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I Made myself a Millionaire in 30 days, I can guide you how to eventually do

it in 90 days!




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Dedication: This ebook is for all who are sick and tired of being sick and tired


Introduction: The One Million Pinoy Millionaire Dream


First Chapter: The Ultimate Formula of Success


Second Chapter: The Ultimate Cause of "failure"


Third Chapter: The Initial Process of How to Make Thoughts Happen


A Glimpse inside my upcoming published Book: "How to Make Thoughts Happen"



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"Yes! I made myself a millionaire in 30 days! No hidden secrets, no codes to unlock, no rocket science. The door to millions of pesos is widely open but not everyone can see that door brightly. The

good news is: EVERYONE, no exception, yes even you, can train your eyes to see the door. Surprisingly after

the training, you will realize that the door is just in front of you ever since."

I dedicate this introductory e-book to all Filipinos around the globe. To all sons and daughters who unintentionally developed a belief that they were born in poverty and scarcity from which they could never do something to escape. My friends, no one was born in poverty. You were born rich. You just need to learn how to open your eyes properly.


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I know how hard it is right now for you to believe what I’m saying. I was once reading this same concept three years ago, in 2010 specifically, and I felt the same but after applying the exciting simple actions that I will be sharing with you on the next pages of this ebook, I made myself a millionaire in 30 days, and I can repeat the process again and again whenever I want to.

I am here to guide you. If you can’t believe you can do it, let me at least believe in you, allow me to show you how great you are, and how God created you as an abundant being.

If you’re ready, let us begin.

Oops! Wait. The content of this book are principles that are working since the


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beginning of time. I can only promise you that the principles will work for you if you will cooperate by doing your part by following through. I took some parts of the complete action steps from my upcoming published book and I shared them here. Just enjoy! I made them fun and exciting.

Remember if you will not do the action steps that you will encounter on some pages nothing will change in your life. But if you will do, I guarantee your success in 90 days. Ok enough for the chit-chat. Let’s Make It Happen.

Veni Flores


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Let me share a short story of a young man..

“..who was the son of an itinerant horse trainer who would go from stable to stable, race track to race track, farm to farm and ranch to ranch, training horses. As a result, the boy’s high school career was continually interrupted. When he was a senior, he was asked to write a paper about what he wanted to be and do when he grew up. “That night he wrote a seven-page paper describing his goal of someday owning a horse ranch. He wrote about his dream in great detail and he even drew a diagram of a 200-acre ranch, showing the


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location of all the buildings, the stables and the track. Then he drew a detailed floor plan for a 4,000-square-foot house that would sit on a 200-acre dream ranch. “He put a great deal of his heart into the project and the next day he handed it in to his teacher. Two days later he received his paper back. On the front page was a large red F with a note that read, `See me after class.’ “The boy with the dream went to see the teacher after class and asked, `Why did I receive an F?’ “The teacher said, `This is an unrealistic dream for a young boy like you. You have no money. You come from an itinerant family. You have no resources. Owning a horse ranch requires a lot of money. You


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have to buy the land. You have to pay for the original breeding stock and later you’ll have to pay large stud fees. There’s no way you could ever do it.’ Then the teacher added, `If you will rewrite this paper with a more real ist ic goal, I wi l l reconsider your grade.’ “The boy went home and thought about it long and hard. He asked his father what he should do. His father said, `Look, son, you have to make up your own mind on this. However, I think it is a very important dec is ion for you. ’ “Finally, after sitting with it for a week, the boy turned in the same paper, making no changes at all. He stated, “You can keep the F and I’ll keep my dream.”


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Monty [Roberts himself once said to a crowd]: “I tell you this story because you are sitting in my 4,000-square-foot house in the middle of my 200-acre horse ranch. I still have that school paper framed over the fireplace.” He added, “The best part of the story is that two summers ago that same schoolteacher brought 30 kids to camp out on my ranch for a week.” When the teacher was leaving, he said, “Look, Monty, I can tell you this now. When I was your teacher, I was something of a dream stealer. During those years I stole a lot of kids’ dreams. Fortunately you had enough gumption not to give up on yours.”…” -Author Unknown


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The first time I read this story I became so inspired that I created an “impossible” dream in 2010. And that was to create “One Mil l ion Pinoy [Enl ightened] Millionaires starting in 2014 until 2024. The next thing I felt was: “How crazy I am to think that way!” My inner ‘dream stealer’ started to demoralize me. But I would always look back to Monty’s story and I would always answer back: “You may keep your opinion, I’m keeping my dream!”

After three years since 2010, after applying the formula that I am now sharing with you through this ebook and will be sharing more of the complete version in my upcoming published book, I made myself a millionaire and as I am writing this, I am now on the process of


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creating the first batch of Filipinos to become millionaires by training them the exact way as how I was trained by my mentors.

The first time I tried in the early months after I started the training, I failed. The challenge is for me to create a million pesos in 90 days, but nine months had passed, or 240 days, I created only Php 470,000. But I can live with that kind failure, hehe. On my next trial of applying the principles, I was once again a “failure” because after 180 days I only made Php 760,000. So sad, hehe.

I didn’t stop because the challenge was successfully accomplished by others so I believed that it is supported by the natural laws because it happened


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already, and it can happen again, the only question is, who will apply the laws to make it happen to himself. On my third trial I made Php 1,190,000 in 30 days! Now, it was a success far better than the target!

Thus, failure as how it’s defined by failures themselves doesn’t exist. You sometimes think you fail because a certain event or result of your actions is not exactly equivalent to what you desired to see and you placed a schedule on it. Remember if you don’t desire something on a specific date, things in your life will just happen and you will see these things as ordinary occurrences in your life. You will never think that you fail, right?


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So this is your first step. Just enjoy life, like playing. Everything that will happen is just an event or series of events. So when I teach you to start seeing the things you want to happen, you will never be frustrated if a result is not exactly the same as how you want it to be. It is not failure. Always remember that each result which is not yet exactly the same as your visualized goal is only a temporary stop as one of the stations going to your destination. You will surely arrive if you’ll move on.

Are you with me in creating “One Million Pinoy [Enlightened] Millionaires until 2024? If yes, be the first one to become a millionaire! I need more affiliates to make this dream happen who can be a


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mentor like me to reach more Filipinos anywhere in the globe.

“How to Make Thoughts Happen”

This is the title of my introductory seminar and the title of my upcoming complete published book to gather people and somehow ignite the burning desire of the participants to open their minds to endless possibilities within them. Every time I look into the eyes of each participant I remember myself how I started.. was 2005 when my best friend became pregnant. And the reason was me. Hehe. I have no job, no house, no money. I was afraid, I don’t know what to do but at the same time I was excited because I was having a baby. But “how


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much would I pay for the hospital bills after the delivery? How much are the diapers, the milk, walker, stroller, bottles, vitamins, vaccines, school tuition fees, uniforms?” After these questions ran in my brain, I collapsed!

I woke up walking alone inside a mall, slowly, and my eyes were straight, people were avoiding me and I realized I was walking like a zombie. Then I stopped by a computer store, and while looking at the computer price tags, a light bulb in my head lighted up. Ting! “I will sell computers!” I said.

I started taking pictures of those computers displayed in the store with my old cell phone’s vga camera until I was asked to leave by the saleslady. I went


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back to my fiancée’s place, fixed her PC and printer and I started printing flyers of computer sets placing price of my choice in “hulugan” (installment) scheme with my contact number on it. I went out (still looked like a zombie), seems I was not myself and all things were happening in auto pilot coming out from excitement and I started giving out flyers to every people I saw inside a mall near our place. Until a security guard stopped me.

My cell phone started ringing after few days. Wow, Inquiries!

“Can we check the actual computers on your flyer sir?” Oops! I don’t have the stocks of course. “Hi ma’am, my showroom is far from here but I can show you pictures of the units and


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whatever your choice is, that will be the exact unit that I will deliver, if for instance you will not like the actual unit, I will personally bring it back to our showroom and replace it, and I will install all the programs you need for free. Is it fair enough?” I surprisingly answered. My client answered back: “OK”.

“But I need to ask for a down payment, because I will spend gasoline and time to pick up your unit and deliver it directly on your doorstep. You will really love my se rv i ce ma ’am, as ide f rom the convenience of installment payment scheme, you will no longer worry about the services every time you need repair, these are all free.”


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And that was how I started my computer business. My clients grew in number. Each gave a down payment, and that amount was almost the price I must pay my supplier for each computer set. For a balance of Php 2,000, my supplier was fully paid and the remaining balance of my clients which was Php 1,000 per month for the next ten months were all my income. And I generated almost 500 PC buyers at Php 1,000 per month installment. I was earning almost half million pesos a month in 2007 and it seemed that success has no end. My baby was born in 2005 and I bought her all what she needed.

I was not “enlightened” then. As my income grew, my spending exploded and became out of control, bills piled up from


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two car loans, and a lot of unnecessary luxuries. I became cruel with my clients, I pulled out computers the first month they failed to pay and everything was no longer peaceful and happy. Everything in my life became dark.

But God saved us in His own way. In September of 2009, my two branches of computer stores were wiped out and flooded. In the speed of four months, we were homeless. We lost everything. My wife and my four year old daughter were with me on the streets and we didn’t know where to go. I remember seeing my little girl helping herself looking for a food to eat and found nothing. I cursed myself and I imploded shouting inside: “%$#@%*, this will never happen again- ever!”


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I sent my wife and daughter to their relatives in their province and I asked a friend if I can stay and sleep with them as I look for a source of income. I learned asking questions, real questions, bigger questions, weird questions, I kept on asking everyday! There must be an answer, where is it, and what is it, there must be an answer! I learned that “the size of your question is the size of your manifestation”

I found myself reading books, watching videos, looking for answers. I saw a clip about a foreign mentor who helped a Pinoy who also suffered from the same experience as I was having then. But he became successful. I bought his book* with my remaining Php 700 that day which supposed to be for my wife and


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daughter’s food. I read the book and search for the author online. I started sending emails to the author, and I was surprised for the replies. I was lead by that book to more books then to different seminars.

I found myself sharing my learning to friends. I remember I was trying hard and begging for some schools in our place to allow me conduct a seminar for free, just to share my new learning about success. Then a certain school allowed me, I have no money so I walked – kilometers after kilometers. I remember begging in a computer shop to print my proposal for the school which allowed me to conduct a free seminar promising them that I will pay as soon as I got the money and I left my ID. I asked the


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school to provide the materials for me since it was free. All I have was a borrowed flash drive to save my power point presentation which I made on my friend’s PC.

Before I start my seminar in that school I was already sweating because I walked under the bright sun for kilometers. And after the seminar I refused to go home until everybody left. Why? Because I discussed how to be successful in life and they would see me walking again for kilometers starving. Hehe. So I made sure that everybody left before I leave the venue so no one could see me walking on the long street from the school where in I can ride a seven peso trike, but I didn’t have seven pesos then.


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After giving a lot of free seminars, people started to notice the value of what I share even in social media. Until a certain sales director of a memorial sales company hired me for an eight hour talk and paid me Php 2,000. And I was shocked! Whew! I enjoyed sharing my experiences and I got paid! That’s awesome!!

Then I was being referred to an insurance company and paid me Php 3,000 then a real estate company hired me on a regular weekly training for Php 3,000 per whole day talk. Until a government officer sent me a message on an online social network and asked me to conduct a seminar for his people. I thought it was free, and I was willing to give it for free because I already enjoyed


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the idea that it was out of town, but after a 10 hour seminar, he paid me Php 45,000. And I collapsed for the second time. Hehe.

A lot of companies started hiring me. Because of the testimonials spreading anywhere that what I am sharing is changing their lives, saving their marital relationships, helping them achieve their goals and many more.

As I am writing this ebook, companies are paying me Php 30,000 per hour to share the formula of success in whatever t h e y d o . ( P l e a s e a d d m e o n for more testimonials and please “like” my


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business page at

I and my wife started our small foundation to help children with special needs, because our son is an ADHD, highly functional asperger, a kind of autism. We provide things that the special children need as much as we can to make them functional in the society, we planned to give free seminars for parents with special kids to educate them that their child is not abnormal, they are geniuses with extra ordinary gifts that can be harnessed and can be of service for humanity like what Thomas Edison did and Albert Einstein as well, both are said to be “mentally chal lenged” or wi th our modern vocabulary – In the Autism Spectrum.


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I became known in the television b e c a u s e N E T 2 5 c a l l e d m e a s “Pambansang Business Coach” as I share bus iness t i ps a t Ne t25 ’s “Pambansang Almusal” program. (You may see the videos from youtube, just type “Veni Flores” on the search bar)

You will also see all different TV interviews and features like my guesting in channel 5 with tita Cristy Fermin, then TJ Manotoc and many more. This is all because of the impact of the formula to the people I teach which I am now s h a r i n g w i t h y o u t h r o u g h t h i s introductory ebook.

I continued doing my assignments from my mentors and one of those is to interview rich people. And I told myself,


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“If I will exert the same effort, I rather interview the top billionaires in the Philippines”, as the law of attraction says: “ You attract what you focus on”, so I focused that I was going to interview one of the billionaires.

John Gokongwei was the first billionaire (with $2.4Billion net worth) I interviewed. And I learned one very important thing from him. He said: “Even if I am this old, I still attend training seminars because if I can only pick up one idea, it can help me grow my businesses…”


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In the early months of 2011, I formulated an official course that I will publicly launch – The Creating Multiple Victories. It is an eight module course that can be taken in four whole day sessions. This course is the product of my numerous talks, seminars, training, personal coaching, interviews, and my life experiences and how I beat all the hindrances to make myself successful. It is scientifically designed and supported by universal laws that one of my students said: “Your sessions sir is extremely different from others seminars out there, I reached my seemingly “impossible” goal in a very short period of time after taking your course!”. Watch it here:


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I am inviting you to attend the actual seminar of “How to Make Thoughts Happen?” Why? Because as much as I love to let you experience the activities that generates higher electricity and energy that makes you see endless possibilities before I usually discuss the following topics, it is just not possible for me to ask you to do it through this ebook.

There are more to feel and experience in the actual gathering of VeniFlores Coaching Technology students!


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The Ultimate Formula of Success

For two years of conducting seminars, I still always ask this question: “What is the ultimate formula of success?” Many wi l l answer “At t i tude” , “Ac t ion” , “Perseverance”, “Persistence”, and a lot more of the qualities of the successful people. In my experiences of conducting numerous seminars no one got the answer that I am expecting, I do not insist that what is in my mind is the right answer, I appreciate the answers actually but based on my experiences and obse rva t i ons on numerous successful people and people living in life they do not desire which everybody


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describes as “failure”, there is an exact term to describe the ultimate formula of success, most of the times it is hidden, it is taken for granted, it is not appreciated, it doesn’t get the credit but when a person mastered it, there is only one destination wherein that person cannot stop himself from going, when one mastered the formula, there is no other end but success!

Have you experience talking to people one after another and receive the same rejections over and over again then you did "something" and you start getting yeses?

Have you tried pressing a button on a toy again and again and nothing


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happens but you did "something" and it started working?

Have you failed a lot of times in enumeration examinations then you did "something" and you begin to enjoy that kind of exams?

Have you tried cooking a recipe and no one wants to eat it then you did "someth ing" and peop le s tar ted requesting you to cook it again for them?

What is that action that you always did? What is i t that creates the new experiences? To what did you engage in?

Are you getting the answer now? The Ultimate Formula of Success is..


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CHANGE! It is not just “Attitude”. Why? Because if it is attitude itself, if you keep on having the same attitude that you have which produces the same undesirable results, you will never shift your experiences from what you are now to what you want to be.

It is not just “Action”, because if you keep on doing the same things, you can never expect new things.

I t i s no t j u s t “Pe rs i s t ence no r Perseverance, because if you persist a n d p e r s e v e r e w i t h t h e s a m e momentum, same direction with same p e o p l e , y o u c a n n e v e r e x p e c t transferring on the road to success.


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Until you change one major part of you, everything will be different. What is it that we need to learn changing, oh wait, not just “to learn” changing but to have the ability of changing it? Our thoughts. And I bet no one can do it alone! I am not discouraging you I am just showing you what is the natural and universal process of change. Why? Because if it is easy, everyone is now a millionaire, but I can promise you one thing – it is doable!

(In this part is a wonderful life-changing activity in my seminar “How to Make Thoughts Happen”, we cannot do it here in this ebook but you may experience it on the actual seminar- make time to attend "How to Make Thoughts Happen" check schedules on


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But I will give you the best that I can share even if your learning as of the moment is limited to reading, reading alone cannot bring you to success, you have to experience what you read and that is what I provide in my courses and training seminars.

One of my favorite mentors Anthony Robbins kept on saying every time I listen to him, reading his emails and books, “..the brain is designed to avoid pain, and move forward to pleasure.”

This is all what the brain does, that is the foundation of every brain, brain of Americans, Canadians, Africans, Asian and all people and animals as long as they have brains. This is why all my personal coaching sess ions are


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successful because I mastered the deepest meaning of this phrase which I am teaching in my “Creating Multiple Victories” course, you can master it too, let me help you, search what Creating Mult ip le Victor ies real ly is: v is i t

If your brain interprets something as ‘painful’ your brain will certainly and 100% avoid it at all cost without your conscious permission or decision, it will bypass all your conscious power, it will decide on its own and your body will follow.

Have you accidentally touched a hot iron? What did your hands do after? Your whole arms, sometimes your whole body jumped to move away from the hot iron.


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Did you ask yourself while touching: “Hey, it is so hot and burning my hands, hmmm what do you think should I do?” Certainly NOT! Your body just moved away without asking yourself if you want to.

Therefore, there is a system inside our body that decides automatically and you have no power over it. As long as your brain was programmed to see certain things as ‘painful’ it will avoid those things with all its power. And its power out of the total power of your brain is 95%, don’t be sad, because at least it gave you the conscious power of 5% hehe.

What is this powerful part of our body that pushes us to act without our


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consciousness? It is the subconscious, the auto-system, the ‘hard disk-memory-processor relationship’ inside you, the inner force, the higher you, there are lot of terms that books and experts used to describe that system. But for me, it is something more powerful than your consciousness. It can control and use you, or it can obey you as a very powerful servant.

The good news is you can choose to use that power on your advantage and you can stop it from controlling you.


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In the illustration above you can see that a person consciously desires an ideal body. For it to manifest, a set of new activities must be done, different exercises as given in the illustration. After passing through that process you get the actual pleasure of manifestation.

But if a person doesn’t have a program of engaging in the “new” required exercise to get the pleasurable result, the brain will send a signal to the whole body that it is painful in general, and it


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will avoid it at all cost because the brain will seek the immediate pleasure over a pleasure that is being blocked by an interpreted painful activity.

In the illustration, you will see that the brain seeks and shifts to the other side where the immediate pleasure is interpreted as ‘easy’ to reach as programmed. But after engaging to immediate pleasure, under the law of cause and effect, whatever the pleasure is, it will give effects which can be another pleasure or new pain.

In this example the immediate pleasure that the brain chose caused a painful effect. Remember that the brain will avoid any interpreted pain. So what will the brain do? In the illustration below, the


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brain seeks different immediate pleasure that the eyes can see based on a person program and from there, the person is now being under control of whatever the brain desires.


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2nd Chapter

The Ultimate Cause of “Failure”

How did the 95% of our automatic mind start controlling you and when?

We operate in different levels of mind as we grow. Surprisingly the levels have frequencies, and the frequencies* (more about this on my published book) are directly proportional to our age.

To make this easy to understand, imagine this: all of us, I assume, had experienced using a transistor or an FM radio from a cassette player, from a cell phone and from other devices that support FM radio. Did you try asking yourself, why am I getting the songs from a particular radio station exactly the same as all other FM radio within my


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area that are also tuned in the same s ta t ion? Why i s i t tha t when I accidentally turned the tuner away from that station the song disappears and I start to receive strange sound like rain pouring on the roof?

Because frequencies are waves and the waves have measurements, in the example of FM Radio case we call it radio waves. Every radio station releases radio waves, and each has its own unique measurement of radio wave that is being released in the air.

Your FM Radio has a tuner, for you to choose your desired radio station. When you choose a certain station, your FM radio releases radio waves which also have measurement and it will start


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looking for a match in the air. When it finds its match, the song from the Radio station starts to pass through the matched radio waves or simply a connection between your FM radio and the radio station and as long as you are tuned in the same frequency you will receive the same song until you turned the tuner to another frequency that has different measurement of radio waves.

Our mind using our brain as its transmitter and tuner works the same way. It is not surprising because all inventions are based on the brain unlimited template considering from the earliest telegraph to the newest iPad.

As we grow we are automatically tuned in different levels of frequencies which


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manifest how we operate in life or what “song” do we attract, receive, merged in, connect with or however you want to call it.

You might not aware of this, but you connect with the exact measurement of brain waves that another person releases from his brain as you have. And thus, you start to interact with each other and continue to connect as long as the brain frequency is not interrupted or changed.

The old saying simply placed it this way: “Birds of the same feathers flock together.”


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The Brain Frequencies

Science called it as Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta. But if I will continue to explain this, you will close this book, and do other things to avoid the pain of technicalities, hehe. So let me put it this way:

Delta brain wave is a boring word to describe your brain while it is sending out signals when you were born up to three years old. The way your brain sends signals today at any age is the same while you are in a deep sleep without any dream.

Theta brain wave is during your formative years or four to seven years of age and at your present age daily as you


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fell asleep where you experience dreams.

Alpha brain wave is during your puberty stage or eight to 14 years old and every

day at your present age as you feel sleepy or as you fell into relaxation like


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having a shower, sitting on a couch or having a spa or body massage.

And lastly, the Beta brain wave is your brain releasing of frequency from 15 years old and above or the adult life and everyday during your day to day a c t i v i t i e s l i k e w a l k i n g , e a t i n g , communicating and other usual daily activities from which our eyes are widely open.

We will focus on the Theta level of the mind. What age bracket is it again? Yes, four to seven years old. How important for us to discuss that? Well, all of the reasons why my business of helping people is becoming successful because all the answers that I need to help an individual to jump out from an existing


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undesirable life pattern are found from what happened in your life during this particular level of mind or during your formative years.

When our eyes started being capable of receiving light and the brain acquiring the shapes and colors, roughly 40,000 bits of information are being stored in our minds every second.

And when a person reached his fourth year of age, or in the Theta level of mind, the brain starts to store 40,000 bits of information every second. You can imagine how many images are being stored in our minds every second of the time.

Use your imagination now, think of a newly bought laptop without an operating


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system, for you to enjoy your device, you tend to ask for help from anyone who can install an “operating system” or collection of files and images that will make your laptop operates as how you desire based on the operating system of your choice, right?

This metaphor of installing an operating system in a laptop also happens to us during the theta brain level or what we usually call the “formative years”, in this stage a child keeps on asking questions and never gets tired of looking for answers about what his eyes can see. This is a process where the brain collects files and images necessary to build an “operating system” but in this case it is slightly different with a laptop, because the operating system being built


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subconsciously is not intentionally designed and desired, but randomly interconnected based on answers that the brain is acquiring from the sources outside.

Thus, day in day out, a child in his four to seven years of age is on the process of installing files that will create his operating system or simply called the belief system when he reach eight years old from which a person picks up interconnected files and images to create decisions that will lead into his actions which creates his experiences that reflects back to his eyes and interpreted as his life’s reality that justifies a belief and continuously reinforced as a pattern that wil l eventual ly t rap the person from


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repeating the same experiences again and again regardless if it is desirable or unpleasant, success or failure. Sad to say, most of the times, the created system inside is a system to create undesirable results which commonly called “failure”. Whew! (Ansabe?) Whatever! (Just kiddin, please read that part again and you'll get it)

From this, a person no longer knows why things are happening to him and it seems that he has no control of it and starts to create a victim mentality which states that he was born in a world that controls his life and he is predestined to be poor and to be a failure:


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• to be sad • to be separated always from a

loved one • to fail from a business • to be trapped from debt • to be blocked mentally during a

speech • to be rejected every time he


..and a lot more of limiting beliefs being created by actions that are based on the f i l e s a n d i m a g e s “ o p e r a t i n g ” automatically in the subconscious mind where millions or billions of information are stored.

And this connecting information releases frequencies as you start thinking and


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those frequencies have measurements and are looking for exactly the same frequency measurement from the air and people with the same wavelengths of released brain waves find themselves attracting each other in similar activities regardless if it is bad or good.

ENOUGH! For the boring explanation! Well, my bad! But that’s the best way I can to show you at least how the brain works in manifesting your present life experiences and how you create a “failure” life state automatically and effortlessly. And thus, it is the ultimate cause of failure.

The good news and the “not boring” part is, as we understand your present ‘operating system’, I can start helping


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you delete some fi les from your subconscious mind or simply your biological hard disk that are no longer serving you to grow or move forward to another level of experiences.

And if necessary, we might need to completely ‘reformat’ your bio-hard disk, and install a fresh and new operating system that will operate automatically but now, in a different direction, with different people, in different events and experiences that will lead and guide you to your desired way of living.

You will feel from there that no one and nothing is controlling you but you yourself is driving your body, mind and spirit following a clear map of your dreams as long as they are in alignment


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with God’s will and laws. Eventually, one by one, you will excitingly witness yourself holding on your hands the things that you had never imagined that you can have, do and be.

I would like you to visit my website for VeniFlores coaching program additional infos related to what we are discussing, and make way to attend my almost free seminar about “How to make Thoughts Happen”


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3rd Chapter

The Ini t ia l Process of Making Thoughts Happen

The Real Learning Environment

Are you attending seminars? What kind of seminars? How about seminars about success? Sales Training, Life coaching?

If not yet, well find one, all rich and successful people in the area of f inanc ia l , phys ica l , menta l , and emotional aspect attended a seminar and started rebuilding themselves afterwards.

If yes, and the worst, if you attended a lot and being called as a “seminar junkie” and still nothing happens in your life, let me explain to you why because I was


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once in your position two years ago (2010).

When you attend a seminar the first time, what will you get? The big “M” – motivation.

But motivation expires in 48 hours.

Try to recall, when you attended a seminar the first time, you are so motivated, though you still don’t get what the speaker means of the many words that came out from his mouth, you still feel something like being energized. But as you go home, bills are waving to you, spouse not speaking as if you didn’t arrive, baby doesn’t have diapers, electricity was disconnected, you get back in a snap from where your state of


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mind before you attend the seminar and the pattern of your life experiences repeats just like that effortlessly.

I know you’re smiling right now, because it is true, yes? If not exactly the same, well sounds familiar, isn’t it?

So what will you do? You will try to recall the feeling you felt while you were in the seminar that people are laughing, shouting, jumping sometimes, hugging each other from where your challenges seem not present.

If you failed to generate the feeling of motivation, you will sneak from your spouse and pay for the same seminar again just to get the same motivation you need, and on the second time, you gain


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not just the motivation but this time the big “I” – inspiration.

You became inspired as you attended the same seminar for the second time. What is the di fference from the motivation? This time you understand some points, you feel like taking action, you are not just motivated but inspired to do something. No longer just a feeling or state of mind, it feels like a kick that moved you.

And when you go home, spouse didn’t take a bath because the water is disconnected, still no diapers and now no milk for the baby, candles to light the house ran out, flash light’s battery almost empty, and the inspiration expires.


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You find yourself in the same line of thoughts, inner self talk, and actions the same as what you had before attending the same seminar twice.

From there, you started to lose sight again, feeling that you’re walking in the middle of the desert not knowing where to go. The frustration multiplies and you want to end up seeing things the way it is, and you don’t want to wake up in the morning and everything becomes a nightmare.

If you’re in this situation now, don’t worry my friend, I was once in this kind of life as I described it above. But after few months of applying the complete formula that you will completely learn in my upcoming published book that will add


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more information to what you had already learned here in this ebook, I started to change the direction of my life events and brought me to exciting experiences while creating a lot of money.

Don’t lose hope, God never wants his children to suffer, He only wants us to learn and from those challenges we are shaped in a way that we can be utilized by His mighty hands to be powerful instruments and strong utility to change a lot of lives that are calling upon him as what we do during our dark times.

Thus, all of this success training that I do and provide are actually not just money making activit ies but leveling up ourselves so we can reach out for our


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brothers and sisters in the family of humanity that are presently lost and in need like a human being in the middle of a dessert without direction and no food to eat, more so, if that human is carrying a family with him.

So becoming a millionaire is not for show, but it is a mission, because an enlightened millionaire can manifest hope and ways at the same time and can provide at least ten jobs which mean ten families with noble source of income. And a billionaire can create ten thousand jobs, and if you want to take that path, God will surely be glad for you.


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Because of this, I Created Training Designs that Provide Life Changing Results

I asked more questions, this time much bigger questions! What do I need? I n e e d s o m e t h i n g p o w e r f u l t h a n motivation and inspiration that the seminars out there are providing.

I made it not just because I attended a motivational seminar or repeated the same seminar and somehow attended similar seminars from other speakers for inspiration but I follow through, I read more, I studied more, I researched to the extent that I didn’t sleep couple of days.

But I’m not saying that the motivational seminars and inspirational seminars are not necessary, what I’m saying is that


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they are just starting point of the complete route to success.

I said to myself I need information and I need transformation that should be right away available for my students after they became motivated and inspired.

And from here I formulated Creating Multiple Victories for deeper information towards ultimate life transformation which can also be read in my upcoming published book.


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Take a peek on what is inside my upcoming published book: "Understand your present thoughts

How do you talk to yourself? I don’t mean consciously, what I am asking is talking to yourself without your awareness. Others call it ‘inner voice’ that is programmed negatively or positively based on habitual interpretations of experiences that are created of the installed belief systems.

I would like you to realize that making thoughts happen is really easy for you at this moment, and the very title of this book is in effect in your life right now. You are really making your thoughts happen, even without this book you are successful in making your thoughts happen but the challenge is you are doing it the other way around.

You are making your thoughts happen but those thoughts are the very source of all the experiences that you do not desire to happen but still happening effortlessly and repeatedly in your life.

So the first step is to be fully aware of the thoughts that you are having day in day out. And one way to hear it


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clearly is by monitoring your self-talk. You will realize that we tend to replay mind movies.

What are mind movies? Events in our lives in the past or even the experiences that had happened days ago that created intense emotions and the sad part is most of the times those emotions are painful type of emotions.

Remember that the brain is designed to avoid pain and move forward to pleasure. The event that occurred was actually a neutral event, it can be interpreted as painful but it can also be interpreted as pleasurable. It all depends on the millions of interconnected files in your bio-hard disk on how the 95% of your mind will interpret that event, and on the process of interpretation, imprinted images send signals to the brain based on its perceived concept of the event to create what science called peptides (details deleted: more on this in the upcoming published book) to create the sensation of pain or pleasure.

If the event is interpreted as painful, the part of the brain called the hypothalamus (more on this in the actual training and published book) releases the peptides carrying codes that bring sensations to all our cells which became an emotion that will make the body regulate


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chemicals for survival from the pain, but the sensation of that created emotion will match with the stored files in the subconscious mind and interprets that the certain emotion generated a sensation of discomfort and thus the brain starts to see it as pain again and you will be trapped in the loop of pain avoidance inside your body without you knowing it.

The subconscious way of avoiding it is to replay the event for the brain to release the same peptides or chemicals that somehow regulate the body’s overall system again as a defense from the interpreted pain. So you will see yourself replaying again and again before you sleep and after waking up events such as:

• your girlfriend or boyfriend left you for another boy or

girl • your best friend spread fabricated news about you • your boss yell at you in front of many people • your spouse hurt you physically and emotionally • your business gone bankrupt • your company you work with fired you • your in laws insulted you


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..and many more mind short indi-films of your creation and you are the director! Well congratulations! You just discovered a career in you! Just kidding, smile for a while before you continue reading! You got it!

The explanations might be serious at times but remember that I am trying to show you that overal l l i fe transformation is extremely possible as you understand all of these little by little......"

Give yourself a chance to learn more from my upcoming published book:


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