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  • By Esteban
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  • A volcano is a mountain that has a hole on top. It is called a vent. A volcano can erupt and steam and ash go out. Ash is small bits of rock. Lava is what comes out of the volcanoes. Lava is so hot that it can glow bright red.
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  • Some volcanoes erupt for a while and some stop. Others keep erupting for years. If they erupt a lot, they are called active volcanoes. Some volcanoes may never erupt again. The Earths crust is made up by slabs called plates which fit together like a puzzle and sometimes they move. That makes the volcanoes erupt.
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  • Most volcanoes are found around the Pacific Ocean. Some are even under the water. The Pacific Ocean has so many volcanoes that they call it the Ring of fire.
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  • Lava can burn buildings and cars. People and animals usually get out of the city to protect them self.
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  • Different Volcanoes Volcanoes have different shapes, some are curved and some are straight. They can also look like a small or large hill.
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  • Rain wind and water can break the hard lava. Wind and rain can destroy the lava and than the little rocks could become soil. Volcanoes can be helpful with the plants because of the soil.
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