
By: Megan, Amy, Hana, & Heather

How much shaking should you expect?Big Shakes IF…

• More uplift

• More active

• More deformation

• Surface trace = long

Little Shake IF…

• Compression hill

• Less active

• Less deformation

• Surface trace = short

Small Compression Hill

• The small fault can cause small compression hill at Hollywood vine.

Big Uplift Hill

• Big fault causes big uplift hill at Mount San Jacinto

More deformation = Big Fault


•Deformation have different kind of cracks, gouge, and vines



Fault Trace Map

Surface Trace = Short LA

Surface Trace = Long SAF

Small trace surface means short fault

Big trace surface means long fault.

This is a inactive fault because it doesn’t offset the sediment layer above the fault

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