
C HALLENGES FOR DOCUMENTING HOTLINE EXPERIENCES AND NEW STRATEGIES BASED ON NEW TECHNOLOGIES Dr. Shilpa Shroff Asia Safe Abortion Partnership H OW DID WE DO IT ? This was the first Misoprostol use Hotline in Asia and first hotline documented Planned ahead of time- what we wanted, what we expected Designed the basic reporting templates (finance, meeting reports, data form) Discussed the templates with all the team members and revised them Collected information on : Monthly plan from each team- helped in monitoring the progress Dissemination meeting reports/outcomes Press releases- advertising the hotlines and articles in local news papers Testimonials- from clients, counselors and providers Data entry, cleaning and verification, merging data of each month, analysis and finding, reporting of findings D ATA C OLLECTION Demographic information Information on Access to health care Reason for call LMP/ Gestation period at the time of call Gravida (number of children) Type of information provided by hotline Reason for follow up Satisfaction on the information provided and recommendation of hotline if needed D OCUMENTATION ON H OTLINE I MPLEMENTATION Networking Meetings - details Organization/ Member profiles Stickers distributed Call received Press releases/ media campaign Funds spent / balance Funds planned to spend the next month (as per activity) Plans for next months H OW DID WE EVOLVE ? Part-time working teams--- no paper work, shorter e-documentation Team gained confidence as first few forms were filled Could review successes /failures and make changes in formats of documentation More commitments with visible results C HALLENGES Convincing implementers the importance of documentation and initiating the process Getting accurate timely information Had to go back and forth for filling up the data forms Data collected in the initial stage was incomplete and could not be analyzed. Lot of time efforts required initially. Documentation helps, but still there are some issues in implementations which cannot be addressed Referral network -very important for spreading hotline information but how do they work ? Working with supporting groups pharmacist, sex workers, youths, how do we reach them or get them more involved ! H OW DID IT HELP ? Documentation helped monitoring of activities while working with local partners closely Documentation of dissemination meetings helped us plan our future strategies Data collected proved that there is a need to sustain Hotline campaign Follow up data proved that it is a safe intervention and women can successfully use Misoprostol without supervision of health professionals Testimonial of our clients gave us a boost to continue with our good work Documentation helped in making a systematic report of this campaign Great help in convincing donors for more funds Thank You!

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