confidant ... · THE TEAM Oscar de la Torre: The Founder & CEO of Dark Confidant. With a wide range of experience in start-ups. He lead the

Could you survive all night long a werewolf attack in London? You must face the most important mission of your life: to endure until the next morning and thus get save the world. Find the clues, play your role, gather the hidden information all over the map before other players do and most important of all, do not let yourself hunt! But if you are captured ... change the course of the Story, our makeup artists will become you a real werewolf so you can keep staring your own movie till the end...

Could you survive all night long a werewolf attack in London? You must face the most important mission of your life: to endure until the next morning and thus get save the world. Find the clues, play your role, gather the hidden information all over the map before other players do and most important of all, do not let yourself hunt! But if you are captured ... change the course of the Story, our makeup artists will become you a real werewolf so you can keep staring your own movie till the end...

Page 11: C o N F I K D R A N D T Y C N A M P Dark Confidant ... · THE TEAM Oscar de la Torre: The Founder & CEO of Dark Confidant. With a wide range of experience in start-ups. He lead the

THE RULESI Age requirements: we consider that the game is not suitable for children under 10, for dif-ferent ages up to 18, please find in the website the requirements to participate.

II Removing / hiding the identifying garment during play is not allowed. If you do so, we con-sider you have a really justified reason, if do not, you will be expelled.

III Each player has his/her own game strategy to win, but to pretend to be part of the organi-zation without being supposes expulsion and exile of the game (for future editions).

IV You can’t wear more than one identification item and this must be clearly visible and you can only move by foot, use another medium, it is direct expulsion.

V It is not allowed to consume alcohol or any drug with effects on perception or behavior dur-ing the event. It will automatically be banned from participation, expelled out of the game and police will be reported.

VI Gun replicas or anything that resembles a weapon, whether it is airsoft, paintball, plastic or foam...etc is totally prohibited.

VII Invading private property is a crime: Do not come into the property of anyone. You must respect any fence, dimension or signage that you find or urban furniture, because they will not be part of the game.

VIII Attendance at the event with animals or pets of any species is prohibited.

IX It is forbidden to touch the actors, direct expulsion and notified to the police (according to the situation). As well as defend, attack or charge against the Lycanthropos cause of instant expulsion (at the best of the cases).

Page 12: C o N F I K D R A N D T Y C N A M P Dark Confidant ... · THE TEAM Oscar de la Torre: The Founder & CEO of Dark Confidant. With a wide range of experience in start-ups. He lead the

The event has few but clear rules, and we take so much care of making them clear enough before and/or during the event (and if it is necessary) eliminating those players who do not respect the rules given.

Page 13: C o N F I K D R A N D T Y C N A M P Dark Confidant ... · THE TEAM Oscar de la Torre: The Founder & CEO of Dark Confidant. With a wide range of experience in start-ups. He lead the


HOWDO IT?WESix months before the event, our team of writers releases their imagination in the area. Our company production team gets the best actors, technician and of course the most amazing costumes we could get, that will be the local community delight-ment.

Our marketing team work through social media and some leaflets to reach the whole borough and the surrounding area. Once agreed the requirements with the area council, we will try on our own event, in which we will literally test the equipment and scenes, finding clue by clue, task by task, the storyline to ensure adaptation to the environment. We need to do it awe-some!!

We open the check-in from 19.00 to 21.00; the players will receive the necessary ma-terial for the game: triptych with the rules, health & safety notions, event wristband, identification garment...

The game begins at 9:30 with the beginning of the game we will give them some clues they need to find in order to survive. At 10:00 PM players leave the check-in area, playing the role of survivor with the actors already scattered throughout the borough, collecting information, getting the pieces of the puzzle and using stealth as a tool, trying not to be discovered by the actors who will try to hunt them all night long. In this moment we are just moderator of the game, we will make-up the “transformed players”. We’ll give instructions from the checkpoint to redistribute the number of people through each task in case and we will solve the claims and suggestions of the participant from check-in.

Some members of our filming team, will participate in the event with the staff gar-ment (that means nobody can interact with them) and they will record and take pic-tures of the event, to publish in our web the day before!

Two hours before the end of the event, we started to collect the check-in material and we will stop to make-up more players, and we´ll prepare an alternate end scene (de-pending on which one the game ends will be).

Page 14: C o N F I K D R A N D T Y C N A M P Dark Confidant ... · THE TEAM Oscar de la Torre: The Founder & CEO of Dark Confidant. With a wide range of experience in start-ups. He lead the

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