
7/27/2019 Business Management presentation on the behaviour of the Household as a Consumer 1/25

Household as a consumer


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Explanation of the demand curve

Why is PQ relationship inverse?Can it become positive?If so when?

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The economic process

The „best that the consumer can „afford .

„best : in terms of -------preference.

„Afford : in terms of -------budget.Budget constraint : one good and the rest,

or one good and another good with a fixedamount to spend.

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The process

Matching Preferences to opportunities.

So we require ---Preference set andOpportunity set.

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If there is one commodity and an incomeconstraint, how would one decide how muchto consume?

Two questions:

- how much can I afford?- what is my preference? To help arrive at the“best”

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Preference expressed through „ utility .

Consumer is „rational and so wants tomaximize utility.

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Measurement issues?

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Completeness- any two bundles can be

compared.TransitivityMore is preferred to less.

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Optimizing rule

When there is no income constraint and noprice to pay: Maximize Total utility

When there is one commodity, an incomeconstraint and price

MU = PWhen there is more than one commodity ,each with a different price and an incomeconstraint: Equimarginal principle

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Getting to the demand curve

Using the Equimarginal Principle:

MUx / Px = MUy / Py= …..= MU per Re of income.

What happens if Px rises?

The inverse Price-Quantity relationship-Demand curve

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The “ordinal” school

Challenges the cardinal school

Considers „baskets Derives a preference set based on „Ordinal”measurement- How?

„INDIFFERENCE CURVE depicting „well –behaved preferences. ( more is preferred toless)

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Getting an Indifference curve

Derive combinations of the two goods which

yield a particular level of satisfaction / utility.

How does it look?

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Properties of Indifference curves

Downward sloping to keep the level of utility

constant – more is preferred; „more takesone to a higher Ind curve.

Convex to the origin

Non intersecting

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Slope of the indifference curves

Marginal rate of substitution

If decreasing- what is the shape?If increasing ?If constant?

Any other?

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A decreasing MRS is the kind of ind curvethat we are concerned with.14 410 58 66 85 12

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Map of Indifference curves

Captures the preference set.

The Budget line- Opportunity setSlope of the budget line?

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The opportunity set

The Budget Equation:

P 1x1+ P 2x2 less than or equal to m.Vertical Intercept : m / P 1 (rise)Horizontal intercept: m / P 2 (run)

Rise / run = - P 2/P 1

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Optimal choice

The highest indifference curve that the

consumer can get to with the budgetconstraint.Point of tangency

Feature of this point of tangency.

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Change in slope of the budget line

To get the optimal choice at another price

Derive the demand from these two points of optimal choice?

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Price consumption curve or Price offer


Set of optimal choice combinations for

different prices of X .

Slope of this PCC.Northeasterly? Northwesterly?How does the demand curve look for each of the PCCs?

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Demand curve from PCC curve

Northeasterly sloped PCC

Demand – Downward sloping

Northwesterly sloped PCC

Demand curve for X is upward sloping.

We need to see h ow this happens and w h y this happens

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