

1OTT - Online Training Technologies

Course Catalog Table of Contents

Compliance Training

AML Compliance for Tellers (All MSB’s) ..........................................................................................................................4

AML Compliance for Tellers (Spanish) (All MSB’s) .........................................................................................................4

AML Compliance for Managers and Supervisors (All MSB’s)........................................................................................5

AML Compliance for Money Transmitter Agents and Employees..................................................................................5

AML Compliance for Money Transmitter Agents and Employees (Spanish).................................................................6

AML Compliance for Pawn Brokers (8300).....................................................................................................................6

Red Flags of Identity Theft ...............................................................................................................................................7

Customer Information Regulations (Loan Compliance - Payday, etc.) ..........................................................................7

Fair Debt Collection & Unfair Practices Regulations (Loan Compliance - Payday, etc) ...............................................7

Lending Regulations (Loan Compliance - Payday, etc) ..................................................................................................8

Sexual Harassment...........................................................................................................................................................8

Harassment .......................................................................................................................................................................9

Harassment for Managers (including Sexual Harassment)...........................................................................................9

Job Skills Training

Cash Drawer Balancing ..................................................................................................................................................10

Check Cashing ................................................................................................................................................................10

Counterfeit & Forgery .....................................................................................................................................................10

Cross Selling....................................................................................................................................................................11

Customer Service ...........................................................................................................................................................11

Ethics for Financial Service Providers ..........................................................................................................................11

Frauds and Scams..........................................................................................................................................................12

History of Pawn...............................................................................................................................................................12

Money Handling ..............................................................................................................................................................12

Pawn 101 ........................................................................................................................................................................13

Robberies ........................................................................................................................................................................13

Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion - Age..........................................................................................................................................14

Diversity and Inclusion - Barriers to Inclusion ..............................................................................................................14

Diversity and Inclusion - Cross-Cultural Business ........................................................................................................14

Diversity and Inclusion - Cultural Diversity ...................................................................................................................15

Diversity and Inclusion - Defamation ............................................................................................................................15

Diversity and Inclusion - Defamation for Managers.....................................................................................................15

Diversity and Inclusion - Discrimination........................................................................................................................16

Diversity and Inclusion - Discrimination for Managers ................................................................................................16

Diversity and Inclusion - Documentation ......................................................................................................................16

Diversity and Inclusion - Documentation for Managers...............................................................................................17

Diversity and Inclusion - Employees With Disabilities..................................................................................................17

Diversity and Inclusion - Employees With Disabilities for Managers ..........................................................................17

Diversity and Inclusion - Gender....................................................................................................................................18

Diversity and Inclusion - Harassment ...........................................................................................................................18

Diversity and Inclusion - Harassment for Managers....................................................................................................18

Diversity and Inclusion - Language ..............................................................................................................................19

Diversity and Inclusion - Marital Status ........................................................................................................................19

Diversity and Inclusion - Race, Color, and Nationality .................................................................................................19

Diversity and Inclusion - Religion ..................................................................................................................................20

Diversity and Inclusion - Retaliation..............................................................................................................................20

Diversity and Inclusion - Retaliation for Managers ......................................................................................................20

Diversity and Inclusion - Sexual Orientation .................................................................................................................21

Diversity and Inclusion - Stereotypes and Assumptions..............................................................................................21

Diversity and Inclusion - Veteran Status .......................................................................................................................21

Diversity and Inclusion - Workplace Inclusion..............................................................................................................22

2 OTT - Online Training Technologies

Course Catalog Table of Contents

Professional Skills Development Multimedia Courses


Listening: The Key to Productivity..................................................................................................................................26

Don’t Shoot The Messenger: Common Workplace Courtesies That Reduce Tension & Lower Stress ....................33

You Are the Organization................................................................................................................................................36

Solving People Problems on the Job.............................................................................................................................35

Communicating With People on the Job .......................................................................................................................24

How to Give and Receive Criticism................................................................................................................................34

Communicating for Results: How to Be Clear, Concise & Credible ............................................................................23

For Employees ...Being Positive in the Workplace: Good Attitudes Are Contagious ................................Coming Soon

Speaking to One Person or a Roomful: Proven Techniques That Willv Make You a Master Communicator ...........29

It’s Business, Not Personal: Taming Emotions in the Workplace ...............................................................................26

Communicating to Reduce Stress on the Job ..............................................................................................................32

Better Business Grammar .............................................................................................................................................32

Mastering Memos ........................................................................................................................................Coming Soon

Powerful Ways to Persuade People ...............................................................................................................................27

Power Writing: Techniques for Success.......................................................................................................Coming Soon

Managing Stress Before It Manages You......................................................................................................................27

Achieving Peak Performance on the Job ......................................................................................................................23

How to SHINE in Difficult Management Situations ....................................................................................Coming Soon

Speaking with Confidence, Clarity and Charisma ........................................................................................................29


Becoming a Leader: Communication Techniques That Motivate, Guide and Inspire Employees to Excel ..............31

Motivating Employees During Organizational Change .................................................................................................27

Training to Win: Helping Employees Meet or Surpass Their Goals .............................................................................36

Professional Conduct 101: Vital Skills for New Employees .........................................................................................28

For Managers … Creating a Positive Workplace: Good Attitudes Are Contagious ...................................Coming Soon

Becoming a Coach: Bringing Out the Best in Employees ............................................................................................31

Customer Service

Think Like the Customer, Act Like the Owner: The Art of Delivering Superior Customer Service ..........Coming Soon

Winning Over Even the Most Difficult Customers: Going Beyond “Service With a Smile”........................................36

Communicating With Customers...................................................................................................................................32

7 Things Never to Say to Your Customers ....................................................................................................................30

Everyone’s Customer Service Role................................................................................................................................25

Listen & Win: How to Keep Customers Coming Back ................................................................................Coming Soon

Make the Connection: How to Be Effective and Productive on the Phone ................................................................26


Conducting High-Impact, Low-Stress Performance Reviews.......................................................................................33

Interviewing Techniques That Help You Hire the Best .................................................................................................35

How to SHINE in Difficult Management Situations ....................................................................................Coming Soon

Becoming a Coach: Bringing Out the Best in Employees ............................................................................................31

For Managers … Creating a Positive Workplace: Good Attitudes Are Contagious ...................................Coming Soon

Hiring Secrets:12 Tips to Get Candidates to Reveal Their True Selves......................................................................34

Resolving Conflicts: Strategies for a Winning Team...................................................................................Coming Soon

Managing Sales Stress.................................................................................................................................Coming Soon

Training to Win: Helping Employees Meet or Surpass Their Goals .............................................................................36

Professional Conduct 101: Vital Skills for New Employees .........................................................................................28

3OTT - Online Training Technologies

Compliance Courses

It’s Business, Not Personal: Taming Emotions in the Workplace ...............................................................................26

Motivating Employees Organizational Change .............................................................................................................27

How to Resolve Conflict at Work..................................................................................................................Coming Soon

Organization / Productivity / Time Management

Arrest That Stress: How to Depressurize Your Work Life .............................................................................................31

Do More in Less Time: Tame Your Workload by Dramatically Increasing Your Productivity .....................................33

Achieving Peak Performance on the Job ......................................................................................................................23

Managing Stress Before It Manages You......................................................................................................................27

How to Juggle Multiple Priorities ...................................................................................................................................25

Get Organized And Stay Organized: The 7-Day Plan for Putting Your Work Life in Order .......................Coming Soon

Take Back Your Time: How to Manage Your Workload and Still Have a Life .............................................................35

Listening: The Key to Productivity..................................................................................................................................26

Do It Right The First Time: Paying Attention to Details ................................................................................................24

How to be Creative on the Job

How to See Opportunity in a Changing Workplace.....................................................................................Coming Soon

Persuasion and Sales

Powerful Ways to Persuade People ...............................................................................................................................27

Heating up Your Cold Calls ............................................................................................................................................25

Listen & Win: How to Keep Customers Coming Back ............................................................................... Coming Soon

Presenting and Public Speaking

Speak Like a Pro … And Get a Standing Ovation Every Time .....................................................................................28

Speaking with Confidence, Clarity and Charisma ........................................................................................................29

Speaking to One Person or a Roomful: Proven Techniques That Will Make You a Master Communicator.............29


Team-Building Techniques That Work ...........................................................................................................................30

Everyone’s Teamwork Role ............................................................................................................................................25

Sink or Swim Teamwork: We’re All in This Together (Building Teamwork) .................................................................28

Building Cooperation: How Everyone Can Win at Work...............................................................................................23

Creating Your Dream Team: How to Harness the Power of Teamwork.......................................................................24

Resolving Conflicts: Strategies for a Winning Team...................................................................................Coming Soon

Writing and Grammar

Power Writing: Techniques for Success.......................................................................................................Coming Soon

Better Business Grammar .............................................................................................................................................32

Mastering Memos .........................................................................................................................................Coming Soon

4 OTT - Online Training Technologies

Compliance Courses

AML Compliance for Tellers (All MSB’s)

Course Code: 01N1R4.4


This course has been designed by Financial Service Centers of America (FiSCA) specifically for tellers in

the community financial services industry.

In response to the September 11th terrorist attacks, the United States government enacted the USA

PATRIOT Act of 2001, which strengthened our laws against money laundering and terrorist financing.

As an employee of a community financial services business, you are required by the Patriot Act to

have anti-money laundering training. This course will help you detect suspicious activities and deter

money laundering. This course is also designed to give you a working knowledge of federal currency-

reporting and record keeping requirements.


•Identify the threat money laundering activities bring to the money service business.

•Recognize the purpose of laws created to protect MSBs.

•Explain when and why it is necessary to fill out a CTR.

•Adhere to the record keeping involved with processing money orders, wire transfers, and currency

exchange transactions.

•Detect suspicious transactions and money laundering schemes and apply correct procedures if you

encounter them.

•Discuss the penalties that can happen if you aid a money launderer.

AML Compliance for Tellers (Spanish) (All MSB’s)

Código del curso: 07S1R4.3

Compendio del curso:Centros de Servicios Financieros de América (FiSCA: Financial Service Centers of America) ha diseñado este curso específicamente para cajeros(as) que trabajan en la industria de servicios financieros comunitarios.

Como respuesta a los ataques terroristas del 11 de septiembre, el gobierno de Estados Unidos aprobó la Ley USA PATRIOT del 2001, que reforzó nuestras leyes en contra del lavado de dinero y el financiamiento de actividades terroristas.

La Ley PATRIOT requiere que usted, siendo empleado(a) de un negocio para servicios financieros comunitarios, reciba capacitación en el control del lavado de dinero. Este curso le ayudará a detectar actividades sospechosas y a impedir el lavado de dinero. Este curso también ha sido diseñado con el objetivo de darle un conocimiento básico de los requisitos federales relativos al informe sobre transacciones en efectivo y el mantenimiento de registros.

Objetivos del curso: •Identificar la amenaza que representan las actividades de lavado de dinero a los negocios para servicios

de dinero. •Reconocer el propósito de las leyes establecidas para dar protección a los MSB. •Explicar cuándo y por qué es necesario llenar un Informe de transacciones en efectivo (CTR: Currency

Transaction Report). •Observar el mantenimiento de registros que se implica en el procesamiento de giros postales,

transferencias cablegráficas y transacciones de cambio de moneda. •Detectar transacciones sospechosas y maquinaciones para lavado de dinero, y emplear los

procedimientos adecuados si éstas se le presentan. •Comentar los castigos que usted puede recibir si es cómplice de un lavador de dinero.

5OTT - Online Training Technologies

Compliance Courses

AML Compliance for Managers and Supervisors (All MSB’s)

Course Code: 02F1R4.4

Overview:This course has been designed by Financial Service Centers of America (FiSCA) specifically for managers and compliance officers in the community financial services industry.

Section 352 of the USA PATRIOT Act requires that all community financial services businesses implement anti-money laundering (AML) programs to detect suspicious activities and deter money laundering.

This course will help you understand these requirements and assist you in running your company’s AML program. This course is also designed to give you a working knowledge of federal currency-reporting and record keeping requirements.

Objectives:•Recognize the need for mandatory AML programs in MSBs. •Recognize the role the Patriot Act and other AML laws play in the fight against money

laundering, including: •Why maintaining written policies and procedures is necessary •The specific functions and responsibilities of the compliance officer •The elements of a proper employee training program •What the independent review process consists of and who can perform the review

•Recognize when and why it is necessary to fill out a CTR and what is required to complete the report. •Detect suspicious transactions and money laundering schemes and apply correct procedures when they

are encountered. •Adhere to the record keeping involved with processing money orders, wire transfers, and currency

exchange transactions. •Discuss the penalties associated with money laundering violations.

AML Compliance for Money Transmitter Agents and Employees

Course Code: 15F1R7.3


This course has been designed by nationally recognized attorneys specializing in Bank Secrecy Act

compliance for the money services business industry.

The course is designed specifically for money transmitter agents and employees in the financial

services industry.

In response to the September 11th terrorist attacks, the United States government enacted the USA

PATRIOT Act of 2001, which strengthened our laws against money laundering and terrorist financing.

As a money transmitter agent or employee of a financial services business, you are required by the

Patriot Act to have anti-money laundering training. This course will help you detect suspicious activities

and deter money laundering. This course is also designed to give you a working knowledge of federal

currency reporting and recordkeeping requirements.


•Identify the threat money laundering activities bring to the money service business.

•Recognize the purpose of laws created to protect MSBs.

•Identify suspicious transactions, including structuring and potential money laundering.

•Explain when and why it is necessary to fill out a CTR.

•Adhere to the recordkeeping requirements under the Bank Secrecy Act.

•Discuss the penalties that can happen if you aid a money launderer.

6 OTT - Online Training Technologies

Compliance Courses

AML Compliance for Money Transmitter Agents and Employees (Spanish)

Course Code: 08S1R7.3


This course has been designed by nationally recognized attorneys specializing in Bank Secrecy Act

compliance for the money services business industry.

The course is designed specifically for money transmitter agents and employees in the financial

services industry.

In response to the September 11th terrorist attacks, the United States government enacted the USA

PATRIOT Act of 2001, which strengthened our laws against money laundering and terrorist financing.

As a money transmitter agent or employee of a financial services business, you are required by the

Patriot Act to have anti-money laundering training. This course will help you detect suspicious activities

and deter money laundering. This course is also designed to give you a working knowledge of federal

currency reporting and recordkeeping requirements.


•Identify the threat money laundering activities bring to the money service business.

•Recognize the purpose of laws created to protect MSBs.

•Identify suspicious transactions, including structuring and potential money laundering.

•Explain when and why it is necessary to fill out a CTR.

•Adhere to the recordkeeping requirements under the Bank Secrecy Act.

•Discuss the penalties that can happen if you aid a money launderer.

AML Compliance for Pawn Brokers (8300)

Course Code: 03PNR9.1


As a Pawn shop, you are required under the Bank Secrecy Act to comply with certain regulations. If you sell more then $50,000 in covered goods as most pawn shops do,you are required under the interim rule to maintain policies and procedures which includes the filing of 8300's and maintaining appropriate training to ensure your staff is aware of all legal requirements.Failure to properly fill out and file forms can carryexcessive fines.


•What triggers define the filing of an 8300•How to define suspicious activity•What and when to report to the IRS•What are the requirements for customer notification•What are OFAC requirements

7OTT - Online Training Technologies

Compliance Courses

Red Flags of Identity Theft

Course Code: 253V4R8.3


This course provides a fresh overview to the crime and prevention of identity theft. The concept of identity theft is presented along with an understanding of the perpetrators and victims.

The recent changes to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (Reg V) and Sections 114 and 315 of the FACT Act establish the requirements for an Identity Theft Prevention Program. The key elements of this program are presented in this course.


•Recognize what identity theft is, how identity theft can harm a customer, and ways you can helpprevent identity theft.

•Describe the concept of a "red flag" and how to respond when encountered.•Describe the key elements of the Identity Theft Prevention Program.

Customer Information Regulations (Loan Compliance - Payday, etc.)

Course Code: 03F1R5.1


This course provides a working knowledge of the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), Customer Identification Program (CIP), GLB Privacy, and pretext calling as it relates to identify theft. It covers various currency-reporting requirements and rules regarding customer identity verification, and also reviews the importance of protecting customer privacy.


•Recognize the underlying purpose and key terms of the Bank Secrecy Act. •Verify the identity of customers as required by Customer Identification Program (CIP) requirements. •Appreciate the driving forces behind Privacy regulation. •Understand and apply key Privacy terms and concepts. •Spot the telltale signs of pretext calling and identity theft.

Fair Debt Collection & Unfair Practices Regulations (Loan Compliance - Payday, etc.)

Course Code: 04F1R5.1


This course is designed to provide you with a thorough understanding of the concepts, terms and

requirements of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and the Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices

Act as they apply to your financial institution and your job function.


•Understand the purpose of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).

•Understand the purpose of the Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices Act.

•Understand and apply key terms used in both regulations.

•Be aware of the type of communication that is allowed when collecting a debt or attempting to

locate a consumer.

•Identify and explain activities that are restricted in the process of collecting a debt.

•Ensure that none of the specifically prohibited representations are violated.

•Explain your affirmative duties regarding disputed debts.

•Recognize and explain specific consumer credit prohibitions.

8 OTT - Online Training Technologies

Compliance Courses

Lending Regulations (Loan Compliance - Payday, etc.)

Course Code: 05F1R.5.1


This course is intended to provide a thorough understanding of the Equal Credit Opportunity and Truth in

Lending Acts. The course will cover ECOA and Truth in Lending prohibitions and requirements as they

apply to the loan application, processing, evaluation, and notification process.


•Be aware of the prohibited bases under the ECOA and the potentials for discrimination in the

lending process.

•Perform your role in the lending process in full compliance with the ECOA's anti-discrimination requirements.

•Understand your institution's obligations under the ECOA.

•Be particularly aware of actions that may be viewed as subtle or unintentional discrimination,

and avoid them.

•Identify certain Truth in Lending definitions such as finance charge, APR, and closed-end credit.

Recognize Truth in Lending disclosure requirements.

Sexual Harassment

Course Code: 17N1R9.4


Preventing sexual harassment is an essential element in maintaining a safe, dignified, and productive

work environment. This course provides an overview of sexual harassment so you can recognize and avoid

inappropriate conduct.


•Recognize what behaviors constitute sexual harassment.

•Identify types of sexual harassment and what to do if you see it happening.

•Explain your responsibilities in reporting sexual harassment.

•Complete case studies about various sexual harassment situations.

9OTT - Online Training Technologies

Compliance Courses


Course Code: 18N1R9.4


America's business environment is an ever-changing mosaic of different races, ages, genders, ethnic

groups, religions, and lifestyles. This diversity poses significant challenges and opportunities for

the workplace. Today's companies must find ways to make all these pieces fit together and must foster

work environments free of harassment and discrimination for all their employees.

Harassment in the workplace is a complicated and difficult issue. It is one of the most reported

employment complaints in the workplace, but many sources also point out that the issue is really

underreported. Despite all the training, the years of seminars, and the endless policies, there is still much

confusion and many questions about harassment in the workplace. This course provides an overview of

harassment in the workplace.


•Define who is legally protected from workplace harassment, and describe the three elements of harassment.

•Explain your role in preventing harassment.

•Practice identifying hypothetical harassment situations.

Harassment for Supervisors and Managers (including sexual harassment)

Course Code: 19N1R9.4


This course focuses on the knowledge and skills needed by supervisors and managers to prevent harassment

& sexual harassment by employees under their responsibility. This course will help you recognize workplace

situations that could lead to harassment & sexual harassment claims as well as advise you on how to handle

employees who confide in you. This course also provides an overview of employment law issues related to

harassment that managers might face in the workplace


•Describe potential harassment situations and prevention strategies & liability.

•Discuss ways to prevent harassment in your workplace..

•Explain your role in encouraging employees to report harassment and how to take appropriate action.

•Practice handling hypothetical harassment & sexual harassment scenarios.

10 OTT - Online Training Technologies

Compliance Courses

Cash Drawer Balancing

Course Code: 12F1R6.1


This course focuses on accounting for the cash that passes through your hands. The course reviews

general cash drawer balancing procedures at the start and end of your workday (or shift). Cash drawer

balancing is one of the ways that you are accountable to your institution for the quality of your work.


•Adhere to your institution's required procedures when starting and ending your workday.

•Identify where your work goes at the end of the day.

•Recognize the accounting principles involved in balancing.

•Distinguish between transactions that will and will not affect the supply of cash in your drawer.

•Identify various balancing equations.

•Recognize ways to identify and correct balancing errors.

•Achieve a passing score on the Post-Test.

Check Cashing

Course Code: 14F1R6.1


This module will introduce you to the basic standards and procedures that apply when you accept or

cash checks that are presented at the teller window. The laws and compliance requirements affecting

checks are detailed and very important. Because customers will present checks on a regular basis,

you will need to know basic check law requirements so you can effectively respond to customers’

deposit and check-cashing requests. Also, because of an increase in check fraud, accepting checks

poses the risk of financial loss for your institution. As a result, your understanding of these rules is

essential to minimizing those risks and protecting your institution.


•Identify various types of checks and their standard features.

•Recognize what makes a check negotiable.

•Distinguish between different types of endorsements.

•Identify general conditions for accepting checks for cashing.

•Recognize acceptable forms of identification.

•Recognize signs of check fraud and respond appropriately.

Counterfeiting and Forgery

Course Code: 08F1R5.4


Financial service centers make good targets for criminals because they handle and process so

much money. This module reviews the security threats posed by counterfeiting and forgery.


•Detect altered or counterfeit currency, checks, and identification, and respond appropriately.

•Recognize the various signs of signature forgery.

•Identify precautions that will help protect your institution and its customers from losses due to

counterfeiting and forgery.

11OTT - Online Training Technologies

Compliance Courses

Cross Selling

Course Code: 06F1R5.3


To be competitive in today's financial services marketplace, financial service centers must offer their

customers a range of financial products and services. This course introduces you to the variety of

products and services offered by financial service centers. It also reviews basic cross selling and

communication skills needed to build long-term customer relationships.


•Explain the importance of building customer relationships by means of cross selling products

and services.

•Describe the features and benefits of a variety of products and services offered by financial

service centers.

•Interpret clues and identify customers' financial service needs.

•Recommend products and services that meet customers' needs.

Customer Service

Course Code: 07F1R5.4


A commitment to customer service is an important part of every financial service center's success. More and more financial service centers are discovering that service excellence is what differentiates them from their competitors. This module introduces store staff to the requirements of delivering excellent customer service.


•Identify the ingredients of customer service excellence. •Practice excellent customer service. •Recognize strategies for dealing with different kinds of customers. •Demonstrate effective ways to handle questions and solve problems for customers.

Ethics for Financial Service Providers

Course Code: 13F1R5.4


This course introduces the standards of conduct that should guide employees of financial service centers.

The course introduces some of the legal foundations for ethical conduct. However, the course also shows how ethics goes beyond minimum legal and regulatory compliance.

Finally, the course reviews areas of concern that are commonly included in financial service centers' codes of conduct. Strategies are provided for minimizing work-related ethical conflicts and dilemmas.


•Recognize why ethical conduct is important to financial service centers. •Define what ethics is and how it relates to legal and regulatory systems. •Identify core standards such as integrity, honesty, reciprocity, responsibility, fairness, and so forth. •Identify concerns commonly included in financial service centers' codes of conduct. •Distinguish between ethical and unethical behavior in financial service centers.

12 OTT - Online Training Technologies

Compliance Courses

Frauds & Scams

Course Code: 09F1R5.4


Because financial service centers handle and process a significant amount of money, they make good targets for criminals. This course reviews the security threats posed by con artists, frauds and scams.


•Spot the tactics and characteristics of con artists and respond appropriately. •Distinguish between different types of fraud that criminals attempt against financial service centers. •Take steps to minimize various fraud risks.

History of Pawn

Course Code: 01P1R1


This course is a basic training course for new pawn employees who need to learn general information

about the pawn industry. What is Pawn and how it works? The course also address the typical customer

of pawn. It has an overview of regulations and compliance of the industry.


•History of Pawnbroking •Pawn Customers - Who we serve? •Alternatives to Pawn Loan and fees associated with other credit solutions •How a Pawn Transaction Works? •Regulation & Compliance •Stolen Merchandise

Money Handling

Course Code: 11F1R5.4


A big part of a teller's job involves handling money -- taking it in and paying it out. Accuracy in handling

money is an essential skill that tellers must possess..


•Recognize United States currency and coins.

•Spot altered or counterfeit currency and respond appropriately.

•Set up your cash drawer.

•Count and handle currency.

•Recognize damaged and mutilated currency and respond appropriately.

•Package, buy, and sell money.

13OTT - Online Training Technologies

Compliance Courses

Pawn 101

Course Code: 02P2R2


Introducing a new course Pawn 101, an online course which will provide basic knowledge of the pawn industry

and an overview of the roles and responsibilities of a new Pawn employee. Pawn 101 courses are provided

through a partnership with NPA, Online Training Technology (OTT) and Jerry Whitehead of Pawnshop

Consulting Group.


•Customer Service •Store Policies & Procedures which include computer functions •Cash Handling & Drawer Balancing •Sales & Layaways which includes negotiating the sales price •Loans includes basic requirements for a loan •Describing & Testing Merchandise includes general guidelines for hard goods, guns, & jewelry •Loan Negotiation •Redemption & Renewal


Course Code: 10F1R5.4


As financial service centers are sometimes victims of robberies, it is the responsibility of every employee

to help deter and prevent these crimes. This course will provide you with basic methods used by financial

service centers to avoid and react to robberies.


•Act calmly and appropriately in the event of a robbery.

•Respond and act in ways that prevent a robbery from getting out of control.

•Identify your role once your institution has been robbed.

•Recognize the common methods used to avoid a robbery.

•Take the necessary steps in avoiding a robbery.

•Follow proper opening and closing procedures.

14 OTT - Online Training Technologies

Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion - Age

Course Code: B36V5R7.4


America's business environment is an ever-changing mosaic of different races, ages, genders, ethnic groups, religions, and lifestyles. This diversity poses significant challenges and opportunities for the workplace. Today's companies must find ways to make all these pieces fit together and must foster work environments free of harassment and discrimination for all their employees.

Age discrimination is a topic that we all will be interested in someday. We are all aging. This course defines age discrimination and offers ways to prevent it.


•Describe the different age groups present in today's workforce. •Explain how age is protected from discrimination and harassment, and determine some strategies for

preventing them. •Practice identifying common examples of age discrimination.

Diversity and Inclusion - Barriers to Inclusion

Course Code: B25V5R7.4


America's business environment is an ever-changing mosaic of different races, ages, genders, ethnic groups, religions, and lifestyles. This diversity poses significant challenges and opportunities for the workplace. Today's companies must find ways to make all these pieces fit together and must foster work environments free of harassment and discrimination for all their employees.

There are some common negative attitudes and behaviors that can be barriers to workplace diversity and inclusion. We must recognize these biases in ourselves and avoid behaviors that can harm working relationships, damaging morale and productivity and stifling our individual growth. This course provides an overview of barriers to inclusion in the workplace.


•Describe social and personal barriers to being inclusive and understanding diversity in the workplace. •Identify the implications of such barriers in the workplace, and list ways to overcome them. •Practice examining your own biases that can affect an inclusive workplace.

Diversity and Inclusion - Cross-Cultural Business

Course Code: B26V5R7.4


America's business environment is an ever-changing mosaic of different races, ages, genders, ethnic groups, religions, and lifestyles. This diversity poses significant challenges and opportunities for the workplace. Today's companies must find ways to make all these pieces fit together and must foster work environments free of harassment and discrimination for all their employees.

Sales, customer service, and negotiation are difficult even in a common marketplace. Each of these tasks requires the ability to talk and listen with people whose particular personalities, tastes, and needs are unique. Now imagine placing different cultures into the mix! This course focuses on the sales and service skills necessary to maneuver across cultures.


•Describe the challenges of serving a culturally diverse marketplace, and list the type of information necessary to begin to understand your customers.

•Explain some strategies for bridging cultural gaps in sales and customer interactions. •Practice applying cross-cultural business strategies.

15OTT - Online Training Technologies

Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion - Cultural Diversity

Course Code: B23V5R7.4


America's business environment is an ever-changing mosaic of different races, ages, genders, ethnic groups, religions, and lifestyles. This diversity poses significant challenges and opportunities for the workplace. Today's companies must find ways to make all these pieces fit together and must foster work environments free of harassment and discrimination for all their employees.

This course provides an overview of cultural diversity in the workplace. The world seems to be getting smaller and smaller. Job transfers, immigration, and changes in economic and political conditions as well as technology are just a few of the reasons we see so many cultural differences in today's workplace.

In our "global village," we all need to grow to appreciate the distinctions that make each culture unique yet understand our connectedness. We will all need a great deal of knowledge, flexibility, and sensitivity if we are to communicate effectively with our customers and coworkers. This course discusses the concepts of culture and values and how they relate to your workplace.


•Explain why it is important to recognize and value cultural differences. •Distinguish cultural differences between the United States and other countries. •Describe the contrasting ways different cultures define values. •Recognize the influence different cultures have on workplace etiquette. •Practice recognizing cultural differences to avoid offending others.

Diversity and Inclusion - Defamation

Course Code: B31V5R7.4


America's business environment is an ever-changing mosaic of different races, ages, genders, ethnic groups, religions, and lifestyles. This diversity poses significant challenges and opportunities for the workplace. Today's companies must find ways to make all these pieces fit together and must foster work environments free of harassment and discrimination for all their employees.

It seems simple to say, "Be truthful about employees" but, unfortunately, this is not always so simple. Employees have to be careful about the information they use about other employees. This course focuses on the issue of defamation in the workplace.


•Recognize various forms of defamation and their effects on employment matters. •Practice identifying defamation through hypothetical scenarios.

Diversity and Inclusion - Defamation for Managers

Course Code: B44V5R7.4

DescriptionManagers in today's business environment face significant challenges and opportunities because of the wide diversity of their employees and customers. On a daily basis, managers deal with people of a variety of races, ages, genders, ethnic groups, religions, and lifestyles. Managers must find ways to foster a work environment free of harassment and discrimination for all their employees.

This course provides an overview of employment law issues related to defamation that managers might face in the workplace.


•Explain what constitutes defamatory statements. •Identify ways managers can avoid defamation claims. •Practice identifying defamation through a hypothetical scenario.

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Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion - Discrimination

Course Code: B28V5R7.4


America's business environment is an ever-changing mosaic of different races, ages, genders, ethnic groups, religions, and lifestyles. This diversity poses significant challenges and opportunities for the workplace. Today's companies must find ways to make all these pieces fit together and must foster work environments free of harassment and discrimination for all their employees.

As an employee, you want to be treated fairly at all times. However, "fair" can mean different things to different people at different times. Fortunately, there are specific state and federal laws that clearly define how employers must deal with all job applicants and employees. This course describes the major anti-discrimination laws and how they apply to the workplace.


•Describe what is and is not workplace discrimination under the federal anti-discrimination laws. •Recognize your role in combating discrimination at work. •Practice identifying discrimination situations.

Diversity and Inclusion - Discrimination for Managers

Course Code: B41V5R7.4


Managers in today's business environment face significant challenges and opportunities because of the wide diversity of their employees and customers. On a daily basis, managers deal with people of a variety of races, ages, genders, ethnic groups, religions, and lifestyles. Managers must find ways to foster a work environment free of harassment and discrimination for all their employees.

This course provides an overview of employment law issues related to discrimination that managers might face in the workplace.


•Describe the purpose of anti-discrimination laws. •Explain how to avoid discriminating against job applicants. •List ways managers can maintain a discrimination-free workplace. •Practice identifying hypothetical discrimination situations.

Diversity and Inclusion - Documentation

Course Code: B32V5R7.4


America's business environment is an ever-changing mosaic of different races, ages, genders, ethnic groups, religions, and lifestyles. This diversity poses significant challenges and opportunities for the workplace. Today's companies must find ways to make all these pieces fit together and must foster work environments free of harassment and discrimination for all their employees.

Employees should be aware of the documents and records kept about them in the workplace. You should also know how to keep records of any offensive or illegal behavior at work in case you decide to file a complaint. This course provides an overview of documentation in the workplace.


•Explain the types of documentation used in the workplace. •Practice identifying situations that require recordkeeping.

17OTT - Online Training Technologies

Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion - Documentation for Managers

Course Code: B45V5R7.4

DescriptionManagers in today's business environment face significant challenges and opportunities because of the wide diversity of their employees and customers. On a daily basis, managers deal with people of a variety of races, ages, genders, ethnic groups, religions, and lifestyles. Managers must find ways to foster a work environment free of harassment and discrimination for all their employees.

This course provides an overview of employment law issues related to documentation that managers might face in the workplace.


•Explain how to construct and maintain objective employee documents. •List the types of records that belong in an employee's personnel file. •Practice documenting skills in a hypothetical situation.

Diversity and Inclusion - Employees With Disabilities

Course Code: B37V5R7.4


America's business environment is an ever-changing mosaic of different races, ages, genders, ethnic groups, religions, and lifestyles. This diversity poses significant challenges and opportunities for the workplace. Today's companies must find ways to make all these pieces fit together and must foster work environments free of harassment and discrimination for all their employees.

Millions of people have some type of disability, and throughout your career you will likely encounter some of them as coworkers or customers. Also note that experts estimate that you have an 80 percent chance of experiencing some kind of disability in your lifetime. It makes sense to become informed of the role disabilities have in the workplace.

This course describes how people with disabilities are protected from workplace discrimination, explains how to interact with coworkers with disabilities, and discusses what steps you and your institution can take to make accommodations for employees with disabilities.


•Define disabilities, and explain how people with disabilities are protected from discrimination and harassment.

•Describe how employers can accommodate employees with disabilities. •Practice understanding disabilities in the workplace.

Diversity and Inclusion - Employees With Disabilities for Managers

Course Code: B46V5R7.4


Managers in today's business environment face significant challenges and opportunities because of the wide diversity of their employees and customers. On a daily basis, managers deal with people of a variety of races, ages, genders, ethnic groups, religions, and lifestyles. Managers must find ways to foster a work environment free of harassment and discrimination for all their employees.

This course provides an overview of employment law issues related to employees with disabilities that managers might face in the workplace.


•Describe the purpose of the Americans with Disabilities Act. •Explain how to navigate hiring issues with a person who has a disability. •Recognize how the physical ability can affect an employee with a disability. •Practice your managerial skills in a hypothetical case study.

18 OTT - Online Training Technologies

Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion - Gender

Course Code:B35V5R7.4


America's business environment is an ever-changing mosaic of different races, ages, genders, ethnic groups, religions, and lifestyles. This diversity poses significant challenges and opportunities for the workplace. Today's companies must find ways to make all these pieces fit together and must foster work environments free of harassment and discrimination for all their employees.

The number of women in the U.S. workforce has exploded in the past 30 years. This has been a major factor in societal shifts, such as delayed marriage and childbirth rates, for example. Although the workforce is now almost equally split between both sexes, there is tension and discrimination at work. This course examines gender in the workplace.


•Describe gender-based stereotypes found in the workplace and explain how gender is protected from discrimination and harassment.

•Determine how pregnancy and family matters affect employment decisions. •Practice identifying gender discrimination situations.

Diversity and Inclusion - Harassment

Course Code: B29V5R7.4


America's business environment is an ever-changing mosaic of different races, ages, genders, ethnic groups, religions, and lifestyles. This diversity poses significant challenges and opportunities for the workplace. Today's companies must find ways to make all these pieces fit together and must foster work environments free of harassment and discrimination for all their employees.

Harassment in the workplace is a complicated and difficult issue. It is one of the most reported employment complaints in the workplace, but many sources also point out that the issue is really underreported. Despite all the training, the years of seminars, and the endless policies, there is still much confusion and many questions about harassment in the workplace. This course provides an overview ofharassment in the workplace.


•Define who is legally protected from workplace harassment, and describe the three elements of harassment. •Explain your role in preventing harassment. •Practice identifying hypothetical harassment situations.

Diversity and Inclusion - Harassment for Managers

Course Code: B42V5R7.4


Managers in today's business environment face significant challenges and opportunities because of the wide diversity of their employees and customers. On a daily basis, managers deal with people of a variety of races, ages, genders, ethnic groups, religions, and lifestyles. Managers must find ways to foster a work environment free of harassment and discrimination for all their employees.

This course provides an overview of employment law issues related to harassment that managers might face in the workplace.


•Describe potential harassment situations and your liability. •Discuss ways to prevent harassment in your workplace. •Explain your role in encouraging employees to report harassment and how to take appropriate action. •Practice handling hypothetical harassment scenarios.

19OTT - Online Training Technologies

Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion - Language

Course Code: B27V5R7.4


America's business environment is an ever-changing mosaic of different races, ages, genders, ethnic groups, religions, and lifestyles. This diversity poses significant challenges and opportunities for the workplace. Today's companies must find ways to make all these pieces fit together and must foster work environments free of harassment and discrimination for all their employees.

The way we communicate, whether by words or actions, is a powerful force in shaping our relationships with others. Language can unite and inspire, but so too can it divide and offend. This course focuses on how we communicate with others in the workplace and how we can take responsibility for using language with sensitivity toward others.


•Describe cultural differences in how people communicate. •Recognize the impact language choices can have in the workplace. •Identify ways to eliminate inappropriate language choices from the workplace and know how to

respond to offensive language.

Diversity and Inclusion - Marital Status

Course Code: B38V5R7.4


America's business environment is an ever-changing mosaic of different races, ages, genders, ethnic groups, religions, and lifestyles. This diversity poses significant challenges and opportunities for the workplace. Today's companies must find ways to make all these pieces fit together and must foster work environments free of harassment and discrimination for all their employees.

As the number of women in the workplace reaches record highs and living arrangements become more complex, a growing number of employers are finding themselves responsible for providing a workplace free of harassment and discrimination based on a person's marital or family status. This course covers that type of discrimination.


•Define marital status and parental status. •Describe employment problem areas related to marital status. •Practice identifying marital status discrimination situations.

Diversity and Inclusion - Race, Color, and Nationality

Course Code: B33V5R7.4


America's business environment is an ever-changing mosaic of different races, ages, genders, ethnic groups, religions, and lifestyles. This diversity poses significant challenges and opportunities for the workplace. Today's companies must find ways to make all these pieces fit together and must foster work environments free of harassment and discrimination for all their employees.

America is one of the most diverse countries in the world in terms of the racial and ethnic makeup of its people. This course explains the laws protecting race and national origin from discrimination and harassment in the workplace.


•Define discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin, and describe how they are protected. •Recognize areas where racial and ethnic discrimination occur in the workplace. •Practice identifying examples of racial and ethnic discrimination.

20 OTT - Online Training Technologies

Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion - Religion

Course Code: B34V5R7.4


America's business environment is an ever-changing mosaic of different races, ages, genders, ethnic groups, religions, and lifestyles. This diversity poses significant challenges and opportunities for the workplace. Today's companies must find ways to make all these pieces fit together and must foster work environments free of harassment and discrimination for all their employees.

Religious freedom was one of the founding beliefs in this country. It continues to be a fiercely protected issue as Americans become an increasingly religious people. Since 1900, the nation's church membership has grown twice as fast as the population. This course explains the laws protecting religion from discrimination and harassment in the workplace.


•Explain why religion needs protection, and describe how religion is protected. •Define religious accommodations, and identify some examples that may be necessary. •Practice identifying appropriate and inappropriate religious accommodations through hypothetical situations.

Diversity and Inclusion - Retaliation

Course Code: B30V5R7.4


America's business environment is an ever-changing mosaic of different races, ages, genders, ethnic groups, religions, and lifestyles. This diversity poses significant challenges and opportunities for the workplace. Today's companies must find ways to make all these pieces fit together and must foster work environments free of harassment and discrimination for all their employees.

Retaliation makes up about 30 percent of all employment-related federal complaints. Employees need to understand their rights in this area and learn to monitor their own actions to ensure a productive, dynamic work environment. This course provides an overview of retaliation in the workplace.


nDescribe what employer actions are considered retaliatory and what employee conduct is protected. nPractice identifying hypothetical retaliation scenarios.

Diversity and Inclusion - Retaliation for Managers

Course Code: B43V5R7.4


Managers in today's business environment face significant challenges and opportunities because of the wide diversity of their employees and customers. On a daily basis, managers deal with people of a variety of races, ages, genders, ethnic groups, religions, and lifestyles. Managers must find ways to foster a work environment free of harassment and discrimination for all their employees.

This course provides an overview of employment law issues related to retaliation that managers might face in the workplace.


•Describe what actions are considered retaliatory. •Discuss ways to prevent retaliation in your workplace. •Practice handling hypothetical retaliation scenarios.

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Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion - Sexual Orientation

Course Code: B39V5R7.4


America's business environment is an ever-changing mosaic of different races, ages, genders, ethnic groups, religions, and lifestyles. This diversity poses significant challenges and opportunities for the workplace. Today's companies must find ways to make all these pieces fit together and must foster work environments free of harassment and discrimination for all their employees.

Sexual orientation has become an important topic in the American social landscape as well as in the workplace. The issues of gender discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace are widening to include sexual orientation and gender identity. This course covers sexual orientation issues in the workplace.


•Define sexual orientation and explain how employees may be protected from workplace intimidation and discrimination because of their sexual orientation.

•Describe common sexual-orientation workplace issues and list ways to avoid discrimination. •Practice identifying sexual-orientation workplace discrimination scenarios.

Diversity and Inclusion - Stereotypes and Assumptions

Course Code: B24V5R7.4


America's business environment is an ever-changing mosaic of different races, ages, genders, ethnic groups, religions, and lifestyles. This diversity poses significant challenges and opportunities for the workplace. Today's companies must find ways to make all these pieces fit together and must foster work environments free of harassment and discrimination for all their employees.

This course provides an overview of stereotypes and their relationship to the workplace.


•Define stereotypes and assumptions. •Explain how stereotypes and assumptions affect the workplace and list steps you can take to

overcome them. •Practice recognizing your own stereotypes and assumptions.

Diversity and Inclusion - Veteran Status

Course Code: B40V5R7.4


America's business environment is an ever-changing mosaic of different races, ages, genders, ethnic groups, religions, and lifestyles. This diversity poses significant challenges and opportunities for the workplace. Today's companies must find ways to make all these pieces fit together and must foster work environments free of harassment and discrimination for all their employees.

The United States has a rich tradition of voluntary military service. Hundreds of thousands of American men and women currently serve in state militias and National Guard units, not to mention the millions more who wear the uniform every day in the armed forces. This course covers the employment laws protecting veterans and people on military duty.


•List the workplace protections given to veterans and those on active military duty. •Describe common veteran status workplace issues. •Practice identifying veteran discrimination situations.

22 OTT - Online Training Technologies

Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion - Workplace Inclusion

Course Code: B22V5R7.4


America's business environment is an ever-changing mosaic of different races, ages, genders, ethnic groups, religions, and lifestyles. This diversity poses significant challenges and opportunities for the workplace. Today's companies must find ways to make all these pieces fit together and must foster work environments free of harassment and discrimination for all their employees. This course provides an overview of diversity awareness in the workplace.

Differences surround us every day, in our coworkers and in our customers. This rich diversity contributes to productive and successful organizations. It is up to us to identify, recognize, and understand how we can best use the differences that are present in the workplace so we can best serve our customers. This course focuses on defining diversity and helping you understand the value of diversity on a personal and professional level.


•Describe diversity and inclusion, and begin to examine your own beliefs. •Explain why valuing diversity is important for businesses.

23OTT - Online Training Technologies

Professional Skills Development Multimedia Courses

Achieving the Peak Performance on the Job

Course Code: OVC1156R9.3


Imagine yourself as more efficient, helpful and productive. You'd know exactly where to begin, what questions to ask - how to get the job done right every time. This course will help you quickly discover how to become the peak performer you're meant to be.


•Overcome obstacles that threaten to derail your progress•Discover when - and under what conditions - you work at your peak•Function better even during your non-peak hours•Work more efficiently whether you're a "collaborator" or a "lone ranger"•Create a work environment that helps you thrive

Building Cooperation: How Everyone Can Win at Work

Course Code: OVC1137R9.3


We've all heard that, in order to succeed, we need to look out for "number one" and do whatever it takes to come out on top, right? Wrong. If you are competing with your coworkers, the whole company suffers. This course demonstrates how cooperating on the job can help you get more done, improve your performance, and make your organization a better place to work.


•Identify three common cooperation mistakes made by team members.•Describe how to avoid the three common cooperation mistakes made by team members.•Identify and describe six techniques for being more cooperative on the job.

Communicating for Results: How to Be Clear, Concise & Credible

Course Code: OVC1140R9.3


No matter what your role in the organization, communicating effectively is vital to getting things done and working productively with people.


•Offer ideas with credibility, logic and positive emotional power•Ask questions to get people involved in your position•Uncover and present the most persuasive kinds of evidence•Connect with your audience•Focus on your listeners' moods•Organize your thoughts using the "Goal 1-2-3 Formula"•Make it easy for others to say "yes"

24 OTT - Online Training Technologies

Professional Skills Development Multimedia Courses

Communicating With People on the Job

Course Code: OVC1146R9.3


If you’re looking to make everyone in your organization an effective person-to-person communicator, this course is a must.


•Express serious concern without projecting a negative attitude•Overcome the apathetic attitudes that can only work against you•Communicate honest criticism without offending others•Contain the frustration that can make you lose your cool•Gather key information to improve the way others relate to you•Build your reputation as an expert communicator•Use a ‘silence cushion’ to ensure that you fully understand the message•Handle conflict successfully - whenever it occurs•Prevent the kind of misunderstandings that can hurt working relationships

Creating Your Dream Team: How to Harness the Power of Teamwork

Course Code: OVC1185R9.3


To create a winning team, you need to motivate, persuade, teach, criticize, praise and evaluate - every day. Whew! In just minutes, this informative course will walk you through the team building process and describe universal strategies that can be applied successfully to any group of individuals.


•Select the right mix of talent•Spell out expected team behavior•Clearly communicate the team’s mission•Avoid stifling innovation and creativity•Deal with and make the best of errors•Provide constructive criticism and positive feedback

Do It Right The First Time: Paying Attention to Details

Course Code: OVC1191R9.3


Make success a habit by paying close attention to the ideas presented in this course. Here, you’ll discover an approach that will help you do it right the first time, including how to:


•Practice active listening to really hear and understand instructions•Make use of simple tools to retain what you learn•Create a template for guaranteed accuracy•Determine the deadline and then set a reasonable schedule•Proof your own mistakes ... and ways not to repeat them

25OTT - Online Training Technologies

Professional Skills Development Multimedia Courses

Everyone’s Customer Service Role

Course Code: OVC1122R9.3


Leaders of successful organizations realize that all their people, from top management to those on the front line, are one another’s customers. Think of customer service as a chain. A strong, unbroken chain between employees helps guarantee superior service to customers. But even one weak link can break the chain and harm everyone’s customer service efforts. Of course, not all employees get to meet an organization’s external customers, but the way employees treat one another indirectly affects those external customers.

In this course, you’ll see how the actions of every employee, even those who have no external customers, can break the customer service chain. And, you’ll see how that broken chain can affect the health, even the life, of your organization.

Everyone’s Teamwork Role

Course Code: OVC1143R9.3


How much time and effort is wasted in your organization because team members don’t fully understand each others’ roles and responsibilities?


•Encourage both vertical and horizontal understanding•Use the T.E.A.M. approach to help everyone feel they’re working toward a common goal•Build a high level of trust between team members•Use a simple formula to identify everyone’s skills, strengths and roles•Empathize with others to understand their priorities and challenges•Motivate teammates by offering praise the right way

Heating up Your Cold Calls

Course Code: OVC1158R9.3


Cold calls present a real sales challenge, but hot button prospecting can help break the ice. How does hot button prospecting work? Hot buttons capture the customer’s immediate interest. Hot button prospecting teaches simple techniques that will help guarantee a warm reception - the hot buttons to “push” to get a few minutes of a prospect’s time, an appointment, or even a sale! Hot button prospecting can help you develop the cold-call selling skills you need to maintain and expand your customer base and help offset the customer attrition caused by natural business cycles.

26 OTT - Online Training Technologies

Professional Skills Development Multimedia Courses

It’s Business, Not Personal: Taming Emotions in the Workplace

Course Code: OVC1190R9.3


Presented in a late-night talk-show format, this course illustrates how to tame your emotions when dealing withyour boss, co-workers and customers.


•Channel emotions into positive behavior and even create new opportunities•Take feedback gracefully and give opinions diplomatically•Clear the air constructively•Control emotional encounters•Decide whether or not to take a problem with a colleague to your boss•Keep emotions out of e-mail•Defuse customer anger

Listening: The Key to Productivity

Course Code: OVC1152R9.3


What makes a person easy to work with and effective on the job? How do some quickly earn the respect of both co-workers and employers? It’s no “secret” or unique personal characteristic in many cases, it’s simply the ability to listen effectively.


•Uncover the real meaning behind a speaker’s words.•Clearly understand one another using the R-E-H-E-A-R listening technique•Focus while listening, even during pressure-packed moments•Build rapport, gain acceptance and establish trust with the speaker•Boost listening skills quickly and easily by following the “10 Laws of listening”•Avoid conflicts, win allies and influence others•Use silence and eye contact to better control conversations•Overcome the four most common listening distractions

Make the Connection: How to Be Effective and Productive on the Phone

Course Code: OVC1181R9.3


Because we use the telephone so often and so easily, we rarely pause to ask whether we’re getting the most from our telephone time. But all of us should consider ways to improve our telephone skills and productivity. Improving phone skills can save you time, make you more money - and help you build valuable relationships.Make the connection will help you become a master telephone communicator.


•Establish instant rapport on the phone - even with people you’ve never met•Correctly use the essential “hold” button•Stop once and for all those endless rounds of phone tag•Calm irate callers - and win customers for life•Skillfully handle interruptions and background noise•Take complete and accurate phone messages•Keep calls short and end them gracefully

27OTT - Online Training Technologies

Professional Skills Development Multimedia Courses

Managing Stress Before It Manages You

Course Code: OVC1155R9.3


As a professional, you have the right to strive for a stress-free work environment for yourself. As a manager, it’s your responsibility to recognize and alleviate stress from your staff. The ideas in this course will help you do both.


•Identify and overcome the three major sources of workplace stress•Reach an ideal balance between work life and home life•Prevent workplace anxiety•Battle stress using the A-T-T-A-C-K method•Dramatically improve your focus•Leverage your schedule for unsurpassed productivity•Help reduce your team’s stress

Motivating Employees During Organizational Change

Course Code: OVC1172R9.3


This course will show you how to communicate with your employees every step of the way during organizational change. You’ll learn why it’s important to show sensitivity and be a sounding board to build trust with you employees.


•Communicate a clear, consistent message that reinforces the positive aspects of change•Keep morale high and reduce complaining once the change is in place•Teach employees to overcome fear•Enlist “influence agents” to increase acceptance•Announce the change in a way that will lower resistance•Employ the “BACK” technique to put the change into perspective•Keep the momentum going once the change has begun•Motivate employees according to their personalities•Monitor how well you’re communicating the change

Powerful Ways to Persuade People

Course Code: OVC1150R9.3


Persuasion isn’t only a character trait that some people are born with, or a gift that only charismatic salespeople or politicians possess. It’s a simple skill that anyone can develop and master. With some basic techniques, and practice, you can learn to influence others, and reach agreements more quickly and easily.


•Discover the true needs of your audience by asking specific questions•Help people realize that what you’re proposing is in their best interest•Convince others without resorting to manipulation tactics or trickery•Strengthen your argument with logic, credibility and passion•Tap the power of nonverbal communication to support your message•Use the “Prepare-Ask-Self” approach to structure your arguments.•Make your point quickly and persuasively by managing your audience’s choices

28 OTT - Online Training Technologies

Professional Skills Development Multimedia Courses

Professional Conduct 101: Vital Skills for New Employees

Course Code: OVC1192R9.


Could your new employees use some help with the common ground rules of workplace behavior? Then this course is a must! They’ll discover the vital skills needed in order to develop a professional image and productive behavior.


•Recognize and adjust to the company’s organizational culture•Dress to impress, not to excess•Avoid inappropriate behaviors that undermine credibility•Keep personal distractions from interfering with work•Replace harsh judgments with neutral observations•Work well with diverse personalities•Create career-boosting alliances

Sink or Swim Teamwork: We’re All in This Together (Building Teamwork)

Course Code: OVC1186R9.3


Every great organization can trace its success to this key, fundamental concept; teamwork. Yet not everyone knows how to make a team work - or be a team player.

Throw your team a lifeline with this entertaining course. Presented in a memorable, documentary-style format, you and your group will discover.


•Self-manage tasks and achieve goals as a team•Apply the 4 guiding principles for becoming a true-blue team player•Cooperate - whether it’s a big assignment or just a routine office task•Maximize your team’s effectiveness using the CLING strategy

Speaking Like A Pro...And Get a Standing Ovation Every Time

Course Code: OVC1175R9.3


If you feel nervous at the prospect of giving a speech, you’re not alone. Many people experience anxiety about public speaking - and anxiety can affect performance.

It’s important to realize that your audience will feel confident about you - and your message - only if you speakwith confidence. In this course, we’ll give you the tools to write an effective speech that you can deliver with conviction and finesse.


•Organize your thoughts using an outline•Make an instant connection with your audience with one of 5 classic introductions•Practice your speech, including guidelines on how to “mark up” your script•Tame stage fright before you hit the spotlight•Transition between visuals in your presentation

29OTT - Online Training Technologies

Professional Skills Development Multimedia Courses

Speaking to One Person or a Roomful: Proven Techniques That Will Make You a

Master Communicator

Course Code: OVC1175R9.3


What is the one thing that helps people climb up that ladder of success more predictably than anything else?Aggressiveness? Nope. Putting in the most hours? Heck no! It’s the ability to say the right thing, and say it well, even under difficult circumstances.

In this entertaining course, you’ll discover how to enhance your tone of voice and body language. And, you’ll learn the exact words to say - and what to do - in difficult situations.


•What to say when someone interrupts you•What to do if someone tries to rush you•What to say when your boss puts you on the spot•How to disarm an accuser

Speaking with Confidence, Clarity and Charisma

Course Code: OVC1169R9.3


In this course, you will learn the secrets professionals use to:


•Present ideas effectively with the “POWER” technique•Get people to listen to your ideas•Orient yourself for maximum influence during a meeting•Establish rapport•Gauge a group’s reaction to what you say•Sound enthusiastic, warm and friendly over the phone•Make the best use of voice mail to ensure a response•Project confidence when speaking face to face

“Getting Cooperation” Team Building that Works

Course Code: OVC1132R9.3


People working together to get the job done. You’ll find them in jobs everywhere. It’s called teamwork. This module examines one of the major causes for teamwork failure: communication blunders – the mistakes that hurt productivity. The people who create these communication mistakes may differ from organization to organization, but if you watch enough of them, you can create categories for communication blunders that deter team building and cooperation.


•Identify and describe seven communication blunders that deter team building and cooperation.

30 OTT - Online Training Technologies

Professional Skills Development Multimedia Courses

7 Things Never to Say to Your Customers

Course Code: OVC1194R9.3


In this course, you will learn techniques for molding diverse personalities and skill sets into a cohesive unit ...on that works together to complete even the toughest assignments.


•Instill in your staff the Five Principles of Teamwork•Employ six powerful meeting techniques to make sure your staff knows they are part of a team•Apply the three keys to open and honest communication that promote teamwork•Bring staffers who aren’t naturally team players into the fold•Employ simple exercises that are designed to foster a “team sensibility” among your staff members

Team Building Techniques That Work

Course Code: OVC1168R9.3


In this course, you will learn techniques for molding diverse personalities and skill sets into a cohesive unit ... on that works together to complete even the toughest assignments.


•Instill in your staff the Five Principles of Teamwork•Employ six powerful meeting techniques to make sure your staff knows they are part of a team•Apply the three keys to open and honest communication that promote teamwork•Bring staffers who aren’t naturally team players into the fold•Employ simple exercises that are designed to foster a “team sensibility” among your staff members

You Are the Organization: Every Employee’s Public Relations Role

Course Code: OVC1161R9.3


Your role in your organization goes far beyond the work you perform. What you do and say and how you interact with coworkers and friends present an image of both you and your organization. How you represent yourself and your organization can win or lose clients.


•Recognize the public relations role you provide to your organization.•Identify how to present yourself effectively in the workplace.•Demonstrate effective email and voice mail techniques.•Explain how to work with an angry customer.•Explain how to act away from the workplace.

31OTT - Online Training Technologies

Professional Skills Development Multimedia Courses

Arrest That Stress: How to Depressurize Your Work Life Course Code: OVC1180R9.3


Workplace stress can mean absenteeism, employee turnover, lower productivity and higher medical expenses.Don’t despair, it’s not hopeless! Believe it or not, on-the-job stress can be traced back to only two basic causes. Inthis course, you’ll identify these stressors - and discover reliable techniques that will help you and everyone in your organization cut the stress and ease that strain.


•Stop picking up the slack for disorganized co-workers•Deflect morale busting and time draining complainers•Control your emotions ... even when others don’t•Turn bad stress into good stress

Becoming a Coach: Bringing Out the Best in Employees

Course Code: OVC1184R9.3


A coach does need to be a good cheerleader to keep up morale, but that’s only one aspect of good coaching.


•Taking a personal approach ... getting to know each of your “players”•Scouting your team: Discovering strengths and areas that need improvement•Developing a game plan ... a step-by-step approach to coaching sessions•Aligning personal goals with the goals of the organization•The importance of continuous coaching and giving praise (yes, cheerleading!)

Becoming a Leader: Communication Techniques That Motivate, Guide and Inspire

Employees to Excel

Course Code: OVC1171R9.3


The key of developing leadership is to take control of how you communicate - even when you don’t realize you ARE communicating. In this course, you’ll learn to lead using The 8 Communication Principles of Leadership.


•Deliver a powerful nonverbal message that you are among the organization’s leaders•Make it easy for others to approach you•Give straight answers to even the most difficult questions•Take responsibility for everything done under your leadership•Speak and act in the organization’s best interests•Encourage dedication among those you work with•Always lead by example

32 OTT - Online Training Technologies

Professional Skills Development Multimedia Courses

Better Business GrammarCourse Code: OVC1073R9.3


As a professional, you know it’s important to be well-groomed and polished. Your speech should reflect the sameeffort. This course reveals how you can avoid errors in common grammar and word usage that can damage yourcareer, chase away customers, and negatively impact your potential.


•Recognize common errors in grammar.•Identify tips to improve your word usage.•Locate valuable reference publications.

Communicating to Reduce Stress on the Job

Course Code: OVC1200R9.3


Stress levels can rise when busy co-workers fail to communicate effectively with one another. This course pro-videsinformation on how to recognize the stress triggers that impair communication. This valuable resource isfilled with tips & techniques to help viewers adapt communication styles to reduce stress on the job.


•How to avoid crossing co-workers’ “security zones” to reduce stress when communicating•What role body language plays in creating stressful situations•How different personalities can unwittingly cause stress and ways to prevent the problem•A useful exercise to help deal with stress caused by time pressure

Communicating With Customers

Course Code: OVC1145R9.3


The key to success in business today is the ability to communicate effectively with your customer. After all, if you aren’t excited by your products or services, why would your customer be?

The key to attracting and retaining customers is the way we communicate with them. The quality of the relationship and the results we get are directly tied to the quality if the communication between our customers and ourselves.


•Interpret the eight vital business communications principles•Explain why attitude is everything•Express ways to harness to the power of enthusiasm•Identify the techniques of high performance listening•Discuss the art of complaint mastery

33OTT - Online Training Technologies

Professional Skills Development Multimedia Courses

Conducting High-Impact, Low-Stress Performance Reviews

Course Code: OVC1162R9.3


Without clear, challenging goals, people tend to develop all sorts of productivity-draining bad habits. In this informative course, we’re going to help you help your group into goal makers! Train your employees to win.


•Set their own goals - and surpass them - using productivity projections•Weather the inevitable setbacks of work life•Establish performance-enhancing peer-to-peer accountability groups•Look at the upside of change•Make smart decisions ... and avoid classic decision making traps•Channel frustration into positive action

Do More in Less Time: Tame Your Workload by Dramatically Increasing Your Productivity

Course Code: OVC1178R9.3


We’ve all been there. It’s the most common complaint of the modern world. Lack of time. But - let’s be honest - frequently, the real problem is wasteful habits. They eat up time without accomplishing anything.Discover five smart work habits that can boost your productivity in the course Do More in Less Time. These“Winning Habits” help you control time, rather than letting time control you. You’ll learn to plan wisely and to avoid “Time Traps,” those treacherous entanglements that suck the accomplishment right out of your day.


•Move swiftly from task to task•Anticipate downtime and be prepared to use it•Direct conversations with the praise-and-conclude technique•Create interruption-free zones

Don’t Shoot The Messenger: Common Workplace Courtesies That Reduce Tension and

Lower Stress

Course Code: OVC1163R9.3


If your co-workers could be arrested for inconsiderate behavior, would they get a life sentence? During a good job is hard enough: Why should you have to put up with a co-worker who bites your head off? Or one who kidnaps your time at work just to chat? Want to diffuse these tensions and actually enjoy your day?In this brief course, you’ll learn how to “arrest” hard workplace behavior.


•Verbal assault with a deadly tongue•Disturbing the peace•Mismanaging meetings•Stealing co-workers’ supplies•Kidnapping co-workers’ time•The “I didn’t break it” sneak-away•Hovering in a no-hover zone

34 OTT - Online Training Technologies

Professional Skills Development Multimedia Courses

Hiring Secrets: 12 Tips to Get Candidates to Reveal Their True Selves

Course Code: OVC1193R9.3


There are ways to get applicants to show who they really are - and not just tell you what you want to hear. In this course, we unveil 12 “hiring secrets” to get job candidates to reveal their true selves.


•Obtain a first impression that counts•Determine right away if a person would be a good fit for your office culture•Use instructions for making a pot of coffee as a grammar and logic check ... and as a sense of

humor barometer•Learn whether you have a person who can literally think on his or her feet

How to Give and Receive Criticism

Course Code: OVC1142R9.3


Most people dread giving and receiving criticism because it goes against their desire to be respected and liked. But used properly, criticism can be a tool to help you and others improve performance.


•Avoid confrontations by using the right words•Pose questions to let others draw the right conclusions•Harness your vocal power to build a supportive environment•Focus on specifics to prevent criticism from being taken personally•Accept criticism with a positive attitude•Listen without judgment•Make the most of another’s criticism with one simple step•Get into a problem-solving state of mind

How to Juggle Multiple Priorities

Course Code: OVC1141R9.3


In today’s fast-aced, do-more-with-less workplace, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by countless priorities and deadlines.


•Cope with job overload using the CAN-DO system•Access your strengths and weaknesses•Divide and conquer your workload•Make an organizational system work for you•Overcome procrastination with a simple five-step approach•Focus on solutions•Stop stress from bogging you down•Ask the right questions to separate what’s important from what’s urgent.

35OTT - Online Training Technologies

Professional Skills Development Multimedia Courses

Interviewing Techniques That Help You Hire the Best

Course Code: OVC1157R9.3


Bad hiring decisions hurt morale, increase your personal workload and even damage your reputation. Why not stack the odds in your favor the next time - and every time - you hire?


•Break the interviewing process down into three manageable stages•Gain valuable insight into a candidate’s technical skills and work habits•Evaluate each candidate fairly and completely•Focus on the three most important considerations when you interview•Uncover crucial clues to help make every hiring decision easier

Solving People Problems on the Job Course Code: OVC1147R9.3


One out of every five people in the workplace can be difficult to deal with at times. This course identifies the mosttroublesome personality types and shows how to handle them both tactfully and effectively.


•Motivate a “Deadweight” to meet the needs of your team•Deflect co-workers who believe their social needs are more important than your work•Confront “Backstabbers” who attempt to undermine team efforts•Discourage intimidation tactics with an easy-to-use three-step approach•Disarm those who seek power at the expense of others•Communicate once and for all that a “Joker’s” inappropriate remarks are unacceptable•Respond to “Know-It-Alls” tactfully using a proven, four-step technique•Encourage chronic complainers to look for solutions before they gripe

Take Back Your Time: How to Manage Your Workload and Still Have a Life

Course Code: OVC1188R9.3


The sharpest, most creative work can’t be done if you’re burned out. Whether you’re a workaholic, last-minute adrenaline addict or simply just can’t say “No” to your colleagues’ requests, in this course you’ll discover tips and tactics guaranteed to help you free up your time and take your life back.


•Liberate yourself by identifying and throwing out the non-essentials•Make a life-changing “DON’T-Do List”•Use “enders” when you’re trapped in a never-ending conversation•Know when NOT to e-mail•Become a pro at exercising your ability to just say “No”

36 OTT - Online Training Technologies

Professional Skills Development Multimedia Courses

Training to Win: Helping Employees Meet or Surpass Their Goals

Course Code: OVC1189R9.3


Without clear, challenging goals, people tend to develop all sorts of productivity-draining bad habits. In this informative course, we’re going to help you help your group into goal makers!


•Set their own goals - and surpass them - using productivity projections•Weather the inevitable setbacks of work life•Establish performance-enhancing peer-to-peer accountability groups•Look at the upside of change•Make smart decisions ... and avoid classic decision making traps•Channel frustration into positive action

Winning Over Even the Most Difficult Customers: Going Beyond “Service With a Smile” Course Code: OVC1179R9.3


Stressful and frustrating circumstances can turn even the best customer into a problem. Sometimes customers are simply fed up or exhausted from getting the runaround or they feel irritated and impatient after waiting on hold. In other cases, they may issue demands that you deem unreasonable or chastise you forproblems beyond your control.

In this course, you’ll learn ways to make the best of these scenarios and more as you discover techniques for dealing with five of the most difficult types of customer situations.


•Serenely ignore personal insults from angry customers (it’s easier than you think!)•Calm upset customers by showing them you’re their internal champion•Smoothly steer conversations back on track with the “Great-Now” technique•Correct misunderstandings by giving in and agreeing with customers (it works!)

You Are the Organization

Course Code:OVC1161R9.3


Your role in your organization goes far beyond the work you perform. What you do and say and how you interact with coworkers and friends present an image of both you and your organization. How you represent yourself and your organization can win or lose clients.


•Recognize the public relations role you provide to your organization.•Identify how to present yourself effectively in the workplace.•Demonstrate effective email and voice mail techniques.•Explain how to work with an angry customer.•Explain how to act away from the workplace.


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