Page 1: Business Process Modeling and BPMN Training. 22 1)Business Process Modeling 1) An Introduction 2) Getting Started 2)BPMN Overview 1) Graphical Elements

Business Process Modeling


BPMN Training

Page 2: Business Process Modeling and BPMN Training. 22 1)Business Process Modeling 1) An Introduction 2) Getting Started 2)BPMN Overview 1) Graphical Elements


1) Business Process Modeling

1) An Introduction

2) Getting Started

2) BPMN Overview

1) Graphical Elements

2) Diagram views with BPMN


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Business Process Modeling

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A set of related tasks or activities which produce

a specific service or product for a customer or

group of customers

The field of Business Process Management (BPM)

attempts to optimize business processes

Business Processes

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What is a Business Process?

A collection of related, structured activities--a chain of events--that produce a specific service

or product for a particular customer or customers.

The complete response that a business makes to an event. A business process entails the

execution of a sequence of one or more process steps. It has a clearly defined deliverable or

outcome. ...

A business process is a recipe for achieving a commercial result. Each business process has

inputs, method and outputs. The inputs are a pre-requisite that must be in place before the

method can be put into practice. When the method is applied to the inputs then certain outputs

will be created.

What PEOPLE do to meet the needs and expectations of their

CUSTOMERS, whether they be internal or external consumers

of a product or service.

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A Brief History of Business Process

Early 1900’s:Breaking a job into individual tasks.

Fredrick Taylor, Principles of Scientific Management

70’s & 80’s:Focus on quality management and statistical measures. (Total Quality Management: TQM)

W. Edwards Deming, Fourteen Points of Management for Quality

Early 90’s:Reorganize the business and business processes to cut across traditional corporate silos and deliver on customer value chain.

Champy & Hammer, Reengineering the Corporation

Mid 90’s:Radical reengineering is hard, maybe we should focus on incrementally improving our processes.

Harrington, Business Process Improvement

Mid 90’s:Our business processes need to be completely documented, consistently followed and regularly audited.

ISO9000 certification

90’s & 00’s:Pull many of the previous techniques into a comprehensive framework focused on quantitative measures and process improvement.

Six Sigma

90’s & 00’s:Application-centric workflow tools used to automate business processes. Some include integrated process modeling & metric reporting.

Future Trends: Maturation of modeling & workflow tools into full process management systems.

Integration of business process improvement and measurements into corporate strategic goals.

Additional emphasis on the human side of business change.

Integration of process management systems with business rules engines and application development tools.

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What is a Business Process Model?

Documentation of a business process using a combination of text and graphical notation.

Depicts the Process that People employ to provide value to their Customer with a strong emphasis on how the work is done.

Defines a process as a specific ordering of work activities across time and place with a beginning, an end, and clearly defined inputs and outputs.

A component of the overall Business Architecture that serves as a reference for Business Analysis activities.

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(1) Align Operations with Business Strategy

Implementing a business strategy or a new business model requires changes in the operations and in how people perform their work. This can be affected only by operationalizing the business changes to the actual business processes, business rules and decisions that are made on a day to day basis by all the people in the organization.

(2) Clear Communication of Processes and Procedures

One area that distinguishes successful businesses and teams is that they have a very clear idea of what they are supposed to do, how they are supposed to do it and what is the exact role of every team member. Clear communication of the operational processes is critical to facilitate a smooth functioning of a team.

(3) Control and Consistency

Organizations and companies that succeed are ones that ensure their business processes and rules are well designed and that they are consistently applied the same way every single time. This process control and consistency is key for success in organizations ranging from fast-food chains to hospitals to NASA Space Shuttle operations.

(4) Operational Efficiencies

In today's business environment, every business and every manager wants to ensure that they are achieving the best possible results with the resources available to them. There is no room for inefficiencies and wastage.

(5) Gain Competitive Advantage

All the benefits mentioned above lead to a significant competitive advantage for an organization that has invested the time and effort to document, simulate and improve its business processes. A business that has aligned its operations to its strategy, is agile, that has control over its processes, is running efficiently and has well trained staff is indeed at the top of its game.

Why Business Process Modeling?

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Business Process Methodology – The Basics

The most basic approach consists of developing an As-Is

model and using it to build the desired To-Be model Here are a few of examples…





Evaluate the Current

Environment(AS IS)

Develop theFuture Vision


DevelopFindings andPath Forward

Organize for Improvement

Organize for Improvement

Understand the Process (As-Is)

Understand the Process (As-Is)

Streamline the Process(To-Be)

Streamline the Process(To-Be)

Define Measurements and Controls

Define Measurements and Controls

Continually Improve

Continually Improve

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Business Process Modeling – 3 Steps

Process Design & Mapping Create a visual diagram representing

the flow.

Process Documentation Capture the business rules, routing

rules and errors.

Process Analysis Analyze and improve the process

using simulation.

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Step 1: Process Design & Mapping – Using BPMN

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Step 2: Process Documentation

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Step 3: Process Analysis and Simulation

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Start with a Plan – What am I going to do? Identify what tangible value (product or service) is being

produced that you need to understand Start at the top of the value chain and work downward and work downward to

identify the People and Entities involved in the Process Start at the bottom of the value chain and work upward and work upward to fully

understand the accomplishments of each step that lead to the desired results

Setup and complete Interviews of the People (or a fair representation of large groups) Interviews may also uncover new People or peripheral Processes that you had

previously not detected

Set a course and work methodically Don’t set out to boil the ocean from the outset Work in a progression that makes sense to you and/or your project

End with a Plan – what am I going to do now?

How to get started with Process Modeling?

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Start Simple

Even when a “basic” BPM format is used, if the information from this example is included, it is likely a successful format!

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Process Modeling Layers

Start at the Top, and work Down!

Enterprise Value Chain Layer The highest level describing the overall

functions of the organization Great for management “overview” for

everyone, too vague for much use

Enterprise Processes Layer Describes the major processes within a part

of the value chain and how they relate to each other

Ideal for understanding overall Business Architecture, Strategy and Goals/Vision but too broad for requirements

Identify Prospects

Build Ad Partners

Process New Subscriptions

Acquire NewCustomers



Ad SalesCustomer






Delivery &Fulfillment


Internal DataSystems

3rd PartyServices

Doc Prep Process




Deliver Docs

Signed DocsReturned


(Barcode orInput)





ElectronicDoc Delivery

HMC, Bankerreceives Docs


Docs FolllowUp Queue

Doc ReviewQueue



FinalValidation T



Work StatesFundingProcess


Loan AccountNumber

Servicing Sys





Docs OK?

Doc RedrawProcess

Yes No

Note Doc Redraw reasonsso we can identify root

causes for minimizing futureredraws

Print Procedures

1. Open MS Word2. Open the document3. Select File | Print4. Select a printer5. Press the OK button

Vision & Strategy

Business Processes & Tasks

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Process Modeling Layers

Start at the Bottom, and work Up!

Business Processes/Activities Layer Describes the main activities, decisions and

variations with a process Critical to defining areas of improvement,

feature statements and Use Cases but too detailed for strategic planning and too open to interpretation for requirements steps

Procedural/Tasks Layer Describes the detailed steps done to

complete an activity (can be many layers deep)

Necessary for detailed Use Case Steps, Business Rules, Validation Criteria, etc. but loses the attention of management at Strategic level

Identify Prospects

Build Ad Partners

Process New Subscriptions

Acquire NewCustomers



Ad SalesCustomer






Delivery &Fulfillment


Internal DataSystems

3rd PartyServices

Doc Prep Process




Deliver Docs

Signed DocsReturned


(Barcode orInput)





ElectronicDoc Delivery

HMC, Bankerreceives Docs


Docs FolllowUp Queue

Doc ReviewQueue



FinalValidation T



Work StatesFundingProcess


Loan AccountNumber

Servicing Sys





Docs OK?

Doc RedrawProcess

Yes No

Note Doc Redraw reasonsso we can identify root

causes for minimizing futureredraws

Print Procedures

1. Open MS Word2. Open the document3. Select File | Print4. Select a printer5. Press the OK button

Vision & Strategy

Business Processes & Tasks

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Conduct Interviews

Schedule enough time to ask questions about what a Person does but to also watch them perform their duties for a period of time

Document everything that is said and pay special attention to the specific order of events, pre-requisites, inputs and outputs, constraints, things that work well vs. things that need improvement

Ask Questions and begin Analyzing on the spot

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The deliverable of a Business Analyst conducting Business Process Modeling is rarely to document the “status quo” process. Do something with the knowledge, you may be the only person in an organization with both the big picture and details!

Analyze the process and INVENT ways to improve or modify the process with a new or modified ‘system’ (not always a computerized system!)… even during the interview! What did the People like that should continue? What did the People dislike that could be fixed? Where was the Process inefficient or constrained in a way that could

be improved? Were any opportunities to automate repetitive functions identified?

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Business Process Modeling Notation

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Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)

Defines a standard way of representing business processes in

Business Process Mapping

Goals: Standard graphical notation

Intuitive and understandable

Bridge the gap between business analysts and developers


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Purpose: Symbolic Instant recognition Differentiate

Four categories: Flow Objects Connecting Objects Swimlanes Artifacts

Graphical Elements

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These are the core elements of a BPD.

Three types: Event



Flow Objects

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What is an event?

Represented by a circle.

Three different types: Start Event:

Intermediate Event:

End Event:

Can have a trigger or a result.

Used to start, interrupt or end a flow.

Flow Objects - Event

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What is an activity?

Represented by a rounded edge rectangle.

Two different types: Task:


Sub-Process can be included by other processes.

Flow Objects - Activity

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What is a gateway?

Helps diverge or converge the sequence flow.

Represented by a diamond.




Joining of paths.

Flow Objects - Gateway

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Helps connect the flow objects.

Three types: Sequence Flow

Depicts the order of execution of the flow objects.

Message Flow

Depicts the flow of messages between two process participants.


Associates data, text and artifacts with flow objects.

Used to show inputs and outputs of activities.

Connecting Objects

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Illustrates different functional capabilities or responsibilities.

Two types:

Nam e

Nam e

Nam e

Nam e


Depicts different business entities/participants.

Sequence flow cannot cross the boundary of the pool.

Message flow used for communication with another pool.


Depicts closely related but distinct participants.

Sequence flow can cross over lane boundary.

Message flow cannot be used between two lanes.

Swim Lanes

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Help specify details.

Do not alter sequence flow.

Three pre-defined types are: Data Objects

Show how data is required or produced by activities.


Grouping for better analysis/documention.


Annotation provides extra information.Analogous to comments.


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Additional details can be

added to core elements.

Adds higher level of

precision to the model.

Example of internal

markers to the events.

Internal Markers

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Internal business processes Focus on the point of view of a single business organization.

Defines activities that are not visible to the public

Can be developed in parallel with other business elements

Views of BPMN

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Collaborative B2B Processes Interaction between two or more business entities only

Defines interactions that are public for each participant

Shows less internal detail of the entities

Views of BPMN

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BPM Best Practices

Ensure a high-level Champion or Steering Group is formed to provide executive sponsorship and definition of goals in a large process-modeling exercise.

Start small, demonstrate success and build on the success. Start with a narrow scope before trying to choreograph an entire enterprise business process model.

Ensure business persons’ expectations are set appropriately at the outset; otherwise they will assume that this project is “just like all of the other projects that came before” and produced few tangible results. Make sure you deliver on those expectations!

To be successful, BPM must be a way of thinking of the enterprise and building a process into the overall business architecture rather just a way of documenting steps in a process that appears to be independent of the business.

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BPM Best Practices (continued)

Build Re-Usable Process Components when possible

Business Objects/Entities Customer (Name, Address, E-Mail address, Phone Number) Customer Report (Name, Date Added, Last Sale Date, Credit Rating) Loan (Loan Name, Loan Type, Interest Rate)

Interfaces and Systems System Notation, Name, Description Interface Name, Description, Purpose, Input/Output formats, etc.

Processes and Activities Retrieve Customer Data Update Address

Organizational Structure descriptions Department/Division Name, Description, etc.

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Other Resources – Standards Body

Introduction to BPMN – White Paper

BPMN Fundamentals

Another Tutorial

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