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    Appendix D

    Design and Cost Estimates

  • 34


    Design and Cost Ettimates

    Table of Contents

    Paragraph Page HQ. NQ.

    A. INTRODUCTION 1. General . • • • • • • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . D-1

    B. DmIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 2. General . • . . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • • • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-1

    3 . I.evees and Canals . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . • . . . • . . . . D-1

    a. I..evee 31W Tieback • . . • • • • . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . D-1

    b. S-332D Tieback. . . • . . . • • • . • . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . D-1

    c. I..evee 31W Borrow Canal • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • . • . • • . . D-1

    d. Discharge (Getaway) Canals at S-332A,B,& C . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-2

    e. Discharge (Getaway) Canal at S-332D ....• ·. . . . . • . . . . . . . D-2

    f. C-111 Connector Canal • • . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-2

    g. F.astem Spreader Canal (C-lllN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-2

    h. Canal 109 and Canal 110 Plugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-2

    4. Pumping Stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-2

    a. Structural Design • • • • • • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-2

    b. Analysis of Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-3

    (1) General • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . D-3

    (2) Design Criteria . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-3

    c. Mechanical and Electrical Design - S-332A,B,C,& D . . . . . . . . . D-3

    :•Q) Geperal. • . . . . . • . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-3

    I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •-(2) Pump 'Design . . . . . . . . D-3

    (3) Station Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-3

    (4) Electrical Requirements • • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-3

    (5) Power Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-3

    d. Mechanical and Electrical Design - S-332E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-4

    (1) Gmeral • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . D-4

    (2) Pump Design • • • • • • • . • • • • . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-4

    (3) Station Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-4

    (4) Electrical Requirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-4

    (S) Power Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-4

    e. Construction Access . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-5


  • --


    Design and Cost Ed:imates

    Table of Contents

    Paragraph Page HQ. NQ.


    5. General ...••..••.••••.•••.•.••.•.•.......... ; . . . . D-5

    6. Construction Method . • . . • . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-5

    D. QUANTITY AND COST ESTIMATm 7. General ........ ~ ......... G ••••••••••• i • • • • • .. • • • • • • D-5

    8. Quantity Estimates • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-5

    9. Cost Estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-5

    E. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE 10. General . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-5


    D-1. Summary Cost Estimate


  • ~6

    Appendix D

    Design and Cost Esthnates


    1. General. This Appendix presents a discussion of applicable design considerations ani1 construction methods utilized to establish a basis for the construction cost estimate. A discussion of the general requirements for real estate and operation and maintenance is also included.


    2. General. The recommended plan (Alternative 6A) would include the construction .of two new north/south levees (L-31W Tieback&. S-332D Tieback), four 300 cfs pumping stations, twenty-four 36-inch CMP culverts with stoplog risers, an emergency spillway across L-31W Tieback, and a new spreader canal with a SO cfs pumping station. All pumps would be diesel operated. A detailed discussion of the recommended plan is presented in the main report.

    3. Levees and Canals.

    a. Leyee 3lW Tieback. This new north-south levee would be constructed rougbJ:y parallel to existing L-31N begjnning at L-31W near S-175 and extending northward approximately 9.25 miles to higher ground in the Rocky Glades area in the vicinity of S332B. The levee would be constructed with material obtained from the degrading of the C111 disposal mounds along the southern portion of the project. The levee crown width would be 15 feet with 1 vertical on 3 horizontal side slopes. Twenty-four 36-inch diameter CMP culverts with :1toplog nsers would be placed in the levee at approximate 1000-foot intervals. An emergency spillway would also be constructed in the tieback to prevent overtopping of the levee. The spillway would be 300 feet in length and bank protection would be provided along the downstream face.

    b. S-332D Tieback. This new north-south levee also would be constructed para11el to and about one-half mile west of L-31N. The southern half of the levee would tie into the new pumping station S-332D which is located just west of S-174. It would then proceed north and tie into higher ground in the Rocky Glades area a little north and one-half mile west of the junction of C-102 and L-31N borrow canal. The levee would be constructed with material obtained from the degrading of the C-111 disposal mounds with additional material obtained, as required, from excavation of a discontinuous borrow canal along 1lae east side of the levee alinement. The levee crown width would be 15 feet with 1 vettiail on 3 horimntal side slopes.

    c. Leyee 31W Borrow Canal· The borrow canal along the portion of the exi- L


  • 76

    31W between S-332 and the alinement for the new L-31W Tieback Levee would be filled by degrading the adjacent levee.

    d. Discbam (.Getaway,) Canals at S-332A. S-332B. and S-332C. A concrete-lined discharge canal would be constructed at each structure site extending approximately one-half mile west from the structure at the L-31N borrow canal. The excavated material would be placed along both sides of the canal and graded to create a berm of sufficient elevation to satisfy. the hydraulic cte.ign requirements and to provide access for maintenance.

    e. Discham (Getaway) C.,ma} at S-332D. The existing L-31W borrow canal would be lined with concrete for a diitance of approximately one-half mile west from the structure at the L-31N borrow canal. 'The excavated material would be placed along both sides of the canal and graded to create a berm of sufficient elevation to satisfy the hydraulic design requirements and to provide access for maintenance.

    f. C-111 Corutector Canal. A connector canal approximately 4500 feet in length would be constructed between C-111 and the L-31W borrow canal at S-175. The excavated material would be sidecast along one side of the canal and graded to provide access for maintenance.

    · g. Fagem Spmtder Canal CC-lllN). A canal would be constructed from the intersection of C-111 and C-lllE and extend eastward to Canal 109. The excavated material would be side.cast along the north side of the canal and graded to provide access for maintenance. A canal extension between C-109 and U.S. Highway 1 is also included in the cost estimate as a separate item.

    h. Canal 109 and Canal 110 Plu1:s. Nine plugs would be constructed in C-109 and ten plugs would be constructed in C-110 to help provide sheet flow from west to east along the C-11 lN alignment. Material for construction of the plugs would be obtained from the adjacent disposal mouncls. .... · ,..·_.,,.,

    4. Pumpin& Stations.

    a. Structural Desip. At the structure sites, parking and tum-around areas would be provided on the north and south sides of the structure with a reinforced concrete service bridge spanning the structure. 1be proposed service bridge over the pumping station would provide ~s for service and fuel vehicles. An alternative access route going over the pump discharge pipes will be investigated during the preparation of the FDM. A service door at the north end of the superstructure would provide access for permitting installation and maintenance removal of the machinery and equipment. Office and toilet facilities for operating personnel would be provided at Structures 332A, 332B, 332C and 332D. The upstream wingwalls would be steel sheet pile walls capped with steel channels. In areas where the sheet piling cannot be driven due to hard rock, the bottom of the walls would be supported by tremie concrete placed in trench. Anchor walls to the steel tie rods would


  • 78

    provide the top support for the walls. The downstream wingwalls would be reinforced concrete inverted •T'' walls. A concrete apron and endsill would be provided on the downstream side of the struciure. 1be superstructure would consist of concrete frames and concrete block curtain walls. Windows, lights, doors, and forced-air fans would be installed to provide adeq• lighting and ventilation. The roof would slope to insure positive drainage. The superstructure would house the pumps, pump drive, distribution panel, station crane, office and toilet. At each pumping station flapgates would be installed at the end of each pump tube to preYent backflow through the tubes. Pump SfatiRns S-332A, S-332B and S-332C would discharge water into concrete-lined canals extending Westerly from L-31N Borrow Canal. Pump S1Jdions S-332D would discharge water the existing L-31W bcm:ow canal. .• .~.

    " b. Analysis of Structures. This section includes the design criteria and describes the

    structural design and stability analysis required for the structures in the project. In genecal, the design of each structurally significant feature is described in the following text.

    (1) General. The structural design is based on standard practice as set forth by the engineering and design manuals and technical letters, Corps of F.ngineers, U.S. Army~ subject to modifications indicated by engineering judgement and experience.

    (2) Desip Criteria.

    Reinforced Concrete. Design of structural concrete is governed by EM 1110-2-2104, •strength Design for Reinforced Concrete Hydraulic Structures". Unless stated otherwise, the concrete compressive strength will be 3,000 psi at 28 days. Reinforcing steel would be grade 60 with a_ yield stress of 60,000 psi.

    Structural Steel. Design of structural steel members would be governed by EM 1110-2-2101, "Working Stresses for Structural Design" and by the specifications and code of the American Institute of Steel Construction. Structural steel required for this project will be ASTM A36.

    Stability Analysis. Stability analyses would be performed in accordance with ETL 1110-2-256, "Sliding Stability Analyses for Concrete Structures".

    · Overturning analyses would be based on criteria in BM 1110-2-2502, "Retaining and Flood Walls". Flotation _analyses would be performed in accordance with ETL 1110-2-307, •Floatation Stability Criteria for Concrete Hydraulic Structures".

    c. Mechanical and Electrical De.1ip - S-332A. B. C. and D.

    (1) General. The proposed pump stations S-332A, B, C, and D would be located on the existing L-31N borrow canal as shown on the recommended plan plat.e included in Appendix A to this report. Each pump station would have a 300 cfs ·capacity and house four 75 cfs pumping units. These pump stations will pump water from L-31N borrow


  • canal into Everglades National Park. Each pump station would have four pumping bays each containing an identical axial-flow type vertical-shaft pump. Power to the pumps would be provided by diesel engines through right angle gear drives. Hydraulic design data for each pump station is provided in ApPendix A to this report.

    (2) Pump Desi.p. F.ach of the four pumps in these pump stations shall be 36inch pumps providing 75 cfs (33,525 gpm) at a total hydmulic head ranging from about 9 to 11 feet. The pumps shall be capable of pumping water at the maximum expected pool-topool elevations as follows: S-332A - 8.3 feet; S-332B - 7.3 feet; S-332C - 6.8 feet; S-332D - 6.3 feet. The pumps are expected to run at less than 500 rpm with an efficiency of about 80%. The diesel engines that power the pumps should be no larger than 150 hp. The pump station shall be designed in accordance with Hydraulic Institute Standards, EMl 110-23105 (Mechanical/Electrical Pesin of Pumpirui Stations), and Guide Specification CW15160 CVertical Pumps: Axial-Flow and Mixed-Flow Impeller-~). The design requirements for formed suction intake at the pumps shall be evaluated during preparation of the Feature Design Memorandum and shall be based upon the channel in1ake design.

    (3) Station Egujpment. The pump station will include various support items including the following:

    a. Hoisting system for maintenance or repair of the pumps. b. Diesel fuel storage system. Each pump station shall have two

    12,000-gallon diesel fuel storage tanks. The 24,000-gallon total is based upon the capacity needed to operate all four pumps 24 hours a day at 8 gallons of fuel per hour per pump for 30 days.

    c. Non-potable water system for general cleaning of the pump station. d. Stilling well containing float switches to be used for pump

    opiO'ations: e. Ventilation system to provide fresh air in the pump bays, generator

    room, office, and toilet room. f. Toilet facility with a water closet and a lavatory.

    (4) Electrical Regpirements. The local power company, Florida Power and Light Company (FPL), would provide a 120/240 volt, single phase, 60 hertz, three wire, 100 amp service to each pump station. Pump stations will be equipped with small 15 KW engine-generator set for emergency power in case of failure of the commercial service. A manual transfer switch will be provided to transfer power to the emergency system.

    (5) Power Distribution. A distribution panel will be provided with circuit breakers for station equipment,. lighting, and controls. All wiring shall conform to guide specifications CE 1404.04 (CW 16120). Interior and exterior lighting, grounding and detail electrical design shall be in accordance with the National Electrical Code.


  • d. Mechanical apd Blectrjcal Desip - S-332E.

    (1) General. Pump station S-332E will be located at the junction of the C-111 and C-11 IE canals as shown on the recommended plan plate included in Appendix A. The pumping S1ati.0n will have a capacity of SO cfs. ·It would pump water from the C-111 amal into a spreader canal (C-11 lN) which will spread water into the area north of the eastern panhandle of the Everglades National Parle. The pump station would have one pumping bay containing an axial-flow type vertical-shaft pump. Power to the pump would be provided by a diesel engine through a right angle gear drive. The hydraulic design data for the pump station is provided in Appendix A.

    (2) PumP Desian. This pump station will include a single pump with a capacity of 50 cfs (22,350 gplil). The pump shall be a 30-incb pump providing the reqBired flow at a totat· hydmulic head of about 6 feet. The pump shall be capable of pumping water at the maximum expected pool-to-pool elevation of 3 feet. The pump is expected to run at about SOO rpm with an efficiency of about 80%. The diesel engine that powers the pump should be no larger than 75 hp. The pump station shall be designed in accordance with Hydraulic Institute Standards, BMlll0-2-3105 (Mechanical/ Eectrical Desip of Pumpin& Stations), and Guide Specification CW-15160 (Vertical pymps: Axial-Flow and Mixed-F1ow Impeller-IJpel. The design requirements for formed suction intake at the pump shall be evaluated during preparation of the Feature Design Memorandum and shall be based upon the channel intake design.

    (3) Station EQ.uipment. The pump station will include various support items including. the following:

    a. Diesel fuet storage system. The pump station shall have one 5,000-gallon diesel fuel storage tank. The S,000-gallon total n based upon the capacity needed to operate the pump 24 hours a day at 6 gallons of fuel per hour for 30 days.

    b. Stilling well containing float switches to be used for pump operations.

    c. Ventilation system to provide fresh air in the pump bay and generator room.

    (4) Electrical ReQ.uirement. The local power company, Florida Power and Light Company (FPL), would provide a 120/240 volt, single phase, 60 hertz, three wire., 100 amp service to the pump station. The pump station will be equipped with small 10 KW engine-generator set for emergency power in case of failure of the commercial service. A manual transfer switch will be provided to transfer power to the emergency system.

    (5) Power Distribution. A distribution panel will be provided with circuit breakers for station equipment, lighting, and controls. All wiring shall confonn to guide



  • specifications CE .1404.04 (CW 16120). Interior and exterior lighting, grounding and detail electrical design shall be in accordance with the National Electrical Code.

    e. Construction Am;u. Access during construction and for operation and maintenance weuld be fro~ State Road 9336 (Highway 27) along the existing Levee 31(W), across Structure 175, theD.ce along the south and western side of Levee 3 l(W) bon-ow canal to Structure 332, a distance of about 2.3 miles, thence along the new Levee 3l(W) Tieback to L-31N and the proposed Pu$ping S1ations S-332A, S-332B, S-332C, an~ S-332D•...•.


    S. General. The material removed from the wesiem half of canal 111, Section rbetween approximately station 220+00 and station 425 +00 would be used to construct the new Levee 3l(W) Tieback and construct the plugs in Canal 109 and Canal 110. Excess material would be placed along the north side of Canal 111 between U.S. Highway 1 and Structure 18C.

    6. Construction Method. Material would be excavated by clamshell, hydraulic excavator, or similar types of equipment. Material would either be sidecast to construct a berm for access and maintenance or be truck hauled to designated for levee construction or disposal. Standard earth moving equipment would be used to construct the levees and shape the disposal mounds. Interlocking portable barges would be used to bridge Canal 111 and provide equipment access to the mounds along the south side of the canal.


    7. General. The summary of ~e estimate for the first cost of construction of the recommended plan, including quantities, unit costs, contingencies, and reasons for contingencies is presented in Table D-1.

    8. Ouantity Estimates. Quantities of excavation and fill for this project were calculated base.d on available survey data taken from existing design memoranda and USGS Quadrangle Maps. Detailed site surveys, cross sections, and geotechnical information would be required prior to preparation of conttact plans and specifications.

    9. Cost Emmates. Since this project is similar to the Modified Water Deliveries Project, the cost data developed for that project was used for the Canal 111 construction cost estimate.


    10. General. The project sponsor would be responsible for operation and maintenance of the improvements and features presented in this report upon completion of construction. The contractor would be responsible for all maintenance required during the construction


  • contract. Operation and maintenance of the project facilities would be performed in accordance with the instructions prepared and incmporated into the current •Operation and Maintenance Manual" which would be furnished to the project sponsor.


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    Appendix D

    Design and Cost Estimates



  • C-111


    Appendix E

    Social and Economic Analysis

  • . ~~8



    C-111 GRR


    Topic Page No.

    Introduction E-1

    Purpose and Objectives E-1

    Description of the Study Area E-1

    Physical Characteristics of the Study Area E-1

    Problem Statement E-2

    Project Alternatives E-2

    Risk Analysis E-2

    Analysis of Economic Impacts E-3

    Types of Impacts E-3

    1986 Land Use E-3

    1993 (Existing) Land Use E-3

    Future Land Use (General) E-5

    2001 (Base Condition) and 2006 Land Use E-5

    Frog Pond Land Use E-6

    - Analysis Methodology E-6

    General Methodology E-6

    Land Use and Topography E-6

    General Agricultural Damage Susceptibility E-7

    Root Zone Depth E-7

    Bedding Heights E-7

    Vegetable and Fruit Crops Damage Susceptibility E-7

    Production Costs per Acre E-7

    Duration-Damage Relationships E-8

    Horticulture E-8

    Seasonal Flood Damage Potential to Field Crops E-9

    Urban Damage Susceptibility E-10

    Inundation Reduction Analysis E-11

    Existing Damage Potential, Without Project

    (No Frog Pond Land Purchases) E-11

    Future Damage Potential, Without Project

    (No Frog Pond Land Purchases) E-13

    Plan Alternatives E-14

    Existing Damage Potential, Plan I and Plan IA E-14

    Future Damage Potential, Plan 1 and Plan lA E-14

    Existing and Future Damage Potential, Plan 2 E-14

    Existing and Future Damage Potential, Plans 3,4,5,6,6A E-15

    Benefit Evaluation E-15

    Maximization of Net Benefits E-15

  • 5






    Table No.

    1 2 3


    6 7 8 9

    11 12 13 14

    16 17

    18 19


    22 23 24

    26 27 28 29

    31 32 33



    C-Ill Study Area, 1986 Land Use C-111 Study Area, 2001 Land Use Agricultural Land Use Classifications, Root Depths, BeddingHeightsRoot Zone Depths, Citrus and Selected Fruit CropsVegetable Crop Loss per Acre Fruit Crop Loss per Acre Tolerance Periods for Fruit CropsHorticultural Plants Grown in the C-Ill Basin Horticulture Loss Calculation~ Horticulture Damage RelationshipField Crop Production Costs, Tomatoes Daily Production Cost ExpendituresSeasonal Adjustments for Field CropsFloodprone Area Summary - Without ProjectFloodprone Area Summary - With ProjectWithout Project, 2001 Land Use

    Damage Potential (Fruit Crops, Nurseries, Urban)

    Full Production Damage Potential (Vegetable Crops)

    Expected Adjusted Damage Potential

    Without Project Condition, 2001 Land Use

    Without Project Condition, 2006 Land Use

    Plan 1 and Plan IA Condition, 200I Land Use

    Damage Potential (Fruit Crops, Nurseries, Urban)

    Full Production Damage Potential (Vegetable Crops)

    Expected Adjusted Damage Potential

    Plan 1 and Plan IA Condition, 2001 Land Use

    Plan 1 and Plan IA Condition, 2006 land Use

    Plan 2 Condition, 2001 Land Use

    Plan 2 Condition, 2006 land Use

    Plans 3,4,S,6,6A Condition, 2001 Land Use

    Plans 3,4,5,6,6A Condition, 2006 Land Use

    Average Annual Damage Summary, 2001 Land Use

    Average Annual Damage Summary, 2006 Land Use

    Average Annual Equivalent Benefit Evaluation at 8%

    Project Benefit and Cost Summary

    Values Amortized and Discounted at 83

    Values Amortized and Discounted at 6%

    Values Amortized and Discounted at 2 1/23


  • Figures




    Floodprone Area Without Project'•

    Floodprone Area With Project ·.




    Purpose and Objectives - The purpose of this appendix is to evaluate the effects of alternative plans for the proposed water resources project in the C-111 basin. Information provided in this section includes the following:

    a. A description of the study area. b. The identification of the key economic activities in the study area and the determination of the extent and location of present 1and use and resource development in the area. c. The discussion of impacts upon existing land use due to Hurricane Andrew and the development of a proposed future 1and use pattern in response to Hurricane Andrew. d. The analysis of the effects of the proposed plan modifications to the existing water control system.

    Description of the Study Area - The portion of the C-111 study area selected for economic studies includes the Taylor Slough basin, the Canal 111 basin and Levee 31 West. This area covers approximately 42,700 acres in southeastern Dade County. Generally, the study area lies·west of U.S. l, north and east of the Everglades National Park, and extends from SW 168th street (Grossman Drive) on the north side south to S-197. The Taylor Slough basin includes the area from S-331 at Grossman Drive south almost to Canal 103 at Southwest 264th Street. The Canal 111 basin and Levee 31 West extends further soath past Structure 177, south west of Florida City. Existing land uses are primarily agricultural in the northern and central portion of the basin, with moderately urbanized areas near Florida City and Homestead. Ground level contours range from 1 to 10 feet NGVD with most of the active agricultural and urban land use on terrain 5 feet above NGVD. The southern-most portion of the basin at the 3.5-foot NGVD contour line is characterized by abandoned farmland and natural wetlands sloping gradually to Florida Bay.

    Phys i ca1 Characteristics of the Study area - Existing 1 and use in the C-111 economic study area is predominately agricultural. In 1986, an estimated 36,700 acres were utilized for fruit tree groves, row and field crops and nurseries. There are two types of soil in the study area: limestone rockland, which.accounts for most of the agricultural acreage, and marl soils. The rockland area extehds roughly from U.S. 1 west to the Everglades Park boundary and from Tamiami Trail north of Grossman Drive, to Florida City and SR. 27 leading to the Everglades Park, on the south. Marl "East Glade" land generally lies east of U.S. 1 to the mangroves and south of Miami to the end of the mainland. This soil type is also found in the southern portion of the study area at elevations ranging from 0 to 4 feet above sea level.

    Limestone rock is a relatively soft rock until it is exposed to the air. Many solution holes extend below the surface and act as storage places for water. Solution holes vary in diameter from a few inches to many feet, and may be 10-12


  • feet or more, in depth. Rockland is prepared for tre~ or vegetable crops byheavy tractors and scarifying equipment to "chisel" or "plow" this soil. Some 200 varieties of subtropical and tropical fruits are grown on the well-drained limesto~ rock soils of Dade County.

    Marl is a dense, calcareous sedimentary soil deposited by water flowingfrom the northwest to the ocean. Since percolation for this soil type is slow, ditches and pumps are used to move excess water flows from marl areas to the ocean. Salt water control structures at canal outlets halt inward flow of sea water during periods when fresh water flow is inadequate to prevent salt water intrusion. Like rockland soils, marl soil areas are low in organic matter and require periodic applications of nutrient fertilizers such as nitrogen,phosphorous, and potash. Since most vegetable farming is done during the late fall and dry winter season, these crops can be grown on either rockland or low elevation marl soil areas. Potatoes and seed corn are major crops grown on marl land.

    Problem Statement - Since in~tial project construction in the 1960's,damage susceptibility has increased due to the increased value of crops and agricultural encroachment which has taken pla~e in the floodplain. Agriculturalencroachment has occurred since the system has been operated at lower water levels than originally authorized. Two forms of encroachment are evident. First, highly damage susceptible vegetable crops can be grown year around rather than just in the dry winter months. Second, the amount of fruit tree crops and general horticultural activity have increased in the flood plain. Since these trees have longer root zones than other field crops, they are more susceptible to high water tables and to flooding.

    Project Alternatives - All project alternatives are designed to provide increased flood protection when compared to the existing project operated at authorizetl levels in the economic study area and provide varying degrees of environmental restoration in the basin below this area. Eight alternatives have been selected for study. Each of the alternatives basically provide similar hydrologic and hydraulic responses, therefore, only one major economic investigation has been conducted. However, slight differences in flood damageeffects for plans are noted since some of the plans require different quantitiesof land purchases in the Frog Pond area which is located in the south-west portion of the area. The effect of 1 and purchases is to remove crop acreage from production and therefore reduce flood damage prevention benefits.

    Risk Analysis - All plans include a flood control component which should approximately restore the authorized 10 year level of protection. The remainingfeatures in Pl ans 1 through 6A achieve differing degrees of environmental restoration. Since the level of protection has not been changed from the authorized level, no risk evaluation has been performed for this study. In addition, the primary benefit category of inundation reduction is agriculture.Currently, there in no guidance or model available for this type of analysis and the compressed study schedule does not allow time for model development.



    Tvpes of Impacts - The major impact being examined in this economic analysis is the variations in flood durations which adversely affect various types of active agricultural acreage in the study area. Specifically, water tolerances of Dade County crops (vegetables, tropical fruit trees, and nU1"serystock) in floodprone areas are measured using expected flood durations from varying flood frequency situations to detennine crop damages. These damages are generally measured by the loss in operating and fixed costs sustained by growers even if they are covered by crop insurance. Damages are computed for various frequency flood events and converted to an average annual basis. Tree crops and nurseries are suscept i b 1 e to damage at any time during the year. Damage to seasonal crops is adjusted using the cumulative percentage of production ~osts invested during any given month in the growing season and the percent chance of monthly occurrence of a damaging flood event.

    The evaluation of flood damage impacts has been conducted at two separatepoints in time. The first evaluation consists of an analysis of plan impacts on land use development physically existing in the study area in the base year2001.The second evaluation was an analysis of the impacts on land use development in the year 2006. Differences in damage susceptibility are solely due to assumptions concerning differing stages of maturity of new fruit trees expected to be pl anted after Hurricane Andrew. Other changes in 1and use are not expected after the year 2006. Project life impacts are amortized and discounted during the fifty year period and converted to an average annual equivalent.

    Flood damage susceptibility is measured without and with· proposedalternatives. The differences represent the inundation reduction benefits of the proposed project. A more detailed explanation of the procedures used in the determination of these damage estimates is presented in a later section.

    1986 Land Use - In the 1970's and 80's, there had been increased agricultural and urban development in the Homestead - Florida City area. The paceof cropland dltelopml!tit in the northern portions of the C-111 basin had been especially rapid. While total agricultural acreage had increased, there had been a relatively more extensive development of tropical fruit groves and ornamenta1 horticulture than in seasonal vegetable row crops. As a result, land values have increased as well as the potential damages that may occur from periodic flooding. There was and is now approximately 42,700 acres of land w;thin the economic .study area boundaries of which approximately 36,800 acres or 86 percent are utilized for agricultural purposes. Tropical fruit groves and nurseries in 1986 covered approximately 13,600 acres. Vegetable tracts, field crops, and fallow areas account for the remaining acreage. Some 5,900 acres of nonagricultural land were comprised of residential tracts, recreational areas, marginal wetlands, and undeveloped open land. Study area land use acreages are displayed in table 1.

    Existing (1993) Land Use - The original tabulation of land use acreage in the C-111 basin was conducted in 1986. Since that time Hurricane Andrew has impacted all of South Florida with greatest concentration in the Homestead and Florida City area. Interviews with representatives of the Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences, and the Dade County Extension Service have indicated that


  • the agricultural area is recovering quickly after the event. None of the fruit growers have left the area after Hurricane Andrew and no additional acreage since Hurricane Andrew is currently fallow due to the storm. Also, no reductions in vegetable.. crop production per acre have been recorded. Approximately, sixty percent of the property used for vegetable crops is rental property and many of the areas were used for burning debris i11111ediately following the storm.

    Since Hurricane Andrew was a wind-driven rather than a rain-driven storm, tree crops were severely affected in the study area. The Florida Agricultural Statistics Service in Orlando has reported for all of Dade County that there has been a 34 percent decrease of avocado acreage in the Dade County area from 8,987 acres in 1990 to 5,965 acres in 1993. Limes were down over 70% from the 6,071 acres reported in Dade in 1990 and mangos had decreased over 40 percent to 1,398 acres. It can be assumed that a significant portion of this decrease is due to Hurricane Andrew. In the study area portion of C-111, productive fruit tree crop acreage has decreased, particularly east of L-31N. It is believed that many of the remaining trees east of L-31N and L-31W may not survive. West of L-31N, much of the fruit tree acreage is either unaffected or has been replanted. Productive acreage west of L-31N is considered to be incompatible with optimum stageregulation authorized by the original flood control project. Plan alternatives which worsen conditions over optimum stage levels in this area include the purchase of these lands as a project component. Therefore flood damage effects to this land us~ are not considered.

    The 1993 land use condition was prepared using detailed crop information provided by the firm of Larsen and Associates1 as a guide. Other sources utilized included 1990 land use Cad-drawings provided by the Dade County PlanningDepartment recorded before Hurricane Andrew at approximately land use classification LUOA Level II, and 1992 aerial photographs from the REDI (RealEstate Inf9rmation Service) located in Ft. Lauderdale. In addition, two field investigations were conducted solely to locate fruit groves that were destroyed by Hurricane Andrew and to generally update field crop land use information in the study area. Agencies contacted include the Dade County Extension Service, the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (USDA}, the Dade CountyTax Assessor's Office, the Department of Environmental Management, and the Metropolitan Dade County Planning Department.

    Updated land use information was collected, however, the specific location of downed fruit groves due to Hurricane Andrew was not determined. Therefore, percentages of downed fruit trees for Dade County reported by the Florida Agricultural Statistics Service in Orlando are used in this study. These percentages have been proportionally distributed among all the fruit tree acreage in the study area. After the storm, downed groves were replanted mainly in mixed vegetables. This interim decision allows i11111ediate income production while 1andowners decide whether or not to replant fruit trees. The 1993 1and use condition has been constructed to display the appropriate acreage of downed fruit trees in the mixed vegetable land use classification.

    1Larsen and Associates is a consulting environniental engineering firm located in Miami, Florida.


  • · Future Land Use {General) - Projections of future land use in the study area would indicate some growth in agricultural acreage and in residential areas. Tracts utiHzed for tropical fruit groves, Cuban vegetables, specifically guavaand-.papaya, and ornamental horticulture are expected to replace some acreage used for traditional vegetables such as tomatoes, beans, corn, and squash. Market price is excellent for these co11111odities, production practices are improving and new methods have been developed to make these crops more disease resistent. South Florida Lime production should not be significantly affected by the increased importation of Mexican limes as a result of the North American Free Trade Agreement. Although, 951 of U.S. limes are produced in South Florida,Mexican limes currently have no rigid standards for production or export and are inferior in quality and durability.

    Open rockland soil areas bordered by C-111, L-31W, and SR. 27 will continue to be utilized for nontropical row crops, particularly tomatoes. Urban development around Homestead and Florida ·city should show controlled growth of low to low-medium density residential areas with an upper limit of 13 dwellingunits per acre. New residential development should include single family homes,townhouses, or small apartments after recovery from Hurricane Andrew. Future residential, commercial and industrial land use is not projected to significantly affect existing agricultural land in the study area. Unless. environmental restrictions change this land use from agriculture to wetland, no further changeis expected throughout the project life.

    Base Condition l2001l and 2006 Land Use - The 2001 land use condition reflects damage susceptibility at the beginning of the project life. The majordifferences between the 1993 and 2001 land uses will be the replanting of fruit trees. Two effects are expected to occur with replanting. First, the mixed vegetables currently being grown in the groves will disappear. Second, the new frujt trees will begin to experience damage susceptibility to flood events.

    At present, an exact estimate of the acreage of fruit trees that will be replanted is unknown. Most of the fruit crop acreage affected by Hurricane Andrew has been replanted west of the levee. East of the levee, discussions with the Dade County Extension Office and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) indicate that 50% to 100% of the trees will be replanted. This analysis assumes that by 1996, 50% of the downed fruit tree acreage will be replanted.During the (1993-1996) time frame when all re-planting is estimated to be completed, there will be no damage susceptibility to this acreage. Major fruit trees expected to be replanted in the basin include lychee, limes, avocadoes, mangos, papaya, carambola, longan, and guava. Major fruit crops which are especially flood damage susceptible include; limes, avocadoes, mangos, and papaya. Generally, fruit trees require 4-5 years before bearing fruit, and 8-12 years to achieve full production. Therefore after 5 years at the beginning of the project life in 2001, it is assumed all new trees will be mature, however, no fruit will currently be produced. Flood damage assessment in this time periodwill be assessed using the full value of the tree but no damage is claimed for fruit losses. At the end of 10 years in the year 2006, it is assumed all fruit . trees will be fully mature and fruit production has returned to normal. Flood damage susceptibility now will affect fruit as well as trees. Flood damagesusceptibility is expected to remain the same from the years 2006-2051. Study area land use acreages expected in the year 2001 are displayed in table 2.


  • Frog Pond land Use - It is not rational to expect growers to plant areas in the Frog Pond where the topography would be below normal operating stages. Optimum operating stages at authorized levels at S-332 and the surrounding area are expeeted to be approximately 3.75ft. msl. on the average for the without project condition. Plan alternatives would not significantly change this elevation. Although seasonal regulation schedules will not be formulated in this report, it is assumed given the environmental nature of the formulation that maximum flexibility will be required in mai.ntaining high water levels for the express purpose of producing the highest quality environmental wetlands. At these levels, entry via State Road 9336 will be possible which should allow entry of heavy equipment and allow the rock-plowing necessary for the preparation of all land above 4.25 feet. It is assumed all productive land at or below 4.25 feet msl. will not be able to be used in a productive capacity in the Frog Pond or in the area below the Frog Pond adjacent (west) of C-111. The current land use grown in the area i.s predominately tomatoes.

    Analysis Methodology

    General Methodology - Flood damage analysis for the C-111 study area is focused primarily on agriculture production. For the flood damage evaluation, six different flood frequencies were used with durations ranging from no flooding to 25 or more days. The frequencies of these floods are the Standard Project Flood (SPF which is estimated to be equalled or exceeded once every 250 years),100-year, 50-year, 25-year, 10-year, and the 2-year. Elevation-duration relationships were constructed for each one square mile cell. The adjustedtopographic elevation for each parcel of land use was retrieved, flood durations were computed and flood damages were estimated. To determine flood damages for varying f1ooding frequencies, it was necessary to obtain specific land use data, measure the extent of flooded acreage by crop type and flood duration, and apply per acre damage estimates for each crop to plot frequency-damage curves and calculate average annual damages. This procedure is discussed in detail in the following paragraphs~

    •~:~ ,!'; Land Use and Topography - Land use data was compiled for the 2001 and 2006

    land use conditions as discussed earlier and was sub-divided into one square mile grid cells. Topographic information was recorded using USGS quadrangle sheets with 5 foot contour intervals using one foot interpolation. Limited topographic coverage was available from the Everglades Drainage District in 1939. These mapsprovided 1/2 foot contour intervals in the south portion of the basin. In addition, topographic coverage of the Frog Pond was provided for the South Dade Land Corporation by_Ghioto and Associates in 1988. Inside each square mile cell, acreages were recorded by land use classification and topographic elevation. For agricultural land use, acreage totals were reduced by 10% to allow for infrastructure (road, canal, and levee areas} and again by approximately 4% to acc~unt for fallow agricultural land inside each ownership.


  • General Agricultural Damage Susceptibilitv

    - Root Zone Depth - For agri cul tura 1 1 and use, it is assumed damagesuscept i bi 1ity begins when water reaches the bottom of the root zone. Therefore,it is necessary to know the depth of root zones and water tolerances for individual tree "°d row crops in the rockland and marl soils of the study area. Vegetable crops have root depths of 6 to 12 inches. A coot length of 8 inches has been selected for this study. Root zones for fruit.-'trees are deeper than row crops, generally ranging from 12 to 30 inches deep. A root length of 18 inches has been selected for limes, avocados, and mangos and a 12 inch root length has been selected for papaya. Root depths for field nQl-sery plants varyfrom 2 feet to 4 feet. A 2 foot .root depth is used in this analysis. For all other nursery classifications, it is assumed all plants are in containers and the containers are at ground level. It is also assumed that all plants in containers and not elevated incur damage during a flood.

    Bedding Heights - It is assumed all vegetable crops are planted on beds. The average bed height is estimated to be 6 inches. Fruit trees are planted on beds and bed heights range from 12 to 30 foches. An average compacted height of 16 to 18 inches is considered reasonable and a 17 inch bedding elevation is used for all fruit trees in this analysis. For lack of better information, all field nursery plants in this analysis will also use a 17 inch bedding elevation. Root zone damage susceptibility is computed by adding the bedding height to the topographic elevation and subtracting the root zone depth for the appropriate vegetable crop or fruit tree. For example, all vegetable crop damagesusceptibility will begin when floodwaters are 2 inches below the recorded topographic elevation. Detailed agricultural land use classifications, root depths and average bedding heights are displayed in table 3. Fruit crop damagesusc-eptibility will vary depending upon root depth as shown in table 4.

    Vegetable and Fruit Crops Damage Susceptibility

    Production Costs per Acre A conservative estimate of the value of vegetables in the ground'C:an be approximated by using operating costs, fixed costs, and land rental values to produce the crop. Operating costs include seeds or transp 1 ants, fert i1izers and pest i tides, 1 abor, interest, and machinery expenses. Fixed costs include land rents, depreciation, licenses, and insurance. Excluded from loss estimates are harvesting and marketing costs and any share of net returns to the grower which are derived from tota1 receipts 1 ess total costs. Vegetable Summaries provided by the Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences for the South Dade area and Everglades Agricultural area provide fixed cost, operating costs, and land rent estimates for most vegetable crops in the C-111 basin. This information is utilized to compute flood damage potential for these crops. Sufficient information was not available to use any normalized procedurefor costs. For land use classifications 1 through 11 in table 3, the values in table 5 represent a simple 5 year average of operating costs, fixed costs and 1and rental information transcribed from economic information reports for


  • production costs produced by IFAS. 2 These values are u~ed to compute a maximum potential loss per acre for each vegetable crop.

    Th~ Dade County Extension Service provided information concerningproduction costs, fixed costs and land rental for pole beans, sweet potatoes,malanga, calabaza, and yuca. Fruit crop losses include losses of production costs and tree replanting operating and fixed costs estimated for non-bearing periods when the tree is replanted. All fruit crop production cost information was provided by the Dade County Extension Service. Asunmary of potential fruit crop losses on a per acre basis is shown in table 6.

    Duration-Damage Relationships - Losses to vegetable and fruit crops are very much dependent upon the duration of flooding in root zones. Put simply, crop damage is caused by the crops inability to breath and the associated diseases which occur due to the growth of micro-organisms when aerobic activityis replaced by anaerobic activity due to lack of oxygen and C02 • Discussions with knowledgeable sources have indicated that damage begins inmediately after water enters the root zone and continues until maximum loss occurs as shown in table 7. Expected losses during time frames between the initial flooding and total plant mortality are computed using a. linear relationship. The actual period when losses will occur is also dependent upon whether or not water in the root zones is moving or .stagnant during the flood and whether root zones are continuously or intermittently flooded.

    As shown in table 5, vegetable crops, with the exception of potatoes, are generally lost after 12 hours of inundation. Water inundation tolerances show considerable variance for citrus and tropical fruit trees. Periods of inundation that will cause fruit loss and, if extended, cause root damage and tree loss are shown in table 7. Short water inundation tolerance periods for avocados and papaya tr~~s make these crops highly vulnerable in flooding situations.

    Horticulture - Horticulture activity in Dade County has been classified as either foliage, woody ornamentals, or field nurseries. In 1984-85 it was estimated that approximately 55% of total sales was foliage, 15% was woodyornamental, and 30% was field nurseries. In addition, 38.7% of the acreage in production was classified as foliage nurseries, 12.9% as woody ornamentals and 48.3% as field nurseries. These percentages are used as weights to determine flood damage susceptibility for these crops in the Canal 111 basin. Horticultural plants grown in the C-111 basin are shown in table 8.

    A conservative measure of the loss that would occur with any flood would be the loss of production costs necessary to produce the crop. The total dollar value of horticultural crops in 1983-84 and acreage in production in the South Dade area is shown in table 9. It is estimated that the value of crops increased by approximately 20% from 83-84 to 1986. 3 The value per acre computed in 1986 is used in the current analysis to represent a conservative estimate of the total

    2Econoinic tnfonnation Reports 245, 257, 273, El 91·2 .-id Circular 1064. Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, university of Florida, Gainesville.

    3Estimates provided by representatives of nursery sales outlets in Komestead.


    . 1

  • value of the crop in the ground that could be damaged with a given flood. The production costs associated with these sales have been estimated to be 89.7% for foliage nurseries, 89.5% for woody ornamentals and 81.8% for field nurserie:s. 4 It-is assumed there would be sufficient warning time to protect some of ttie foliage nursery and woody ornamental plants. Protection may be as simple as providing covered shelter on site and elevating the plants a foot or two above the ground. In some cases protection may not be possible. The evaluation assumes 30% of the foliage plants and 15% of the woody ornamental plants CUI be protected against the flood. Duration-percent damage for each classification was estimated using empirical information gathered from local growers during the 1986 flood. A composite damage relationship for horticulture is shown in table 10.

    Seasonal Flood Damage Potential to Field Crops - Fruit trees and horticulture crops grow and produce year around. Therefore, they are susceptlble to flooding throughout the year. Field crops have specific planting, growiag, and harvesting periods and are susceptible only on a seasonal basis. There are many methods of compensating for seasonal probabilities of flooding. In this evaluation annual series of flooding probabilities are adjusted to determine the percent chance of occurrence of a damaging flood in any given month. In addition, it is necessary to determine the flood damage susceptibility .of vegetable crops by month during the growing and harvest seasons. Since production costs are being used to determine the loss, it was necessary to estimate the cumulative value of production costs that would be lost if the flood occurred during any given month. Due to the amount of information and calculations required, no attempt is made to determine this relationship for all vegetable crop classifications in the basin. Tomato crops are the major crop of interest. Calculated tomato crop damage under varying storm conditions ranges from approximately 643 to 91% of total full production vegetable crop damageswith the larger percentages occurrfog for the more frequent storm events. Ther.efore, seasonal adjustments computed for tomatoes are used for all full production vegetable crop damage estimates.

    The method used to estimate the cumulative value of production costs that would be lost during any given month required the computation of dailypercentages of total production cost estimates that would be expended before harvest. A daily production scenario was developed using the following general assumptions:

    a. Field interviews indicate that approximately only 20% of tomato acreageis currently double cropped for tomatoes. Therefore, only single {;ropproduction costs are used in the analysis although it is likely that more double cropping could be expected in the future. Second crops other than tomatoes are usually either squash or cucumbers. In some cases, a c-over crop may be grown during the rest of the year. Damage susceptibility to these crops are slight and is not considered.

    b. Total tomato acreage in the basin is planted only once per year but picked three times per year. This means a given owner may plant only 1/3

    4Information computed frcm the Econamic Information Report El 92·1r, •Business Analysis of Ornamental

    Plant Nurseries in Florida, 1990", JFAS, University of Florida, May 1992.


  • of his acreage at a time. The analysis assumes there are three groups of planters; early season, mid-season, and late season planters. Each groupof planters plant 1/3 of their acreage at a time with an average 10 dayde.lay between plantings. There is a 60 day interval between early season, mid-season;· and late season planters. The .entire season for planting,growing and harvesting will extend from mid-august to mid-april.

    c. The actual growing period is. approximately 85-lZO days between 1 September and 31 December. There is a 60-70 day §towth period for tomatoes between planting and harvesting. This evaluation assumes a 70 day growth period-;

    d. The analysis assumes that 2 weeks of land preparation " ~.

    are requiredbefore the growing season. Land preparation includes cleanup, soil treatment, insecticides, fertilizers, discing and rock-plowing. At this time, some production costs are expended. Losses can occur due to delays in planting.

    e. The analysis assumes that land preparation costs are approximately 31% of total production costs. 1991-92 production costs for tomatoes are shown in table 11. The remaining costs are proportionately distributed on a daily basis to the growing period. The evaluation assumes all remaininggrowth of production costs are linear until the end of the growth period.

    f. The analysis assumes a 14 day harvest period.

    g. The analysis assumes after the growth period during harvesting,production costs decrease in a linear fashion until all production is harvested at the end of the harvest period.

    h. Computed costs for each group of growers for each function are summed on a daily basis. A simple monthly average of the daily data is then computed.

    Simplified .sample calculations of the entire process are shown in table 12. Monthly probabilities of flooding and cumulative percentages of total production costs expended for field crops are shown in table 13.

    Urban Damage Susceptibility - Urban land uses susceptible to flood damagein the basin include single family residential housing and mobiles homes. Damageto residential structures and personal property is a function of the peak stageof the flood. Damage to residential lawns, pavement, shrubs and streets is a function of the duration of the flood. Aformal appraisal of structure value was not undertaken in the study area since residential damage was not the major focus of the evaluation. However, informal discussions with realtors in the area and site inspections revealed that average values for residential structures and mobile homes of $60,000 and $20,000 are reasonable. Residential development in the basin consists of single family estate homes and planned developments with densities of development at less than 1 per acre and approximately 4 to 5 per acre respectively. Mobile homes are mainly concentrated in a few mobile home parks. A density of 2 homes per acre for all single family development and 5 homes per acre for mobile homes are used in this study. First floor elevations

  • are approximately 1 foot for single family residential and 3 feet for mobile homes. Personal property or content estimated at 40% of the value of the structure. Estimates of depth-damage for single family residential and mobile homes-structure and content damage were produced by the Federal EmergencyManagement Agency (FEMA} in 1992 for the nation. FEMA data for Florida is not used due to sample inadequacy and resulting inconsistencies in the form of the damage relationship.

    Homes in the area have reasonable amounts of landscaping. To computedamages to lawns,_ pavement, .shrubs and streets, the fo11 owing assumptions are made after review;of aerial photographs and a field inspectiop:


    1. Residential lawns - Quality of lawns range from fair to good.Structural size is approximately one-third of the total lot size basin wide for all residential except for single family estates and mobile homes. Therefore, for all single family land use, lawn size is assumed to be a function of structure size and lawn size is approximately twice as large as the structure. One-half of the lawn size in a single family residence is used for mobile homes damage calculations. These damagerelationships are used basin wide.

    2. Residential shrubs - The number, quality, and maturity of shrubbery on residential lots was estimated using field information and photographs.Then, it was assumed that the number of shrubs on a residential lot is directly proportional to lawn size and therefore to structure size. Little shrubbery is assochted with mobile homes, therefore, no shrub damage potential is evaluated for this land use cl ass ifi cation. The single family residential damage relationship for shrubs is used basin wide.

    3. Residential pavement - It is assumed that the amount of pavementrequired for a single family residence is fairly standard and not a function of lot and structure size. Quantities of pavement used for driveways, sidewalks and walkways were estimated from field observations. Since most mobile homes are higher density, 1/2 of the single family residence relationship is used for damage calculations. These damagerelationships are used basin wide.

    4. Residential streets - The linear footage of streets in a residential area is not a function of structure size. Street lengths in other low density residential areas have been measured on aerial photographs and found to approximately 140 linear feet per acre of development. The damage relationship derived from this information is adjusted byresidential land use densities to produce estimates of street damage by structure. These damage relationships are used basin wide.

    Inundation Reduction Analysis

    Existing Damage Potential, Without-Project. (No Frog Pond Land Purchases) For land use conditions expected in the year 2001, flood damages adjusted for


  • seasonal probabilities are expected to flood in excess of 31,700 acres and cause approximately $93.6 million in damage dur1ng a Standard Project Storm. A 2 year frequency storm is expected to ·flood in excess of 4, 500 acres and cause approxintately $2.3 million in damage. Floodprone areas without the project and for alternative conditions are shown in tables 14 and 155 and in figures E-1 and E-2. 6 Fruit tree crops incur only minimal damage susceptibility for floods at the 10 year level or less. For fruit trees, flood damages are expected to rangefrom $51.5 million during a Standard Project Storm to $1.5 million during a 10 year storm. For these floods limes, avocados, and mangoes are affected with avocados incurring over 90% of fruit crop damage. The high damage susceptibilityfor avocados reflect the long time to grow a mature replacement tree after a flood and the relatively low water tolerance period for avocado root systems, which allow tree loss after 24 hours of inundation. Conversely, mangos and lime tree groves incurred less damage due to higher water tolerances. Fruit cropdamage potential is shown in table 16.

    Nurseries show high damage susceptibility due to several factors. Like fruit trees, root zones can be 2 to 4 feet long which makes them highlyvulnerable to underground flooding. In addition, short term durations can cause total losses to foliage and woody ornamental plants since the public will not except any of these plants that are blemished or marred. Damage potential to nurseries are also shown in table 16.

    Urban damage potential includes damage to urban structures, contents and lawns, pavements, shrubs, and streets. All of the damage below a 25 year event is basically flooding to lawns, pavement, shrubs, and streets caused by ~he duration of the event. Given most single family residences have a one foot first floor elevation, water is not expected to enter residences except for the rarer flood frequencies at the 25 year interval or greater. Mobile home flood damageis minimal-since most first floor elevations are 3 feet or greater. Urban damagepotential is also shown in table 16.

    Vegetable crops have a high potential for damage if a large flood event occurs just prior to harvest. As discussed earlier, virtually all vegetable row

    5Acreage in tables 14 and 15 are cataloged as floodprone when flood elevations are above grcxn::! level.

    Affected field crop acreage may be less than shown depending upon the growing season of the crop and the seasonal occurrence of the flood.

    6 Notes concerning figures E·1 and E-2 are as follows:

    · Floodprone area delineation represents when damage susceptibility occurs in a cell and not necessarily when flooding above grouid exists and no damage susceptible land use is located.

    - Topographic infonnation is adjusted by bedding heights and root depths for fruit and vegetable crops. Damage susceptibility can occur at elevations from 2 to 7 inches undergrcxn::! . . • Representation of damage susceptibility indicates damage exists in a cell. It does not indicate that the entir.e cell is flooded nor does it represent the magnitude of flooding.

    · F!oodprone area delineation based upon vegetable crop damage susceptibility is dependent upon the seasonal occurrence of flooding.

    · Spatial allocation of flooding for alternative conditions is similar to without project although the magnitudes of damage susceptibility are less.



  • j§4

    crops are lost after 12 or more hours of flooding with the exception of potatoes with a 24-hour damage threshold. Tomatoes, which account for the highestproduction value of vegetable row crops in the study area, .consistently incurred the...largest dollar damages during any flood frequency. Snap beans and mixed vegetables, the leading vegetable crops in terms of acreage, ranked second in damage value during various flooding events. Seasonally unadjusted full production flood damages for vegetable crops are shown in table 17. However, an examination of table 13 indicates that if growers continue current growingpractices during the winter months, flood damage susceptibility can be substantially reduced.

    Seasonally adjusted damage estimates for vegetable crops are added to nursery, fruit crop and urban damage for each frequency flood. The result is total expected damage by frequency for the without project condition at the beginning of the project life (2001). These results are shown in table 18.

    After total damage estimates are tabulated for each frequency flood, probability of occurrence is defined for selected floods on the basis that the flood could be equaled or exceeded in a given year. Flood frequencies and damageestimates are then combined to produce a frequency-damage curve. The frequencydamage curve is integrated to produce average annual flood damages for the 2001 without project condition. Average annual damages are expected to be $5,366,800with no frog pond purchases, $5, 157,600 with the west 1/2 of the frog pondremoved from production and $4,698,600 with the entire frog pond removed from production.

    Future Damage Potential, Without-Project (No Frog Pond Land Purchases).As discussed previously, the evaluation of impacts on land use development in the year 2006 was also investigated. Differences in damage susceptibility are due to assµ~ptions concerning differing stages of maturity of new fruit trees planted after Hurricane Andrew. Fruit trees generally require 4-5 years before bearing fruit, and 8-12 years to achieve full production. Therefore if replanting is completed by 1996, after approximately 5 years at the beginning of the project life in 2001, fruit trees will be mature and ready to bear fruit. At this time, flood damage is assessed using the full value of the tree. However, no marketable fruit is produced at this point and no damage is claimed for fruit losses. At the end of 10 years in the year 2006, it is assumed all fruit trees will be fully mature and producing fruit at pre-Andrew capacity. At this time, flood damage is assessed using the full value of the fruit and tree. Flood damage susceptibility will remain the same from the years 2006-2051. Total expected damage by frequency for the without project condition for the period 2006-2051 are shown in table 19. Average annual damages for the 2006-20.51 without project condition are expected to be $5,560,500 with no frog pondpurchases, $5,271,800 with the west 1/2 of the frog pond removed from productionand $5,008,500 with the entire frog pond removed from production.

    The future annual increase in flood damages is amortized and discounted at 8%, 6% and 2 1/2% to calculate an average annual equivalent. The result of this analysis is average annual equivalent flood damages for the without project condition. Average annual equivalent damages without the project with no frog pond purchases are estimated to be $5,533,300 at 8"-', $5,538,600 at 6%, and $5,547,500 at 2 1/2%.



  • Plan Alternatives - Eight alternatives have been selected for study. Each of the alternatives ·basically provide similar hydrologic and hydraulic responses. Slight changes in flood damage effects are noted since some of the plans require di ffere..nt quantities of 1 and purchases in the Frog Pond area located in the south-west portion of the economic area. The effect of land purchases is to remove crop acreage from production and therefore reduce flood damage preventionbenefits. Plan 1 requires no land purchases in the Frog Pond Area. .Plan 2 is evaluated with the west 1/2 of the Frog Pond removed. Plans 4 3, 4, 5, 6, and 6A are evaluated with the entire Frog Pond removed. Plan IA is e"ssentially the same as Plan I with the exception that environmental features are reduced to a level of minimum acceptability. Evaluations indicated that the all alter~atives would improve flood drainage in the study area and substantially reduce floodingdurations, dollar· damages, and crop land flooded during the IO year and 2 year storm events.

    Existing Damage Potential. Plan I and Plan IA - The hydrologic results occurring from the Standard Project Flood, IOO-year, SO-year, 25-year,IO-year,and 2-year flood frequencies were used to estimate damages using alternative project conditions. The same procedures as discussed for without projectconditions were utilized to measure the damage susceptibility of the proposedproject.

    The proposed project virtually eliminates flooding and crop damage duringa 2-year storm, and generally provides slightly less than 10 year protection. Effects upon benefits are most significant for the 10 year and more frequentflood events. An evaluation of damage reduction benefits indicates a virtual absence of damage to fruit trees and nurseries, minor damage to vegetable crops, and only minor damage to urban lawns, pavement, shrubs, streets with a IO-year or more frequent flood event. For 25-year and more severe storms, the proposedproject would benefit fruit tree and ornamental nurseries substantially more than row crops: This primarily reflects a significant reduction in flooding on tracts utilized for avocado groves and nurseries where flood damages can be significant.Flood damage susceptibility for the Plan I and Plan IA condition in the year 2001 is shown in tables 20, 2I, and 22. Average annual damage with Plan I and Plan IA is expected to be $2,310,300.

    Future Damage Potential. Plan 1 and Plan lA - Flood damage potential for this condition is computed in the same manner as the future potential for without project conditions. Average annual damages are expected to be $2,36I,900. Flood damage susceptibility for the Plan 1 and Plan IA condition in the year 2006 is shown in table 23. The future annual increase in flood damages is amortized and discounted at 83, 6%, and 2 I/2% to calculate the average annual equivalent of these flood damages. The result of this analysis is average annual equivalentflood damages for the Plan I and Plan IA condition. Average annual equivalentdamages are estimated to be $2,354,600 at 83, $2,356,IOO at 6%, and $2,358,400 at 2 1/2%.

    Existing and Future Damage Potential, Plan 2 - Plan 2 is evaluated with the west 1/2 of the Frog Pond removed. Average annual damage for the 200I condition is estimated to be $ 2,242,000. Average annual damage for the 2006 condition is estimated to be $2,293,500. Average annual equivalent damages for Plan 2 is estimated to be $2,286,300 at 8%, $2,287,700 at 6%, and $2,290,000 at


    . 1

  • . 716

    2 1/2%. Flood damage susceptibility for the 2001 and 2006-2051 conditions are shown in table 24 and table 25.

    Existing and Future Damage Potential. Plans 3. 4, 5. 6. 6A - Plans 3, 4. 5, 6, and 6A are evaluated with the entire Frog Pond removed. Average annual damage for the 2001 condition is estimated to be $ 1,984,800. Average annual damage for the 2006 condition is estimated to be S 2,071,000. Average annual equivalent damages for Plans 3, 4, 5 and 6 are estimated to be $2,058,900 at 8%, $2,061,200 at 6%, and $2,065,200 at 2 1/2%. Average annual flood damages for the 2001 and 2006-2051 conditions are shown in table 26 and table 27.

    Benefit Evaluation. Average annual equivalent flood reduction benefits are measured as the difference between without and with project average annual equivalent flood damages. Since hydrologic response is expected to be approximately the same for all plans, the only difference among benefits is due to the reductio.n of benefits from reduced production in the basin with the purchase of frog pond 1and. Average annua1 flood damage sunmari es with and without project for the years 2001 and 2006 are shown in tables 28 and 29. Average annual equivalent flood reduction benefits for each plan calculated at an 8 % interest rate are shown in table 30.

    Maximization of Net Benefits - It is required in the "Economic and Environmental Principles and Guidelines for Water and Related Land Resources Implementation Studies", March, 1983, that various alternative plans are to be formulated in a systematic manner to ensure that all reasonable alternatives are evaluated. Another requirement is that a plan that reasonably maximizes net national economic development benefits should be formulated. The formulation of this alternative requires an analysis to determine what degree of flood control protection will maximize net flood control benefits. Net flood control benefit fun~~ions are analyzed by plotting average annual equivalent inundation reduction benefits less the average annual equivalent costs, for an array of plans. The resulting functions are measures of economic efficiency and the respectivemaximums identify the degree of protection at which net benefits are maximized.

    As discussed ~reviously, each of the alternatives provide similar hydrologic and llydraulic responses and significantly reduce damage potential from the 10 year flood event. Slight changes in flood damage effects are noted since some of the plans require different quantities of land purchases in the Frog Pond area located in the south-west portion of the economic study area. Since the annual value of the ~rocurement cost of these lands is larger than the reduced damage susceptibility achieved by removing their productive potential,incremental net benefits will decrease for those alternatives which purchase the Frog Pond.

    The design of this segment which is part of the original C&SF projectprovided for containment of 40% of SPF flow and 10 year agricultural protection. Since initial project construction in the 1960's, damage susceptibility has increased due to the increased value of crops and agricultural encroachment wMch . has taken place in the floodplain. Alternatives have been designed to approximately re-instate the original project protection. Designs larger than 10 year design would greatly escalate construction costs for channel excavation and pump costs for flood control due to the severely restricted outlet capacity


  • caused by the lack of sufficient head differentials at the structures. Additional flood damage reduction might be achieved, but at a very large cost. Smaller designs would not meet the intent of restoring protection originallydesigned_under the original authorization.

    All plans provide approximately the same net flood protection benefits. Therefore, the plan selection process becomes totally a function of envi.ronmental efficiency. The benefit-to-cost ratio for the flood control portion of all alternatives based upon benefits and costs of alternative IA is approximately1.05-to-l at an 8 percent interest rate. Project costs and benefits are shown for the eight alternatives at an 8 percent interest rate are shown in table 31. Net benefits for the eight alternatives at a 6 percent interest rate and a 2 1/2 percent interest rate are shown in tables 32 and 33.


  • C-111


    Appendix E

    Social and Economic Analysis



  • Table 1

    C-111 Study Area, 1986 Land Use

    Type of Use Acres % of Agricultural Land % of Total

    Row and Field Crops

    Fruit and Tree Crops


    23' 117










    Sub-Total 36,768 100.0% 86.1%

    Wetlands and Other Open Land

    Urban land

    4, 157




    Total Acres

    Total Damage1 Susceptible Acreage




    86.1% ,... ;·

    1t .: ..

    Productive acreages are reduced by 10X to allow for infrastructure. Infrastructure includes roads, right of ways for electrical lines, drainage ditches, etc. Productive acreages are again reduced by approximately 4% to account for the average percentage of agricultural land that lies fallow within a given productive operation.


  • Table 2 C-111 Study Area, 2001 Land Use

    Estimated Sub-total Land Use Acreage

    -Tomatoes 9' 921. 082 Potatoes 804.19 SquashSnap Beans Pole Beans

    2,306.02 3,390.86

    41.65 Cabbage Corn

    35.84 2,447.07

    Lettuce 246.02 Peppers Sweet Potatoes

    84.59 173.51


    410.84 491.16

    Okra 315.25 Yu ca 398.18 Mixed Vegetables Cucumbers

    3,639.433 74.25

    General Agriculture 532.50 25,312.44

    Limes Mangos Avocados

    1,565.91 582.74

    3,697.10 Maturing Limes Maturing Mangos Maturing Avocados

    1,842.09 194.25 943.05 8,825 .14

    Papaya Bananas

    309 .16 42.66

    Guava 185.65 Lychee 46.21 583.68

    Sunflower 57.55 Nursery Wetland and Other Open Land

    1,035.40 4,018.18 5,111.13

    Urban 2,199.964 2,199.96

    Total Acres Adjusted Acreage 5

    42,032.35 36,749.41

    2Excludes tomato acreage in the Frog Pond at or below 4.2Sft m&l. The evaluation assunes the without

    and with project conditions will be operated at authorized stages. This acreage is included Ln:ler wetland and other open acreage.

    3so% of the downed fruit tree acreage will not be replanted. This acreage wH l remain in mixed vegetables.

    4Urban land use acreage is primarily single family residential and mobile homes. Some airport and

    recreational acreage is included in this value.

    5Productive acreages are reduced by 10% to allow for infrastructure. Infrastructure includes roads,

    right of ways for electrical lines, drainage ditches, etc. Productive acreages are again reduced byapproximately 4% to account for the average percentage of agricultural land that lies fallow within a given productive operation.

  • 8§1

    Table 3 Agricultural Land Use Classifications, Root Depths

    and Bedding Heights

    Decreased Land Topographic Root BeddingUse Adjustment Depth Height

    Class (Feet) (Feet) (Feet)

    Tomatoes 1 0.17 0.67 0.50 Potatoes 2 0.17 0.67 0.50 Squash 3 0.17 0.67 0.50 Snap Beans 4 0.17 0.67 0.50 Cabbage 5 0.17 0.67 0.50 Corn 6 0.17 0.67 0.50 Lettuce 7 0.17 0.67 0.50 Peppers 8 0.17 0.67 0.50 Okra 9 0.17 0.67 0.50 Mixed Vegetables 10 0.17 0.67 0.50 Cucumbers 11 0.17 0.67 0.50 Sweet Potatoes 12 0.17 0.67 0.50 Malanga 13 0.17 0.67 0.50 Calabanza 14 0.17 0.67 0.50 Yuea 15 0.17 0.67 0.50 Pole Beans 16 0.17 0.67 0.50 Limes 17 0.08 1.50 1.42 Mangos 18 0.08 1.50 1.42 Avocados 19 0.08 1.50 1.42 Papaya 20 -0.42 1.00 1.42 Bananas 21 -0.17 1.25 1.42 Guava 22 -0.67 0.75 1.42 Lychee 23 -0.17 1.25 1.42 Nursery 24 0.286 2.00 1.42

    6the actual c~ted root zone depth of O.SB feet is reduced to 0.28 feet below ground to c~nsate for horticulture plants which are in containers with roots at gro\.rld level. The actual c~site root length was computed by weighting foliage nursery plants, woody ornamental plants and field nursery plant root zones by the percentages of productive acreage for each crop.

  • Crop

    Limes MangosAvocados Papaya Bananas Guava Lychee

    Table 4

    Root Zone Depths

    Citrus and Selected Fruit Crops

    Minimum Maximum Used in Study

    N/A N/A 18 inches N/A N/A 18 inc~s N/A N/A 18 inches N/A .., N/A 12 inches 12 inche"s 18 inches 15 inches , . 6 inches 12 inches 9 inches

    12 inches 18 inches 15 inches

  • Table 5

    Vegetable Crop Loss Per Acre 7


    ·Tomatoes Potatoes

    SquashSnap Beans Pole Beans


    Leaf CropsPeppers

    Sweet Potatoes Malanga

    Calabaza Okra Yue a

    Mixed VegetablesCucumbers


    Period To

    Plant Mortality

    12 Hrs. '•24 Hrs. .-12 Hrs. 12 Hrs. 12 Hrs. 12 Hrs. 12 Hrs. 12 Hrs. 12 Hrs. 24 Hrs. 12 Hrs. 12 Hrs. 12 Hrs. 12 Hrs. 12 Hrs. 12 Hrs.

    Loss Per 8Acre

    3,872 1,656 1,289 1,241

    ~ ; 1,550

    1,130 1,402 1,913 4,537

    900 1,300

    625 1,265

    900 1,311 1,940

    7Information provided by the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS), University of Florida,

    Gainesville and the Dade County Extension Service, Homestead, Florida.

    8 Includes pre·harvest operating costs and fixed costs (rent, depreciation, licenses, and insurance).

    Per acre loss includes all costs incurred by grower up to harvest period.

  • Limes Mangoes Avocados Papaya Carambola

    11Banana Guava Lychee

    Fruit Loss Per Acre

    $2,050 $3,200 $2,050 $2 ,_500 $2,950

    Table 6 Fruit Crop Loss Per Acre9

    Age Of Mature :Replacement Tree

    6 Years 7 Years 8 Years 1 Year 3 Years

    Fruit and Tree Loss Per Acre 10

    $11,050 13,700 14,050 4,000 7,450

    9 Information provided by the Dade County Extension Service and the University of Florida Tropical Research Station. Homestead, Florida.

    10 Tree loss includes operating and fixed costs during the tree maturity period.

    11 Bananas, guava, and lychee are highly water tolerant. No data is available on water·resistance periods and no known damages have occurred

    in previous flooding situations.

  • Table 7 12Tolerance Periods for Fruit Crops

    1. Limes -a. Fruit losses will begin after 2 days with 100% loss in 2 weeks.

    b. Tree losses will begin after 7 days with 100% loss in 2 weeks.

    2. Avocados a. Fruit losses will occur from the beginning of the flood and continue to 100% loss in 8 to 12 hours. Maximum loss will occur at 10 hours in this analysis.b. Tree losses will occur from the beginning of the flood with 100% loss in 24 hours.

    3. Mangos are somewhat flood tolerant but very disease susceptible. a. Fruit losses will occur from the beginning of the flood with 100% loss in 10 days.b. Tree losses will begin after 10 days with 100% loss in 6 weeks.

    4. Papaya is very damage susceptible. a. Fruit losses will occur from the beginning of the flood with 100% loss in 6 hours. b. Tree losses will occur from the beginning of the flood with 100% loss in 12 hours.

    5. Carambola a. Fruit losses will occur from the beginning of the flood with 100% loss in 18 hours. b. Tree losses will begin after 7 days with 1003 loss in 3 weeks.

    6. Lychee are somewhat water tolerant but not highly water tolerant. a. Fruit losses will occur from the beginning of the flood with 1003 loss in 10 days.b. Tree losses will begin after 10 days with 100% loss in 6 weeks.

    7. No information is available for Bananas. Bananas are highly water tolerant and no damage was recorded to bananas in the 1981 flood. Therefore, damagesusceptibility of bananas are not considered in the study.

    8. No information is available for Guava. Guava is highly water tolerant and no damage was recorded to guava in the 1981 flood. Therefore, damage susceptibilityof guava is not considered in the study.

    12 . . d l "dSource: Dade County Extension Service (IFASl, Komestea, F orl a.

  • 1§8

    Table 8

    Horticultural Plants Grown in the C-111 Basin

    Foliage Nurseries

    Agleonema speciesAralia species Brassia species Chamaedorea speciesCodieum variegatmChrysalidocarpus lutescens Dieffenbachia species Oracaena speciesFicus benjaminaFicus "Broad Leaf Species"Phoenix roebellinii Philodendron seloum Pl eome 1e re fl exa

    Woody Ornamental

    Asparagus springer11 Bougainvil~ea speciesBrassia species Carissa macrocarpaChamaedorea speciesChrysalidocarpus lutescens Chrysobalanus icaco Crinum asiaticum Euphorbia millii Eugenia uni flora Ficus benjaminaHibiscus species

    Field Nurseries

    Acacia species Bauhinia species Brassia actinophylla Bucida speciesCallistemon viminalis Callophyllum antillanum Cocoloba uvifera Conocarpus erectus Dalbergia sissoo ligustrumPalms Podocarpus speciesQuercus virginianaSwietenia mahoganiTabebuia species


    Ixora coccinea "species" Jasmine speciesLigustrum speciesLiriope species Nerium oleander Philodendron selloum Phoenix roebellinii Pilea macrocarpaPittosporum species Podocarpus speciesViburnum species

  • 00.. \01


    Table 9 Horticulture Loss Calculations

    M~ximum Total Productive Productive Value Production Production Value Crops Acreage Acreage per Acre Costs Losses

    1383-84 in 83-84 in 1986 in 1986 per acre per acre '-.-.

    Foliage Nurseries $66,000,000 ~

    2,000 2,400 $33,000 $29,601 $20,720 14

    Woody Ornamentals $18, 000, 000 667 800 $27,000 $24,165 $20,540 15

    Field Nurseries $42,000,000 2,000 3,000 $21,000 $17' 178 $17, 178

    13 . Producttoh costs per acre are estimated using percentages c~ted from tables 2 and 3 in the publleatlont 11Business Analysis of Ornamental

    Plant Nurseries tn Horfda, 199011 , Economic lhformatfQ11 R.eport El 92-1r. IFAS, .. Unlversity of Horlda, May 1992.

    14 . Reduc~ ~y 30X as descrfbe

  • Time (Days)


    1.0 11,092. 00 2.0 29,601. 00 3.0 29,601.oo· 4.0 29,601. 00 5.0 29,601.00 6.0 29,601. 00 7.0 29' 601. 00 8.0 29,601. 00 9.0 29,601.00

    10.0 29,601.00 11.0 29,601.00 12.0 29,601.00 13.0 29,601. 00 14.0 29,601. 00

    16 .

    Table 10

    Horticulture Damage Relationship

    Damage per Acre

    Adjusted16 Foliage Woody

    Nurseries Ornamental

    $7,764.40 14,937.16 $20,720.70 17,426.87 $20,720.70 21,749.00 $20,720.70 21,749.00 $20,720.70 21,749.00 $20,720.70 21,749.00 $20,720.70 21,749.00 $20,720.70 21,749.00 $20,720.70 21,749.00 $20,720.70 21,749.00 $20,720.70 21,749.00 $20,720.70 21,749.00 $20,720.70 21,749.00

    Adjusted17 Woody


    $12, 696. 59






    $18, 486.65



    $18, 486. 65



    $18,486 .65

    $20,720.70 21,749.0019 $18,486.65

    Assuned 30X of foliage nurseries are protected at the time of the flood.

    17Assunes 15X of Woody Ornamentals are protected et the time of the flood.

    18Average is weighted by the percentage of total productive acreage for each classification.



    Nurseries Average18

    63.63 4,674.63 423.05 10,136.95

    1,426.34 11,096.45 3,151.24 11, 931.08 4,935.38 12,794.38 6,303.51 13,456.38 7,354.94 13,965.13 8,253.49 14,399.91 9,133.96 14,825.95

    10,096.71 15, 291.80 11,223.31 15,836.92 12' 521. 89 16,465.27 13,948.44 17,155.54 15' 460. 0020 17,886.94

    Maximun duration·damege estimate is based upon 90X of production costs per acre shown in table 9.

    Maximun duration·damege estimate is based upon 90X of production costs per acre shown in table 9.



  • Operating Costs: Seed Fertilizer Spray and Oust labor Machinery Interest Miscellaneous

    Custom Equipment Custom Work

    Stake Depreciation and Maint. Plastic DisposalTie Plants


    Well Maintenance

    Farm Vehicl

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