Page 1: C H I N A , - SiiaviuE & .Haip: Cutting. Saloon, · N. Y. SLATE & ROOFING CO., Limited. RUBBER ROOFING, ENA31EL PAINT, ready fpr one and warranted superior to all similar articles

A S B U R Y P A R K ,- N E W J E R S E Y , S A T U R D A Y , N O V E M B E R 25, -1876.

t. ' . B U S I N E S S C A R D S ,


G E N E R A L A U C T I O N E E R , T erras re&Ronable.Office In P a rk Hall, Anbury P ark , N .J .



V i Uesidkn*b, MT. 1'AIlOIt WAIT,Meyt dbhrto OOftAN 6B0YE

' 1 1 ' Dealer# inSTOVES' TIN AND |8HEET;IU0N w Ar e ,


ASBURY PARK, N .J . :_-I------------------- - - ----------ta--- --------


feBTOHliR’8 8A8H ft BLIND SUNt’FACTORY,Window and Poor Frames made to:order. Turning

and Borbll-eawing done at short notioc.Bewail At., nqu- R»Uro«d. Abbukv P a lilt, N. J.



Thurtdnjra, at r*rk Unll, A*bary Park. . SQIfAN VILLAGE, N. J.PRACTICAL IIOU8E, SIGN, BOAT (AND ROOF

PAINTER.Pumts, Oils, GIu*s nnjLPntty for sale. Agent fni*


one and warranted superior to all similar articles in quality and-«oBt. Tested 23 years.

COOKMAN AV. & *5 BOND ST.. AanuRT Pakk, N. J.



Horses. Hacks and Light Carriages always ready j at call. I

Passengers arriving at the Depot will be conveyed to any part of the grounds.

Myi’Biwsee mee^ till trains. Freight and baggage delivered at the shortest possible notioc.

All freight or baggage sent to my care will be- de­livered or properly cared for (

* . CL W. ROGERS, Prop.

Ro b e r t t a y l o r ,Importer and pealer in


N o . 5 2 1 C O M M E R C E S T R E E T . •5th and 6th, and Market and Arch Sts.


A SB U K V P A K K M E A T M A R K E T ,C A M P B E L L & A TJM O O K , P r o p r ie to r s ,

Ail kinilH of F resh M eats C o n s t a n t i n bam k—

Pakk R ow, near P ark H a l l


INSURANCE AGENCY.Hieks at A.bnry Park. Ocean- -Grove and vicinity,

placed in p JK8T ( .LAH8 COM PANIES, at ita low rates as are consistent with bafb ty . 1

New York State and City.Ne^. Jersey,Philadelphia,and other

RELIABLE COMPANIESre le n te d . C . D . W A R H E R ,

Red Bank, N .JFR A N K B. W A R N E R ,

AanuRT Pabk and OobaS'Gbov*, N, J- Office ; S.einbachls Building, Main StreevCor. Laks

- Avenue, front room in eeeond ■ >r, Aubnry Park, Ji. J*. P. O. Address, ^abury Park, N-

E. H. & T. B. NEWMAN.

Bricklayers, Plain ani Ornamental Plasterers,A abury P a r k * Ocean B each , N . i .


Ockan Beach, N. J .. November 18th, 1874. Thia is to oertify that E. II. Newman 4 liro. have

plastered ft number of Iraildir.gB at Ocean li.-ncli, ant! , t i a' 1 ranen have K>ven entire BatlaWlaenon. I take

pieannte ill r«n>ron»Bi.h;K them to assy wanting labor Sone in their line. Snpt,

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.P rin ck to n , N. J ., November 12th, 1874.

Tins is to certify that E- H. Newman & Bro. have . nlastered several houses for me at O^ean Beach, N. J .,

duMnff tbe pant two yeart, and have given roe good eiiiafactionY I Relieve them to be good and sqdare ^oeo, very Industrious; and will do aa they agree. And I take plckrore in .recommending them to any who may need their services/- -r * J» W* * IELDER.

P R O F E S S I O N A L C A R D S .

H 8. KINMONTH,M.J)..Physician and Surgeon. .• Office at Asbnry Park Drug,Store, Main street,

Asbnry Park N. J . - »

B EEKMAN * MURPHY, Counselors and Attor­neys at Law, Freeholdi N. J.

J OEL PARKER,, Counselor at Law, Freehold, • N. J.

Qonnselors a t Law, 10 MTall


a t t o r n f 1y - a t -l a w ,SQtloltor.Master and Bxamlner in Chancery. Freehold. N. J

SLOCUM,D 3 J 3 J T . T I 8 T ,

Moudaja, Wetlnfcsdys aud Fildajs, at Ashury Park, N. J . , two doors from th-. Kinmonth’s Drug Store.

M .a-

\ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, And Master in Chancery,


SOLICITOR AN1> MASTER IN CHANCERY: Office, 2d story Post Office Building, F reehold, N. J


Notary Publio and Commissioner of .Deeds for New York. E»tontown, N. J.

Ch a r l e s p . d o r r a n c e ,ATTORNEY-AOVLAW I

Solicitor and Master In Chancery, and Notary Public, EATONTOWN, N . J .

F. H. KENNEDY & SON, Civil Engineers and Surveyors, Real Estate Agents and Convey­

ancers. I , C . K B N M 3D Y ,~Master; in (Chancery, and Notary Public.

Office in Park Hall, Asbukt Park, N. J .


Will give particular attention to ail of the-various branches o f his profession during tbe coming season.Office, Coh. of Mattibok Av. and Emory St.,

Asbury Patk. NVJ .

' J. A. BO RD EN,SiiaviuE & .Haip: Cutting. Saloon,

MAIN AVENUE,Next door to Park Hall, A abury P a r k , N . -J .


Cor. Lawrence Avenue, near Main.Entrance,O C E A N G R O V E , N . 7 .

Plain and Ornamental Cottage*.Buildings raised and moved with care and

promptness. ‘

Rn FiatS“To,: Asbury Fountain, Esq., Wm. 8pader, Esq., Mataw&n; Rev.’ H. B Beegle, D. H. Wyckoff, Esq.,Ocean Grove; George Evans Esq.. Philad’a.

F R A N K B . W A R N E R ,


A SB U R Y .PA R K , N . j .

O v e r S B O . O O O j O g b C s t p i t a l R « p v e a a n t e d .

' A. J. |R O W N .Architect and Builder.

i , mPlans and epooitications dravfn at the shortest notricq

Also cottages'to t#nt.R e s id e n c e , 4 2 0 A sb u ry . A v e„

A S B U R Y . P A R K , N>. J .

WM. H. BENNETT,mandfaotubbk of

Soda Watk^Sarsaparilia,'\AND .

X N A ' X i JB G .


J . o . d o w n s ; .

B r i o k l a y i h G

- Plain Si Ornamental Plastering,P. 0. M dreta, AaWry P ari, H. J.

Refers by permission to Jaa. A. Bradley, Esq.

M ILK ! MILK !!G E O R G E W . T R U A X ,

Receives his supply of Milk Daily frotn the Best Dairies in this neighborhood.

All orders directed to GEORGE TRUAX, PARK HALL, will meet with prompt attention.

W A S H I N G T O N .President Grant haa eommenoed the preparation

of hta anntial message.Owinj

oers ant _preparation ofdepartments has bpen delayed*; none of them lu v§ yet-been placed in the handi of tho PnBllb ^ i n r 1

Information him been reoeived hero that ft numVi

avoiding in future the difflooltiea and dangere hd% attending the election of a President.

In oonseqnencp of the late period at whioh the River, and Harbor Improvement's bill was passed at the Ute session of Congress, only a smaU por­tion of the $5,000,000 appropriated has teen ex­pended, and therefore the estimates for suoh objeots will be comparatively small for the next fiSeal year.

A commission will assemble at the Treasury De­partment In a tow days to examine into the utility and safety of seal locks for the use of the Customs Department, ai^d to report on the question of the adoption ni some lowt of that charribter in prefey-enoe to the wire and lead seaL Tho AmelwS^eal look was at ono time in nset but the impositions, practiced npon the Government .by some of the parties interested, it was slleged by .some officials that their transactions were deliberate frauds^ led to the change to wire and lead seal. This,was also done upon the recommendation of Henry 8- Mar­tin, Special Agent of the Treasury Department, who unearthed the remarkable transactions of the American Seal Lock Company.

S i STA TE IT EM S.( ^The contest in referenoe to the proposed con­nection between Jersey City and Commnnipaw is {ty be.oarried into the oourts. The citizens of Newark are agitating the ques-

y.-^The M- E. Missionary Society basapppTopriated ^COO to spnd Econauma,' a y^ong Bolgarmni ‘ “lent who graduated from Drew. Seminary last

V aa a miraiopary to hb country.. of State Kelsey has issued his usual'

t..-- list and -post offloe addresses of the mem­bers of the 'bext‘ Legislature/ It will meet at Trenton on Tuesday, January 9, 1877.‘ John A«'Gri£Qn, of Jersey City Heights, while

intoxicated, is few evenings ago, was forced intoart -alleyway on Commnnipaw avenue by three men, who robbsd him of a gold watch and $18 in money. Robert Tripp ana Cranston Hamiltonmen, i him of a g<

Tripp and;old watch and f 18 in

F O R E I G N I T E M S .The Liberta of Rome ststtea that Cardinal An-

tonelliVi will, fn. spite of cardfnl search, has not been found.. The Khan of Khiva offered to abdicate -and Jiand the remnants of"his former territory over to the Eossian government.• According io the Manchester Courier. Cardinal

Manning is abont to return to Rome to take up bis permanent residenoe there. Negotiations are'al­ready going on for the appointment of his successor in England, where rumor has il tbat Cardinal Manning will be the next Pope.

Not least among the attractions at the Paris Ex­position of 1878 will be the music. There will be a grand oonoert ball in whioh will be heard orchestral musio, opera and oratorig. England will provide a oompiete performanoo of one of Handel’s oratorios, under the oondnotorship of Sir Michael Costa ; and Germany will give speci­men b of Handel's musio. Caville Coll will build an immense organ, which he promises will elcel all other organs.

A telegram from Qalontta states that later ac­counts aay that 120,000 persons perished during the cyolone whioh passed through eastern Bengal on the 81st of October. The Government isjak- ing active steps for the relief o f iKe’ diiffessed' -population of th e . district The Calcutta corres­pondent of the London Times states that estimates baaed on the'offioial returns from the variouapolioe sections give the total loss of life as 215vO00 in three districts. Snd it is probable that even this estimate is too small.

JO H N C . JO H N SO N & SO N ,


JEWELRY AND FAI CY GOODS,R e p a i r in g 'D o n e a t S i^o rt N o tic e ." , GIVE US'A CALL.Parties wishing to purchase Fine Jewelry or Watches

in New. York will do well to leavcf1 their orders with us, as we hove u large experience in this business.

C o o k r a a p . A v e n u e , n e a r ' 3 ? a r k S o i l ,ASHURY PARK. N< J.

J A MESCarpenter and Builder.

' J O B B m O P E O .ili i-Y A T T2N D E D TO.

.R e« 4 < fe t» « e , A v . n t a r U ergh .~B K op o n M o n ro eA.V., n e a r t h e H a l l r o a d ,

A S B U K Y P A R K . TNT. J .Having bad a long experience m the line

* * Park and Ocean Grove, t t^ h a t :I oi

purchasers, at _executed at tne shortest notioe.

of ~ buildiriifibl^to sa;

r sbnry . — ------- r v i can build cottages *of everysuit purchasers, at the lowest prices. 'Orders

K K A I /E S T A T E C O S V E W O E S , M O N M O U T H C O U N T Y .

List o f con vey an oo sj MoHmontfi Co unty XJlerK’s ol- fioe, for week ending No^^Bth, 1876.

Reported expressly for the Asbury Park J ournal.James A. Bradley and wife to John W. Sutpben—

conveys lotrAsl)ury Park; consideration, S300. ^George R/ Rogers and wife to Michael Tompkins—•

two lots at Oceanic ; consideration, $275. 'GeCrge R. Rogers and wife to Sujjfltt Rogers-^two*

lots at Oceanic; consideration, 2275. V Thomas Perens and wife to Thomas Kennedy—con­

vey n eastern half of lot No. 113, at Ocean Beach; con­sideration, $500

The Ocean Beach Association to Thomas Kennedy— conveys lots Noh. 3, 4, 112, 212, 1213,1214,1215, lSSO, 1531, 1532, 1533, 103, 104, 1500, 1501,y 1600, 46, 47,48, at Ocean Beach ; con side rati Du, $4,250.

Eugene Lon^street and wife to Elisabeth B Curtis—, conveys lot, Munasquan river, Wall, township; consid­eration, $800.“ ■.

John Lane and wifg to Hannah J. Letson— oonveyi lot No. 5, Sea Bright { coneideration, $200.

Patrick Greely to Samuel HendVickson—conveys two and 69-100 acres, township Middletown; consid­eration, $1.■ Sauiuel T. Hendrickson and wife to Bridget Greely— conveys two and 69-100 arres, township Middletown ; consideration, $1.

Elixabeth Mount to John F. Gifford—conveys house and lot at Brupchburg, Eatontown township ; consider­ation; $1,300.

Thomas 8..R. Brown and wife to George P. Wal­ters—conveys two lots at Keyport; consideration, $325v

Joseph Rose and wife to Joseph A. Rose—conveys sixty and 20-100 acres in township Matavan; consider­ation, $5,000.

Joseph A. Rose-and wife to Frances 8. Rose—con­veys sixty and 20-100 acres, in t6wnship Matavan ; con­sideration, $5,000. . . * - -

William Campbell and wife to Richard W. Strong— conveys lot at Reyport; consideration, $2,500.

Curtis Youmans and wifo to Jonathan Youmans et al —convoys thsir interest Jn lands of Ocean township; consideration. $100. r -

Britton Wnite and wife to Moritz Naftal—conveys lot, Asbury Park ; consideration, $1,500. j

Charles E Huntington and wif? to Ransom Rath- bone—conveys two lots in town of Union, Raritan townshm ; couaideraUon,$25. • * .“* Kdward^lliure GeprgO.H*v*vb lot at Red Bank j .consideration, $300

Chai-tes A Bennotli spcoiul muster, to John P. L .. Tilton—conveys hodsti arid lot, township Ocean, six acres; conBidcraUon, $511.

The Qceau Grove Camp Meeting Associatiou-to Wal- ter O. P^lpier—conveys lots Npa. 558 and My, QceftnGrove; consideration. $110. ~

ChSr'les'F. Wyckoll and wife to Caroline Brown— qonveys lot at ABbUry Park; consideration, $1,000.

Jacob Van-Winkle und wife to Mary M. Hoff—oou- veyB lot at Keyport; con side ratibn, $1.

Dodd At, Tteasby to John L. Riker—conveys lot at Monmouth BeaohVconsideration, $4,000. r

J..Alexander^La Rue and wife to William B. Rice— conveys 14 and 90-100 > acres, township Manalupan; co nsi ao rati on,

William B. Rice to Jennie A. La Rue—convoys 14 and 90-100 aores, township Mansi span; consideration^ $2.

L E W I S ,8nccess0^ tc QKOTfcEUt jjBOS/

Large Breafl, Paacy Cate, Pie;AND CRACKER BAKEriY;

Coir. Ooofanan'Avtone affil-BcmdStredt,A8BUMY PARK, N. 4.

Refresh men t»for Weddings. Parties, Pih-nica, and Entertainments furnished at th,e shortest notice, and at the most reasonable rates,. Icing and Orham&nung. {'Upnsge resident* In the Grovd or Park^ssrVed at

were taken into custody on Saturday, ou a charge of haying participated in the robbery.

Thteo boys abotit SitWdii yeatfi old Vere fuutfd wandering about Wayne ptreet, Jersey City,’at a late hour Sunday night, and were taken into custody by an offl^r. They said they lived in Newark, but ran awav from home on aocount of cruel treatment. The boys were detained until their parents can be communicated with. *

A l^rge oil refinory is to be built at Consta­ble Hook There will be a dock 200 front on the Kills and extending 800 feet out into the water. The petroleum will be shipped over the Central Railroad directly to Bergen Point, and thenoe conveyed to the works through iron pipes. The works will employ a large number of men.

In the United States bistriot. Court at Trenton, last week, James McIntyre was sentenced to two yeara’ imprisonment in the -State Prison for car­rying on an illipit distillery in the cellar of hlB residenoe at Rdhway. Chas. A. Diebold was sen­tenced to four months’ imprisonment for supply­ing sour beer to McIntyre, from whioh the crooked whisky was manufactured^. ^^OsohWald and Ryan/the Newark burglars who were oonvioted of the murder of offioer Brock, have been aentenoed to be hanged on Friday, Jan­uary 5, 1877. Theif oounsel have taken except tionsj and. will endeavor to procure a new trial, and’ wUl ako apply for a stay of proceedings. When asked by the judge why sentence should not be pass­ed upon them, Ryan Baid he was inn^en t of the charge ; Osdhwald made no reply. . *

M O N M O U T H C O U N T Y C O U R T S .

T h e C o u r t o f f A ppealsConvenod on Mbnday morning last, Judge Mc­Lean presiding, and Assooiate Judgos Shinn, Sick­les and Herbert present on the bench. /

The following cases ^rere disposed of during Monday and Tuesday:

Edward- Taylor, administrator o f Suinmerfleld, -warden', tJ*. Charles Antouides. • Judgment below reversed and entered in favor of appellee for $16.-. 85. Beckman and Murphy for appellant; Jno, B. Lanning for appellee.

Thomas Mo Mullen «t. Peter Reynolds, and Thomas McMullen vs. Porwan Woolley, and Thomas McMullen vs.. Job Edwards, judgment below af-, firmed. Lanning for appellant; Arrowsmith fprappellee.; •...........-

Joseph H. Cooper, elal.t vs. Pumyea and Beek­man. 'Judgment belowreversed and judgment of non-suit granted^ in favor of appellants. Vreden- burg for appollanta. *

Abel ColemanJ m. Mary Doans, Appeal dis­missed, no one appearing for appellant; Steen for appellee. ,

George Pool vs. the Raritan Cemetery ,Oo. Judgmedt below reversed and non-suit' tinkered in favor of appellants ; Walling for defendant

Isaac B. - Smith vs. Charles A^ Irwin. Appeal dismissed ; no one appearing for appellant.

Keuben A. Tilton vnK William W. Poland. Ap­peal dismissed ; no one appearing for appellant.

Lydia B. Whitmore et aI ts. He ” " *enry P. Parker, dismissed-; no one appearing for appellant,

ry H. Pemberton and C. Ewing Patterson vs. Samuel Woolley. Jndgment below affirmed.11 *Pat-

G E N E R A L N E W S .Two. thousand umbrellas have been lost and

found during the Great Exhibition upon the grounds, to say nothing of 1,000 parasols.

Gov. Smith, of Georgia, has ordered tlie tax col­lector to suspend collection of State taxes for 1876 in Brunswick, on aocount of the suffering of the ^citizens by fever.

A dispute over the chances of the eandidatea forPresident, in Brooklyn, on Saturday night,.b jo u ^ on a flght, in whioh Thomas Kane's noee was^bitten off byMioHaer "Cunningham. ^

Prom -tha 1st to tho 15th of November it ia law­ful to shoot deer on Long Island. Last year a score or more were B h o t in the wide tjaota of for­est in Suffolk,copnty, but this year very few.

=:I Ellis, the Park Bank defaulter, has boon cap­tured. It will probably go hard with him, for fche President of the bank has declared that in no con­tingency will he oompound with the, absconding teller. __- Tfie. State.bpard.Qf oany’aasers o* South Carolina have aeolarea the State for Ha^ea and the entire Republican ticket, and have issued certificates of election. Their aotion is regarded as arbitrary and very generaUy denounced. ,

'After six months in a receiving vault the body of the late Baron Palm will be taken to Washing-

terson fox appellant j Arrowsmith for appellee._ Patrick Kelly e*. WilHam W. Conover. Jndg­ment below reversed and entered for appellee for $94. Walling for appellant j Applegate and Kev­ins for appellee.

Josoph H. Reid and Mary A. Reid vs. Timothy Slatterly. , Judgment. below affirmed. Beekman and Murphy for appellants; Arrowsmith for ap- pelleo. '

Asher H. Holmes vs James K. Brown. Jndg­ment below reversed and non-suit granted in favor' of appellant. Arrowsmith for appellant.

Anna Schenck vs. Julia Vought. Judgment below affirmed. Howell for appellant; Uobbins for appellee.

Beiy. B. Pearce vs. Wm. J. Wilson. Judgment below affirmed. Walling for appll^ntj Arrow­smith for appellee.

A. G. Chambora vs. Wm. Hondrickson, and A G. Chambers vs. Richard O'Donnell. Judgment below reversed and entered in favor of Chambers. Haight for appellant; McDerinott for appellee, i

Merrick M. Burdge vs. Jacob W. Buck. Judg­ment for appellant Arrowsmith for appellant; Haight for appellee. *

Cornelius H. Matthews vs. Striker k Taylor. Appeal dismissed. ... v'

Edward H. Ward, e ta l m . the Long Branoh and Deal Turnpike Co Judgment of non-auit given.

John Hall vs. Richard T. Stone. Decision re­served.

..Jacob O. Lwnberson vs. Stewart Brown. Ap­peal dismissed. *’ *“

Thomas H. Lafetra vh. John Henry Hines. Ap- .peal dismissed.

Charles Lounsberry vs. Abraham N. Coot. Judgment affirmed.

Jonathan It. Inglingu/t. Theodore Sickles. Ap­peal, dismissed.

John E. Vandenreer vs. Jane Reid. Appeal dis­missed.

him an extraordinary funeral ionic Hall.I t is expected that the Astor memorial altar will

be entirely finished and in its plaoe in Trinity Church, New York, by the flret of April next, The plan of the teredos has beon slightly changed Bince the first design, and instead of the alabaster panels, upon whioh the seven scenes in the life of Christ are sculptured in atto-reHevoy marble panels are to be substituted.

• The magnifioent drive from Prospect Park, Brooklyn, to Coney Island, known as Ooean Park­way, was opened to the publio on Saturday. I t is six miles in length and 210 feet wide, with aide drives 25 feet wide, and a pentral drive 70 feet in width. Broad walks lined with trees add to its beauty. Jt dost $500,Q00, and four yeara have .been taken for its construction.

William McKee, oonvioted for participating in the doings of the Whiskey. King, was released from prison at S t Louis, on Saturday aJternoon on an order received by telegraph .from Attorney- General Taft at Waahingtoh, to H. W. Leffingwell, United States Marshal here. The Attorney-Gen­eral "stated that .Mr. MoKee's pardon had been signed by the Prealdent and was on its way to S t Xsouifl. i Mr. MqKee is* i n ’“excellent health, his prison Iile seeming to have agreed with him. Public sentiment in S t Louis • appears to be in faVor of the pardon. ^ '

A sbury P a rk T rin ity E piscopal C hurch .The friends ol Trinity t3hufqh who arranged the

delightful entertainment at this place in August last, have not forgotten the object for which that wfta gotten up, ahd h^Ve showed their interest has not abated, by getting up a very fine affair at the ohapel of the Ohuroh of the Messiah, Brooklyn, on Thursday evening, November 9th. The pro­ceeds they think will procure carpet for the

— - - - o church. The oommittee was composed'of Miss*«■» C o W Oioott, the head Bi„ , ^ Mr ;tad ,IoB„ K n th , Mr arjdof taa YteoeopLtob or peooil^ people, Who gavS T , * 3 . “

at Mas< Mrs: Fred. Kroehl, and Miss Aggie Kroehl, as­sisted by members of the Church of- the Messiah, whom they interested in their worthy purpose. The programme was well arranged, and admirably carried oht- by the various artists to whom the parts were assigned. Part first opened by a dffdt, “ Galop de Concert,"- by ‘Mfeses Reinioke and Simpaon, which was’ Well rendered, the inspiration of the composer being well understood, and the beauties of the piece* brought Oat'by* the spirit}of the performers. First tableau entitled “ Faith and Hope.” represented by Miss Jennie McClure and Mias Katie Seamen. Singing by Mias Bell and Miss Lillie Crane elicited repeated applause ; their voices are pure and sweat, and highly culti­vated. The dialogue, “ A Happy Pair, by Mrs. Geo. T. Coombs and Mr. A. Pomeroy, represented the efforts of a netfleajed wife to recover the affec­tions of an indifferent husband. The> piece abounds in humorous points, whichthe audienoe was not slow to appreciate. The jfeging of Mr. Pomeroy was good, but Mrs. Coombs excelled her­self on this occasion. This recitation.was fallowed by a duet on the piajio and violin, by Miss Reinicke and Mr. Weihle, The latter in a thorough master'of hia instrument, and the selec­tions from the operas were enthusiastically enoored. The .first rpart closed with that amusing Boeqe in

Nicholas Nickleby,7 where Mrs. Squeers is giving a dose' of rbaole. The Mrs. Squeers .on this oor casion was Miss Maggie JMtathais, Mr. Henry

C O U N T Y N E W S ;

^rora the MaU'Wftti'Jmiiftlcd. ’ - x-' \ yy . Chtjbch HtJppxiL—The lMeS'df James’rChipeJ,

for t^e benefit of Sooiety.Mr. Jaoob Van Winkle, hia

Brown’s Poinfj on Wedn^day moniing, ldth ina t: a tab o u tsnot^feeli^ weU fOT ^ m e ^ ^ i^ b n t^ was^cmtaw^c

Kneumonia. S L -,Van r Winklft ,was a native of. ew York, whdrtfheBtu&odlaw; labd was admitted *

to practice. About 25 years ago-rrW^^Httls cfter— he rOmoved to Brown’s Point where tie haSresided ~ ever since. The funbiW iook^w»^VBIiriMifl^Ta P. E. Church, Keyport,4on Friday moaraihK, and,Uie remains we^e token to the burial-grounds ofthe old Shrewsbury P. E. Ohurch for intertneht -

Kroui the Lonif Brauoh .V«v»._ , ■ , ^One Df oor citizens says he “hopesthey will jiurry

up couhtihg them electical votes down rSoutt^ Another is of opinion that the electoria} votes of IHorida have gone for Tilden. . , * ,

Tho twenty-fifth anniversary of the Informed Church at Locyj Branoh was celebrated this'Wfefek by a sermon by the pastor, Rev. .#. B. Wilson ,ftJ?d a social gathering. The church was started in:18£nttflr.fnnr vAnro' tyqfter four , years^missionary Work, and Mr.,W£ has been its only pastor-. Addresses appropriate to the occasion were made by the Bev. Mr. Mor- rel, T- C. Morford, and H. W. Wilson, of Newark. The membership of the ohuroh is 2J5, and besidos the regular service in the village, it conducts th* Sea' Side Ohapel at the bhore. '

From the Occan Grovte Record. - ';

ppok Howlahd, having suryived the late elec­tion exoitemunt, ift about tO btiild a neat and sub­stantial cottage for Mr. Van Tassell, of Valhalla. - N. Y.

Quite an limpulae haa been given ttft4niprove> ment in tbe region of Flptoher Lake since Bev.H. C. McBride’s fine cottage was started there. We hear of two more projected near Broadway and Central avenue. w

J oqae appear to think that it is a -very serious take lor the Association to prohibit tho erec­

tion of moderate-sized cottage boarding-houses east of Central avenue. Three-fourths of all “the strangers coming to tbe grounds prefer to stop near the deo, and b u t for such. an< interdiction, many sections now vacant and UhimpboVed, and likely to remain so, would be speedily, adorned - - with oreditable structures, adding greatly to .the . appearance of things and publio accommodation as well. )

From the Monmouth Democrat (Mr. Bennett, Assemblyman’ elect in the Seoond

District, leads the Presidential ticket sixteen votes.Intelligence has been received here of thedeath

of ReV. J. L. Kehoo, at Albany—formerly of thia oounty. - • •

Shall we have a leoture course this winter?. While the great qtaTa who shine at 75 or more per hour,, would be entertaining, they run away with, all the profits and~"cfo" muoh to chill enterprise here. Ap ii^eresting course could be made Up of one or two specialists from Rutgera or Princeton, aided by local talent whioh abounds here. Would not a course of nix pay ' at $1.50 for a season ticket at 40 oents eachlecture ? There is no one too old to learn something /etenJ frdm his neigh­bor. **

From the-Bed Ban»c Standard. -Game is plenty, and ou^sportsmen have a good,

ime exploding powder. '•' ’ ^ , - . , -

theGeorgo W. Brown,- aheriIT, io Beufaniln F King

ouvdyt! 50-100 acres, township Slirewsoury, sold aa tl property of Jaoob? Morrell'; consideration,’$280.

John Qreeri to Marthu Gteeu—conveys lot, villago of Matawan ; consideration, $1. ,

Henry H. Xoxd to Herman B. Potter—conveys lot at Ocean Beach; consideration^SOO.

A. H. Mead to J. B. Carr^-leaflbs lots Nos. 1,158 and 1,159, at Ocean Grove ,; consideration, $2 000.

Edward L. Bodin, trufltue,^«i al, to Tho Sea Girt Land Imnrovemeiit»'C(n^=effnVey8 150-600 of life etlhte, and 150 b0Q of estate in fee, in pramiaes at‘Wreck Pond, townBhipof Wall; couaiduration, $12,500.

I5dward L. Bodin, trustee,** ali to tne.8ei^Ght Land- Improvemeiit Co.—conveya 135-600 of life'estate; and 135-600 of wrfatejn fee, in premiaea .at+Wre^ Tpond,

p towahip of »W allV •consideration, $15,000...Daniel H. Morna and wife .to Peter Wi Smith—con-

T J vvnuouij) UI uu n ou fuMWfUO(MiUUr VCath^Ue.Thompeon,andlTiowaM 'F. Thompson to

Hannah C. ThompaCDh—coijveya land ih township or Frehpld; conaldoration^ $500. • - ■ -

An officer of the Leonard street, New York, p o - __Roe found a little curly-headed boy drenched to the Bpooher tiling the part” of Smike. akin and unabbrto apeak from exhaustion, on one The Beoond part opened with an artdstio scene of USe AmaEera^m Steamship Co.’s piers last Sunday representing the “ Sculptor's Dream.” The oen- morning. He was taken care of byMi». \V«bbat ^he tra] flmjre jras.Miaa. Mary (skHimbs, attended by Police Central Office. Through an interpreter he p^ jss Jennie MoCl^ire.and Miss Aggie Kroehl, said: “ My name is Carl Seufter, and lived in p 0meroy taking-the part of Sculptor. The ar- Amuterdam, Holland. My fether gave .me a bad rangoment of this soene was exdellent, and showed beating three woeka ago and I .ran away from , the cultured taste of the lady }n oharge.' ^ fter a hoqae, and as night came on I got on boflrd of a j by the Misses Crane,. tho tabieau, “ Child- big ship. ' I hid behind some boxes, and the next j Why Don't You Keep Yoar Hats On ?” in

timeA converted Jew occupied the pulpit in the

Dutch Xlhurch, at Middletown, on Sunday night last, an4exceptions were taken-to* some pf his^s- marks by many.

From the Monmouth Inquirer.Firemen’s f Hall ia appropriately draped] iWith

mourning etnblems, qut of r^ tlie memory of Mr. Thomas 0. Swift, the deceased fOrdman of the Hook and ladder Company.

On Tuesday ot last week, an accident oocurred to Jphn Dolan, while he was attending the engine that pumps water-into the tank of the depot.' In some way he caiight the two middle fiufcers pf.the left hand in the machinery, and tbey were taken

, / ■At the recent mooting of the Mercer County

Board of Chosen Freeholders, it was, announced that tho Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders had begun suit in the Supreme Ootirt in reference to the Fowler Creek bridge. j.jQn motion, th# solloitor for the Mercer County Board wa* Instructed to defeu^L the suit.

morning found that I was out at sea. On the ] whioh'ifiBs Minnie Harrison and Mr.'Brewer were third, day IJut I;was discovered and taken before ; p'ronainent figures, was well presented; Maa-

Tjie boy will bd sent home., .. . • ! the Goddess of Liberty." • In th® former Miss.... - ■, , . ( 1 Aggie Kroehl .took ihe part of “ FaftL" Thip

, On Batojday night, diHlag a petfomumce at tSbleaa wa» weU ammRod, the wenery quite am poors'.i Opero HoMe. Baoran.emo the floor gave propriat^ ^ the attitudo of Jho. lad /e la i -i^g to WOTandpredpltatod the unture aud.epm into, the f to otomsp foU o t oxpresmon an< , li to

* • ' llon»« J™. ntnated over ^ en title 'it to che wmpUmant Wld<£Bouond rtreet, Ibatwee^K ., Tba 'U g t 'taBfeA n o t behtod in

teongfa of a S t a M » W and ooiqing as it did, tho day before^h© closing o | .tho “ Centennial^” waa quite appropriate. I t wap full of spirit, and was .repeated in answer to ihe un­bounded enthusiasm of the audienoe. Miss Stiftp-*. son excelled herself in her represcntatioii of r the

Armoiy. I t hs,d recently been oqpverted into a theatre by putting up a gallery and tier boxes, making the hall capable of seating 1,000 persons. The fiobrwas unsupported except by the usnal beafoa. A'VaUdeiiU^ troupe hatl engaged the thea-

.of l h e ^ U m r n e n t , ;: 2 S S th . i rm j and ^

Bj’t < S3 [’ o f b e a iit and di- , .,the entile anditoriiiin, fcarrying wltH i t the . s i ’ • " / m -aeoipljB ttdinb -testrf-ie

nYTriinh w u. A uttfn ittD dited-I'weed’u A R h a U ,

The 0 . .8. Frigate Franklin, baVfalg on board.*te3?:tesr.sKa,; iM 'B e 'ssSfexsi were WilliaaiM.

l i t f 1 W- : . f l r m f t . n n T J i n M H . V W i n M f n n . . T a I- .-T u Wfor-fcitd-tb- t -by tha V;

vsA abaat and hi

The ligSto w#3» , ,ii Q m tu, tm Ths nnlirirtn a n d ' i ' WSet.* or a n d arriTeain N ew lfe iiii.■" " pasaos* iot-s - v a t takinimmedliiittily io h i i ‘<

* i low atr«et jafi.l in liM -

■ iO S G l i K A N C H . ’Dr. A V. Conover is building another neat oot-

tage adjoining tho Metropolitan Hotel:Hon. Wm. V. Conover, was in town on Wednlae-

day. He is still suffering from his: recent mishap.A new cottage is being built a t Monmouth Bearth

for Mr. Fitsgerald, of New York, by Mr. Glougbley. ,. The reoent storm, although very setotof did 1 but little damage here. The t^ o k of tho tf .’J . S.R. R. above the Rranch waa inp^udated and also imbedded in s^nd ^n some places^ a force of wprkmen soon removed ihe impediment., Along the shore there, wm no damag^ Worthy^of mention ^■ The Supreme Court haa jiidt rendered a ded&ion favorable tQ Ooeim-townehip, in thp case between John Hoey and the townafilp/. Mr. Hoey plead­ing that th e assessments fpr. .gas nnd.wator were not to his personal bepefit snd should Jjiot ^s- sessed to him.

The Long Branch ^ateRWorkp, Company have filed proper papers, and have orgautaed, srith JeSae1

‘W. §taw as President, wud J . M. 'Lor^ence,1 Vice- T PreaidentAYfhe, capital stock is to Ibe 125,000. 'The street^ haYe been thoroughly "pertain the feasibiliiy of the project, and tho , which will be-used has been analyzed an d jPJ0- nounoed equal iA_ purity any, an if, *|,B?W ^. will be ample. T he reservoir^in'bikhtftf^Oofon and Cedar avenues n-fchat - podnt (b^hojr thehigheBt A guarantee,is auked by t^fl.opipjP^V missipnetfrT&at they will f ^ OI

inmaSaUia.p«rnlteaion io f- ahead 1 1 Uitli"pipe.laying'«BS';«t^ rnext Jnn* :..


Page 2: C H I N A , - SiiaviuE & .Haip: Cutting. Saloon, · N. Y. SLATE & ROOFING CO., Limited. RUBBER ROOFING, ENA31EL PAINT, ready fpr one and warranted superior to all similar articles

y - i0 V C .' f 3 -

A S B U R Y P A ^ iK JO U R N A L , S A T U B D A Y , K fO V E M B E R 2&, 1 8 7 0 /



. : , XBSHS OF 8®BH»tF*IQ».I T^I,ln*a«noe.. .........................'.i............ |1 M

...............•jjfinoaths,Inadvance ......... ..............................**

iraooibflna^Tance...... ...................... .J. 18atfljlfc copies.......... .vri... ................. ..............

• f fh * Abburt PlhK Jotmiui, i* a wfAiyixtfMr, puUMtd qt-t— Jentff. iTit printed on a«4', U |tfii emiafnina UU ci^rreni netif.of event* aionffthefer- irwpiwait,-gust aiummarv ty.gM4im&m.\iU*i!tctlM*ar*made.wMh oar*, although a u compoted principally of original • matter. We aim to m au U a good family paper, and desire to

> extend U* circulation, Tfe therefore ath our Mend* and pree-'en? subscriber* to recommend it to their neighbor*. Tht.price U 4n* doaar Qrtd^ftp centt per year, pottage included ; half

TO eO B B «S IM W 0B I«T llWe thallbeplod to reeeittmm t oj nswm and communication)

on subject* afintere*t to thl* community. jin \nriting artic2**inUndedJorptibtuxtitQiuaurfriend* Will

pleat* bear in mind that a sheet i Britten upoifboth-*ide* ha* t b« copied before going to pre**—a tabor we cannot-undertake.

d a communication* thouldbe accompanied by the fu l l name aiiaaddre** of IA« writer, tiot necettartlyfor publication, but at a guarantee dood faith . Anonymou* letter* u><# not be

PtfKrtt rejected communication*, 6m* toil! hold t\er*fora limited time ( f regretted to.

AU letter* intended fo r the editorial or nero* departnisnt should be addreuod to the

Editor ofthe Journal, y . Atburv rark.tfeto Jersey.

S A T U R D A Y , N O V E M B E R 25, fsT 6.

N O N - S U I T E D .A young m an nam ed Jo se p h M oun t w as

engaged b y M rs. S a rah L . C olem an la s t sum ­m er, a s h e lp e r in h e r hotel, on tria l. A fte r a few d a y s ’ experience w ith th e you n g geji- tlem an, M rs. C olem an po lite ly to ld him he

— w ould n o t answ er for the position. T h in k in g , ** perhaps, M rs. Colem an w as too busy to re*

aist an u n jus t claim, because h e r tim e w as too valuable, h& sued h e r for a m on th ’s Wages. H e r friends to ld h e r to resist w h a t’ might-be-- m ade a p recedent, and fu rth e r suggested th a t w h a t seem ed to be blackmail,, shou ld also be resisted. She acted upon th e ir advice, and appealed to tho C o u rt a t Freehold , and so av o id ed the t r i a l ja e fo re th e ’Squire. T h lT case cam e up on " W e d *

v nesday, j and • a&" th e injured you n g m andid no t p u t in an a p p e a ra n d he w as thereup* on non-suited. In th e S ta te o f N e w Y o rk he woifld h ave to pay costs, b u t we believe th e re is no law here in reference to such cases. W e th in k M rs. Colem an has set an exam ple to

! o thers who m ay be doing business here, to resist w ith all th e ir m ight- tb e claim s o f any scalaw ags w ho cnn c ite them

. to ,appear before aome ’Squire oo th e le a s t1 4--- "pretext, w h ere m any people w ill su b m it to VV ex tortion ra th e r than b o th e r w ith th e m a tte r.

M rs. Colem an cam e h e re la s t sp ring an en ­tire stranger, and has paid e v e ry ju s t claim .

- W e h a v e n e v er know n a person engaged in tbe ho te l business th a t has paid all b ills so prom ptly , and, n o tw ith s tand ing som e slight* m isunderstanding w ith the builders, of. h e r popular hotel, w e regard h e r as n lad y pos* sessing rem arkab le business ability, and w ill close by la y in g th a t she has placed A sb u ry P a rk under g rea t obligations fo r ih e en e rg y and foresightedness she has show n.

Brodner, not Bradley, is the owner of land Wing •oath of Ocean Grove (South Aabnry Park). Bradncr can grip a dollar tighter than Bradley ; as a consequence Braaner's place ia developing Bplendnlly in a -----

M O R E T H A N W E D E S E R V E .T h e reader wHI 'noCice b v r’eR rence to th e

tiifae tab le of the N e w J e rse y C en tra l ^Rttil* road th a t We -now have four tra ins a d ay to ' and from N e w Y ork . A dw elle r in A sb u ry P a rk or Ocean G rove can now be in N e w Y o rk a t 8:35 A . M., an^l can leave N e w Y o rk a t 5:15 P .M ., and be a t hom e a t 7:21, o r should he p re fe r a la te r m dm ing tra in he can

‘'. '" 'a rr iv e in N e w Y o rk a t 9:50, and by trik ing | th e 4:15 tra in can reach home a t 6:21. 'T h ese trave ling facilities w ill h av e a ten d en cy to build Up all th e tow ns a long th e en tire rou te , a ltb o u g lu a u ch lib e ra lity on th e p a r t o f the R ailroad Com pany m ay occasion additional expense ju s t now, b u t i t will -surely p ay in the long rufi. A b w e head th is article so w e candidly believe { “We do n o t deserve such a c ­com m odation especially in w inter, w hen o u r trav e l is so much less than .in the o th e r sea ­sons, b u t we accept i t g ra te fu lly and enjoy its privileges. W ill th e com pany allow us to suggest th a t if they can possibly do so n e x t

, sum m er they should reduce th e fare .to co rres­pond w ith the N ew Je rse y S o u th e rn tariff. I t m ay not be ou t o f place ju s t here to again suggest the book trip tickets prev iously a llu ­ded to by the J o u r n a l . T h e increased trav e l on the road th a t w ill be caused b y these bo o k tickets will more th an com pensate for th e reduction in rated.

S ev era l v e ry fine owls h ave recen tly been I. , sh o t and b ro u g h t to th e P a rk museum f,o foe " s tu ffed an d placed in th e O rnithological D e-

p a r tm e n t o f our free exhib ition . J u s t th ink o f it, fou r tra in s a day in w in ter to th e ,g re a t

“tn e fi^p o lis ;^om p a lace where, less than seven ; y e a r s ag o th e ow l and sea-gull w ere th e ' u n d is tu rb e d inhab itan ts.

f e b u ild in g is now being’ done in A sbury-C *-^P ark a n d ^ O cean6'G rove than in any otheriL . .to w n o f f i v e tfines th e ir size in any o th e r part ^ & o f '1 N e w J e rse y . T h ia p rosperity is -d u e to

'th in g s. ’ . F ir s t , above al],' the fact th a t a tem perance com m unity wifl bring

.re sp ec tab le fam ilies to locatc hero l ^ ^ p ^ O ^ f l J p t g O ' to a beer-selling neighbor-

th e inducem en ts m igh t be^u feam o rder,' good ao*8 ood schools, happy

\ ®us' Jie*l‘hfullo p » tio n ia a p o th e r cause , * n d .onr p ro g re s s iv e , .

-atjrlo of:: paoplp,.^. w hicli g h r« s - ’!.t'#tritnge?8''r1 h 3 ' ip w k th a t w e a rc a tn tf c - '

E w ilco •ib n .jan m ty » a d ' t e i ' t o ' insfcc fcUinga - . . . .\"yro h e 'N e V J e r s e y

us a^aplpndid road ^ i t b nrst-class accom m oda- | tiona .fo r traveil, ^rhicli, though m entioned ! last, is b y no m eans least in the* lis t o f causes J o f o u r unpreceden ted p rosperity .

We one© read eomowberp.'tbat ne rt to getting religion it waa the. fluty crf^venfmwuo try aoa get acotnp«ency. To poopft' Who\Urfi plainly a competency doti t dtaount to tnanV- tliuuaand dollaw We !Wls wor*l <>n r preacl^rt 'bwifod' a obtUue, clear'- df dcht, in; OceaU. urove (86nth Aabnry Park), bo that in their old age

*’ '* to their “ Cottage the Sea, ’ whcro-they cOiUd retire t- k{ndrod irpiHta Wpnld greet tjiojn day )y day.

W idow V a n C o tt ift m ee tin g w ith consider­able success as a rev iv a lis t in a N ew Y o rk church . A m o n g a nHm ber-whcr ruahed t.o the a lt^ r as pen iten ts, a t th e close o f the serv ice, w as C hauncey Shaffer, the well-khowjru.efratic law yer. W e reg a rd him as an a rra n t hum bug in religious m atters, or else m entail)’ irresponsi­ble for h is ofl-repeated irregu larities. W e took

^ti good deal o f s tock in th e m an w hen in o u r you th fu l days w,e first a tten d ed camp-aieet* ings. W e rem em ber w ell a cam p-m eeting a t N o rth p o rt, L o n g Island , w here th is ‘J irre sp o n - sible ” m an created a gre*at sensation by te ll­ing the people he would sell his law books, and w ith th e bible and hym n book he would e v e r a fter te ll o f th e law o f love, o f J e s u s and H is gospel. W e th in k he has ddne th e cause o f religion m uch dam age by his e rra tic course, to speak nilTdly. A N e w Y o rk paper speak ­ing of M rs. V a n C o tt says :

“ She has loft the impression on those outside the fold that with proper training she would have been a vferyTTrie actress. Her methods itfthe pul­pit are exceedingly dramatic, and the brethren shout approval, bnt it is questionable whether the impressaori she leuves is m lasting no it abonld be. There are a great many peiralo, who still prefer the old-fashioned ways of morantyj and believe in the alow and steady growth of roligions character ra­ther than a snddon and impossible transforma­tion. . , . *'

If yon want to know what Occatt: Grove {Sontli ABbury Park) will be in 1WC, write to John L-. Coflia for hia article on that Rabicct once p&bltslied in* the Aabnry Park JouftNAi-, ertclosing eight cent« in atamps to pay poBtage on the four iBBUCf*. it i« nn iuterefltin^ Bketcb.

In th e co lum n devo ted to answ ers to co r­responden ts in N oah 's Tim es an d Mcssentjcry of N ew Y o rk , th e ed ito r o f w hich is a J e w , w e find th e following. T h e J e w m ay n o t ac­know ledge C h ris t as we do, b u t th e sp irit b reathed in th e answ er to “T ra c y T u p in a n ,”' i* ex ceed in g ly like the Christianity w hich i^ tau g h t ifl pur churches :

Traox Tupman.—“ la m a young man residing in thtafCily? and being without relatives, the ques­tion has often presented itself to my mind wbat course to pursue in the event of my being attacked ! by some lingering sickness. Much thinking upon ■ the snbjecy flnauy led me to hope that.p^rhnps ! yon might be give me the desired inform I* | tion; hence this note. What I particular! r re­quire to know is, whether there aro in this cit> any institutions for the care of the sick, where, for n reasonable charge, a Iriendless person eou)<) go with any confidence of being well taken care’tif?’* Yes. Tbe Mount Sinai Hospital, a Jewish institu­tion, where *he sick and destitute are tenderly cared for, without^distinction of creed or race, and where the stranger -receives all requisite attention and humane treatment, be helable to pay for if or otherwise. No nobler obarity exists in Christen­dom, and it is a credit to our oity and to the en­terprising Israelites who founded it. * j

'Lawyer Black; of Ocean (irove (South Anbury Parki, ia well versed in Btyckatone; he in » useful member j of the Association, nntl authority on nil kimla of fempr*i* ; ance Btatistica, on whiciLBubjeet he is like onivelvca— , radical. Radical, did wc say ? Wheji \vc look at Hu- awful effect a of intcmpernnce.wo Bay, Go<1 ftlruiw r»«r , indifference, and make ub brave enough todenniim-n tin* j fiirwe of the aye. . |

> W e call th e a tten tio n o f th e y o u n g ladies to the fa iry s to ry in ano{her colum n. do no t 'expec t a <c single s te rn er sex ,” be ho yo u n g o r old, will a tte m p t to read it. I t is a , sec re t recipe to win and re ta in th e love o f m an k in d .w ith o u t th e aid o f “ love powder.-, or a n y th in g obnoxious to th e m ost refined.

'One of ihe ^nost striking soegS Macbeth is where murtiered Banquo’s g ^ t ap­pears, while the nijurper vikiO^Macbeth ts'iln’the midst of a feast given to his lords and noblemen. Some oelebrated^ etots in interpreting the text leave to the imagination the foot of t^e presence of the ghost whom Macbeth addresses, while others adhere to the play aa origin^Qy written an^ inake the’ghost appear. ,tp the audience. v^e^eAtfigw.Ihe banqueting hafl'and takea.-one of thevTMiO^mpiei aeats,'in visible, ito the noSle /guests., "Maebeifi raises the goblet Of wine; sayingV4‘ Gentlemen, we drink to the general joy Of tho whole table.” At that instant he turns to greet all with a smile and be­holds the horrid spectre with its gory "fingers pointing to a terrible gash in the throat. B&nqno had been murdered at the instigation of Macbeth, bnt the Conscience-strieSenltiug tries to cov'^r his guilt by addressing the ghost ,in the oft-quoted words, Shake not thy gory looks at me, for ^nre^ ly thou oaiist not say I did it.?’: At another^time he says, “ Out, horrid speqtre/quit my eight ond never let mb see thee'-'more ; ’’'-mit the ghost’wiU not down but reappears. The use we woald mako of the illustration is to apply it to .the rum^ellers o t the. country genofally, and particularly tofthe mm sellers of Ocean ttfflfoship.-. We gi^ein tibla'col-. umn extracts taken from papers publishedJainco Onr last issue. We presume Henry GngeWtown oomnaitteeman and keeper ofthe OoeanvUTe.tftveifU* and our old friends and subscribers, the' Messrs. MoHyena, of Long Branch, will say, what; have wo to do with these oases? ^iluoh every Their traffic is producing pr'eclsefy the samo ke- sul^s in Ocean township as thosb .whioh we append. Wo have passed farms in our townahip and, tave been told the former owners, lost them through drink. We have inquired, why is fchat-taJan selling out at public vendue? The answer jcomes, drink! Why do tbe wife and children leave the wretched plaoe they call home, and go back to father’s house?, Because father told her* when she wentc away a happy bride.- if adversity should ever overtako her, i:ever to forgot that father’s, door would always be open to heir. Tiie huabaud who wooed and-Twon her has for^a long time been a victim to drink and has made their once happy home a very hell, and after enduing untold misery, he at last goes back to her father’s house, who iB willing to share hia .scanty means with the child he loves.

It is of no use for the rumseller of Ocean town­ship to say, don’t call my attention to these things, ior^“ surely thou oanst not say I did;if7*’' Yes, ybu-havefaiid are doing it every day, and wjiat is more, you are thoroughly con scions • o t ..-ifc, too. Lady Macbeth in her delirium tried to wash from her hands the blood stains, and in her agOny of mind said* “ Out, damned sjtota! ” but they would" remain. ~

Itnmspller, tbpre.are blood s^ots on yvnrha^ds; you may'wear Idcl gloves, you may move among gentlqgmn sometimes, you may be rich, butbiood spots are on your hands, and the only reparation you can now make for past offences against your fellow men, is to forsake your horrid traffic and sin no more. ; - 7 - .

A F e u r fu l L e a p . T, *A Wlflftin D eitpera to E f fo r t to E M tp a H e r

y - ' ' H n iband .Ttoresa King, aged forty-four,, of No. 48C West

Eighteenth street, New Yorlr city, quarrelled with her huRband Saturday night ahd he seized her ind heather terribly, varyinjg this amusement by drag-' oing her about the room by'her bair and knocking hei head upon the floor. At length he became weary and let the woman free herself from bis dutches. The husband had been drinking heavily, and. as if he regretted that -ha ^ad not 'beatxra hitij^vife worse, he seized a hfeaVy stick and rushed at her, again. The terrified ^woman sprang out of the Window and fell three stories to the ground. The inmates of the neighboring tenements had be­come aroused by this time. Several went to tfye assistance of Mrs, King. A policeman arrested the brutal husband, and he was Jocked up in the Sixteenth Precinct police-station. The woman’s li-ft arm was broken, and injuries to her back wero also inflicted that probably will prove fatal. Sho was taken to Bellevue Hospital.

Historical fact—the first horse owned bv Ocean Grove (Sontli Asbury Parkl wan named Jim. T'hat horw; wan driven by more Methodiat preachers than any other horse that ever lived. Dominie Osborn bought him. When; js that historical horse now ?

O C E A N B E A C H .J k J. Morris, of this place,, is putting up a house,

corner of Fourth and Ocean avenues, for Mr. Palm­er, of Newark; and another, on Eighth av., be­tween A1 and B streets, for J. C. Mott, of N. Y.

An exhibition to be held in Bitner’s Hall, is under way, for the benefit of the M. E. Sabbath-scbool here. Full particulars will be given in due time^ and we hope it will be liberally supported. j

J. Hopp^ck has anticipated tho wants of his. pbtrona for next season by purchasing a handsome “ ’bus,” to be run between his house and the cje- pot, and also to take his guests to-' and from the bathing grounds. 1

When you hear some folks raise objections to Ocean Grove (Soulli Asbunr Park), ask them how many lota they own in some inland camp-meeting speculation that don’t go? j

T h e S t o r m I n A s b u r y P a r k . .We take pleasure in informing* our readers who

own cottages bei>0 and who liye at a distance, that little o^no harm has been dgug to the cottuges by the severe storm ot last Sunday. More damage. Kotfeve'r, was done to the bathing houses and pavilion than in any previous storm we ever knew. The pavilion, under wbidh so many sat last sum­mer and were sheltered front the rays of the sun, waa 'carrfed away entirely. The fine bathing house, belonging to the Christian Woman’s Home, Mr. Appleby Vbathing herase, and othfers belonging to Asbury P p ^ e r e darned off from their found­ations, butTrere secured with ropes until the wind and high tide had abated. The damage, all tolcl, will not amount to two hpndred dollars, which will fell on Mr. J. A. Bradley, who thinks, under the clr cumstances, he gets off cheap, as he wisely discounts such occurrences. The Central Railroad track/ wherever it crosses the ponds or inlela^was badly

8t°pphig the trains last Mondaymorn- inj£ We learn th^t much damage was done tp the beach in front o t the Howland House, Long Branch, by the washing away of the piling put in last summer to proteot the bluff; the tide, rising to an unprecedented height, came over'the top, where the oldest inhabitant said it would novor come. The way to manage - tho piling ftjfc Long ^ r*n°h is to oonsult the oldest inhabitant and then go five feet higher in the calculation.- That-

> is what we shall do, as our oldest Inhabitant never saw such a tide.

Mr. Patrick Campbell, a depufcv sheriff of New York, and head of tbe Ancient Order of Hiberni­ans. got into troublo quite innooently during the, pflst week. Mr. Campbell was for twenty-seven year.s engaged in Ihe liquor tracje, bnt ffettred three j ears .ago. It remained for him to get into trouble while auperiu tend ing a place for a friend now in Chicago. A few days ago three lads were arrested for being drunk, and when Ihey got sober ibey veere<i^estsioned by4he magistrate as to-who soldior gave them tho liquor (chap. 658, 1857, sec. 17). They stated that one of them bought ten centb’ worth in a bottle at the place which r . Campbell is superintending, and he divided with the rest. Mr. Campbell was arrested under sec. 15 of the same law, which requires tbat no sale or gift shall be made to a minor under eighteen with­out the consent of the parent or guardian. The magistrate ref need-bail. 1 He permitted him, how­ever, to see1 the commiRsioners, but of course they could not interfere. Mr. Murphy and Mr. Mor­ton both expressed themselves ip strong terms against any person who would sell liquor to boys or girls, both considering n man who would do so to tie umieserving of any lenity. Jt is extremely,, difficult, liowever, to discriminate,- because pa­rents invariably send tbeir children for,liquor, and if a dealer was to have written consent every time*, he would be obliged to refuse a large majority,of the boys njid girls who apply for liquor in bottles. Mr. Campbell would not sell liquor to such parties to bo drank on tbe premises, and as it was*/ it wap not he but the barkeeper who sold it. A s'the place Was not licensed Mr. Campbell is liable to a fine of ten dollars for selling to boys, and fifty dollars for selling without a license.

A fter a W ake D eath , .A shoemaker, Wm. Shields, a resident of Wood-

side, near Newark, was killed by a foil from a bridge on tho road between Bellevijle and Wood- fcide.. The man, ip company with Thomas Mur­phy and George Fisher, of Belleville, attended a wake at d house'in Belleville, and remained all night. About 5 o’clock in the morning Shields and Murphy started for home. The morning was dark, and the men are supposed to haye been tipsy. I t is seemB that Shields outwalked hia two companions, and arrived at the bftd^ef fiKfT aiu^ at the* stepping-off place, instead, of taking the step leading to tl C 'side-walk below, stepped off the high stone wall. He fell, and his head struok the rooka below. He lay there in an unconscious condition until discovered by a horse-car conduc­tor, who conVeyed him home in biB car/ 8hields died flooti after. ’ ' - *•

“ T ire d , So X ired olT JDlfe.” 'About fi P. M- Nov. 18, Albert E. TJlsrtin, dbrfe

in Lbe County Treasurer’s office a t -Columbus, Ohio, while working at his desk, in which a lokd- ed revolver was placed so t s to be handy in dase of any attempt at robbery, suddenly tnrqed to the cashier of the-office and r e m a r k e d “ Say, Car- Heilius, what-day of the week was it that Frank Desbler, the baTiklaller, committed suicide ?”

Carsellius answered, “ Poor Frahk killed him- self on Saturday, but why do you ask such a ques­tion ? ’’ Martin replied, “ Then Pil shoot myself on Saturday,” and at once picked up the revolver* raised it to fire when Carseiliua Bprangto hia/ride and seizing his arm, pried out, “ Oh.1 Al., don’t I ” hut at the same moment the revolver was dis­charged and Martin fell to the floor. The ball entered near tbe left, nipple, and passed directly through his body. Wl\en aakeq why he had sought to talte his life, Martin replied^ “ Wiry did you stop me ? T m tired, so tired of -life.” Martin was considered one of the be4 county/hook-kecp. era In Ohio' but has wasted His talenta by diaaipa-. (joa. ffe cannot recover.j;i- ^ ^ J,f

Booton, Nov. I f .—The morning session of the ' jal ^ fioroh Congress ypaa , devoted ia ib e

Ion of “ Tho Prevention ; and £ure. of ness,1’ in which CTyler» M.. D^, ofle, H.:Af Hartt, M» D-j and.the Rev. B.

t>. «ew «n . both of H e# York : y G,., C* fihattnck, M. D,, of Boetph, and the, B e v , r . Hunting.

commended enforced abstinenoe as. the principal method of qnV valae. . Dr. Hartt thought t^e pun­ishment of d r^ h k e n h e ss ^ ' making it a crime, would prove more effectuaL Mr. Newton opposed, the ordinary $lan of -femporapce orgtmizations, aod‘*uggested;the fofiSation ofTchurch temperance eocleties similar,to those in ihe EogllRh church. Dr Huntingdonsspoike in fa \m 01 total abstinence. The Hon. E.-H. JDerhv^of Boston, suggested com-' bating in temperance ^ a b a tin g , the ipiOranti' 8. Banks Mcdsenffo^ Sn^erintendant bf the Apple*:: ton Temporary Itow $ flflld h^w buld have the diunkarditreated , as a fdek man rather than as.ft- criminal.-, J;^W. Creamer, of New York, p ^ k e o f the imj)ortanee of improving the conditioh of the

'poor. , -vMaking fiieir homes nappy, said bo^wfiuld strike- at' the root ’of ’tho^eviJ, (of intemperance.. TheB evr-T hom oo Hr—Golf aud ot thoiight-.thatiudicious excise laws,' with Special - references,.to tours for soiling, and the pdrity of liqubrs, w6uld

do much to limit the vice. The Rev. Pr. Scheresonewsdy, BiRhop Of China, heHeVed that the spirit was tp be founctin.the church; whioh would be patent to overcome inlempurauce. -JV’. T. Tribune. • • , ■ :

A ,com m ercial T rav e le r’* D eath ; . .JrC . Kelley, a commercial traveler for Schwab

& Co., Memphis, and Sienenbaok, Schwab & Co., New York, went into the ComrAercial Hotel saloon at 0:80 o’olock Monday evening. He had been drinking all dar, and, taking a cocktail, started away from.the bar, but fell dead, He was a very buc- cessful drumnjer. but a hard drinker.

. Bernard McCabe was fined $5 by Justice Smith, iu the Essex Market Police' Court, New York, Tuesday^" for intoxication. His old, infirm ihother tottered tb the bar and offered $4, saying it was all she1 had. The Justice released her son; but did not ta^e the Wpffey... \ *'

A R e m a rk ab le land ing o f a Ufock F u n e ra l.John Kay, and Anna, his wife, haveMiv^d for

some time past at No. 87 Burton street, west side. In the honse of the Kays was a pet dog, which, dnrjng the early part of iast'Week, showed signs of senqus, illness. Physicians were consulted, R prescription obtained, bnt withobt rehef. The pet dog died, so a $20 coffin and silk burial robes were provided for the beast, and a funeral cortege left the Kay mansion on Burton street, on Fri<Jfij$v headed for Monroe street Cemetery, where the interment was desired to take plaoo. Superinten­dent Ward, however, demurred and the procession retraced its steps to tho home on Burton street, where the burial tobk placer \vith ceremonies, on I^iday evening, and the pup. was consigned in high style to his last resting place. For the bene­fit of the mourners a Bupply. of beer and whisky was provided, and a jollification took plaoe the Rome evening. . Now comes the tragedy. On Saturday morning Mrs. Kay, who Was chief among the actors of the preceding day, was stricken down with apoplexy, and died while yet the influence of tbe night’s jollification were upon her. And thus the scenes of mockery aod drunkenness are changed to a frightful reality, and Mr. Kay mourns a double bereavement.^-^-Cleveland Herald.

Michael Coleman, a resident of Jersey Oity, was run over by a Delaware and Bound Brook Rail­road trpin and instantly killed, Tuesday mght, at Hutchipson’s Cut, near lYenton. Coleman and a companion, named James Bergfen, were in Tren­ton during the afternoon, and 'became grossly in­toxicated. On their way baok both auocumbed to the effects of the liquor, and Coleman lay down on the track, while Bergen fell a short distance away. Coleman’s body and Bergen were taken to Tren­ton, where Bergen was locked, up. to awftit the re­sult of the Coroner’s investigation.

>. I Milieu Tihhtttn bought a lot in Ocean Grove (South; ■Anbury Park} in 1870 tor dollar*, lie aold it ’afterward for a thouBnnd. Lucky ehapt that Tibboti<.


A u n t S u s ie w i th t b e L i t t l e F o l k i .1

. D Ein .Gnn.DBiN s—

. b i t j io ta sSp^afti'r,¥^iy t j fo

s S S k | S

O C B A J f G l t O t R .. We are pleased to chronicle the recovery of Mr.Geo. p. Ferree" Although not complete, it issufficient to warrant tho congratulationsmany friends.

Ocean Grove i?ateH iSonth Aabury Park),Are not elosed nt sunset or at dark Rut nt ten and u half ou-Snttfrdny night.If yon are out with a horse, von arc in a bad plight.

The Executive Committee of the Association Inet at Philadelphia on Friday (24th). The bath­ing question and one or two minor matters were to come up for final adjudication.

Hail! thou ever-rolling ocean :Flail! thoti eVer rolling w»a:

Snuli^ht on thy bopom gleaming,1 Li^bt und sliiide alternately.

The a>»ove uwmC to he piinir very often l»v Kev.Itiakiit and liw wife wlien thev lived'af OeetUT Ofove (South Ashury Park).

Dr., Alday’s cottage, at the comer of Mt. Her- mon ’Way and Delaware avenue, has been com­menced. Judging from the present activity of the contractor it will soon be completed..

Rutherford 1$.'Hayes may be the unrle of Hon, J U. Hayefl, one of tho executive committee of Ocean Orove (South Anbury Park} (Jamp-uipetittg.Association. Wo admire the genial s]>irirof tiie Hon.'James; perhajis that is wliv w« have the Hat/ fever every year for.«»x weel<s. and which continued this year until the Novem­ber election; The day after, we took our hat oil' in ac­knowledgment of Mr Tilden, like a loyal citizen We have put ft on a^uin, hat it shalf come off to whoever in houeBtly counted in. We are Americans and ittand by the Constitution. ■'

About twenty feet of the Fletcher Lake dam waa carried away by the high tide of last Monday. It was repaired immediately, and the rest of the em­bankment, which was in need of repairs, waa also put in good condition.

David II . Brown, the Treasurer of Ocean Orove (South "Asbuiy Park), is not a relative of John Brown, who got up tho foolish rebellion at Harper’s Perrv some years a«o We think John Brown, the well- known favorite servant to Queen Victoria, must be neat of kin to D. 11. Friend Rrown, suppose you send him>»n Invitation to come to Ocoan Orove with the Queen and suite some summer. Wpn’t Or. Stokes write some soul stirring lines, commencing:

Hail! Queen of tho ancient Isles! * 1Welcome to Ocean Grove!

On last Sunday, during the height of the gale, we noticed a solitary femaje figure, arrayed iti wa­terproof, rubbers, veil eto., endeavoring fo mak,e her way down to the bench to witness the storm. By hard work she had got-^s for as Ocean avenue and made a brilliant attempt to cross, but a heav­ier gust of wind struck her, she wavered and re­treated. Leaning forward at ’ an angle of fTBout forty degrees from the perpendicular, she a^ain at­tempted to prooeed; but she had oounted with­out her host,’’ and every effort resulted in two steps backward to one forwards We left her lean­ing against a fence, defeated but defiant.

When Napoleon, wab worn ont with sickness on . the island of St. Helpna as ho lay on hia pillow one mght he said he would hot exchanyc his quiet coach Tor the bri^hteut crown in Europe. The vrrtrrior had e x ­hausted his fcnergies—he wanted rest.

Many 6f tho veterans of the Cross aro resting <at Oceun Grove (South Asbury Purk). They have bocji in the thickest of the coiitlict—won many battles, but now tl^ey rest, while voanger soldiers carry on tho workr-

■ V' ' m ~S P B I N G h A K K . ^

Over forty boildinga are contraction for and will bepbuiU this winter. Suoh a . number-wfll make a handsome show next season, and the patrons of the pfice^ will hardly knOw it%

John Baker, a co]or6d 'man, used to cook aaiicare1 fi»r tho tent of Ihe writer of this,-in Ocean Gh)?ft (SonthrAhbury Park) /before a flingle summer *cottago waa built, during- the summer of 1870, , Among hia guests waa Dr.,;iwrtv Bishm), Andrewb. Egga from Aunt 8ally Brown’s, canned. frnits,-> pies and ginger­bread from hoax Branoh, were tbe chief articles of diet.

.if V . '. *?5ypu'wnnt.tohear souiBthmg

io? had fetter just hark, . One nSnatrfot^Ocean Grove Io SonUf'Asbuxy Parlii

tho bloak November, wbeif the'grea^^Eihlbiflon is closing, and all the worl3>isgoing TT^me'to aunnier lands,, or into , winter quortefsi i t is jolly Indeed. , to,-see' our bttoyantBhipstiii floating t^iUsmayedf upOTi tbe hreg2e, and waiting impatleutiy 'for i ts 'jheri^pmjsenggra. . ^

Where are wfl going? Ahd la th e d no danger of loning tho way f Not this time, for another friend of -the children ha^beerrbefore rt^tola-towo of Mexico, and with her carriago-load of lit tle ones hAs seen stioh a funny sight!

A Mexican belle „ s“ BW)IKO Tral£on-piNB?* .

A swift south-westerly sweep—a wblff o i lemon and jessamine—a gloom of lagnne and morass—a gleam of river and gulf—and > suddenlyt we whirl, and -hover,-and settle over a -sunny city. . I t ‘is walled';'it has gates and guards; but what doe j that matter to ns t,' We can oven pass through the oasements,' through their griHe of' iron bars, a*f if we were only s6 jpauOh sunshine, and nobody in Vera Cruz will object ; ' }

Almost any house will answer, for balf thp jrfrls in the city ore ■ probably feedipg' their hair-mns. These hair-pins Sparkle th'eb bnghtest just alter a good meal of Bugor; and the pretty Mexican lady, who wishes for diamonds "of the fltst water to Wear upon her blue black btaids, never neglects to feed her jewels. . She keepB them in a flue wfo&ffTCQgep and brings them bits of-sugar-cane, freshly peeled, at proper intervals. f .

“ The hair-pins must be alive if they eat.’ —Yes, they are very much alive. In fact, thoy are fire­flies ; but not much like the small sparky ifts*ots we know by that name ; indeed the tropical firefly is not a fly, but a beetle^—a grand creature with wings, and as large aa'the ^ i t joint of my thumb. I/itB brilliant eyes did not render everything else dark, yon would see Its ibody was a void and of a glassy brown. But such globes of green and gold and fire as t^iosa eyes are 1 and as it Jifta its wings yon 6ee another spot of flame bn its pretty body;

This Mexican senorita has twenty in ndr (iage Sho will loop her white dre- s with them, as well as adom her blue black braids

“ Will she stick >a pin through them ? n “ Ifes, so to Speak. See, she is about to impale one. She turns the Coouye—for suoh the beetle i’s called—upon its baok, and quietly thrusts the long pin through, not the'glossy brown body, but through an integument fo^ all the world'like a loop of brown tape sewn on to the body—put there on purpose, it seems to me. It really doesn’t hurt a b i t No doubt the pretty bug woUW like t6 be' free ; but then, who is freo ? I t is such a handv hair-pin ! If the moon ia down and her lamp hasnx been filled, and she is wishing to see what o’clock it is, or read- the note she haa receive^ at tbe door, all she does is to put her hair-pins under an in^ verted tumbler, or else hold one between her fid* gers—for one can B e e to read the smallest type by the light of thia beautiful- beetle.”

Now, good-bye, pretty senorita, we wish you much joy with your funny jeweled bavr-pius. We would gladly tarry longer, but our guide be«kous and we must away with her in her magic carriage

i toj THE COLD nxorONB OF THE HOnTH,j where she promises to show us a spot as lonely as i the moon and as like if as can bo. Look down, we • are gliding over tho vast fields of Norway. This

is tho Sogne field, a vast dosert-liko moor. It re­sembles a landscape in tho moon as the telescope roveals i t . The snow is of the moon'a solemn 'stillness and whiteness. Fantastic rocks und ranges of silent mountains, like tho moon’s peaks and empty craters, rise font of the snow. In the hollows nestlo lonely black pools and frozen lakes, like the lunar shadows. ** *

Ititwks dead, like the moon,-*/>-night. .A llis silent, lifeless. There ift no tmcoW human step. For years it may not bo crossed, lnless by a hord of reindeer searching (or moss.


There is a herd yonder. At such a- distance they would looi like mice to the ordinary traveler.; but to uft, with our telescopic eye, their movements are distinct. ;

This herd haye their babies along • These small reindeer are as innocent and gentle os chickens; aud, with their soft, bright eyes they stand, just like chickens, waiting around their mother to be fed. Tbo reindeer scratch for them, top, you can see, very mnch like solicitous, mot her-biddies. The reindeer mosH is hidden under the deep snow ; but their fino power of amnll guides the Jierd to it unerringly. 1

They are protided Vitb snow-sbovels in tbe shape o f a fore-horn, snd with this aod their fore feet they dig to the iuors For every mouthful they eat themselves, they throw two out to their^llttfe :onoB . . - • v \

ir ’ *'■, ^ v;Now tba^ we have floated ub right over Lapland,

shall I not take y6u into a renbye ? A renbye is a skin tent. Over a stack of poles, bound in a ring at tbe top,/tut widened to a twelve-foot oirole at the bottom, are stretched skins, and the tent thus forniffd is banked up with, turf. I t will be much easier 'to glide in altogther in our air-boat, 4han to go In one by one through the door. 80 here wo glide along the dark entrance tunnel, built of skins and.turf; and here— look out for your heads, now—is the door, hot a .^artf high. We’ll settle to tbe floor at once, to avoid the BmOke.- The fire in the centre has no outlet bnt at the opening at the top; and everybddyt lies flat io keep from suffocating. ' Theie are no chairs, no s to o ^ no beds—just piles of skins to lie upon and cOver up with, bags of soft grass to wad coats with, dried reindeer tongues and hams, snow-shoes and ropes, ,an iron caldron to cook in, and a coffeepot—that’s the w«iy the Lapps live! "Let us be off, out of this smoke!


Now you are to see how the Lapp mammas keep the babies from disturbing the minister on -Sun­days. -{ Poor babies 1 I suppose it is growing t»ad style everywhere to take them out to oburch; and I suppose, too. the ministers are just (is thank­ful, as they can be. __But the Lapp mammas don t sta^ at homo wfth*theirs. The Lapps qre a very rehgiooB people. They go immense distances to hear tbeir . pastors. Every, missionary is sure o f a

, large-audionce and a very attentive onf. We can hear a pin/drop—that is, should he choose to drop one himself; his congregatibn wouldn^ make so much noiee as ih a t1 npoli any cftnsideriviion. All tbe babies are outside buriejl. in the snow. As ^ooh as the family arrives at tho little wooden oburcb, and the reindeer is secured, the papa Lapp ehovelsja snug little-bed in the snow^and the mamma Lapp snugly in Skins, nnd lays it therein. Then piles the snow snugly around it, and the do £ i6 left to1 guard while the paients go into church., Often twenty or thirty babies lie out there in tE^Tsnow around thfe church and uover suffocate, or freeze—Bmoke-dned'little creatures; I suppose they are tough i

But bow would our soft, tender, pVetty pink- nnd-white,babies like It* do you think?


I t is cold—pray, let ua go home eia the tropics —the long way. or- the short, it is all one to ns. Where'are we? By these swift.horsea and fierce horses raoing beneath ub i t Is Tartary. Let uri- slacken our^speed, for ifr as I thinl^ v e are near' Balaklava. .1 - know a -famous nu t tree hfre- obont^ wprthy or.a pjace amopg^ th e ; maprelfl of­the Arabian Hignta, t , y r, !» j i 4

Ah. there it 6 ,'towennghigh and spreading wide hke a bauyan^tne,-ancient^walnut,tree, the pride of the whole * y m s y ^. /.rfcis twe is lenown to na'OVei^ thonaand^earfl'old. Il yieldS anntially from 80,000 to <100,000: nnta. - I t- belonra to five Tartar families—let ns hope to-the children. I t wOtfld be, a. splendid pocket-book for the little people, worth quite os much as their father’s herjs, and e n t i r ^ sufficient for the years tunics, trriwsers fend -ttttnana^ lit^hop ii ^ a ln tlu^ the walnhta belong to.thechildren

horB* h<*®' ' ThO 'feright-eyed K riji^Tar^ar' bqvB—m ountj^ard-as won as the

draws hear. They eloep under ita bra»^g|£weU armed; they keep watch by da^,and .thek-fierce robber sires are. alwavs withii

as fcaoff.- - ;W1*I t ,3mw*t be neorly-why, toy deAra, itsg^bea-

time this . m inute; ao with many thanks to our mend for towing us in such a gny magic ride, I will just set yod down at jo m hom^Simd begone io my otrti. Even my wide-awakes -w ill b<f tbe

Lovingly youra.J *ivv > ••Aunt Subi it.

•In 1870 Uriah White, who itrnow tho great mogul Iti the pubip busineBs in .thin neighborjiood, kept- the ato­nies at Ocean Grove (South Ashury Park), where we bought oste of him. % careful attention to bis busl- neafltie has beconie 0110 of our suoccssful citizens ond'U mnn of property. Like any, sensible man; who has nmap a position in 0 community? ha uow ‘'feels his oats, .which is n IlgurntiVo expression to denote a feel­ing of; r<‘1S respect and a determination' to deserve re-

s-.- • - •

C O M M U N IG A T IO N S .“ I^lom l, B lo o d , I n g « , B lo o d J”

[This beading is tnpplidd by the editor. J 'To the Editor o f tht Journal. -

I (Aw is the JooiN^x, of Nov. 11 that yon had BiTun lo tha pnbUc-iiii account of my atopping she flow of blood by BdmS m jateriotupower: bnt 1 see itmt yoB have net got it obiiebt,'aoS will endeavor to set jo » right. , • , ’ : ■ '

I am not ajfriiid to havo-anyone conio to aas.gnf- loring from of tbe.K^a. c r fjoja'^ : ; o rfrom interna! heiaowbi^^iwhetfc'OT h r so- oident or disease, na l na«s stop it immediately. Or if the person ia nnnhl^ to coma hi.T.Ba!f aad some one will bring me tRmall portion of said person’s blood, J will stop the flow at onOe. r t will cure nine cases out of ten of any kind of bleeding at home or abroad; and, instead of itB weakening me it will give me additional strength to'do my work.

You said that I was ignorant of the source of my power ; but this much tw ill aay, that I get my • power from One that is higher than I. - By trust- ingJa God I am enabled to do thta.- This is my anthonty. * ,

Yours respectfuily,wm. 'H. Gnutr',

West Asbury av.£To stop bleeding at the nose is'a very impor­

tant m atter; but if Dr. Grant oould stop running at the nose in hay fever times, one of our.editorial staff would never oease to puff the doctor until he would be so rich as to no longer desire any busi­ness. To be serious, we' think Dr. Grant is terri­bly deluded, bnt we are willing to give him a fair chance.— Ed. J'ouiWAn.]

L C. Green furnished the luuoh a t the first said of lots nt Ocoan Grove (South Asbury Park) in June,

I 1870. He kept, nt that time, u hotel 011 Shurk river; % „ J _ .J To the Editor o f the J o u rn a l:—( I have noticed that you give in your paper items ! relating to Long Branoh, some of whioh have in- i terested me very mnch. I bid you God speed in

your asBaulta on the mmsellers, who are no credit to us or any locality Their business makes them “ wreckers on shore ;” but I believe you are com-

1 patent to arfahge matters with them without the aid of my pen. What I wish to call your atten­tion to is the foot that one of our esteemed citi­zens, Mr. John Canning counselor*at-law, is a candidate for the offlce of Prosecutor of the Pleas, which will become vacant at the meeting of the Legislutare. I Wonld like to call the attention of the peoplfi, through your influential paper, to the-- fact tbat Long Branch being the largest town in the oo□ nty ia justly entitled to nominate a man. for the position. Mr. fann ing i« a g<jt>d lawyer and is now tho legal adviser of tho Long Branch Build­ing Loan Association, and counsel for the LongBranch Bank. ___

Mr. Lanning would suit you in .one respect: he is a sober man ;• and thongh not a professed tem- peran'Ce mim no one ever saw him under the in­fluence of Intoxicating drink. w '

Ho has a pleasant home here an.d is highly re-* spected in this community. Ho will receive the endorsement of tbe best citizens of Long Branoh.

CrrrzEN.[We havo a pleasant acquaintance with Mr. Lan-

niug, and have no donbt that his personal character and talents will go a long way to aid him in securing the position. There is mnch force in “ Citizen’s'* suggestion tbpt Long Branoh being the largest town in lbe county^entitled to recognition, Ef>, Joubnal.] * • • -

/* ■. i ~Brittou White, in 1S70, sold eleven acr*sof land in

OceHii OroVe (South Aubnry Pnrk), to the Aaporiulion for tlftv dollars, lew* tli an five dollars an acre. In 1873 lie uold eleven acres more in the name tract for eleven him/frrr/ tlaUnrt.

j That .jjj&ety old ‘‘rSiToIiin'e, the electoral col­lege, for choosing a President, diRguisea some striking facts of the popular vote. In 1872, Mr. Greeley was terribly defeated electorally, receiving

i only 74 electoral votes, against 202 for General J Grant. But a great many people voted for Mr., Greelev. He received U,842,425 votes, against j 8,G75>,798 votes for President Grant. In the pres­

ent contest, it ia admitted on all hands that the votihg'i^-very close. Gov. Hajea has q majority

: ot more than ono hundred thousand on the'popular | vote of the North, bqt this is a very small fraction I of the whole Northern vote of Snore than fi ve mil- ! lions. Mr. Tilden is the populai- choioe of forty!| eight per cen t of the Northern voters, and has a

popular majority in the nation of about a quarter of a’milllon. This alone does not make him Pres- ident; he must have a majority of the electoral .votes, and these represent partly the people and portly the States. If Qov. Hayes should carry all the “ doubtful ” Qtatea now under count, he would owe his election, as Mr. Lincoln d id .Jp State rights.* • *. + * . * * * *

When the campaign began, the Sun , Tribute, Post, and Ileratd were independent papers. The oonteat carried off their balance, all except the Herald. That paper remained “ independent, with Democratic p»ocUyitieB.” The Bun leaped to the front pf the World as an organ, and The Tri­bune earned the right,,po be reckoned1 the pe»y voice. The Post hesitated nowand then, bnt dur­ing the last two weeks stuok at nothings We ahouldTiave sold our bonds and bought gold if we had. no^ discovered fever in its pulse,—AT. F. Xfethod&t. • * ■ » . •

; » wo^,hom are.fiw '.| i tn e , wouldn t it, my i

JijBtico John C. Patterson, of Ocean Grove (South, Asoury Park), has nothing to do in the wnjrof dealing out justice We dft not wish him iffiy harm but hope ifm ay in* always so.

...*'......................... - «QUACT,_____ ,Ed’ward Haight, a boy 14 years of S^e, and son pf1,*

Hartshorn Haight, of Allaire, accidentally'shot and killed himaetf on Thursday whjle out gunning, on the farm of Morris Brown. He was loading his gun when it went off, killing him instantly.

Quite a deep ihteyestib being felt in Cfie revival iu the M. E. Church here. Rev.' J. Garrison pastor, who has beon assisted by Misa- Sharp. Several have professed sanotification, And a num­ber qf penitents have boon oOnvertcd.

During the lato storm co^nmunioAtion between here and points north, was cut off for a short time by washouta in the embankments over Wreok Pond and Shark river. . —

Dr. C* A- Laird^haa ju s t finished a fine building opposite, the residence of Mr. Osborn C urtis, “j

% S e rv ic e s . ’...' ■ -.ll«v. ISSilot D.-TemjsKtos, Beotor ’Qf ’St. /jacaes*

Ejiiaoopal Ohnroh, lutnij Branch, will ofllciate and preach in Pasif Hall, Aabary Parkj dD 8api5r.y , Nor. 36 at 8:80 P. M All oro.cordially invited tbsttena.1' ■’ y - '-'.s

Page 3: C H I N A , - SiiaviuE & .Haip: Cutting. Saloon, · N. Y. SLATE & ROOFING CO., Limited. RUBBER ROOFING, ENA31EL PAINT, ready fpr one and warranted superior to all similar articles

r ; 1.’ - 1

. ^ Q V E M B E R 2 8 , ; 1 8 ^ 6 .

r-i- V''Tc;.f =

■ " ' 7''f1'.' ’• V ;-v ':iv

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f j r ^ s l m r j } f a r h | o n r n a ^

S A T U R D A Y * N O V E ^ E H 25, 18*6.

RAJES OF A D m W S m S ^

K col.

^ “ v

W rk* b: v •M ontob . v

1 2 3 1 2. 3 O i a

$.75 11.20 $1.78 tn.20 *4.00 fu u iir1.«B a.uo 2.00 3.00 ri.oo 7.00 10.00 . 17.001.75 2.Ta 3.00 4.ft0 7.00 0.00 14.0(1 aa.oo*.«n 3,(50 4.30 5.50 8,00 11.00 18.00 27.003,0ft 4,60 P.DO C,'<55 10.00 18.00 20.00rt.Oo 6.80 11.00 la.oo S9.0Q 40.0(10.00 io.uo 91.00 85.00 40.00 5*).0O

- AHQUHY fAflK BOAIIU OP UOMA!lB3ION^8.—Jiimefl A. Brad - • Jpy, President; Pnttcraoir O.-Rneilekor, Jonn A. Qlthonp, Unfth

w hito. - •NOH.-HK.H1DKNT UOMUIBHtONRna-Alphn J. Kynctt, Ipano L.

Martin, John Lunufonl, I’hiiadnliihln; Iwioo KonntMiy.OlPrk,______ t '_____ r* i

A ab n ry P a r k P o a t Office.MnUft will oIobo n t Anbury Park PostOftlccfexooptSnnday )

*V or Now York anti Philadelphia, a t 7.W a.m.For New York, rhilndclphm, imd Intermediate** tiotiuon

(JentralItallrOad of Now Jenwy, a t S.45p.m.: . tOffice oj>on from Tn.m. to 9 p.m .,oxcrptdnrim r Htrlmniof. of

* “®1' •. jam...- i). Kipp. „ ;nopntyP. M.

P a r e f r o m A sb u ry P a r k 'S ta tio n io J o i n t s o n N ew X o rk a n d X o n k B ra u c U D iv is io n

•* 0 « R . B . o f N . 3 ,

: R r o :Now York......... I t 5?Newark.*... ...... J $Hlb*beth VWEllzAbothport..... I so Elixab€tl At®.vi ..'1 25 Baat Jtahway. 118-Trnnley,..............Woodhrid KO. t 08I’erthAmboy...^. «South Amboy 00M organ...... ....» • w>Unrfwood... 85

K xa92 493 45

. 'j 80 3 20 8 13 190 5 OO I 75

‘ I GO 100 1 40 1 S3

JlKO.Matawan..........H olm dd.... ‘Middletown. '• ‘ 55Hod B nnk.1.. . . . . . . «ahmwtbury . . . . . . . §8B ra o c h p o r t .i . . . . .^ 85Lona Branch y 25DcaT.................. ' 10Oct-an Beach...... lJOteSfc:::::::: |Bquan., ■»

EXC . 91 25 ,-115oa

- 78 65 60 43 15 20 80 45 45

COMMUTATION TICKETS- •ABA'URY PAUK jTO NKW YORK,1 Month...........................WO 0d | 5Months......................... fjgjjO2 M onths .............. 5259 ................. ""'lK Tftft3 •• 6100 I 1 Yej\r.............. r ..~ ..% .18i00

F a r e fro m p f e lla d e lp li la tn A abnry P a r k , Via P e n n a y lv d n la B . B .

S lnglottip ticket....................................................................... $9 00

12 trip, (lndVirtual).....7 . ................................. . .............. $Seoroif ( in d iv id u a l)! good Trom Juno 1st to October iAfc— 50.00

F a re fro m P h ila d e lp h ia to Aabnry P a rk , v ia New I 6 n e y S ou th ern B . B .

Slnglo Ticket. ........... .••••*?:.............E x cu rs ion T ick e t, (wood fo r tho ecaaon)..23 T r ip T ick e t, ((food for fa m ily ) ..............Season T ic k e t ,( fo r ono person)..................

B e l i e f o U* S e r v i c e * . /lUiAND AV. Hbkor m ri» Oh u rc i r.—Serviccacontlnnted bv Rev

F K.Wilson,will bo held nt the church, cornorot Onum an<t,Bcw- all avenues .ilunnjj next weekrns follows: dny At 10:45 A. M., and 7 P. M. tinbbnth Hchool flP 4,30 P. M. Preachln« on Fridnynt 7:80.

S t . P a o i/h M. E -U iiu u a i. Ocomi Orovo and Aabur^ PwR, ilev W .T. AblMiU.Pastor. RcrvlWMon Sunday nt 10:30 A. M..and 7 p. M. Shnda; School a t ‘i v. *i. Prayer nicetliiK «•« '»«dne*- day a t 8 P. M. Class mevtlnK on Brnidny morning, I . U. Sne«ieker, Icmler. Monday cvoiiln^. C. E. Ilowlaiul, leader. Tuesday evening. <J. O. Orincrud. leader, rfidajr ovimlng.C. Ij. Hnwland. lender.

S o c i e t y iT Ie e t lu e a .BRA-81 l»K I.0I10K, I.O .O F H . 1\, No. 2Sl, meet every Tbim*

dny evcnlhir. a t Mnsonio Hall, Anbury Park, onicers f ” . U U P. «>. Snw»ekt*r: W. V. 1% Miss M. H. Coleman: W -S., O. II. Brown: W. K.8., Mrs. l/.c:. Bartnrite: W. T ., John Flltoroft; W.C.. Wm. K ipp: W. SI., llihs Carrie liowlaud: 1. <t., lienry ijc rb ert; O. O., Uriah Whilo: P. W. C. T.. L. C. Barmore.

Monmovtii I.ohok, No . 107. K. ok p *in«:tevery 'yetli»cB.lny cveninK. Mnnonlo Hull, AKimry Park, /in iw rs : A. P.P. C .; I.. C. Barmore. C. U .: \\ . N. Farry. \ . L. : fijlwnnl Wal­ker, K. of H.and R.; Cbnrlcs HainuU>n. M .of K ; " w Ualn-car,M .of R.; JaniM Klhson. M .of A.J John Hmilh, Prchct: C. R. Fnrry. I. G.: Lewlh Limintr. O. <J.

AsnUllY Louok, No. 113, A. F. nnd A. M. ltcgtunrconimimi«M- tiou».flr»tftnd th in l Tu.>wUyHof ejich mouth, in Manouic Hall. Onicers: T. H. Woolley, W. i f . : Jeremiah Ueimett, b. AN.; J. A. (litnenn. fi. W.; O. C; Ormerod. Trens.: W. U Atkinson. •'m-,c. : J . M. liaucmmn, H. D.t llcrix-rt llnrlev. J . D .: J . M. D«*v, Chaplain: A. IU Cook ami Uriah ‘White. Steward*: P. U. ker and H). H Brown. M, of «).; J . L. L.yir»m. ld * r: Levn^ Knlnrnr, P. <}. Snwllker. D. W. S«-xtoi», PiimnccComntittec.

TlIK AMIIUHY.H lH e e lla iie o tiM .

AU K MlI.ITAHVliOMl*A.NV; ct tn OrnicrwiH*iluiUluiK. OIMcentLewis ttahu>nr,Capt.: T.9.\\ imllcy tl. C. Ormero«l. ~*l Went.: lU*liertCV«mell. 1M. - c n ti . : Jccenilah Uomiett, 2«1 8 rn it . ; J . M. «ceg»i\:Wl H^rot.; Wm. Kipp. Itli Hcrgt.: O. A. Aiwnnck,5tliHerui.1i

You.SO MKN’hCIIIHHTIAN ASMM-I r , M,,V evp-nings. Ufllcera: CUaa. K.-Ilowlanit. Prey.’? V. Wo,*iluV'Idt Vlee-Prem; O. II. Brown, \ ict* l j ViT’,.liiirtMrrt Hurl «y, Treaw. J-Ac-mivc Couiiidllee: CT h. J low land, Jns. A. Bradley, Willi.-.liiril Hey. Uriah Whit«*. W. J . llo^Tr-.J. \. yuiaiu Johnson TavMf.

Farlln,'Aabury I^w’k : W. Hathaway, P ^ l : I^w ls iam u«r. Ocean (Irove; John JI. Dey, Oiwantlrove; l^mi*0,hcnn< «ly.

L o n g B r a u c l i B a n k i n g C o , , '* I L . , • Lono BRANCH, New Jersey.Depositssoliclt«l from tho summer residents of Asbury Park,

Ocean Grove, Ocean Ucach, Spnng Lake Bench, and Bea (iirt.References: David H. Brown,Trviumror. Oinniti Grove As»*o-

ointlon; Jnmc« A. Bradley. Asbury Park ; A. Bitner, K*j.. * »'*e«‘n Bench ; Rev. H. B. Beej<le, ocean Grove.

W e e k l y M a r k e t l l e v l e w .

U U TTK ft— State, fu ir togodrt........................... ♦State, selOcUnl................. • # *<0Western. Mlocted. ...........................1.............. f t

C U K K 8B— Now Y ork S ta te ,fa n c y ............................. - W <5 .}»New Y o rk Htate, fa ir to k .hxI ............... J » » 4 0

Ploou—Baltim ore........................................ J

IlYK— ........... •"MRAii-Corn.............................. jJ’S S « Ss O a t..,......................................................................... 6M gU,50rfuOKWHKAT Fl.OUli—New Y o rk ...,........................ 3.«S gJUCl

Pennsylvania... .................................... >5 mOATS— N. Y ...... .....I J .................................... 4? S

jS t ie d . ’ * * .” "**.v.v.*.v.v" * / ” . v . v *.::::::•••■ *>» ^ • gC O R N — W estern m ix ed ,..1.................................................* ••>**

BKAtfS—Marrow......................................... j.™W hit, ktilncy ........ tM W 50Lima.............................................................. ......... C®

C H A tfn K llllI IW— Jersey, per b b l. v ....................... H<00 <*?0.00A PP LR 8 — .................. «t-S®GUAPKfl— ....................................... ;POTATOKfl— Jn b u lk .......................... .................. ................. <«uirn

E a r ly rose, double hem !................................ 0.25 50Peaehblow , in h u lk ............................ 0.00 f^8.25P ench blow .double heart....- .......................... .<5

O n i o n s — i« r b t l ............................................... g»-C®TtJR K R Y S— .............................................................. }•* <9 •}»O lItCKXNH— *4 13 g •«»B R ICK -- l* a le ................ r g

1 Haverntniw.! ............................................................ W0 R M R N Tr-P ortlan d ....................................................... . (*•> R o m a n .. .. . . . . . . ....................................................... W

- t A T i f . . . . . . .............................................. •• MLIM B — .. ............... *....-’ x : ........................ * ®

■ A n c t lo n Sa le* .' . VA s b u ry P n rk has nlready become the tow n centre o f a la rge

d is tr ic t. A s a place of side it o ilers superior advantages. T o fac ilita te sales and aecommoilMto the subscribers nnd f r ie m lR if . the^o«r»Mi/. the pu blisher olTfcra the froo uro of th o com m oillw ii stoop fot'kn etion sales of every k in d, in c lu d in g-tattle , horses.

N n lsan e e a . ■ 1T h e Sanitary .Committee of th e Board of Comminsloners of.

“ AabSjry Park reqne«t that nny nnlsnnee. existing In the Park shoujube oomplnined of a t onoo, th a t It may be removed, and the pnblIo health protectedIr ■ - ............... — * ■> 1*

F a in lU a r S c ien ce ,

Why do most persona dip their razor in hot water- before tftaving icith i l t

J Because the heat of water expands the edge ;, b y that means rendering* it"toDro-flno.An«i sharp.

Why does a cooper heat hfohnop* red hot.when he■\ p*itatfiemQri^(hlubf"~‘ '

. 1st. As, iron ‘fexgapda by heat, tho hoops will be * larger when they ore red 'hot 5 in conseqnenc^ of

^ whioh t^oy will fit on the tnb more-easily j and .** 2nd. Afi Iron oontractB by oofcl, hoops will

. Bhrink as they cool down, and girt the’tab with a tighter grasp. 1

, Why does a wkeelymght make the /IW-* red hot whm herfets on a wheel? > 7 < ..

.5, 1st. !rhat it fcaj ^ t on njore onaily; a id2nd, That it'may,girt thb wheel moro tightly.... Why wiU the wTitclibrighfs tire fit tl* whethnore

easily, fo r being red hot* ‘Because itwUl he expanded by the heat: and

(being larger) will go on the wheel more easily.

H niisj'A JSegnett are engaged in laying fdnndati3i qfT^euT corner of Iiaket w

avenue and *Emory street.• t *;■ -

* J . K . Hay ward the goni(Ut \^lth a wife congenial, is still ;at Ocenn G rove jSooth Aflhury Pftrk) T ^ o cot-

'Tfigp's nro being erected on tlie rear o f Wb lake Iota.Q ! ' r ^ - - ■ ====3- ........... ' • ••“ Wo shall have an open wintgr,” said one of

.onr fishermen; “ bqoanser the fish havo on themparaaUen that aro |)iain“ to tho naked eye." * v~

f . . :An hhrtdreil Years honco Ocean Grove (South Anbury

Pnrk)-will lw tlio plneo whore pulpit omtors will dia- pJay thefreloqoetico. ‘

“ Muoh aiokneds about here how, Dootor?,, wa8 Iho quoation o/iked of oho of our phyaioians the othor day. -/‘.I t is fearfully hoolthy,” replied our local Galon.

Ocouii Urovo (South Asbury Park) is known beyond tho Ben. .Writers for tbo Hngllbh jmpers deeeribe it.

sha^e^is somewhat lUce a haip. . $oth ends o f the firaine j£a& t^<rsfu t< ^ th e i% an^n^..OTe7eC4 a smftll root extends frorri' one side to the other and is firmly joinod to ,each. - - j .

*"Rev."*Mrl Abbott,•'of Ocean Grove (South Asbury

Pnrif), fpjvUpeal descendant of Ja<k)b Ahuot, the eccen­tric MBthcwiat preacher who flipireB bo exwihsively in the history of Methodism iirenyly times.

------------s m t .----------

s Our all aid on toth«L‘coohhoutergf Asbury ipark ^last^reei^drew the foUo^ilg,$tory^rom an Ooeku QroVo a'ubscribGr j Some ofclored men nw r Htbo-. hold Were ’coon hunting, and one climbed the tree to shake thp coon off. The dogs wei^iielow ready to ponpee tfjion his.'ooonship aa Soon as hp (came to tho^ gronnd. Hannibal (the.r oolored man’s narile) Ventured too far out on tho limb and it brokte, imd ’ooon, aud man came td the ground. Tho dogs, in their haste, seized oh ’ooou and man, and before the man oould be extricated; his clothes were torn-from his body, besides sub dry unpleas­ant bites. , i

Mrs. Barber, of Aabury avenue, haa issued*an edition of a monthly called the Voice. I t oxpi'AHses the views ofthe editor ou religions subjects. We ah Ul say moro of it next week:

Dr.:WaUfliie’, of (icean Grove (South Asbnry Par It), is h geninl gentleman and a tiiember of the "ABSOcintiOh; He js ngood preacher and says kind things of Asbury (Park in bia paper, tho Ocean Grove Record. ■ He ia of Frpnch deBCOtlt like the writer.

We call attentiouio tbfe card of W.1 L. Coleman, who has engaged in a new business .here. We havo hi\4 lomo chair Beating done for our office by Mr. Coleman and can recommend his work.

Dr. Wallace in the Record intimates that the Asso­ciation of Ocean Grove (South Asbury Park) will have to modify the rule about permanent residents in winter.

We are requested to announce thiit If sufficient interest is manifested in the Episcopal pervices in Park JIall, they wiil be continued through the winter. We see no reason why it should not be

Wallace was tho hero of Scotland, but we have not been informed whether ho was a relative of Dr. Wal­lace, of Ocenn Grove (South Asbnry Park). Doctor, don’t you remember Jane Porter’s story of the 8cpttish Chiefs, over which wo used >to weep in boyhood days ?

Mr. Charles J. Parker was admitted to .practice as a counselor at-law, on Wednesday, Nov. 11. We understand that he is named in connection with the nomination for Prosecutor of the Pleas of this county. M * pi

Ocean Grove (South Asbury Park} means a grove, and is. Sea CHIT, one would naturally suppose, over­looked the sen. 8p it does, only wo don’t tee it.

I t is in contemplation to put up a new Post- office in the room heretofore- used as a school, in Park Hall, with boxes similar to those in tbe New York Post-office. The old Post-offioe is too small for the business now ;done, especially in summer.

There are no objections that ran bo raised against Ocean (5rove (South Aabnry Park)* in tho way of,sani­tary or other matters bnt what can be overcome. The half million dollar*, how invented in buildings, furni­ture. etc.. there, exclusive of tbe land, will remedy nnrtbhig detrimental to its future proaperityt f

Parties wishing to invest in Ashury Park or Ocean Grove bond a and mortgages, would do well to write to Isaac Kennedy, who has for sale boi\da ranging from one hundrod to five hfmdrtfd dollar*, that'aro guaranteed by the-seller. ^

Ocenn Grove iSouth Asbury Park) is rapidly becom­ing n city of pretty cottages. ’’

Uriah Whito, tho pump ijiau, is experimenting with driven wells to gain an accurate knofrjedge of (he source of wator. He is driving a pipe in his yard one hundred feet deep. .To theorise about the water supply and quantity thereof, is very good, but to Luotr- is better.

We it in ember the time when Charles Rogers was the only iium that dwelt within Ocean Gryve gates (South Aabnry-Park}. V.

Why ioiU ihe tircichichfias been put on tiotr girt ■" tM tchitel moreflrrrdy? : ;v .. Because ifwill ahriiik when It oools down; and

thorefore girt the wheel with a tighter.grasp., t

Col. Moore, Superintendent of the Central Rail­road, came over the Long Branoh division on Tuesday, for the first' time Binoe his apointment as first executive offioer of the road. He expressed his pleasure at the rapid growth of'theplaae.

The best speller in Ocean Grove (South Asbnry Park) is the gentletutin wbo has just completed bis elegant cottage on the lake- He is the author of the Saunders’ reading hooks und speller, text books which are used in thousands of schools all over tke land.

Mr. Willlsford Dey, to whose care many of the cottages at Asbury Park and Ocean Grove have been committed for tbe winter, reports all right, no damage done. I f any oi our cottage people would like to know"more about their oottages dur­ing tho winter, send a postal.card ijftJA jk.Ite /

4 - -*•*- - - •_ .f Why is Ocean rove (South Asbnry Park) likely to

liave the protecting care of our Legislature? Because •many of Us meniTTerB, from dillorent ports of tho State own cottages, or suramer there. New Jersey ishows wisdom in inviting snch communities to locate along the coast -. ~ —w «*~~ . .

Aa the timo table of the afternoon train on the Pennsylvania ftailroad compels passengers for Asbury * Park and Ocaan Grove to lay o^er at Squan fifty mi nates, .and the delay preventing them from getting here before haJfpast seven o'clock, we advise them to spend that fifty, minutes in getting a good supper ai the Osborn House at Squan. Mr. Theodore Fj,elds sets an excellent table, and bis dining-room is large fiend prices reasonable, ^We, in companywjfB^friends, have tried it nnd know. •

The first lot eofd in Ocean Grovo (South Asbnry Purk) wps bought by the man fwho. soon afterwnfa, bought a big lot on the otlior sido .the ,lak6 and out it up twelve hnndreil lota, easlor^th^ turnpike, with broad avenues und B^uarea. *

.W©(reoeive from tifne to time from fHends -vthoaro interested in the J o u r n a l , selections which they ht^ve met in reading and deem worthy a place in our columns. We thank onr friends for this evidence of interest in-us, and wiU endeavor^Jto- uso their favors, as we Ahd space in our columns. But wo already arepretty well supplied with “ mat­ter,” frnd it may be soriie tune ere ^Hiy^will see tbe articles Ujoy have selooted in print. This h y way of explanation of their non-appearance. " "

' What patent ia owned by Oooan Grove (South Asbu- ry Park) ? Its sea front. “ Bnt,” sayraorao one inter­rupting, *• they have the aea front down the ooast fur­ther/’ Yes, but Ocean Grove's patent la the sea front with the no mdsquUo'eombinaiion attached.

Mr. Washington White has presented to the Muiietim a sebtioniof a hickory sapliAg,' about o n e . and a ialf incites In diamoter, whioh is tied* in two Iin6|s ^ 0tl8'^in^le^ ahd bne dotiblfc ’ Mr. White tied the kqotp ^ i t ^ l f fljo^spypntoeu sears ago, when the sapling waa only a small twig. We have also recoWad for tholSi^^jdlu fWm-Hetiry Shiftot

piooe uf tlle opt ojf jk ^ p ^ Ia h oak, wbioh? in

Who expects Oceaii Grove {South Aabnry Park) should be perfection Itaelf? Thoae who think a town can be made complete in six yeara.

‘‘ Another- R ichm ond In the IftdUl.*: Mr. Isaao jL Oole advertises in our paper to cure

cancer. He is located in Ocean Grove.

Ocean Grove (8outh Aabury Park) haa an excellent aasiBtant snperlntendent in Mr. ^ewia Rftinear.

Special Tlirtnksgiving Service.Please remember that special services will be

held in fet, Paul’s M. El Church on November 80. The morning exercises will consist of two ad­dresses, music, eta, and at the evening service an opportunity will be given for any o^e to address the audience. A large attendance is desired.

. What breeds mosquitoes, or wbat oduduces best to- tbeir bealth.and growth? Wet meadows. There are tfo meadows aronnd Ocean Grove (South Asbary Park).

D r . K J n m o n th 's W edd in g ;.Dr. Hugh 8. Kinmonth* who located here

among the first and who has ouilt np flu excellent praotioe, was married on the evening of Nov. 15, to Miss M. Adele Kenney; daughter of the late Edward I. Kenney; of Philadelphia. The cere­mony took place at No. 237 Pine st., Philadelphia, and was perfoixned by Rev. E. T Kenney—a brother of the Jaride. 'jffipre-w^pja large gather­ing of friends present, am^ng whom #wcWRov. R. W. Humphrisa, Dr. A. Deakyne, Mrs Samuel B. Begley, John • Ii. Thomson and wife, Harry Alte- mua and wife, anti others. Mrs. Kinmonth is a sister of the wife of Mr. D. H. Bates, Suporinten- dent of the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Com­pany—a gentleman who is highly esteemed in this locality, having spent several summers at Ocean Grove withf his1 family. ^

S t. P a u l ’s M . E . C h u rc h . •The inclement weather was productive of a

small audience in bthe morning. The-pastor offi­ciated, as usual. In the evening no service was held ; the sermon- on “ man’s immortality " was, therefore, postponed until to-morrow evening, when, we trust, a large congregation will be pres­ent.

A load or two of clay dumped in front of thesehureh a t Ocean Grove jSoOth Aabury Park) will make the walking there much pleasanter to church-goers.

H A B B IE D .-- Wkli.8—Sullivan—;At the parsonage of the First M. E, Church, Long Branoh, on Oct. B, by Rev. W. E. Boyle, Mr. J erome Wblls to Mias J knnib 8ui> LiVAff, both of Long Branoh. -

Layton— K irb t—At tbe same place by Rev. W. G. Boyle,;Mr* O d a r i« L atton to Mi a CnBiBTtNA K irbt, b#th of East Ldng Branoh, N. J.

Kinmonth—K h u k t.-O n the evening of Nov. li>th inst., at Philadelphia, by Rev. E. T. Kenney, assiBted by Rev. R. W. Humphrisa. II. S. KinmohtB, M. D., of As­bnry Park, N. J . , to M Adele, youugept daughter of the late Rev. Edward I. Kenney, of Philadelphia.

e b o ■ o r 7 0 0 'I i o e u s t P o s t s ,


Apply to, g . a . M O E F O R D ,


And Furniture Repaired.■ w ,

Cor. Bond 8t. and Monroe Av., | ASBURY PARK.

TH O R N E ,(Late of Philadelphia,)

FASHIONABLE DRESS AND CLOAK MAKER,- fcuttipg and Pitting a.Spec4alty.

MT. HERMON WAY, 8d door west? of ^Jew TCork Av OCEAN GROVK, N .J . ^ *.

. a A i v o s t t .

Externa! Cancers can Jie Cured .!,r> ’

No ^urgioal Knife Used. No Blood Drawn. Consult


DdCxret. S e tJ L U o . K r a l i . e ,. TEACHER OF

INSTEUM BNTAI/ 'A N D VOCAL MUSICPrivate LeBSona. <15.00 per Quarter. , In Classes,

*400and#5.OOperquarter. Vor fall pirtionlar*call on. . 'M R S . D I S A K E ,

Ml. BERMiS!?1' WAT, t Am asst of Sew fork teane,i OCEAN GROVE.

Organs and Pianos for sale on ea^y terftu. Old instruments taken in exchange. --

E x e c u to r s * s a l e o f a v a l u a b l e f a r mThe subscribers, pursuant to the laat will and

testament of George W. Fielder, late of MeltoerCounty and town of Hightstown, in the State of New JeAey, deceased, will offer at 'Public Bale On Tuesday, Nov. 28,. 1876, on. the promises, all, that certain Valuable Farm aitoatedin tho towhahin of Eant Windsor, in tho county of Mercer, State of New Jersey /on which the said Gddrge W. Fielder lived att^he lime of his death, containing 70 acres, in a high stale of cultivation. A liirge, fine dwelling house, in perfect order, largi barna, and all neoessalry outbuildings, > Lar^orchwd, with ehoioe fruits, large and abundant shade and ornamen­tal trees.' .This Farm is situated one half mile from" the depot^and one eighth of a mile from the large Baptist Collegiate Institute, Which- is one'of t>M finest in the State. AU the land1 flea* ad joining thetowrC and is sp^entible of being laid out i|i eity let* At any time the purchaser may ohoo#e to .do so.

A large share bf t^e purchase money can remain on bonduid niiffinin). ahn- ifi<* nnvnnrfv •n rk * >nlA. . . . m atia’the property wilr be aplfi tothe highest bidder. Conditiona-made knu*n a t sale.

■ ■ By order-of Exeontofs, ‘; v ■ '* • ...' .l , XW .FJELDER, J08i/Br. JEMJ80N,.

___ JANE B. FIELDER.November53,18T0. '■ v ?

. T T M P W H I T E ,

W I S* I D R I f I K■ ;• ■ . ; • A m o ‘' a a j L . F i t f i a * : ., ,-yMAjX ST^EEIJ, AB DBIX PAKK, N. J.

..-4 . V ! 1 r ~ ~

.Iron and Brass Forco and, Lift Papipa, Iron Sinks,. DMin Pipe, oto., eto. Together with an assortment of/plumbers’ and Gaa Fitters’ Ware. Satisfaction given or no ohargo mado. All work subject to special contract,- •v -

• N O T I C E -Is -hereby given.fthaC the subscriber has settled with the owner of the patent for all Wells driven by me ih the past, and all persons who havo .settled with me hO:ffill, are requested to call or send to my place, giving the location and.numbor of lot. with owaiera1 name fox a license reccipt (to prevent further annoy-, ance), which will b6 given free of charge, SIGNED BY THB OWNER OF THE PATENT. And would give fnrther notice, that he is the sole agent for Wall and Ocean Townships to Long Branoh, and all-Mojicj month Countv, lying on the wesb side of the £fow Jer­sey Central Railroad, and .will give prompt attet^ion tb all orders received.

URIAH WHITE, Asbury Park, Nov. lat, 1870

All persons aro warned not to infringe on my rights under this patent. ’ • . ..........

A ll F e l o n s s U d is ta n c e t r e a te d by M all w i t h P e r f e c t {Wccea* by deacrlblD K t h e i r

^Syxnptom a.

(Bend for our large and beautifully illustrated paper, ’ ' ] Bent free to any address.)


i l l !C U R E S

CATARRH! Why ‘/Bccauaelnhalation iB the only way that -the Air Pas gages can be reach­

WE MAKE A SPEC- IAJj^TY of treating pa­tients by Mail, rleaao ^rrite and'describe your symptoms.

ed;' m (t Catarrh is a dis­ease of the Air Passages of the Head. Use this Treatment as we direct, which is easy and pleas­ant, and we guarantee a perfect cure of Catarrh.

Bronchitis ! . Why ? For the same reason as givexi' above. The Bronchial 'tubes are

ALL PERSON8 THAT, read this are invited to Bend for our large and beautifully illustrated Paper, sent free to any


simply conductors to car ry air to tho Lungs, hence InhUlation must go direct to the Best of the disease, and if you will

' foUowour directions, we guarantee to curb Bron­chitis.

ASTHMA!Why ? Because Asthma ia a contraction of the Bronchial Tubes, caused

W E GUARANTEE TO CURE CoughB, Colds, Diphtheria, Pneumonia, Neujplgia, and nearly all other severe attacks when

"all other remedies fail.

tation of the mucus mem- brafldiningtho Bronchi­al Tubes. Use Oxygena­ted A»r asrwe 'will alFoct and wo will warrant a Cure. Wo havo cured cases of 20 years stand-


Consumption.Can be cured. Why ? Because we have oured hundreds of oases, some Of thorn being given over to did- by all physicians of other schools of prac­tice. Consumption is a disease of the Air pass­ages, and over two-thirds or the oases are caused by Catarrh. We guaran­tee a cure if you will oomo in season.


CUBE. Liver and Kid" ney complaints are effec­tually reached by Oxy­genated Air.


Dr. Townsend’s Oxyggn-’ ,atccL~Air- will purifv the • blood in one-third the

time that any other known remedy can. Why? be­cause to inhale Oxygena­



ted Air it goeB direct to the I^ungs and passes through the tissues and comes in direot coutaot with the blood as i t isvfor-

... cod in to the Lungs by the aotion of the heart. All thp blood in our voins ro-

CURED without cutting or drawing blood, with verylittleornopain. Any person troubled with Can­cer . and Tumors will pleafe write for testimo­nials, eto., from patients oured.^ jj/fo warrant • a perfect cure.

four minutea if the.blood is good, and . forced from the heart to tho lungs, and the more Oxygen you in­hale into the lungs - tho piorQ you purify thflblood. When Oxygen comes iu contact with tlje impuri­ties in the bloo’d ifcoarbon- izes and burns, causing

¥. M.PARK, H. D.,.i l ^ t e of the

MoCLELLAN U S. A. Hospital Philadelphia, Pa.f who has been so auo- cesaful ’throughout^ New England in tne dure of Cancers a n d Tniriora; 1 takes' dbargfe of .this de­partment. . .,/%i

that'it warms every part of tb^ body, as it goes on ita 'revolutions through the system. I f your blood is pure you cflnnot be hick. We drive Morotiry and all other impurities out of the blood. We guarantee to purify the blood in oH6-third tho time ofjiny other known rcmody.

Address all letters aa heretofore, ,

E . F . T O W N S E N D , M D . ,182 H ig h S treet, P rovidence, S . I . •

Physlo|ans wishing to locate in some town or oity in this DuaiqeBS, can bO furnished with territory and our. iUustrated papers for advertising the same, by address-

jpgtftsaboye^ - j j ? ■ » —•

T H E ’O tD ilS T e s t a b m s i c e : >

G E N E R A L FU R B ISH IN G S td R E .t'A M iL A lfW O IJJV C EM EW Tl V-’

J. A. GITHENS wi^iiea to "inform bis friendB and patrons that tie is fully pTjjpared to furnish them with tl*e best of - fine GlyOCEIt IES, inclnding, the beat brands of . . ’T— 1 ' ‘

FAMILY T e a s , Sugar, J a v a . C o f f e e ,


ORANGE COUNTY. W T t t tAlflo.on hand a largo and complete stocl^pf

B U I U D E R S ! ^ A R D W A R E ,which baa been pureb’aned for cash, and will be sold at

BOTTOM PRICES.Also, the largeBt and best assorted etock of

C O T T A G E f U B W I T V R Eever brought to this neighborhood.W estern Union Telegraph Office la the Store.

J o h n A . G i t h e n s ,COR. M A IN S T . & R A IL R O A D A V .,

A s b u r - y P a r k , N . J . ^

hT gblT I m p o r t a n t "l . - •

COTTAGE OWNERS Should be aa particular tohave all broken lights of glass replaced by whole■*, . ....ohoa, as they should be to look their doors. A brokenglass may result in damaging a hundred dollars’ worthof fnrnituro. The undersigned is prepared, to attendto glazing in any part of the Park or Grove a t theshortest notice, and on tho moat reasonable terms.

AU kinds of painting done in a neat manner, nnd ascheaply a a tho prioe of good material will allow.

Office, opposite Ocean Grove Gates, or P, O. Box03, Obean Grove, N .J .


S t e i n b a c h B r o s . ,' '*~r

-® a« t l . o n g B r a n c h a n t i A nbury P a r k .

Fall & Winter AnnouncementLargest and best assorted stock of any honso in Monr

month County.


R E A D Y M A D E C L O T H IN G .A large stock of fine Dress Suita, soiling at $8.00,

$9.00, $13.00, $H.OO, $18.00, and upwards. *- .A choice aelyctiOn of

H e a v y O v e r c o a t s ,AU of our own manufacturej for $7.00, and upwarda. '

BOYS’ CLOTHING IN 3B E & T VAEEETY.Suita madeHo order a t short notice. Fine Pants made

to order for $1.00, $5.00. and upwards... jjnita, of hijnd- aome material, for $15 0(1, $18.00, and upwards. .«'*


D E Y G O O D S .In this department by buying onr goods by tbe case,

wu are enftbled to sell Prints, Muslins,> Linens, Towel- ingS|-ete., cheaper than any store in the county.

Special attention to onr new assortment of Fall and Winter Dress Goods, at 12 and 16 cents. Fine Black Alpaca, ut 25 cents, and uj>wards. Black Cashmeres, the best for the money, at *5 cents and $1.00 per yard- Navy Illue, Brown and Slate Colored Cashmeres of the latest shades, ut .ft cents per yard.

T A B L E L I N E N S .A full line of Wbite Lipen Table Cloths, Toweling,

Napkins, etc. . . . *Bed Spreads and Quilts. Nice Blankets for $2.50,

and upwards. A large assortment of Felt Skirts.White Klunnelfl of all kinds, including an assort­

ment of Cotton. Flannels. Good -Cotton Flannels for W^ceutB.

Hosiery and Ladies’ Ufiderweai’,Including all gradeR of Plain and Funcy Hose for Ladies and Children. Ladies' Under Vests at 50 cents, and upwards.

FANCY GOODS W TRIMMINGS.Ribbons, Lace, Hamburg Edgings, Veilings; Toilet

Articles, Gloves of all kinds.

G ents F u rn ish in g Goods,Including the latest style Fall Hat$ and Caps-, a fine line of White and. Colored‘Shifts, Collars. Neck* ties, Hosiery. Blue Flannel 8Lirts; also a full line of Gloves.

A large assortment of Men’s nnd Boys’ Underwear.

■ B o o t s a n d S h o e s .'1A full line of LadieB , Misses', Children’s and Gents*

wear, including the celebrated BtfH make. Men’s Heavy Boots, at $2.50, aud upwards; tbe best that can be.procured for the money.

S T A T I O N E R Y .A large stock of Fancy Letter Paper, Foolscap,

Commercial Note, etc.We have constantly on hand, Trunks, Satchels,

Shawl Straps, Umbrellas, eto Patrons, on examining onr Fall and Winter Stock, will find that wo aro selling at very Low Priccs. ~ ^ — .

STEINBACH BROS.,E a s t l o n g B ra n c h & A s b n ry P a r k ,

This Day Choose Ye Slate or ShingleB


DAVID CARTWRIGHT,Plain a i Ornamefital Slate^Rtiofer, ,

ASBU RY PA B K f t 0 C E A N fJH O V E, H . J .OFFTGB AND TARO : * >


Having had 25 yeara experience'iu the Slate Hoofing busineM Pam prepared to give the public satisfaction with the beat tbaterialin thetaarketi a^Watonabte fhtes.

All Wottf warranted rtiow and 'wtttervtight. * Mate* rial always on hand,- Jobbing promptly attended to.

All orders^ reoeived by midi, and left a tP ark Hall, will receive prompt attetitiou, ' - r .

NEWTQHItMj h h W tttM itf .-itn + u V x t i M fii ■ ■

• lean) foot of CI«lrHsiS .ar^t.^Rorth ESs-se, * t ■11.35 A. M. *v ’ ■ >- '■;■■■' ;•"'/« ■■■

TrfUna l«aT®'rodt!i f Long, Branoh, O m b O w b , or Atbuti A n .O o M B , Beach and * * KIS,Arrivlng i t Oeesa Qtc' r. lO.iK? a. • ,4l.S I,'M t;75 l ‘

LonK.HnHwh■fK ki,V,“ .tt5 " t ' i Glrt 6.4i, l(X07 ^ » i1 S* 6,nW‘ . i» w ,ffs aitt& is,.rt ’ o’S i- • • • M ' -* * .rrW lng * t Om«d

S.S9, ? ,iif IE I4 a . M„ 4.04,7.10 p. n~.

» • » * . H ., i .» ,f i . l0 p. m .- f ; a uLeave Litaw Bnneh: for. tfew- york, a«6: ;8.00;;

11.30 i . U-, 4.20 ». il.. Clot* * Elftotwland Newark. All tnuns from Hew YnTkmp thtnp|fc to Ocean Grove or Asbury Park-^ithout change'Of


Tini«^able commencing November 13,187C.NEW YORK.

Leave Naw YorM (Pier 8f foot of ttectorjrt.),for tf ' Branch-^and Ocean Grdve at 11.00- A. tL\ and 4.00 " p* *• Arrivingat Long Branoh at 12.43 ana fi.48 r . Hu

Leave Ix»ng Branch forUew Yorkflt S.W. Aud l l e» *A. m. Arriving in New York at 9.45 '£ K., and liw p. w. • • ' g •

. PHILADELPHIA,.Leave Philadelphia (foot of Market st.), for Long

Branch, nt 8.30 a. h . Arriving In Long Branch at ll.50A.M. ... ^ --------

Leave Long Branch for Philadelphia a t , 7.00 A- 12.50 nod 5.50 p . if. Arrivingln PhUddei^hlii ai'1^35, 4.20. and 9.20 p . m . ...


. J*lulAdelpbia.aud Trenton to Ocean Grove and Asbury Park qirect. '. • o .Si,On and after November 15j 1876, and until farther notice, train swill run as follows:

(ForNew York time add 5 minutes*.) ” ‘, , L$avb Eastward.

W est Philadelphia ^7 « ) ............^l^O,P. M.

. . . .3 10

6 45'rren ton^— ................ 8 22............ 3 25-i...Freehold. ..................£ 4 8 ............... 5 0 2 ....Squan................. 10 42........... 5 5 5 . . . . . . . .Sea G irt................... ...10 58........... 6 5 3 . . . . . . . .Ocean Beach................. l l 07........... 7 03..............Ocean Grove. . . . . . " . . .1 1 14........... 7 10.............. v------Deal J I 1 9 . . . ^ . . . 7 1 6 . ^ . . .Arr. Lonur Branch...........11 30........... 7 2 7 ............

Leave W kstwahd.“A.M. Av M. P.M.

Long Branch................ 6 45........... .* . . „ . . . . l 37D eal.............................. 6 54. ........ 46Ocean Grove...................6 5 9 . . . . . . . . ..1.51-Ocean Beach................. 7 04............. < ..............1 58Sea G ir t . . . ..........7 1 2 ..M ...: ..............2 0Squon : .................. 7 40............. ............. 3 55Freehold......................... & -2 5 ... .. .. . 6 2 5 , . . . .* . .4 ‘40T ren to n ....,................ 10 05.............. 7 53........... .6 18Arr. West Phila..........12 05.............. 9 20............;7 35

f 838 Chestnut Street. , \TICKET OFFICES: } S. E Cor. Broad & Ckeatnut. \

^116 Market Street.Depots, Tliirty-second A Market sts., and Cenfennia

Depot,FRANK THOMPSON, ' D. M. B O tp , JfR.

General Manager. Oen’l Panenger Agrni.

O C E A N B E A C H .

y y H. t t HUTCHINSON,


Shop on F st., between Sixth olid Serenth .TI.



R v n n c n : A,. Bitner, E»i., u a W. H jkw, l u - omter, Pa.; W. Yard »nd J. ¥wd, Trenton, N. J.; H. Yard and D. EL VViinon, Phil.,


BRICKLAYING AND PLASTEIflNCI IN ALL . ITS BRANCHES.F st., between Eighth and Ninth a n .,


References;—Oapt Robert Johnson and Joseph 1 ard, Trsrston. N. J. j Wm. H. H. Hntohlpsoa, Ooom Beach; D. H. Wil«0n,Phil» . ’ ..........................

^ — 5--------- : «*


H O U S E P A I N T E RlQth Avenue, tu t . 0 u d B S tm t t ,

OCEAN BEACH, N .J.Will Rive personal and prompt attention to Architect*’ an*

Builder*' Kstlmstefl and Contracts.

C H E A P ! C H E A T !BUY fbuiSjG O O D S A T


Where will b<foncd a i ^st«Bsi\re u n r tm u i 04 all kinds of -

M EC onsisting o f

d r y g o o d s , BOOTS A N D S H O E S , H A R D W A R E,

. V Groceries, Etc.Also Eealers In Lebisk O N b J

No b e tte r aaeortm ent can be fouild in a n y O ther a im ila r s to re , an d th e goods w ill b e so ld a l

L O W P R I D E S .ES-An invitation Is eartended to ail, far and ne®r, toexamine tnin stock.

anfvMoUy1 deIivor® *° “ 7 part of Ocean Be*eh

T . P A P P J i E B Y ,- Wfeplesale and Retail Dealer io J. j—

B A V , F S 8 D '-mm o a t c &E00EH.IE8 AH D PEOVX6IOS8,

c o n . 'O F B E B O n t F r a s X AVKNCfBa .Goods delivered to any part of the Park o r^rov t

witbuat extra charge. Hones taken on tAy/trr,: . -------------------- j - ------- a — r

J . W S U T P H E % -

Carrl&gf! Wflfk ln *11 it»:bls so}lt*

c c "... ■

M A I N B T R X t& r k A S B U R V A VI '

,|it«f9ra*s to workmanship tev.-r.; <-e .Xy.:.. :

Williara.Hathaws'r, Esq., J«oea A.O. IT.'.Miller, .j

Page 4: C H I N A , - SiiaviuE & .Haip: Cutting. Saloon, · N. Y. SLATE & ROOFING CO., Limited. RUBBER ROOFING, ENA31EL PAINT, ready fpr one and warranted superior to all similar articles

I . . . .

A ^ W i l A l w .. . . ; ••'*. .t 'o m ■'•.<•'•«'*.*•• 1 -■ |

l,9h4’ ~ i,r* 79V<fl^»W»^wrVW r®»9» pltomed in th*« £«ft;

Tha oIouob in the sunset iky were red wl *t>ses .W ere/s^floai^ *lowawi»U ^#4*P t^roses^ petals to s«d.£ro

A S B U R Y P A R K . JO tJR N fA L / S A T U R D A Y , 'NOVEtM filEJR 2 0 * 1 8 7 0

.tt-f.cilin^esammer.air* andjrose nnd fell X5* •?; (i' Jiifc) the pfl£a)« on each wind's soft awell.

She. gated »fe> theglory overhead, *'• •1 " " *. v-t^tid.atooped wild gitUiered airose fall

; v. b T a J t o s p ,* ’ sU e B a id , w h e n s n jn m e r in d o n « , i' .I gatbea them dailyvona byioi

In silkfattri liaen, indra#eri

';» ;J. V-^rtd.stooped Hflid gathered s^rgsc fall red. j hTaJtoep,'’ sue said, when snjn

* fiOOOr j ' \&r aud. chest,

ifo'i; i •^rJar tbom1»^aj, in fraffilant re*fcT.i“‘ And tfie duy# on-wbich tlieir'bloom waa shed

r .ACM J rl gaiketand lay. awAy.not dead,*As-tho roses are, but sownito?rJ*e,Like souls o t *Uo saints that Hi®, tb skies

iUa’ifas^SWwrorthey a t ls?,t in 4 heavenly place d^mrdi Bhfali'dwel^ transfigured and face to faoe.

i c^pealung thuB, abe smiled as shela -jjguru

1 ,AniThrough th« garden-paths, ‘ Tho roaos bejit,

<' Sheading their petal* in rosy broods., " ■ L ike petals o f day, the rosy clouds

j “AVelii floating ofRa'Ute twilight free;Butjl bore th6,picture'aWay w ith me— ,

j il*J i*» Ai woman < iir jn tho mxminer weather,T»a.i* 6 &. day and a rtose gathered together,

.Tjfer Andabeartao glsdthafcit oould see llu .I| TTTln all things Lovo’s immortality.(I* .I..Auif,,.if M f. , •' •— Independent,

■ . r o a S ^ B . AW® TO tfjBT.

'houses and lands FOR SALE!BY r :

W illisford D ev,

rs/Vl E t a a m m m m rr»krrt*:j Jtl OfctSart'SfbTtj at AifyiVy Psrk. *

r F O R S A L E , "


Thirt bouse, ho popular With the summer visitor^ of A’sbury Park, has a commanding view Of the ocean and BtirroiuidinpSfiuid ia^onyehient to the ltuthing Grounds; is well-1 brnlt, rtnd niieely furmHhBd-thron#hont.‘' Will accqnmimiate alinjit aixty guest*. Altio, u Carriage lion ho and tables, and Rathing House on the bearlt.

WjU sell; l*>iruitivre a iu l ‘Ucockei^ w ith th e h o i ^ if desired. ‘ I ’ovimHaum wivan i i n n i o d i i u t t l y . • *

Applv w •<

'AHOTELS, iStd,.

■■■■. -T-"----------- » .L

A S B U E Y P A R K , N : J . ‘A. R . T O L A N D , P ro p r ie to r .

(V1? ^ ' ^ “'Imliange a praotioal faiiy storywhich we reprint especially for the benefit o( oor

Though a fairy story it oontains a rery import­ant bmth which every yonng lady who expects to have a homo of-hfir own, should thoroughly under, stand; it is this: good house-keeping and good

^cooking witli amiability frad love'will so fasci* •■ littte’a'htlUbQnd that'it'will require some extraordi

nary power to lure him frotn hiB well-kept charm­ing horned This ia the lesson: practical hdusekeep-

•t ing and good palatable cooking are aa essential to “’ ijffappy boaiif as Jove is. Girls, begin to practice

i ii^ i r "j . .. * . /.. ---------

AliLKN n : COOK,Or. I. o . K EN N ED Y ,

Anbury l*nrk, J?. J .

O p e n , a l l t l i o Y e a r .

The present, proprietor having purchased tbe prop erty, bus partially i^bnilt tbe 'hotue and ^rholly, rcn- ovated St. The rooms are cobupodioua, and^xtra fnr- nifrh d wit h spi^ng mattxeBBes, v. - CV _ •

This House is now,open for gueats; it is desirably slltiated at the bnutl uf Wefll&y iUiUo, oommandihg a line •view of the Lake and O cean^lt is about X mile from the Oedun and 3(H) yurda from the C. It-. K. depot.

’■ ; :‘r;. , A. H. TofiAND.K

H O W L A N D H O U S E ,

A Plrti IC« llndH Ills H e a r t . ,

, " T " A P alry T ale.There was one* a y&nng prince who was old

enough to marry, bai had never beeu able to find any one whom he liked. Other - yoong men fell in

iilpye, not once, bnt fifty times, before bis age. He idid.not even know what love meant.' All the

’JbfcantifuL court ladies had made themseives as ^'oharming as possible; bnt now it was known all ^ o^er the' iand that yonng Prinpe Stufifwefl had no %)Urt; and that; therefore, there was n<j use of try-

• t6 od^Uvate him.c< ^However, the k i ^ bis ' father, and all th0 coon- _‘oillors and great inen & bout tbe coart declared that,

in love or npt, he uaust.marry; and he promised to , do aa he,^was tojd if he could be penmtted to travel

fora year and viait the most beautiful ladies in tbe * -world. ’

Of ofrarae permission was accorded, and he set qb(e<'Htti h isW r, bending ambaaaaddrs before him

■ W in fo n n every itaan of tide who bad a pretty -tlfcgfthtefT ttcafr-Prince tjtuffwoH wan -oopoitrg. As ' soon aa ttua newa^oobed the palaoas and castles

where theS- lived/eaob^ft^ set to workto see that her wardrobe watj. perfect. Some bought lotions aud potxina -to moke ,their skins softer and, fairer. Some practioea singing and *tpers dancing# , ^m ojig tjiom all waa only one who had

7 no hope of being the I |Irince,B wife. t 1 1 In ^ fine caBtle‘On'"®’ high, hill lived toy Lord

Chillivilli and four daughters. Three of these datf^hte^s Were lovely, the fourth one was plain in­deed^ Everybody fcaid at once there is no cjiance j^rlittJUi.BIidge, andshe gaidsb herself. T"1’

c “ fiowever^Hno waaa good-nfttnred little Miin ; and helped aa well as she coqld to make her Risters beautiful, and as'Week atter week they heard ‘the news C list Prinoe Bttiffwell had not made his choice yet, she said, with a smile-:?1—; Well, well, one of you may be a princess yet.”

L At Jaat . havings ?een 600 ladiea tu)d ohoshn none ' the prince's ambassadors arrived at Chilliwilli Cast­

le. Their trumpets, were heard at the gate$, and when they were opened the chief herald jittered these \words:— •

: 4iMnoe Stuff well, who is now on his twelve- , month jowmey. in «earcb of a wjte, will be here in

an hour.”Thereupon All the Joond ladiea fell iuto a flutter

of excitement. Rosabella, the fav one, raahed r- away to dreas herself in white satin aud pearls;

i the datk one, to put on her orimson vel­vet and rubies, and iSeraphiua, who waa neither, to .gttirejieraelf in blue sdk and diamonds. 4

‘ 1, ' aaid little.jlidge, «lum’t draaa a t all.;“‘Itl'iell you what Tl do. FU go in to n e kitchen and

make one of my famous aipple pbddihgfl, and that r will make him good-natured. They say he's fond

of nice tnixmp to.aat. 7 ‘ c-r . \So MiapFtie*^ on M r booking apron and went

into, and there, peeping from the wio- tdpw beband fchetnroHfle*-,iPhe saw the pfiuoa urrive ; ^*very fat plrinoo with small fiy^s and a big mouth. But j f f19999, #Bf3*wi:kop*> Are i&lWaya handsome.' So Midge and the cook cried t .

“ Oh, isn’t he splendid! n 1J* tJp in tbe drawmg room my Lord Chilliwilli in­

troduced his beautiful daughters and every one bobbed and bourteaied.

wontfecfijUy.OTall, bnt Prinoe frfetfem to carfer* Setaphlna sang,

and he was' found to |>e sound asleep. Araminta and Rosabella dunced together, and^-ha never Ideked. They all ialktfd, aM he did liot listen.

dc^.^ij. po pne knew, when anddenly lenedrattd m camo a page with an apple- l a^ilv^r feiilVer:' 1 ‘

Midget w^o ha t an idea that matters wore rath­er dull up-stairs, had sent it up to improve them.

‘,‘May I offer you a piece of apple-pudding, Your Highness? ” said Lord Chilliwilli.

“ Of course you may,’aaid Prince Stuffwell.. “I ’ve ‘og<3PU$idp’£ give me something to

“ Hal bal how witty!” cjied the whole suit,“ He ! hei he! how witty ! ” criedliord Chilliwilli ** l a b i l e briUbii^tf* screamed the young ladies. T teir the'pudiung was-served ana tne printfe sat

R « x l h e W d .“ Yes, Yonr Highness,’ aaid my Lord.Then $be. page, t o ^ ^ m M^dge bnd been very

kind, bowodiow aitid fedid: 11 '' i* But the cook did not make this, Yonr Royal

iH ^ h aw ta Mxsa/Midgemade this^'an’t please Your Royal 'BUghneas. ”Ajik*Iidoep‘pleafleme verymnoh,“ said the prinoe.

Whiohifi Midge, my Lord?’'A little dauahter of«mine who is very^ ‘ very

r, | i y |^ L o ^ e m m w i i i i r JTl'nerto odme here,” said tiie prince,

^ The page ran to call little Midge, and, she dared itiblftjtiip to take off her cooking apron.

■——r-T he-pgince^looked at her with interest an she ~ i n . • • _ J*v - .T" - .

“ You made this pu3ding,' my obild ? ” said he.1 ness,u said sh^. **Beg-

ing_Ypurpardon, I n^afl,^so bold.^ Siid' lie..; Mt do^n, ohild, andcut BUcegjfef, whilo I^eat.” /

'So Midge, in ner cooking apron, sat down, while all ttie suite and her vener-

^ rtf fle rB to o ^ D S fo re Prinoe Staff well. *- * -* then the -prince, snd*-.

V^<WfQi«a.P WiyW.8 - liaeR-r be/oro r hand. •-said he, “ bere

_______ my bnde. Before£'tfis moment I»never thought I had a heart. I

^ of any‘ - m tniiiy rfCik Iflfc iQiifecantly 4rituated. > My heart

v my, Biomach, and tfia apple-puddxng haa touched .. • TtfW} W 1 al-

1^ “ Bah P i never look at a woman's face,” said the

" i o o ftn ^p ro ^ T ltV d nest thm g a woman can

I don’t cafe /o r fal-lals;

Vpz- Then tie took her by the handy and the old Lord •v' ( ^ b O i ^ 'lbV,* abd" tb f l e r a oourtesied,f the heralds weUt away to publish’ all over w*>

ttot^Pfinpavfl^iriesrell* 'haid 'found hie


! *1. ; / i'iv^ Cords of ♦ • i • ‘ ’

WHITE OAK OR, SPANISH OAK WOOD- In three feet lengtha, .mast uot be less than1 fonr ..

inches in diameter.Woon Charrki> n r Finn w ill answ er.

ALLEN R. COOK,Amwthy P a r k , N. J. '


' I O O O P O S T S I



O ceariThis House, the first eetablWiM.a^Ooean^Grdve,"'

has boen greatly enlarged, improved, j^ d bandpoipely repainted. Eaoh room bus a door and wjhtl^yr o^euing, to. verandaa, which extend' all' around ■ tbi^oilwtig Qt* ijach story; The rooms are .all newly/-plastered .and- neatly furnished. It ia conypniently 'ro^^d;,in.,th6 Grove, ou.Mt- Carmel Way, within u fow.yarda (bf the Congregjitlnn Grounds. PoBt Office, Tele raphD Offloe, <te. It is well kept, and now ope si forvi«tbrt.;^J^eryeffort will be made to give BatiBfactioniu^il r^fj^ta.* C-X.. HOWLAKi>. Fropnetor.


M tr« T N(»T BK LK S S T H A N F O U R tN CM Ks IN D 1 A M B T B R .

ALLEN R, COOK,A sb u h t P a r k , N. J.



E E © m A w m * , J5P0

Nuraerias and Green-honses at ltunison,2V nnle» frtnn both Sea Hright Station, on t{te N. J.

.Southern K. H,and Shrewebiirv'Htationv r on the N. Y. A Long Branch K, R.

Trees, Plants,

O P E ^For the reception-<^f guests

Pleasant Rooms! TermsW M . C . S H A T T O , P r o p .

Formerly of Lake View House. <pj

S K A d S I O e b d j k a n i M G , The-Year Bonnd, with Private Family, a t ,

P A R K C O T T A G E' ASBDliV P A B K ^ i .§

TERMS, 410 per WeehO o r $ 1 .5 0 per Day, TABLE BO Alt D. perWeek,frorri Ju ly lS tto

i . September 1st.Frotn September un til Jn ly , $5 to $7.por-Wook.

Our House ia unsurpassed for location^'having iuu oj>on viewr and being near Wealey Lako and the .Qoean.

DIRECTIONS.—Follow .CooSnnaiuAvennelrpm the Depot, ur Park Ha^, to Bummerfield Avenue, near the Lake, turn to the nght and ours ia the firat house on the South aide of Summeriield. Pleaae s tie Sign, “ Park Cotta6k7’ . :SL D. PRlTOHETT.N . U .-T ra n a ia n t B o« rdcraat a ll aMUoB*r»ceJroproper attention.

S I H I D t K & J U C H A H d N .AV • ^ • J ■ .

: C or. o f M ain ajM AsbUry

A S B X T H 'Y P A R K , n !j .T.i '

DeaUra i\i all kinds of

LU M BER! ■-■■■ i ■ :. AjfD.Bn ,/n. . ..■

BUILDING MATERIAL,Brick, Lime, Lat^P lasler. Cement, Hair, &c.- N aiiiS a BtruajEB8 ’ h a h d w A h e ,

r . A Specialty. ' •

All kinds of LuipberleUrt*ant!y in the yard. r.

Hemloclr, Spruce & White Pine -Timber. ROOFINO" s l a t e

!*•; . t »•() iii J'« f , .. Vi' t • ’ 11' i ■ ., Of the best quality, or contracts taken for roofa . -complete. , <

Every Ki^iitour iine d HvereH with dia atfijfc at' the lowest possible pricei^

’Parties. deBiriui( to erect Cottagea will not do them* selves justice huless they give as a call.(TaRHET V.,S»W0Ki NEUjOM EL BUCHANON.

R B S E A d B R O W N ,lie^Uerln allkindiaof

I @ A I S ,C U E W I N iJ 'A S D S M O K IN O

t o b a c c o ;•— P I P E S ,

, .■).!,. n A^D . „S T A T I p S i T ^ i m X ,


T = ? F :, O . N . Mi|1fey & Sou,, -

■ Producer* of and j^eaJerf ln all KJnds.of

V E G E T A B L E S .A U O r d e r s le f t- a t C a m p b e l l a n d

A n m o c k ’s M e a t M a r k e t t v i l l oe p r o m p t ­l y A t te n d e d to .

Floral Depot a t Long Branoh during Summer

BOUQUETS, BASKETS,IV'rr.titfiH, Crosses, Or ow ns.

The following Uaialogues are published for Kratultous ‘ - diHirioutioii, viz:

. “ . * N o . i . *Dencrjptlve €atalokU« o r T ree*, - l(liruk>*

* V in e * , Ktc.» •*«.N o . a . „

D e s c r i p t i v e C a t a l o g u e o r P l a n t s .

N o . 3«- - W h o le sa le T r a d e f

• ‘'fcg*Plans given for Huburban and villa founds and grounds generally, with lists oi (trunuimiiul leaved and flowering-plautB, ornamental and shade trees, shrubs, etc., best adapted to the soil and aea air.

R E M O V A L .

O P E N , J U N E 1 s t , 1 8 7 0 .The subscriber hereby wishes to inform his patrous

and the public in general of his REMOVAL frotn the OLD STAND to the new


ABBURY PARK, N. J.,. «t$yhere he wil^contippo to do

§ 4 S ) %' in the


KLOUR AND KEEU ALWAYS ON ANDS u t t e r a n d T e a n a S p e c i a l t y .Thankful for past favors, andsolicitin^ a share of your

trade in the fntnre, I remain,r . Yo^ra truly,Q «,

J . F . S A J T F D R D .

AsMn hi Sleau. Saw KillsPUNING, SCROLL SAWING,


Window and Door FramesM A D E T O O B B E B .

A Ml assortment of Moldinga.on Hand'SU rtleptiadlna;m»ker, lo® Tonoofie thoa for t

very well; a wear.”Ti4id tho prince,

who can i

X re fe r t o m T p a t r o n s , ro r w h o m I h a v e b u i l t i n t h e p a s t five y e a rs a t O eealt (Qrove a n d A sb n rjr P a r k , a b o u t F i f ty hop tvef,

J . i t . B E Y ,A R C H I T E C T t m d B U I L D E R ,

Oor. Ssnnm aniiHain Ats.' OOafiN QEOVE, U.J.-


M a s o n s a n d - B u i l d e r s ,. ; 1 H 1


B . W . S E X T O N ,‘ <3

C a r p e n t e r a n d B u i l d e r ,Corner Bangs Av. and Emoiy 8t.,

A S B U B Y P A K K , 1)1. J .

References.- -Rev. O. W. Treatj of Rahway; W. 8 Pettet, New HrtiuBwick; <ReV. J . W. Voting

Elizabeth, N. J .

E B t d b l i s l i e d 1 6 5 8AT

ZOJSTG B R A N C H , M J.. i ..


G e o . W . H o u g h t o n ,LONG BRftRCH, MONMOUTH COUNTY, N. j .

S h r e w s b u r y O y s t e r s & C la m s .

ZEE. HE?/- "W-IEST ' F'Of Long BkInch, N. JU

Would bfeg leave to inform the residents of Ooean Ortnce and Aaburv Park, that he will run a wagon three times a week wfth Oysters aud Olams fresh from tbe Shrews­bury river.

liotels and Families Supplied. c;Orders left at Park Hall, Aabury Park, will be prompt­

ly tilled. ’

J . H . ® J E X T O r * ,


Caaketa, CoflliiB, Shrouds, Crapes, Cloths, etc.,on hand or furnished to order. Funerals personally con­ducted to point of destination.

" M A I N S T R K E T ,p A s b u r y P f r k , N.

W m . D e v e r e a n ,

S E W B R A N C H , lVi J . ,—DEALEUJN—’ :

Dry Goods, Groceries,Fine Teas,

Coffees, Spices, 8ugars, Boots ahd Siloes


F R E E O F C H A R O E -

W M . K . W A R W I C K ,


P l a i n «£ O r n a m e n t a l

S L A T E R O O F E R .

A .11 W o r k W a r r a n t e d

To Give Satisfaction.

WM. BOLTON Z 00., Wholesale Grocers,

, D O L T O N ’S B L O C K ,

T B E N T O N , s r . j r .

. E X O T I C

Baskets, Bouquets c dings and Parties. Oi>

Flowers for Wed-. Wreaths,' Crowns,

Anchors, and1 other designs for Funerals. Cab- ige, Tomdtoea^Egg^PlantB, Peppers, Lettuce id Celery Plants in their proper season. *• 1___ ^3____________

n a h m s w u b i sA B B U R Y P A R K . T ^ . J .

desire to info»^n tbeir friends, and the public generally, * they’.jrilUci>nrftanlly haveiofl bkad ftU ldnds of fer-

nishiug goods,suitable for Cottages, at tbe very t lowest prioee.,Al«r,‘

C a r p e t^ IH U B ig , R a ^ s , o i l C lo th s ,

M A TT EE 88EB , P IL L 0 W 8 , B 0 1 8 T E E 8 ,. , , ^ a n d fP B ^ A D S , . { ,

T i l t , WOOD a n d W IL L O W W il^ E .

A « m c r i , r v » A I . ISIPLEMUBSTS, c te .'LA W N ' *n‘ff b u m 6BBB8.

PA IN TS, OILS, V A R N ISH ES, c te ., «te.

Parties wishing to furnish Hotels or Cottages please send for Circular. ' •

floods delivered free of charge.


First 4: Bailroad Av., Aebjry Park, N. J.Hayipg hadin^^^eaiae^^ri^iee ^CATERER

on my own dc^unt, besides Bcrvih k 'M r.A bn e h Allbn in Summer, time, I think I can nnd^rstandjttst what isr°? would respectfully refer to Asbury Lodge Free Masons, Lodge, of Good Templars, and Mr. J&mes H. Bradley, for whom I have gotten up Sappers. "

Cr* Calls from.any part of Monmouth County willb e p ro m p tly A ttended to .

A ll l*ekky (Jh ln tn e y a ^ p a t r e d a tid f i [ a r - r a n te d W a te r 'riU jht.

E a s t L on ii B r a n c h .a n d A s b n ry P a r k .

P . O. B o x 1.16, ^ a « t L o n s ' B r a n c h .

g . i

, O s f fe ite r At B olM s^. :’Aliklnd«ofcarp«i)Wr work done* -witli neataeu' &nd

diipkm B t e f i j K o a m w E i) .^ m oveo” job-blng JromiiUyatstndedttt.' '.I

a»«M'tnMK.8, 8 , Oot. EiTaUAT. h BmoryOt.

B R ^ G ^ ^ A B I ) ,


. . . .

Mfir&Impimmiit Company,j" v >' 1 .

Mau4faulUTe«Ji»d Dealers t!T~-

Oak, Pine & Hemlock Tim ber,Boa,rd«, ,

Plank, i" 1 Sidinff;

Lath, t Shinnies.

Posts;. .. Mails,


(LeliighfBazolton,Buok Mountain.). * 1 * . -id. I : ' ' * f\ •*_”

^ o n e

U id r iriio to iT P r i n o l t o . , Jf. J .* i«i >-ir i /f~t\. ... •<!, x^pf* Pstrp©age Respectfnlly Solicited. *

t:t«M f! f - i ’ . .* - ' iEDWARD M. FIELD ER , -Mttx’gr. l


A S B t J R Y P A i i R E C : • ' 4'■ 19 UyOKTtO DIBSOTLt OMOSttfcCTHB.^«J*Ll<DBATBI> ’ ' '

O C K A I G R O V E C i V M l G T M G « R O l . \D 8 ,' ( W e s le y L a k e d lv id in .se th e .- tW o p la o e a ,)


I - . O 0 5 r a - . B R . A . N P H , 3 s T E 3 " W r J B R S B Y ’ r -

- , . NOTE FROM M8HOP SUtPSOfj! A .‘.. ( ^' . “ It gives tne greSt■ pleasure Ut state fta t I have visited tbe ground«‘of-the Ocean Gjrove Camp-meeting Association, and tblnk ttmm admirably'adapted for furnishing Christian-familiaB a sea side renort in,tlio midgtof Christian iiifluefloes.” *■ ’ —---- ■ . .... .

’ OPINION OF GENERAL GRANT, , r• Our esteemed President. General Graht, who resides in summer four miles from Asbnry Park, imheBitatinslv endorsed the application for a post-ofl|ce, ap follows s

‘‘Aabury Park is a thriving, you ok Summer, resort, only two or three years old, some bIx or seven miles from Long Branch Vlllatfe...v‘It has now4ome "Pi&hdnBea, and the. numoer.ia rapidly Increasing. 1 do not see why the request,for a Post Office denied. > n u . i q u t t o *it» a -v t ■

•It has now 250 houses,* August 4tb^l824.

Over six hundred cottages have been built at Asbury Park and Ocean tfrove-witbln fbur years: costing over One Million Dollar*. . *<■ . *

Aflbory Paric fronts directly on the ocean. I t doea not front, on a bay, or sound, or river, but «n the broad Atlantio, stretching away for tbonsauda of miles. , . ' “ ■'' '

Aehiiry P a r t way asaeaSed in 18(^.a^ .f 1^000; the assessment for 1875 was $2SO,QOO. v ;Streets runriib}? at rlghvari^Ies td the floa are fVdm one to two hundred feet wide—ran advantage powesBed

oy no other sea-side reson.w' * ?j -< ' ■™ 1 ‘ * ' Rector atM N. Y., to Sandy

) New jersey Soli thorn U.i ana connecimg mere w.itn i>ew Jersey Centriil; it* it. y st, vid. Jbr&ey Citv, or Communipaw, is now-riiuidlig tc) ^abnry j_From Philadelphia, tbe cars run to Abtinry' Park. jRailrbad

sey Sotitt llt.R .yR. to Branchpprt, (IkTxnil

‘ J!phe all-rail route frotn foot of. Liberty street, Park, ;H8oHbere-ftre two *T'ra i l ., w mcro-nro >wu |iuua-ut-miinmumpgtwu._gniin x uiiautiipnm, vuc can mu in itHiinry, rnrK. nuun^utimiiroto New York to Asburv Park, two houS. and from Philadelphia to Asbury Park, tvyQ hours andfthlrty flvemtnutes. Thq terms of skle of- lots in Aabury Park are as follows

Firtt. When parties bay ' and do not build, one third, the purchase money will be required do'Wi•jj B«Balance^xs. • , ; ^ .. . . . - r~~£zr~

8ccond, WBere nurcbaMr btdlda, no money will be reqnired down, but a mortgage can be giypd, pajable i)l t6n years,.with the privilege o f ten like renewals,; making the principal-sum-dttt> one nhndred years hencei‘ tpe purchaser, however,.reserving the right to pfty off the mortgage at any'titne.

* * m — - CasK'at time bf purchase.TWrdivrTen per cent, off for For price of lota, address,

JAMES A. BRADLEY, or 18 A AC BKALE,, —v - Pearl street, N. Y.

A.LLEN R. COOK,ABbury Park,N. J.; or,

THEO.OVK8,J3 N. Third St., or. 1125 Grefn St , Phil.




Ornamental Plasterer,19 anil 21 Lamberton St., TRENTON, K< j..


Astniry Park, JV. J .tyC apitals, TruBsses, Brackets, Centres, Cornice

Trithtninus, etc., of vartons Btvles and new desi|<n8. Also public or private buildings finished from architec­tural drawings, in a workmanlike xpanner, dn reasona' ble terms. Modeling from designs, ete. Jobbing promptly attended to.


W . W . M C C H E S N E YManufacturer of

ICE CREAM,M ain Bt., O pposite B ailroad P ark .

^ T ’Bgteb, Bttturuti ud Bonding Hoffls

ORMEROD & - KIPP,c a r p e n t e r s ; "

C O N TR A C TO R S, •-Aim .

^ • ’ BOA T . B U ILD E R S,A S B IT R T P A H S T N t. J .

L A R G E S H O P O N M AIN S T .At the bead of Wesley Lake.

Baving associated ourselves together as partner*, find being thoroughly acquainted with cottage building it all its branches, we are prepared td take hold of any contract in this section. We shall also continue tbe Boat Building and furnishing in all kinds of styles ifhicb may be reqnired, ..*•

All; kinds of jobbing in onr line attended to with dispatch.

FortoferenQ^s'aa to character and workmanship we

B. D. PriceTXroiitect, 10IS Arch St., Pliiladelpbia. A. H. Mead, 13 Decatur.St., - “O. Parker, Ocean Grove, . *0- A. Aunjock. Asbury Park, N .J .JamerA. Bradleyr •


.A-tfchAtectand . Builder,Coairactalor Ct>lt»j[e*, fifc «t rcuonable Prtcfa.

x auT E fc i i i Dhakccbt.r*' v I n yftrt^V ’ . v \r.S'

P*na«y|v(mi» Avenue^

'■ '60tto0K0V«,R. j, .

J O S . T. IM L A Y & CO.,\v

Dealers in

GROCERIES AND PR0V1SI0NSI, Cr.ockery, etc.,F O B ' C A S H Q H S T X /Y -

.. >■ . j —Cor. Bond St. and Cookman Avenue,

ASBURY PARK, N. J. -* ... ^ G oods D elivered In Grove nnd Pnrk.

L0KERS0N BROTHERS, C a r r i a g e M a k e r s

A n d W h e e lw r ig h ts ,

CortNKR op S kwall A f . and Main S t .GP*Jobbing Promptly Attended to.

J------------------ . .---r:-----;----- -------- ------------------

K I N M O N T H & O O .,Dealers ia ’ i

DRUGS, NIEDICIN-ES,K to , , ,E to .

M A I N S T R E E T(Nkab S raw flita’s,)



DULBnd mDRY 000D8, . * .


HAEDWAKE, J... !T p r WABB. ■.

WOODEB-WABE,. A M D * • - ’ r

• OLA8S-WABE.> F tm ir ix irH E , c a b p i t s ,

OH, DiOTES. WISDOW SHADES, Eto, Meohanios’ TqoU. "Window Gla«»«& Putty.

. O V I I X E X J X A I 3 V T B .

F a rm in g Im plem en t* ,(F ie ld a n d G arden

> / jkjOEMer ¥ob’ ; -.p f fe A T T '8 A 8 T K A L O I L .

‘ - • • •> ‘ iiri>; ; ., J f e e . JB e jse re i^ i S e l i a ^ l e ' . ^ t t ^ n s t t ilr*pm»oai>. '• ' •'> ’Air'. .-ti« s n t m n

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