Page 1: By Paul Red Wilson · 2011-07-13 · True Bible Prosperity 1 TRUE BIBLE PROSPERITY By Paul Red Wilson Please Read the Foundation Scriptures: • 3 John 2 • Prov. 3:13-18 • Col

True Bible Prosperity 1


Please Read the Foundation Scriptures:

• 3 John 2

• Prov. 3:13-18

• Col. 2:2-3

• 1 Cor. 1:30


� PROSPER'ITY, n. [L. prosperitas.] Advance or gain in anything good or desirable; successful progress in any business or enterprise; success; attainment of the object desired; as the prosperity of arts; agricultural or commercial prosperity; national prosperity. Our disposition to abuse the blessings of providence renders prosperity dangerous. 1

A. The Gate To Prosperity

• Read 3 John 2-4

1. John prays that the temporal prosperity and physical health of Gaius will be commensurate with his spiritual status, which his generosity and conduct reveal to be in a healthy and prosperous condition. Wishing the reader good health at the beginning of a letter was a common practice in ancient times, but John’s prayer was sincere, not a matter of social convention. As such, it gives a warrant for praying for the physical, the material, and the spiritual well-being of others; and it provides a model of intercession. 2

2. In verse 2, the Amplified reads like this: “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way and [that your body] may keep well, even as [I know] your soul keeps well and prospers.”

a) When it reads “that you may prosper in every way”; what do you think it refers to? ___________________________________________________



1 Webster’s 1828 Dictionary 2 Spirit Filled Life Study Bible. electronic ed. Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 1997, c1991

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b) I personally see prospering as going from a negative or deficit to a gain against that deficit. Such as from death to life. Give me some other examples you can think of. ___________________________________________________




• Read Eph. 5:25-27, Rom. 12:2; Prov. 3:13-18

c) How is it possible for your soul {mind, will and emotions} to prosper? ___________________________________________________




• Read 1 Cor. 1:30 in the Amplified

d) In this verse Jesus is described as four different unique blessings – Wisdom, Righteousness, Consecration and Redemption. How do these qualities relate to us from the perspective of Prospering? ___________________________________________________




• Read Col 2:1-3 in the Amplified Bible

e) Where is the prosperity found in these verses? What is the prosperity mentioned? ___________________________________________________



f) What do you think “true bible prosperity” is? ___________________________________________________



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g) Does God want to prosper us? Why or why not and give scripture references for your answer. ___________________________________________________




h) Why would God want us to prosper? Give scriptural references for your answer. ___________________________________________________



B. God Blesses Abraham

• Read Gen 12:1-3; 22:15-18

1. God’s Covenant Promise

a) In Verse 1, what was Abram commanded to do. ___________________________________________________



b) If Abram didn’t do this and was disobedient, would God have blessed him? ___________________________________________________

c) In verses 2-3, what did God promise Abram? ___________________________________________________




d) Seeing that Abram had none of the things God was promising him, would you say that God was trying to prosper Abram? YES _____ NO _____

2. I believe that blessing doesn’t come without obedience to God and His commands. Look at Gen. 22:15-18.

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a) Abram was told to go to a mountain and sacrifice his son Isaac unto the Lord. When he was obedient, what did God say to Abram? ___________________________________________________




C. God Promises to bless the Nation of Israel.

Deut 8

8:1 ALL THE commandments which I command you this day you shall be watchful to do, that you may live and multiply and go in and possess the land which the Lord swore to give to your fathers. {This is

typical of a partnership or covenant operation between two people. Success is based on

mutual cooperation and action by both parties – not just on the one. God will provide the way, then we must follow His instructions – then we inherit the promises.}

2 And you shall [earnestly] remember all the way which the Lord your God led you these forty years in the wilderness, to humble you and to prove you, to know what was in your [mind and] heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not. {We must understand that God

already knows the mind and hearts of His people. What He did here was to show His

people what was in their hearts. This removes any deception on their part and keeps

everyone honest in this relationship. Accountability through obedience is the first step receiving the promises.}

3 And He humbled you and allowed you to hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know nor did your fathers know, that He might make you recognize and personally know that man does not live by bread only, but man lives by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord. {The key here is that God brought the children of Israel

to a place where they would have to depend on the supernatural provision provided by

God and not the arm of the flesh. The reason is two-fold; first – they had to learn that

God wanted to care for them and be the focus of their affection. He could only do this

by breaking their dependence on the arm of the flesh which they had learned during their time in slavery. Second – they had to learn to operate through the spiritual laws

which God had established to overcome the law of sin and death in their lives. This

curse of the law is found in Deut.28:15-68. If they would walk in obedience to God, He would guide into the blessing which He wanted to give them, and help them avoid the

snare of the curse which Satan wanted them to fall into and perish by.}

4 Your clothing did not become old upon you nor did your feet swell these forty years. {This is the obvious fruit of following closely with God. Look at

what the bible says about their departure from Egypt in Ps 105:37-42:

37 He also brought them out with silver and gold,

And there was none feeble among His tribes.

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38 Egypt was glad when they departed,

For the fear of them had fallen upon them. 39 He spread a cloud for a covering,

And fire to give light in the night.

40 The people asked, and He brought quail,

And satisfied them with the bread of heaven. 41 He opened the rock, and water gushed out;

It ran in the dry places like a river.

42 For He remembered His holy promise, And Abraham His servant. NKJV}

5 Know also in your [minds and] hearts that, as a man disciplines and instructs his son, so the Lord your God disciplines and instructs you. {God is likened to them as their Father here in this verse. The word discipline is the

word 3256 - rsy*rsy*rsy*rsy* yacar (yaw-sar'); from Strongs # OT:3256 OT: a primitive root; to

chastise, literally (with blows) or figuratively (with words); hence, to instruct: in the

KJV - bind, chasten, chastise, correct, instruct, punish, reform, reprove, sore, teach.3 }

6 So you shall keep the commandments of the Lord your God, to walk in His ways and [reverently] fear Him. [Prov 8:13.]

7 For the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and springs, flowing forth in valleys and hills;

8 A land of wheat and barley, and vines and fig trees and pomegranates, a land of olive trees and honey;

9 A land in which you shall eat food without shortage and lack nothing in it; a land whose stones are iron and out of whose hills you can dig copper.

10 When you have eaten and are full, then you shall bless the Lord your God for all the good land which He has given you. {God shows His desire

to prosper His people abundantly without hesitation or holding back. He only requests

that we give Him thanks and acknowledge Him as the source and provider of all our

blessing. In today’s church and society, we have forgotten this most important

principle and request.}

11 Beware that you do not forget the Lord your God by not keeping His commandments, His precepts, and His statutes which I command you today,

12 Lest when you have eaten and are full, and have built goodly houses and live in them,

13 And when your herds and flocks multiply and your silver and gold is multiplied and all you have is multiplied,

3 (Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright ©

1994, 2003 Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.)

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14 Then your [minds and] hearts be lifted up and you forget the Lord your God, Who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage,

15 Who led you through the great and terrible wilderness, with its fiery serpents and scorpions and thirsty ground where there was no water, but Who brought you forth water out of the flinty rock,

16 Who fed you in the wilderness with manna, which your fathers did not know, that He might humble you and test you, to do you good in the end.

17 And beware lest you say in your [mind and] heart, My power and the might of my hand have gotten me this wealth. {Here is the problem we face

today. Many say God gave it to them when they tried in their own hand to get their

wealth or success or have gone into debt foolishly thinking God would bail them out. Our gifts, intellect or talents will not bring any provision in a time when God is trying

to break our dependence on the arm of the flesh. We must learn to totally fall back

unto the Lord with full reliance and assurance of His ability and desire to be our source and provider.}

18 But you shall [earnestly] remember the Lord your God, for it is He

Who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His

covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day. 19 And if you forget the Lord your God and walk after other gods and

serve them and worship them, I testify against you this day that you shall surely perish.

20 Like the nations which the Lord makes to perish before you, so shall you perish, because you would not obey the voice of the Lord your God. AMP

a) How did God bless the children of Israel? What did He give them? ______________________________________________________




b) What would happen if Israel got puffed up and said they had gained it all by their own hands? ______________________________________________________



• Read Deut 30:19-20

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a) In verse 19, what did the Lord set before Israel and us? Describe what He is saying. ___________________________________________________



b) In verse 20, why did He make this proposal? ___________________________________________________



• Read Jer. 29:11-13 in the Amplified Version

c) In verse 11, what is the heart of God toward His people? ___________________________________________________



d) What will happen when we are obedient and choose the Lord and remain faithful to Him? ___________________________________________________




���� In the establishing of any operable law, you need to establish:

• The motive or purpose of the law

• The intent & outcome of the law

• The heart of the law


Motive or Purpose – Because of man’s disobedience and sin, man was cursed with a curse. Sin and death ruled and reigned over man who was now separated from God in fellowship and relationship. He needed a plan to redeem His creation back to Himself again.

Intent or Outcome – God wanted to release man from his bondage to sin and death and bring man back into fellowship and relationship with Him. God wanted to rule over man with wisdom, righteousness

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and divine life. His desire was to see Satan and his work destroyed and man to be restored into the relationship He once had with Adam before he had sinned – only better.

The Heart – God loved mankind so much, He gave the most precious part of Himself to gain mankind back – His only Child, Jesus. It wasn’t just a sacrifice, but the greatest love offering ever made on His behalf for our benefit.

A. What Is Prosperity?

1. The world’s definition of prosperity is financial power, political favor and power, social favor and power, and military might! The world also calls “stocks” and “bonds” - “securities”. In the bible, securities held the form of idols and idol worship because the people put their trust in them. Our currency states; “In God we trust.” It is proclaiming that trust should be in God and not the world’s idea of success.

���� PROS'PER, v.i. To be successful; to succeed.

To grow or increase; to thrive; to make gain; as, to prosper in

business. Our agriculture, commerce and manufactures now


“Prosper” {NT:5190 tsaleach tsaleach OT:6743}, "to succeed,

prosper." This word is found in both ancient and modern Hebrew. Occurring some 65 times in the text of the Hebrew Old Testament, the word is first found in Gen 24:21: "...whether the Lord had made his journey prosperous [literally, "to prosper"] or not." This word generally expresses the idea of a successful venture, as contrasted with failure. The source of such success is God: " long as he sought the Lord, God made him to prosper" (2 Chron 26:5). In spite of that, the circumstances of life often raise the question, "Wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper?" (Jer. 12:1).

Tsaleach is sometimes used in such a way as to indicate "victory": "In your majesty ride forth victoriously" (Ps 45:4, RSV); the KJV rendering, "ride prosperously," is not nearly so appropriate.4 PROS'PER, v.t. [L.prospero, from prosperus, from the Gr. to carry to or

4 (from Vine's Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, Copyright © 1985, Thomas Nelson Publishers.)

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toward; to bear.] It means to favor; to render successful. All things concur to prosper our design.

2. True bible prosperity is the fullness of God in the believer and His ability to operate unhindered on the believer’s behalf and on behalf of those the believer is sent to serve. True bible prosperity is the ability to use God’s authority and ability to meet the needs of mankind – regardless of what those needs may be!

• Read Psalms 15; 112

a) After reading these scriptures, explain the qualifications expected of the believer for the blessing to manifest. ____________________________________________________




b) What are the blessings promised to us? ____________________________________________________





B. Prosperity is for the whole man; spirit; soul and body!

1. Prosperity of the five senses is a by-product of true bible


• Matt 6:24-34

a) Explain verse 24.




• Read verses 25-31

b) Describe the lesson Jesus is trying to teach. ___________________________________________________


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• Read verse 32

c) What do the Gentiles do? Use the words that describe their actions. ___________________________________________________


• Read verses 33-34

d) Describe what Jesus is teaching us to do in verse 33. ___________________________________________________




� Let’s review:

� vs. 24 – No one can serve two masters! Mammon in this case is rendered as “deceitful riches, money, possessions, or whatever is trusted in other than the Lord.”

� vs. 25 – Worrying won’t help! It displays a distrust in God and His ability as “the all sufficient One or Provider”, to help us even when we are more important to Him than the rest of His creation!

� It opens the door for Satan to attempt to devour us. Satan is a spiritual predator – therefore worrying and cares not cast upon the Lord in simple trust in Him may result in unnecessary attacks, tests and temptations against your faith and confidence in Christ. Natural, material, financial possessions can’t deliver you – only God can!

• 1 Peter 5:6-10 (Read it in an Amplified Bible as well)

� Vs. 32 – When we crave and diligently seek possessions

instead of God – who or what owns us? Look at the

following verses.

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� Ps 24:1 declares, "The earth is the Lord's, and all it contains."

� Deut 8:18 says it is God who gives us power to make wealth, not we ourselves.

� In 1 Cor. 4:7, Paul asks, "And what do you have that you did not receive?"

� When we recognize that God owns everything and all blessings come from Him (including our ability to work), our role as managers, or stewards, becomes evident. We also see the multitude of blessings we have to be thankful for.

• Read Isaiah 48:17 in the Amplified Bible

e) What does this scripture say about what God does for us? ___________________________________________________



In response, we should view ourselves as God's servants, ready always to do His will. That is why we call Him Lord, meaning "ruler," "owner," "sovereign," "king." Not only does He lead us, but more importantly He teaches us!

f) Ask yourself –“Who's in Charge?” Why?




When we view ourselves as owners and not managers or stewards, we'll look at every other aspect of our lives the same way. Each of us will see himself or herself as the person in charge, but that can change quickly in the face of circumstances beyond our control. As an example, there have been many Christians who had learned they had a terminal illness. Their perspective about the future and material things changed the instant they took on a short-range view of this world.

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There are times when we may suffer an unexpected loss due to fire or theft, or some other traumatic circumstance such as a hurricane or disaster. Just like the man who built new barns to house his grain. (Luke 12:16-21)

Too often we find ourselves distracted by buildings, cars, investments, and retirement plans for 30 years in the future. The very second we cease to breathe; all those concerns are going to be irrelevant. We must realize that there are two reasons for God prospering us financially.

• Read Deut 8:18, also in the Amplified Bible

g) Explain what this scripture says about what has given us and why He has given it to us. ___________________________________________________



• Eph 4:28

h) What are we told to do? ___________________________________________________


2. We are not owners, but servants, stewards or managers!

• Read Matt. 6:33

a) vs. 33 – We must seek first the dominion of God’s Lordship and rule in our lives, and His standard of righteousness which only He can provide when we are obedient to Him, His Spirit and His Word; and all the needs we have shall be met in Christ!

Rather than being preoccupied with material things, our ambition should be to seek first God’s kingdom and His

righteousness, knowing that as we do so, He has pledged Himself with covenant faithfulness to respond—all these things shall be

added to you. 5

5 Spirit Filled Life Study Bible. electronic ed. Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 1997, c1991

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C. Examples of Miraculous Provision

1. Here are some examples of those who sought the Kingdom of God first in their lives and were able to see God move profoundly in their midst even in severe drought both naturally and spiritually.

a) Moses with the children in the wilderness saw God’s provision in the manna that was sent and with the fowls. He also saw water come out of the rock which followed them through the wilderness. But even with these things, God still warned Moses about what would happen if he forgot who blessed him and the children of Israel.

• Read Deut 8:11-20

b) Do you think God has changed His mind on this view today? If not, why? Back it up with a scriptural reference. ___________________________________________________



c) God worked through the prophets to miraculously help others in need.

• 1 Kings 17:8-16

� Vs. 8-10; Notice how God directs the prophet to go to a specific place and person whom God has prepared ahead of time to provide provision for the Prophet. God had already revealed Himself to the woman and gave her a command which, when she is obedient to follow – it will bless her household. It is also important to understand that she was a gentile – not Jewish. Jesus will later use this example in one of His corrections toward the religious people of His day. Can God use whoever He likes to meet a need in your life?

Give a scriptural reference for your answer.





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� Vs. 11-13; Elijah knows what God wants to do but tests the woman to see if she will be obedient to God and Elijah. He already knows through communion with God that she is not well off and only has a little so he asks her for what she has seeing if she is not afraid to give her all so God can bless her. Would God ever test someone like this to see where

their heart is or maybe to reveal it to the person who has

little? Give a scriptural reference for your answer.





� In verse 14-16, Elijah prophecies the answer to the problem she is facing so as she is obedient to do as she is instructed, she will receive the promise. Was the prophecy conditional? What did the woman do and what was the outcome? ________________________________________________




• 2 Kings 4:1-7

� Who was the woman mentioned in verse 1? What was her problem and what was Elisha’s response in verse 2? ________________________________________________




In the days immediately following the departure of Elijah, God empowered Elisha to perform a number of miracles. One of them was the increase of oil for a poor widow (2 Kin. 4:1–7).

This incident confirmed Elisha as a true prophet of God and the successor to Elijah. In fact, the increase of oil recalled the miracle that Elijah performed for the widow of Zarephath (1 Kin. 17:8–16).

But in addition to what the miracle revealed about Elisha, it illustrated an important aspect of God’s character: His concern for the poor and disadvantaged. Both Elijah and Elisha dealt with kings,

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commanders, and other powerful leaders. But they also helped the powerless.

In this case, the widow was about to lose her sons to pay for a debt left by her late husband. That meant that she would be left with no means of support. God provided for her needs through the intervention of Elisha (compare Ps. 68:5). In the New Testament, James reminds us that true religion involves action, such as caring for “widows in their trouble” (James 1:27). Thus Elisha was a true prophet practicing true religion. 6

� In verses 3-5; the woman has to do something to receive the blessing. There has to be an action with faith. Elisha is specific about what she needs to receive what she needs. Can you share another example from scripture that is similar to this account of faith with specific instructions and obedience to them? ________________________________________________




� What occurred in verses 6-7? ________________________________________________




� The oil ceased when there weren’t any more vessels to pour into. Maybe that is why most of the body of Christ is in spiritual and natural poverty. Many have ceased to be obedient thereby ceasing to be open vessels which can be filled which would explain the lack of power and miracles in many believers lives. (John 4:10; 7:38)

2. Here are some New Testament examples of those who moved in the realm of Kingdom provision.

6 Word in Life Study Bible . electronic ed. Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 1997, c1996, S. 2 Ki 4:1

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a) Jesus feeds 5000 then 4000 more with some loaves of bread and fishes. This only refers to men and not women and children. (Matthew 14:13-21; 15:32-38)

b) Jesus causes the disciples to catch a great amount of fish after they were unsuccessful.

• Read Luke 5:1-11

� In verses 1-3, what was the problem Jesus dealing with? ________________________________________________




� Jesus entered into the livelihood of a man who didn’t know him at the time. This man had to trust Jesus with the most important source of his life. Jesus wanted to use Peter’s source of livelihood as a platform for the gospel of His Kingdom ministry.

� In verses 4-5, what were the instructions Jesus gave to Simon? Be specific. What did Simon do that was contrary to the instructions Jesus gave?





� Because Peter had sowed into God’s Kingdom by allowing Jesus to use His boat, Jesus now wanted to bless Peter for his obedience. The miracle was that Christ commanded Peter to let down his nets in the deep to take a catch of fish. This was against the common practice of fishing at night, and near the shore. In the KJV and NKJV, Peter says; “Nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net.” Peter didn’t understand what God fully intended to do as he really didn’t know God that well. However, Peter obeyed but let down a net. The result

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was a magnificent catch that pointed to Christ’s deity and exposed Peter’s sinfulness in contrast.7

� In verses 6-7, what was the outcome? Who all benefited from this miracle? ________________________________________________




� This is the reward to being obedient to God and using your livelihood as a platform for the Gospel of the Kingdom. What we see next is the result in the lives of those whom the Lord touches through obedience.

� In verses 8-11, what was the fruit of this miracle? Would you consider this a form of prosperity and why? ________________________________________________




• Read John 21:1-14

� In verse 1, Jesus is going to show His disciples that He is still their leader and all sufficient provider. In verses 2-3, what occurred? What were they supposed to be doing? ________________________________________________




� They should have been praying and preparing to go forth into all the world as Jesus had told them prior to this. Instead they got bored and decided to do something else according to the leading of their flesh.

7 KJV Bible Commentary. Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 1997, c1994, S. 2021

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� In verses 4-5, what were the disciples doing and what was the outcome of their labors? What did Jesus call them and why did He use that term? ________________________________________________




� He showed himself to them by an instance of his pity, v. 5. He called to them, Children, paidia—"Lads, have you

any meat? Have you caught any fish?’’ Here, the compellation is very familiar; he speaks unto them as unto his sons, with the care and tenderness of a father: Children. Though he had now entered upon his exalted state, he spoke to his disciples with as much kindness and affection as ever. They were not children in age, but they were his children, the children which God had given him. 8

� In verse 6-8, what was the instruction and the fruit of obedience to it? ________________________________________________



� When they were obedient to do as Jesus directed, they flourished and prospered. If He is going to send us, then He will help us and meet our needs.

� Where did Jesus get the fish? He was already prepared for them and had a meal waiting when they showed up.

� In verse 13, notice what Jesus does? Remember when the disciples fed the 5000, and the 4000? Could this have been a reaping of what they had sown with Jesus earlier in His ministry? Why or why not? ________________________________________________



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� When you give to the poor you lend unto the Lord and He will repay. (Proverbs 19:17)

3. In the life of the believer, true bible prosperity comes the moment you are born again and become filled, anointed and empowered by the Holy Spirit. John 1:1-13 AMP

• Read John 1:1-13

a) Explain verse 4. In Him was Life, and the Life was the Light {revelation, illumination and the understanding} of men. ________________________________________________



b) In verses 4, 5 – God’s divine life brings divine revelation of Who He is and His ability toward us as His chosen people and children. Those who dwell in darkness could not comprehend this revelation and the darkness itself tried to overthrow the light of the revelation of God but could not! Satan wanting to keep man in darkness tried to extinguish the light by having Herod kill all the baby boys two years of age and younger, but failed. Why? Because God’s revelation kept his servants a step ahead of every snare. Would this revelation from God be a type of prosperity and why? ________________________________________________




c) In verses 10-11, Because of sin, man was alienated from God. He in no way could know, comprehend or understand God. Man couldn’t recognize God or intimately know Him and by that time – even creation itself was falling into gross darkness. What is the definition of darkness?

8Henry, Matthew: Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible : Complete and Unabridged in One Volume.

Peabody : Hendrickson, 1996, c1991, S. Jn 21:1

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d) In verses 12-13, Now that we are born again, God’s Spirit has joined Himself with our regenerated human spirit to teach us and to reveal to us Who God is. How does God reveal Himself to us? (Read 1 Cor. 2:1-16 in the Amp version) ________________________________________________




e) The problem is that the Holy Spirit is constantly trying to give to us wisdom, understanding and direction, but we are constantly struggling to learn from Him.

� We might not read, pray or study the Word, as God wants us to.

� We may have failed to be obedient when God needed us to be.

� We may be locked into doing things our way or as we’ve always done them before.

� We may have failed to focus on building a relationship with the Holy Spirit thereby failing to recognize Him as He leads and guides us.

� The bottom line is - these are all acts of sowing into the things of the Spirit and into the Kingdom of God! If we don’t sow, we don’t reap!

� Ask yourself this question; “What don’t we reap?” ___________________________________________________



f) We won’t reap;

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� Wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption. These must positively be received by us to be appreciated and enjoyed. 1 Cor. 1:30-31

� Direction and guidance which without, we can’t be in the perfect will of God. “The safest place to be is in the will of God!”

� Most important of all, we won’t reap the ability to trust God in all that He says He can and will do for us. This lack of trust is a demonic, fleshly or carnal snare devised to keep a wedge of separation between us and a loving Heavenly Father Who gave everything – His best for us! (Prov. 3:4-5)

� All God wants is that we give Him what’s right, not what’s left. By doing so, we can build a trust in Him that allows Him to pour out the necessary blessings we need to help those around us. Remember – once the blessings flow, He has to trust us to be diligent, faithful stewards to use them for His glory and not ours.

C. Let me give you an example of what I mean:

1. Percentage of Americans earning less than $30,000 per year who believe that "the meek shall inherit the earth": 61%. Percentage of Americans earning more than $60,000 who believe this: 36%.

-Harper's (3/96)

a) This shows us that the more you make, the more comfortable you, the less you need God because you are doing it all and God may in time be forgotten because of your success.

2. Religion in America - More than 65 million adult Americans attend a Christian church service in a typical week. There are fewer than 8 million Jews in this country. Mormons have plateaued at about 5 million people. Muslims account for less than 2 million, while agnostics and atheists number almost 25 million adults. -The Barna Report (Vol. 1, No. 2)

a) These numbers are changing weekly and the fastest growing religion is Islam in many countries and possibly soon here in America.

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b) Among the factors that have changed, the most closely watched is church attendance. Currently 43% of adults attend a church or religious service during a typical week. That figure has not budged by more than three percentage points, either up or down, since 1992 - with the exception being the low mark of 37% measured in 1996.

c) Bible reading has undergone a similar pattern. The 42% of adults who read the Bible during a typical week, excluding while they are at a church or religious center, is the highest the figure has been since the early Nineties. The current level also reflects a small but statistically significant rise from 2001 (when the figure was 37%).

d) Adult Sunday school attendance reached 25% this year - the highest it has been since the late Eighties. Again, the current mark is a small but statistically significant rise from the 19% level measured in 2000 and 2001. 9

3. Debt - Percentage of monthly income used to pay consumer debts (credit cards, home equity loans, second mortgage and car loan payments)

� In 1982: 16% � In 1996: 29.5%

a) Number of families filing for non-business bankruptcies

� In 1982: 320,000 � In 1996: 1,100,000 -First Chicago NDB; University of Wisconsin, Madison; American

Bankruptcy Institute; and cdb Infotek; cited in Chicago Tribune


4. Giving - Average household contributions to charity in 1995: $1,017

a) Percentage of households that did not give to any charity in 1995: 31

b) Percentage of income given to charity by people with household incomes under $10,000: 4.3%

9 © The Barna Group, Ltd, 2009.

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c) Percentage of income given to charity by people with household incomes of $40-50,000: 1.3%

d) Percentage of income given to charity by people with household incomes over $100,000: 3.4% -Gallup Organization for Independent Sector, cited in Chicago Tribune

and Omaha World-Herald (10/10/96)

e) Among those whose church giving has declined, 24% have stopped all giving to churches; 17% have decreased their giving by 20% or less; 7% have lessened their donations by 20% to 45%; 17% have reduced their giving by half; 12% have decreased their giving by more than half. In comparison with just 15 months prior, church donors were nearly one-quarter more likely to have reduced their church giving by half or more. 10

� Over 80% of all households donated some money to at least one non-profit organization or a church in 2003, 2002 and 2001, compared with 84% in 2000 and 87% in 1999.

� The proportion of households that tithe their income to their church – that is, give at least ten percent of their income to that ministry – has dropped by 62% in one year, from 8% in 2001 to just 3% of adults during 2002 (2003)

� 9% of born again believers tithed 10% of their income to a house of worship in 2004.

� Nearly 9% of the evangelicals tithed in 2002 – roughly three times the national average. (2003)

5. Hunger - Number of children who don't get enough food to fully develop mentally and physically: 500,000,000

a) Number of hunger-related deaths every day: 40,000 -World Bank

b) Amount of money Americans spend annually on pet food: $3,000,000,000 -The Loose Change Newsletter (Nov.-Dec./95)

10 © Barna Group, 2011.

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6. Ralph Neighbor in “Seven Last Words Of The Church” estimates that the church spends 300 hours per year for ministry inside the church (i.e., choir, Sunday services, retreats, etc.) but only 12 hours per year for equipping people for outreach in the church.

7. Church Multiplication According to Church on the Way staff: If a church were to motivate and mobilize just ten percent of its members for effective evangelism, and if they won just one soul per year each, that congregation would double in less than a decade. If those converts were nurtured and discipled and ten percent of them joined the other “witnesses” in winning one soul to Christ per year, that church would more than triple in twelve years!

8. Example on the power of Evangelism:

a) A Sunday school teacher, a Mr. Kimball, in 1858 led a Chicago shoe clerk to Christ.

b) The clerk, Dwight L. Moody, became an evangelist. In England in 1879, he awakened evangelistic zeal in the heart of Frederick B. Meyer, pastor of a small church.

c) F.B. Meyer, preaching on an American College campus, brought a student named J. Wilbur Chapman to Christ.

d) Chapman, engaged in YMCA work, employed a former baseball player, Billy Sunday, to do evangelistic work.

e) Billy Sunday held a revival in Charlotte, North Carolina. A group of local men were so enthusiastic afterward that they planned another evangelistic campaign, brining Mordecai Ham to town to preach.

f) During Ham’s revival, a young man named William Graham heard the gospel and yielded his life to Christ.

g) It may be that you are one of the tens of thousands who have been affected by the ministry of Billy Graham.

D. The Process Of Maturing Is Prospering In The Things Of God.

• Read Josh 1:1-9

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1. Where we stand with the Lord determines where we serve the Lord.

a) In verses 1-2, why did God pick Joshua to be the leader of His people? ___________________________________________________


• Read Ex. 24:13; 33:11; 27:18-23; Duet. 31:14; 34:9

b) A careful study of Joshua’s life shows him staying for long periods of time in the presence of God in the Tabernacle of Meeting long after Moses would leave. This is crucial for preparation in doing what the Lord calls us to do. He was also a faithful assistant to Moses, and God looks for faithfulness which is a common characteristic of a good steward. He also had the Spirit of Wisdom in him which made it possible for God to guide him. Consider yourself today – can God work in and through you? Why? Give scriptural references for your answer. ___________________________________________________





c) In Joshua 1 verses 3-4, God promises Joshua the inheritance. To receive this inheritance, Joshua will have to do something – he will have to give of himself in many ways to lay hold of this inheritance. What do you think Joshua had to give up? ___________________________________________________




d) In Joshua 1verse 5, the Lord says; “No one will be able to

stand against you as long as you live. For I will be with you as

I was with Moses. I will not fail you or abandon you.” This should be a huge relief to us as well as Joshua as Jesus told us he would be with us as well. Remember, if no one could stand

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against Joshua because of God, how much more can we trust God to do the same for us who are born again and are His children? Give some examples of God’s promises to us that are similar to that which we just read. Use scriptural references. ___________________________________________________





e) The Lord tells Joshua in verse 6; “Be strong and courageous.” God chooses Joshua to lead a bunch of people who have been rebellious, obstinate and have threatened or tried to kill him and Moses. He is going to reflect on this and think about what God just called him to do and the hardship and danger involved which will prompt God’s next comment. In verse 7, the Lord says; “Be strong and very courageous.” Why would God say this twice? Give scriptures for your answer. ___________________________________________________




f) In Joshua 1verses 7-8; God gives Joshua the perfect description for success. What is it? ___________________________________________________





g) In verse 9, what is Joshua commanded to do and what was promised him? ___________________________________________________



h) Did Jesus say the same basic thing to us? Give scriptural references for your answer.

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2. The process of maturing in Christ comes through discovery, receiving and acting.

a) Discovery – Searching the Word of God through diligent study, memorization and prayer.

b) Receiving – direction, understanding, wisdom, promises, provisions and commands.

c) Acting – on what has been revealed to you and what you have received in obedience to God’s Word and His Spirit.

d) The Word of God reveals Jesus to us. The Spirit of God reveals God’s heart to us.

3. Success or true prosperity in this life is two-fold:

a) Having an intimate, ongoing relationship with God the Father and His Spirit while maintaining the Lordship of Jesus over your entire life (spirit, soul and body).

b) Having Jesus show us victory in every area of our life as He reveals Himself in every area of our life.

� What do you need to do to allow this in your life?






E. What about Tithes and Offerings?

1. How Much Does Someone Give To The Lord In The Tithe?

a) Part of being a good manager, or steward, is giving back to God a portion of what He's entrusted to us. It's not that God “needs” our money. Rather, giving serves as an external, material testimony that God owns both the material and spiritual things of our lives, and that we trust Him with them as well as our

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provision. We learn to trust in His care for us as well as His Lordship over our lives. It also supports the greatest, most enduring work ever conducted in this world: the Lord's work of salvation through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Just look at one of His promises fulfilled by our obedience.

• Prov. 3:9-10

b) Describe what the Lord instructs us to do and what the fruit of our obedience will be. ___________________________________________________




2. One of the first standards of giving found in the Bible is the tithe, a word which means “tenth.” Abraham tithed in Gen 14:18-20 after returning from the daring rescue of his nephew Lot from four enemy kings.

• Read Gen 14:18-20 in the Amplified Bible

a) Melchizedek was the Priest of God Most High. Notice that he brought bread and wine for their nourishment. What is the bread and wine used for in the NT? Melchizedek was a type of Christ who was to come. If we are in covenant with God and Jesus, won’t God meet our needs as well as Abraham’s? How has God promised to meet our needs? Give a scriptural reference for your answer. ___________________________________________________




b) What were the blessings God gave to Abram and how did Abram honor God because of it? ___________________________________________________




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3. He encountered the priest Melchizedek and voluntarily surrendered to him one-tenth of all the spoils he had taken from his enemies. It's often said that the tithe is Old Testament “legalism,” but Abraham tithed some 430 years before the Law was given to Moses.

4. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob all gave offerings to God which is separate from the tithe. Abraham alone is mentioned as giving a tithe to Melchizedek in Gen. 14:18-20. Jacob is mentioned as committing a tenth of everything the Lord would give him after hearing the promise of God for him and his descendants in Gen.


a) If these two men of God gave a tenth of what they had to God as a thank giving offering for what God had done for them and what He promised for their future, then it isn’t a part of the Law yet, or a commandment or legalistic because it was done from the heart. Why would anyone not want to give God a tenth of what He has blessed them with or out of thanks for what He has promised them? ___________________________________________________




5. As God established the Law, He made the tithes holy unto Himself. This was so that He could continue to bless the children of Israel with prosperity and favor and protect them from all their enemies.

• Read Lev. 27:30-32; Num. 18:26; Deut. 12:17; 14:22-28

a) Long after the Law was established, God Himself required tithes to be made. (Read 2 Chron. 31:5-6)

6. In one place, God wanted a whole city given to Him that was conquered by the Israelites’. Someone violated this offering and paid the penalty for it. In Joshua 7-8, Achan takes that which is detestable to the Lord that would have been sanctified and put into the treasury, steals it and hides it in his tent. This would cause

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some of the Israelites to be killed in battle and ultimately cause the death of Achan and all his family plus the destruction of all he had.

a) You may say to yourself; “It is only mentioned in the Old Testament, not in the new, why should we keep doing it?”

The fact is, if it was working the way God wanted it to work in the Old Testament, He wouldn’t need to address it in the New Testament. An example would be the use of musical instruments. They are rarely mentioned in the new, only in the book of Revelation. However, denominations were formed that do not allow musical instruments in their churches. If there was a significant change from the old, it was addressed in the new. Because many believers in Paul’s day were non Jewish believers, this subject about tithing was mentioned in a letter to the Hebrews when sharing about the priesthood of Jesus.

• Heb 6:17-7:9

b) After reading these scriptures and seeing that Jesus is our faithful High Priest, is it wrong to honor Him and to pay tithes? What do you think? Give scriptures to back up your answer. ___________________________________________________




c) We are saved by the covenant of promise of Abraham who was our Old Testament example. Even Jesus paid tithes and Temple taxes. (Peter fishing and pulling the money out of the fishes mouth)

• Read Matt 17:24-27

d) If paying tribute, taxes or other necessary offering were not important, why would God use a miracle to take care of this obligation? ___________________________________________________




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F. What’s the problem with tithing?

1. Tithing isn’t a legal issue, it’s a trust issue. Every time God wanted people to give of their possessions - whether it was financial (gold, silver or precious stones) or grain or animals, man had to struggle with something called the flesh where sin had its dominion.

a) Sin and the flesh will always be contrary to God and His will for our lives. When people struggle with God over trust issues or other thing He commands us to do, He ceases to be Lord over our lives by an act of our will or the choice we make, and we have the potential of falling away from Him.

• Read 2 Tim 3:1-5 and 1 Tim 6:2-10

b) What stands out in 2 Tim. 2 and 1 Tim. 6:6-10?






c) Although the previous verse instructs the believer to be content with that which he has, there is nothing in vv. 9 and 10 to indicate that great possessions are sinful. The apostle does make abundantly plain the dangers involved in great possessions:

� Riches make temptation and entanglement more likely.

� Foolish and hurtful desires are encouraged.

� Those desires often lead to destruction.

� The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil (v. 10).

� Frequently one errs from the faith because of the pursuit or protection of riches.

� Wealth is regularly the causal factor in men’s piercing themselves through with many sorrows (v. 10). Those who

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have been blessed by God with material wealth should never despise the blessing but rather should heed the warnings. 11

d) How should the believer head the statements you just read?




2. Remember: sin works both ways, against the sower and the

reaper. The sower is tempted by sin through distrust not to give, and the receiver is tempted by sin to misappropriate the trust and finances entrusted into his or her care. This is the fruit of the war between the flesh and the Spirit found in Gal. 5:17.

• Read Galatians 5:16-23

a) For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit. There is a constant deadly feud being waged. Bunyan shows that both Christ and Satan long for the possession of the city of Man Soul. Romans 7:15–25 is an inspired commentary on this verse. The flesh opposes the Spirit in an effort to prevent the believer from a life of obedience, surrender, and victory.

b) The Spirit against the flesh. The Holy Spirit opposes the flesh and gives the believer victory over it.

c) And these are contrary. Lined up in hostile, face-to-face conflict. There is mutual antagonism.

d) So that ye cannot do the things that ye would. So that you may not keep on doing whatever you may want to do. 12

• Read Rom 8:3-10

3. What does the above scripture tell us about how this warfare plays out and what we can do in order to not fall captive to it again? ______________________________________________________




11 Believer's Study Bible. electronic ed. Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 1997, c1995, S. 1 Ti 6:9-2 Ti 1:1 12 KJV Bible Commentary. Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 1997, c1994, S. 2398

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a) How do we mind the things of the spirit? ___________________________________________________



• Read Gal 6:6-10

b) In verse 6 we are told to share in all good things with those who teach us. Adam Clarke states the following: “This means we are to contribute to the support of the man who has dedicated himself to the work of the ministry, and who gives up his time and his life to preach the Gospel. It appears that some of the believers in Galatia could receive the Christian ministry without contributing to its support. This is both ungrateful and base. We do not expect that a common schoolmaster will give up his time to teach our children their alphabet without being paid for it; and can we suppose that it is just for any person to sit under the preaching of the Gospel in order to grow wise unto salvation by it, and not contribute to the support of the spiritual teacher? It is unjust.” 13 After reading this, how do you feel about those who are called to minister to others on a full time basis? Should they be supported? ___________________________________________________



c) In verses 7-8, we are warned to not be deceived thereby mocking God. Look at what the Bible Knowledge Commentary says:

These verses elaborate on the previous exhortation. First, a solemn warning is sounded that God cannot be mocked. No man can snub (mykterizetai, lit., “to turn up the nose at”) God whose rule, a man reaps what he sows, is immutable. Each sower decides what his harvest will be. If a person sows to please his sinful nature, that is, if he spends his money to indulge the flesh, he will reap a harvest that will fade into oblivion. On the other hand if he uses his funds to support the Lord's work, or sows to please the Spirit, and promotes his own

13 (From Adam Clarke's Commentary, Electronic Database. Copyright © 1996, 2003, 2005, 2006 by Biblesoft, Inc. All rights


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spiritual growth, he will reap a harvest that will last forever. Though a broader application of the principle is legitimate it seems clear that Paul was dealing primarily with the question of financial support of Christian workers in the Galatian churches. 14

d) This effectively tells us that we can bind up God’s blessing in our lives simply by giving into the flesh, not trusting God, being unthankful for all He’s done for us and deny the blessing of the promises He has given us due to what Jesus accomplished through His death and resurrection for us. How do you feel about this statement? ___________________________________________________




4. The problem as the word of God reveals it is the attitude of the heart in giving. Let’s look at some examples of this problem.

a) Cain and Able were brothers. Abel offered an offering that pleased God. Cain was greedy and then got jealous of his brother. Notice what God told him?

• Read Gen. 4:1-8

b) In verse 6, God already sees sin preparing to overtake Cain and tells him that He can see its effect on Cain’s face and countenance. Then in verse 7, God tells him what he must do to overcome its desire for him. Has God’s counsel changed from then to now? What would He want us to do when we exhibit the same symptoms? ___________________________________________________



c) Jack Hayford’s Study Bible states about verse 7; “Sin lies at the door: Crouches or hides at the door. The language virtually personifies sin as a demon crouching like a crazed animal at

14 (from Bible Knowledge Commentary/Old Testament Copyright © 1983, 2000 Cook Communications Ministries; Bible Knowledge

Commentary/New Testament Copyright © 1983, 2000 Cook Communications Ministries. All rights reserved.)

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Cain’s doorstep.” 15 The Bible Knowledge Commentary says; “Cain was so angry he would not be talked out of his sin - even by God. Eve, however, had to be talked into her sin by Satan; but Cain "belonged to the evil one" (1 John 3:12). It is as if he could not wait to destroy his brother - a natural man's solution to his own failure.

God's advice was that if Cain would please God by doing what is right, all would be well. But if not sin would be crouching (robes is used here in the figure of a crouching animal) at his door, ready to overcome him. Sin desires to have Cain (these

words show God's interpretation of "desire," the same Heb. word, in

Gen 3:16), but Cain could have the mastery over it. Here is the perpetual struggle between good and evil. Anyone filled with envy and strife is prey for the evil one.” 16 After reading this commentary, give three scriptures on God giving us ability over the devil? ___________________________________________________


• Read Isaiah 1:10-20 in the Amplified Version

d) Notice how God reacts to the Israelites after they try offering their sacrifices and offerings with the wrong attitude. What was God saying that He wanted? ___________________________________________________



5. Malachi is a book often referred to by those preaching about tithes and offerings. A quick breakdown of the book reveals many different corrections and instructions from the Lord. It is not all about tithes. But many of the truths therein can be utilized today with the same blessings received through obedience to God’s Word. A closer look at this book will show:

a) Mal. 1:2-5 - Because Esau sold his birthright to appease his flesh, he became cursed with a curse that God would not relent of.

15 Spirit Filled Life Study Bible. electronic ed. Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 1997, c1991 16 (From Bible Knowledge Commentary/Old Testament Copyright © 1983, 2000 Cook Communications Ministries; Bible Knowledge

Commentary/New Testament Copyright © 1983, 2000 Cook Communications Ministries. All rights reserved.)

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b) Mal. 1:6-14 – The Jews were offering blind and crippled animals as sacrifices to the Lord. Vs 10-14 sums it up best:

"Oh, that one of you would shut the temple doors, so

that you would not light useless fires on my altar! I am not

pleased with you," says the LORD Almighty, "and I will

accept no offering from your hands. My name will be great

among the nations, from the rising to the setting of the sun. In

every place incense and pure offerings will be brought to my

name, because my name will be great among the nations,"

says the LORD Almighty.

"But you profane it by saying of the Lord's table, `It is

defiled,' and of its food, `It is contemptible.' And you say,

`What a burden!' and you sniff at it contemptuously," says

the LORD Almighty.

"When you bring injured, crippled or diseased animals

and offer them as sacrifices, should I accept them from your

hands?" says the LORD. "Cursed is the cheat who has an

acceptable male in his flock and vows to give it, but then

sacrifices a blemished animal to the Lord. For I am a great

king," says the LORD Almighty, "and my name is to be

feared among the nations. NIV

c) 2:1-9 – Priests were unfaithful in keeping the Word of the Covenant. They did not set their hearts on honoring the name of the Lord. Their blessings were then turned into cursings.

d) Mal. 2:10-16 – The Jews profaned the covenant of their fathers by breaking faith with one another. Then, when that wasn’t bad enough, they began to break covenant with the wives of their youth. They became covenant breakers.

e) Mal. 3:6-12 – They began robbing God by not bringing their tithes and offerings into the storehouse. The storehouse was typically used in taking care of the priests and those called to temple worship duties. But more importantly, it was also used to help the poor, those in hardship and the widows. Offerings have always been used for the poor, widow and the fatherless. They were robbing God of the ability to help those around them because of their greed instead of helping God to help others.

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6. The Lord uses us to help others so if He can’t count on us if we are not willing to be obedient. Therefore, He can’t send help from the sanctuary or the place where His people gather in His presence. He doesn’t like that because we then cut others off from the blessings God would use us to distribute for Him. Look at the following scriptures.

• Read Prov. 14:31

a) Describe what this scripture is saying. ___________________________________________________



• Read Prov. 19:17

b) Describe what this scripture is saying. ___________________________________________________


• Read Prov. 21:13

c) Describe what this scripture is saying. ___________________________________________________


• Read Prov. 22:9

d) Describe what this scripture is saying. ___________________________________________________


• Read Prov. 22:16

e) Describe what this scripture is saying. ___________________________________________________


• Read Prov. 22:22-23

f) Describe what this scripture is saying.

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• Read Prov. 28:27

g) Describe what this scripture is saying. ___________________________________________________


• Read Psalm 112 – Every part of this scripture details the prosperous blessing of God’s people.

7. The New Testament holds the same problems as the Old Testament.

a) Mark 12:41-44 – The widow and the two mites. She gave out of her poverty; the others did it out of their riches and for the glory and the admiration of those around them. Why is the widow a great example of giving? Why did Jesus respond and say what He said?





b) Luke 5:1-11 – Jesus used Peter’s boat to preach the gospel and then rewarded Peter and all the others there with a large catch of fish. Explain why this happened. ___________________________________________________




c) Luke 16:14-31 – The leaders of the day loved money, which prompted a quick response from Jesus and the story of the rich man and Lazarus. What were the characteristics that separated the rich man and Lazarus? ___________________________________________________


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d) Acts 4:32-5:16 – The people saw great signs and wonders being done through the Apostles and no on had any lack. Then came Ananias and Sapphira. They tried to deceive the Apostles, the Holy Spirit and those around them for gain and prestige. By lying to the Holy Spirit, the sealed their doom. God used their judgment for the opportunity to establish the believers before all men. This is judgment in the New Testament that God says will come again one day. After you read the scripture, give your understanding on what happened. ___________________________________________________






A. We must realize that money, spiritual gifts, talents and whatever

else Gad has blessed us with are nothing more than tools for His

use and glory.

1. Money is for sowing, not for storing. Just like other possessions we may have, if someone is in need, where do we draw the line?

a) Salvation – Matt. 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-20 - In what way would bringing the gospel message cost money? List the different costs that may be associated with it. ___________________________________________________




b) Equipping the Saints for the work of the ministry – Eph.

4:11-24 When studying why the five-fold ministry is needed and why Jesus established it; it’s plain to see that part of that work of preparing ministers is also preparing them to have the

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right heart attitude for ministry. In Mark 4:13-20, we learn what the different soils where the seed was sown mean as Jesus explains them to His disciples. We need to teach this to ministers so their hearts may be ready and prepared for the wisdom and revelation of God. One area of importance would be the thorny ground with its deceitfulness of riches cares of this world and lusts for other things. How is the soil of your heart? What would you classify it as and why?





c) For the care of one another – 2 Cor. 9:1-15 Poverty was no stranger to the first century church a Macedonia, yet their generosity was so great that it continues to be a model for giving almost 2,000 years later. The source of that generosity lay in the spiritual wealth of the Macedonians, which overflowed in such abundant giving that the apostle Paul made note of it repeatedly in his epistles.

� Paul says the Macedonians were pleased to give, and God loves a cheerful giver. They gave of their own accord, not grudgingly or under compulsion. They begged Paul for the opportunity to give, not having to be begged themselves. And they entreated Paul for the favor of helping support the saints. For them, giving was a privilege. Have you ever had a hard time giving? Why? What were the circumstances behind it? ________________________________________________





� More than anything, however, giving seemed to come naturally to the Macedonians. It is that type of giving that is done in love, requires no audience, and is followed by no reasoning or regrets. It springs from a deep spiritual relationship that puts God in the proper perspective: as

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owner of all things, and we ourselves as His stewards and helpers. What can we do to stay strong in that heart and attitude so God can use us? ________________________________________________




2. The reason for God prospering us is to get the job done!

a) Deut. 8:6-18 – God gives us the ability or power to get wealth to establish His Covenant with us and those around us, but He will remove these things if they cause us to sin. (Read Matthew

25:15-46) After reading the scriptures in Deuteronomy and Matthew, how would you describe what these scriptures are saying? ___________________________________________________






b) Mark 4:13-25 – Jesus shares the parable of the sower. The important key is the word and God’s ability to help us understand it. As we yield to the Spirit of God, we receive the necessary revelation to grow and accomplish all that God has for us to do. If we don’t, even what we have will be taken away. What God has given to us is not meant to be hidden, but for us to proclaim and distribute to those around us. What can you do to continue to proclaim and distribute to others? When they receive it from God, will they prosper? ___________________________________________________




3. The greatest heart motive given to us is the Love Of God. 1 Cor. 13:1-3 AMP version “God is not holding us responsible according

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to our financial ability; He is holding us accountable for what we do with His ability.” What are you doing with His ability in you? ______________________________________________________




a) What would be your description of bible prosperity now? ___________________________________________________



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