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Business-IT Alignment

Getting to Alignment: and staying there.

The CIO’s Leadership Role in Better Business Performance through IT Alignment

Walter AdamsonDigital Investor Pty Ltd

June 2005

[email protected]

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Dropping the Ball

Alignment falls short of expectations:

"IT investments are failing to provide the benefits and returns expected, according to a survey of senior IT executives. IT directors ranked the importance

of aligning IT and business objectives as high at 8.3 on a scale of 1 to 10, but the respondents only

rated their success in achieving alignment at 6.2"

said an article in

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IT’s Perpetual Headache

AT Kearney, from a survey conducted in December 2001, report that only 17% of businesses had IT strategies that were "fully aligned and developed

simultaneously" with corporate strategy.

Furthermore, 45% of participants did not feelthat their IT strategies were developed to

support or align with their corporate strategy.

Fact: The Corporate Alignment Profile most often shows IT as the most unaligned group.

Fact: The Corporate Alignment Profile most often shows IT as the most unaligned group.

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CEOs Seeking a Solution

The IT Governance Global Status Report (2004) found that 80%+ of CEOs recognised that

“IT Governance or some form thereofis required” to resolve “IT issues”.

The Report also found that 57% of CEOs looked to IT Governance to align IT strategy

(and 53% to manage IT risks).

However the Report concluded that “solutions in this domain are not yet available”.

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Alignment Shalignment

The Board should drive business alignment by:

Ascertaining that the IT strategy is aligned with the business strategy.

Robert S. Roussey, ISACA International President & Professor of Accounting, University of Southern California, at a meeting of the ISACA Denmark, Danish State Authorized Public Accountants, IIA Denmark & Association of Security Specialists.

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The Solution is ITinsync

ITinsync connects IT with the business: CLARITY asks if the vision and roles are clear CONSISTENCY checks operational Alignment COMMITMENT tests mutual support

Consistency of Leadership, Management & Adaptability

Consistency of IT’s Plans, Projects and Outcomes

Commitment Commitment

Mutual Commitment


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ITinsync Measures Alignment

ITinsync provides longitudinal measures of progress:

1. Assess the current position

2. Plan the approach and the timing

3. Do the ITinsync survey – 120 questions

4. Checkout the hotspots – and explain

5. Act to correct - targeted, focused interventions

Then do it again and measure the results.

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IT Alignment in Context

IT Alignment is one part of a wider framework:

Business Mission


IT Strategy


Alignment Gap

Execution Gap

Innovation Gap




Focus of ITinsync


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Focusing on the Core

Alignment is core and mission-critical:

Core IT


Content IT

Non-Mission Critical versus Mission Critical



EfficiencySecurityRisk ManagementContinuity

DRPInnovationHR Planning for IT


Business EngagementDelivering ValueManaging Change


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Alignment a Journey

Getting “aligned” is not an event:

It is a continuous improvement process; Starts with the business and IT leadership team; Requires building of consensus and commitment.

An aligned IT group is strategy-focused, and:

Understands and demonstrates how the IT strategy will benefit a department or function;

Understands and can explain how the IT strategy will help to achieve the overall mission of the firm.

“IT alignment is a journey, not a destination.” “IT alignment is a journey, not a destination.”

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Achieving alignment is a reflection of: Business Engagement competencies; The ability to deliver Business Value; The capacity of the IT group to Manage


► Business Engagement ► Business Value ► Managing Change

Foundations of Alignment


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3 Core Elements of ITinsync

➔ Business Engagement: success means that IT and the organisation share a common vision and strategic intent and understand why customers value the services of the organisation.

➔ Delivering Value: success means that IT has been able to achieve a dialogue and agreement of the business value that IT delivers.

➔ Managing Change: success means that IT and the business are share responsibility for aligning people around new projects and their successful implementation in delivering business value.

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Alignment Model

Business-IT alignment can be achieved by success in managing three core elements:

AS8015 Risk & Regulation COBIT


ITinsync emphasis

1. Business Engagement

2. Delivering Value

3. Managing Change

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Includes Governance Links

ITinsync Foundations

Business Engagement Delivering Value Managing Change Clarity Commitment

IT Governance Links

Responsibility for IT#

Regulation and Risk# Systems & Processes#

Communication and Knowledge

Plus Leadership, Management and Adaptability.#AS8015 Corporate Governance of Information and Communication Technology, 2005.

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Achieving Business-IT alignment is a foundation for good IT Governance - because achieving alignment requires:

Clarity of strategy and business value;

Agreement about projects and priorities;

Mutual commitment and respect;

Management of risk and change.

These are elements of effective IT Governance.

IT Alignment aids Governance

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Alignment and Governance

IT Alignment

Performance-oriented Strategy-focused Effectiveness Core & mission-critical Make a difference

IT Governance

Compliance-oriented Operations-derived Efficiency Mission-critical Don’t make a mistake

Both need to be there, in balance.

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Beyond IT Governance

IT Alignment aims to achieve higher levels of operating performance, whereas Governance per se is found to be of modest relevance#:

1. Adopting “boiler-plate” recommendations is a costly process and it is far from clear whether these changes will produce better-managed companies as well as satisfy stakeholder objectives;

2. There is little evidence that the costly governance changes that are currently being imposed on companies will produce expected net benefits in terms of improved performance.

#Financial Times: Sponsored Reports: Mastering Corporate Governance: Governance and Performance. May 26 2005. By David Larcker, Ernst Young professor of accounting at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Scott Richardson and Irem Tuna, assistant professors at the Wharton School.

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The Vision of ITinsync

Our vision is to take IT-Alignment off the agenda.

Still important; Still requires measurement and continuous improvement; But, becomes part of the fabric

of the organisation.

Our objective is to help the CIO be integral to improving the performance of the business.

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What CIOs Want

The top benefits CIOs were hoping to achieve#:

1. Increased IT credibility with the business (81%);

2. Closer alignment between IT and business objectives (69%);

3. Improved teamwork between IT and internal business partners (68%);

4. Improved ability for CIO to influence the business (46%).

Item 1 and 4 are outcomes of 2 and 3, which are results of ITinsync.

#CIO Research Reports. June 1, 2005. Turning IT Doubters into True Believers

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ITinsync delivers teamwork and alignment, thus:

1. Gaining credibility with the business;

2. Getting a place to influence the business;

3. Positions the CIO as a member of the corporate board or executive committee;

4. Builds weight for the CIO to report to the CEO.

What CIOs Get from ITinsync

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What Business gets from ITinsync

We understand the company VisionAnd our roles in achieving it

We understand the company VisionAnd our roles in achieving it

We and IT work togetherAnd understand how to best apply our skills

We and IT work togetherAnd understand how to best apply our skills

We are supported by the organisationAnd we and IT respect each other

We are supported by the organisationAnd we and IT respect each other

We are all swimming in the same directionAnd we enjoy being part of a performing organisation

We are all swimming in the same directionAnd we enjoy being part of a performing organisation





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Walter AdamsonDigital Investor

[email protected]: 0403 345 632

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Picture on a Page

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By Division

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Defining IT Governance

Governance is:

The assignment of decision rights and accountability frameworks to encourage desirable behaviour.

Governance matters – it’s about effective use of $$$ and managing business risk.

The impact of business governance on business-IT linkages is not fully appreciated – every business decision has an IT

impact and there is no such things as an “IT project”.

# 2004 Marianne Broadbent, Melbourne Business School and Gartner Fellow

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An IT control and governance framework.

Recent developments added a management and governance layer, providing management with a toolbox containing:

Performance measurement elements (outcome measures and performance drivers for all IT processes);

A list of critical success factors that provides succinct non-technical best practices for each IT process;

A maturity model to assist in benchmarking and decision-making for control over each IT process.

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