
By the early 1950’s, most scientists were convinced

That genes were made of DNA.

The problem is that no one knew what it looked like.

Then along came James Watson & Francis Crick.

A Winding Staircase

Watson and Crick determined that a DNA molecule is a double helix—two

strands twisted around each other, like a winding staircase.

Nucleotides are the subunits that make up DNA. Each nucleotide is made of three parts: a phosphate

group, a five-carbon sugar molecule, and a nitrogen-containing base

The five-carbon sugar in DNA nucleotides is called deoxyribose

Structure of a Nucleotide

DNA Double Helix

The nitrogen base in a nucleotide can be either a bulky, double-ring purine, or a smaller, single-ring pyrimidine.

Discovering DNA’s StructureChargaff’s Observations

In 1949, Erwin Chargaff observed that for each organism he studied, the

amount of adenine always equaled the amount of thymine (A=T)

Likewise, the amount of guanine always equaled the amount of

cytosine (G=C). However, the amount of adenine and thymine and of guanine and cytosine varied between different organisms

X-Ray Diffraction

Watson and Crick’s DNA Model

In 1953, Watson and Crick built a model of DNA with the configuration of a double helix, a “spiral staircase” of two strands of nucleotides twisting

around a central axis

The double-helix model of DNA takes into account Chargaff’s observations and the patterns on Franklin’s X-ray

diffraction photographs.

Pairing Between BasesAn adenine on one strand always pairs with a thymine on the opposite strand,

and a guanine on one strand always pairs with a cytosine on the opposite

strand These base-pairing rules are

supported by Chargaff’s observations

The strictness of base-pairing results in two strands that contain

complementary base pairs

In the diagram of DNA below, the helix makes it easier to

visualize the base-pairing that occurs between DNA strands

When the double helix was discovered, scientists were very excited about the complimentary

relationship between the sequences of nucleotides.

Watson and Crick proposed that one DNA strand serves as a template on

which the other strand is built.

Roles of Enzymes in DNA ReplicationThe complementary structure of DNA

is used as a basis to make exact copies of the DNA each time a cell

divided. The process of making a copy of DNA is

called DNA replication

DNA replication occurs during the synthesis (S) phase of the cell cycle,

before a cell divides

DNA replication occurs in three steps

Step 1- DNA helicases open the double helix by breaking the hydrogen

bonds that link the complementary nitrogen bases between the two

strands. The areas where the double helix separates are called replication


Step 2 - At the replication fork, enzymes known as DNA

polymerases move along each of the DNA strands. DNA polymerases add nucleotides to the exposed nitrogen bases, according to the base-pairing


Step 3 - Two DNA molecules that form are identical to the original DNA


Checking for Errors

In the course of DNA replication, errors sometimes occur and the wrong

nucleotide is added to the new strand.

An important feature of DNA replication is that DNA polymerases

have a “proofreading” role

This proofreading reduces errors in DNA replication to about one error per

1 billion nucleotides

In eukaryotic cells, each chromosome contains a single, long strand of DNA

Each human chromosome is replicated in about 100 sections that are 100,000 nucleotides long, each section with its

own starting point

With multiple replication forks working in concert, an entire human

chromosome can be replicated in about 8 hours

Replication Forks

Traits, such as eye color, are determinedBy proteins that are built according toThe instructions specified in the DNA.

Decoding the Information in DNA

Proteins, however, are not built directly from DNA. Ribonucleic acid is

also involved

Like DNA, ribonucleic acid (RNA) is a nucleic acid—a molecule made of

nucleotides linked together

RNA differs from DNA in three ways

1. RNA consists of a single strand of nucleotides instead of the two strands

found in DNA 2. RNA nucleotides contain the five-carbon sugar ribose rather than the sugar deoxyribose, which is found in

DNA nucleotides 3. In addition to the A, G, and C

nitrogen bases found in DNA, RNA nucleotides can have a nitrogen base

called uracil (U)

Comparing DNA and RNA

The instructions for making a protein are transferred from a gene to an RNA

molecule in a process called transcription

Cells then use two different types of RNA to read the instructions on the RNA molecule and put together the

amino acids that make up the protein in a process called translation

The entire process by which proteins are made based on the information encoded in

DNA is called gene expression, or protein


Gene Expression

Transfer of Information from DNA to RNA

The first step in the making of a protein, transcription, takes the

information found in a gene in the DNA and transfers it to a molecule of

RNA RNA polymerase, an enzyme that adds and links complementary RNA nucleotides during transcription, is


The three steps of transcription are

Step 1 RNA polymerase binds to the gene’s promoter

Step 2 The two DNA strands unwind and separate

Step 3 Complementary RNA nucleotides are added

Types of RNA

Genetic Code: Three-Nucleotide “Words”

Different types of RNA are made during transcription, depending on the

gene being expressed

When a cell needs a particular protein, it is messenger RNA that is made

Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a form of RNA that carries the instructions for making a protein from a gene and delivers it to the site of translation

The information is translated from the language of RNA—nucleotides—to the

language of proteins—amino acids

The RNA instructions are written as a series of three-nucleotide sequences

on the mRNA called codons

The genetic code of mRNA is the amino acids and “start” and “stop”

signals that are coded for by each of the possible 64 mRNA codons

RNA’s Roles in Translation

Translation takes place in the cytoplasm. Here transfer RNA

molecules and ribosomes help in the synthesis of proteins

Transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules are single strands of RNA that temporarily carry a specific amino acid on one end

An anticodon is a three-nucleotide sequence on a tRNA that is

complementary to an mRNA codon.

Ribosomes are composed of both proteins and ribosomal RNA (rRNA)

Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) molecules are RNA molecules that are part of the

structure of ribosomes

Each ribosome temporarily holds one mRNA and two tRNA molecules

The seven steps of translation are:

Step 1 The ribosomal subunits, the mRNA, and the tRNA carrying

methionine bind together

Step 2 The tRNA carrying the amino acid specified by the codon in the A

site arrives

Step 3 A peptide bond forms between adjacent amino acids

Step 4 The tRNA in the P site detaches and leaves its amino acid


Step 5 The tRNA in the A site moves to the P site. The tRNA carrying the

amino acid specified by the codon in the A site arrives

Step 6 A peptide bond is formed. The tRNA in the P site detaches and leaves

its amino acid behind

Step 7 The process is repeated until a stop codon is reached. The ribosome complex falls apart. The newly made

protein is released

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