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Bushey Meads News Issue 26 2nd April 2015

It is always great to hear of students' achievements - particularly when they inspire others around them. Three students (Molly in 8S, Holly in 8B and Louise in 8M) really epitomise the generous, kind hearted and thoughtful ethos and culture which is embedded within Bushey Meads School and recently demonstrated their commitment to make a difference.

On Red Nose Day they decided to go the extra mile and, having already paid their money to take part in the day, organised a sponsored silence. It was Louise's idea but her friends Molly and Holly decided without hesitation to join in and as a trio they focused their efforts towards raising money for Macmillan Cancer Support. This was a personal things for one of the girls who has a close family member who had been battling with cancer for over a year now and had been receiving support from their chosen charity. In the knowledge that her relative had recently received the 'all clear' they wanted to give something back and their silent efforts on the day raised a staggering £105. Well done girls - we are proud of you! Jeremy Turner Executive Principal

21 April Term commences 08.40 am Y11 Childcare Exams 23 April Y12 AS French Orals Y12 Media Moderation PLG Meeting 24 April Y10 GCSE PE Cornwall Trip Y13 A2 French Orals Y11 Drama Tech & Dress Rehearsal .

Dates for the diary

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E 4

Chloe - 10 Oak

Chloe is this week's KS4 student of the week. Chloe took part in the Year 10 Business Enterprise event held during the whole school enrichment day last week and was voted by the organisers as one of the best performing female students of the day. Students were organised into teams and Chloe was selected to act as a Sales Director and was praised for her performance. Chloe said that the event made her get more involved in teamwork and to not just work with friends. This week, Chloe will be taking part in the Year 10 work shadowing event and will be working at St. Andrews Nursery in Bushey Heath.

Tom - 13Elm Our KS5 student of the week this week is Tom who is currently in Year 13. He has been awarded this for his excellent effort in all his lessons and for his role as Head Prefect. Tom is currently studying IT, Government and Politics and Media Studies

Positive Behaviour for Learning by Sara Ash, Assistant Headteacher KS5 Every visitor to the school comments on how friendly the school is and the good behaviour of the students. We now want to build on this positive ethos and, following feedback from the students, introduce greater consistency for both rewards and consequences. After Easter we will be launching a new Positive Behaviour for Learning policy with staff, students and parents and will implement the new system from Monday 27th April. Look out for news in the next newsletter and on the Bushey Meads School website.

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Year 9 BMS Options Evening 2015 By Mr Turner, Executive Principal

On Wednesday 25th March it was great to see such a packed house in the Main Hall after school and so many committed parents and carers supporting their children at this really crucial stage in their education – the first time in their school careers that they can choose the subjects they want to study.

Assistant Headteacher’s, Mr Fisher and Mr Arnold, along with some superb students, spoke about the ‘graduation’ from Key Stage 3 and ‘enrolment’ into Key Stage 4; the different expectations for more independent studying and the need to make every day count, the importance of choosing subjects you enjoy and the need to secure top GCSE grades in Year 11 as keys to those exciting opportunities at the BMS Sixth Form and beyond.

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Staff from across all curriculum areas were on hand

throughout the evening to answer questions from

students and parents and advise them as to the best next

steps in the learning journey through BMS and beyond.

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I was impressed with the quality of discussions taking place and how seriously all the Year 9 students were taking the options

process. All the students I spoke to throughout the evening understood the

importance of choosing subjects for the right reasons – ones that they enjoy and those that will maximise their success and also open as

many doors as possible in the future.

I would like to thank all the hardworking staff who made the Year 9 Options Evening such a powerful and informative event and wish all

our Year 9 students every success as they make those all important decisions that will shape, not only their Key Stage 4 education and beyond, but possibly the rest of their


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Sara Ash, Assistant Headteacher led assemblies this week on the theme of Commitment. A big focus was on Commitment to Learning and the action students should take if they want to realise their potential. We also focused on the importance of aspirations and not being a “Flea in a Jar”! Students in Years 7-10 thought about what the word commitment meant to them and they are currently creating acrostic poems on the theme. The best poem will receive a certificate and a reward. One favourite so far is by Noor in 8Elm:

The winning entry will be published in the next newsletter.




You will accoMplish your goals

LIfe long learners

Try your hardest



Never give up

STay positive

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By Mr Turner, Executive Principal I would like to thank all the hard working BMS staff who arranged such an exciting day of learning across the Bushey Meads School community last Thursday – our first ever whole school enrichment day. So many different challenges and extended learning activities took place all around the school which engaged students in a real breadth of experiences that they do not usually participate in. Year 11s continued with a focus on their forthcoming GCSE exams with a variety of workshops to support their English Literature exam preparation.

Year 7 Students engaged in areas of the curriculum usually studied at Key Stage 4 and based around our Social

Sciences Faculty area – students pictured here, clearly enjoying the learning, covering aspects of our Childcare and Child Development

qualifications and designing packaging and toy suitable for young children.

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Sessions covering aspects of Law and the legal system and discussion and group based activities focussing on Sociology also made our youngest learners think and develop their


Pictured here listening to the latest BBC news report, Year 8 students were

totally engrossed in an interactive Maths Challenge day centering on

the idea that Aliens had landed!

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A more active session developing their team work and fitness skills complemented their

hard brain work in the Maths classrooms!

A STEM based Technology and Science Day involved

all Year 9 students designing, building and

test driving Mars Rovers as well as the all-important parachutes to complete

the soft landing necessary on the planet.

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Year 10 students had a work related learning day enriching their skills of working in teams, developing an idea and presenting or marketing the idea to an audience. The external trainers who led the day spoke extremely highly of all the students and how well they did throughout the day –

very impressed with how much they learned and achieved through the different and varied sessions.

The day for our hardworking sixth from students involved a number of very engaging workshops provided by motivational speakers who covered a variety of topics ranging from the power of the mind to body language and

keeping calm under stress. Students also had a chance to complete any outstanding work and receive mentoring from the Sixth Form staff.

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Year 11 Leavers Prom

Wednesday 24th June 2015

This year’s prom will take place at The Noke Thistle Hotel in St. Albans on Wednesday


June 2015: 7.30pm – 10.30pm. The price will be £30.00 per person. However, every student invited will have the opportunity to earn £15.00 off the cost of their ticket. Students will be issued with a Prom Card, as designed by Luke 11 Sycamore

(shown below) where they can collect stickers from their teachers by attending after school and Easter revision sessions. Students will need to attend at least 20 sessions to qualify for the 50% discount. A letter with further details will be sent out after Easter and Prom Cards will be handed out in form this week.

Last year the Noke Thistle Hotel staff commented that Bushey Meads were the best

behaved school they have ever hosted and I hope this can be repeated this year. In the past the evening has been a huge success and not only the perfect way to celebrate the students’ last five years at Bushey Meads and the end of exams but also an opportunity to say goodbye to those who are sadly not returning to our Sixth form.

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Tuesday 7th April Media Studies 09:00 - 12:00 RAS F3

Tuesday 7th April AS Literature 13:00 - 15:00 LC E2

Tuesday 7th April A2 Literature 09:00 - 12:00 LC E2

Tuesday 7th April AS French 10:00-11.30 MCD A4

Tuesday 7th April AS French 11:30-13:00 MCD a4

Tuesday 7th April AS Media, AS A2 Graphics, Fine Art. 12:30 - 15:00 AH C2,3,5

Tuesday 7th April AS Government & Politics 09:00 - 12:00 LA A7

Tuesday 7th April AS Further Maths M2 09:00 - 12:00 NC G7

Tuesday 7th April A2 Maths C3 and C4 09:00 - 16:00 JD G5

Tuesday 7th April Business Studies 09:00 - 12:00 CH H7

Wednesday 8th April AS Spanish 10:00 -12:30 HC A5

Wednesday 8th April A2 Spanish 12:30-15:00 HC A5

Wednesday 8th April A2 Government & Politics 09:00-12:00 LA A7

Wednesday 8th April AS Law unit 1 10 - 3 SK A7

Wednesday 8th April A2 Lang./Lit. Exam Rev. 9am -1pm MD F3

Thursday 9th April AS Psychology Core Studies 10:00-15:00 AB MBR A1 A7

Thursday 9th April AS Further Maths FP1 09:00 - 12:00 JD G5

Thursday 9th April AS History 10.00- 2.00 RN H4

Thursday 9th April AS Drama - Road group 9.00-13.00 GAK H8

Thursday 9th April A2 Drama - Unit 4 Section A and B 13.30-15.30 GAK H8a

Thursday 9th April AS Physics 13.00-15.30 AP L6

Friday 10th April AS Psychology Investigations 10:00 - 14:00 AB A1

Monday 13th April A2 RS 09:00 - 13:00 SM F2

Monday 13th April AS PE 9:00-12:30 AC/MSO G8

Monday 13th April Chemistry 09:00-12:00 PK L7

Tuesday 14th April AS Maths S1 09:00-12:00 DR G3

Tuesday 14th April AS Maths C1 and C2 13:00 - 16:00 SV G6

Tuesday 14th April AS Further Maths S2 09:00-12:00 JD G5

Wednesday 15th April AS 09:00-12:00 SM F2

Wednesday 15th April A2 Drama - Unit 4 Section C 13.30-15.00 RLN H8a

Wednesday 15th April AS Drama - Insp Hound group 10.00-13.30 RLN H8

Thursday 16th April AS Geography 9.00-12.00 JKB/CDZ H5

Thursday 16th April A2 Geography 12.30 - 3.30 JKB/CDZ H5

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Seated Volleyball - Tuesday 31st March By S.Cooper – PE Teacher Tuesday saw some students at Bushey Meads treated to a fantastic alternative to their normal PE lessons. Tom Middleton a member of the GB coaching staff and experienced seated volleyball coach put the students through their paces with some of the exercises he uses with the national squads. Students in year 9 were first to attend the sessions, with Tom praising them on their effort and enthusiasm to be involved. Tom informed the students of the disabilities some of the athletes he works with have, from limb loss to paralysis and most severely quadriplegia (loss of all 4 limbs) and how they became involved in seated volleyball. Many of these athletes attended the camps at Stoke Mandeville that our very own disabled students often participate in.

Our disabled students were next to participate, using a range of equipment, from balloons to beach balls and then soft volleyballs Tom taught the students how to move around the court and then how to develop and build rallies. The students were well supported by their fantastic TA’s and the progress in their skill levels was really impressive to see.

Year 11 Sports Leaders and ASDAN classes also got the opportunity to participate and learn and develop a new sport. Seated Volleyball is a Paralympic sport and is played by both disabled and able bodied athletes in leagues around the country. In the final session students from Meadow Wood joined the Bushey Meads students working together and enjoying a new experience. We would like to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to Tom for giving us such a fantastic day.

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Year 10 Enterprise Event Mrs McIldowie - Head of Work Related Learning

Year 10 took part in a Work Place Skills Challenge in school on Thursday 26th March as part of the Enrichment Day activities.The day is designed to enable them to develop their Enterprise and Business Learning skills and prepare them for a

successful transition into further education, apprenticeship and skilled employment.

As students were not working in their usual friendship groups they had to learn how to work as a team player with people they may not know or be friends with. Each group had to set up a band and produce a CD cover, poster and merchandise for their band. They also had to

create a power point presentation listing venues, prices of tickets etc. The finale and definitely the most worrying for some students and the highlight of the day for others, was the performance of a song to the rest of the year group. Each group was given a small of amount of money and a product to sell to the others so

that in order to create any merchandise you had to buy and sell between groups. You had to decide who had the best personality to be Managing Director, Sales Director

and IT Director and who had the right skills to be a Merchandiser or Designer. The day was a resounding success with students rising to the challenge and many students

excelling. Everyone participated and remained focused and on task throughout the day.

Comments from students included:-

When asked what was the most important thing they had learnt?

Global Leadership Programme

By Sara Ash, Assistant Headteacher KS5

A group of Year 12 students volunteered to take part in the Global Leadership Programme which is run by the charity Global Giving UK. The aim of the programme was to develop their understanding of Global issues and to develop their own skills. The students looked at the topic of “Child soldier: A right to flight”. The students worked for five sessions with Ludiya Besisira and then finished with a presentation of their research on Wednesday 25th March to an audience of 200 Year 9 and Year 12 students. The students have gained valuable skills such as research, communication, presentation, organisation and leadership through the project that will not

only give them an edge on application forms but also confidence during interviews. It has also heightened their awareness of global issues.

The students now have the task of raising money to support the work of the charity and will be organising various activities over the next few months for this worthy cause.

I enjoyed working as a team and swapping ideas. I enjoyed everything.

I loved watching all the presentations.

Communication skills and working as a team.

There is no wrong or right ideas, all can be included.

How to work with people

you don’t usually speak to.

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Responding to our Marking and Feedback:

Student Learning Consultants Review Ms Morawska – Deputy Headteacher

On Wednesday, 25th March our loyal Student Learning Consultants joined together to review their own learning. For this meeting, the students loaded the tables with a multitude of their books and folders and armed with the Marking and Feedback for Learning and Progress Assessment Proforma, they set to review the quality and impact of the marking and feedback received, this term. As always, this wonderful group of students approached this important review with the gravity and maturity it deserved and it was lovely to hear them discuss their learning and how it has improved based. Likewise, discussion was had as to strategies that did not yet support feedback for progress, as much as they would wish and these areas will form the platform from where, we, as a school can continue to develop. Once the completed proformas are collated, the information and our actions to inform improvement, will be shared with the Student Learning Consultants, Staff and Governors.

Our Student Learning Consultants are just to complete another very busy and successful term. I would like to thank them for their time and consideration of some challenging and thought provoking issues, which certainly has helped to move the school forward in its teaching and support of our students.

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Channels of Communication In a large school it is important to know who to contact if you would like to raise a concern or provide us with information. If you have a concern you would like to share with the school regarding your son or daughter your first point of contact needs to be the subject

teacher or the form tutor. They can be contacted via the school email or telephone number marking it for their attention.




KS3 – Ms Dhanecha KS4 – Mr Allen

KS5 - Ms Smallwood


ASSISTANT HEADTEACHER KS3 – Mr Fisher KS4 – Mr Arnold KS5 – Mrs Ash




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