Page 1: By Willow McGee. Dedicated to… Mom & Dad Rowan McGee Grace Wang Iliana Chung AND Mr.Mak, the ULTIMATE Star Wars Fan! I dedicate this book to these people


By Willow McGee

Page 2: By Willow McGee. Dedicated to… Mom & Dad Rowan McGee Grace Wang Iliana Chung AND Mr.Mak, the ULTIMATE Star Wars Fan! I dedicate this book to these people

Dedicated to…

Mom & Dad

Rowan McGee

Grace Wang

Iliana Chung


Mr.Mak, the ULTIMATE Star Wars Fan!

I dedicate this book to these people because they are awesome! And also because they are honest and thoughtful. I also dedicate this to another one of my buddies, Kaylan. (Kiy-LUN) And all of my other friends. You should know who you are.

Copyright 2010 Christmas Fun INC.

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Page 3: By Willow McGee. Dedicated to… Mom & Dad Rowan McGee Grace Wang Iliana Chung AND Mr.Mak, the ULTIMATE Star Wars Fan! I dedicate this book to these people

Table O’ Contents

Dedication Page ->My Family Traditions ->

Christmas Around The World 1: China->Christmas Around The World 2: Germany->

Poem 1->Poem 2->Poem 3->Poem 4->

Red Activity 1->Red Activity 2->

Green Activity 1->Green Activity 2->Green Activity 3->Purple Activity 1->Purple Activity 2->Purple Activity 3->Purple Activity 4->About The Author->

Page 4: By Willow McGee. Dedicated to… Mom & Dad Rowan McGee Grace Wang Iliana Chung AND Mr.Mak, the ULTIMATE Star Wars Fan! I dedicate this book to these people

Table of Contents

My Family Traditions Part 1

The first thing we do is bring out the simple décor. Then, on the last Sunday of November, we set up the tree. This year, we did it on the Saturday of the first week of December. We usually don’t go anywhere, except to somebody’s Christmas par-tay! Our tree is about 8 feet tall! That’s so we can put all of the ornaments on it. Since wee have a fire place with a fake mantle, we lay our stocking on the lower mantle, the area on the bottom, nice and flat…Until Santa comes! Like any family, we have our presents under the tree…And a little extra…My purebred Ragdoll cat, Gimli, absolutely loves the tree skirt and will sleep on it anywhere…He would probably sleep on the wing of a plane and have no problem. Hermes, my other cat, sleeps with him (when he isn’t very excited).We believe in the “spirit” of Santa. My Mom and Dad manifest his energy and put it to work! They bring presents, obviously wrapped. Oh I also forgot to tell you that we get those chocolate calendars. ^.^

Page 5: By Willow McGee. Dedicated to… Mom & Dad Rowan McGee Grace Wang Iliana Chung AND Mr.Mak, the ULTIMATE Star Wars Fan! I dedicate this book to these people

Table of Contents

My Family Traditions Part 2

I have always known Santa was a fairy tale…When I was little I believed in him! Of course! Right…? My family traditions are written in gold. I treasure them closely and fondly.Oh! And I forgot one thing. We usually eat a turkey for the feast. Oh and mashed potatoes and stuffing. Christmas for the family is a lot of fun!

Page 6: By Willow McGee. Dedicated to… Mom & Dad Rowan McGee Grace Wang Iliana Chung AND Mr.Mak, the ULTIMATE Star Wars Fan! I dedicate this book to these people

Table of Contents

Christmas Around the World 1: China

In China, on the other side of the world in Asia, Christmas is not a legal holiday. So their celebrations are sort of limited. Let’s start off with their beliefs. Their beliefs are really cool. The children put up muslin stockings and hope that Sun Dun Lao Ren (China’s form of Santa, actually translated old man Christmas), Will fill their stockings full of candy. One of the major parts of Christmas is worshipping of their ancestors. This plays a large part for Christmas in the Chinese community.   Also in China, they decorate differently. They use paper, creatively, to make these awesome paper lanterns and decorations. Their Christmas trees are also called “Trees of Light”, decorated with more paper. Paper chains, flowers and more lanterns (the lanterns seem to give the trees a name, huh?). I think most of the decorations used in china are handmade.

Page 7: By Willow McGee. Dedicated to… Mom & Dad Rowan McGee Grace Wang Iliana Chung AND Mr.Mak, the ULTIMATE Star Wars Fan! I dedicate this book to these people

Table of Contents

Christmas around the World 1: China (Cont.)

As all traditions are, China’s traditions are unique. They trade very beautiful gifts with each other. These gifts are the way to express love and care for each other. In China the celebration begins with decoration. Another major part for Christmas in China are the local celebratory festivals. One of the festivals includes the “Spring” Festival. Even though it sounds like it should belong in April or something, it is indeed the most important winter festival in China! Children get delicious food, a firecracker, clothing and gifts all in one session! Cool, huh? Also, according to Chinese Tradition, the people go to church.  Most of us have a religion, right? China has a few people with one. 10 million people are baptized Christians! Unfortunately, that is, believe it or not, 1% of the population. At Christmas time, the midnight masses have grown so big over the years; most of the churches can’t fit most of the people who come to it. In China, Christianity is unofficial!

Page 8: By Willow McGee. Dedicated to… Mom & Dad Rowan McGee Grace Wang Iliana Chung AND Mr.Mak, the ULTIMATE Star Wars Fan! I dedicate this book to these people

Table of Contents

Christmas around the World 2: Germany

Like China, Germany has their décor as well! The weird thing is, unlike Canada, the kids can not, I repeat, CANNOT, take part in the beautification of the tree. Why? That’s because Germans believe that if the kids see the tree, a terrible curse (OoooOooo) will be cast upon them. The parents eventually signal the “Ok” To come out by ringing a bell. Like Canada, Germany also has Advent Calendars. Except, these calendars, have pictures, BRIGHT, pictures instead of milk chocolate. Germany calls Christmas Eve, “Dickbauch” Which, translated means fat stomach. This is because, everyone in Germany stuffs themselves silly, so they won’t be haunted by “demons” during the night. Germans believe that, if you don’t eat very well on Christmas Eve, you WILL be haunted by demons during the night. (This is sort of creepy, if you ask me.) Many German families have Advent Wreaths, made out of branches lined with four candles. These candles are lit on the Sunday of every week and the last one is lit on Christmas Eve. No one, not even Germany knows, where Advent Wreaths originated or when they were created. Germany also has GIGANTUAN trees that always stand in public areas. These trees are well raised in the municipal wood! In the older days, people used to have just candles for the tree. Now, everyone wants a well decorated household. In large houses, shops and churches, they also have big advent wreaths with four candles.  

Page 9: By Willow McGee. Dedicated to… Mom & Dad Rowan McGee Grace Wang Iliana Chung AND Mr.Mak, the ULTIMATE Star Wars Fan! I dedicate this book to these people

Table of Contents

Christmas around the World 2: Germany (Cont.)

What’s cool is that, in Germany, their Christmas starts before December begins! The first holiday of December is St. Nicolas Day. St. Nicolas Eve starts on the 5th of December. The kid put their boots outside their door, hoping the next day, it will be filled with candy. Sort of like Santa. St. Nicolas gives you twigs if you are bad, just like Santa giving you coal. Germany have Advent Wreaths made out of holly. (Ow, right?) The holly ones usually have red candles. For the tree, like North America, Germans also put their presents under the tree. The Advent calendars that I was talking about earlier, are used by kids to count the days until Christmas. For Germany, instead of décor around stores like here in Canada, the signal for Christmas is the Advent coming out for sale. This starts usually on November 26. For the Germans, Christmas time equals music time! In at least every household, you can hear the bells and instruments grooving away. Christmas eve is also called the “Holy Eve”. Cool,huh?

Page 10: By Willow McGee. Dedicated to… Mom & Dad Rowan McGee Grace Wang Iliana Chung AND Mr.Mak, the ULTIMATE Star Wars Fan! I dedicate this book to these people

Table of Contents

Christmas around the World 2: Germany

Now lets move on to what’s served on your plate at Christmas time. Whilst decorating the tree, one of the parents put out a few plates and decorates it with holiday treats (nuts, fruit, chocolate, marizpam, and biscuits). This Christmas feast not only happens on Christmas Eve, but continues on Christmas day as well! The meal for Christmas day consists of a roasted goose, Christstollen, which is bread stuffed with nuts, fruit and other delicious food. People say that the feast was originated in Germany and took place because of the Frey. Frey’s symbol is a boar, this is because he was the god of livestock. So everyone would eat a boar at Christmas time, celebrating Frey. Unfortunately, they can’t really do this today because; 1. A boar is hard to catch. 2. A boar is dangerous. 3. They are hard to find. Yes, they did used to do this, but now, in more modern times; they have a roast, pork turkey, or a goose. Also, people used to sacrifice a boar to Frey, hoping for a thriving herd. So yeah…Germany is a very unique country, huh?

Page 11: By Willow McGee. Dedicated to… Mom & Dad Rowan McGee Grace Wang Iliana Chung AND Mr.Mak, the ULTIMATE Star Wars Fan! I dedicate this book to these people

Table of Contents

Christmas Cinquain


Light, Fluffy

Dancing, Falling, Flying

A very beautiful experience.


Page 12: By Willow McGee. Dedicated to… Mom & Dad Rowan McGee Grace Wang Iliana Chung AND Mr.Mak, the ULTIMATE Star Wars Fan! I dedicate this book to these people

Table of Contents

Word Poem: Christmas Tree

Chilliest time of the year.Holiday of the year.Rocking around the Christmas Tree.It’s snowing now!Snow is wonderful.Truly precious.Merry Christmas!All the time I am grateful.See you on Christmas Eve.

The tree looks nice.Reading a Christmas tale.Everyone makes peace.Early bird gets to see Santa!

Page 13: By Willow McGee. Dedicated to… Mom & Dad Rowan McGee Grace Wang Iliana Chung AND Mr.Mak, the ULTIMATE Star Wars Fan! I dedicate this book to these people

Table of Contents

Christmas Diamante


Joyful, Happy

Laughing, giving, stuffing

Presents, Treats, Eggs, Candy

Hopping, Finding, Hunting

Bouncy, Jolly

Easter Bunny

Page 14: By Willow McGee. Dedicated to… Mom & Dad Rowan McGee Grace Wang Iliana Chung AND Mr.Mak, the ULTIMATE Star Wars Fan! I dedicate this book to these people

Table of Contents

Christmas Haiku

White stuff from the sky,

Snowing, It’s snowing real hard,

I love winter lots.

Page 15: By Willow McGee. Dedicated to… Mom & Dad Rowan McGee Grace Wang Iliana Chung AND Mr.Mak, the ULTIMATE Star Wars Fan! I dedicate this book to these people

Table of Contents

Red Activity 1: Glass Windows; The Making Of

To make stained glass, you need a variety of colours and textures. You cut the different tiles into different shapes. This will allow you to put them together with a solvent that…Well…Sticks it together. The reason you cut into shapes is so you can make a pattern…or a picture, with the shapes you cut out. Most people, were talking early 19 century here, used this technique to make pictures to please God. There is another glass used, to make these pictures. This glass is also coloured, but usually opaque. This is called Tiffany Glass. I think these windows can create beautiful scenery and pictures. The reason these windows were created, was to please God. I think they have fulfilled their purpose.

Page 16: By Willow McGee. Dedicated to… Mom & Dad Rowan McGee Grace Wang Iliana Chung AND Mr.Mak, the ULTIMATE Star Wars Fan! I dedicate this book to these people

Table of Contents

Red Activity 2: The Best Christmas Ever! Ok, it was a snowy Christmas eve, and the blizzard

was at it’s peak. I can easily see snow in my window, considering how hard it was snowing! We were technically snowed in! I couldn’t go outside, no presents under the awesome tree we picked…This was turning out to be my worst Christmas ever! Then, suddenly I thought of an Idea… I wrote to Santa. Then as fast as light, Santa, was on my roof, coming down the chimney! I got my PJ’s on, then ran to the fireplace. There he was! That big fat man in a red suit, covered with snow and soot. And he was standing at my fireplace’s mantle, MY fireplace mantle. I finally said something.“Hi.” I was too shocked to say anything. Santa got up, and said, “Shouldn’t you be in bed, my dear?” I answered, “Yep.” Like I said, too shocked. Then Santa grabbed a bag. He said, “Open this up. This should make your day.” I opened it. It was a bunch of presents for the Christmas Tree! I put all 20 of ‘em under the tree. I said, “Thanks.” I turned around and hugged him. Well, he did make my Christmas right? Why not. Now this was the best Christmas ever.

Page 17: By Willow McGee. Dedicated to… Mom & Dad Rowan McGee Grace Wang Iliana Chung AND Mr.Mak, the ULTIMATE Star Wars Fan! I dedicate this book to these people

Table of Contents

Green Activity 1: My Seal

My seal represents the creativity, curiosity, and the innocence of children. This seal also represents the loyalty and kindness as well.

Page 18: By Willow McGee. Dedicated to… Mom & Dad Rowan McGee Grace Wang Iliana Chung AND Mr.Mak, the ULTIMATE Star Wars Fan! I dedicate this book to these people

Table of Contents

Green activity 2:My Windows

These are my Christmas windows. My shopping window scene is the picture on the right. My stained class picture is on the left. The goal I am aiming for on my shopping window, is the attractiveness and colours used. This inspires my consumers and gives them an idea of what colours could be on the tree. The goal I am aiming for on the left (my stained glass picture.) is the amazing peaceful look the angel gives, hoping that this will inspire people to make peace with themselves, and others.

Page 19: By Willow McGee. Dedicated to… Mom & Dad Rowan McGee Grace Wang Iliana Chung AND Mr.Mak, the ULTIMATE Star Wars Fan! I dedicate this book to these people

Table of Contents

Green Activity 3: Let it snow, let it snow…

I think one of the things that snow and Christmas have in common is the way people use snow for decorations on Christmas, these somehow have a link between Santa’s sleigh. My feelings in relation to this I think is bewilderment. It’s spectacular how people in Canada use snow. And snow kind of shows how fragile life is, and that you should use the time wisely.

Page 20: By Willow McGee. Dedicated to… Mom & Dad Rowan McGee Grace Wang Iliana Chung AND Mr.Mak, the ULTIMATE Star Wars Fan! I dedicate this book to these people

Table of Contents

Purple slide 1: Symbols!

The one symbol I choose is the present. A present shows that you care, love, or even adore the person (the receiver). A present belongs in Christmas because Christmas time is a happy time. And…Well… Presents make you happy, right? Presents give everyone a happy face. (No, not a permasmile.)This one really belongs in Christmas, so des the Christmas tree, the feast, and snow.

Page 21: By Willow McGee. Dedicated to… Mom & Dad Rowan McGee Grace Wang Iliana Chung AND Mr.Mak, the ULTIMATE Star Wars Fan! I dedicate this book to these people

Table of Contents

Purple slide 2: Toys

I am going to show some toys that I think could be appropriate for each age group:

Kindergarten (5-6):Puzzles, Stuffies, Action Figures, Lego, Video Games, Makeup,BarbiesPrimary (6-8):Dress-up stuff, action figures, Lego, Video Games, Make-up, Barbies Intermediate (9-10):Barbies, Barbie Accessories, Books, Lego, Action Figures, Video GamesMiddle School (11-13):Video Games, Cell Phones, iPod, Makeup, Books, Electronic DevicesHigh School ( 13-17):Video Games, Electronic Devices(In general.), Makeup, Books

Page 22: By Willow McGee. Dedicated to… Mom & Dad Rowan McGee Grace Wang Iliana Chung AND Mr.Mak, the ULTIMATE Star Wars Fan! I dedicate this book to these people

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Purple Activity 3: Christmas Colours Poem!

Red and Green are cool,

Bright Colours are the sweetest,

Making these fit in.

Red and green make me beam,

Making me burst at the seams,

Full of delight,

It is a night,

That Christmas Day

Makes me Sway,

Happily tonight.

Page 23: By Willow McGee. Dedicated to… Mom & Dad Rowan McGee Grace Wang Iliana Chung AND Mr.Mak, the ULTIMATE Star Wars Fan! I dedicate this book to these people

Table of Contents

Purple Activity 4: Commercial Aspect

This poster represents the REAL meaning of Christmas, and in its entirety. This is the exact opposite of the meaning the media gave Christmas.

Page 24: By Willow McGee. Dedicated to… Mom & Dad Rowan McGee Grace Wang Iliana Chung AND Mr.Mak, the ULTIMATE Star Wars Fan! I dedicate this book to these people

Table of Contents

About the Author!

Hello! I am obviously the author of this book. I am a funny, “weird” Person! I can also be a tad sarcastic. I like adventure books that deal with a lot of cheese. By cheese I mean action! I also like adventure books that deal with mythical creatures. (dragons, gryphons, unicorns, phoenixes etc.) I have a four, with four animals. One dog, three cats. I used to own a fish, but he disappeared mysteriously. O.o My cats are named Hermes, Gimli, and Mr. Juglans. Gimli after the dwarf in Lord of the Rings,and Juglans is Latin for Walnut. My dogs name is Dart. “Dart” is simplified name. His full name is Dartagnan. (Pronounced Dart-tan-yon. Or yon is replaced with yin. Your choice) My little sister is named Rowan. I live in Coquitlam, B.C. I have a 8ft Christmas tree. This tree is probably bigger that my room!

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