Page 1: Business English Collocations

Copyright LinguaprofCopyright Linguaprof

Job share scheme

On a positive note

Step into the office

Get to the point

Centralizing distribution

Spending more on research and development

Page 2: Business English Collocations

Copyright LinguaprofCopyright Linguaprof

Inadequate preparation

Time wasting

Lets get back to that

Let’s set the price issue

We can sort something out

Terms of payment

Page 3: Business English Collocations

Copyright LinguaprofCopyright Linguaprof

Price cuts

Communication barrier

Terms of contract

Down-sizing your workforce

Make redundant

Productive assets

Run a company

Page 4: Business English Collocations

Copyright LinguaprofCopyright Linguaprof

Make a sale

Start up

Page 5: Business English Collocations

Copyright LinguaprofCopyright Linguaprof

• Hold on for a minute, please.

• Do you want to leave a message?

• What exactly is your problem?

• What seems to be the problem?

• It sounds like...

• It seems as...

Page 6: Business English Collocations

Copyright LinguaprofCopyright Linguaprof

• I’ll check what I can do.

• He is not in at the moment.

• Can you call back later?

• I am sorry to say, but...

• I need to speak with him about...

• Shall I ask him to give you a call?

Page 7: Business English Collocations

Copyright LinguaprofCopyright Linguaprof

• I’m putting you through.

• Can I have extension 458...?

• Can you ask her to give me a ring?

• I’m afraid the line is busy at the moment.

• Look, I must let you go.

• Speak to you soon.

Page 8: Business English Collocations

Copyright LinguaprofCopyright Linguaprof

Managing a Meeting

• Ok, let’s start...

• Ok, lets’ get started

• Thanks for coming!

• As I said...

• Let’s move on to the next....

Page 9: Business English Collocations

Copyright LinguaprofCopyright Linguaprof

• Ok, just to summarize...

• Perhaps we could...

• Does anybody have...?

• What is your position on this?

• I suggest...

• I’m afraid we have to stop here.

Page 10: Business English Collocations

Copyright LinguaprofCopyright Linguaprof

Saying No, without No

• I hear you are based in Oslo...

• I believe your company is in computers, too.

• I read somewhere...

• I understand...

• Not very.

• Not really.

Page 11: Business English Collocations

Copyright LinguaprofCopyright Linguaprof

• Not especially.

• Not exactly.

• Not yet.

• Not any more.

• Not at the moment.

• Not, as far as I know.

Page 12: Business English Collocations

Copyright LinguaprofCopyright Linguaprof

• Actually...

• As a matter of fact...

• I hear you are based in Oslo...

• I believe your company is in computers, too.

• I read somewhere...

• I understand...

Page 13: Business English Collocations

Copyright LinguaprofCopyright Linguaprof

• Not very.

• Not really.

• Not especially.

• Not exactly.

• Not yet.

Page 14: Business English Collocations

Copyright LinguaprofCopyright Linguaprof

• Not any more.

• Not at the moment.

• Not, as far as I know.

• Actually...

• As a matter of fact...

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