Page 1: “…By doubting, we come to inquire and by inquiry we arrive at Truth"

“…By doubting, we come to inquire and by inquiry we arrive at Truth".

Page 2: “…By doubting, we come to inquire and by inquiry we arrive at Truth"

“…By doubting, we come to inquire and by inquiry we arrive at Truth".

Pierre Abelard – “Sic et Non”

Page 3: “…By doubting, we come to inquire and by inquiry we arrive at Truth"

“…By doubting, we come to inquire and by inquiry we arrive at Truth".

Pierre Abelard – “Sic et Non”

“In this short, simple but profound sentence lies a complete description of Science.”

Harry Kroto

Page 4: “…By doubting, we come to inquire and by inquiry we arrive at Truth"

…of course Doubt and Questioning are intrinsic threats to the power of those

who depend on dogma for their authority

Page 5: “…By doubting, we come to inquire and by inquiry we arrive at Truth"
Page 6: “…By doubting, we come to inquire and by inquiry we arrive at Truth"

As the first thinker to put his own intellect above the traditional respect owed one's elders, Abelard constantly provoked the wrath of his masters and their other disciples.

Page 7: “…By doubting, we come to inquire and by inquiry we arrive at Truth"

Fox News

Page 8: “…By doubting, we come to inquire and by inquiry we arrive at Truth"

"By doubting, we come to inquire and by inquiry we arrive at truth".

Pierre Abelard – “Sic et Non”

Page 9: “…By doubting, we come to inquire and by inquiry we arrive at Truth"

Of course Doubt and Questioning are obviously a threat to the

power base of those who depend on dogma for their authority

Page 10: “…By doubting, we come to inquire and by inquiry we arrive at Truth"

He was a man of spectacular gifts and intellectual talent but the fundamentalists of today despise his intellectualism, appeal to reason and philosophic attitude. Calvin would have had him burned at the stake in his day.

Page 11: “…By doubting, we come to inquire and by inquiry we arrive at Truth"

The church has never understood Abelard to the fullest, or known what to do with him.

Page 12: “…By doubting, we come to inquire and by inquiry we arrive at Truth"

Should the church condemn his writings or revere him as a saint?

Page 13: “…By doubting, we come to inquire and by inquiry we arrive at Truth"

The church has never understood Abelard to the fullest, or known what to do with him. Should the church condemn his writings or revere him as a saint? He was a man of spectacular gifts and intellectual talent but the fundamentalists of today despise his intellectualism, appeal to reason and philosophic attitude. Calvin would have had him burned at the stake in his day.

Page 14: “…By doubting, we come to inquire and by inquiry we arrive at Truth"

I began to frequent [Guillaume de Champeaux'] school, but I soon became very unwelcome, for I attempted to refute some of his theses, argued against him, and sometimes won. My successes provoked among the cleverest of my fellow pupils an indignation all the greater because I was the youngest and the most recently arrived.

Page 15: “…By doubting, we come to inquire and by inquiry we arrive at Truth"

It is from this moment that I date the beginning of my misfortunes [calamitatum], from which I still suffer today. My renown grew daily: envy flamed up against me.

Page 16: “…By doubting, we come to inquire and by inquiry we arrive at Truth"

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